Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 24, 1936, Image 1

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Volume 52, Number 29.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Filing Time Up for Candi
dates; AH Desiring to
Vote Must Register.
Selection of National, State and
Local Officers, Decision on
Measures Vital.
Last Saturday was the final date
for candidates to file to get their
names on the general election, bal
lot, November 3, and now but nine
days remain, in which voters may
qualify to vote, if they have not al
ready done so.
Saturday, October 3, the registra
tion books close. And those who
are not properly registered will lose
their opportunity to vote on the se
lection of president and vice-president
of the United States, and oth
er national, state and local offices.
Those who voted at the last gen
eral election two years ago, or who
have since registered have no worry
provided they have not changed
their name or removed to a different
precinct from that in which they
last voted. In case of change of
name or residence the" registration
needs to be changed to be strictly
legal. Any citizen of the United
States who has attained the age of
21 since the last election must reg
ister to be entitled to vote.
Party organizations and other
organizations of a non-political na
ture are urging everyone to pre
pare themselves to do their fran
chise duty on November 3. Only
by the majority of the electorate
taking an interest at the polls, can
a truly democratic form of govern
ment be maintained.
Besides the Important national,
state and local offices to be filled, a
number of measures affecting the
people's Interests will appear on the
ballot. By properly Registering, all
voters will be eligible to receive the
voters' pamphlet giving the argu
ments on these. The arguments
should be studied pro and con, and
each voter satisfy himself how he
wants to vote. If the American
electorate would think things thru,
great strides would be made in pop
ular government. Now is the time
for every voter to prepare to have
his say. Otherwise his opinion will
be of little use after November 3.
Among Heppner folks going to
John Day last week end for the
Grant County fair were Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Aiken, Miss Rosella
Farley, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Barratt,
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Phelps, Miss
Juanita Phelps, Miss Nelda JeaYi
Fceley, James Monahan, Edwin
Hirl and Eddie Sheridan! Ton!
Healy, who took the bucking cham
pionship at the recent Rodeo here,
was winner of first place at the
John Day show. Pat Fisk, another
favorite at the local show, was
thrown in the finals and had to be
carried out of the arena. The local
folks report an excellent display of
exhibits of Grant county products,
featured by exceptionally fine live
stock. The entertainment features
were also much enjoyed. John Day
presented much evidence of'prog
ress with several fine buildings just
completed or in course of construc
tion, among them a beautiful new
union high school building.
There will be a Townsend social
meeting on Friday night, Oct 2nd,
at the Methodist church at 7:30.
All members from the entire sur
rounding community are urged to
be present. If possible, an outside
speaker will be here. Further an
nouncement will be made next week.
"Bub" Clark was better than hold
ing his own in his serious illness on
last reports from Pendleton. Last
Friday Mr. Clark underwent an
operation for amputation of the
right leg just above the knee for
thrombosis. Hopes are held for his
Walter M. Pierce, democrat for
congress, will make a speaking ap
pearance in Heppner next Wednes
day, the 30th, according to plans an
nounced by C. J. Shorb, campaign
manager, when In the city Friday
from his home at La Grande.
John H. Dunlap of Eugene filed
power of attorney papers In the
clerk s office here yesterday to rep
resent the Hirschelmer interests
which have large timber holdings
In the south Hardman section.
I will not be responsible for any
bill contracted by anyone other than
myself. T. E. HENDRICK,
Boardman, Oregon.
For Sale 400 head 3-yr.-old fine
wool ewes, 350 head 5- and 6-yr.-old
fine wool ewes. Lotus Roblson,
Heppner, Ore. 28tf.
Louis Gilliam left Sunday for
Corvallis where ,he expected to en
ter O. B. C. as a rresnman in lores
try. Judge C. L. Sweek, J. S. Beck'
with, court reporter, and Ralcy Pe
terson, attorney, are In the city to
day from Pendleton In attendance
at a short session of circuit. court
Churches of City Sponsor Welcome
at Parish House; Program of
Speaking, Music Enjoyed.
Heppner churches were host Mon
day evening to teachers of the coun
ty in the principal public reception
of the new school year. Large at
tendance of teachers and public
featured the event at the Episcopal
parish house. Rev. R. C. Young,
Methodist minister, directed the
program, which included:
"A merica ; " invocation, A 1 v i n
Kleinfeldt; piano solo, Mrs. Alden
Blankenship; reading, Mrs. Walter
Blackburn; address of welcome,
Rev. Ralph E. Hinkle; response, Al
den Blankenship, superintendent of
Heppner schools; cornet solo,
Charles Cox; "What the School
Board Expects of the Teachers,"
Spencer Crawford, member Hepp
ner school board; "What the Teach
er Expects of the School Board,"
Henry Tetz, high school principal
and coach; "What Parents Expect
of Teachers," Mrs. Frank S. Par
ker; "What Teachers Expect of
Parents," Miss Phyllis Pollock;
piano duet, Mrs. J. O. Turner and
Marylou Ferguson. An hour of
games and fun was conducted with
Miss Leta Humphreys, Mrs. Har
old Cohn, Mrs. Carl Young and
Alvin Kleinfeldt as the committee
in charge, and group singing was
led by Mr. Kleinfeldt Punch was
Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Drake have
returned from a week's outing at
Mrs. Cole Smith writes from Ta
coma that Mr. Smith has had to re
turn to the hospital there after be
ing released following his recent
operation. The doctor considers his
condition very serious.
Mr. and Mrs. Garland Swanson
motored to Salem Monday evening,
returning home Wednesday.
Clarence Kruse of Oswego drove
up Saturday accompanied by Mr.
and Mrs. Wrex Hickok of Portland.
He returned home Sunday, accom
panied by Mrs. Kruse and their
daughter, Karen, who have spent
the past two weeks at the home of
Mrs. Lana Padberg. Mr. Hickok
also made the return trip, while
Mrs. Hickok will remain for a short
visit with her mother, Mrs. Ida
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dobyns re
turned last Wednesday from Port
land.) Mrs. Dobyns has been receiv
ing medical treatment in the city
during the past month and returns
much improved in health.
Mrs. Ivor Nelson returned Friday
from Eugene. Mrs. Nelson had ac
companied her daughter, Elaine, to
Eugene where she will attend U. of
O. this year.
Miss Eva Swanson and Miss El
len Nelson were passengers on Sat
urday night's train going to Cor
vallis where they will enter O. S. C.
Mrs. Walter Corley accompanied
Mr. Corley to Portland Sunday af
ternoon. Mr. Corley took down a
load of stock for Monday's market
Arthur Ritchie went to Portland
Sunday to bring home Mrs. Ritchie
who has been visiting her parents
there. He was accompanied by Mrs.
Robert Clanccy who returned to her
home In the city after spending a
week with her sister, Mrs. Jack Far
ris. Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie returned
home Tuesday.
Mrs. L. J. Burnside and son Ted
of Hardman were business visitors
here Tuesday.
Miss Lorraine Reed and Miss Eli
zabeth Stewart spent the week end
at Miss Stewart's home in Silverton.
Mrs. Inez Freeland who is teach
ing the Burton valley school spent
the week end with her daughter.
Mrs. Omar Rletmann..
Elvin Ely moved a part of his
equipment to Boardman last Sun-
iContnurd on Pas Four)
Frances Wilkinson, James
Peck Win
Frances Wilkinson and James
Peck will be the special guests of
The First National Bank of Port
land for three days during the Pa
cific International Livestock Expo
sition, E. h. Morton, manager of
the Heppner branch, announced to
day after a board of judges had se
lected them as the outstanding 4-H
Club members of Morrow county.
In competition sponsored by the
bank, 42 such trips are being award
ed to boy and girt members- of 4-H
clubs in 21 Oregon counties in which
the bank does business. Contest
ants were Judged upon their per
sonal achievement and leadership,
indicated on score cards arranged
under the direction of H. C. Sey
mour, 4-H club director of Oregon
and general chairman of the judg
ing committees.
The local committee, comprised
of Joseph Belangor, county agri
cultural agent; Mrs. Lucy Rodgers,
county school superintendent, Hepp
ner; E. L. Morton, manager of the
Heppner branch, The First Nation
al Bank of Portland, rendered their
decision after stating that the pre
ponderance of fine score cards from
every club In the county made selec
tion of only two candidates difficult.
Frances Wilkinson, member of
Willow Creek Sheep and Heppner
Cookery Clubs, directed by Ralph
Thompson and Frank Wilkison and
Claudlne Wlghtman', was finally
named as winner among girls be
cause of her sheep club activity and
cookery achievements.
Rail Wheat Shipments
Halted by Strike Talk
Announcement in the daily press
yesterday said that all wheat buy
ers in the Interior had been ordered
to hold up all shipments by rail un
til after free movement of the grain
is guaranteed. The order was based
on the prospect of a coast-wise
shipping strike October first when
present working agreements be
tween ship workers and employers
expire. So far attempts at making
new agreements have failed.
Verification of the order has been
given by local wheat buyers. Trad
ing in wheat here has been slow
since early season activity, and
prospects of its continuing so are
enhanced by the present uncertain
transportation situation.
Merchants, service stations and
others here have been advised of
the strike probability, and urged to
gauge their buying accordingly.
Lions Committee Chairman Reports
Petition Will be Prepared; To
Ask for $5000 In Bonds.
To give the people of the city a
chance to decide the matter of con
struction of a swimming tank in
time for use next season, Dr. L. D.
Tibbies, chairman of the Lions com
mittee, told the club at Its Tuesday
luncheon that he would proceed
with preparation of a petition ask
ing a bond issue of $5000 for such
purpose. If the required number
of signatures can be obtained the
petition will be presented to the
council for the' calling of an elec
tion to decide the matter.
The necessary ordinance for ac
tion of the council and to provide
for issuing the bonds will also be
Tibbies reported the council as
viewing the swimming tank favor
ably, but they desire an expression
from the people before calling the
bond election.
In asking for the $5000 issue, the
committee chairman said that con
struction of the tank would be as
sured by such amount. In case
WPA help is obtained, the extra
money could go into installation of
a filtration plant, but in case WPA
did not assist, the sum would still
be sufficient to build the tank and
the filtration plant could be obtained
F. W. Turner called the club's
attention to the small support giv
en high school athletic games by
citizens of the city, and urged club
members to assist in every way they
could toward giving the teams bet
ter support. If business houses
could arrange to close while games
are being played, it would give a
big impetus to game attendance, he
President Ray P. Kinne reported
calling at the hospital in Portland
last week end to see Dr. A. D. Mc
Muro. It was out of visiting hours,
and he didn't get to see the doctor,
but he received the report that he
was making good progress toward
Twenty-nine enrollees from the
local CCC camp will entrain at
Heppner Junction tonight for Fort
Devens, Mass.
The Heppner CCC camp is con
templating having an intra-barracks
basketball tournament during the
fall and winter months.
Father Vincent Kerwick, who has
been in charge of the services of
the local Catholic church, conduct
ed mass early Wednesday morning
at the local CCC camp for the boys
who are members of the Catholic
Sixty-four enrollees from Fort
Devens, Mass., are expected to ar
rive at CCC Camp Heppner within
the first ten days of October.
Captain B. A. Johnson, Inf.-Res.,
from Vancouver made an inspection
of the local CCC camp which he
gave an excellent rating.
Trip to Portland
James Peck, member of Lexing
ton Sheep club, directed by B. H.
Peck, received the boy's honors in
consideration of sheep club achieve
ments and activities.
In Portland, Frances and James
will join 40 other winners where at
tractive accommodations have been
provided at a leading hotel. They
will be the guests of officers of The
First National Bank who have
planned for them a full three days
of entertainment Including attend
ance at the Pacific International
Livestock exposition, an evening at
the Horse Show, the annual 4-H
club banquet, sight-seeing tours of
Portland, and a special dinner at
which bank officials will be hosts.
Transportation and all other ex
penses are included In the awards
"The First National Bank," said
Morton, "would have liked to have
been able to extend the Invitation
to all 18,000 4-H club workers and
their leaders, and we regret that we
had to limit the group to 42. Since
lull, before state legislation pro
vided for 4-H endeavors. The First
National Bank of Portland has been
Interested in this fine movement
and has been glad to contribute fin
ancially and otherwise to the work,
Our personnel considers It a priv
liege to have this opportunity of
becoming better acquainted with
these representative young people
who have so substantially prepared
themselves for citizenship and lead'
Many From County Attend Con
clave at Fossil; Local Women
Among New Officers.
The sixteenth Rebekah conven
tion of district No. 20 held Its annu
al session Saturday, Sept 19, In the
I. O. O. F. hall In Fossil with 47
from Heppner, lone, Morgan, Lex
ington, Mayville, Fossil and Rose
City lodges In attendance.
The convention opened with the
officers of Blue Mountain lodge No.
68, Fossil, in the chairs, which were
surrendered to the following dis
trict officers: Mrs. Hazel Cuinn, Fos
sil, chairman; Mrs. Myrtle Fergu
son, Mayville, vice chairman; Mrs.
Elizabeth Iremonger, Fossil, secretary-treasurer;
Mrs. Estella Weed,
president of the Rebekah Assembly
of Oregon, Portland, R. S. C; Mrs.
Nina Van Horn, Fossil, L. S. C;
Mrs. Ella Benge, Heppner, R. S. V.
C; Mrs. Georgia Hoover, Fossil,
musician. Officers appointed to "fill
vacancies were Mrs. VeraRietmann,
warden; Mrs. Eva Lane, conductor;
Mrs. Jane Dukek, inside guardian,
and Mrs. Olive Frye, chaplain.
Special features of the afternoon
program included an address of wel
come by Mrs. C. A. Johnson with
response by Mayville lodge; a read
ing by Cecil Johnson; appointment
of committees on resolutions, thanx,
memorial and press; answering of
question box questions by Mrs.
Weed; acceptance of the invitation
to hold the 1938 convention at Hepp
ner; announcement of next year's
session at Mayville; election of 1937
officers; exemplification of ballot
ing and closing ceremonies by Blue
Mt. lodge.
A banquet was served In the din
ing room at 7 o'clock with Mrs.
Guinn as master of ceremonies.
Program features were a tap dance,
vocal solo by Mrs. George Dunil
accompanied by Miss Alma Horn,
pianist, and Miss Nell Don, violin
ist; duets by Mrs. William Mainord
and Mrs. Guinn; and assembly pep
songs as specialties.
At the evening session reports
were gven from all lodges of the
district. Memorial exercises were
held by San Souci lodge, Heppner,
in remembrance of Alice McNabb
of lone, Pearl Parker of Lexington
and Rubina Crisman of Heppner.
Mrs. Vida Heliker won the unwrit
ten work contest again this year
for Bunchgrass lodge in competi
tion with Evening Star, San Soucl
and Blue Mt. Tribute was paid to
Mrs. Weed, president of the state
assembly, by Brnofcprass lodge, fol
lowed by an address by Mrs. Weed,
after which 1937 convention officers
jvere seated as follows: Mrs. Myrtle
Ferguson, Mayville, chairman; Mrs.
Lillian Turner, Heppner, vice chair
man; Mrs. Pansy Stinchfleld, May
ville, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. Le
na Lundell, lone, warden; Mrs.
Keene, conductor; Mrs. Rita Sim
mons, Fossil, inside guardian; Mrs.
Ida McConnell, Mayville, outside
guardian; Mrs. Olive Frye, chap
lain; Mrs. Sylvia Weed, Mayville,
L. S. V. C; Mrs. Georgia Hoover,
Fossil, musician; Mrs. Vida Heli
ker, lone, R. S. V. C, and Mrs. Eva
Lane, L. S. V. C.
The new home of the Alva Jones
family was put under actual con
struction the first of the week with
building of forms for the basement
The house is located at the corner
of Baltimore and Gale streets. N.
D. Bailey is the carpenter In charge.
Dirt from the excavation was used
to fill in Baltimore street between
Main and Gale, bringing it up to
grade and greatly improving its ap
pearance as well as eliminating
sinks that have caused water pools
there in the past.
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Devlne are
having the finishing touches put on
their renovated 4-apartment house
in south Heppner, and have moved
there for the winter from the farm
north of Lexington. The apartments
are large and roomy, modern in
every respect. The exterior, also
thoroughly modernized and attrac
tive in design, is finished in cream
trimmed with red. N. D. Bailey
has been in charge of the work.
Girls! Whether you are sixteen
or sixty here is an opportunity to
show your favorite man what de
licious pies you make. Bring him
to the free old-time dance and pie
social at the Lexington grange hall
Saturday, Sept. 26. Be sure he is
supplied with loose nickels and
dimes to be used during Auctioneer
Joe Belanger's pie social hour.
There will be good old-time music
and free coffee at midnight Don't
forget to bring a pie!
Governor Alf Landon of Kansas,
republican presidential nominee,
will be heard on the air tonight from
6:30 to 7, P. S. T., through KOIN
and other Columbia network sta
tions. Saturday evening he will be
heard at the same time through
KGW and other NBC stations.
Emery Gentry of Adams sustain
ed a painful Injury while working
on the windmill at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Gen
try, here Sunday. He caught his
right Index finger In the machinery
and it was crushed so badly that a
doctor found It necessary to ampu
tate the digit at the first joint
Miss Irene Beamer and Ed Dick,
Jr., have entered Pacific university
at Forest Grove as freshmen. Mrs.
Clara Beamer drove with them to
the college town Sunday. Miss Bea
mer is majoring in home economics.
Volunteer G.O.P. Meeting
Set for Tomorrow Night
Republicans of Morrow county
will gather at the court house in
Heppner Friday night to hear Arch
N. Bobbitt of Indianapolis explain
the Republican Volunteer program
and sound the campaign battle cry.
Mr. Bobbitt, an Indianapolis at
torney, is county chairman of his
home county organization, a former
state auditor of Indiana, a leader
in the American Legion and an ex
perienced campaigner.
He comes to Heppner for the ex
pres purpose of launching the vol
unteer program. Assisting him will
be Henry Plumb, representing the
Republican State Central commit
tee. The meeting will be under the
sponsorship of the Morrow County
Central committee and S. E. Notson,
county chairman, will preside.
General Exodus of Local Nimrods
Seen; Party of Six Returns Yes
terday With Full Quota.
Almost any hour of the day now,
one may see cars pulling into Hepp
ner with red-shirted occupants,
bringing in the prize of the hunt
fither similar cars, loaded with
camping and hunting equipment,
are arriving and have been arriv
ing since last week end on their way
into the timber.
Deer were slow coming back at
first but yesterday and today have
brought more and more some
where between fifty and a hundred
probably being about as close an
estimate as can be given on the ani
mals so far brought out through
The season on deer opened Sun
day and coincidentally there was a
general exodus of local sportsmen,
though quite a number have reserv
ed their hunt until later.
Among the first back with his kill
was Ralph Beamer, who bagged a
200-pounder a few yards over the
rims. of Stony creek on the morn
ing of opening day and was about
half a day getting it out by a cir
cuitous two-mile route. That coun
try is straight up and down. John
Vaughn was among the fortunate
hunters on opening day, while Bill
Isom was another of the early suc
cessful hunters.
A party of six returned yesterday
with a buck apiece. Included were
Lou Bisbee, D. A. Wilson, Gene
Ferguson, Ed Benett, Luke Bibby
and Larrence MattesOn. O. E.
Johnson, in town yesterday from
Hardman reported that he and sev
eral others, including Fan Miller,
Archie Bechdolt and Louis Cason
bagged their bucks on opening
Contradictory reports come in as
to the density of the deer popula
tion. The lucky hunters say there
are lots of bucks, while those less
fortunate declare the bucks are
scarce as hens teeth.
An epidemic of stomach influenza
is reported to be going through the
county. Many Heppner people as
well as folks in other parts of the
county have been afflicted. It's ef
fects are said to be much the same
as dysentary, and victims are left
quite weak. Local physicians have
not been able to determine the
A meeting of Heppner Library
association will be held next Tues
day afternoon at 5 o'clock at the
library. All members of the library
hnnrd and anv others Interested
urged to attend by Harriet S. Gem-
mell, president
Mrs. Delsie Chapel of Hardman
has the position of principal of the
Olex school and is teaching the up
per grades.
Dustless Heppner Envisaged;
Mayor Seeks
Heppner has gone through the
worst part of the dusty season and
her residents are looking forward
to early fall rains to give complete
relief for a while. The prospect is
welcome to everyone who has been
battling the dust through the sum
mer. How much nicer it would be
to have the dust problem settled
That is entirely within the realm
of possibility, and Mayor Jeff Jones
believes, probability, by one of sev
eral methods he saw being applied
within the city of Walla Walla,
Tuesday. He says an example of
one of the methods can be seen in
use In Heppner just now with the
work of hardsurfacing the Stand
ard Oil service station grounds.
The city engineer's department
in Walla Walla is building hard
surfaced streets, 24 feet wide, at a
cost of from $300 to $400 a mile,
though the engineer told Mr. Jones
that the best kind of a job can be
done around $1200 a mile.
The work there Is being done with
oiled macadam, and the difference
In cost is represented by the several
methods and amounts of material
The less expensive method, which
Mayor Jones said gives a very good
surface though less durable, calls
for spreading the road oil over the
road bed first, then spreading a two
inch layer of finely crushed rock
which is rolled tightly. The pres
sure of the roller and the later traf
fic presses the oil up through the
I rock, cementing It The streets are
Fighting Irish to Meet Buckaroos
at Round-Cp City Saturday!
Revenge Hoped For.
By S. McMurdo and P. McCarty.
The Heppner high school football
team scored a decisive victory over
the Fossil cleat-diggers last Satur
day at the local field. The game was
much more interesting than the 40
to 0 score would indicate.
On the opening kick-off, Fossil
received the ball and ran up two
successive first downs before they
were forced, to kick. Heppner was
unable to get going until the last of
the second quarter when Munkers
put the ball In scoring position, by
a long pass from Gilman and was
downed on the visitor's eight-yard
line. Gilman then skirted right end
for a touchdown as the half ended.
The try for point was unsuccessful.
and the score remained 6 to 0.
Soon after the second half opened,
it was easily seen that the Morrow
county boys had the upper hand.
Heppner started an aerial attack
which proved to be the outstanding
feature of the game. They complet
ed six out of eight passes, two of
them counting for touchdowns. Both
conversions were made. Early In
the final period, Munkers with per
fect interference returned a Fossil
punt 35 yards to a touchdown,
which brought the score to 34 points
for Heppner. Before the final gun,
Heppner pushed over one more
touchdown. The try for point
failed, and the score stood at 40-0.
Outstanding performers were Gil
man and Turner, both accounting
for touchdowns. Stars of the line
were the three "K's," Knowles,
Kenny and King.
Next Saturday the Heppner team
will journey to Pendleton to play
the Buckaroos. For the past week
Coach Tetz has been putting his
team through a heavy routine and
expects to give Pendleton high
school one of the toughest battles
of the season.
Heppner high school would ap
preciate all local support this com
ing Saturday at Pendleton.
At the meeting Saturday night
Lexington grange adopted a reso
lution favoring a state erosion con
trol law which would enable the
directors of erosion control districts
to take . steps to check blows on
land when the owners fail to make
an attempt to stop the blows.
The resignation of Mrs. Walter
Blackburn as lecturer was accept
ed and Mrs. Harvey Bauman was
elected to serve in that capacity
during the remainder of the year.
Two Lexington men scored on the
opening day of hunting season and
brought in their deer Sunday night
The fortunate nimrods were Dee
Cox and Orris Padberg.
Plans are well under way for the
annual Pioneers' reunion to be held
on October 17, according to the com
mittee in charge. Pritschau's or
chestra of The Dalles has been en
gaged to play for the dance to be
held in the evening.
Lexington grange is planning a
card party for Friday evening, Oc
tober 2. All grange members and
friends are invited to attend. Please
bring your card tables and cards.
Mr and Mrs. William D. Camp
bell, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
Edwin Ingles of Boardman, spent
the week end in the mountains
hunting, but report that they were
not successful In getting their deer.
Mr. and Mrs. William Smethurst
who have been living on the Klncald
ranch on Blackhorse, have moved
to the J. E. Gentry ranch.
Miss Rose Thornburg left for
Kellogg, Idaho, the first of the week.
Ellen and Fred Nelson left the
fConttnud on Par Four!
Street Surfacing
not made to grade, merely evened
up, before the surface Is applied.
Another method calls for mixing
the rock and asphalt before spread
ing, which necessitates heating the
asphalt and applying the surface at
about 170 degrees Fahrenheit. This
mixture is laid upon a heavier rock
base, or upon old surfacing that Is
breaking up. This system is used
on main thoroughfares and is more
Still another method entails the
mixing of rock and oil as It Is
spread. The finely crushed rock is
dumped In heaps on the street, with
first a smal amount of oil added
and mixed, then more oil and more
mixing as it is spread out. This Is
a less expensive system and gives
good results, Mr. Jones said.
The mayor was given a thorough
Insight Into the work at Walla
Walla by the engineer and a man
employed in the department who
took him all over the city and
showed him work that has been
done, as well as that under way,
where all methods are In use.
Walla Walla has its own crusher
and mixing plant.
Mayor Jones was enthusiastic
over the prospect of getting Hepp
ner's streets improved by one of
the methods, believing that the city
could afford to budget enough this
year for the improvement. The
matter will be presented to the bud'
get committee when It meets In No
vember, after all the details have
been worked out, and In the Interim
he desires that residents of the city
give it every consideration.
Hunters Asked Not to Dis
turb Targets, Already
in Place in Timber.
Local Supervisor Asks Care With
Fire, Camps; Proposed New
Headquarters, Work Cited.
Preparatory to "shooting" an aer
ial picture map of the Umatilla Na
tional forest targets have been es
tablished In many open glades, re
ports F. F. Wehmeyer, local super
visor. These targets, of white lime,
are some fifty feet in diameter, and
will show up distinctly in the pho
tography. Hunters rcnnlng across
the targets are admonished not to
molest them in any way.
The aerial survey will give a com
plete picture of the forest area, and
will be one of the most helpful de
vices so far conceived in work of
administration, Mr. Wehmeyer said.
Shooting" the pictures will prob
ably require from three to four
weeks time, and it is expected the
work will start in the very near
It Is desirable to take the pictures
at a time when the sun is almost
directly overhead to eliminate shad
ows and bring out all the detail pos
sible. Under the system elevations
are ascertained within an exactlty
of two feet The plane or planes
from which the shots will be made
will fly at an altitude not exceeding
200 feet
As an Indication of what the air
plane views will add to the mapping,
Mr. Wehmeyer produced a group of
panoramic pictures taken from the
nine lookout points in his end of
the . forest Portfolios containing
three panoramic pictures were made
for each lookout station, showing
the view as it greets the eye in va
rious directions from the station.
Projected around the edges of each
picture is a scale corresponding
with that used on the fireflnder
map in the lookout tower. And
across the front of each picture is
a thin black line, indicating the ele
vation at which the camera was set
when the picture was taken. Each
man in the protective service is sup
plied with the map or maps for his
area and when instructions come to
locate a fire, he not only has the
scale from which to locate the po
sition, but an actual view of the
country as well.
The panoramas taken from the
lookout towers, however, only pre
sent the contour of the country as .
It is exposed from an angle, hence
do not catch the depressions. Their
serviceability therefore is limited.
With the airplane views the entire
terrain will be shown.
Mr. Wehmeyer said the panoram
as were taken with a camera using
an infra-ed ray lens, which permits
taking of distinct pictures no matter
how thick the haze of smoke which
may entirely obstruct the view by
the naked eye.
m m m
To the hundreds of hunters now
in the forest we ask that they be
careful with their fires and leave
clean camps, the supervisor said.
"Sit down and smoke, then be sure ,
matches, butts or pipe heels are out '
or deposited on clean mineral soil
where they can be ground out with
the heel of your boot Water out
a campflre If it Is only going to be
abandoned for a short time. Don't
build a fire close to the bole of a
tree or In ground covered with duff.
When breaking camp, please dispose
of ail refuse. Cans, old papers, dis
carded clothing and body waste add
nothing to the scenic beauty of the
camp ground and decidedly detract
from Its desirability as a camp site
for the next party.'
Other notes on happenings in the
district were given by Mr. Weh
meyer as follows:
Mr. Blanchfleld of the Portland
office Is on the district this week to
decide on the future location of the
Heppner district headquarters. Rock
Springs on the Heppner-Spray high
way is one of the sites under con
templation. Wherever the future
headquarters are established, it will
mean the building of two and pos
sibly three residences, barn, office,
crew house, garage, warehouse, gas
and oil station, and many other
buildings and Improvements. It Is
expected that a side camp of CCC
will be moved to the location to do
the work next spring.
The Coast and Geodetic survey
have a crew on the forest locating
the lookout stations. They will be
on this district some time this fall.
Their work is extremely accurate.
Have read that there Is possibility
of less than 17 inches of error in
their calculations, starting with the
central hub In Kansas and triangu
lating from point to point to the
Pacific coast.
Mr. Wakeman of the Portland of
fice Is mapping and cruising the
bank land at the head of Willow
George Gillis, Tamarack lookout
fireman, has accepted a position to
teach In the Lexington schools this
L. R. Mays of the Pendleton of
fice has just completed a week's In
spection of the work on the Hepp
ner district.
Alex Gibb left this morning for
Ontario where he will do plumbing
work for a few weeks.