Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 17, 1936, Image 1

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Volume 52, Number 28,
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Uncensored Letter Gives
First-Hand Impressions
of German System.
Dean Eric W. Allen, U. of O., Sees
Some Progress Ahead of U. S.;
Dictator's Iron Heel Felt
(Editor's Note: Because of the
great interest it is sure to arouse,
we are pleased to publish the fol
lowing article by Eric W. Allen,
dean of the University of Oregon
school of journalism It is published
separately from the regular series
of his stories based on his travels
in Europe. The regular series will
be resumed next week.)
Dean of the University of Oregon
School of Journalism.
HAMBURG, Germany. The Nazi
party's full name ia the National
Socialist German Workers' Party.
Up to the time the writer left Ore
gon in March, American public
opinion had mastered only the fact
that the Partol (rhymes with good
bye) was nationalistic. The aver
age American was of the impression
that the rest of the name was mere
eyewash. or window-dressing. Is it?
This is a very hard question to
answer, and judgment has been re
served for a long time.
"I am a Socialist," says Adolf Hit
ler in enormous type on walls all
over Germany, "because to me it is
unthinkable that machinery should
be cherished, and man, the main
element in production, neglected."
The quotation is from memory but
that is the sense of it.
There are extremely interesting
efforts to do something for the com
mon man going on all over Ger
many. The Olympic visitors saw
all this displayed in the most
charming and impressive manner
and would have had to have hearts
of stone not to be deeply impressed.
They did not have the opportunity
of spending five months behind the
scenes skeptically wondering how
much it amounts to. How much
does it?
Housing reform is better con
ceived and far more fully put into
execution here than the New Deal
at home, with the fear of the dead
ly Supreme Court in its heart, dares
even drea'm of. It is an official pol
icy in Germany that sooner or later
every man shall have his own house
a thing the German loves his
garden. One sees these little new
homes, clean, modern and sanitary,
each surrounded by really ample
yard space, by the hundreds in ev
ery part of Germany. Even in Ber
lin no new building can be more
than four stories high, and the pop
ulation Is to be spread out thinner
and brought closer to the pleasures
of owning one's own vine and fig
tree. Social security is carried further
than will be possible at home for a
long time to come, by a complicated
system of insurances.
The government here professes an
intelligent and helpful Interest in
dozens of cultural movements
among the common people, which
are at home pretty completely ig
nored by Washington and Salem,
and which In Oregon would not even
be fully understood in all their sig
nificance except by a few people
like Robert F. Krohn or John F.
Bovard. The aim is to giv.e the
poor man more chance to live out
doors, to play games, to climb
mountlns, to travel, to get a sea
voyage, to belong to a musical or
ganization, to indulge In a useful
and self-educative hobby, such as
woodcarvlng, painting, sculpture,
weaving, taking part in amateur
theatricals or getting up commu
nity pageants. All this is far past
the stage of mere talk. There is
already much to show for the move
ment. There is here also an officially
promoted movement called Beauty
of Labor. The point is that fac
tories, shops and offices, every place
where people work, must be made
not only comfortable and healthful
for the worker, but attractive. This
Is a most terrible headache for the
proprietor who is suddenly noti
fied, for instance, that the Partel
has decided he must put In an out-of-door
swimming pool at his fac
tory for his employees. The way
things are here, he had better do it
at once and show his enthusiasm
by going ahead and plnnting some
flowers around it, too. This has not
gone very far yet, but Germans are
verv thorouen ana persasieni uuu,
with the Partel behind it, it may
make Germany quite a different
country In ten years. Or, it may
not. Olympic visitors were likely
to gather the Impression it has gone
further than it has.
On the other hand, the laborer's
wages have not been Increased, nor
his working hours reduced. And he
has to contribute a penny here and
a penny there In a way that takes
a eood deal from his Income. He
cannot strike, nor can he even or
ganize except under the guidance
of the Partel, which will send a
representative to tell him what to
The story goes that Hitler's orig
inal campaign, the one that put him
In power, was financed by the big
Industrialists, wno were airaiu in
(Continued on Pag Four)
Former Race Sensation
Visits Old-Time Pal Here
Some of Morrow county's old
time foot racers will remember Guy
Shadduck. He caused a sensation
at a fourth of July celebration in
Heppner some 20-odd years ago
when he literally "ran" away with
the money. Shadduck lived in the
Gooseberry section as a boy, and
was a pal of Ray Drake's. Later
he attended O. S. C. and was an
outstanding track star, wrestler
and general athlete. Drake attend
ed Willamette at the same time and
the two got together on the mat oc
casionally. Just the other day,
Drake was wondering what bad be
come of Shadduck. A few days la
ter the question was answered when
Mrs. Drake answered the telephone
Shadduck was on the wire, talking
from Heppner. It was not long be
fore the Drakes and Shadducks got
together at the Drake farm In Sand
Hollow and had an enjoyable visit
That was last Friday evening. Mr.
and Mrs. shadduck were on a mo
tor trip from their home at Eugene,
from which place Shadduck now
takes a run as locomotive engineer.
Drake told an incident that hap
pened In the lives of himself and
Shadduck when they were boys
working for Dan Barlow on Rhea
creek. The two hiked over the hill
to the Olden place, each carrying a
revolver. On the way they espied
a coyote. Maneuvering to get close
to it, they opened fire and used up
all their cartridges, wondering why
tne coyote didn't run. On approach
ing closer they learned the reason.
The animal was caught in a steel
E. E. "Bub" Clark is seriously ill
at his farm home below Heppner,
suffering an attack of heart and
kidney trouble. He has been absent
from his post on the first chair in
his barber shop for more than a
week, and his condition has become
so critical that he Is not permitted
to see visitors, though signs of im
provement were shown on last re
ports. His many friends anxiously
await his recovery. His sister, Mrs.
Laura Morgan of Forest Grove, ar
rived last week and has been as
sisting Mrs. Clark with his care,
while Mrs. La Verne Van Marter
has been helping as night nurse.
Mrs. Ivy Joy, another sister, was
expected to arrive this week from
her home in Mexico City. Ernest
Clark expects to leave soon for
forest lirove where he will stay at
the home of his aunt and attend
Pacific university as a freshman.
Mr. Clark was taken to Pendleton
today by the Phelps ambulance for
specialized treatment His condi
tion was reported as showing im
provement this morning.
The Gazette Times was mistaken
by ten years in its item last week
In which it told of ex-mayor W. G.
McCarty's wood cutting activities.
This paper credited Mr. McCarty
with being past 70 years of age. We
now stand corrected by Mr. Mc
Carty himself who says he first saw
the light of day on this earth Aug
ust 18, 1856, which makes him now
past 80 years old. "Mac" returned
the other day from his latest wood
cutting expedition on which, he in
forms us, he felled a large tree and
cut it up into stove wood all by
himself. He believes the activity
makes him feel better, says he feels
fit as a fiddle, though he attributes
much of his good physical condition
to the good cooking he has received
from the hands of Mrs. McCarty
these many years.
Elmer F. Peterson, native Morrow
county boy and graduate of Hepp
ner high school who has been prom
inent in Portland insurance circles
for several years, was this week
named general agent of the Port
land office of State Mutual Life As
surance company of Worcester,
Mass. The company offices are lo
cated at Suite 1031, American Bank
building. After graduation from
Heppner high school in 1921, Peter
son completed a course at Univer
sity of Oregon, then took special
insurance work in the east He re
turned to the coast to make good
records with other Insurance com
panies before his last tie-up. He is
the son of Mrs. Ida M. Peterson of
Eastern Oregon Normal School,
La Grande. (Special) September
17. The Placement Service of the
Eastern Oregon Normal school re
ports that in line with its custom
ary high percentage of placements
maintained during past years, ev
ery young woman graduating in
1936 who desired a teaching posi
tion has received appointment.
Matrimony has claimed two mem
bers of this year's class.
Leo Francis Stack, local CCC, was
sentenced to 30 days In the county
jail when he plead guilty in justice
court Monday morning to the
charge of creating a disturbance
while intoxicated. Charges were
preferred by Earl W. Gordon in
whose drug store the disturbance
was created. Ten days of the sen
tence was remitted pending good
An even hundred predatory ani
mals were taken by hunters with
the U. S. Biological survey in Mor
row county during August, the
monthly report shows. Of these
96 were coyotes and 4 were bob
cats. Burton Barnes' took 46 coy
otes and 2 bobcats; A. J. Knoblock,
30 coyotes, and Alva Stone, 20 coy
otes and 2 bobcats,
O. E. Johnson was among folks
from the Hardman section trans
acting business in town yesterday.
Acceptance, Northwest Association
Marks Board man High School
Smallest Member In State.
Boardman high school has the
distinction of being the smallest
high school in the state with fully
approved standards under the
Northwest Association of Second
ary and Higher Schools. The Board
man school was recently inducted
into membership in the association,
announces Edwin T. Ingles, super
intendent. Mr. Ingles announced the school
off to a good start Monday, Sept. 7,
with 85 pupils enrolled In the grades
and 43 in high school. Five new
teachers on the staff this year are
Norma Gibbons, Boardman, grades
1 and 2; Helen Glenn, Halfway, 3
and 4; Elinor Tilden, Portland, S
and 6; Cecilia Brennan, Portland,
high school history and commer
cial; Marie Ledbetter, La Grande,
home economics and girls' sports.
Old teachers returning are A. B.
Black, Smith-Hughes, agriculture
and science; Theron Anderson, 7th
and 8th grades, and Edwin T. In
gles, superintendent.
"Our Smith-Hughes work proved
very popular last year and this year
20 out of 23 boys enrolled in school
are registered in this department.
The first events of the season for
them is the Pacific International
Livestock exposition in Portland.
The boys' judging team won several
individual honors there last year
and they are eager to better last
year's record," Mr. Ingles said. j
Wheat Purchase Favored
to Prevent Forced Selling
Walter M. Pierce made telegraph
ic appeal to Secretary Wallace this
week for government purchase of
northwest wheat for shipment to
drouth areas to prevent forced sell
ing at present bearish prices.
Pierce's wire read:
"Urge Immediate use of powers
vested in your commission operative
today to curb bearish influence de-
gned to force farmers selling
wheat without benefitting from in
creased price justified by actual
shortage and foreign buyers offer
ing more than domestic quotations
indicating injustice producers de
manding immediate correction un
der new law. Purchase Pacific
northwest surplus for drouth areas
through surplus commodities cor
poration should be expedited and
increased before financial pressure
forces farm sales. Coast market
forced so low that our wheat will
bear full freight rates for selling
on Missouri river."
Mr. Pierce was one member of
the commission of three authorized
by Commodities Exchange act of
the last congress.
W. Vawter Parker Seeks
District Attorney Office
Competition in the November
race for district attorney developed
this week when W. Vawter Parker,
local attorney, filed petitions of can
didacy in the secretary of state s
office as an independent candidate.
He will oppose Frank C. Alfred who
received the republican nomination
at the May primary election.
Parker has been a practicing at
torney in Heppner for three yeara,
establishing his office here shortly
after passing the state bar examin
ation three years ago. He went
through the Morrow county schools
and received his legal education at
Unversity of Oregon. He is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Parker.
In accepting the Insistence of
friends that he make the race, Par
ker announced that he would seek
the office on his own merits, and if
elected, conduct the office in the
manner contemplated by law to the
very best of his. ability.
Two cars driven by Albert Odom
of Morgan and Ralph Crum of Con
don collided on a narrow portion of
the Palmateer grade on the Morgan-west
road Tuesday afternoon
about 3 o'clock, resulting in con
siderable damage to both machines
though the drivers, both traveling
alone, were unhurt. The Odom ma
chine was practically new. Report
of the accident was filed at the
sheriff's office. . Crum, In a coupe,
was traveling down the grade and
his car hooked into the rear of the
Odom car after missing the front
end. Neither car went off the grade.
The annual meeting of Heppner
Rodeo association will be held at
the Elks club rooms In Heppner,
Wednesday evening, September 30.
beginning at 7:30 o'clock p. m. All
qualified citizens of the county are
privileged to attend and to vote on
the matters of election of officers
and such other business as may
come Detore tne meeting.
28-29 Secretary.
Morrow countv eranire council
will meet at Lexington on Saturday,
bept. ia. All council and grange
omcials and members who can at
tend are urged to do so.
Mrs, Louise Snow of North Caro
lina Is visiting relatives In Heppner,
being a guest at the home of her
sister, Mrs. Crocket Sprouls.
Lawrence Slocum, young wheat-
raiser of the Lexington section, was
transacting business In the city
una morning.
Are YOU Registered?
SINCE our former articles per
taining to registration were pub
lished, quite a large number of per
sons have registered, but there are
still many voter not registered. If
you are not registered, or if you
have not voted within the past two
years, or if you have changed your
precinct or if vrou have changed
your name, you should register. All
voters residing In Heppner should
register at the office of the county
clerk. Those residing in other parts
of the county may register at the
clerk's office or by appearing be
fore any official registrar.
The registration books will close
at 5 o'clock P. M. on the 3rd day of
October. So, the time is short
Again we call attention to the fact
that in addition to the officers to be
elected there are some very import
ant measures to be voted upon. Ev.
en If you do not feel interested in
the election of the officers, you
should be interested In the meas
ures. If you register, you will re
ceive the official voters' pamphlet In
which the measures are printed
with the arguments for and against
the several measures.
The official registrars are Mrs.
Emma Breshears, Lexington; Wal
ter Eubanks, lone; C. G. Blayden,
Boardman; Frank Leicht Irrigon,
and Miss Zetta . Bleakman, Hard-
man. 1
First Football Game
Scheduled for Saturday
' By paul Mccarty.
With seventeen turning out the
first day, football practice started
under the leadership of the new
coach, Mr. Tetz.
Eight lettermen graduated last
spring, leaving only five returning
lettermen. The same backfleld will
be back again this year, with the
exception of McRoberts, halfback,
whose position will be filled by Don
Turner. LaVerne Van Marter will
play fullback; Len Gilman, other
half; and Riley Munkers, quarter
back. The end positions will be ca
pably filled by Norton King, letter
man at this position, and Hoskins,
letterman transfer from lone. Bill
McCaleb, letterman, cinches one
tackle position, with Emmett Ken
ny a strong cnadidate for the other.
The center position will probably
be filled by Richard Hayes. There
are no returning lettermen at the
guard positions, but the reporting
of Vernon Knowles, 180 pound ju
nior, practically assures him a po
sition, Gerald Cason is the strong
est candidate for the other guard
The first game will be here Sat
urday at 3 when fieppner plays the
Fossil team.
Heppner Folks Expect
to Make it to John Day
Headed by Queen Genevieve
(Hanna) of the Heppner Rodeo and
her attendants at the recent show,
a large delegation of Heppner folks
expect to go to John Day tomorrow
and Saturday to take in the Grant
County fair and to return the spirit
of good will evidenced by the many
urant county people who attended
the recent Rodeo. Queen Gene
vieve will be an honored attendant
to the fair queen. She will ride in
tomorrow's parade, as will her at
tendants, the Misses Betty Doherty,
Harriet Heliker and Frances Rugg.
Henry Akien, Rodeo president has
been invited to act as one of the ro
deo judges at the fair, and expects
to join the party.
The parade was moved up to Fri
day this year, instead of Saturday,
and a goodly number expect to leave
in time for that feature. Others
will make it to John Day Saturday.
Among Heppner Rodeo perform
ers who have become familiarly
known to people here through past
performances at the local show,
taking part in the Round-Up at
Pendleton last week end were Cody
Dodson of Enterprise who placed
second in the northwest bucking
finals, and Tom Healy and Kenneth
DePew who rode in the finals of
that contest. Pat Fisk, who started,
did not reach the finals. All are
former Rodeo bucking champions,
Healy having won the crown here
this year. Healy and Depew both
made good rides In the Pendleton
finals, but were unfortunate In
drawing poor horses on which to
show. Dodson made one of the best
rides of the whole show in the finals.
Mrs. Chris Brown was elected a
representative on the board of sub
district 4 in the Townsend organi
zation at a recent meeting in Pen
dleton. The purpose of the board is
to endorse or nominate senators and
reprecentetives in the district, to
make more secure women in the
communities represented and to fur
ther the Townsend movement Oth
ers attending the Pendleton meet
ing from here were Alvin Klein
feldt, George jMcDuffee, C. J. D.
Bauman, Henry Howell and Frank
William Hard, renowned radio
broadcaster, will be heard at 7 p. m.
five evenings each week over KOIN,
940 kilocycles, until September 28.
Beginning September 28, he will be
heard at 8 p. m. five evenings each
week. He speaks under the aus
pices of the Republican National
committee, but he Is under no re
strictions. He uses the time as he
sees fit. Mr. Hard is a democrat.
You will hear some interesting com
ments If you listen to him. Tell
your friends about this broadcast.
For Sale 400 head 3-yr.-old fine
wool ewes, 350 head 5- and 6-yr.-old
fine wool ewes. Lotus Roblson,
Heppner, Ore. 28tf.
All Teachers of County and Public
Invited to Get-Together Next
Monday Evening.
Teachers of Heppner and Morrow
county will be tendered an informal
reception by the public next Mon
day evening at the Episcopal parish
house through sponsorship of Hepp.
ner churches, announces Mrs. Lucy
E. Rodgers, county school superin
The reception will be for all
teachers of the county who can at
tend, and the general public is cor
dially invited to accept the oppor
tunity to become acquainted with
them. No special invitations are
being extended, and the entire af
fair will be conducted informally.
The occasion is scheduled to start
at 8 o'clock. This will be the main
public reception accorded county
teachers, Mrs. Rodgers announced,
and everyone should plan to take
advantage of it
4-H Boy, Girl to Attend
Exposition November 19
With mounting excitement Mor
row county 4-H clubs await the se
lection next Saturday, September
19, of the outstanding boy and girl
member from the county group.
These representatives, whose names
will be announced early next week,
will receive a three-day visit in
Portland during the Pacific Inter
national Livestock exposition as
guests of The First National Banc
of Portland.
Awards are being made by three
local judges, Joseph Belanger, coun
ty agricultural agent; Mrs. Lucy
Rodgers, county school superinten
dent, Heppner; and E. L. Morton,
manager of the Heppner branch of
The First National Bank of Port
land, who will select the prize win
ners on the basis of achievements
and leadership, from score cards
worked out by H. C. Seymour, state
director of 4-H clubs and general
chairman of judging committees
in the twenty-one counties included
in the contest.
Upon their arrival in Portland,
the pair from Morrow county will
join the honored contingent which
includes 40 boys and girls from
twenty other Oregon counties where
The First National Bank of Port
land does business. 4-H club or
ganizations to be represented in the
group are city of Portland, Mult
nomah, Clatsop, Tillamook, Coos,
Klamath, Morrow, Marlon, Jackson,
Linn, Wasco, Lake, Umatilla, Union,
Wallowa, Malheur, Deschutes, Gil
liam, Washington, Sherman and
Wheeler counties.
Local representatives will be
started on their trip by E. L. Mor
ton, manager of the Heppner branch
of the First National Bank of Port
land, who will provide transporta
tion and all other expenses. In
Portland they will be guests of of
ficers of the First National bank
for 3 days at entertainments that
include the annual 4-H Club ban
quet an evening at the horse show,
visits to the Pacific International
Livestock exposition, sight-seeing
trips and other affairs of interest
Woolgrowers Auxiliary
Seeks New Members
Wives of sheepmen of the coun
ty and other ladies interested are
being invited to join the Morrow
County Woolgrowers auxiliary, as
part of a contest in which the local
unit is competing with six other
units in the state, and the state in
turn is competing against Wash
ington, Idaho and Utah. The mem
bership fee for the remainder of
the year has been reduced to SO
cents, announces Mrs. Ralph L
Thompson, president
The auxiliary has as its main pur
pose the promotion of use of wool
and eating of .lamb, results of which
are reflected in larger income for
producers. The local unit meets
the first Friday each month for
luncheon at the Lucas place. Ladies
who cannot attend the luncheon are
very welcome to attend the meet
ing afterwards.
Plans for staging the annual pio
neer's reunion at Lexington, Octo
ber 17, had further progressed this
week with signing of Pritschau's
orchestra of The Dalles for the eve
ning dance. Dancing early in the
evening will be confined to old-time
numbers to be followed later by
modern dances, announced Mrs.
George N. Peck, one of the com
mittee in charge.
All Morrow county people sup
porting Landon and Knox are in
vited to affiliate with the Morrow
county Republican club, announces
Spencer Crawford, president Af
filiation dues are a dollar. Those
desiring membership cards may ob
tain same from Crawford, Vawter
Parker, secretary, or Billy Cochell,
Colonel Frank Knox .republican
candidate for vice-president, may
be heard over NBC radio hook-up
this evening between 9:15 and 9:45
Pacific Standard time. Among
coast stations broadcasting the ad
dress are KGW. KPO and KHQ.
Members of the county court, J.
J. Wells, assessor, and Chas. Bar
low, county clerk, have geen mak
ing a tour of the county this week
In a survey of conditions with view
to making adjustments in the
assessment of property,
AAA Approves Far West
Range Building Program
With definite approval of a range
building program for the western
region under the agricultural con
servation plan having been given
by AAA officials at Washington, a
tentative outline of practices for
Oregon has been received by the ex.
tension service at Oregon State col
lege. Rates for these practices have
not been fixed but these details are
now being considered with the re.
gional office and it is believed that
final approval of the Oregon pro
gram will be ready for announce
ment in the near future, says F. L.
Ballard, vice-director of extension.
The present plan Is to give oppor
tunity for a series of range conser
vation practices which can be ear
ned out on privately-owned lands
during the present calendar year.
The outside limit of payment has
been tentatively set at $2 times the
grazing capacity in animal units of
the range. For example, if the
grazing capacity of a privately
owned range is 100 head of cattle,
the maximum payment that can be
earned this year would be $200. The
animal unit is defined as one cow,
one horse or five sheep.
Payments under the plan would
be earned by carrying out one or
more in the following tentative list
of specific range building practices:
contouring by means of furrows on
slopes in excess of 2 per cent, water
developments including develop
ment of springs and seeps, build
ing of earthen pits for reservoirs
and drilling of wells or installation
of pumping and storage equipment
on existing wells, water spreading
to prevent soil washing, building of
range fences, and the plowing of
fire lines.
The tentative proposals follow in
a general way the suggestions made
by range operators in the Pendleton
hearing last month. When finally
approved, the range program will
apply to all parts of the state where
range livestock farming is carried
pn whether in mountain or timber
regions or in the eastern Oregon
open range lands.
Some folks thought it got cold in
Heppner last winter when the ther
mometer registered 12 below. These
same people would probably have
shivvered just to hear Walter Mc
Ghee tell of the mercury dropping
out of sight and freezing up at 50
below at Great Falls, Montana. Mr.
McGhee, former manager of Inter
ior Warehouse company here who
has been at Great Falls for more
than a year connected with a trac
tor firm, arrived in the city Sunday
evening with Mrs. McGhee and two
children on a motor vacation trip.
They went on to Portland today.
The severest cold snap lasted six
weeks, Walter said, with the mer
cury varying from 30 to 50 below.
People there do not begin to feel
the cold until after 20 below. When
it gets to 50 everything is just about
at a standstill. The situation be
came serious with some small towns
in the Great Falls vicinity when
their water systems froze up. Mon
tana was hard hit by the drouth,
said Walter, and quite a number of
people have left the state, some
coming to Oregon. By and large,
however, the majority of the farm
ers will be able to see their own wiy
through. Principal industry behind
Great Fall3 is the copper and zinc
smelter of the Anaconda mines.
This smelter covers just about as
large an area as Heppner, he said.
The city is also an important whole
sale distributing center for a large
part of Montana. It has a popu
lation of 30,000. The McGhees made
the drive through from Great Falls
to Heppner in one day, the distance
being 637 miles. Montana has been
building lots of good roads the last
few years, Walter said, and they
are not congested with traffic, per
mitting lively travel. While here
the McGhees are guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Drake at the Sand Hol
low farm.
Heppner Rodeo association's an
nual meeting has been called for
Wednesday evening, Sept. 30, at the
Elks club. Henry Aiken, president
expresses the desire that all busi
ness houses of Heppner and every
one else interested be there and
express their desires in the organi
zation for the coming year. The
annual meeting is called soon after
the current show so that all matters
in connection with it may be dis
cussed while any mistakes are fresh
in mind, and to give the new or
ganization plenty of time to work
out any details in connection with
the next show. There is no restric
tion against any qualified resident
of the county having a say In the
organization and registering his
The high shcool Christian En
deavor Society of the Church of
Christ enjoyed a "Bean Party" at
tho church last Friday. Games
played Included Bean Bag Golf,
Jack and the Bean Stalk, Musical
Bean Bag, and Bean Bag Baseball,
Refreshments of beans, salad, sand
wiches and cocoa were served.
Among college students leaving
this week end are Ted and Ber
nard McMurdo, Raymond and Don
ald Drake for Oregon State college,
and Ted Thomson for University
of Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Applegate de
parted Wednesday for Enterprise to
visit at the home of Mr. Applegate's
parents and take In the Wallowa
County fair this week end.
N. C. Donaldson, state director of
AAA, was In the city the first of
the week, calling at the county ag
ent's office in connection with his
Flood Control District
Set-Up Impossible Be
fore First of Year.
Mahoney Gives Project Informa
tion; Rev. Hinkle, S. E. Notson
Speak on Timely Subjects,
Perfected organization of a flood
control district to assume the local
cost of proposed flood control
dams cannot be hoped for until af
ter the first of the year, P. W. Ma
honey, chairman of the local com
mittee, told the Lions club Tuesday
noon. The opinion was based on
advice of State Engineer Stricklin
on his visit here last week, that
while his office was empowered by
legislative act to form such a dis
trict the last legislature, which
passed the act failed to appro
priate funds to meet the necessary
costs. ,
Mr. Mahoney reported Stricklin
as advising to proceed with the
groundwork for the organization,
including the necessary petition
with ten signatures of land own
ers residing within the district
Then when the legislature meets In
January the necessary appropria
tion bill can be presented. The en
gineer saw no objection to accept
ing the project outlined by the ar
my engineers. After the money Is
provided and the preliminary set-up
okehed by his office then the elec
tion can be proceeded with, at which
it will be necessary for a majority
of the land owners within the dis
trict to vote for Its establishment
before it can be created and the
project undertaken.
Mr. Mahoney also said the com
mittee, including the Lions club
committee, George Krebs and R.
A. Thompson, decided that a good
course to pursue would be to put a
brief outlining need for the project
in the hands of the senators and
representatives at Washington. He
believed Senator McNary, at least,
as being the most influential, should
be given the facts which show
Heppner to have suffered the heav
iest loss of life per capita by flood
of any city in the United States
since the turn of the century, be
sides much property loss.
Lions were privileged to hear two
inspirational talks, one by Episco
pal Archdeacon Ralph V. Hinkle,
in Heppner this week holding a
school of prayer, the other by S..
E. Notson on the U. S. constitution '
in recognition of national constitu
tion week.
Mr. Hinkle quoted from a current
magazine to substantiate a theory
of the spiritual life as part of man's
life as a unity. The article cited a
leading scientist in the Meld of med
cine and surgery as saying that
man's life must be taken as a unity,
that there can be no affliction of
one part without it affecting the
whole. Thus for man to attain the
highest sphere of existence, all
sides of his life must be healthy
and well rounded. The spiritual
part of life is as necessary to that
highest existence as the physical
and mental. The scientist even hid
an open mind on the subject of
bodily healing through spiritual
belief, having seen a bad cancer
ous sore on a man's hand reduced
before his eyes in a service at a fa
mous French cathedral.
The speaker reported attending
the much-publicized Corbett estate
auction in Portland last week where
he saw family heirlooms sell at
good prices. An Incident of a type
of prayer was evidenced by the auc
tioneer. An article was run up to
$13 where the bidding stopped. The
auctioneer sold it thus: '"Going for
$13 once, going for $13 twice, going
for $13 thrice, and sold for, $12.95.
I never sold anything for $13 in my
life." That said Mr. Hinkle, is a
sample of superstitious belief which
shows that everyone in some man
ner recognizes a superior power.
In many ways man shows the ef
ficacy of prayer, and many people
who dot not pray ordinarily, find
themselves on bended knees at time
of great distress.
Mr. Notson cited the first con
stitutional convention to show that
the document was evolved only af
ter bitter dispute, and that before,
during and afer Its adoption and
ratification it has been under fire
by two schools of thought repre
senting the two principal theories
of government through the ages,
one monarchy or dictatorship, the
other democracy. He upheld the
constitution as being a true pro
tector of democracy with a system
of checks and balances to keep any
department of government from
betting too much power. That the
leading legal minds of the country
believe in its soundness, he said, is
attested by the fact that a poll of
members of the American Bar as
sociation showed 90 percent to be
in favor of the document as It I
now written. He cited the compar
atively few instances in which the
supreme court failed to uphold the
legislative branch in its enactments
to show that the threat of that body
usurping the powers of the law
makers Is very poorly founded, and
quoted authorities to show that the
supreme court is the one great bul
wark for the protection of the lib
erties of the people.
The district attorney's talk was
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