HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPT. 10, 1936. PAGE THREE Henry Baker and Henry Peter son, neighbors of the Gooseberry section, were transacting business In the city Friday. They reported farmers of their section busy treat ing seed wheat to be in readiness to rush the new crop into the ground as soon as weather conditions seem favorable. Mr. Baker said the rain of last week end hit there, but that moisture was still insufficient for the farmers to feel safe in planting. Miss Mildred Clowry, superin tendent of Heppner hospital, re turned home Tuesday from her va cation. She first went with Miss Gretchen Chappel Into California, visiting Carmel, and returned north for a visit with a friend at Gresh am. She arrived home just a few hours before Dr. A. D. McMurdo, who practices at the hospital, left for Portland for medical treatment. Dee Schnltzer of Hard man, who was severely injured the first night of Rodeo two weeks ago when hit by a hit-and-run driver, was brought back Tuesday from the hospital at Pendleton where he was taken for treatment and is now at Morrow General hospital. Phelps ambulance brought him over. He Is reported to be making favorable recovery. , ' Mr. and Mrs. Laxton McMurray of Jordan Siding were business vis itors In the city Tuesday. Mr. Mc Murray said he was feeling quite improved from his recent illness, though his right hand causes him some trouble. They are making plans to 'move from the ranch, Paddy Carty of Juniper Canyon ' was in the city on business Tues day. He reported his father, Jim Carty, pioneer stockman, to be suf fering considerably from rheuma tism in his right leg. He gets about but with considerable difficulty. C. E. Carlson was in the city Sat urday from the Gooseberry section. A fair yield Is reported in that sec tion with harvest being completed. Aside from his farming duties Mr. Carlson takes time to act as treas urer for the county wheat allot ment committee. Mrs. Lucille McAtee reports that shortly after her recent visit with her father, Dr. A. P. Culbertson, at Vickeryville ,Mich., the Culbertson home was struck by lightning re sulting In a fire that damaged the house to such extent as to make It uninhabitable. Mr. and -Airs. John Turner de parted Monday for the coast where they expected to spend their vaca tion while Mr. Turner is relieved of his duties as manager of the local Union Oil distribution plant Charles Gable, brother of Mrs. Alton Blankenship, was a visitor at the Blankenship home here last week. Mr. Gable resides at Everett, Wash., and is a student at Univer sity of Washington. M. C. Grlswold of Portland, large owner of timber in the south Hard man section, and L. O. Case of Ukiah, were in Heppner last week end on business connected with the Grlswold holdings. Ray Drake was in the city Tues day from the Sand Hollow section. He was Interested In the opening of deer hunting season the 20th, mak ing it a practice to bring in a big buck each year. T. G. Denissee, former local con tractor located at Pendleton for several years, was a Heppner vis itor Monday, and enjoyed greeting old-time friends. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Duff Mc Kitrick of Hardman at the home of Mrs. Corda Saling in this city last Saturday morning, a 7-pound boy. , Oscar Keithley was a business visitor in the city yesterday from the farm home in the lone section. Cleve Van Schoiack was a busi ness visitor In the city yesterday from the farm in Sanford canyon. Frank Wilkinson spent a few hours in town on business yester day from the farm up Willow creek. George McMillan was among Lex Ington people In town Saturday. Mrs. A. E. Burkenblne arrived home last evening from Vancouver, Wash., accompanied by her moth er, Mrs. Delia Hutchins, who will remain at the Burkenbine home for a time while recovering from an illness. They made the trip up in the Phelps ambulance to make Mrs. Hutchins comfortable on the trip. Dr. A. D. McMurdo and son Ber nard motored to Portland Tuesday, where the doctor remained to un dergo observation for a time for head infection. Bernard returned home Wednesday. He plans to en ter Oregon State college with the opening of the fall term. Mr. and Mrs. E. R, Merritt of Wapato, Wash., and daughter, Mrs. Ray Shurte of Ingle wood, Cal., were visitors this week at the Henry Schwarz home. The Merritts, for mer residents of this city, plan to spend the winter in Inglewood. J. F. McMillan was among far mers of the Lexington section trans acting business in the city Satur day. He reported his harvest fin ished with a 12-bushel average, about half the normal yield. A large number of Hardman peo ple were in the city Saturday, among them being J. B. Adams, Bleva Adams, Harry French, Carl Leathers, E. J. Merrill and Charlie McDaniel. Hunters: Buy Winchester cart ridges at Gilliam & Bisbee's and en ter big buck contest. Model 54 Win chester rifle given as prize by J. E. Hazeltine & Co., Portland. Clifford M. Sims and son Zan of Milton were visiting in Heppner the end of the week at the McMurdo and Hager homes. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Slevin of Boardman were business visitors in the city Tuesday. Ernest Lundell, lone garageman, was transacting business in the city Saturday. See the Coles Oil Burning Circu lator at Gilliam & Bisbee. John Franzen returned to Baker this week with Clair Cox, after working for a time In the Lexington warehouse. Mr. Cox, car salesman with a Baker automotive firm, vis ited a few. days at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Cox. Roland Humphreys departed this week for Los Angeles after a two weeks' visit with home folks. He taught mathematics last year in an eastern college. He will visit his sister, Evelyn, in the southern city. Col. and Mrs. Charles D. McMurdo of San Jose, Cal., arrived this week for a 10-day visit at the Dr. A. D. McMurdo and Keith McMurdo homes, the men being brothers. Chance Wilson of Monument was in the city Saturday with a number of other cowhands of that section delivering cattle at the local yards for shipment. Lawrence Palmer was in the city Saturday from the farm near Lex ington, transacting business. LEXINGTON By BEULAH NICHOLS The Lexington school opened Monday with an enrollment of 69 in the grades and 27 in the high school. One of the high school teachers, Miss Mary Alice Reed, was not able to be here for the opening of school on account of Ill ness. Her place is being filled tem porarily by Mrs. Frances Case of Heppner. Willard C. Newton, who was engaged to teach the seventh and eighth grades, tendered his res ignation to the board of directors Sunday evening and George Gillis, a former teacher in the grades, has been engaged to fill the vacancy. Mr. Gillis is in Portland this week and Mrs. Louise Becket of Heppner is teaching during his absence. Mrs. Charles Breshears enter tained with dinner Sunday evening in honor of Mr. Breshears' sixty fifth birthday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Breshears, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Steagall and children, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Whllolck and daughter, Miss Helen Breshears and Miss Edwina Breshears. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Breding and children of Mayville were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Steagall last week. Relatives here have received an- ' ? Moguls eMq ' n mf Mail m i&S- ' o sg- I si? O , nouncement of the birth of a daugh ter, Kay Lucille, to Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hill of Redmond. Mrs. Hill was formerly Miss Naomi McMillan of this city. Bill Burchell, who has spent the summer with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Johnson, returned to his home in Corvallis Sunday. He went as far as Salem with Jack Van Winkle and Elwynne Peck who are attending the state fair this week. Mr. and Mrs. James Leach have returned from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Leach at their summer home at Camp Sherman on the Me tolius river. They also spent some time at the coast and returned home by way of Portland where they spent a few days. Elsie Tucker, who spent her va cation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Tucker, has gone to Haines where she will teach this year. Fred Mankln of lone was a busi ness visitor in Lexington Friday. M. M. Saunders of Walla Walla was tuning pianos in this commu nity last week. Miss Grace Burchell left Thurs day for her home in Corvallis. She EAT SEA FOODS Oysters, Shell Fish the pick of marine delica cies served FRESH You'll find our stock of WINES complete i r.i- p Elkhorn Restaurant 1 lP- ED CHCNN, Prop. has spent the past month with rel atives and friends In this commu nity. Vernon Scott made a business trip to La Grande Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Puryear of Toppenish, Wash., visited friends in Lexington one day last week. Milby Sloas of North Powder was a week-end guest at the W. B. Tucker home. Mr. and Mrs. George McMillan of Cherryville are visiting relatives in this city this week. Paul Smouse has gone to Forest Grove where he will enter Pacific university this year. Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Burchell of Sheridan spent a few days this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Johnson. Miss Helen Valentine, who spent the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Valentine, has re turned to Rufus to resume her teaching duties in the high school. Mr. and Mrs. Oral Scott are at tending the state fair in Salem this week. Mrs. Ted McMillan and daughter visited friends in Arlington this week. NOTICE. No trespassing or hunting will be permitted on the Dee Cox and D. O. Justus land in Morrow county. Anyone found trespassing or hunt ing will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. DEE COX, 27-28p D. O. JUSTUS. NOTICE 07 SHERIFFS BALE. On Saturday, the 10th day of October, 1936. at the hour of Ten o'clock A. M.. at the front door of the Court House in Heppner. Morrow County, Oregon. I will sell at auction to t!ie hlfrhwrt bid der for cash the following described real property located In Morrow Coun ty, Oregon, to-wit: Northwest Quarter of the South east Quarter of Section 17. Town ship 3 South. Range 27 East of Wil lamette Meridian. Said sale la made under execution Is sued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County to me directed and dated the 4th day of September, 1936, In the case of William McCaleb, Plaintiff, vs. D. B. Gil man and Bertha D. Gil man. Defendants. C. J. D. BATJMAN. Sheriff of Morrow County. Oregon. POLITICAL NOTICE. I would appreciate having my friends write my name In on the ballot for the position of County Judge at the November General election. (Paid Adv.) G. A. BLEAKMAN. M en s Work Sh oes ORIGINAL CHIPPEWA and NAP-A-TAN All Leather. 6- and 8-inch tops $4.25 $4.50 $5 $5.50 $6 f iiiimnHiiifiiiMiiiiiuimtitHMiiiMiimmtMiMHiiHiimiiiH IIMIIItlllllltlllllllllllllHIIinillllimillflniMIIIIIIIIIIIIMmilMMIM M IV rl en s ivress on Kangaroo Leather - Cushion Sole - Arch Support - Black Kid or Canvas Linings. They're dressy, com fortable and wear well. M. D. Clark Want Ads Strayed Mouse-colored buckskin saddle mare. Short chain on front foot. Light rope hackamore. Find er please notify C. W. Dykstra, Box 131, city. AidiiDi & AT THE W. G. McCARTY farm in sand hollow Wednesday, Sept. 16 j BEGINNING AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M. j WE ARE QUITTING THE FARM AND SELLING EVERYTHING Lost Good new tire, had not been unwrapped, between Coal Mine and Herren place on Willow creek about week ago. Roy Vaughn, Heppner, flnnrnrd crimes, lc Der nound. W. L. Suddarth, Irrigon. For Sale Rosen seed rye. Rufus Pleper, Lexington. 26-28 Lost Chev. wheel and tire be tween Heppner and Butter creek on Lexington road. Finder notify L. D. Nelll, Pine City. . Hp Weiner pigs for sale. Blaine Cha pel, Hardman. Weiner pigs for sale. Arnold Pie per, Lexington. LOST Brown umbrella. Mrs. Lou Rea. ItP PIANO FOR SALE: Standard make piano near Heppner. Will sacrifice for unpaid balance. A snap. Easy terms. Write Tallman Piano Store, Salem, Ore. 28-27 Four aged fine bucks for sale. O. C. Stephens, Hardman. 24-28p For Sale 62 acres, 66 under lrrl best alfalfa land. For Information write Mrs. Flor ence Myers,1' Boardman, ure. Maternity and convalescent cases cared for in my home. Mrs. j. a. Cason. tf. 1 Black Gelding, 8 yrs., wt. 1550. 1 Brown Mare, 5 yrs., wt. 1150. 1 Bay Horse, 10 yrs., wt. 1450. 1 Black Horse, 7 yrs., wt. 1450. 1 Sorrel Horse, 10 yrs., wt. 1350. 1 Black Horse, 7 yrs., wt. 1650. 1 Brown Mare, 6 yrs., wt. 1400. 1 Brown Mare, 6 yrs., wt. 1200. 1 Brown Mare, 10 yrs., wt. 1200. 1 Bay Mare, 5 yrs., wt. 1350. 1 Bay Mare, 7 yrs., wt. 1450. 1 Black Mare, 8 yrs., wt. 1300. 1 Brown Mare, 10 yrs., wt. 1500. 1 Spotted Horse, 6 yrs., wt. 1200. 1 Sorrel Mare, 3 yrs., wt. 1100. 1 Brown Horse, 3 yrs., wt. 1150. 2 Bay Mares, 2 yrs. old. 2 Bay Horses, 2 yrs. old. 3 Mares, 1 year old. 1 Brown Mare, 7 years old. 1 Walla Walla Weeder. 2 Bar Weeders. 1 8-ft. Disk. 2 Van Brunt Hoe Drills, 6 Horse. 12 Sections Harrow. 3 Plows. 2 Deering Binders. 1 Derrick. , 2 Hay Slides and Nets. Harness, Collars and Halters. 2 Wagons and Hay Racks. 1 Wood Saw. 3 Milk Cows, 4 years old. 3 Heifers, 2 years old. 5 Short Yearlings. 2 Pigs. 3 Sows. 10 Sets Harness. . 2 Sets Butt Chain Harness. Collars, Bridles, Halters and other articles too numerous to mention. S FREE LUNCH AT NOON TERMS: STRICTLY CASH Lee Slocum V. R. Runnion OWNER AUCTIONEER GERALD SLOCUM, Clerk ,1 unc table HI PLAN YOUR All-Electric Home Laundry Now! Free! All -electric laundry plans! Do you hate the discomforts of winter launder ing ... the muss and fuss ... the extra work ? Does your family hate wet, steamy clothes hanging about to dry? When you have an all-electric home laundry, your hard work is minimized and your house re mains livable. Your electric washer, electric iron er and automatic electric water heater speed your laundering to cleanliness spare you from back breaking drudgery. Your laundry room keeps steam and laundry odors away from your family. So why not plan for your all-electric home laundry now and work toward its completion as you buy equipment ? Jeanette Cramer, well-known 9 home service advisor, has designed typical, effi cient laundries for homes here in the Northwest. Copies of her plans are free at your nearest Paci fic Power & Light Co. office. Get your copy today. For electric washers, Ironer and water heaters SEE ANY DEALER IN ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT or PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Always at Your Servict Big values now in 1936 laundry equipment! ELECTRIC WASHER The first appliance you need la your all-electric home laundry is a modern elec tric washer. The new wash ers are kind to even the most delicate fabrics, yet so efficient that every trace of dirt is quickly flushed away. Sturdy construction insures years of service. Low prices make 1936 models real bargains. ELECTRIC IRONER The next appliance you should acquire fot your laundry is an electric ironer, which takes the backache out of ironing. All you do Is sit and feed your pieces through. The ironer exerts all the presiure does all the lifting and pushing not you! And your iron ing time is cut in half. Prices on electric iron ers are very reasonable terms convenient. ELECTRIC WATER HEATER When you have an automatic electric water heater, you not only have abundant hot water for laundering, but also for every household use . . day, night, winter, summer. It's as if you have an ever-flowing hot spring in your home. Plan to install your automatic electric water heater soon. Low heater costs and our low water heat ing rats make automatic elec tric hot water service ft con venience you can easily afford. Hew Thot togKJSSiSi &