Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 10, 1936, Image 1

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OREGON H15.0"' ,
m i-iD. ORt-.
Volume 52, Number 27.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Noted Journalist, Author,
Lecturer Addresses New
Republican Club.
Heppner's Share of National Debt
r laced at $300,000; Scrapping of
Democratic Platform Cited.
Capt. S. N. Dancey, world jour
nalist, author and lecturer, laid a
fighting Irish challenge to the vot
ers of the county In an address be
fore the newly organized Morrow
County Republican club at the court
house Tuesday evening. That chal
lenge Was whether Morrow coun
tlans would vote for Roosevelt, reg
imentation and boondoggling, or
whether they would back Landon
for a return to the sound principles
of American constitutional govern
ment which secure to everyone the
right to life, liberty and pursuit of
In his discourse throughout, based
on facts which he himself uncovered
as chairman of the republican nation-wide
fact finding agency, Cap
tain Dancey refused to refer to the
present administration as "Demo
crat." The New Dealers went into
office on as fine a democratic plat
form aa was ever written, pledged
to governmental economy, less bu
reaucracy, and a balanced budget
Republicans and democrats alike
rallied to the support of the Roose
veltian banner on this platform,
evidencing the greatest unanimity
of support accorded any president
since Washington. It was that sup
port which permitted establishment
of NRA. After more than three
years in office the New Dealers
have scrapped nearly every plank
in that platform. They have In
creased the national debt to the all
time peak of 35 billions of dollars.
They have loaded the government
with bureaus and more bureaus,
many of which have payrolls far in
excess of the amount of money they
take in. Far from balancing the
national budget, they have unbal
anced it to the point where the
widest stretch of the imagination
cannot conceive of its being brought
into balance in a long long time,
and only through the heaviest bur
den of taxation ever experienced by
the American people.
The present national debt
amounts to more than $248 for ev
ery man, woman and child in the
United States. It exceeds the assess
ed valuation of all the farm lands
and farm equipment in the coun
try. If all the people were to join
a nudist colony and go without
clothes for a year, the money rep
resented would not take care of the
New Deal spending for the same
length of time.
Heppner's share of the New Deal
debt amounts to more than $300,
000. And it will have to be paid.
The democratic platform prom
ised jobs for the unemployed. At
the end of the New Dealers' three
years in office, the number of unem
ployed Is 12,300,000, an Increase in
stead of decrease. In place of in
dependent jobs in private Industry,
the New Deal has given the unem
ployed a mere subsistence dole with
no promise of anything better in
the future. It has said there must
be a large class of unemployed un
der the new order.
The only tax offered to compen
sate for the additional expenditure
so far is the corporations' surplus
tax. Cited by New Dealers as a
"soak the rich" tax, this tax has
thrown the biggest scare Into prl
vate Industry of any New Deal act
And it's not the big fellow, who can
pay it without hurting, but the lit
tle fellow who is caught. Small in
dustries who used up their surplus
capital to keep going through the
depression and who looked forward
to better times in order to make
necessary repairs and expand to
meet Increasing business are the
ones who are hit by the tax. This
class of industry, by having their
surplus capital depleted via the tax
route, faces extinction. It cannot
carry the burden. Instead of en
couraging industry, and thus pro'
vlding more jobs, this New Deal
act is resulting in more and more
With his "stream-lined" radio
voice Roosevelt said "we are wag
ing a war on entrenched greed."
By Implication he would have the
American people believe that the
New Deal is taking the wealth
awav from the millionaires and giv
ing it to the little fellow. This
while he, himself, is listed as a sub
stantial stockholder in one of our
greatest and richest corporations,
This while Immense private for
tunes have been made from New
Deal acts. If the combined wealth
of all the Morgans, Rockefellers,
DuPonts, Fords and all the other
multimillionaires were taken It
would pay for New Doal spending
for only eight months.
This was part of Captain Dan
cey's summation of facts on the
Now Deal. He cited Instances where
government1 money Is being used to
maintain the New Dealers in omce,
Ho chareed them with corrupting
at the source news emanating from
Washington, a direct threat at the
existence of a free press, one of the
greatest safeguards or democracy,
He credited Rexford O. Tugwell,
a Marxian socialist, and not Frank
(Oontnued on Pic Four)
County Club Organized, Assisted
by State, National Leaders;
Will Boost for Landon.
The first official act of the Mor
row County Republican club, or
ganized Tuesday evening at a dinner
at Hotel Heppner, was to wire
birthday greetings to Hon. Alfred
M. Landon, the republican presi
dential candidate. Mr. Landon was
43 years old yesterday. The wire
"Newly organized Republican
Club Morrow County sends birth
day felicitations to next President
United States."
Dave Eccles of Portland, state
chairman First Voters division of
the state organization; Herb Jonas
of Prinevllle, state vice-president,
and Capt. S. N. Dancey, national
campaign speaker, assisted with the
organization which resulted in elec
tion of the following officers:
Spencer Crawford, president; Mrs.
Lucy E. Rodgers, vice-president; W.
Vawter Parker, secretary; Billy
Cochell, treasurer; advisory com
mittee, S. E. Notson, J. A. Troed
son, Walter Wright Lawrence Red
ding, Mrs. Ruth B. Mason, Guy L.
Barlow, and Mrs. Elsie M. Beach.
Crawford acted as temporary chair
mna of the meeting.
Eccles outlined the purpose of the
organization to establish a militant
unit in behalf of the candidacy of
Landon for president and a rever
sion to sound American principles
of government Anyone subscrib
ing to republican principles who is
over 18 years of age is eligible to
Organization of republican forces
has been progressing like wild-fire
in the east, augmented by enroll
ment of many Jeffersonian demo
crats under the Landon banner,
Captain Dancey told the group. He
had just come west from an exten
sive speaking tour in the east
Affiliation with the group may be
had on payment of $1 membership
fee, which includes subscription to
"The Trumpeter," national publi
cation of the organization.
The local club plans to have rep
resentation at the state conven
tion In Corvallis, September 16, at
which Col. Frank Knox, vice presi
dential candidate, will be the prin
cipal speaker. A number of prom
inent national speakers are expect
ed to be sponsored here by the local
club, including Mrs. Benjamin
Franklin of Kansas, considered one
of the outstanding woman orators
of the nation.
Council Changes Meeting
Time; Asks Bills Early
Changing of its monthly meeting
from the first Monday to the mid
dle of each month, and asking that
all bills be presented by the 5th if
they are to be honored, was the
principal action of the council at
its meeting Tuesday evening. No
new developments were reported on
the water situation.
The council refused to sign an
application foi-WPA funds to as
sist in construction of a swimming
tank, as asked' for by the Lions
club committee, until exact figures
and specifications are in hand. A
sympathetic attitude toward this
course was evidenced, however.
lone Man Breaks Leg
In Automobile Accident
C. F. Feldman. lone wheatraiser,
received a fractured leg when his
car went over the grade and turned
over on the way into lone last night
He was rushed to Heppner for
treatment by a local physician. Mr,
Feldman was reported to have been
riding alone when the accident hap
Lee Slocum was in from the Sand
Hollow farm Tusday, laying plans
for an auction sale on the 16th,
when he will offer for sale all of his
farm stock and equipment. V. R.
Runnlon has been retained as auc
tioneer. Mr. and Mrs. Slocum plan
to move from the farm. A detailed
list of articles to be sold appears in
another column.
Billy Cochell has been appointed
county chairman of the First Voters
division of the Oregon Young Re
publicans club. Dave Eccles of
Portland, state head of the division,
made the appointment Tuesday eve
ning. Cochell s job will be to con
tact the young voters who will cast
their first ballots for president in
A combine with pneumatic tires?
Why not? That's what Leo Gorger,
north Lexington wheat raiser.
thought. He put the idea into prac
,tlce this season and reports a big
saving in tractor fuel, as well as se
curing much greater flexibility in
machine operation. Mr. Gorger
was in the city Friday.
Miss Dorothy Peterson arrived
Tuesday to accept the position of
home economics teacher in the high
school, being elected to the place
made vacant last Saturday by resig
nation of Miss Helen Blackaby. Miss
Peterson, whose home Is Los An
geles, is a graduate of Oregon State
Heppner lodge 358, B. P, O. Elks,
will hold its first regular fall meet
ing tonight, and a large attendance
of members Is desired.
Labor Day Tribute Given;
WPA May Aid Swim Tank
Oregon has the distinction of be
ing the first state In the Union to
endorse celebration of Labor Day
by legislative enactment, S. E. Not
son told the Lions club at its Tues
day luncheon, though the date was
set for the first Monday In June.
Colorado was the first state to set
the holiday by legislative enact
ment on the first Monday In Sep
tember, and the Oregon law was
later amended to make the holiday
n this state conform. Now every
state in the Union observes the day
the first Monday in September.
Notson gave this statistical infor
mation in paying tribute to the day
originally instituted by organized la
bor, but which has come to be rec
ognized as a day set apart to honor
all labor. The occasion is especially
fitting, said the speaker, since the
only true wealth is obtained through
application of Intelligent labor to
Dr. L. D. Tibbies reported for the
club's swimming tank committee
that a further possibility of obtain
ing the tank was revealed last week
end on the visit of district WPA
engineer Hayes to the city. He and
Harry Tamblyn, county engineer,
had gone into the ramifications of
the matter and believed that with
WPA assistance the tank could be
constructed at much less cost to
the city than would be called for
otherwise. Hayes was also report
ed as considering that WPA help
could be obtained. Whether or not
this is the 'case, Dr. Tibbies said,
the city might be justified in levy
ing a bond issue or jouw wnicn
would be sufflcent to build the tank
in case WPA did not help, and if
the government agency did help
then the money could be used for
installation of filtration plant which
could not be included in the WPA
assistance. The committee was to
confer further with the council that
Morrow on Honor List
Of Death Free Counties
Twenty counties of the state
scored perfect records in July with
no fatalities from automobile ac
cidents, reports Earl Snell, secretary
of state. Four of these counties,
Crook, Gilliam, Sherman and Wal
lowa showed a clean slate with no
listing of injuries resulting from
similar causes. The tabulation has
just been completed from accident
records supplied by county sheriffs
and city police officers.
Fatalities numbered four in Mult
nomah, Malheur and Tillamook
counties during the month, while
Deschutes and Marlon each con
tributed three to the death score.
Columbia, Hood River, and Uma
tilla had two each, and one fatality
occurred in Baker, Grant, Jackson,
Lincoln, Linn, Polk, Wasco, and
Washington, bringing the total for
the state to 32 deaths.
Crook was the only county of the
state to report no accidents during
the entire month. Car crashes re
sulted in 729 injuries In July and
3,033 accident were recorded.
The 20 counties on the honor list
are: Benton, Clackamas, Clatsop,
Coos, Crook, Curry, Douglas, Gil
liam, Harney, Jefferson, Josephine,
Klamath, Lake, Lane, Morrow,
Sherman, Union, Wallowa, Wheel
er, and Yamhill.
Bank Will Entertain
Clubbers at Exposition
Two 4-H club members In Mor
row county will be given an oppor
tunity to attend the Pacific Inter
national this fall as guests of The
First National Bank of Portland,
according to an announcement
made public this week by E. L.
Morton, manager of the Heppner
branch of the Portland bank.
The First National is sponsoring
a 4-H club competition In Portland
and in Multnomah, Clatsop, Tilla
mook, Coos, Klamath, Wheeler,
Washington, Sherman, Morrow,
Marion, Jackson, Linn, Wasco,
Lake, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa,
Malheur, Deschutes and Gilliam
counties. The boy and girl win
ning in each of these club districts
will be brought to Portland, all ex
penses paid, as guests of The First
National for a three-day visit at the
Livestock International.
H. C. Seymour, state club direct
or, is working out details for a com
petition in which one boy and one
girl will be selected In this county
for their outstanding leadership and
achievement In club activities.
Deer Hunting Season
To Open September 20
The news is out at last fellows,
The deer hunting season will open
at sunrise, Sunday, Sept. 20. The
game commission was slow in re
leasing the opening date this year,
and there has been a look of ex
pectancy on many faces which will
be greatly relieved by the news.
Hunting of native pheasants and
grouse starts today, the release says
Heppner CCC camp will have a
holiday tomorrow when four trucks
will take 100 men to Pendleton for
the Round-Up. The remainder of
the men will attend Saturday. It
la necessary for 50 men to remain
In camp on lire duty.
Chas. W. Smith, former county
agent and now assistant state coun
ty agent leader, was a visitor In the
city today.
MEN WANTED for nearby Raw-
leigh Routes of 800 families. Write
Rawlelgh's, Dept ORI-84-SB, Oak
land, Calif.
127 Registered in High
School, and 199 in the
Grades; All Set.
Coach Tetz Has Squad of Twenty;
To Play Fossil 18th;, Smith
Hughes Work in Demand.
Heppner's youth was smiling and
happy as it traipsed to school bright
and early Tuesday morning for the
beginning of the new term, full of
enthusiasm for the year's work. In
the grades 199 boys and girls were
enrolled, while in the high school
there were 127, reports Alden Blan
kenship, superintendent The num
ber in high school exactly equals
the enrollment at the start last year,
while the grade enrollment was just
five lesa
By classes the enrollment figures
given are, high school: seniors 29,
juniors 26, sophomores 32, fresh
men 36, and post graduates 4; grade
school, 1st 27, 2nd 26, 3rd 22, 4th 20,
fifth 24, 6th 23, 7th 28, and 8th 29.
Exceptional interest was indicated
in the newly installed Smith-Hughes
work with 31 enrolled in the two
classes. Typing was also especial
ly attractive with all machines
filled for the regular classes, and
some assignments necessary at ex
tra periods.
The full staff of teachers reported
at the opening with the exception
of Miss Dorothy Peterson, home
economics, who reported for the
first time today. Miss Lulu Earn
hardt of Pendleton substituted for
Miss-Peterson until her arrival.
Immediate interest was taken In
extra-curricular activities of which
football now holds the center of the
stage. Coach Tetz had a squad of
20 at the first practice which he is
busily rounding into shape for the
first game slated here on the 18th
with Fossil. Only five lettermen
are in this year's squad, making
much green material to work over.
The lettermen are Len Gilman, Ri
ley Munkers, William McCaleb, Nor
ton King and Don Turner. Fred
Hoskins, Jr., a transfer from lone,
Is reported by thauoach to be show
ing up well.
Senator J. G. Barratt
Governor's Fair Guest
Senator J. G. Barratt attended the
state fair yesterday as the guest of
Governor Charles Martin, being ac
corded a place in the governor's
box during the celebration of Gov
ernor's day at the fair. Mr. Bar
ratt left Heppner by car Tuesday
evening. He expressed pleasure at
the prospect of being the governor's
guest, considering the invitation a
high honor.
In the last legislative session, Mr.
Barratt was loyal to the governor's
legislative program. Though he
failed to receive endorsement of the
republican voters of the district for
nomination to the seat he now
holds, he is not sorry for the warm
place he gained in the heart of the
state's executive.
Plans are being made for a benefit
tea for the library on Sept. 19. At
the meeting of the Women's Topic
club last Saturday afternoon a
committee was appointed to arrange
for a place which will be announced
later. It was also decided to open
the library on Tuesday and Friday
afternoons from two until five in
stead of Tuesday and Saturday as
The topic for the club meeting
Saturday was "Caves" and interest
ing descriptions of Carlsbad and
Mammoth caves were given by the
committee. The Everglades of
Florida were also described. Mrs.
Eppa Ward presented a short pro
gram of entertainment at the close
of the study hour. Refreshments
were served. Hostesses were Mrs.
Ruth Rietmann, Mrs. Vera Riet-
mann, Mrs. Ruth Mason, and Mrs.
Laxton McMurniy, at whose home
the meeting was held. ,
Cole E. Smith underwent a major
operation at a hospital in Tacoma
last week from which he is reported
to be recovering satisfactorily.
Mr. and Mrs. i.rnest Christopher
son and family returned Saturday
from a delightful vacation trip to
the coast.
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Parker and
family who have made their home
during the past two years on the
Mahoney ranch near Morgan have
moved to a farm near Albany.
Mr. and Mis. George Kitchlng
are moving with their family to a
farm near Albany. The Kitchings
have lived on the Hutchcroft place
northwest of lone for several years
but have decided this country Is
too dusty for thorn after being in
the severe blows of last spring.
A pot luck supper was given at
Morgan Inst Saturday night at the
I. O. O. F. hull for the people of
that community who are leaving.
Mr. and Mrs. Esper Hansen of
Portland took advantage of the
double holiday to spend the past
week end at the home of Mrs. Han
sen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Mrs. Helen Long and daughter,
(Continued on Page Four)
Pioneer County Resident
Dies at Home in Eugene
Mrs. Louize D. Dickey, known in
Morrow county as Louize Peck and
later as Louize Dorman, mother of
Burton H. and George N. Peck of
Lexington, died at the Northwest
Christian home in Eugene last Mon
day, Sept. 7. Mrs. Dickey was a
resident of this county for 37 years.
She was a woman of strong char
acter, and loved by all who knew
her. She was always active in
church work in the Baptist and
Christian churches.
Funeral services were held yes
terday from the Veatch chapel in
Eugene, with Dr. S. E. Childers of
ficiating. Interment was in the new
I. O. O. F. cemetery there. The Lex
ington sons were in attendance. The
following obituary is taken from
Tuesday's Eugene Register-Guard;
Mrs. Louize D. Dickey, 76, was
born December 25, 1860, at Sun
bury, Ohio, and spent her girlhood
there. She was married to Henry
I. Peck, March 3, 1878, and Mr. Peck
died October 10, 1888. Children
born to them included Burton H.
Peck of Lexington, Loto B. Callo
way of Corvallis, and Thursday May
and Clair Peck, deceased.
In May, 1894, she married Clin
ton N. Peck of Lexington, and ho
died September 17, 1899. George N.
Peck was born to this union. Sep
tember 12, 1890, she was married to
Thomas J. Dorman of lone, and
Mr. Dorman died April 1, 1923. She
married Woodbury M. Dickey of
Eugene, August 1, 1929, and he sur
vives her. Two si9ters, Mrs. Charles
Wormwell of Marion, Ohio, and
Mrs. Fannie Cupp of Sunbury,
Ohio, also survive. Mrs. Dickey
was a member of the First Chris
tian church of Eugene.
Grange Activity Starts
With Full Schedule
The months of September and
October are scheduled to be very
busy ones for grangers of Morrow
county. A number of the subor
dinate granges are now practicing
drills for seating the officers, said
drills to be used in competitive con
test when the state grange officers
hold council meeting at Boardman
October 12th.
County grange council meeting
will be held at Lexington Saturday,
September 19th.
Willows grange will entertain the
Morrow County Pomona at their
hall at Cecil Saturday, October 3rd
at which time there will be a con
tinuation of the officers' contest In
ritualistic work. The Overseer's
charge in the 4th degree will be
the contest subject for this Pomona
Booster night September 30th,
will be celebrated by the granges
al over the nation. It is possible
several granges of Morrow county
will have Booster programs, which
are always open to the public.
September meeting of Willows
grange H. E. club will be at the
home of Mrs. Roxy Krebs at Cecil
on the 3rd Friday of the month,
September 18th.
Gilliam County Fair
Offers Variety Show
Rodeo, donkey ball and carnival
attractions have been booked by the
Gilliam county fair committee for
its annual fair entertainment pro
gram Thursday, Friday and Sat
urday, September 17, 18 and 19, ac
cording to word received here.
Clarence Warren is providing the
rodeo stock and the donkeys are
those that performed under direc
tion of Jack Bartlett here a few
months ago.
The double-header program, last
ing three hours, is expected to at
tract a much larger crowd to the
fair than usual, reports its man
agement. Although the donkeys
were there in July a return en
gagement is expected to attract
many of those who saw them before
and also others from a distance.
The fair proper will feature a
grain show, exhibits of livestock,
farm crops, 4-H clubs and home
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wright left for
The Dalles the last of the week.
Mrs. Wright who has been ill will
consult a specialist.
Mrs. Ed Rugg and son Fred are
visiting relatives in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Anderson left
for Portland Friday. Miss Flor
ence Bergstrom accompanied them.
Miss Dorothy Anderson and
friend, Miss Wilma Tague, visited
at the Harley Anderson home last
Miss Velma Huston left for Elk
ton, Ore., to teach school again this
year. .
Mrs. Beulah Bell and small son
are visiting in Westport.
Mary Bethke, who has made her
home with the Batty family for sev
eral years, has gone to Portland to
attend high school.
Miss Oleta Neill, new teacher at
Eight Mile, opened her school Mon
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Becket
left for Albany Friday whre Mrs.
Becket will teach this year.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Huston and
son Miller and family visited rela
tives in Albany last week.
Dorothy Dell Crites, small niece
of Harley Anderson, is visiting at
his home.
H. E. C. will meet Sept 17 at the
hall. All members are urged to be
present and bring their paint
Booster night wll be observed lat
the grange hall Sept. 26th with a
supper at 6 o'clock. This is a Hobo
party. Prize for the best costume
worn all evening. Each member
to bring a prospective member.
Three Plead Guilty in Justice Court
to Cutting Griswold Timber;
Mistake Admitted.
The names of a number of prom
inent Eight Mile men were drawn
into the mesh of an investigation
being made this week by M. C. Grls
wold of Portland of alleged theft
of timber from his holdings south
of Hardman. Caught in the mesh
were Carl Leathers, Charley and
Kinnard McDaniel of Hardman,
who plead guilty in justice court to
the charge of simple larceny of tim
ber, and were fined $25 each, $10 of
which was paid and the other $15
left on parole.
The Hardman men admitted be
fore Justice Fred Lucas that they
had cut timber on Griswold land,
though 'only Leathers admitted he
knew the land belonged to the Port
land man. Charley McDaniel had
assisted Leathers on the saw while
on the way to his traps one day.
The Eight Mile men whose names
were brought into the case, admit
ted cutting timber in the vicinity,
but believed they had cut it off gov
ernment land. They had secured
permits from the local forester and
thought they had followed his di
rections as to the proper location.
One of the men involved accom
panied Griswold and party to the
place where he cut the timber and
showed them the marked stumps.
On being shown the corner stone
and seeing the line surveyed, he
admitted he had made a mistake.
Griswold appeared before the dis
trict attorney and demanded the
arrest of all those whose names
were involved, which the district
attorney refused because of insuf
ficient showing of criminal Intent
Some of the men involved offered a
S. E. Notson, district attorney,
said the matter would be presented
before the next grand jury for in
vestigation. Griswold alleges theft of timber
from his lands has been taking
place for several years, and he is
determined to stop it He says that
trespass signs put up several times
have been removed, and he is of
fering a reward of $25 to anyone
giving information leading to ar
rest and conviction of the person or
persona who have removed them.
Harry Peterson Injured
By Accidental Gun Shot
Harry Peterson was brought to
Heppner Tuesday morning for
treatment for shotgun wounds re
ceived when his father accidentally
discharged a shotgun in his di
rection. The two were hunting a
hawk on the Peterson farm, and
Harry had gone over the creek bank
into the brush to scare it out. When
the bird arose his father shot at it,
not knowing that Harry was In the
line of fire.
The shot spattered Harry from
the hips up, though none hit a vital
spot After emergency treatment
at a doctors' office, he was taken to
Morrow General hospital where he
is being treated against possible In
fection. Water Ditch Altercation
Results in Man's Arrest
Jerome O'Connor, Rhea creek
rancher, was treated at a local phy
sician's office yesterday evening for
head injury, and Lotus Robison,
neighbor, was put under $500 bond
as the result of an altercation over
a water ditch, in which Robison Is
alleged to have hit O'Connor on the
head with a large rock.
O'Connor said he was in the ditch
when Robison struck him with the
rock. The scalp lacerations which
resulted required several stitches
to close.
Ruth chapter 32, Order of East
ern Star, will meet tomorrow eve
ning at Masonic hall. Mrs. Lena
Cox, worthy matron, requests mem
bers to please attend and assist
with program of vacation reports.
C. A. Carrella, clnematographer
from the Bureau of Motion Pictures,
United States department of agri
culture, Washington, D. C; Byran
G. Shroder, motion picture direct
or, and J. W. Baylor from the SC3
regional office, Spokane, were vis
itors at the local CCC camp last
week. These men were here to take
motion pictures of SCS work done
in the Heppner area and also of
the blow land and range In this
vicinity. The pictures, made for
the U. S. D. A., are to be shown to
schools, civic groups and CCC
camps for educational information.
Lt and Mrs. Louis P. Tormey
are away on a twenty-one day
leave. Lt. Tormey is- on a seven
day march with the Tenth Field
artillery which will take him thru
Bend, Klamath Falls, Medford and
Eiiirene. While Lt. Tormey is on
, this maneuver, Mrs. Tormey will
visit her parents In Albany, and la
ter she and Lt. Tormey will visit a
few of the Oregon beach resorts.
J. R. Johnson of Wasco was In
town today, closing a deal wherebj
he sold his Boardman land to Elvln
L. Ely. Mr. Johnson was accom
panied by his son.
I will pay $25 reward for Infor
mation that will lead to the arrest
and conviction of the person or per
sons who destroyed the "No Tres
pass" signs on our property in Mor
row county. M. C. GRISWOLD,
Mallory Hotel, Portland, Ore. 27-28
Ten 4-H Members Attend
With County Agent and
Make Good Showing.
Two Firsts and Other Places Taken
with Nine Animals; Delegation
Will Return Tomorrow.
Ten Morrow county 4-H club
members and their livestock made
the trip to Salem to attend the Or
egon state fair. The club members
left Sunday with Joe Belanger,
county agent making the trip on
Orville Cutsforths truck.
With the judging completed, Mor
row county may well be proud of
the showing made by the clubbers.
The nine sheep shown won two 1st
places, one 2nd place, two 3rd places,
two 4th places ,and one 7th place.
The one heifer shown placed 6th In
her class.
Opal Cool and Marlon Krebs put
on an excellent demonstration of
the steps in making yarn, starting
with a tied fleece and finishing with
yarn which they made on a spinning
wheel. It is too early to learn how
their demonstration placed in com
Following is a detailed account
of the showing made by the Mor
row county club members:
In the fine wool ewe lamb class,
Morrow county won the first four
places with Gordon OBrien first,
Malcolm O'Brien second, Guy Moore
third, and Pat O'Brien fourth. Ell
wynne Peck won first with his fine
wool yearling ewe. Jack Van Win
kle placed third in the Lincoln mar
ket lamb class. In the Hampshire
class, Ellwynne Peck placed fourth
with his yearling ewe and Guy
Moore won seventh with his mar
ket lamb. Maude Cool won sixth
with her Jersey junior yearling
The club members will leave early
Monday morning for Heppner. The
following are the names of those
making the state fair trip this year:
Guy Moore, Malcolm O'Brien, Gor
don O'Brien, Pat O'Brien, Ralph
Neill, Ellwynne Peck, Jack Van
Winkle, Opal Cool, Maude Cool and
Marion Krebs. ' v
Adkins Family Tendered
Farewell Party by Friends
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Adkins and
family and Mrs. Alice Adkins, long
time Morrow county residents, were
bid a sad adieu Tuesday evening at
the Methodist church parlors when
many friends met to bid them God
speed on removal from this city.
They left yesterday for Cottage
Grove to make their home In the
The Adkins family is among pio
neer families of this county, having
resided for many years In the Rhea
creek section, though the home was
removed to Heppner some twenty
years ago. The large turn-out of
friends at Tuesday evening's fare
well party was a fitting tribute to
the place of love and respect they
claimed in the heart of the commu
nity. A pot-luck dinner and gen
eral get-together featured the party.
Harry Duncan Is enjoying a visit
this week with his brother, Walter
S. Duncan of Hollywood, who ar
rived Sunday evening to stay until
after the Pendleton Round-Up
which he will take In this week end.
Walter is an automobile salesman
in the movie metropolis where he
has been located for a number of
years. This is his first visit to
Heppner though he has been in Ore
gon on previous occasions. He was
looking forward to the Round-Up
for his first view of a real western
show, for which attendance at a few
of Hoot Gibson's rodeos on his
Hollywood rancho had given him
an appetite. Harry returned home
last week from a ten-day stay at
the coast where he recuperated
from a recent illness and is now
feeling much better.
Not many men past the 70-year
mark go out to the timber to cut
their own wood, and W. G. McCar
ty, former mayor of the city, sets a
tough mark for many a younger
man to shoot at by doing just that
Mr. McCarty left town Tuesday af
ternoon for his cabin In the timber,
pulling a trailer behind the old
Buick, expecting to cut up a sup
ply of wood befot he returned.
"Mac" is on the shady side of sev
enty, but ties not willing to quit
He says he feels better when he
gets out and works some of the fat
off. Occasionally he is assisted by
his brother-in-law, R. W, Turner,
another of those sturdy pioneers
who still have the sand to make
things go, even though the weight
of many years makes the task a
little harder.
The Add-A-Stitch club met yes
terday afternoon at the homo of
Ordrie Gentry for their regular bus
iness session. Door prizes were won
by Irene Padberg and Ordrie Gen
try. Present were Nina Snyder,
Irene Padberg, Zella Dufault, Ell
Cowins, Jennie Booher and Ordrie
Gentry. An all-day quilting party
will be held at the Gentry home
next Wednesday, with pot-luck din
ner at 11:30.