HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUG. 27, 1936. John W. Maidment of Lone Rock was, a guest at Hotel Heppner the first of the week. Mr. Maidment. pioneer sheepman of the Lone Rock section, was in Heppner to deliver four truckloada of lambs whicn made part of a shipment of four cars from the local yards Monday evening. In days gone by he was a frequent visitor here but of late years "is calls have been less fre auent. If a good road were built into the Lone Rock section from Heppner, Mr. Maidment and many others from there would make reg ular visits to this city. Miss Minnie Blair Normoyle, niece or Mr. and Mrs. Lee Beckner of lone, is appearing In an Important role in two of the plays being pre sented at the Fifty-seventh Street Playhouse, 316 West Fifty-seventh street, New York. The plays given each night this week mark the close of the summer school of The Fea gin School of Dramatic Art, where Miss Normoyle has been a student. Miss Normoyle also gave a group of songs in recital at the school. Ben Buschke, Heppner flat far mer, was shopping around the county seat Saturday. Mr. Bus chke is in the midt of harvesting a 600-acre field of wheat which is running about 14 bushels to the acre. He was making inquiries about the Rodeo and plans to lay off harvesting at least part of the show. He expects to have the grain all in the sack about Sep tember 5 or 6. Mrs. Winnie Stewart and daugh ter of Island county, Washington, were visitors during the past week at the home of Ernest Smith and family in the north Lexington dis trict. As a girl, Mrs. Stewart at tended school at Lexington when S. E. Notson was principal. She and her daughter left Sunday for their home, accompanied by Harding Smith, who will attend school there this winter. William O'Rourke of Pendleton was greeting Heppner friends on Monday. O'Rourke, now a success ful creamery operator in the Round Up city, formerly resided in Hepp ner and has many acquaintances here who are always glad to see him. Garbed in Round-Up attire, he was putting in a word for the big western classic which annually draws thousands of visitors to Pen dleton. Mrs. Edward Green returned to Portland Sunday after a visit of several days wtih her mother, Mrs. M. L. Curran. Mrs. Curran drove to Arlington with her daughter and they were accompanied by Mrs. D. Lillivand of Long Beach, Cal who has been a guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. Henry Cohn. Frank Gabler, former resident of Heppner, is enjoying a thriving gar age business in Monument, where he has been located several years. Frank runs a small confectionery business in connection with the garage where the thirsty traveler may quench his thirst and acquire sweets and other delicacies. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Morgan and Mrs. Winnie Bibby of Hillsboro were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Clark. Mrs. Morgan, who was Laura Clark, graduated from Heppner high school and later taught in the grades here. The party returned to Hillsboro Monday afternoon. Cletus Nichols, who has been farming the J. J. Wells place, has accepted a job In a Corvallis gar age and he and Mrs. Nichols de parted for the college town yester day. Nichols Is an expert body and fender man and will have charge of that department in the new situation. Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Snyder return ed Sunday from a pleasant two weeks vacation spent at Seaside. They report delightful weather at the beach and in Portland, where they made a short visit j John Anglin and family returned Saturday from a two weeks vaca tion trip which took them to Seat tle and down the Oregon coast and Redwood highways to a point be low Eureka, Cal. County Commissioner George Peck was in Heppner Monday on business matters. He brought In a cargo of plums which were read ily taken by local merchants. Want Ads Lost Small gold forest service badge; reward. Return to this office. PIANO FOR SALE: Standard make piano near Heppner. Will sacrifice for unpaid balance. A snap. Easy terms. Write Tallman Piano Store, Salem, Ore. 25-27 Four aged fine bucks for sale. O. C. Stephens, Hardman. 24-28p For Sale Good cow, just fresh, and calf. Chris Brown, city. 24-25. Peaches Albertas, Hales, Mulrs. Ready now at the W. T. Bray Ranch, Umatlla, Ore. 23-24. Will trade wood for 30-30 carbine. Homer Tucker, Heppner. 23-24p. Wanted girl 20-25 for housekeep ing. Must be good housekeeper & cook. Good wages. Answer Pen dleton P. O. Box 697. For Sale At a bargain, 8-room house and 4 acres of land in the city limits of Heppner. Inquire at Green's Feed store. 22-25. For Sale Range Btove, battery radio, 11 doz. fruit jars. Tom Bey mer, city. 22-23pd. For Sale 62 acres, 56 under irri gation; buildings; best alfalfa land. For Information write Mrs. Flor ence Myers, Boardman, Ore. Maternity and convalescent cases cared for in my hotre. Mrs. J. B. Cason. 6tf. Mrs. Harry Storey and daughter Ruth of Sardis, British Columbia are guests of relatives in Heppner this week. Mrs. Storey was Grace Hager, and she is visiting Miss Lu lu Hager, and the J. O. Hager and Dr. A. D. McMurdo families. This is Mrs. Storey's first visit to the old home town in 26 years and she finds many changes. J. Frank Barlow and son Guy, service station operators of Board man, were transacting business in Heppner, Saturday. Frank has been taking life a little easier the last few months, a move made nec essary by a breakdown in health. He is feeling better now and has spent considerable time with his garden. Mrs. O. C. Groshong and daugh ter, Helen, and son, James, and Bert Heeman were Sunday guests of Mrs. M. L. Curran. Their home is in White Salmon, Wash. Lee Scrivner and family were in Heppner Tuesday from the Demo crat Gulch farm. Lee had just finished threshing and reports a good yield. J. J. Wells and son Tom spent the fore part of .the week in Port land on business. They drove to the city Sunday, returning Wed nesday. E. J. Merrill, Hardman farmer and civic leader, was looking after business matters in the county seat Monday. Hy Hoffman of Boardman was looking after business matters and visiting friends in Heppner Satur day. Will take care of children during Rodeo. Mrs. Casha Shaw, city. HARDMAN By LUCILLE FARRENS Mrs. Beulah Bell visited her bro ther and sister-in-law last week. Zetta Bleakman went to work at the Jim Hams farm the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Lovgren were visiting friends and relatives here Sunday. Mrs. LaVelle Hams, Mrs. W. H. Farrens, Dolly Farrens and Mildred McDaniel were shopping in Hepp ner Saturday . Mr. and Mrs. Bill DeVore and grandson, Dale DeVore, of Pendle ton were visiting Bill's father, B. F. DeVore, over the week end. Mrs. Frank Howell returned to Monument the first of the week. She has spent most of the summer here. John Howell and Sophia Cox and daughter were visiting friends here Wednesday. Mrs. Ada Cannon and daughters motored to Pendleton Wednesday. Miss Muriel Farrens is spending the week at the Frank Young home near lone. Vern McDaniel is spending a few dnys visiting at the Cannon home. Archie and Grace Leathers, and Mann Neal spent a few days here last week visiting friends and rel atives. Mrs. Wes Stevens and Lois were visited in Heppner Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond McDon ald went to Heppner Saturday to consult a physician about an injured hand Raymond had received work ing at Roy Robinson's ranch. Josephine Mahoney, democratic candidate for county clerk, was campaigning here Monday. Delsie Chapel cleaned house Sat urday, getting the rooms ready for Mr. Tompkins, the primary teach er in the Hardman school. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Fisk motored up from Arlington Sunday to get their daughter, Marlene, who has been spending the week with her grandmother, Mrs. C. H. McDaniel. Mrs. Jim Burnside, Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Chapel and Mrs. Ted Burn side, attended the 25th wedding an niversary celebration at the Clyde Swift home. Mr. and Mrs. Swift received a lovely set of silverware, presented by relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Burnside and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Burnside mo tored to The Dalles Thursday. Mrs. Owen Leathers is visiting FRESH FRUITS and Vegetables give Springtime zest to our menu. Fresh Strawberries with rich cream or in delicious shortcake Fried Chicken Elkhorn Restaurant ED CIIINN, Prop. her husband at the Ant Hill lookout station. Ruth Nyland, Miss Morris and William Robison visited friends here Sunday. Pat Bleakman is working for Mrs. Lawrence Flemming this week. Mrs. Sam McDaniel, Jr., is work ing for Mrs. Ray Wright while she is ill. Darrel Farrens took a bunch of horsse to Heppner Saturday for the Rodeo. A large group of folks from here attended the Rodeo tryouts and the theater in Heppner Sunday. Duff McKitrick, Darrel Farrens and Darold Hams rode in the try outs. These boys think they have some tough buckers as none of the three was able to ride his mount. Mrs. Lewis Batty and Nels Knigh ten were in Heppner Friday. Mrs. Batty received a cut on her leg from a saw which had been left in the back of a car in the garage. She was consulting a physician about the wound. Mrs. R. L. Page and family came over Monday from Mt Hood and are staying at the home of Mrs. Page's uncle, Fan Miller. They ex pect to stay until after the Rodeo. Mrs. Jim Mams, Mrs. Frank Mc Daniel and Miss Dolly Farrens were shopping in Heppner Saturday. Leon Chapin and Delbert Robi son are working for Glenn Farrens this week. BOARDMAN By LA VERN BAKER Pat Healy was taken to the hos pital last Wednesday at Pendleton. It was found he had spinal menin gitis. He is reported doing nicely now. Miss Betty McKenzie is visiting Virginia Compton this week. Mae Wurster of Umatilla is vis iting Elizabeth Slanger. John Jenkins made a trip to Se attle last we-ik and returnedetao attle last week, bringing Mrs. Jen kins home with him. Mr. and Mrs. Downs are moving to Portland this week. They were living on the Clarence Berger place. Mr. and Mrs. McKutchen have bought the King place and intend to move soon. Mrs. McKutchen Is Mrs. Fisher's sister. Mrs. S. A. Erickson visited at the Lubbes and Baker homes last week. Barbara Markoskl is home from normal school for a short vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Barlow and son of Eugene are visiting friends and relatives here this week. Frank Ackerman spent the week end in Boardman. Mr. and Mrs. Nate Macomber re turned last week from a fishing trip on Rogue river. The Ed, Ray and J. F. Barlow and Coats families motored to Lex ington for Sunday. Miss Jeanette Turner hs resigned her position as high school teacher at Boardman. Harlan Lundell and Nels Kris tensen made a trip to Ritter last week where Mr. Kristensen looked at his sheep. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Macomber are visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. Nate Macomber. Peter Farley and Harlan Lundell took a load of watermelons to The Dalles Tuesday. The Townsend club' are having a picnic next Sunday at Warner's STATE FAIR PARI-MUTUEL HORSE RACES Every Afternoon but Sunday Night Horse Show with Kellogg Arabians and Platoon Cavalry added features Outstanding Exhibits Amusements and Free Entertainment ADMISSION 30 CENTS Children Under 14 Free camp ground. Dinner begins at 11:30 and program at 1:30. Every one is invited. Dave Johnson visited on the pro ject over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Black, Naomi, Marvin and Ralph went to Astoria last week. Mrs. Thorp's granddaughter is visiting her. PINE CITY By LENNA NEILL Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neill and Guy Moore motored to Salem Friday to attend the wedding of Miss Alma Neill, who became the bride of El don Kenton of Salem, at the home of Rev. Guy Drill Saturday eve ning at eight o'clock. The young couple will make their home at Salem. C. H. Bartholomew returned on Sunday afternoon from Washington where he has been looking after his sheep. Mr. Bartholomew plans on shipping his sheep to Chicago the latter part of the week. Miss Neva Neill accepted a po sition the first of the week to teach the first grade in the Heppner schools for this coming year. Mrs. Ollie Neill and daughters moved to Heppner Tuesday where they will occupy the Bartholomew house. Miss Mabel Rauch is staying at the E. R. Wattenburger home for a while. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wattenburger and E. B. Wattenburger went to Prosser, Wash.. Saturday and re turned home with 13 .boxes of peaches. John Healy was a business visitor in Pendleton Saturday. Mrs. Marion Finch and daughters Betty and Patty attended a home economics meeting at the home of Mrs. Rose French. H. E. Young and son Lowell went to Yakima Monday after peaches. Mrs. Ollie Neill and daughters, Neva, Oleta and Lenna, were vis itors at the T. J. O'Brien home Fri day afternoon. Donald Plourd of near Pendleton is visiting at the home of his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jarmon were callers at the Jim Daly home Sun day. Excellent results from the use of Gazette Times Want Ads are re ported to us each wepk. TREAT WITH NEW IMPROVED1 CERES AN J w Controls stinking smut Checks seed rotting and seedling blight Improves and increases yields Farmers! Here's a way to protect your wheat crop against stinking smut and your wheat profit against smut dockage for less than 3 an acre! Just dust-treat your seed with New Improved CERESAN. Recommended by the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture and Experiment Station authorities. Easy to use. And highly effective. Checks both seed rotting and seed ling blight; reduces seed-borne stink ing smut; has increased yields an average of 1.13 bushels an acre even on clean seed. Quickly applied. One-half ounce per bushel costs only 2 cents. No drill damage. Controls stripe and covered smut of BARLEY and smuts of OATS. Has produced a 6 average yield increase on barley and 18 on oats in practical farm testsl One lb., 75; 5 lbs., $3.00. Send a postcard for Cereal Pamphlet and free blueprints cheap way to make a rotary or gravity treatcr from old oil drum to the Bayer-Scmesan Co., Inc., Wilmington, Delaware. mmmm 5 2 In I n -i 5 Dl w ta r o 3 CD p O. p " 1 - re O Q. P r a g 2. i O.3. p M, 0 H 1 1 o S. 3 p K a M W P p s S 1 SI I' 1 o 4 ' 3 3 sr. p I 3 C P 2, Q. a ft a, Bf s 8 o B c g-g S 3g.3 tn 2 n a r Ul m m 7 (l Q - CD O For Top Prices SHIP YOUR LIVESTOCK to Albright Commission Co. NORTH PORTUND, ORE. Salesmanship, Service and Satisfaction American Boy Offers World of Adventure During the coming year AMERI CAN BOY stories will take readers into thundering transport planes, into Annapolis and through the Caribbean with the Navy, into the soundless tangles of Georgia's Oke fenokee swamp, and even into an imaginary future of space ships, strange machines and science. All are swift-moving, instructive and gripping. There'll be stories of the true ad ventures of David Irwin, the young man who, for many years, alone, wandered across the arctic barrens by dog team, going months without seeing a human being and eating only frozen fish. And there'll be Roscoe Turner's inside story of the famous London-to-Melbourne air race. There'll be advice on hobbies, sports tips from famous coaches and players, suggestions on money earning and low-cost travel, and articles on dog training, nature's oddities and tomorrow's airplanes. There'll be stories about the fa vorite characters of a million boy Bonehead Tierney, detective; Square Jaw Davis, engineer; Hide rack, the red-gold collie; Allan Kane, scientist; and Lee, midship man. THE AMERICAN BOY cosU only $1 a year, or $2 for three years, for eign subscriptions 50 cents a year extra. Send your name, address and remittance to THE AMERI CAN BOY, 7430 Second Blvd., De troit, Mich. Service will start with the issue you specify. On news stands, 10 cents a copy. Welcome, RODEO Visitors This store joins with the citizens of Heppner in extending cordial greetings to the hundreds who come to enjoy the festivities of the annual gala occasion The Heppner Rodeo For each and every one we wish a good time and may this year's show be the best one ever. M. D. Clark that cook themselves while qoure awai CHICKEN DINNER Stewed Chicken and Dumplings Sweet Pickle Relish Buttered Peas Orange Jelly Roll Coffee COUNTRY SUPPER Oven Fried Chicken Riced Potatoes Mint Butter Carrots Blueberry Betty Coffee HOTPOINT DINNER Vegetable Soup Baked Ham with Sweet Potatoes Green Beans Corn Bread Cherry Pit Coffee DOWN EAST LUNCH Baked Beans An Gratm Brown Bread Cabbage Relish Baked Spiced Applet Coffet Now you can do away with the hot job of summer cooking yet never do without a hot meal. Incred ible? It's true. Science now gives you a new miracle of electricity "Absent Cooking". You place your entire meal from meat to des sertin a cold oven, set the time and temperature controls, and leave the house if you wish. Return just before dinner and your meal is ready. Even if your electric range doesn't have a time control, its temperature control will free you from all oven watching while your meal is cooking. Another nFtonishing fact is that kitchen tempera ture is raised only about 1 during the cooking of an entire meal. Electric cooking is cool cooking! Visit any dealer's or our nearest office today and see the wonderful new electric ranges on display. L IL3 , Electric ranges are very reason ably priced. And you may purchase yours on convenient terms. The operating cost is very reasonable, too, with low-cost Pacific Power & Light Company electricity. r&i . J, ( GEE...'s swell to have hot water all the timet Plentiful hot water whenever you turn a faucet, day or night, winter or summer, cer tainly is a joy. And you can have it by in stalling an automatic electric water heater. Then you won't be dependent on range or furnace coils. You won't have to heat up your kitchen or your house every time you need hot water for baths, laundering or any other purpose. Ask about our attractive water heating rate today. SEE ANY DEALER IN ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT or PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Always at Youe Service