Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 20, 1936, Image 1

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Subscription $2.00 a Year
Volume 52, Number 24,
Upper Butter Creek Prop
erty Passes into Hands
of Heppner Man.
Receiver for Farmers and Stock
growers National Bank Awaits
Comptroller's Approval
One of the largest real estate
deals of recent years was consum
mated in Heppner this week when
the Hayes ranch on Butter creek
was purchased by J. G. Barratt,
local sheepman. The deal was made
through J. L. Gault, receiver for
the Farmers and Stockgrowers Na
tional bank. Mr. Gault declined to
confirm the amount of the consid
eration until the sale is approved
by the comptroller at Washington,
but it is curently reported to be
around $25,000, making it one ot
the largest real estate sales made
for some time in Morrow county.
The ranch in question is that
owned and operated for many years
by Joseph M. Hayes. It is located
about 24 miles east of Heppner
on upper Butter creek and consists
of 4980 acres.. It is a well improved
stock ranch with a good stand of
alfalfa, some grain land, and excel
lent foothill grazing land.
Mr. Barratt states that while he
has taken over the property in his
name no immediate change in the
plan of operations of W. B. Barratt
& Son is contemplated. The opera
tions will be extended to include
this place, which, with the added
feed volume will help solve some
of the grazing problems with which
they are now confronted.
Sale of the Hayes ranch consti
tutes the third important transac
tion closed by Mr. Gault in the last
30 days, the other sales being those
of the First National bank building
to the First National Bank of
Portland, and the Ford garage
building to Ferguson Motor com
pany. The consideration of the
three deals is in excess of $40,000,
All were properties of the Farm
ers and Stockgrowers National
bank except the bank building,
which was part of the assets of the
First National bank of Heppner,
also being liquidated by Mr. Gault.
John Hiatt Upsets Car
On Heppner Hill Grade
John Hiatt had a narrow escape
from serious injury Tuesday eve
ning when a car he was driving ran
off the grade near the Art Gemmell
place on Heppner hill and upset
The car turned over at least three
times and landed bottom side up.
Hiatt was on his way to the Earl
Hunt ranch where he is raising a
band of turkeys. The car, a pickup,
was loaded with turkey feed. The
grade was a little heavy near the
Gemmell house and Hiatt started to
shift gears when he discovered a
can rolling around in the bottom of
the car near his feet. He stooped
over to pick up the can and evi
dently turned the steering wheel
sufficiently to guide the car out of
the road, as when he looked up he
was headed for the fence on the
downhill side.
The driver was tossed free of the
car in the first , revolution, it is
thought, otherwise he would have
been more seriously hurt. He land
ed against a wire fence and his
watch was thrown from his pocket
The chain wrapped around a strand
of the fence wire and Hiatt had
some difficulty in extricating him
self. Hiatt suffered some cracked ribs
and bruises, none of which was
thought to be of a serious nature
and he will be in bed a few days
resting up from the shock. The car
was more or less of a wreck.
James A. Knighten Dies
Result of Heart Attack
James A. Knighten passed away
at his home near Hardman at 2:30
a. m., Saturday, August 15. Death
was due to a heart attack. Mr.
Knighten had been falling for some
time but there was no intimation
that he was in a serious condition.
His brother, Louis Knighten, learn
ing of his illness, had gone to see
him and was with him when the
final summons came.
Funeral services were held at the
Hardman community church at 2
p. m., Monday, Rev. R. C. Young
of Heppner officiating. Burial was
in the Hardman cemetery.
James A. Knighten was born near
Dayton, Wash., September 14, 1874,
and died at his home near Hard
man, August 15, 1936, aged 01
years, 11 months and 15 days. With
his parents he moved to Oregon. 50
years ago and spent most of this
time in Morrow county.
He leaves to mourn him two sis
ters, Ella Bellenbrock of Courtrock,
and' Alice Warren of Benton City,
Wash.; four brothers, Fred C. of
Vale. Charles W. and Louis E. of
Hardman, and Edgar A. of Monu
Steve Shannon, whose antics at
the Rodeo last year afforded much
amusement for the caah customers,
has sent word that he will be on
hand for this year's show.
Dance at Heppner to See End of
Spirited Contest; Miss Ilanna
Still Holds Lead.
Saturday night will see the close
of the Rodeo queen contest which
has held the attention of Rodeo
enthusiasts for the last two months.
The last of the queen dances will
be held In Heppner, at which time
the final voting and counting will
take place.
This will be the big dance of the
series and for the occasion the man
agement has retained Pritchau s
orchestra of The Dalles, an organ
ization of considerable reputation
in the mid-Columbia area. It fur
nishes the musical entertainment
for patrons of Ye Olde Mill, popu
lar resort just east of The Dalles,
and its services are in demand
throughout that section.
Word has gone out that Rodeo
regalia will be in order Saturday
evening. It is hinted that over
looking this important matter will
mean a trip to the kangaroo court
or some similar method of extract
ing additional revenue from of
fenders. Miss Genevieve Hanna, Lena's
entry for 1936 queen of the Rodeo,
maintained the lead in last Satur
day's voting at the lone dance. Miss
Hanna's total vote to date is 36,
400. Next in line is Miss Harriet
Heliker, Willows grange candidate,
with 25,600. Miss Heliken polled
4300 votes to leap from cellar posi
tion to Becond place. Miss Hanna
garnered 2100 votes, while Miss
Frances Rugg of Rhea creek got
1700 and Miss Betty Doherty of
Lexington a'dded 3100 to her count.
The votes at present are as fol
lows; Miss Hanna, 36,400; Miss Hel
iker, 26,500; Miss Rugg, 24,500, and
Miss Doherty, 24,000.
Rodeo Admission Prices
Lowered by Association
Patrons of the 1936 Heppner Ro
deo will pay less to see the show
this year than formerly, according
to a schedule of prices released by
the ticket committee this week.
Under the new schedule children
will be admitted free on Thursday
and adults will pay 75 cents for any
seat On Friday, children will pay
50 cents and adults 75 cents general
admission. Saturday, children 50
cents, adults 75 cents general ad
mission, grandstand $1.00.
It is expected that this schedule
will increase the daily attendance,
the average amounting to as much
or more than the receipts under the
former higher admission charges.
This office acknowledges a pleas
ant call from Lars Bladine, editor
and publisher of the McMinnville
Telephone Register, one of the larg
er weeklies of the state. Mr. Bla
dine was in the city as a member
of the republican state central com
mittee, of which he is secretary, and
took time to run in and extend fra
ternal greetings. Mr. Bladine has
been a resident of Oregon about
four years, coming from Iowa where
he was a prominent newspaperman
and a leader in republican party
circles. He was collector of intern
al revenue for Iowa from 1921 to
1932. At the republican luncheon
Friday, Mr. Bladine paid a high
tribute to the Gazette Times, refer
ring to the regard In which the pa
per is held by other newspapermen
of the state and the recognition
given It as Oregon's outstanding
country newspaper in 1931. Mr.
Bladine modestly referred to simil
ar recognition given his paper at a
recent meeting of the Oregon news-
papermens association.
D. A. Daughs of The Dalles is
making his headquarters at Hotel
Heppner while looking after mat
ters in connection with the Western
Pine Lumber company here.
The stork visited the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hayes Wed
nesday evening, August 19, and left
an 8 1-2 pound son.
M ' I i P l " ,'. , m . w -,. ,w . . -jam - s SB . W' ' & "IS
Jock Docker's orohtwti a. and group of entertainers of addition Mr. Docker carries ft group of six entertainers who this year. The Rodeo association considers it a stroke of
Bond have ben retained by the Heppner Rodeo association enliven the dances with sonjrs and other features, making good fortune to be able to sign this high class organization
to provide music and entertainment at the dances during a high class floor show. Decker and his troupe have been and promises Kodeo dance patrons entertainment extraor-
the 1936 Rodeo. The orchestra consists of ten pieces and In engaged to play at the Washington state fair at Yakima dinary throughout the show.
Circus Performer Hurt !
Doing Iron Jaw Act
An unheralded thrill was given
patrons of the Seal Bros, circus
here Friday afternoon when the
mouthpiece used in the "iron jaw"
act broke and the performer,
Mrs. Lillian Wilson, was hurled
20 feet to the ground. The wo
man was in the midst of the un
winding part of the act and her
body was revolving at a rapid
rate when she fell. This motion
added to the shock of the fall to
cause a compound fracture of
the right leg and other injuries
that will doubtless keep her out
of the show for many months.
Examination was given by a
local physician and an ambulance
was called which took the Injured
woman to a hospital at Pendle
ton. Reports from there Indicate
that Mrs. Wilson will recover.
Funeral Services Held
For Hardman Matron
Funeral services were held Sun
day afternoon at 2 o'clock at the
community church in Hardman for
Mrs. O. C. Stephens, whose death
occurred Friday, August 14. The
services were conducted by Rev.
R. C. Young, pastor of the Hepp
ner Methodist church, and inter
ment was in the Hardman ceme
tery. Death occurred in Heppner
where she was brought for medical
assistance, and followed an illness
of six days.
Ruth Cecil Rue was a native of
the Willamette valley where she
was born January 28, 1896, and at
the time of her passing was 40
years, six months and 17 days of
age. On June 10, 1917, she became
the bride of Otha C. Stephens, the
ceremony taking place in the home
of her parents at Monument Three
children, Joseph Clark, Edna Carol,
and Lura Lyle, were born to this
union and survive the mother.
Other survivors include the fa
ther and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Jo
seph Rue of Monument; two sisters,
Mrs. Evalyn Gillenwater of Mit
chell, and Cora Mae. Rue of Powell
Butte; and a brother, Albert S. Rue
of Prineville, besides several aunts
and uncle3.
Mrs. Stephens was a member of
Rhea Creek grange, having been
its secretary, and of the Baptist
Work of removing shelving from
the Heppner Variety store ha been
under way this week. Mrs. Flora
Dimick, proprietor, has rented a
space in the new Peters building
and will have the shelving put in
place and ready. to receive the
stocks as soon- as the room can be
occupied, which will be shortly af
ter the first of September. Tem
porary tables were constructed to
accommodate the stock until mov
ing time.
Charles W. Smith, for several
years Morrow county agricultural
agent, was visiting friends in Hepp
ner Saturday while here on busi
ness in connection wtih the office of
state county agent leader. Mr.
Smith resigned the office of county
agent here two years ago to accept
a state position with the federal ag
riculture control agencies.
Walter Williams and P. M. King
of Dallas are in the county this
week on business in connection with
a tract of timbr. They are cruising
the Gainor tract in the vicinity of
the old Voile mill ostensibly for
the purpose of fixing a sale price
on it. Mr. Williams is a brother of
Ralph E. Williams, vice-chairman
of the Republican national com
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Notson receiv
ed formal notification today of the
birth of Samuel Edward Notson,
previous announcement of which
was received a few weeks ago by
amateur radiogram. He is the son
of Mr. and Mr3. Charles Notson,
missionaries to China.
Found Hawthorne bicycle. Ow
ner may have same by calling at
sheriff's office.
and Entertainers Coming to Heppner Rodeo, August 27-8-9
Tooze, Bladine Meet With Local
Organization; Support for Mc
Nary and Ritner Sought
Interest in republican circles was
given a boost last Friday when
Walter L. Tooze, assistant state
chairman, and Lars Bladine, sec
retary of the state republican or
ganization, visited Heppner. These
men made a tour of eastern Ore
gon countis the last week to effect
a better understanding among the
several groups working under the
republican banner and to strength
en local organizations.
A brief meeting was held in the
office of S. E. Notson, county cen
tral committeeman, at which time
the committee work of the county
was outlined and suggestions for
more complete organization were
offered. Notson had previously
sent out notices to precinct com
mitteemen asking that they appoint
five men and five women in each
precinct for the purpose of getting
out the vote, regardless of party
affiliation. The state workers sug
gested that there be a woman ap
pointed as assistant to the com
mitteemen in each precinct where
women are not serving as commit
tee heads.
Due to short notice and to the
fact that there were other attrac
tions in town Friday, a small group
gathered at Hotel Heppner at the
noon hour for luncheon with the
state committeemen.
Mr. Tooze addressed the gather
ing and pointed out the things that
must be done if the republican
party is to attain success this fall.
He stated that Mr. Farley official
ly buried the republican party some
months ago only to find that he had
interred a very live corpse. He also
pointed to some of the reasons why
republicans should rally to the
standard of Senator Charles Mc
Nary and to put forth every effort
to replace Congressman Walter M.
Pierce. "If we are to have a re
publican president, and we will,
ivhy send democrats to congress to
hinder his work?" asked Mr. Tooze.
It is the object of the state cen
tral committee to mold all the or
ganizationsthe Young Republic
ans, Pro America, Oregon Repub
lican club into on active group
and as soon as this is completed the
way will be cleared for opening the
campaign in earnest.
Mr. Bladine spoke briefly as did
Dave Hoss, son of the late Hal E.
Hoss, secretary of state, who is
active in the Young Republicans
organization. '"
Immediately after the luncheon
the visitors left for Pendleton
where similar meetings were held.
Mr. Tooze told of a meeting to
be held at Bend, Saturday, August
22, to which leaders of Morrow
county and all loyal republicans are
invited. Paul R. Kelty, editor of
The Oregonian, will deliver the
keynote address.
This meeting which has for its
primary purpose the launching of
a systematic campaign to elect Roy
W. Ritner of Pendleton to congress
from this district has been called
by Arthur W. Priaulx, state chair
man, Geo. N. Ely, congressional com
mitteeman for this district, will
had the local delegation attending
the session.
Special Train Takes 16
Cars of Sheep Monday
Sixteen cars of sheep left the
Heppner yard3 Monday by special
train. Thirteen cars were consigned
to Washington, Illinois, and three
cars were destined for California
T. F. Boylen was the buyer and
shipper. He bought from R. A.
Thompson, Harold Cohn, Emil Gro
shens and Frank Wilkinson.
Saturday's train carried seven
cars of cattle, mostly steers, for the
North Portland yards. Chance Wil
son of Monument was the shipper.
Harry Dinges and son were up
from Lexington today.
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Seeing Mt. Hood From
Air is Real Thrill
Ten Morrow county people got
a new thrill Wednesday after
noon when they took a Mount
Hood loop trip by air. The plane
of the Kammer Airplane Service
took off from the temporary land
ing field on the Hughes place
north of Heppner bout 4:15, flew
over the hills of Morrow, Gilliam,
Sherman and Wasco counties, cir
cled the peak and returned to the
local landing field by 6:45 a two
and one-half hour trip of unal
loyed joy, according to those in
the party.
"Everyone should take this trip
if he feels he can afford it for
it presents an entirely different
picture of eastern Oregon scenes
and the mountain itself," said Dr.
A. D. McMurdo, one of the enthu
siastic passengers. "I was sur
prised to see so little snow on the
mountain, but that fact detracted
little from the beauty of the peak
and surrounding mountains. The
sailing was smooth and all the
passengers had to do was sit and
look at the scenery. It's a glor
ious sight and one not soon to be
Nine Heppner people and one
from Lexington comprised the
party and included Mrs. Lonnie
Henderson of Lexington, Dr. A.
D. McMurdo, Mr. and Mrs. Mark
Merrill, Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Ma
honey, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Ward,
and Emil Groshens of Heppner.
William Henry Ayers
Answers Death's Call
William H. Ayers, for many years
a resdient of Morrow county, died
Monday, August 17, at Morrow Gen
eral hospital in Heppner, following
an illness of three months.
Funeral services were held from
the Hardman community church,
Wednesday at 2 p. m., Rev. R. C.
Young of Heppner officiating. In
terment was in the Hardman I. O.
0. F. cemetery.
William Henry Ayers was born
in Galesburg, Illinois, February 3,
1864. On May 6, 1887, at Galesburg,
he married Ida Jane Riggs. A bar
ber by trade, he followed that pur
suit many years at Hardman and
had worked in Heppner, where he
was a resident for eight years be
fore leaving here a few years ago.
He was in Baker when he became
ill about three months ago and was
brought here for treatment.
Mr. Ayers is survived by a daugh
ter, Pearl McConkie of Olex, and a
son, Emmit Ayers of Heppner.
Mr. and Mrs. Jared C. Aiken ar
rived Tuesday night from their
home in Los Angeles for a visit
with Heppner relatives and friends.
They expect to take in the Rodeo
before returning to the southern
metropolis where Mr. Aiken is city
manager for Rathbone, King and
Seeley, insurance brokers.
Heppner Has Chance to Play
'Best Man9 at
Several cars of Heppner people
will attend the highway celebration
at Long Creek tomorrow, according
to a brief survey made this morn
ing. The celebration is being staged
to mark the completion of the Pen-dleton-John
Day highway and is
expected to draw people from sev
eral counties. Pendleton has an
nounced a large delegation and it
is reported that a general holiday
will prevail in Grant county.
A statement in the East Oregon
Ian of Monday attributed to C. C.
Clarkson, chairman of the Pendle
ton chamber of commerce highway
committee, was to the effect that
"the meeting of Pendleton and
Grant county business men will be
sort of a marriage at Long Creek,
it seems to me. Grant county bus
iness which has long gone to Baker
absolutely should come to Pendle
ton from now on. But it won't
come here unless business men of
this city make a real effort to get
it and show Grant county people
that they are very interested."
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Showing of New and Old Articles
Will be Held During Rodeo
At Bank Building.
Plans for a wool show to be held
during the Heppner Rodeo were
formulated by the Morrow County
Woolgrowers auxiliary at a lunch
eon held at the Lucas Place last
Friday. The show will be held in
the First National bank building
and a judge will be brought in from
the outside to pass on the merits of
the exhibits.
Woolen articles old and new will
be accepted for judging. It is urged
that people having old articles will
send in as many as possible. Any
one in the county is eligible to enter
anything woolen, it being pre
scribed that there be three articles
in each class to qualify for judging.
In the older article class it is sug
gested that written descriptions
will be appreciated, although this
will in no wise affect the judging of
the articles. The newer articles
must have been made since June,
Articles may be checked in at
the Gordon Drug store. Mrs. Earl
Gordon is in charge of this work.
All articles will be numbered and
checked by Mrs. Gordon and re
checked at the bank building. This
safeguard was used last year and
out of 80 entries made nothing was
Information on entries may be
obtained from Mrs. Frank Wilkin
son. The auxiliary will call for exhib
its if exhibitors will notify Mrs.
Earl Gordon.
Plans for a float to represent the
auxiliary in the Rodeo parade on
Friday, August 28, were also made
at this meeting.
Mrs. Ralph Thompson, president
of the auxiliary, presided, and oth
ers attending the luncheon meeting
were Mrs. W. H. Cleveland, Mrs.
Joe Belanger, Mrs. Harold Cohn,
Mrs. L. D. Tibbies, Mrs. W. O. Bay
less, Mrs. Walter Beckett, Mrs.
Marvin Wightman, Mrs. Mario
Lauer, Mrs. C. W. McNamer, Mrs.
Blanche Moore and Mrs. Frank
Morrow County Folks
Enjoying Plane Rides
Morrow county folks are taking
to the air this week. The Mamer
Airplane Service of Wenatchee
landed a big tri-motored Stinson
plane here Tuesday and is giving
the local people an opportunity to
see the hills and .valleys from the
In lieu of a landing field, the
plane is using the Joe Hughes field
as a port. The Stinson is a nine
passenger cabin type and is said to
have cost $49,000.
Long Creek Fete
Since Heppner has long been a
trading point for John Day people
and a spirit of friendship prevails
between the two sections, local bus.
iness men feel that, although they
have not been invited to officiate
in any such manner, this city should
tender its services as "best man"
at the "wedding."
Long Creek has invited Heppner
to participate in the festivities and
while no effort has been made to
organize a caravan from here,
delegation from here is assured.
Long Creek has arranged a pro
gram of entertainment to keep the
crowd in good humor. E. B. Aldrich
of the state highway commission
will make a short talk, and Pendle
ton will take her 36-plece band as
a contribution to the program. A
free buckaroo supper will be served
at 5 p. m. The afternoon program
will be taken up with speeches and
band music. The evening's program
lists a smoker and an all-night
The celebration is sponsored by
the Long Creek chamber of commerce.
Association Designates
Last Day of Show as
'Herb French Day.'
Prize Cover Wide Variety of En
tries; Numerous Groups to Make
Bid for Many Class Awards.
Honoring a man who gave unsel
fishly of his time and means to pro
mote the Heppner show, and whose
efforts contributed more, perhaps,
than any individual in making the
Rodeo an outstanding exhibition of
its class, the associaton has desig
nated Saturday, August 29, as "Herb
French Day."
French, who died last February,
was a prominent figure in Rodeo
circles from the time the local as
sociation was formed. He was vice-
president at the time of his death
and had been arena director sinca
the beginning of the annual show.
His brother, Jack, has been named
assistant arena director under Tony
Vey, who was selected to take the
place left vacant by Herbert.
As the time draws near for the
Rodeo it becomes more evident that
the parade will eclipse former ef
forts. Putting this feature on Fri
day this year clears the way to give
more time to it without interfering
with the final events of the Rodeo.
Consequently, the parade commit
tee has arranged a schedule of at
tractive prizes and the response
thus far has been gratifying. Har
lan McCurdy is the association
member on this committee and he
is being ably assisted by Dr. R. C.
Cash and merchandise prizes for
the several classifications are listed
as follows:
Grand Sweepstakes $25.00, Mor
row county.
Floats 1st, $30.00; second, $20.00;
3rd, $10.00, Rodeo association.
Best Costumed Lady Riding Side
Saddle First, $7.50, Frank W. Tur
ner and O'Donnell's pastime; sec
ond, $2.00 in merchandise, Huston's
(Continued on Page Six)
Fines Feature Lions Club
Meeting Tuesday Noon
Fines were the order of the day
at the weekly luncheon of the
Heppner Lions club. The tail twist
er was ready to pass the collection
plate on the slightest infringement
of Lion ethics and the result was a
sizeable collection for the flower
fund or whatever it is such money
is used for.
Some of the Lions were sans Ro
deo regalia, namely a tie specified
to be worn by all Lions until the
big show is over. Warning was
given in a previous meeting so Tail
Twister Joe Belanger collected.
Randall Grimes, Smith-Hughes
instructor, was introduced to the
Lions and explained briefly the
purpose of the course. Mr. Grimes
is engaged in installing the equip
ment for the new department In the
Heppner schools.
The club's Rodeo float commit
tee reported progress, indicating
that something novel is in state of
The swimming tank committee
had no progress to report this
week. The question of how best to
finance the project is under con
sideration and until that is settled
there is little to report
Pioneer Sheepman Dies
At Pendleton Tuesday
Joseph Vey, aged 95, died Tuesday "
morning at St. Anthony's hospital
in Pendleton, after an illness of
nine months.
Mr. Vey was a native of Portugal
where he was born October 5, 1842.
He came to the United States at
the age of 29 and for a time resided
in New York. He later came to
California with his brother, the late
John Vey, and from California to
Oregon in 1869. He was first em
ployed in mining, but later, near
Echo, engaged in the cattle busi
ness. After this venture he sold the
cattle and went into the sheep bus
iness. He had lived in Pendleton
for 30 years.
Mr. Vey is survived by his widow,
three daughters, Mrs. Joseph Mon
ese, Mrs. Elizabeth Underhill and
Mrs. Mary January of Pendleton,
and a half-brother, Antone Vey, of
A meeting of Heppner Townsend
club has been called for next Tues
day evening at the court house. The
time is 8:00 o'clock. Mrs. Chris
Brown, Morrow county Townsend
representative to the national con
vention, will make a report on the
convention. An invitaton has been
extended to local candidates to tell
how they stand on the Townsend
During the last week two suits
for divorce were filed in the office
of the Morrow county clerk. Joseph
W. Sibiey, through his attorney, J.
J. Nys, is seeking legal separation
from Jannie Sibley, and Lawrence
Compton of Boardman is suing for
a divorce from Sophronla Compton.
Peterson and Peterson of Pendle
ton are representing Compton.