emmer Volume 52, Number 23. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, Aug. 13, 1936 Subscription $2.00 a Year 111 III HELP GROUPS Barratt, Holt Present Da ta Concerning Organi zation at Local Meet. DEFINE WOOL PRICE II. A. Ward Gives Figures on Con sumption of Product to Show Market Trend. The necessity of actively sup porting the state Oregon Wool growers association, and through the state organization the national set-up, was strongly emphasized by J. G. Barratt, president, and W. A. Holt, secretary, of the Oregon Woolgrowers association, at the meeting of sheepmen at the Elkq temple in Heppner on Tuesday. Mr. Barratt outlined several of the accomplishments of both the national and state organizations, showing how every sheepman In the state has ben financially bene fitted by the work of his own or ganization. Mr. Barratt said that, unfortunately a few of the sheep men have borne the full cost of the work which has been conducted for the benefit of the wool industry. The meeting Tuesday was one of a series being held in seven differ ent counties. Mr. Holt discussed briefly the trip which he made last year to Chicago and back to the east coast as a guest of Swift and Company. Annually this company is host to eleven stockmen, one from each of the eleven western states, on a trip designed to show the entire operations of the meat packing Industry. Mr Holt made a vivid comparison between the highly organized and extremely ef ficient meat packing industry and the helpless condition of the loose ly organizing producers. R. A. Ward, manager of the Pa cific Cooperative Woolgrowers, dis cussed the market outlook for wool. According to Mr. Ward, consump tion of wool in 1935 was more than double the annual consumption for the three years prior, with the es timated consumption for 1936 about half way between 1934 and 1935. With the domestic supply of wool considerably smaller than domestic consumption, the price, Mr. Ward said, would be governed largely by the world price plus the tariff. This should make for a fairly good price for 1936 wools yet unsold. Wool substitutes, according to Mr. Ward, J'll tend to depress the price unless cotton, rayon, and other fibers used as adulterants also go up in price. D. Holbrook, U. S. statistician, outlined the work of the crop and livestock estimate division, with which he is connected. R. I. Thompson, president of the Morrow County Lamb and Wool growers association, presided as chairman of the meeting. A reso lution was prepared and signed by all of the sheepmen present ask ing for a conference with railroad ollicials In the near future to reach an amiable adjustment in certain freight rate controversies. German Town is Planned in Face of Much Difficulty (Editor's Note This is the first of several articles written for this .newspaper by Eric W. Allen, dean of the University of Oregon school of journalism, who is now traveling in Europe on a fellowship granted by the Oberlander Trust of the Karl Shurz memorial foundation. Dean Allen was also named special representative of the Oregon State planning board.) By ERIC W. ALLEN, Dean of the University of Oregon School of Journalism. SOEST, Westphalia, Germany. Zigzagging slowly across France and Germany, we drove recently In to the most charming little city one ever dreampt about, a medieval walled town straight out of the pic tures of Maxfield Parrlsh or How ard Pyle, with all the added charm of the Knte Greenaway pastorals of our childhood. It was Soest, of which we had never heard. Furthermore, it seems to me the most practical and well regulated city I had ever entered. It shone with fresh paint and bus iness prosperity, artiste good taste and commercial enterprise, and was spreading out beyond the walls and old moat Into lovely new suburbs. Its population is about that of Eu gene. I said to myself, this Is no acci dent. Brains and organizing abil ity have been at work here. Fe, fo, ft, fum, I smell the results of city and regional planning of the most enlightened sort. I will find out who put this thing through and perhaps the folks back In Oregon who believe progress should be planned for and brought to pass will be Interested In the Btory. From Dr. Shulte-Brauchs, the principal of the modern language high school for boys, we learned the story of the remarkable man who Is principally responsible for mak ing the little city of Soest a show place of which all Germany is now rightfully proud. The man who made Soest what It la today is not even a resident Heppner Men Spend Day at Mt. Vernon County Judge Wm. T. Campbell, Frank S. Parker, county commis sioner, S. E. Notson, district attor ney, and M. D. Clark comprised a delegation of Heppner citizens who visited Grant county last Friday. The day was spent at Mt Vernon where the delegation went to confer with C. A. Minor on matters rela tive to the John Day Irrigation dis trict. Members of the party report a pleasant visit with Mr. Minor at his Mt Vernon store. They found him optimistic, as usual, and a booster for Mt Vernon nad the John Day valley. It was the good fotune of the Heppnerites to meet Guy Boyer in Mt Vernon and to be invited to the Boyer home for dinner. The party drove to Mt. Vernon via the Heppner-Spray route and returned by the Pendleton-John Day highway to Vinson. The latter route is longer than the Heppner Spray but was found to be a more comfortable road to travel. Baby Hawk Becomes Pal of Skuzeski Boy Hawks are not generally consid ered friendly birds, but there is an exception to that rule in Heppner. Little John Skuzeski has a coop er hawk not yet able to fly which shows its appreciation of human attention and kindness. The bird was captured on the Dick Wight- man place a short time ago and its young captor has trained it to ride on the hood of his "pushmobile." So far the hawk has not shown any of the characteristic traits attribu ted to that branch of the bird fam ily, but young John says he won't let his sympathy deter him from taking the right course if the symp toms develop. LOCAL NEWS Clifford Sims and children, Zan Jeannette and Marjorie, of Milton, are visiting relatives in Heppner this week. Florence Sims, who had her tonsils removed week be fore last, remained in Heppner and will return with the family at the conclusion of their visit. Shelby Graves, farmer of the Lex ington district, was transacting business in Heppner Wednesday. Mr. Graves has completed his har vest and the results were not as good as he had hoped for. Lester Hunt was In town Wed nesday for medical assistance. While working in the forest he met with an accident which resulted in getting one ear partly torn off. David Hynd and hi3 sister, Miss Annie Hynd, are spending the week In Portland visiting their sister, Mrs. T. H. Lowe, who has been ill for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rood were Heppner visitors a few hours Mon day from their home at Hermiston. Bruce Bothwell is reported on the sick list this week with what is thought to be Influenza. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Ekleberry of Morgan were transacting business in Heppner Wednesday. Among Lexington people in Hepp ner Monday were Mrs. Ola Ward and daughter. Dr. A. D. McMurdo is under the weather this week and Is resting up at home. of the town. He holds no office. He wields no power. Yet he is so lived and respected that his word has the force of law, and no man in Soest may even paint his house un less Pastor Clarenbach approves of the color. Much less can he build, or tear down, or alter a building, or repaint an advertising sign un til he has ascertained that Pastor Clarenbach believes that the pro jected change will represent the true spirit of Soest Pastor Clarenbach is a descend ant of a line of Lutheran pastors, but he plays a bigger part in West phalia than that of country clergy man of Borgeln. Ho also holds the olfice of superintendent for the en tire district in the Lutheran church, and is the man behind the throne in the far larger city of Soest where he cannot even vote. It was nearly thirty-four years ago that Pastor Clarenbach got the Idea that Soest could, by careful planning, convert Its greatest lia bility Into Its greatest asset The town was very old. It was found ed 2,000 years ago. Much of It was run down. The narrow, crooked streets were mud. The place was badly lighted. It had no good hotel. Nineteenth century progress had brought in more or less com mercial enterprise and shops and factories were located in the wrong places, originally beautiful old world structures were plastered over with blatant, tasteless adver tising, and the place looked back upon from the point of view of the modern Inhabitant of Soest today, was a mess. Pastor Clarenbach organized a little group to study the program of Soest. He brought In experts of all kinds to advise. By Intensive study a plan was finally formulated, but nobody wanted it They called it theoretical and Impractical. But the Idea became clear to an en lightened few . of what could be done that would make Soest a fa mous and prosperous city. It was to work out a program In which (Continued on Page Six) FI WILL SHOW f HjM WORK Beef Cattle Exhibits Add ed to Wool and Grain Show This Year. OFFER ,NEW PRIZES Women's Auxiliary Posting Awards In Fifteen Different Classes as Share of Annual Show. The Morrow County fair, to be held August 27, 28 and 29 in con junction with the Rodeo, promises to be the largest fair of its kind ever held here since the county fair days. In addition to 4-H club work. the grain and wool show, and the woolen goods exhibit, there will be open classes for beef cattle. Sever al head of Herefords have already been secured and it is probable that other breeds will be shown also. The grain show this year will undoubtedly be one of the largest that we have ever had. The first and second prize exhibits will be taken to the Pacific International for competition in the land pro ducts exposition. A special prize of $10 will be awarded to the grange having the most exhibits. Exhibits need not necessarily be grown by grange members but credit will be given for exhibits to the grange specified by the exhibitor. The women's auxiliary of the wooigrowers is again cooperating with the fair board in sponsoring the woolen goods exhibit Last year's small beginning was so suc cessful that prizes are being offer ed this year in some fifteen differ ent classes. The woolen exhibits will again be on exhibition in the lobby of the First National bank. The exhibits may be left at any time at Gordon's store. Classes for this show are so varied that a place will be found for almost any type of woolen articles. A feature of the 4-H club sheep show will be the registered Delaine ewes and lambs which were pur chased thjs year from the J. E. Smth Livestock company of Pilot Rock. Registered ewes, with ewe lambs at side, were bought this spring by the club members. In addition to the fine wool classes there will be a fine Hampshire show and a goodly number of crossbreeds. Club members will be showing breeding ewes, single ewe lambs, single yearling ewes, single fat lambs, pens of three ewe lambs, and pens of thre fat lambs in all three classes of fine wool blackface and crossbreds. The 4-H club cattle exhibit will be considerably larger this year than last. The club calves, as well as the open class cattle, will be a feature of the parade which this year is to be held Friday morning. A large display of farm machin ery will be made by machinery companies located in Morrow and Umatilla counties. The dormitory for 4- club mem bers exhibiting at the fair will again be main ained at the Elks club. The sandwich and coffee booth, outside the dance pavilion, will again be run by the 4-H clubs this year to raise funds for sending the Morrow county delegation to the state fair. Nan Correll Wins $300 Scholarship Award Miss Nan Carroll, whose mother was Zilpha Hager, former Heppner girl, was awarded a scholarship prize at the recent national Elks convention held In Los Angeles. An account of the award was given in a report of the grand lodge con vention In the August number of Elks Magazine, from which the fol lowing is taken: "Past Grand Exalted Ruler Ray mond Benjamin of Napa, Calif., lodge No. 832, vice-chairman of the Elks National Foundation trustees, read a supplementary report of that body, excerpts of which will be printed in the September issue of the magazine. Mr. Benjamin in cluded in his report the reading of an essay by Miss Nan Correll, seventeen-year-old girl of Tucson, Arizona, the winner of one of the $300 scholarship awards offered in this Grand Lodge year by the Elks National Foundation trustees. The award was made for the best essay on "Will Rogers His Place and In fluence In American Life." This remarkable piece of writing was received with great aplpause." Miss Correll, with her mother, and other members of the family were guests at the home of Mrs. Correll's sister, Mrs. John Bros nan, for two weeks during July. REPUBLICAN MEETING. Hon. Walter L. Tooze, assistant state chairman, and Lars Bladlne, secretary of state committee, will meet with the precinct committee men of the Morrow County Repub lican organization at the court house, tomorrow (Friday), at 10 o'clock a. m. All republicans In terested In effecting an efficient campaign organization are invited to attend this meeting. The ladies are urged to attend and take part In the meeting. The local candi dates are expected to be present, also. Dogs Slay Fawn in Sheriff's Back Yard SHERIFF Clarence Bauman is on a still hunt Tar somebody's dog or dogs. If t'.ie animals re turn to his plac'i someone will doubtless be min'is their pets. Last Thursday, a fawn arrived to grace the home of a buck and doe at the Bauman residence. The little fellow was a healthy specimen, was taking nourish ment, and frisking around in the customary manner. The sheriff was proud of his little charge and hoped to see it grow up and sprout horns if it was that kind of a deer. Imagine his surprise to enter the pen Sunday morning and find the little fawn dead the work of killer dogs. Bauman has de clared open season on dogs if he catches them around the deer pasture. Canadian Tells Uncle Sam To Stand by Constitution There is some doubt in the minds of many Americans regarding the advisability of abiding by the Con stitution, but in the opinion of one Canadian the people of this coun try should uphold the document, its precepts and traditions against all attacks, whether they be from within or without That sentiment was expressed by Col. Gorge A. Drew, K. C, of Tor onto, Canada, at the recent Lions International convention at Provi dence, R. I. Colonel Drew's address to the convention, whether so intended or not, had the appearance of bearing directly upon the political situation in the United States at the present time. He made an appeal to Lions to fight for those principles of government as set forth in the Constitution that sinister and ulter ior forces which are seeking to ov erthrow the power of the people and establish a dictatorship in this country may be thwarted. A report on the convention was given by S. E. Notson at Tuesday's Lions luncheon. The speaker dwelt at some length on Colqnel Drew's speech and likewisa gave quite a complete report of the convention. So enlightening was his report. that those not in the know little thot but that the speaker had actually been in attendance at the conven tion. In fact Lion Barlow thought he had put Notson on the spot by announcing that the D. A. would give a report of the meetng and he later admitted that he couldn't have made a better report himself. The program was brightened by two solos by Mrs. O. G. Crawford, accompanied by Mrs. J. O. Turner. Lions wore reminded that the Fodeo season is on and that Wind sor ties will be the vogue from here on out. Dr. Tibbies reported the progress of the swimming tank project. The city has made provision for turn ing over the lots asked for and the next step is to acquire the lot owned by the county. The finance committee made no report. Walter A. Holt of Pendleton and R. A. Ward of Portland were guests and made brief talks. Waids Observe Sixtieth Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Waid of Stan- field, former residents of the farm ing section north of Lexington, ob served their sixtieth wedding anni versary at the home of their son, Vernon Waid, at Stanfleld, August 6. Four of their five children, with their families, were present, including Vernon Waid of Stanfleld, Miss Lenna Waid of Stanfleld, Mrs. Neil White, Ukiah, and Mrs. Harry uuvall or Lexington. One son, Claude, who resides at Green Acres, near Spokane, was unable to at tend. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wickersham and dau ghter of Portland. There was a sumptuous dinner, the crowning feature of which was a huge wedding cake bearing three large tapers representing the three score years of married life of the venerable couple. Mr. and Mrs. Waid were married near Springfield, Mo., Aucrust 6. 1876. They came to Morrow county In 1906 and took up a homestead 15 miles north of Lexington which was their home until movlne to Stanfleld a few years ago. Barratt Making Rounds of Wool Men's Meetings J. G. Rarratt. Dresulpnf nf fh.i Oregon Wool Growers association and prominent sheepman of Mor row county, is busy this week pay ing visits to ine various wool men s groups of eastern Oregon. Last PrldflV thfl Hennnpr mnn was in Baker where he addressed a meeting of wool men. Saturday he performed a similar service at Entermise. He was in Prmiiotnn Monday, Heppner .Tuesday, and Wednesday he went to Shaniko. His itinerary includes Klamath Falls and LlkpVlfiW in anntViiaen Oregon, besides meetings scheduled in omer places in central and east ern Oregon. COMPLIANCE FORMS READY. Operators' Proof of Compliance forms are now being signed In the county agent's olllce. All those op erators who signed an application last fall for the AAA program, which was later declared unconsti tutional, should sign these com pliance forms in order to be eligi ble for the 1936 payment Show Group Names Jud ges and Committees in Last Week. GROUNDS CLEANED Three-C Crew Burns Weeds, Grass and Telephone Booth In Prep aration for Big Event. Heppner's Rodeo machinery was oiled and put in smooth working condition during the last week and all efforts will be directed from now on toward making the 1936 show an outstanding event. Foremost among the acts of the Rodeo officials was the selection of judges and other officials for the three-day wild west show. The three men named for this import ant work are Hamp Officer of Izee, Richard Thompson of Athena, and Lee Beckner of lone. Timers are John Carter of Long Creek and C. W. McNamer of Heppner. Starter of races, Tom Williams of Long Creek. Arena director, Tony Vey of But ter creek. Livestock director, Edwin Hugh es of Lena. Under the supervision of Walter Blackburn, a crew of CCC boys cleaned up the Rodeo grounds Tu esday evening. In the course of burning off weeds and grass one of the Chic Sales telephone booths caught fire and was destroyed. The Rodeo association is in somewhat of a quandary about replacing this bit of equipment and the officials hope the city will come to the res cue with a booth of a different pattern. Other work will be done in the next few days to put the grounds in tip-top shape. The track will be smoothed and rocks removed to make the oval safe for the fleet footed ponies. Much of the arena space has been kept free of weeds during the summer by the CCC baseball activities, but the ground will probably be disced or in some manner made softer to receive the unsuccessful candidates, for riding honors. Edwin Hughes, livestock director, started this week to gather up the association's stock. The horses have been running on mountain pasture during the summer and should be in just the right shape to entertain the riders when the show opens. Tony Vey has come to town to get the program in shape. Entries are coming in at a good rate, Indi cating that the contests here are proving popular with performers. Many inquiries relative to the show are keeping Secretary Len L. Gil liam busy making answers. The parade committee includes R. B. Ferguson, Dr. R. C. Law rence and Harlan McCurdy. New features are being worked on to make this year's parade the best ever. It is stated that enough en tries are already slated to put this year's parade way out in front Earl Gordon reports that he has the concessions lined up, while Earl Eskelson is busy practicing up on his best etiquette to act as the queen's escort In the absence of Harold Buh man, Joe Green has been coaching the band. Mr. Buhman is expected to return to the city this week end and with the return of most of the members of the band, the musical entertainment is assured. Railroad Pamphlets Aid Widespread Safety Move "Stop! Look! Listen!" Is the cap tion over another circular Issued by W. M. Jeffers, executive vice president of the Union Pacific rail road, in the effort to reduce high way accidents, especially those which occur on grade crossings. Several hundred miles of transcon tinental highways border Union Pa cific lines and these are a favorite place for autoists to "race the train," endangering not only their own lives but passengers on the trains and other drivers on the roads. During the summer there have been a number of accidents where drivers have tried to "beat the train" over crossings with unfor tunate results for the drivers and many narrow escapes from serious injury or death. Thousands of the new circulars have been issued by the railroad and sent to its agents in every city for distribution to public officials to churches, to civic clubs and for posting In railroad stations, hotels or wherever they may be seen by the public. Several months ago a similar circular was issued and read in practically every school room in the west The railroad company seeks to enlist all citi zens in the effort to reduce the number of such accidents. FORMER RESIDENT WEDS. H. Kuska, who was a teacher In the Pine City high school a number of years ago, writes from Chicago to announce to his friends In Mor row county that he was married In that city on August 1. The bride was Miss Ann Hrouda of Wiscon sin. Mr. Kuska is now in the pos tal service in Chicago. Lena Candidate Takes Big Lead for Queen Following Saturday night's dance in Heppner, Miss Genevieve Hanna, Lena's entrant in the race for queen of the 1936 Heppner Rodeo, took an imposng lead, outdistanc ing her nearest opponent Miss Frances Rugg of Rhea creek, by 11,500 votes. This does not assure Miss Hanna's election to the covet ed post for there remain two more dances of the regular schedule, Wil lows grange and Lexington, and the three trailing candidates may be able to muster some strength in the next two weeks. At this time, however, it looks like Miss Hanna has a lead that will be hard to overcome because of the fact that she has remained at the top of the column for several weeks, making steady gains at each dance. Candidates' standings show Miss Hanna with 34,300; Miss Rugg 22, 800, Miss Doherty 21,900. and Miss Heliker 21,300. The next dance will be held at lone Saturday evening, August 15. Noble Saddles Bought By Umatilla Stockman Jesse Myrick, prominent rancher of the Adams district in Umatilla county, and Ralph Tachella of Pen dleton were in Heppner Tuesday interviewing E. G. Noble, veteran saddlemaker. These men were seek ing the best in the saddle line and decided the Heppner shop was the place to get what they wanted. Noble saddles have been leaders In the northwest for many years and the order book is always a jump or two ahead of the deliver ies. . Cowhands, rodeo performers and lovers of horseback riding up and down the coast states and Borne of the Rocky mountain states Jtnow the value of this famous sad dle manufactured in Heppner and repeat orders have been the rule. LOCAL NEWS Mrs. Flora Dimick returned Sun day from Portland where she at tended Buyers Week and looked after business matters. Mrs. Josie Jones, who accompanied Mrs. Dim ick to the city, remained over for a few days to visit at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harold Stiles. She expected to return to Heppner Friday. Miss Delores Pearson of Port land is a guest at the John Wight man home this week. Miss Pear son, former teacher in the Hepp ner high -school, is now connected with the Portland school system. Mr. and Mrs. John Anglin are en joying a two weeks vacation which' started Sunday morning when they left for Seattle. They are driving south along the coast and last heard from were in Seaside. Bernard Davis, certified account ant, arrived in Heppner Monday evening and is engaged in auditing the books of the county. Mr. Dav is is a resident of Salem. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hayes Wednesday morning at the home of Mrs. Hayes' mother, Mrs. Henderson Stout Romantic Era in History Ends With Barbed Wire Shipping sheep by automobile truck over paved highways in 1936 is a far cry from tne mode of mov ing the flocks in 1886. Now a few head are loaded into a truck and hauled several hundred miles in a day. Or, if the distance is greater than one day's hauling, a whole band or more of the woolly animals may be loaded onto a train and transported across several states. That is the condition of 1936. In 1886 it was a different story. The automobile had not been thought of (at least from a standpoint of practical operation) and from this region hauling by train had not become the practice. Even for sev eral years following the construc tion of the Heppner branch and the completion of the Union Pacific 1 ne between Portland and Omaha, sheepmen continued a practice that had been in use for a number of years trailing their bands from this region to destinations east of the Rockies. It has been nearly 40 years since sheep trailing to the winter feeding grounds was abandoned. And stiange to say, it was not so much the growth of transportation facil ities that caused the abandonment of the practice as it was one of the other modern developments. The wire fence the kind with the little barbs twisted through the strands had more to do wtih turning back the trailing flocks than any other cause. That is the opinion expressed by one Heppner man who spent ten or eleven years trailing sheep from Heppner to Wyoming, Colorado and Nebraska. The citizen is George Lund. Mr. Lund followed the trailing business from 1888 to 1898. In the early days of the business about the only fences met between Heppner and the destinations east of the mountains were those of oc casional ranchers and were mostly of the rail type. Each succeeding year witnessed new settlers and diversions In the trails were neces sary, but no difficulty was encoun tered in transporting the sheep un til the homesteaders began flocking into Idaho and surrounded their newly acquired acres with barbed wire fencing. It was then that the 1 i AS SCHOOL HEAD Superintendent Takes Po sition With Seattle Sys tem; Arrives Here. PLACE NOT FILLED Absence of Board Members Delays Hiring of Sucessor; Several Ap plications Received. Edward F. Bloom, superintend ent of the Heppner schools for the last four years, has been elected as superintendent of all schools on Bainbridge island, suburb of Seat tle. Mr. Bloom has accepted and arrived in Heppner yesterday to tender his resignation to the local school board. Acompanying Mr. Bloom to Hepp ner was Alton Blankenship, high school principal and director of physical education, who seeks to succeed his former chief as super intendent Because of the illness of Dr. A. D. McMurdo, chairman, and the ab sence of Spencer Crawford, member of the school board, no action has as yet been taken regarding the election of a new superintendent It is understood that other appli cations have been presented the board and it is desired to have a full attendance of officials to con sider the several candidates. Mr. Bloom wil have charge of all schools on Bainbridge island, in cluding a union high school and three grade schools. He considers it a good advancement in his pro fession and is happy for this op portunity to enter work in a larger field. He expects to leave Heppner again tomorrow and will return later to move the household effects to the new home. Mr. Bloom expresses his appreci ation of his pleasant associations in Heppner in the following state ment: "In tendering my resignation as superintendent of the Heppner school system I wish to express my deepest appreciation to the school board for its splendid cooperation and friendly counsel. "It has been a rare privilege and an inspiration to guide the fine boys and girls of this community during the past four years. "Mrs. Bloom and I shall cherish the memory of our friends in Hepp ner. "It is with most profound regret that we sever our connections in this community.". While head of the local system Mr. Bloom was raisd to the pres idency of Oregon State High Schol Athletic association, besides head ing athletic activities In the east ern Oregon district for several years. Both Mr. and Mrs. Bloom were community leaders and will be greatly missed by a wide circle of friends. sheepmen began to have their trou bles. "The last trip I made was In 1898 and we had to ship the sheep by train across Idaho. The homestead ers had settled the country and built so much fence there was no feed left for the sheep. We un loaded in eastern Idaho and com pleted the journey to Colorado on the trail," stated Mr. Lund. It was the custom for buyers to come in the spring to make their purchases. Immediately after shear ing the sheep, , all wethers, were started for the mountain ranges and were kept moving until thev reached the winter feeding grounds of the buyers. "Dan Neville was foreman of the first drive I made," said Lund. "If my memory serves me right, Andy Stevenson was the cook. Bill Lil lard and I were the herders. We crossed through the upper John Day region and made our way to Olds Ferry on the Snake, entering Idaho where Weiser now stands. The trail led through Payette, Boise and Wood River to the southeast ern part of the state. Some of the drives ended in Wyoming. I made one trip to Platte Valley, Nebraska, but most of them were to Wyoming and Colorado. We usually went through what is cal,led the "sinks" of Snake river to Idaho Falls, and thence into Wyoming where we took the south pass to Cheyene. "Trailing was more Interesting than straight herding for we mov ed camp oftener and saw much of the country. The boys usually planned on having a good time when they arrived at Boise, Chey enne and other of the more im portant towns along the way, but for some reason we were generally disappointed. We had to cross cat tle country occasionally and as the feeling between cattlemen and sheepmen was none too good, It was not advisable to leave our flocks unguarded." Lund made his last trip In 1898 and it was then the sheep had to be shipped across Idaho. "The bar bed wire fence put a stop to sheep trailing," Lund said, "and sheep buyers began to patronize the ra.ll road out of jjeppner. The boys (Continued on Page 8lx)