Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 06, 1936, Image 1

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Subscription $2.00 a Year
Volume 52, Number 22.
House and Outbuildings
On Rhea Creek Are
Complete Loss.
Occupants Stunned by Bolt that
Cleaves House and Starts Blaze;
Conflagration is Rapid.
Struck by a bolt of lightning as
an electrical storm passed over the
the Rhea creek section about 10
o'clock last night, the Emil Gro
shen3 home and four other build
ings including fhe garage, wood
shed, blacksmith shop and cellar,
were destroyed by Are.
At home at the time were Mr. and
Mrs. Groshens and Dick Vinton,
nephew of Mr. Groshens. There
had been a heavy rain of perhaps
five minutes duration and while
accompanied by lightning and
thunder there was little to indicate
that danger lurked in the storm.
It was alter the rain ceased that
the bolt struck.
Mr. Groshens was ready for bed
and was lying on the bed reading.
Dick Vinton had gone to bed on
the sleeping porch when the rain
started and as it was blowing in
on him his uncle suggested that he
go upstairs to sleep. This the boy
did not do and perhaps accounts
for his being alive today.
Mr. Groshens gave an account
of the fire to a Gazette Times rep
resentative this morning. It is a
story of bad luck on one side and
good luck on the other.
"I was ready for bed and was
reading. Bernice (Mrs. Groshens),
was working in the kitchen. Sud
denly there was an explosion and
the house rocked. My first im
pression was that we were exper
iencing another earthquake. I got
to my feet and went to the kitchen
and found Bernice in a dazed con
dition. Going to the sleeping porch,
I found Dick kind of dazed and he
complained of something having
struck him, an object of some kind.
Then the boy looked out and ob
served that it was getting light out
side. I ran out and discovered that
the house was on fire.
"What I saw outside gave the
appearance of the house being split
in two. It was burning on both sides
and the whole upper story was
ablaze. From the way the blaze
was spreading I knew it would be
futile to try to use the water sys
tem and we turned our attention
to saving what we could. When
we had worked a few minutes, our
neighbors, the John Glaveys, living
about a quarter of a mile above us,
came to offer assistance. With
their aid we managed to save the
piano, radio and washing machine.
Within fifteen minutes after the
neighbors arrived the house had
collapsed and was virtually con
sumed by the flames."
When the bolt struck the Gro
Ehens house the shock rocked the
Glavey house where the occupants
thought an earthquake had hit
again. Mrs. Glavey saw the fire
at the Groshens house and spread
the alarm through her household.
The family and haying crew rush
ed assistance.
Efforts were made to prevent
spread of the fire but it soon reach
ed the outbuildings nearby and re
duced them to ashes. Groshens
thought of the family car before It
was to late and thus saved it.
"I am sure the bolt was attracted
by the radio wire. The fire started
along the course of the wire from
its entrance to the house to the
point where the radio stood. The
impact rocked the whole house and
sounded very much like someone
had set off a heavy blast close by.
I guess we were just lucky that
no one was badly injured or killed.
Had the boy gone upstairs as I sug
gested it is doubtful if he would
have gotten out," concluded Mr.
Aside from the three articles
mentioned, a few personal effects
were saved, mainly clothing. Mrs.
Groshens lost her jewel box, and
there were many articles, heir
looms, handed down from Mr. Gro
shens' parents, that can never be
replaced and this loss is felt keenly.
The house destroyed by the fire
was built about 1815 by the late
Louis Groshens. During the last
year it had been repainted and
renovated. There was an Insurance
policy covering about 50 percent
of the valuation, and us soon as an
adjustment is made, Mr. Groshens
plans the construction of a new
Robert M. Gibson, 20, who gave
his hom as Bthlhem, Mo., was sent
enced to not more than a year in
th penitentiary by Judge C. L.
Sweek in circuit court Monday
Gibson, brought to the city by F,
A. McMahon, state policeman, and
charged with larceny of a dwelling
at Boardman, waived grand jury
Investigation and plead guilty to
the charge. He was taken to Salem
Monday by Sheriff C. J. D. Bau
man and Fred Lucas.
Work on the new filling station
being erected by Glenn Hayes Is
progressing nicely. Shelley Bald
win Is assisting with the carpenter
work and the structure will soon
be enclosed,
Mrs. Turner Tells Visit
To State 1. 0. 0. F. Home
While staying in Portland recent
ly, Mrs. F. W. Turner spent a day
at the I. O. O. F. home as a guest
of the superintendent, Mrs. Etta
Littell, who will be remembered by
Heppner friends as Miss Morrison.
At present there are 79 old people
and 21 children in the home, con
sisting of one large, happy family.
Since Mrs. Littell has taken over
the management, the general ar
rangement has changed toward a
decided improvement The buildings
have been completely renovated and
remodeled. The brothers do their
own gardening, landscaping, par
pentering, interior decorating, etc.
The sisters keep up the mending
and darning and the children each
have certain domestic tasks to per
form daily.
The children with Mrs. Littell
and her assistant matron have one
dining room while the older folk
have another to themselves, each
room being brightened up n color
ful, cheery decorations, They have
their musician who plays for their
social meetings in the parlor. Out
side lodges often drop in on Sun
day afternoons and put on a pro
gram for the brothers and sisters.
Last Sunday about 50 members
from St. Helens entertained with a
very interesting program.
W. O. Hill is Mrs. Littell's assist
ant, doing not only the clerical work
but many necessary tasks to keep
things running smoothly.
As the children graduate from
grade school they are sent to Frank
lin high school, thence to college
or to learn a trade or profession
within their means. Mrs. Littell's
own son completed high school this
year as president of the student
body and plans oh entering Uni
versity of Oregon in September
where he will study law.
The Heppner lodge furnished a
room at the home which is now
occupied by Sherman Shaw, Mor
row county's only representative.
Important Meeting Called
for Tuesday, August 11
Sheepmen of Morrow county will
be interested in attending a meet
ing of the Morrow County Lamb
and Woolgrowers association at the
Elks emple at 1:30 p. m., Tuesday,
LAugust 11.
This will be one of a series of
seven meetings to be held in east
ern Oregon under the auspices of
Oregon Woolgrowers association.
Officers of the association will have
charge of the program. Other
speakers have been invited to at
tend. E. L. Potter, Corvallis, is ex
pected to be present to discuss in
some detail the proposed range pro
gram of the AAA. Other subjects
which will come in for discussion
are the threatened reduction in
grazing permits, and the efforts be
ing made in certain quarters to in
crease transportation costs and to
remove transit billing privileges.
The officers of the Oregon Wool
growers association are hoping that
this meeting will furnish a basis for
getting the sentiment of the local
woolgrowers in regard to a suggest
ed AAA range program. A meeting
Is being held at Pendleton Thurs
day, August 13, with AAA officials
to go into the proposed range set
up. This Heppner meeting on Tues
day should give the state officers
an idea of the Morrow county atti
tude toward the new program.
Lena Candidate Holds
Lead in Queen's Race
Genevieve Hanna, Lena's candi
date for queen honors at the 19313
Heppner Rodeo, continues to hold
lead established several weeks
ago and if past performance is a
criterion she will be well out in the
lead after this week's dance, which
will be held in Heppner Saturday
Miss Hnnna is now 4,700 votes
ahead of Miss Frances Rugg, Rhea
Creek grange's entry, although Miss
Rugg garnered 3500 votes against
Miss Hanna's 1900. But Miss Rugg
wsa at the bottom of the heap last
week and her gain this week is out
standing. Miss Harriet Heliker,
Willows, and Betty Doherty, Lex
ington each strengthened their
count and it Is still anybody's race.
The popular Pendleton Indian
orchestra has ben retained for this
week's dance which will be held
at the fair pavilion in Heppner.
The Soil Conservation service has
has obtained the use of the Montana
Forestry Showboat and it will visit
Heppner on Wednesday, August 12
This traveling exhibit has proved
to be of keen interest wherever
shown. There are only six places
in Oregon at which this exhibit
will be shown. The location of
Showboat will be the Rodeo field
Morrow county republicans who
can make it convenient to be In
Portland, August 11, are Invited to
attend the Hamilton meeting at the
civic auditorium at 7:30 p. m. "John
D. M. Hamilton, chairman of the
republican national committee, is
pxpected to launch the Landon and
Knox campaign in Oregon at this
Marlon Green, four-year-old son
of Mr. and Mrs. Cornett Green,
swallowed a foxtail just before
noon yesterday. The little follow
suffered considerable pain for a
time, but the offending morsel had
gone the way of all food by the time
the doctor arrived, and he believed
lt would not give further trouble.
Proposal of Jared Aiken, Los An
geles, Told; Club Feels Heat and
Transacts Little Business.
It might have been the weather,
or it might have been the lack of
projects, but whatever the cause,
Heppner Lions had little appetite
for business at the weekly lunch
eon, Tuesday. And while slowing
down on business, the civic minded
brethren caught up on their sing
ing, which had been neglected in
recent weeks.
Miss Jeanette Turner presided at
the piano and Lion Charles Barlow
led the singing which was inter
spersed throughout the meeting.
The day was warm and the hu
man exponents of the king of the
jungle were little disposed to raise
more perspiration than that pro
voked by the temperature. Such
business matters as were presented
were done so sans conversation and
whenever the party grew a little
dull, President Kinne called for a
A report was asked from the
swimming tank committee only to
learn that the council had been un
able to function Monday evening
and the proposal would be submit
ted Tuesday evening. Other mat
ters met a like response and seek
ing to give the assemblage their
money's worth, the chairman call
ed on Jasper Crawford to recount
some of the highlights of the recent
Elks convention in Los Angeles.
Having written to some length
about his trip, Crawford touched
on one point that he did not men
tion in his article and whch arous
ed considerable interest. While dis
cussing the old home town with
Jared Aiken, the latter brought
up the subject of land settlement
and expressed the belief that Mor
row county should benefit to some
extent through the sale of land to
home seekers coming from the
drought areas of the middle west
While it is known that a majority
of the people coming from those
areas prefer irrigated land, having
suffered enough from lack of mois
ture, it is felt by observers that the
price of farm lands in this and sim
ilarly located counties will appeal
to some of the prospective invest
ors, particularly those of modest
means who are seeking to rehabili
tate their fortunes. Also, there is
the very large tenant class in Iowa
and other states of the corn belt to
whom the prospect of land owner
ship should have a strong appeal.
Aiken suggested that the Lions or
other interested organizations take
the initiative by placing some B.d
vertising in the larger publications
of the middle west, such as Cap
per's Weekly, outlining briefly the
advantages in this region and in
viting inquiy.
The speaker closed his remarks
with some statistics on the Elks
lodge and the immensity of the
convention hall, which is located in
the Los Angeles Biltmore hotel and
has a seating capacity of 5000.
Acting upon the suggestion offer
ed by Lion Crawford, the chairman
entertained a motion for a com
mittee and apointed S. E. Notson
chairman, to be assisted by Lions
Crawford and F. W. Turner.
Lion Rice heads the committee
to prepare the Lions float for the
Heppner Rodeo parade. F. W. Tur
ner and Gus Nikander form the
rest of the committee.
Harry Dinges Throws
Chapeau in Contest
After deliberating over the mat
ter several weeks, Harry Dinges,
Lexington business man, has fin
ally concluded to enter the race for
sheriff. Dinges was in Heppner
the first of the week and took out
petitions to have signed and will
file as an independent.
Dinges is the second candidate
for county office to come out in
the last week, being preceded by
G. A. Bleakman, who came out as
a write-in candidate for county
judge. These two filings are about
the only thing to remind the elec
torate of the impending election,
although factors bearing on the
national election appear from time
to time.
Fay Ada Fleming, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence B. Fleming
of Hardman, died In premature
birth in this city Saturday morning.
Burial was in Heppner Masonic
cemetery Saturday afternon with
Phelps Funeral home in charge.
There will be a meeting of pre
cinct committeemen of the repub
Mean party for Morrow county at
the courthouse, August 14, at 10 a.
m. A representative will be present
from state headquarters.
Summer Coats, Suits, Hats and
Dresses. Prices greatly reduced,
Come early and get your choice,
Curran's Ready-to-Wear. 22-23.
Earl "Bart" Bartlett of The Dal
les, typewriter mender extraordln
ary, spent several days In Heppner
this week and while here put many
of the typewriters of the commun
Jty in good condition. Bart left
for homo yesterday, expecting to
be back about the middle of Sep
For Sale 1930 model Reo Sedan
In excellent shape thruout; paint
In good shape. Illness causes sale,
Inquire Robt A. Jones, city. 22-23p.
Married 50 Years
rax L. LJL.ffl
HEPPNER, July 27 (Special)
Judge and Mrs. William T. Camp
bell celebrated their golden wed
ding anniversary recently at their
home here. A dinner was served
for members of the family and
close friends. Two large tables
were spread. In the center of one
was a wedding cake made by a
daughter, Mrs. Arthur Keene, and
decorated by Mrs. Arthur W.
Campbell of Terre Haute, Ind.
Courtesy Portland Oregonlan.
Mrs. Brown Reports on
Townsend Convention
Mrs. Alta Brown, Morrow- coun
ty's delegate to the Townsend con
tention at Cleveland, returned
home recently and is enthusiastic
over results of the big conclave.
' We had a special train out from
Portland," Mrs. Brown states. "I
took the train at Pendleton. By
the time we reached Omaha we
had about 300 Townsend delegates.
We were told in Omaha that we
Oregonians were a good omen for
Nebraska, for as we got off the
tran there was heavy thunder and
big drops of rain fell.
"We were met at the station in
Cleveland by the mayor and other
ity officials. Two or three thou
sand people gathered in the station
to greet us and gave us a great
welcome to their city. There were
about 15,000 registered delegates at
this convention. There was no
third party endorsement, and I be-
eve this convention was a great
T enjoyed very much the Great
Lakes exposition, especially the
great pageant produced by Edgar
Hungerford. There were more than
200 actors in this pageant. It was
played in an open air amphitheater
seating 4000 people. It was a living,
moving drama tracing American
transportation development during
the brief span of 300 years. Among
other important attractions were
the Automotive building, the Hall
of Progress, Firestone exhibit and
Streets of the World."
Oregon Range Stockmen
Called to AAA Parley
Range livestock men of Oregon
will have an opportunity August 13
at Pendleton to consider proposals
and present their own ideas regard
ing a suitable plan by which they
can cooperate in the agricultural
conservation plan was formulated
date federal officials from the AAA
will be in Pendleton to discuss with
Oregon range operators and state
college officials tentative provisions
for such a program.
The meeting will be held in the
courthouse starting at 10 o'clock
and a general invitation has been
issued for all interested to attend.
The purpose of the meeting will
not be to announce a definite range
program, explains F. L. Ballard,
vice-director of extension at Oregon
State college, in calling the meeting,
but will be to discuss with stock
men practices which might be ap
plicable yet this year or in connec
tion with a program in 1937.
When the present agricultural
conservatoin plan was formulated
last winter, Oregon range men join
ed with others in the west in urging
that some program be devised
which would include encouragement
to conservation of the privately
owned range in order both to in
clude that large area in the scope
of the soil conservation plan and
to balance what it was feared would
be an undue expansion of the live
stock industry. While AAA offi
cials said it was Impossible to In
clude these features at the start,
they have since been studying the
possibilities and are now ready to
consdier definite detailed methods.
While the midwestern drouth sit
uation had reached a stage of se
verity by mid-July equal to that of
1934. the conditions this year are
not complicated by heavy surpluses
of livestock such as was the case
two years ago, according to olllciais
of the AAA who have surveyed the
In 1934 there were more cattle on
the farms than at any other period
in the nation's history, despite the
prevalence of the lowest prices In
30 years. When the drouth devel
oped, 8 million cattle had to be re
moved at heavy expense to the gov
ernment to save the industry.
The present drouth is more wide
spread than that of two years ago,
but it may not be of as long dura
tion. With the former experience
to guide them, AAA officials early
established a federal livestock food
agency in Kansas City.
Mrs. Guy Boyd and children,
Phil and Louise, came from Cald
well, Idaho, Tuesday in resrn
the news of the death of Elwyn
Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Selby of Klam
ath Falls were in attendance at
the funeral of Mrs .Selby's brother,
Elwyn Shipley.
Miss Winifred Case signed a con
tract this week to teach near Prine
vllle the coining school year.
Rodeo Association Sts Meeting for
Friday Night to Further Plans;
Public Invited to Take Part
Plans for the 1936 Heppner Ro
deo are moving along nicely, ac
cording to Henry Aiken, president,
and indications are that it will be
one of the best performances spon
sored by the association.
A sweepstakes prize has been
posted by the county as a parade
award. It is expected that the city
will follow suit with a similar
prize. Interest in the parade is
more emphatic this year and it is
the hope of the association that this
year's parade will eclipse all pre
vious efforts.
A meeting has been called for to
morrow night at which time prizes
and other features of the parade
will be discussed. This meeting Is
open to the public and it is hoped
a good number will be in attend
ance. Space was reserved this week for
seven head of race horses, the
stock of Virgil Piquet of Long
Creek. Much interest is being shown
in the racing features and this
part of the Rodeo gives promise of
affording much entertainment The
buckers will be brought in next
week, a fact that brings the real
ization that the date of the big
show is not far off.
The Rodeo association has book
ed the Oregon Loggers, a novelty
orchestra, for a dance on August 12.
Queen votes will not be given at
this dance as the association is
merely getting a share of the pro
ceeds on a percentage basis.
The blare of bands and the toot
ing of the calliope bring back mem
ories when we were kids. So let
us all be kids again and look back
several years to the real thrill of our
lives when we were made happy
by announcement of the arrival of
the circus.
Seal Bros., Bg Three Ring Wild
Animal Circus will exhibit at the
Cummings Nursery grounds, Gale
and Riverside, in Heppner, August
14, and will give two grand per
formances at 2 and 8 p. m. Doors
will open one hour earlier in order
that everyone may have ample time
to inspect the mammoth free men
agerie, where you will see almost
every kind of animal from the ani
mal kingdom. There are lions, leo
pards, tigers, pumas, hyenas, cam
els, bears, ocelots, yaks, zevos, wild
buffalo, giraffes, birds of paradse
from the tropics, elephants and
America's most beautiful horses.
The animal zoo is worth traveling
miles to see and in fact is nothing
less than a traveling university of
natural history.
As a prelude to the circus proper
a beautiful spectacular pageant is
presented whereby every member
of the circus takes part in a gor
geous processional fiesta of Old
Spain which is entitled Sunny Ma
drid. This is headed by its beau
tiful prima donna, a Senorita De
lores Gomez, Mexico's most cele
brated dancer, who is assisted by
twenty dancing girls and boys from
the country of music and flowers.
The wild animal displays are pre
sented by Capt. Ben Bowman,
Floyd Hunter and Fred Anderson.
The Horse Fair of Kentucky bred,
gaited High school and Dancing
Horses are presented by Miss Lau
ra Seal and a dozen lady riders.
There are twenty-five clowns to
furnish the fun and drive away the
A few of the featured performers
are as follows: The Flying Henrys,
the Aerial Delmars. the famous
Matsumoto Family of Japanese art
ists the first time in America, Miss
Peggy Webb who is Queen of the
Air and is the original Girl on the
Flying Trapeze. The Cornell Fam
ily of acrobats and tumblers, the
Driesbeck Sisters, Germany's great
est lady riders and equestriennes.
Reports on Old-Time Friends
Mrs. F. W. Turne returned home
from Portland last week. She at
tended U .of O. summer school in
the city and completed nine credit,
hours work. She reports that the
Howard James family has a gro
cery store on the east side, and Lois
wili teach in Pilot Rock high school
this year. The Reids and Brocks
(formerly with the local school sys
tem) are still In Portland where
Lenna teaches In the Laurelhurst
school and Ethel operates a beauty
parlor. The W. O. Livingstones,
other former Heppnerites seen,
seem to be happily located at Ver
nonia, where the largest electric
lumber mill in the United States
has just recently opened after being
closed for five years. Mrs. Living
stone has had a very serious illness
Just when it was thought that
Dan Cupid had gone into seclusion
for good, the little old dart thrower
bobbed up at the courthouse yester
day nnd demanded a "hitching"
license for Glenn B. Griffith and
Vakla E. Davenport, both of Spray.
The couple left immediately for
Redmond where they planned to
have the official knot tied and In
order to expedite their matrimonial
progress, Judge Campbell waived
three-day requirement
Miss Katherine Parker Is spend
ing a couple of weeks at the home
of her sister, Mrs. Dorri3 Mitchell,
near Joseph.
Native Heppner Son
Buried Here Today
Commitment services were held
in the Masonic cemetery here to
day for Elwyn F. Shipley, who
passed away in Hood River Sunday
evening, August 2. Death was di
rectly attributed to pneumonia al
though Mr. Shipley had been in
poor health for a year or more.
Elwyn Shipley was born in Hepp
ner October 31, 1896. He spent his
early boyhood here and at about
ten years of age went to Caldwell,
Idaho, to make his home with his
mother, Mrs. Guy Boyd. He at
tended school there, finishing Cald
well high school, and was a student
in College of Idaho when America
joined the allied forces in the great
world conflict. Elwyn enlisted and
served overseas. Returning to the
states he settled for a time at Cald
well, later going to California and
entering business in Covina, near
Los Angeles, where he met Miss
Avis Sutter, who became his wife
in 1925.
Soon after his marriage, Elwyn
sold the business in Covina and
came to Bingen, Wash. There he
purchased a mercantile establish
ment which he conducted with pro
nounced success for several years,
selling out more than a year ago
because of failing health. The past
year was spent in California in an
effort to recover his health, but
failing in this he returned to Bin
gen. Funeral services were held yes
terday at Bingen under the auspices
of the American Legion. The body
was then brought to Heppner and
rested in the Case mortuary from
11 a. m. to 1 p. m., where sorrow
ing friends were given an oppor
tunity to pay their respects.
Elwyn is survived by his father,
J. W. Shipley, of Underwood, Wn,
his mother, Mrs. Guy Boyd, of
Caldwell, Idaho; two sisters,' Mrs.
D. L. Selby and Louise Boyd, and
one brother, Phil Boyd. Two aunts
survive him in Heppner, Mrs. Henry
Scherzinger and Mrs. Lena White.
Several members of the Ameri
can Legion post of Bingen accom
panied the body of their comrade
to Heppner where they joined mem
bers of the local post in the grave
side service.
Auction Scheduled for
Saturday, August 3rd
Tom Clark, Jr., and S. O. Sloan
completed arrangements this week
for a big community auctidn sale to
be held in Heppner Saturday, Aug.
The two young men have spent
several days signing up sale stock
and have listed a wide variety in
cluding livestock, poultry, farm
machinery of all descriptions, gas
oline motors, household goods and
many other items.
Sloan Is a professional auctioneer,
having taken training in school to
fit him for the vocation. Clark has
some experience in organizing sales
and the two young men expect to
stage a successful event here Satur-
The city lot on Chase street at
the rear of the Morrow County
creamery has been secured for this
opening sale, whch is expected to
be followed by several other sales
this summer and early fall. Sales
are also being organized at Hermis
ton and The Dalles.
Farmers and others having arti
cles for sale are urged to bring in
their stuff whether listed or not.
News of Birth Comes
by Amateur Radiogram
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Notson re
ceived word this morning of the
birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Notson at Peiping, China,
July 27.
News of the advent of the child
came by letter from Geo. S. Ben
nett, amateur radio operator of
Walnut Creek, California, who pick
ed up the radiogram broadcast
from Peiping and forwarded the
news to the grandparents in this
The message reads: "Son, eight
pounds twelve ounces, 'born July
twenty-seventh. Charles."
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Notson,
missionaries, are at present lo
cated at Peiping following the up
rising on the Tibetan border in
1935 which forced missionaries of
the area to seek refuge in civilized
Word was received today of the
death of Mrs. Ora Belle Edwards
at hor home in Forest Grove. Death
occurred Wednesday evening and
she will be buried at Forest Grove
funeral services to be held at 2:30
o'clock tomorrow. Mrs. Edwards
was well known in Morrow county
whore she made her home for many
years in the Sand Hollow district.
She was the widow of the late John
Edwards, many years a prominent
stockman and rancher here. She
is survived by a son and two daugh
ters, Ernest Edwards, and Mrs.
Richard Thompson and Mrs. W. E.
Randal Grimes, Smith-Hughes
Instructor eelcted to teach the new
course in the Heppner school, ar
rived the first of the week from
Corvallis to make arrangements for
the installation of equipment and
fitting up a room for his classes.
He hopes to have everything in
place by the time school opens.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Shipley ac
companied the body of Elwyn Ship
ley from Bingen to Heppner where
interment was made. Mr. Shipley,
father of the deceased, was at one
time superintendent of schools in
Morrow county.
City Will Provide Ground
For Recreation Center,
Say City Dads.
Head Men Not Fully Satslfled With
Section of New Pipe Line Re
cently Completed.
Heppner's city council waxed
both cold and warm Tuesday eve
ning in a holdover session cold as
far a3 the new pipe line is concern
ed and warm on the swimming
tank proposal submitted by the
Lions club.
A resolution of acceptance of the
job just completed by the contract
ing firm of Pierce and Conner, who
laid the new pipe line on the city's
water sytem, was tabled awaiting
some recommendation or action by
the PWA. Councilmen present ex
pressed dissatisfaction with part of
the pipe laying job, and although
the pipe is in place and covered,
they feel that some of the work is
not up to specifications and are in
clined to hold back final acceptance
until the PWA has been given an
opportunity to offer an expression.
, The water problem occupied a
good share of the meeting and
aside from the dissatisfaction ap
parent over the new pipe line the
situation in the water service show
ed considerable improvement.
When Dr. L. D. Tibbies, chair
man of the Lions swimming tank
committee, presented the club's
plan the attitude of the council
changed perceptibly. Dr. Tibbies
had a map of the block where it
is proposed to build the tank and
other recreation facilities, showing
definitely the location of each unit
The city owns three lots and the
county owns one. The committee
had been given assurance that if
the city will donate its lots the
county will do the same, giving a
deed to the city. i
It seemed to be a foregone con
clusion that the city would accept
,this proposal for there was not a
dissenting vote and each member
present, headed by Mayor Jones,
expressed approval of the plan.
Some confusion arose over the
method of financing the- project, al
though it had been explained that
PWA assistance is available. Tib
bies stated that the additional units
had been planned when it was
learned that the PWA probably
would not be Interested in the
swimming tank alone. With a larg
er plan, it was explained, the PWA
could be counted on for a 45 per
cent gift and, if desired, the re
maining 55 percent could be bor
rowed at 4 percent interest. The
town fathers expressed a desire to
handle the 55 percnt locally if pos-
sioie and the suggestion was made
that a swimming tank association
or some such organization be form
ed and stock sold to finance the
A motion was finally carried to
place the council's interest in the
plan in the hands of the Lions com
mittee with the suggestion that a
definite plan be worked out and
with the assurance that the city
will do its part in promoting this
much-needed project
in connection with the swimmins
tank proposal, Mayor Jones report
ed that Claude Cox had made a
bid for 20 feet of the lot at the
rear of the creamery for a wood
lot It was deemed advisable to sell
this strip inasmuch as it will not
hamper the plans of the recreation
The county's lot is number 9 and
faces on Main street. It is proposed
to improve tnat lot with trees and
make it the entrance to the park.
The tank will be located between
the creamery and the Standard Oil
station, and the lots facing Chase
street will be devoted to tennis
courts and a playground for the
kiddies, including a wading pool.
The swimming tank is the first
unit under consideration and the
other features will be developed as
fast as possible, including bath
houses. It is hoped to have finan
cing plans worked out and in oper
ation so that work on the tank
may be started as soon as the frost
is out of the ground in the spring.
Ray P. Kinne, representing the
Pacific Power & Light company,
appeared before the council with i
proposal to place an arc light on
willow street. Under the terms of
the company's contract with the
city there should be a light In this
block, but a few years ago when
economy was essential an agree
ment was made by the contracting
parties to discontinue the light until
conditions were Improved. The
company feels that conditions are
better and backed by some requests
of tenants in the block asked that
the light be re-installed. The mat
ter was referred to the streets and
light committee.
The usual grist of bills and some
extra ones in connection with the
work on the water system were
audited and ordered paid. Mayor
Jones presided, and Councilmen
Morton, McNamer and McMurdo
answered the roll call.
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