Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 23, 1936, Image 1

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    OREGON .M...et .oe.t
Volume 52, Number 20.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Harriet Heliker Steps Into
Second Place After
Willows Dance.
Miss Doherty Expected to Change
Order of Standings After
This Week's Dance.
Miss Harriet Heliker, candidate of
Willows grange for the honor of
queen of Heppner's 1936 Rodeo,
stepped into second place last Sat
urday night following the queen's
dance at lone. Up to that time,
Miss Heliker had been at the bot
tom of the heap, but it's a different
story now.
The standings of the candidates
this week show Miss Genevieve
Hanna of Lena' still leading the
race with a total of 19,500 votes;
Harriet Heliker, 15,900; Frances
Rugg, 14,700, and Betty Doherty,
' These figures indicate that there
will be a hot scrap along toward
the closing hours of the campaign.
It is expected that Misa Doherty
may slip into the lead after this
week's dance, although Miss Hanna
showed a substantial gain at the
lone dance, advancing her count
from 16.900 to 19,500. At the present
stage, it is anybody's election and
one guess is as good as another.
This week's dance will be held
at the Leach hall in Lexington, in
stead of the grange hall as pre
viously advertised. The Pendleton
Indian orchestra has been retained
to furnish the music.
Plans for this year's Rodeo are
going ahead, according to Henry
Aiken, president of the association.
New stock has been purchased and
other features are being worked out
to make this year's show one of
the best in the history of the Hepp
ner western classic.
An opportunity will be given the
Rodeo management to do some ef
fective advertising August 14 and
15 at Walla Walla. The Pendelton
Round-Up association has been ex
tended the courtesy of staging the
wild west parade at the Whitman
centennial. George Strand, direct
or of parades for the Round-Up,
was in Heppner Monday and ex
tended an invitation to the Rodeo
association to .participate in the
parade. He suggested that riders
and mounts from Heppner join the
Round-Up forces and ride in this
great spectacle which will be viewed
by no less than 50,000 spectators
each day. President Aiken has as
sured Mr. Strand that a delegation
will be on hand from Heppner, the
number to be determined at a later
date. Some of the prospective par
ticipants are apt to be busy with
harvesting operations at the time
and It will be difficult to get away
for two or three days.
Aiken plans to carry plenty of
advertising material along and give
the centennial visitors an invitation
(Continued on Pass Four)
Red Cross Official to Visit
Local Chapter Next Week
A communication from the Amer
ican Red Cross, Pacific branch at
San Francisco, bears the informa
tion that Ralph E. Carlson, First
Aid and Life Saving representative
of the organization, will be in
Heppner July 31 and August 1.
Mr. Carlson's visit at this time is
in the Interest of the first aid and
life saving program of the Morrow
county chapter.
Heppner Inventor Got Idea
About Tiventy-five Years Late
Heppner might have been known
as the home of a clever inventor If
Mike Roberts had gotten an Idea
some 25 years earlier.
A good many people living here
now will recall that around the turn
of the century there was a good bit
of talk about a "motion" fan which
was a product of the fertile brain
of Mr. Roberts. Unfortunately, the
fan never reached the volume pro
duction stage and after a few sea
sons both it and the story of Its
origin were, forgotten.
With so much talk going around
about air-conditioned houses, trains
and the like, we were reminded of
the time Frank (Mike) Roberts In
vented a fan for the purpose of
cooling the atmosphere in passen
ger cars. Just how long Mike had
had the idea he did not state. An
opportunity to "spring" it came one
time when he was aboard a pas
senger train between Portland and
Heppner. It was one of those hot,
dry days with which rail travellers
of the era were so familiar. Con
ductor Allison, known to many
branch passengers, was on duty
and Mike commented upon the un
comfortable situation in the car,
stating "Why doesn't the company
do something about it?"
"What Is there to do?" queried
"That's simple," Mike replied.
"They can install a fan that will run
while the train Is in motion.' It
would be inexpensive to make and
cost nothing to run."
The idea was relayed to J. P. O'
Brien and he asked Mike what the
Some Current Events
Cause Us to Wonder
SOME things have been hap
pening the past few days that
have caused us to pause and won
der. F'rinstance; On his return
from Portland Monday night Sam
Notson lost his hat that is, he
forgot his sky piece. When he
and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Gault ar
rived at Arlington after a devas
tating ride through the heat from
The Dalles they decided to stop
and partake of "the pause that
refreshes" or a similar potation.
Sam declares it was a soft drink
and is seconded by Gault There
was some mention of a pretty girl
behind the fountain. Anyway,
when the trio arriyed at Hepp
ner Junction, Sam discovered that
he was minus his hat and J. L.
accommodatingly turned around
and drove back to Arlington
where the fedora was recovered.
When Sam arrived home he
was wearing a big sunflower, em
blem of the G. O. P. He dis
played the emblem with pride and
so far as is known it was the only
one in Heppner. Wednesday
morning Sam was standing on
the street trying to convince some
New Dealer of the error of his
ways when a car bearing a Kan
sas license drove up. A good
looking woman spied that sun
flower on Sam's lapel. And now
the sunflower is missing. We are
beginning to wonder just what
the old republican wheelhorse's
weakness is.
Oregon Farm Prices in
Rapid Advance Lately
The sharpest advance in the gen
eral Oregon farm price index for a
long time was registered from mid
May to mid-June, with further in
crease indicated at mid-July. This
is one of the outstanding facts
shown in the most recent report on
the agricultural situation by the
OSC extension service. The increase
in the index was from 68 percent of
the 1926-1930 average up to 73, or
a 7 percent gain in one month.
Two principal reasons account for
the rapid advance in prices for a
good many farm products and foods
according to the report. These are
serious drouth damage to crops east
of the Rockies and stronger indus
trial activity and demand conditions
in this country and in most foreign
In respect to demand, the report
says that business activity was at a
higher level In June than at any
time for several years, bringing the
average of industrial activity for
the first half of 1936 to 12 percent
above the first half of 1935.
The principal drouth belt extends
from the northern Great Plains in
a southeasterly direction to the
south Atlantic coast. The final out
come depends now very much on
how corn and other late maturing
crops come out With good rains
not too long delayed yields of such
crops might still be fairly good, but
gross production of farm products
this year is already certain to fall
materially below early season pros
pects. The circular, which is available
from county agricultural agents,
goes into considerable detail in re
spect to the various commodities,
giving data on production, prices
and other information of value to
farmers in planning their produc
tion and marketing program. A new
feature in the report just issued is
a table showing the usual seasonal
trend of farm prices in Oregon for
several of the most important proj
ducts marketed from this state.
We take this means of thanking
our many friends for the lovely
gifts presented us on the occasion
of our Golden Wedding anniver
sary. To each and every contrib
utor we say "Thank you" from the
bottom of our hearts.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Campbell.
principal of the fan was. In reply
Mike took a copy of a newspaper
and folded It In the shape of a wind
mill. Raising a car window he
placed the paper in position to catch
the wind. This wind arm was
shaped In a manner to propel a ro
tary fan inside the car which served
to clear the atmosphere of dust and
to cool the air at the same time.
It was a clever Idea and received
a lot of comment from railroad men.
However, Mr. O'Brien discouraged
any idea Mike hay have had relative
to manufacturing the fan and try
ing to sell it to the railroads. At
about this period of railroad devel
opment, the several lines were be
ginning to put electric lights in the
passenger cars. With dynamos built
right on the locomotives there was
no reason why fans energized by
electricity could not also be in
stalled in the cars.
Thus was an otherwise great
invention checked In the period of
"Why couldn't the idea be carried
out on the modern bus and sedan?"
we asked.
"For the same reason that my fan
was not adopted by the railroads,
replied Mike. "They could attach
fans to the batteries of cars, and I
guess that's what they are doing if
thoy have fans in the cars and
"You see, I was Just about 25
years late In offering my suggestion
and the Roberts "motion" or "mo
mentum" fan Is stll just an idea,"
Mr, Roberts stated In closing the
Some Things of Interest
Seen on Los Angeles Trip
(By The Editor)
Here we are, back from Los An
gelesdestined, so "Jerry" Aiken
says, to be the world's largest city.
The largest and most successful
national Elks convention was held
there last week. That was the main
object of our trip.
A bit ironical was the news of
Heppner's earthquake temblor, re
ceived while we were in Los An
geles, itself a noted quake spot,
while in our lifetime in Heppner
no such experience was before
known. L. A. felt no temblor during
our visit, however the weather was
unusual this time unusually hot.
We visited Jared "Jerry" Aiken,
better known to old-time Heppner
friends as 'Spec," in his office on
the 11th floor of the Bank of Amer
ica building. He is manager of the
Los Angeles office of Rathbone,
King & Seeley, Insurance brokers
and agents for Lloyd's of London.
Jerry's company wrote the insur
ance covering all phases of the big
Elks conclave, no little task as un
derwriting goes.
As we looked out the office win
dow at the beehive of activity 11
stories below, Jerry spoke of the
earthquake two years before. It
happened shortly before he arrived
at L. A., but the office force ahead
of him told of the experience. The
walls appeared to fall against them,
and it looked as if the Bank of
America building and. another tall
building across the street were go
ing to crack heads. Those in the
office stumbled along the walls,
grabbing at them for support as
they made their way to the door
and down the hall to the elevators,
each instant expecting it would be
their last. The buildings in that
section held, but Jerry said uncer
Hayes Starts Work on
New, Service Station
Work was started Tuesday morn
ing on a new building at the corner
of May and Chase streets which
when completed will be used as a
service station by Glenn Hayes.
The new building will be 22 x 34
feet and will occupy part of the old
Star lodging house site. It will be
of frame construction with concrete
floor, and will be finished in stucco
and plaster.
Mr. Hayes was busy Tuesday
morning laying out the ground and
assembling materials. He plans to
do most of the construction work
himself and will have the plant
ready to open In about six weeks.
There will be two rooms, one for
greasing operations and one for an
office. The .gasoline pumps will be
covered by an awning and will be
easily available to motorists.
Jobless Seek Work in
Morrow County Fields
Eastern Oregon's grain crop is
attracting quite an army of labor
ers this summer, if the number of
men seeking work in Morrow coun
ty is a fair barometer.
During the past week the county
agent's office has been beseiged by
men seeking employment in th
grain fields and an effort is being
made to locate as many of them as
It is thought that the drouth
areas of the middle west are re
sponsible for some of the job ap
plicants, while Governor Martin's
edict relative to employables on re
lief doubtless is a contributing fac
With harvest in full blast It Is
timely for both employer and un
employed to meet on common
ground at this time,
Mrs. Clarence Wise and Miss Lora
Gilman were hostesses for a bridal
shower honoring Mrs. Al Massey,
Saturday afternoon, at the Massey
home. The house was tastefully
decorated with petunias, cosmos and
snapdragons. Mrs. Massey was the
recipient of many gifts, A pleas
ant afternoon was spent, at the
close of which the hostesses served
refreshments to the guests, the list
including Mesdames Ivan Applegate,
Glen Sherer, William Massey, Chas.
Massey, George Nelson, Nettie
Flower, Iris Slavens, Levi Morgan,
Kenneth Akers, Al Sherman, Harold
Gentry, Lillian Lowman, and the
Misses Anabel Turner, Ellen Mor
gan and Olive Nelson. Mrs. Massey
also received a gift from Mrs. H.
O. Tenncy, who was unable to at
tend the party.
The water committee of the city
council met with M. L. White, rep
resentative of the Howard-Cooper
corporation of Portland, last night
and decided to install a pump rec
ommended by Mr. White at the city
well on upper Willow creek. The
pump put out by the Portland con
cern Is guaranteed to produce 250
gallons of water per minute. On
a 20-foot lift It will produce 15,000
gallons per hour and on a 10-foot
lift it will produce 21,000 gallons
per hour.
Willows grange will hold a busi
ness meeting Sunday, July 26, at
which time Mrs. Marie Ledbetter,
chairman of the agricultural com
mittee, will present a program of
talks, 4-H club reports, songs and
readings. Willows grange mem
bers are now having an attendance
end membership contest between
the ladles and men of the grange.
Sell your surplus stock through
Gazette Times Want Ads.
tainty of the quake's recurrence
plays a large part in the insurance
game, as all types of business must
have coverage against this risk the
same as against Are and water.
And the premiums come pretty
Jerry was one of the most in
teresting "things" we found in L.
A., probably very naturally so, as
we were kids together; and as he
is still widely remembered here we
know there are many others equal
ly interested.
When we, Mrs. Crawford and I,
.first called at the Aiken home, Jerry
was absent on a yachting trip with
friends to Santa Catalina. We were
greeted by Marie, that is Mrs. Aik
en, nee Marie Currin of this city.
The perfect hostess, Marie served
hors d' ouvres, and our party went
out to dinner, returning to greet
Jerry shortly as he returned from
the yacht, red as a lobster from
sunburn. The sunburn treated him
pretty rough for., couple of days,
but that is all a part of life in the
sunny southland.
Los Angeles takes an event like
the big Elks convention in its
stride. An extra large wave wash
es the surface for a moment, it is
true, for the Elks celebration is one
of the largest meetings in the coun
try. Convention visitors numbered
50,000, it was said, while official
delegates totaled some 26,000. How
ever, the increased activity in town
hardly compares with a Rodeo day
in Heppner. i
The southern California metrop
olis has everything so well organ
ized for holding conventions, and eo
many conventions are held there,
it is almost 'a matter of routine.
Convention-holding in L. A. is a
iContnued on Page Four)
Klamath County Men
Named State Chairmen
Democratic and republican voters
of Oregon will look to Klamath
county for leadership in the com
ing election. The democratic state
central committee in session in
Portland Saturday elected Claude
C. McColloch of Klamath Falls as
chairman, and the republican com
mitteemen Monday elected Arthur
Priaulx of Chlloquin to succeed
himself as state chairman.
McColloch showed surprising
strength when the balloting got un
der way and was not long in col
lecting enough votes to win the
coveted post
Priaulx showed somewhat the
same strength in the republican
meeting, garnering 19 votes.
McColloch is a prominent attor
ney of the southern Oregon metrop
olis and was a candidate for the of
fice of national committeeman in
the recent primary election. He
represents the more conservative
element of the democratic party.
Priaulx is publisher of the Chllo
quin Review at Chiloquin. He made
a bid for prominence in republican
ranks in 1934 and while a young
man and somewhat inexperienced in
political machinations, he displayed
symptoms of leadership which
placed him in the forefront of party
regulars. He was made state chair
man in 1934 and conducted the cam
paign against odds that might have
stumped an older and more exper
ienced politician.
Local Red Cross Chapter
Elects New Set Officers
Morrow county chapter of the
American Red Cross society met in
the city library Wednesday eve
ning and elected new officers
for the ensuing year. The meeting
was conducted by Josephine Ma-
honey, retiring chairman, and the
following people will direct the af
fairs of the chapter for the next
twelve months: Alberta Parker,
chairman; Mary Patterson, treas
urer; Dona Barnett, secretary.
J. O. Turner was appointed to
audit the books of the retiring
treasurer, Miss Leta Humphreys.
C. J. D. Bauman. wil have charge
of the chapter's float in the Rodeo
A report on highway first aid sta
tlons supervised by the chapter re
vealed some improvement in con
duct of the lone and Hardman sta
It has been warm in this vicinity
this week but not insufferably so
according to the thermometer re
cordings made by Len L. Gilliam
While Pendleton recorded a tem
perature of 103 on Sunday, the best
Heppner could register was 95
Monday and Tuesday were warmer
with readings of 97 each day, and
Wednesday the mercury dropped
down to 93. An overcast sky and
mild breezes combined to hold the
mercury at a lower and more com
fortable stage this morning with
the general feeling among weather
minded folk that the warm spell Is
over for the time being, at least.
In a meeting of the school board
of district No. 1, Monday evening.
Randal Grimes was elected to direct
the new Smith-Hughes department
and Miss Kathryn Mitchell was
tendered a contract to teach the
commercial department of Heppner
high, school for the ensuing year.
These teachers were hired to take
the positions left vacant through
the resignation of Homer Oft and
Miss Shirlee Smith. Both of the
new teachers are taking summer
work at Oregon State college.
15-Car Caravan Carries Hundred
Clubbers to Union and Wallowa
Counties; Sleep in Hay Loft
Bright and early Monday morn
ing, July 13, ten 4-H club boys met
in Heppner ready to start on the
400-mile 4-H judging tour through
Wallowa and Union counties. Clar
ence Biddle, Lexington 4-H Calf
club leader, accompanied the boys
and drove the truck. The boys
making the trip were Irvin Rauch,
Billy Biddle, Mancel and Marion
Krebs, Rufus Hill, Dick Williams,
Malcolm O'Brien, Larry Stevens
and Jimmy Cool.
The Morrow county group joined
the groups from other counties at
Union, and from there on 15 cars
were in the judging caravan. Doc
Allen, assistant state club leader,
also joined the group at Union.
Monday the experiment station
at Union was visited. Here the ex
perimental plots were ready for
harvest The trip had been plan
ned for this time so the boys could
see these plots at harvest time. The
experimental work was explained
by an expert from the state college.
Monday night the 100 boys and
their attendants slept in a large
hay loft at the experiment station,
where their beds were made down
side by side on the hay. Fun among
the boys continued far into the
night until someone called for quiet
and reminded them that several of
the club leaders present had been
up since 3 o'clock that morning to
make the trip possible for them.
Morning found articles of clothing
hard to locate, and all were called
upon to help one lad who couldn't
find any of his.
The following day several dairies,
stock farms, hog and sheep herds
were visited, directions for judg
ing given by Doc Allen, and judg
ing contests held.
The caravan arrived at Wallowa
lake at 3 o'clock in the afternoon,
and the boys took a swim and went
rowing. Some of them rounded
up two elk and saw them swim in
the water, after which they return
ed to camp, had supper cooked by
the boys, made down their beds
and then went to look over the
power plant owned by Pacific Pow
er and Light company, on whose
property they were camped. Gen
eral assembly was then held around
the campfire, when od-timers told
tales of Chief Joseph and his tribes.
Wednesday morning the boys vis
ited Wallowa falls. As they were
assembling to leave a number of the
boys were late in returning to the
general group. After waiting for a
half hour Doc Allen gave order3
for the boys to line up and put the
tardy boy3 through the spanking
machine.' Plans were to stop again
at the lake for half an hour, but
the laggards had taken up the time,
so the caravan started out. The
next stop was at the tomb of Chief
Joseph where a large granite mon
ument is erected.
Wednesday evening found the
boys back in Heppner with three
days of happy memories added to
life's store.
Doc Allen understands boys. At
one large dairy a group of boys
was inspecting a tractor. Mr. Allen
said, "I wish these boys had a
tractor like that to take to pieces,
it would sure do them a lot of
Word was received of the mar
riage of Elsie Wilson to John Mc
Claskey last week. Friends extend
best of wishes.
Fred Slanger made a business trip
to Hermiston. He returned with a
second-hand Model A truck.
Mr. Horn of Gridley, Cal., visit
ed at the W. A. Strobel home Friday
Mr. and Mrs. Al Macomber of
Heppner were visitors here over
the week end.
Mr. nd Mrs. Truman Messenger
of Lexington were week end visit
ors here.
Lois Messenger is home for two
weeks from La Grande normal.
Miss Helen Slanger is employed
at the Signal service station at
Mrs. Cox and children are visit
ing relatives for a week.
A party was held honoring Geo.
Wlcklander, Jr., last Tuesday. A
large crowd was there and all en
joyed themselves.
George Wicklander, Sr., went to
Bend last week.
Word was received of the death
of the father of Claude Calkins,
the former county agent of Mor
row county, last Monday.
Evanabel Peck returned home
from Yakima last Saturday.
Missionary meeting was held at
Mrs. J. F. Gorham's home last
Donald Gillispie has the scarlet
Maridce Moore from Monument
Is visiting her grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. E. W. Moore.
Mrs. W. A. Baker, Mrs. Otto
Lubbes, and Willard Baker went to
Meacham lake last week on a huck
leberry trip.
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Bates, Mrs.
Edith Hendricks, and Mrs. Wilson
went to Meacham to pick huckle
Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Macomber
spent the week end in Pilot Rock.
Miss Eleanor Tlldon and Miss
Norma Gibbons have been em
ployed as our new teachers for
next year.
Dave Johnston has gone to Arl
ington to work In the warehouse.
Why Not a Drinking
Fountain on Main?
WHAT would be the matter
with the city putting in a
drinking fountain or two along
Main street? At present there is
a fountain at the fair grounds
if one knows where to find it
and there are fountains at Fer
guson Motor company and Stand
ard Stations corners.
Perhaps the average adult has
a nickel or a dime with which to
purchase a drink, but the kiddies
are not always so equipped for
quenching their thirst and must
rely upon water. They frequently
resort to using a hose at one of
the service stations, and, more
frequently, they enter refreshment
stands and request a glass of wa
ter, which is cheerfully given but
which is too often an annoyance.
It would be a handsome thing
for the city to place a fountain in
each of the blocks of the business
County's Road System
Undergoing Inventory
To determine the condition of
primary and secondary highways
and county-built roads in Morrow
county, engineers of the state high
way department are taking an in
ventory this month. The work is
being done by Stanley Wentz and
R. W. Carpenter and they will in
spect all roads of the county in an
effort to determine their condition
and to recommend repairs and al
terations. This work is being carried on al!
over the state and is done to ascer
tain the value of highway property
and cost of maintenance. Wenti
and Carpenter expect to spend about
a month inspecting the Morrow
county road system.
Acceptance Speech to be
Heard at 6 P. M. Today
Lawrence Beach, secretary of the
county republican central commit
tee, is in receipt of a telegram from
Arthur Priaulx, state chairman,
stating that Governor Alf Landon's
acceptance speech will be broad
cast over both NBC and CBS net
works at 6 o'clock Pacific Standard
time this evening.
The republican presidential nom
inee the first part of the week com
pleted his speech which will require
from 40 to 45 minutes to read and
which is looked upon as the open
ing gun of the campaign.
Trainload of Cattle
Leaves Here Saturday
Saturday night's train carried a
cargo of 18 cars of cattle consigned
to Portland and California points.
It was one of the heaviest train
shipments of the season and proba
bly represents the last shipment of
the kind for this year.
Seventeen cars of the lot were
shipped by Chance Wilson of Mon
ument and Eb Hughes of Lena wa3
in charge of the eighteenth car.
Twelve cars were consigned to Port
land and six to California. The Wil
son lot comprised 530 head.
Interest in the election of an Ore
gon man to all-star honors has
been quite pronounced in Heppner
the last few days. Sam Notson ini
tiated the movement in this section
by circulating petitions, or vote
sheets, for Johnny Oravec, star
halfback on the Willamette uni
versity football team the past three
years. Up to this morning more
than JOO names had been written
on the ballots and there were more
than 300 in Morrow county. Elev
en men are chosen from the 48
states each year and it is hoped
that Oravec will place one of the
positions this year.
For Sale Used fruit jars, 50c a
dozen. Write Box 98, Lexington.
Possibility of More Quakes
Seen by College Geologist
That the earthquake which shook
sections of southeastern Washing
ton and northeastern Oregon last
week la of more than passing sig
nificance is revealed in a statement
by Professor Edwin T. Hodge of
Oregon State college.
Prof. Hodge, teacher of economic
geology at Oregon State, said the
unexpected earthquake was of
"great interest" to geologists.
"We never knew there was a
live fault there," he said, "although
we had found dead faults. What
the earthquake shows is that na
ture, in folding up the plains In
to the Blue mountains, fractured a
part of her handiwork and it is this
deep fracture that caused Wednes
day's earthquake.
"It shows that the mountains
have not become thoroughly stable
and that adjustments are still tak
ing place. It excites two theories,
which are:
"Either that the earthquake is
natures' finishing touch to the great
mountain ranges the last element
by which the structure becomes per
manent or that she is still building,
possibly taking the strain off the
earth's crust as It moves westward
from Butte, and portends greater
or leaser movements in the future.
"Besides this scientific point,
there is also great interest in the
economic aspects whether, if na
ture is still building, it would be
necessary to strengthen buildings
against damage In the future. Now
geologists will tiy to learn just what
this fault portends, although it Is,
Lions Hear Plea for Sup
port of Effort to Get
Assistance Here.
Lieut-Colonel C F. Williams, U. S.
Engineers, Conducting Hear
ing at Court House Today.
. Heppner Lions club joined tha
movement to secure flood control in
the Willow creek and Rhea creek
valleys when the matter was pre
sented at Tuesday's luncheon.
Commissioner Frank S. Parker
attended the luncheon and brought
the flood control meeting to the at
tention of assembled members. He
read a list of questions which had
been prepared by the U. S. engin
eering staff and after commenting
briefly on the interest of the county
court in this particular work, called
upon S. E. Notson for a discussion
of what has been done and the pos
sibility of getting something def
inite in the way of flood control.
In hi3 discussion, Notson pointed
out some of the ways in which the
finnacing might be handled. One
method, and the one thought most
feasible, is the organization of a
flood control district That would
involve a tax levy, but as the speak
er pointed out the work cannot be
done by good will. There will have
to be some responsible group or
organization and the law provides
for the organization of flood con
trol districts.
The speaker recalled some of the
work done by Rhea Luper in the
matter of locating dam sites and
collecting other engineering data
which Is available for study by the
government engineers. Luper's ex
perience in water adjudication and
the broader experience as state en
gineer is not to be looked upon
lightly. He has quite accurate fig
ures on water volume of each of
the floods dating from the 1903
catastrophe up to and including the
more recent flood of 1934.
The Lions club Is not taking in
itiative action in the proposed flood
control. The club is lending its sup
port by urging citizens of the Wil
low and Rhea creek districts to
turn out for the meeting at the
court house this afternoon, A let
ter was prepared by the club sec
retary and mailed to numerous citi
zens of the two districts asking
them to attend an earlier meeting
at 1:30 today to formulate a plan
of presenting available data and to
offer such other assistance to the
engineer as may be within the pow
er of local property owners.
The hearing is being conducted
by Lieut-Colonel C. F .Williams,
U. S. engineers. Congressman Wal
ter M. Pierce is a spectator at the
hearing, having arrived in the city
today to spend a day or two visit
ing constituents and looking over
the political situation.
A new angle was presented on
the swimming tank when Frank
Turner announced that WPA help
is available If desired. He told of
a conversation with John L. Grif
fith, supervisor of the local WPA
unit in which Mr. Griffith informed
him that aid from that source
could be obtained. The finance com
mittee later met with Mr. Griffith
and learned that certain conditions
would necessarily have to be met.
First, the site must be selected;
then plans and specifications by a
recognized architect or engineer.
When these matters have been ap
proved the WPA can then offer to
(Continued on Paw Four)
of course, impossible to snv whn
further disturbances might occur or
wnat tne intensity might be.
Prof. Hodge said the earthquake
occurred in a region which, so far
as history shows, has been com
paratively free of disturbance.
He said Walla Walla and Milton
Freewater felt the earthquake par
ticularly because the cities are built
on alluvial deposits left by the
rivers flowing westward from the
Blue mountains.
"The rocks of the Blue mountains
go down under these deposits and
when an earthmiakft occurs tn anoh
circumstances it is similar to strik
ing a nammer on a table covered
with sand. If the towns were built
on rock, the shock would be less
more like a hammer blow on a table
on which a book lay." he illustrated.
Elmer Ball of lone went to The
Dalles the first of the week to en
ter the state tuberculosis hospital.
His application was acted upon
some time ago but due to the
crowded condition of the hospital It
was necessary for him to wait. Mrs.
Ball has been I the hospital sev
eral months and they have two
children In the hospital at Salem.
A third child Is waiting for a room
at one of the hospitals. The fam
ily has undergdne a lot of sickness
the past few years,
Hugh Currin was over from Pilot
Rock yesterday for a visit with
his sister, Mrs. Agnes Wilcox.