Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 02, 1936, Image 1

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Volume 52, Number 17.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Additional 24,000 Gallons
a Day Augments
Water Supply.
15 Tons Steel Tubing Here, and
Work Starts on Replacing Wood
Pipe In Water Supply Line.
Water from Kelley spring was
turned into the city pipe line Tues
day. In developing this additional
water source, located about a mile
above the city artesian wells at the
fork of Willow creek, the locally
famous spring was dug out, enclosed
with cement and a four-inch pipe
line laid to the intake. An addition
al 24,000 gallons a day has thus been
added to the city's water supply;
and the soft, cold water of the
spring which for years provided
a respite for weary travelers pass
ing by has been brought into homes
of the city.
Tuesday, also, 15 tons of steel
pipe arrived for replacing the mile
and three-quarters of old wooden
pipe in the supply line, and actual
work was started on that project
with Mr. Connor of the Portland
contracting firm of Pierce and Con
nor here to supervise it. The pipe
replacement is being done under
PWA with use of the $7000 bond
money voted by the city in Febru
ary. Acquisition of Kelley spring to
augment the city water supply had
been considered by the council for
several years, and definite action
toward that end was taken three
weeks ago when purchase was made
from Bruce Kelley, owner, for $300.
Water from Willow creek was
turned into the supply line Mon
day. .
The Dalles to Celebrate
Ocean Terminal, Fourth
Dedication of the nation's newest
Interior ocean terminal will be held
at The Dalles on July 4 in conjunc
tion with a three-day Fourth of
July celebration.
The new terminal is located at
The Dalles on the Columbia river,
200 miles Inland from the Pacific
ocean, 90 miles east of Portland and
45 miles east of the Bonneville dam.
This new terminal will serve the
vast "Inland Empire" territory and
the completion of the Bonneville
dam, with its sea-locks, will bring
ocean steamship service direct to
this far Inland port east of the
Cascade mountains. The dock is
situated at the east end of the 45
mile lake to be formed by the Co
lumbia river when Its waters are
.impounded by the Bonneville dam
and was built at a cost of $260,000.
The development consists of two
large transit Bheds, each 93 by 460
feet, and the dock has a frontage
on the Columbia river of 1100 feet.
The Dalles is a city of 8000, in a
highly productive farming and fruit
district and the natural gateway
to the vast producing area known
as the "Inland Empire." From this
large territory the cargo for the
new terminals and ships will orig
inate and will consist largely of
grain, wool, pine lumber, fresh fruit
arfd canned goods.
Further port development at The
Dalles Includes an oil wharf having
a 200-foot face and to cost $15,000.
Construction of this unit Is to start
in .the next few weeks and will be
located at the port petroleum tank
farm for use of the petroleum In
dustry in the distribution of its
products In the Inland Empire.
Construction of The Dalles port
project is under the direction of
Colonel B. C. Allln of Stockton, Cal
ifornia, noted engineer and dock
operator. Colonel Allln is retained
by the Port of The Dalles as en
gineer and consultant
Pending completion of the Bon
neville dam the port will be served
by river steamer and barge service.
Alfalfa Lawn Dairy announces a
raise In milk prices from 7 and 11
cents, pints and quarts respective
ly, to 8 and 12 cents, and half a
cent raise In cream by pints to 30
cents, In accordance with a state
wide price-setting order just re
leased by the Oregon Milk Control
board. The order discontinues all
combination prices heretofore in ef
fect. The local dairy milk qualifies
as five percent, grade A, calling for
the higher price. Four percent
milk is quoted at 7 cents pint, 11
cents quart. Heavy cream (30 to
33 percent butterfat content) is set
at 19 cents for half pints, 30 cents
for pints and 58 cents for quarts
These are retail prices.
Cases against Johan Troedson
and Thomas Clark, Jr., were dis
missed when the men appeared for
trial In the court of Recorder Hus
ton Tuesday morning, with admis
sion of Insufficient evidence. The
men were picked up by Marshal
Hayes at the time of the Roosevelt
celebration here Saturday evening.
Morrow County Pomona grange
will meet at Lexington Saturday,
July 11. Ray W. Gill, state grange
master, will be the main speaker
on the program.
The music pupils of Mrs. Algott
Lundell entertained friends and
relatives at the Lundell home last
Sunday with the following program:
"A Rose in My Garden," Mildred
Carlson; "The Hunting Song," Mar
jorie Peterson; "Song of the Mer
maid," Donald Peterson "My Les
son Today," Caroline Bergstrom;
'Jo'lly Little Breeze," Clarence Ba
ker; "My First Piece," duet, Eunice
and Donald Peterson; "Floral
Waltz," Gilbert Batty; "April Flow
ers," Eunice Peterson; "First Rose
of Spring," duet, Mildred Carlson
and Mrs. Lundell; "Drifting," Mar
jorie Peterson; "Moon Winks,"
Mary Bethke; "Moonlight and Ro
ses," violin solo, Layra Warfleld;
"Hallowe'en," Eunice Peterson;
"Haste,, Merry Millstream," Donald
Peterson; "Captain March," Gil
bert Batty; "Beautiful Dreams," vi
olin solo, Laura Warfleld; "The
Fairy Lake," Mildred Carlson;
"Honey Bell Polka," duet, Mary
Bethke and Gilbert Batty; "Cabin
Dance," Laura Warfleld; "Good
Night, Silvery Moon," Marjorie Pe
terson; "Black Hawk Waltz," duet,
Mary Bethke and Laura Warfleld;
"The Old Spinning Wheel," clarinet
solo, Clifford Carlson; "Le Secret,"
Mary Bethke; "Water Nymphs,"
Laura Warfleld; "When I Grow Too
Old to Dream," vocal solo, Helen
Lundell; "Hungarian Dance No. 5,"
Mary Bethke; "Dream of the Shep
ardess," Laura Warfleld; "Merry
Maiden," Gilbert Batty; "Silver
Stars," duet, Mary Bethke and Lau
ra Warfleld; "Sweet Bye and Bye,"
young peoples' orchestra.
Members of the Women's Topic
club and their families enjoyed a
picnic at the French ranch on the
Heppner-Spray road last Sunday. A
pot luck lunch was spread at noon
and later games were enjoyed and
many of the party went to Opal
butte. About fifty persons were
present Hostesses were Mrs. Omar
Rietmann, Mrs. Elmer Griffith and
Mrs. Laxton McMurray.
George Tucker is attending the
N. E. A. convention in Portland
this week.
Miss Maxine McCurdy departed
Saturday for Portland. She will
spend a ten-day vacation at the
beach with friends.
Miss Betty Bergevin underwent
an operation at a hospital in Baker
last Thursday for the removal of
her appendix. She is reported to
be making rapid recovery and will
soon be taken to the home of her
aunt in Haines to convalesce.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bauernfeind
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin
Ely and family and Mr. and Mrs.
George Kltching and family spent
Sunday at the ranch of Lyle Van
Dusen at Top. Mrs. J. C. Van Du
sen who has been at the ranch
with her son returned to Morgan
with them and from there returned
to her home in California.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Blake and fam
ily motored to Kinzua Saturday
night, returning home Sunday by
way of Spray.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Howk drove
over from Condon Sunday to enjoy
the Topic club picnic. When they
returned to their home Sunday eve
ning they were accompanied " by
George Griffith who will spend a
few days with them.
Mrs. Ben Morgan of Sprague,
Wash., with Miss Lottie Morgan
and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Morgan
of Medical Lake, Wash., were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Elv
last week. They went from here
to Rock creek and Moro to visit
Mr. and Mrs. Will Stein of Reith
visited at the home of their niece.
Mrs. Peter Timm, last Thursday.
ine lone Women s Missionary
society entertained the members of
the Lutheran Ladies' Missionary
society of Gooseberry at the home
of Mrs. J. E. Swanson last Thurs
day afternoon. A program of read
ings of missionary work bv Mrs.
Jennie McMurray, Mrs. J. A. Troed
son, Mrs. E. Spegal and Mrs. Har
vey Ring was followed by a read
ing "Christ of the Andes," by Mrs,
Ture Peterson and musical numbers
were given by Miss Francis Troed
son and Misses Misses Helen and
Mildred Lundell. Refreshments
were served at the close of the
meeting. Forty-three ladies and
nineteen children were present. It
is hoped to make the exchange vis
its oetween the two societies an an
nual affair.
Mrs. Ida Fletcher was hostess to
the Past Noble Grand club at the I.
O. O. F. hall ast Friday afternoon,
Members of the Rebekah lodge
gave a benefit card party in the I.
U. (J. F. hall ast Friday eveninz.
Pinochle, bridge, Ave hundred and
pedro were played. Prizes went to
(Contnued on Pag Pour)
Charles Notson's Home
Burned at Peiping, China
A letter from Charles Notson to
his parents has Just been received
In which he states that the building
In which he and his wife were re
siding with a number of other mis
slonarles in Peiping, China, was
burned about three weeks . ago,
Some of the missionaries lost all
of their personal effects, but
Charles and his wife saved a goodly
portion of theirs.
They were kindly given shelter
In a house at the Austrian legation
until they can secure a house. The
fire broke out about the middle of
the night. The water pressure was
very low and it was difficult to get
the fire under control. About 40
American marines assisted in fight
ing the fire. It seemed like a mir
acle that the fire was finally ex
tinguished without burning all that
section of the city.
Locals Beat River Boys, 8-S, in Last
Wheatland League Game;
Lose at Pendleton.
The last round of play In the
Wheatland league schedule took
place Sunday with Heppner and
Blalock contesting the only game
played. The home boys trounced
the visitors from the river, 8-3, to
take second place, headed only by
Fossil. CCC and lone forfeited
their games to Fossil and Condon
Rod Thomson led the home boys
in hitting by gleaning three of the
recorded ten hits, while Bill Mas
sey made the longest hit of the day,
a three bagger. Ray Massey held
the mound throughout for the lo
cals, striking out nine batsmen and
allowing but five hits on good sup
port. West, on the mound for the
visitors, was credited with six
The Heppner boys journeyed to
Pendleton last Thursday evening
and lost a one-sided game to the
Buckaroos of the Blue Mountain
Sunday's box score and summary:
B. Massey, r 5 2 2 1 0 0
R. Massey, p 5 0 0 0 12
Thomson, s 4
Rodman, 1 4
Welton, 2 4
Ferguson, 3 4
Gilmap, m- 4
Akers, c 4
Turner-Hoskins, L. 3
Totals 39 8 10 27 19
Bartelmay, 1
Solvester, a .
Kirby, m
. 3
... 4
.. 4
... 4
1 0
0 2
1 0
0 10
7 3
west, p
Wetherell, c
Miller, 1
1 10
0 2
1 3
0 0
Woelpen, 3 ..
R. Wetherell, 2 3
Cantwell, r 3
Totals 32 3 5 24 20
Three base hits, Bill Massey; dou
ble play, Thomson to Welton to
Rodman; umpires Miller and Mer
Judge and Mrs. Campbell
Slate Golden Anniversary-
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Cabpbell will
pass their fiftieth wedding anniver
sary July 13, and in honor of the
occasion their children have ar
ranged a celebration for Sunday,
July 12. Open house will Be held
that day for all who wish to come,
though Mr. and Mrs. Campbell an
nounce that no presents are expect
ed or wanted.
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell expec'
all the children home for the oc
casion. One son, Arthur W., who
holds a position as chemist In Terre
Haute, Ind., expects to come west
on the streamlined train to Port
land where he will meet Mrs.
Campbell and children and drive
back to Heppner. His family passed
through Heppner a week ago on
their way to Portland, having driv
en west by car. Also coming from
a distance will be a daughter, Mrs.
W. G. Crow of Jeffrey, B. C. Roy
Campbell of Lexington, and Mrs.
Arthur Keene of lone are other
children who will be present.
Earl Wattenburger of Pine City
nearly lost his left foot Tuesday
when his ankle was almost severed
by barbed wire. He was riding on
the back end of a truck which went
off the road and caused his ankle
to be dragged along the wire. He
was rushed to Heppner for medical
attention and entered Heppner hos
pital Tuesday evening. Barring in
fection it is reported the foot will
be saved.
Word was received by Heppner
relatives this morning that-D. C.
Gurdane, old-time Heppner resi
dent, was very low at a hospital In
The Dalles, with slight hope that
he would rally. He was taken to
the hosptial from his home at
Umatilla about the first of June.
His son Berl is with him.
E. L. Bucknum, local contractor,
was the successful bidder this week
for the construction of a 20,000
gallon capacity concrete reservoir
on the Rhea creek farm of Dr. A.
D. McMurdo. Bucknum's bid was
$130 for the labor, materials to be
Willows grange met in the hall at
Cecil Sunday afternoon, June 28.
A membership attendance contest is
be'ng held In the grange, the men
against the women. The losing side
win entertain tne winners witn a
program at the end of the contest.
S. E. Noson, district attorney
has been named speaker for the 4th
of July celebration at Hermiston.
He was heralded last week by the
Hermiston Herald as one of eastern
Oregon's outstanding orators.
Business houses of Heppner will
be closed Saturday, , July 4, and
shoppers are urged to do their
trading Friday for the week end
Marvin E. Dixony Educational
Advisor of Camp Heppner C. C. C
left Heppner Wednesday to attend
,the N. E, A. convention In- Port
land. He will return on Monday.
Miss Mary Van Humason of
Portland is a guest at the Frank
a. Parker farm home.
E.R.A. Accomplishments
Cited; Work Continues
Thru July or Longer.
Local District Given Large Area
on John Day for Protection;
Doe Seen Chasing Coyote.
Local Ranger.
ERA work on the Heppner dis
trict is to continue through July
and it is expected that it will be
programmed for the balance of the
During the past month the Five
Mile crew constructed four miles
of boundary fence on the Five Mile
cattle and horse allotment. This
crew is under the supervision of
Darl Hudson.
The Rock spring crew was de
tailed to miscellaneous improve
ments. They built six miles of tele
phone line between Snowboard and
Rancheria lookout stations, cattle
guards on the Wall creek road and
finished various other needed jobs
of maintenance and construction.
This crew works under the super
vision of Joe Swendig.
The timber lands formerly pro
tected by the state in the John Day
river area have been turned over to
the federal government for protec
tion. This adds over 400 thousand
acres to the protective area of the
Heppner district and brings the to
tal acreage up to 700 thousand
acres. Three men have been added
to the list of guards R. P. Parrish
of Fossil being assigned as lookout
fireman on Rancheria, M. J. Camp
bell of Fossil as lookout-fireman on
Snowboard, and Max Buschke of
Hardman as fireman at Parkers
Mill. All timber land between Uki
ah and Fossil and north of the
John Day river is now within this
The Kinzua Lumber company is
pushing their surveys steadily east
ward and It is altogether possible
that the railroad will be built as far
east as Ditch creek within the next
decade. They are desirous of get
ting in a position to maintain a
sustained yield, ivied on a sixty
year cycle. If they are able to do
this, it would mean a steady pay
roll for 400 men at the least
The second fire of the season was
started the past week by someone's
carelessness on Frank Swaggart's
land on the John Day river. It
burned over six acres before Guard?
Wilcox, Bleakman, Frie3 and Cas
key could place it under control.
This calls to mind the need of our
annual warning that between Julv
1 and September 30th, all forest
users will be expected to abide by
the following state and federal fire
1. No smoking while traveling ex
cept on a surfaced highway.
2. Camp fire permits are required.
No exceptions on the Heppner dis
trict 3. Camp tools are needed by any
one who builds a fire. These Include
an axe, a shovel and a water con
tainer. The axe must weigh at
least two pounds, the shovel be at
least 36 inches in length and the
water container be of at least a
gallon capacity in order to comply
with the laws.
All mill or logging operations arc
also warned to comply fully with
the state law requirements.
Administrative Guard Henry
Fries reports a rather unusual in
cident. He states that while he
was with Guards Caskey and Wil
cox enroute to a fire they saw a doe
deer chasing a full grown coyote.
The chase was evidently one cover
ing several miles as both animals
were on the verge of exhaustion.
They passed directly in front of the
the car, both animals clearly show
ing the effects of the long run. A
mile farther down the road the ani
mals came into view and the coyote
was losing ground, seeming to be
on the verge of collapse.
If the men had not been on the
way to a fire, they would have
watched the chase to its conclu
sion. Undoubtedly, a forest tragedy
was behind the whole procedure
and the strange race was started by
the coyote molesting the fawn be
longing to the doe. The doe was
mad, apparently mad all over, and
the coyote was too near exhaustion
to pay any attention to anything
but his efforts to escape. Neither
animal paid the least attention to
the men or the car.
Mrs. Gladys Turnbull and son of
Portland and Mrs. Blanche Jones
of Sherwood were in Henoner
yesterday in the interest of mem
bership work in the American Le
gion auxiliary. Mrs. Turnbull is
state president of the auxiliary and
Mrs. Jones Is state membership
Lieutenant Louis P. Tormoy has
been assigned to the local C. C. C.
camp. Lt. Tonney was formerly
mess and athletic officer of Co.
2905, Camp Briee Creek and Camp
Mottet Creek, where he served for
nine months. Hi! is a graduate of
Oregon State college and a first
lieutenant In the field artillery.
Lt Toimey's home is in Portland.
Sam Van Vactor, Jr., is Orator;
Barbecue, Broadcast of Presi
dent's Speech Enjoyed.
An estimated 400 democrats and
supporters of Franklin D. Roose
velt for president, assembled in the
county park Saturday afternoon to
celebrate Roosevelt's renomination.
Sam E. Van Vactor, Jr., of The
Dalles was orator of the day. Lunch
featuring barbecued beef was serv
ed at 5 o'clock, following which the
assemblage listened to the nomi
nee's acceptance speech by cour
tesy of loudspeaker provided by
Ferguson Motor company.
On introduction by W. Vawter
Parker, a school mate at U. of O.,
the native son of Heppner"s former
noted attorney and orator, evi
denced much of his father's old fire
In paying tribute to the high con
ception he held of accomplishments
of the New Deal. Mr. Van Vactor
was eelcted delegate to the demo
cratic national convention from this
district, but he did not attend. He
was represented by W. F. Jackson,
registrar for the U. S. Land office
at The Dalles.
The local celebration was ar
ranged by the county central com
mittee with Del Ward as chairman
of the committee on arrangements,
and also presiding officer. The
Heppner school band under direc
tion of Joe Green played several
Assisting with the lunch were
Albert Adkins, Mark Merrill, Wal
ter Eubanks, Mrs. Clive Huston,
Mrs. Lee Beckner, Mr. and Mrs.
Dale Brown, Mrs. Charles Becket,
Roy Lieuallen, L. E. Dick. Mrs. D.
M. Ward and Mrs. Albert Rea as
sisted with the serving.
Former Heppner Boy
Helping on Big Airport
"Inside of two years, Portland
will have one of the largest and
best airports in the United States.
Those are the words of Rhea Lu
per, former Heppner boy who is
chief engineer for the project, es
timated cost of which is placed at
The tract on which the airport
is being constructed covers 775
acres. These figures, or the figures
on cost, are not impressive to the
lay mind; neither does the time re
quired for construction mean a
great deal. One must see the
ground and the problems confront
ed before the true magnitude of the
project can be comprehended.
For instance, several large
sloughs of the Columbia river cross
the tract which must be drained and
diverted. Much of the land is In
forest which must be removed.
Elevation of part of the ground is
below the top of the Columbia river
into which drainage of the ground
must be carried. The tract more
than a section must all be levelled
off with no more than two feet dif
ference in elevation any place be
fore the landing field is completed.
Two runways crossing the field
diagonally will be some 7000 feet
long and 250 feet wide, permitting
the largest planes to land from any
direction. These immense run
ways will be of concrete, with the
rest of the field, other than that
taken up by the airdrome to be
planted to grass.
The new airport project may be
reached by driving north on 57th
street and out Colton road, being
about three miles off Sandy, one of
the main routes east to the Colum
bia river highway.
In connecon with his work on
the project Mr. Luper assisted in
developing a new style of mapping
isometric projection, a system that
has proved valuable in conducting
the survey and which has been
copied on other large projects.
Portland bonded itself for cost of
land and materials, while work is
being supplied through federal
WPA funds.
lone library will not be open
Saturday, July 4. Books due that
day may be returned the following
Tuesday without fine.
Avoiding Blow
Talked at
With Friday, July 3, as the final
date for filing out work sheets un
der the new Agricultural Conserva
tion plan, measurement of acreages
turned down as green manure crop
will begin soon.
A round table discussion called by
the county agent and attended by
the county committee, the direct
ing committee of the Lexington
Blow Control district, and a few
other representative wheat operat
ors, was held at the Lexington
grange nan Monuay nigni to ms
cuss practices permissable under
the new program, and the possible
effect these practices might have
in stabilizing blow soil in the north
end of tho county. E. C. Hill of
the Soil Conservation service, was
present to participate in the dis
cussion. The main Interest of the meeting
centered around the practice per
mitted under the Agricultural Con
servation program of plowing down,
a green manure crop, tne con
census of opinion of tho operators
present was that this practice, un
less carefully handled, might result
In bringing about a rather serious
blow condition next spring.
About seventy grange members
and friends attended the grange
picnic which was held at Ditch
creek last Sunday. The usual pic
nic dinner was enjoyed at noon and
the afternoon's entertainment con
sisted of a baseball game, horse
shoe pitching and other sports.
The Morrow County Pomona
grange will meet with Lexington
grange on Saturday, July 11, In
stead of with Lena grange as was
previously announced.
The July meeting of Lexington
grange will not be held because of
the meeting of Morrow County Po
mona grange on that date.
The Lexington Home Economics
club will meet on Thursday, July
9, at the home of Mrs. A. J. Chaffee
in Heppner. This will be an all
day meeting with pot luck dinner
at noon.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Way are the
parents of a son born Wednesday
at the home of Mrs. Corda Saling in
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Barnett, Miss
Dona Barnett, Mr. and Mrs. James
Leach, Mrs. Trina Parker, Mrs.
Sarah White, Mrs. Minnie Leach
and Miss Opal Leach were in Se
attle Saturday for the funeral of
Dewey Leach, who passed away
Thursday. They returned to Lex
ington Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hunt and
children left Friday for Yakima
where Mr. Hunt will operate a gro
cery store in partnership with Leon
ard McMillan.
Mrs. Nettie Barton, who has
been visiting her mother, Mrs. Net
tie M. Davis, has returned to her
home in New Mexico.
Mrs. Guy Shaw and sons of Her
miston were Lexington visitors on
Mrs. Glenn Gale and son have
returned to their home at Portland
after spending the week with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvannus
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Miller of Sa
lem were week-end guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Dinges.
Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Helms who
were here last week for the fu
neral of James H. Helms, have re
turned to their home at Bend.
Laurel Beach departed for Port
land Friday to attend the meeting
of the National Education associa
tion being held there this week.
From Portland he expects to go on
to California where he will study
music this summer. He was ac
companied by his grandmother,
Mrs. Florence Beach, who will visit
a sister in California for a month.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hunt and Ar
thur Hunt were visiting in Hermis
ton Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Harrison
and chUdren of Marshfleld arrived
in Lexington the first of the week.
Mr. Harrison returned home but
Mrs. Harrison and children re
mained for a visit with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Palmer.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hunt, Earl
Warner, Harry Dinges and Roy
Campbell were business visitors in
Blalock Saturday.
Edwin Breshears is spending two
weeks with friends in Heppner
while attending the Catholic Sis
ters summer school which i3 being
held there.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Scott were
at Lehman springs the first of the
Among Lexington people who
spent Sunday in the mountains
were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hunt
and family and Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Hunt and family.
A number of reproductions of the
architects' drawings of Oregon's
proposed new capitol are on dis
play on the bulletin board in the
lobby of the local branch, First
National Bank of Portland, and
public invitation to view them is
given. The sketches show the build
ing as it will appear when complet
ed and floor plans of the various
floors. The building will be three
stories high above the basement up
to ,the tower, and provision is made
for several rooms in the tower. The
sketch of the finished building has
been heralded by many critics as
depicting one of the most beautiful
pieces of architecture ever con
Lexington Meet
In line with the purpose of the
meeting a few general recommenda
tions were made. Such recommen
dations, of course, were intended to
apply to land In the north end of
the county and probably have little
application in the heavier soils in
the south end.
First, do not weed land that has
been plowed down for a green ma
nure crop.
Second, do not re-plow such land
next spring unless there is plenty
of dry material on the surface.
Third, if the ground is compara
tively bare next spring, spring
toothing would probably be safer
than plowing.
Fourth, moldboard plowing, with
the moldboards left off, is a good
way to handle such land next
The group recognized that each
farm will present its own problem
and that no set of general recom
mendations can be completely sat
isfactory. The group recommend
ed that the county committee be
liberal in qualiftng land for di
version payment when such land
is located In the blow areas and
when the necessary lk to 15 per
cent is left completely Idle.
Possibilities Discussed at
Lions Meeting; Old Pool
Not Likely to be Used.
Resolution Favoring Action of In
land Empire Waterways Asso
ciation Goes to Congressmen.
The arrival of warm weather
brought out a renewed demand for
a swimming tank in Heppner at
Tuesday noon Lions luncheon. Va
rious and sundry possibilities for
bringing the same into being were
discussed, and the matter was fin
ally left to rest with the club's ex
ecutive committee which is expect
ed to go further into the matter
at a meeting this evening. It was
hoped to evolve a plan of proce
dure to present before the council
Mondey evening.
A remonstrance from residents in
the vicinity of the old tank has been
in the hands of the council since
the flood of May 29, 1934, which
wrecked the city's former natator-
ium. That remonstrance and the
further fact that repair of the old
tank would be difficult were cited as
barring this course.
General sense of the club's dis
cussion was that the construction
of a new tank wa3 the only feasible
course, with the probability of drill
ing a well and installing a pump to
supply the water. Suggestion was
made of an offer of assistance by
CCC workmen in putitng the old
tank in usable condition if this
course were deemed advisable.
Expressions on every hand indi
cated a strong demand for a swim
ming tank, and Ray P. Kinne, club
president, cited estimates obtained
by former Mayor Smead placing
the cost at some $2500. Club mem
bers deemed the cost not too high
to meet if the proper plan of pro
cedure could be arrived at
Report was made of the Inland
Empire Waterways association
meeting at Walla Walla recently,
and the club resolved in favor of
that association's course in urging
construction of the Umatilla Rap
ids dam as the next major step to
be taken in development of the Co
lumbia river. The resolution was
ordered transmitted to senators and
representatives in congress repre-
sentoing this district
County Grazing Project
Recognized in Washington
A grazing district of approxi
mately 100,000 acres, to be located in
northern Morrow, northwestern
Gilliam and northwestern Umatilla
counties has been proposed by the
Eastern Oregon Public Land Use
committee of the Oregon State
planning board, according to word
received here. Assurance of co
operation for the project has been
received by the committee from F.
R. Carpenter, head of the division
of grazing of the U. S. department
of interior, according to P. M.
Brandt, Corvallis, secretary of the
If efforts to organize the district
are successful, it would come un
der the administration of the Tay
lor Grazing act organization, and
would be eligible for benefits pos
sible under this measure. Stock
men of this part of the state would
benefit greatly from such a district,
it is pointed out.
The area now includes approxi
mately 65,000 acres of government
land, 60,000 acres owned by the
state and counties, and 65,000 acres
owned by the Northern Pacific rail
road. Data on the section will be
gathered under the direction of the
public lands use committee, which
is headed by P. W. Biggs of Burns.
Based on the findings, recommenda
tions will be made to the federal
government for final action.
Central Market's ice machine ex
ploded Monday morning when wa
ter wa3 turned ' off in the mains
while the machine was still run
ning, causing suilicient steam to be
generated to blow out a fuse plug.
The explosion caused considerable
excitement for a time, but the ma
chine was running again Tuesday
morning, having apparently been
loosened up some by the accident,
said Ray Oviatt, manager.
Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Pope and
Miss Joan, who left here the first
of last week to attend the state con
ference of Methodist churches at
Corvallis, will make their future
home at Westflr, according to an
nouncement emanating from the
conference, Mr. Pope having been
assigned the pastorate there.
R. C. Young was appointed to
the pastorate of the local church.
John Robinson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Robinson of the Camaa
prairie district, received severe cuts
about the head and was badly
bruised about the body when thrown
by a horse Tuesday. He reached
a doctor's oillce in Heppner in the
afternoon and after being given
first aid was taken to Heppner hos
pital that evening.