Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 25, 1936, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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A large group of friend and
neighbors assembled at the Chris
tian church last Saturday morning
to pay their last respects to Frank
E. Mason who died at Heppner last
Thursday a short time after being
kicked by a horse. Services were
conducted by Alvin Kleinfeldt of
the Christian church of Heppner.
Special music was sung by Mrs.
Walter Roberts, Mrs. Ture Peter
son, Paul G. Balsiger and E. J.
Keller. Pallbearers who were all
life-long friends of the deceased
were John and Louis Padberg, H.
M. and Grant Olden, R, L. Benge
and A. C. Petteys. Interment was
made in the L O. O. F. cemetery.
Mr. Mason is survived by his son
Frank, five sisters, Miss Ella Mason
and Mrs. Nettie Lundy of Portland,
Mrs. M. E. Cotter, Mrs. Ed Buschke
and Mrs. J. O. Kincaid of lone, and
four brothers, Joe of Prineville,
Jesse of The Dalles and Harold and
Bert of lone, all of whom were
present at the funeral
Bert Johnson and John Louy were
visitors in Walla Walla on Satur
L, J. Gates of The Dalles visited
his sister, Mrs. E. Spegal, for a
short time one day last week.
Anton Lindstrom who was super
intendent of the local school two
years ago will teach science in
Benson Polytechnic high school in
Portland next year.
G. A. Yarnell of Bickelton, Wash.,
with his grandson, Willis, were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yar
nell the first of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Sherwood of
Tillamook were week-end guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Corley. Mrs. Sherwood will be re
membered by many as Mrs. Wini
fred Sperry.
Leon Turner of Boardman, a for
mer resident of lone, is In the Her
miston hospital with a case of blood
J. E. Swanson with Harry Dinges
of Lexington and Kenneth Blake of
Heppner attended a school for grain
grading held at Pendleton last Fri
day. S. Hansen and F. Schreck of
Spokane, Wash., auditors for the
North Pacific Grain Growers, Inc.,
are makng an audit of the books
of the Morrow County Grain Grow
ers, Inc.
Frank Sturdevant left on Wed
nesday morning for the beach wher"
he will spend a few days, returning
on baturday.
W. J. Clarke, Jr. of Pendleton,
a cousin of Mrs. Werner Rietmann,
has given 76 volumes to the local
library. A great many of the books
are for juvenile readers. District
No. 14 has loaned the library the
books belonging to its school li
brary, about thirty volumes.
Mrs. Carl Feldman, Mrs. Werner
Rietmann and Mrs. Walter Corley
were Pendleton visitors last Thurs
day, going over to consult with the
librarian of the Umatilla county
library regarding the books which
it has so kindly given the lone li
brary the use of during the last six
Mrs. R, W. Lieuallen has return
ed from, a two-weeks' visit in Port
Henry Peterson returned on Mon
day from Walla Walla where he
has been under medical care in the
veterans hospital.
The Women's Topic club will have
an all-day picnic at French's in
the mountains on the Heppner
Spray road. Members and their
families are expected to attend. The
picnic lunch will be pot luck. Hos
tess committee will be Mrs. Lax
.McMurray, Mrs. Omar Rietmann
and Mrs. Elmer Griffith.
Mrs. Henry Clark is assisting at
the Mason ranch during haying.
Miss Minnie Normoyle is enroute
to the east where she will visit
relatives in West Vrginia for a
short time before entering a sum
mer school In New York city for
special work in music and art. MU'
Normoyle will teach in Athena
again next year.
Mr. and Mrs. Dixon Smith and
family who are vacationing near
La Grande were home over the
week end.
Chas. M. Cooke manager of the
North Pacific Grain Growers, Inc.
of Spokane, was in lone on Wed
nesday attending a meeting of the
directors of the Mjrrow County
Grain Growers, Inc.
Hans Timm of Pilot Rock with
his sister, Mrs. Anna Pienlng, and
her son Otto were guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Timm
on Sunday. Returning home that
evening they were accompanied by
Marie and Philip Piening who had
spent a week at the Timm ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bergevin
drove to Portland on Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs. Rood Ekleberry
and children of Dallas brought
home Mrs. Roy Ekleberry who has
been caring for her grand daugh
ter, Anna May, at Salem. The little
girl remained here while her par
ents returned to their home accoin
panied by Roy Ekleberry.
Willows grange will hold its
monthly business meetings on the
fourth Sunday afternoon of each
month beginning next Sunday and
Continuing during the summer.
Mrs. Ruth Aiken who has been
employed at the Mason ranch has
returned to her home in Heppner,
Mrs. R. W. Brown with her
daughter ,Mra A. C. S. Langfllde of
Portland is visiting at the home of
Mrs. R. W. Lieuallen. Miss Genelle
Read who came up from Portland
with them will spend the summer
at the Lieuallen ranch.
Bunchgrass Rebekah lodge will
give a benefit card party in the I. O.
O. F. hall on Friday night, June
zts. .Bridge, pinochle and five nun
dred will be played. A charge of
cents ror each person will be
The Past Noble Grand club will
hold Its next meeting in the I. O. O,
F. hall next Friday ofternoon at
2 p. m. with Mrs. Ida Fletcher as
Mrs. Walter Roberts and Mrs,
Victor Rietmann and son Billy were
Pendleton visitors on Wednesday,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Blake and son
Jim of Kinzua and Mr. and Mrs.
John Blake of Fossil visited friends
and relatives here on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis of Kin
zua and Mr. and Mrs. John Pru
ther of Boardman were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bryson last
The Townsend clubs of lone and
Heppner held a picnic in the city
park last Sunday. A pot luck lunch
was spread on the tables at noon.
During the afternoon a program
was enjoyed with Rev. Glenn Wade
of Hermiston as speaker. Musical
numbers were given by local people
Mrs. S. E. Moore and Mrs. Wrex
Hickok returned on Monday morn
ing from Portland.
Miss Rae Cowins of Heppner is
visiting at the Carl Allyn home.
Mrs. Harry Armitage of Yakima,
Wash., arrived on Wednesday
morning for a visit at the Home of
her sister. Mrs. Tom Grabill.
Mrs. Perry Bartlemay and sons
are visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. M. R. Morgan.
Murjorie Ridings, John Parker and
Edwin Ingles Complete Work
at t'.-O.; Ceremonies Impress.
(Continued from First Page)
Ralph Phillips has been enjoy
ing a few days vacation. Tom Bar
nett has been helping out at the
pastime during his absence.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rauch and
family have moved to the Cutsforth
Kenneth Smouse has gone to Sil
ver Lake where he has a position
with the state highway department.
Bert Johnson of lone was a bus
iness visitor in this city Wednes
Lester Cox is driving a new Ply
mouth coupe which he purchased
Mrs. Glenn Gale and son of Port
land are visiting Mrs. Gale's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Wright.
Earl Eskelson of Heppner was
in this city Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hunt have
returned from a week's visit with
relatives in Portland. They came
back in a new Plymouth sedan
which they purchased while in the
Ernest Fredrickson and daugh
ters Iris and Florence, of Salem
spent last week with Lexington rel
T. W. Cutsforth of Salem is vis
iting at the home of his son, Orvjlle
Vernon Lucas, local station agent,
has been transferred to Seattle and
Mr. Quillon is replacing him here.
Mr. Daly of Walla Walla was a
business visitor in Lexington Mon
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cutsforth
motored to Pendleton Saturday.
Myles Martin spent the week in
Moro with Mr. and Mrs. Orlo Mar
Mrs. C. W. Valentine and daugh
ter Helen are spending the week in
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bauman
and family spent Sunday at Can
yon City.
Mrs. Margaret Suttle and chil
dren of San Francisco spent last
week visiting Mrs. Suttle's brother,
Ralph Jackson. .
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Scott and
family spent Sunday in Hardman
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Neil
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Scott have
moved into the house recently va
cated by Mr. and Mrs. Guy Shaw.
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Helms of Pen
dleton and Mr. and Mrs. Hobart
Helms of Bend were here for th'e
funeral of J. H. Helms.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hunt, Mrs.
Maggie Hunt and Mrs. Casha Shaw
of Heppner were in Lexington on
At Heppner
University of Oregon, Eugene,
June 23. (Special) Morrow coun
ty was represented by three stu
dents among the 467 seniors to re
ceive various academic degrees at
solemn impressive, graduation cer
emonies Monday night, June 1. The
evening program, when graduating
seniors filed into huge McArthur
court behind hooded faculty mem
bers and friends of higher educa
tion, painted a colorful finish to a
week end of graduation and alumni
There i3 a real danger that Amer
ica, losing faith in freedom is los
ing faith in the essence of our na
tional and individual life, Dr. J.
Duncan Spaeth, former professor of
English at Princeton and now pres
ident of the University of Kansas
City, warned the seniors in his
speech on 'Training for Freedom
at the 59th annual commencement
Dr. Spaeth praised the purpose
and ultimate aims of the "New
Deal" but expressed worry that liberal-minded
Americans might in
terpret the phrase as an implication
that life is but a gamble, where the
best things go to those who are
luckiest at the draw. In any so
ciety, the deserving ultimately come
ahead, he declared.
Seniors were cautioned by Dr. C.
Valentine Boyer, president of the
university, that the world will
henceforth judge them as adults,
and will make no allowances for
youth and inexperience in the fu
ture. In his parting talk, he also
plead for a recognition of the val
ues of knowledge, beauty, and love.
These elements, he said, are the
creative forces of the world, and
the durable satisfactions of life. "It
is through the pursuit of these val
ues that man grows, develops his
proper proportions, becomes what a
human should become," he conclud
ed. East joined West in the world of
learning as highest honors were
paid to two outstanding scholars,
Dr. Spaeth and Dr. Jiro Harada,
commissioner of the Imperial Mu
seum, Tokyo, Japan. Dr. Spaeth
received the degree of doctor of
law, and the degree of doctor of
letters was conferred upon Dr. Har
ada. Dr. Harada, internationally
known art authority, has been vis
iting professor of oriental art and
culture at the university during the
past year.
At baccalaureate service the day
before, Rev. Edwin J. OHara,
bishop of Great Falls, Montana,
urged the seniors to be earnest in
selecting their professions and avo
cations, keeping in mind the ser
vice they can do for society. Some
thing more than efficiency in a pro
fession is expected from a college
graduate. They are expected to
manifest in every personal relation
the attributes of a cultivated mind
and heart, Rev. O'Hara declared.
The three seniors of Morrow
county who were graduated from
the University of Oregon at the
ceremonies are:
Marjorie Clark- Ridings majored
in arts and letters, from which de
partment she received the degree
of bachelor of arts. Her home is
in Heppner.
John G. Parker majored in busi
ness administration, from which
department he received the degree
of bachelor of arts. He is the son
of F. S. Parker of Heppner, and is
a graduate of Heppner high school
hxlwm T. Ingles majored in educa
tion, from which department he re
ceived the degree of master of arts.
His home is in Boardman.
other states, according to a study
of catalogs made as a special stu
dent study by Albert Cook of Port
land, who graduated in agriculture
with this years' class. Cook was
widely known outside of his class
work as head of the Oregon State
College Rowing club this year. Or
egon State college and Cornell uni
versity were the first to offer def
inite farm management courses,
starting in 1907-'08. Study of cat
aloes indicate that Oreeon State
was first to offer a four-year degree I
course In Tarm management The
field of farm management includes
organization and operation efficien
cy of the farm, cost of production,
and agricultural land economics.
they're Off! -
by A. B. Chapin
- V A. . "5
Bible School 9:45 a. m.
Morning services 11 a. m.
C. E. Society
livening services
6:30 D. ni.
7:30 p. m.
Choir rehearsal, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.
Widweek service. Thursday, 7:30 p. m.
Morning sermon, "Harmony."
C. R. Moore, Christian minister
from Hermiston, will preach the
evening sermon.
The public is invited to all of our
Ralph V. Hinkle, Archdeacon.
Morning prayer and sermon at 11
o'clock. There will be reports from
the summer school at Cove. The
public is invited.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wattenburger
who have been visiting their daugh
ter, Mrs. Reid Buseick, at Long
Creek, returned home Sunday.
Miss Bernice Neill and Floyd Ma
thers returned home the first of the
week from Salem where they have
been visiting friends and relatives
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Finch and
Misses Marie and Cecelia Healy
and Jack Healy attended the queen
dance at the Lexington grange hall
Saturday night
E. B. Wattenburger motored to
Mt Vernon Monday to look after
his bees.
Mr. and Mrs. Charley Lewis of
Pendleton visited at the A. E. Wat
tenburger home Sunday.
Matt Kenny and Joe Farley vis
ited at the John Healy home Fri
We wish to thank our many
friends for their sympathy and help
during the illnes and death of our
husband and father, and for the
many beautiful floral offerings.
Mrs. Annis Helms,
Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Helms,
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hunt and
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Helms.
We wish to take this means of
expressing our sincere thanks for
the help and sympathy tendered us
in our bereavement, and for the
beautiful flowers.
' Frank Mason, Jr.,
and the Mason Family.
Driving while intoxicated brought
45 persons into the courts in Ore
gon In May and cost them their
right to operate motor vehicles for
a year. Reports from the office of
Earl Snell, secretary of state, show
that three other drivers lost their
licenses for an additional year due
to driving while their licenses were
In addition to the revocations
there were 36 suspensions of li
censes, of which 21 were on charges
of reckless driving. Other causes
for suspended licenses were: Fail
ing to give right of way, 1; unsatis
fied judgment, 1; hit and run, 1;
driving while license suspended, 1;
adjudged as incompetent, 3; violat
ing basic rule, 2; failure to appear,
and physical disability, 1.
Of the 45 revocations on drunken
driving charges, three only were
results of convictions in Portland
courts, and of the 36 suspension or
ders, four only were based on rec
ommendations from Portland
Many infractions of the motor ve
hicle law are reported to the sec
retary of state, in addition to the
convictions resulting in the revo
cation or suspenion of the driver's
license, and such offenses are noted
on the license record of the operat
or involved. Including these con
victions of a more minor nature, a
total of 665 convictions were' re
ported to the state department in
Basic Science Exam July 18
Corvallis The next state exam
ination in basic sciences for those
planning to practice the healing arts
in this state has been announced
for July 18 at Oregon State college.
Those planning to take this exam
ination may obtain application
blanks from C. D. Byrne, secretary
of the state board of higher educa
tion at Eugene. These must be filed
with him before July 1st
Motor vehicle deaths in May were
nearly double the number in May,
1935, with 24 persons killed in Ore
gon as a result of automobile ac
cidents. Thirteen fatalities from
similar causes occurred in May of
last year. Secretary of State Snell
calls attention to this increase in
car deaths, as well as to the 59 per
cent step-up in the number of ac
cidents, which jumped from 1,705
last May to 2,712 in May of this
"Greater travel on the highways
is undoubtedly responsible for much
of the appalling increase," states
Mr. Snell, "but this greater use of
the highways should be a challenge
to all drivers to exercise greater
caution, better judgment in car op
eration, Increased courtesy, and to
be continuously safety-conscious.1
Only through constant careful at
tention to the rights of others and
the rules of the road can we make
any progress In improving present
traffic trends.
Coordinator Recommends
Low Prices, Better Service
"It is encouraging to find that
our plea as to need of lower rail
rates and our allegations that
avoidable railroad wastes annually
run inu many minions or dollars,
are being sustained," states Arthur
M. Geary, attorney for the Farm
Rate council and Livestock Ship
pers Traffic league.
"News dispatches indicate that
even Wall Street Interests evince
no enthusiasm over the Interstate
Commerce commission's recent six
months' extension of the emergency
freight rate surcharges, or over
the eastern railroads' opposition in
court to reduced passenger fares.
The hope of the railroads, one-third
of which are now in bankruptcy
Is 'through better service at lower
prices', according to Coordinator
Eastman's statement at Boston last
week. Mr. Eastman's view is in
accordance with that of Commis
sioner Clyde B. Aitchlson and is
harmonious with the views ex
pressed by farm leaders in current
rreight rate cases.
Most farmers and stockmen
agree with Coordinator Eastman
that there should be such economies
as unification of terminals, aban
donment of unneeded railroad mile
age, replacement of antequated
equipment, ana helpful consolida
"They agree with Coordinato
Eastman that railroad employees In
tneir own interest should not con
tinue to fight in the front-line
trenches against all displacement
or laDor, temporary or otherwise
and should not regard their recent
agreement with railroad employers
aa xo retirement pay for displaced
employees as merely a valuable
Hlndenburg line useful in case of
"On the other hand, farmers and
stockmen agree with railroad em
ployees that the economies result
ing from coordination should not
just provide 'milk for Wall Street
to absorb' and that the financial
structure of the railroad companies
should be drastically reformed at
this time."
OSC High In Farm Management
Oregon ranks high In number
of courses in farm management ni
its state college In comparison with a6a'nt the British.
Applications may be filed by mail
or presented to the secretary of
state's office.
Nearly 14,000 claimants were li
censed during the 1935-36 permit
year. Increased activity in the gaso
line refund division was due not
only to the permit requirements,
but to the greater frequency with
which claims were filed by the in
dividual applicants and to the im
proved business conditions that
brought greater use of motor ve
hicle fuels.
Our deep appreciation is extended
all those who assisted us at the time
of the bereavement of Mrs. Sadie
Lewis, and for the kind expressions
of sympathy and beautiful flowers.
The Family.
Permits to obtain gas tax refunds
must be renewed July 1, according
to the law passed by the 1935 ses
sion of the state legislature. The
law provides for annual permits.
prescribes a 5-cent fee, and pro
vides an expiration date of June 30
each year. New applications must
be filed by claimants and blanks
were mailed this week by the state
department to all former permit
Refunds of taxes paid on gaso
line purchased prior to July 1, 1936,
may be obtained under the current
permit, but on gasoline purchased
after July 1, of this year, it will be
necessary to have the new permit.
Clark Memorial
Our June Sales Drive means
dozens and dozens of SPECIAL
Buyers, take notice! There's
REAL SAVING to be had at Safe
way this month!!! Another big
drive this week-end! Remember
this Is Founder's mosth! Our
Celebration Prices are Knockouts!!!
flWSlM .Manila liUuttw, lCiYarrU
VINCENNlfiS, lndT7. A general"
view of the George Rogers Clark
Memorial here which was un
veiled by President Roosevelt be
fore a crowd of 30,000. The memo
rial stands upon the spot where
Clark and his little band stood
11 uf
MILK, Per Case $3.35; Doz. Cffg
Tall Maximum or Federal X
Taste Tell, regular size "
Delicious with fruit fcsssl
Delicious, bulk
Kerr quality " "
Fancy Oregon franquette "
TEA, 1 6 oz 0. P. 49C, Japan OQe
Cantebury quality ' 16 OZ.
Snowflakes "
K. C. quality in 25 oz. tins V
. . 2 Bottles 25c
for Jellies and Jams
Qt. Kerr Reg. Jars, doz. 79C
Qt. Economy . . Doz. 95c
KerrLidsDoz. 25c
H '
AIRWAY . . 3 LBS. 49c
NOB HILL . 3 LBS. 65c
Dependable, 2 Lb. Tin 45C
Columbia Sweet
5 lb. Balloon package
Guittard's sweetened
Buy Your Flour NOW
Oregon Maid . Sk. $1.49
BBL. $5.89
Harvest Blossom, Sk. 1.69
BBL. $6:59
Pure Cane
17 LBS 81.00
100 lbs 85.79
Watermelons 3C Lb.
Carrots . . 6 Bunches 19C
Bananas 4 Lbs. 29C
New Potatoes, 10 Lbs.v49C
CORN, whole kernel 07f
No. 2 Tins 2 F0RW 1 C
BACON . . Per Lb. Qdp
Fancy sides or backs M.f
SALMON, 4 tall tins AQn
Alaska pink IWV
SARDINES . 3 for Offp
Large oval tins "V
SHRIMPS . . 2 for OfZ o
5 oz. tins. ' v