Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 25, 1936, Image 1

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Volume 52, Number 16.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Native of Bavaria Lost
Wife, Five Children
in Heppner Flood.
Was President of Heppner Mining
Company, Operating Mayflower
Mine, for Thirty-five Years.
Daniel Stalter, 80, 53-year resident
of Morrow county and president
of Heppner Mining company for the
last 35 years, died in Portland Sat
urday morning following a brief
illness. News of his passing came
as a shock to Heppner friends whom
he visited but a few weeks before,
apparently in good health and spir
its and looking forward as usual to
his annual summer's work at the
Mayflower mine of the company in
the Greenhorn mountains near
Funeral services were conducted
from the Church of Christ here
Monday afternoon with Alvin Klein
feldt, minister, officiating, and in
terment was in Masonic cemetery
beside the graves of his wife and
five children who lost their lives in
the Heppner flood of June 14, 1903.
The services were largely attended
by old-time friends and neighbors
and the floral offerings were pro
fuse. Daniel Stalter was born in Ba
varia, August 24, 1855, and died in
Portland, Oregon, June 20, 1936,
aged 80 years, 9 months and 26 days.
In Bavaria he was a member of the
Mennonite church. He came to
America at 18 years of age. Work
ing for a time in the east, he first
came to Morrow county as a young
man 27 years of age. He shortly
took up a homestead, and for a
number of years engaged In farm
ing. He took as his bride Saman
tha Hart, and to this union six
children were born. The family was
caught by the flood waters of June
14, 1903, and Mr. "Stalter alone es
caped with the one daughter, Mary
Elizabeth, now Mrs. Mary E. Lynn
of Portland, who survives. Sur
viving also is one sister,. Mrs. Bar
bara Newhouser of Aurora, Neb.
Mr. Stalter had launched his min
ing venture in the Greenhorn
mountains two years before the
fateful Hood, and when the terrible
catastrophe befell him, he turned
to it with renewed vigor as respite
from his overburdening sorrows.
Friends rallied to his assistance
and organized the Heppner Min
ing company in which he was prin
cipal stockholder and served as
president from the start. For most
of the period, J. O. Hager of this
city has served as secretary.
Almost single-handed, with pick
and shovel and wheelbarrow, Mr.
Stalter worked year after year
through the short working season
In the high mountains, developing
the mine- to large proportions, and
bringing it to the point where It
attracted attention of largo mining
companies. Each year as he fin
ished his labors, Mr. Stalter would
come back to Heppner with sam
ples of ore which he showed as jus
tification for his unfaltering faith
in the mine'3 promise.
On occasion, mostly during the
World war, the company sold car
loads of ore of heavy mineral con
tent which provided some capital
for carrying on the development,
In the wintertime, Mr. Stalter would
spend considerable time interesting
outside capital in the venture, for
which stock was issued. He was not
successful, however, in capitalizing
the company to the place where it
could Install Its own milling equip
ment. He believed that 'could this
have been done, the company would
have had a paying operation for
the last several years, When he
left the mine last season he was
confident that the property would
appraise a sufficient amount to re
pay the cost of development and
leave a profit besides. Negotiations
were made for a time last year to
sell to another larger company, but
Mr. Stalter was not satisfied with
the terms offered.
Throughout the burden of sorrow
Mr. Stalter bore up bravely, and
ho little indicated to others the
great load of grief which only a
magnanimous soul could bear. He
was a loving husband and father, a
tireless worker, and ever congenial
to all with whom he came in con
tact. His own misfortune was re
flected more In his sympathy for
others, a large capacity for which
was ever evidenced.
Ruth chapter, O. E. S will hold
Its regular meeting at Masonic hall
tomorrow night. A special program
and social hour is announced by
Mrs. Lena Cox, worthy matron.
An old-time dance will be held at
Lexington grange hall Saturday
night, July 4, for the benefit of the
Lexington 4-H club. The Heppner
orchestra will play.
We wish to express our sincere
thanks to the kind neighbors and
friends who assisted us In our be
reavement, and especially for the
many beautiful flowera
Mrs. Ralph Corrlgall
and the Corrlgall Family.
Lexington Wheatraiser, Native of
Oregon, Resided at John Day
for Many Years.
Funeral services were held at the
Christian church Tuesday afternoon
for Jamea H. Helms who passed
away early Monday morning. Rev.
Alvin L. Kleinfeldt, pastor of the
Christian church of Heppner, of
ficiating. A quartet composed of
Harvey Miller, John Miller, Mrs. S.
G. McMillan and Mrs. Trina Par
ker sang three beautiful numbers,
accompanied by Miss Dona Barnett
at the piano.
James H. Helms was born June
21, 1863, near Independence, Ore
gon. He came with his parents from
the Willamette valley when a young
boy, settling in the John Day val
ley when that part of the country
was unsettled, his father taking a
homestead. In later years he and
his brother John took homesteads
in the same valley. They helped
protect settlers during the Bannock
Indian uprising. He did freighting
from The Dalles when it was the
only trading post for 150 miles. He
drove stage from Canyon City to
The Dalles for several years.
In the year 1896 he married Ora
D. Pomeroy and they made their
home near Blalock. To this union
were born three children, W. H., O.
N. and Edna A.j all of whom sur
vive. They moved from Blalock to
Lexington in 1906 and Mr. Helms
did farm work for his brother for
a short time, then moved to the
present ranch. Mrs. Helms passed
away In 1913, and in 1924 he mar
ried Annis Yokum of lone, who also
He had been a faithful member
of the Lexington Christian church
for several years, and was also a
member of the Lexington I. O. O.
F. lodge.
He loved to have his friends come
to visit him, especially so during
his last Illness and appreciated so
much the flowers that were sent
Other survivors are a sister, Mrs.
Ella Rhodes, Newberg; stepchild
ren, Elmer Pomeroy, Ostrander,
Wash., and Mrs. Ben Cox, Heppner,
and seven grand children.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Shaw and sons
have moved to Hermiston where
Mr. Shaw is employed by the
Grange Co-operative Co.
Elizabeth Edwards, 5-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. M.
Edwards, received a deep cut over
her right eye Wednesday afternoon
and was taken to Heppner where
six stitches were required to close
the laceration. Rae Cowins was
carrying Elizabeth downstairs when
she tripped and fell. Rae received
slight injuries to her back and leg.
Mra Raymond Jeub and son who
have been visiting at the J. E. Gen
try home have returned to their
home at Coquille.
The Harlan McCurdy car, driven
by Lamoin Cox of Heppner, col
lided with a car driven by Wesley
Brannon of Hardman on the Lex
ington-Echo highway near Lexing
ton Saturday night. No one was
Mrs. Nettie M. Davis is enjoying
a visit from her daughter, Mrs.
Nettie Barton of New Mexico.
Mrs. Lonnie Henderson. Mrs.
Trina Parker and Miss Dona Bar
nett were Portland visitors last
(Continued on Page Four)
Summer School
Told at 4-H
The 4-H Kitchen club held its
weekly meeting Wednesday, June
24. The business meeting was held
then two reports were given by El
len Hughes and Eileen Kelly who
attended summer school at Corval-
lis. The reports wore very Inter
esting and gave the girls who had
n't attended a good idea of what
summer school was like. The meet
ing was closed by the girls repeat
ing the 4-H club creed.
Eileen Kelly's report follows:
At Arlington the train was two
hours late. While we were waiting
we saw the streamlined train. It
was very pretty.
I don't know what time it was
when we reached Portland but it
was pretty late. We got to Cor
vallis about 4:30 a. m. Eileen and
I were assigned to the same room
at Snell hall. The other girls were
sent out to sororities and fraternit
ies. We had to make our beds, so
by the time we got to bed it was
after 5.
We were on the third floor at
.Snell. Our room number was 327.
Here Is our schedule for the day:
Breakfast at 7:30, classes at 8:30,
dinner at 12:15, assembly at 1:30,
county meetings at 2:30, then recre
ation classes such as dramatics,
sports, folk dancing, etc., at 3. Then
after this was swimming. The suits
and towels were furnished and the
swimming lessons were free. After
swimming we could do anything
we liked from 5 to 6. Supper was
at 6:15. At 7:30 there was always
recreation of some sort. Bedtime
was at 10. The lights went out at
10:15, and we either had to be In
bed by then or be good at undress
ing in the dark.
In the classes the girls were div
ided Into two sections which were
divided Into classes according to
ages. I was In section 1, class B.
Ellen and I wanted to be In cook
ing but as there could only be 32 in
a class we were put Into sewing.
We had a little bit of everything
Broken Water Main
Rouses City at 2 A. M.
Water, not fire, was the cause of
the siren being sounded at 2 o'clock
Monday morning, arousing resi
dents from their slumber and bring
ing out the fire department The
scene presented was that of a gey
ser throwing mud and rocks high
Into the air and onto the roof of
the Clark barber shop. Investiga
tion revealed a bursted water main.
The water came out with such
force for a time that it threw rocks
of considerable size high into the
air and some of these broke the
glass above the plate glass windows
in the barber shop. The basment of
the building was also deluged, leav
ing a mess for the barber shop force
to clean up. Fire hydrants below
the break were opened to relieve
the pressure and the geyser was
subdued. The drain was heavy on
the city's big reservoir.
New Grand Jury Meets,
Returns One True Bill
The newly empanelled grand Jury
was sworn in Monday by Judge C.
L. Sweek, and its labors were com
pleted Tuesday with the return of
one true bill, a secret indictment.
Serving on the body are H. W.
Grim, foreman; Floyd Worden, W.
W. Kilcup, Olney Sallng, Archie
Bechdolt, A. G. Edmondson and
A. M. Baldwin. The jury's report
"We have been in session one
day. We have investigated all mat
ters pertaining to violation of the
criminal laws of the State of Ore
gon, committed or triable in ' this
county, brought to our attention,
or of which we had knowledge.
"We have returned one true bill.
"We have no recommendations to
make at this time."
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Casebeer
stopped in front of the postofflce
this morning and immediately the
back seat of their car was the cen
ter of interest. In it was a three
weeks' old fawn mule-tail deer
which Mr. Casebeer had picked up
beside the road in the mountains
shortly after it was born, and ap
parently deserted by its mother. He
obtained a permit from the game
warden to keep it. Not much larg
er than a good-sized jackrabbit,
the fawn had a dark brown coat
with broken white stripes along
the back. It didn't object to being
handled by the young ladies In the
county agent's office who carried it
up the street to show their boss.
C. R. Moore, Hermiston minister
and accredited Townsend speaker,
will speak on the Townsend Plan
at the court house Monday night,
June 29, at 8 p. m. The public is
invited to hear this forecful and In
teresting speaker.
He will also preach at the Church
of Christ on Sunday evening.
RODEO AUG. 27-28-29.
Dates for the coming Heppner
Rodeo were mistakenly printed on
the queen dance placards issued
from this office as August 26-27-28.
They should have been August 27-28-29.
The Rodeo will be held the
last Thursday-Friday-Saturday in
Hermiston American Legon post
has announced a big celebration
with staging of a first class fight
card there, July 4. Don Allstott,
former Heppner boy, is scheduled
to appear in a four-round bout
Club Meeting
but sewing was the major study.
The classes I enjoyed most were
first aid, safe driving and vegetable
cooking. I also enjoyed pine needle
baskets. I missed the one I think
I would have enjoyed very much
and that was called KOAC. There
a man told the girls in my class
how to make different noises over
the radio, such as a train coming
Into the station. However, I en
joyed all my classes.
Assemblies were very Interesting.
We saw many distinguished peo
ple, Governor Martin among them."
I think the assemblies were the
most educational part of the whole
summer school. If every boy and
girl followed the advice given In
these lectures they couldn't help
beinrr a success in life.
I took up dramatics the first
week. The dramatics class put on
a 'huge play called "The Gifts." It
was pretty good.
I took swimming lessons the first
week. It was fun but I couldn't
learn. The second week I had such
a cold I couldn't go In.
The recreation periods at 7:30
were the most fun of all. There
was always a dance, a show, a
party, or an exchange supper. But
the most fun of all I think was the
backwards party among the girls of
Snell hall. Everybody had to wear
something backwards and almost
everybody ate with them that way.
The tables were set backwards and
tho plates were at the wrong end
of the table. We sang our songs
first, then ate our dessert. When
our main course was served it was
served on the backs of the plates.
Everybody ate with his knife. Some
even went so far as to eat with
their fingers. We didn't do that at
our table, however. Anyway It was
lots of fun. Wo' even sang grace
I think the trip to summer school
was highly educational aa well as
being lots of fun. I hope more can
go next year.
District Attorney Named Vice
President Northwest Associa
tion Sheriffs and Police.
Signal recognition again came to
Morrow county this week with the
election of S. E. Notson, district at
torney, as first vice-president of the
Northwest Association of Sheriff's
and Police at its annual convention
in Portland. Selection of Mr. Not
son for the high honor came as a
recognition of his conscientious
work with the association since its
Inception and attendance at every
convention but one. He also served
as chairman of the resolutions com
mittee at the Portland meeting,
this being the seventh time he had
held the position and the ninth
time he had served on the commit
tee. 1
Reporting the event at the Tues
day Lions luncheon, Mr. Notson
cited this association as being
unique in its field. It was the first
such association, i though others
have followed in its footsteps. He
credited It with having had much
influence for good in the field of
law enforcement - The United
States, Canadian and Mexican flags
were flown from the same flag pole
for the first time in history at the
Portland convention when they
graced the flag pole at the cere
monies at Multnomah stadium. A
feature of this event was the ap
pearance of the Canadian Royal
Mounted police in a colorful drill.
Mexico City's crack motorcycle po
licemen, and the runner-up band
in last year's International band
contest at Paris also from Mexico
City, a bagpipe band from Van
couver, B. C, and a military band
from Vancouver, Wn., also partici
pated. Next year's convention was voted
to be held in Honolulu with the plan
to transact most of the convention
business on board boat going to the
Hawaiian islands, and the time on
the islands to be spent In sight
seeing and enjoying the various
forms of entertainment to be pro
vided. Mexico City extended invi
tation to hold the convention there
in 1938. Mr. Notson's election to
the first vice-presidency puts him
in line for the presidency next year.
Attending the convention sessions
from here also were C. J. D. Bau
man, sheriff, and Homer Hayes,
chief of police.
Rev. Joseph Pope Ends
Local M. E. Pastorate
Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Pope and
daughter, Miss Joanne, departed
Monday morning for Corvallis to
attend the annual conference of M.
E. churches for Oregon. They ship
ped their household goods before
leaving, but did not know to where
they might be transferred. The
church congregation and friends
tendered them a farewell party at
the church Friday night
Rev. Mr. Pope has completed his
third year with the local church
and the family's leaving brings
many expressions -of regret. During
their residence here they acquired
a large circle of friends inside and
outside the church, all of whom
bid them God-speed.
Crop Prospects Less
Promising Says 0. S. C.
Crop prospects are definitely less
promising in the country as a whole
than some weeks ago, says the la
test report on the agricultural sit
uation and outlook just released by
the O. S. C. agricultural extension
service. In respect to prices, the
general level of farm prices Is in
dicated to be slightly higher than a
month ago, whereas a downward
trend has prevailed mostly for sev
eral months.
Droughty conditions, especially
throughout the southern part of
the country east of the Mississippi,
account for most of the decline in
crop prospects. It will require good
and timely rains during the re
mainder of the season to bring
about the usual total output of sev
eral crops, the report states. Spec
ial sections are given in respect to
various farm commodities.
From the standpoint of market
demand conditions, strength Is in
dicated owing to the income of in
dustrial workers being higher In
April and May than at any time for
several years. Industrial condi
tions continue to show improve
ment, considering usual seasonal
trends. Business has received add
ed activity from the soldiers' bonus.
In Oregon, the general level of
farm prices appears likewise to
have advanced somewhat since mid
May. At that time the Oregon farm
price Index stood at 68 percent of
the 1926-30 level, compared with 72
a month previous and 69 In May,
The United States general farm
price level at Mid-May was 76 per
cent of the 1926-1930 average, or
103 per cent of the pre-war level,
against 105 In April and 108 In May,
1935. With the Index of prices paid
by farmers at 121 per cent of pre
war, the purchasing power of farm
products was 85 percent of "parity,"
the same as a year ago.
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Ferguson
motored to Dallas Monday, taking
Mrs. Leonard Schwarz home after
a short visit here. They returned
home Tuesday.
Charles Bartholomew, pioneer
Pine City resident, was transacting
business in the city yesterday,
July 3 Final Date; A CP
Sign-Up Like Registering
With July 3 as the last date for
signing work sheets for the new
Agricultural Conservation program,
only one more week remains in
which work sheets can be signed.
It should, perhaps, again be empha
sized that signing the work sheets
does not form any type of contract
The situation is similar to that of
voting. Merely registering as a
voter does not compel one to vote
on election day but unless one has
registered it would be impossible
to vote. The same thing applies to
this program signing a work sheet
does not require one to perform any
particular act but unless one has
signed a work sheet he will be un
able to apply for a grant ,
There seems to have been some
misuiderstanding in certain cases
as to the amount of acreage to be
diverted under the new program.
In the summer fallow sections there
is a leeway of between 7 1-2 and
15 percent of the total soil deplet
ing base. This does not mean mere
ly the acreage in wheat but the
combined acreage of wheat and
summer fallow. For example, if a
man has 200 acres, half of which
is in summer fallow, his minimum
acreage for compliance would be
15 acres, and he would receive the
full payment per acre for any di
version between 15 and 30 acres.
Joseph Stefani Found
Guilty in Circuit Court
A unanimous verdict of guilty
was returned against Joseph Stef
ani charged with contributing to
the delinquency of a minor, in cir
cuit court here Monday evening.
He received sentence of $400 fine
and 6 months in the penitentiary
from presiding Judge C. L. Sweek,
Tuesday morning. This was the
second trial of the case, a former
jury failing to agree on a verdict
at the December term of court
The charge against Stefani arose
from alleged illegal conduct toward
a minor girl'at lone about a year
When the votes were counted at
the second of the Rodeo queen con
test dances at Lexington Saturday
night, the standings were as fol
lows :
Genevieve Hanna, 6700.
Betty Doherty, 6500.
Harriet Heliker, 2800.
Frances Rugg, 2200.
The next dance will be held at
Rhea Creek grange hall next Sat
urday night An Indian orchestra
will play and Motanick, famous In
dian singer of Pendleton, will sing.
At our regular 'meeting, June 23.
Mrs. Chris Brown was selected as
our delegate to the national con
vention to be held in Cleveland,
Ohio, beginning July 15.
It was also voted that each club
member should contribute 50c tow
ard expenses of the trip. If all co
operate, there will be enough. Give
your contribution to any of the fol
lowing before July 10: Mrs. C. P.
Brown, Mrs. Maggie Hunt, George
Allen, Creed Owen, or Alvin Klein
Gene Ferguson motored to Port
land with his family the end of the
week, leaving the family below for
a visit with relatives.
What Is Hoped for Heppner
Seen in Visit to Cannery
Xhe Milton cannery was just fin
ishing up its run on the early pea
harvest and preparing to start on
the late peas when a local delega
tion visited there Saturday after
noon. While running at one-third
capacity, it gave a good indication
of what this industrial development
means to the north-Umatilla town.
In the delegation were Judge W.
T. Campbell, Mrs. Clara Beamer,
C. W. Barlow, W. O. Bayless, Ed
Breslin, Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Craw
ford, who made the trip at the in
stigation of Judge Campbell who
views optimistically the chance of
Morrow county breaking into the
pea game.
The delegation was disappointed
in seeing any harvesting operations,
hitting there as it did just between
seasons. It did obtain an inter
view with E. C. Burk, manager of
the cannery visited, and obtained
from him the promise to make a
visit here as soon as the present
busy season ends.
Mr. Burk offered the coopera
tion of his company In providing
saed for any Morrow county farm
ers who wish to make a test plant
ing next spring. The time is now
past when anything may be done
about trying out the peas this year.
The average cost of planting an
acre of peas would run about $6, he
said. An additional cost of $2 Is
required to inocculate the ground,
which Burk said must be done on
ground where peas have not been
planted before. The planting cost,
however, varies from year to year,
depending upon the seed supply.
The best growing practice, he
said, Is to rotate peas every third
year, summerfallowing one year,
planting wheat the second year and
peas the third year. This practice Is
recommended to keep the ground
free from weevil and other pests
which are wont to attack peas
where they are grown annually on
the same ground.
The average yield In' the Milton
section was given as a ton to the
acre. At present the peas bring 3
cents a pound at the cannery, thus
grossing the grower about $60 an
Program and Barbecue Set for
Heppner, Saturday; Van Vac
tor Will be Speaker.
Morrow county democrats will
join in the nationwide Roosevelt
Day political rally, Saturday, when
President Roosevelt accepts renom-
ination at the national convention
in Philadelphia.
A free barbecue and program is
scheduled at the county pavilion
and park with address by Sam E.
Van Vactor, Jr., of The Dalles. The
program is slated to begin at 2:30,
with barbecue served free at 8
o'clock, according to plans an
nounced by Del Ward, chairman
of the local committee.
In the evening President Roose
velt's address of acceptance will be
broadcast over two national hook
ups, and its reception will be the
main feature of entertainment at
the county-wide rallies expected to
be held in counties througout the
Mr. Ward points out that few
people ever have a chance to attend
a national convention, and that ev
ery effort to duplicate the enthus
iasm and excitement of a national
convention will be made.
"Americans were more generally
interested in politics when torch
light parades and rallies were in
vogue," Chairman Ward declared.
"We want to awaken that old
American spirit at the Roosevelt
Day celebration in this county.
There'll be 'a hot time in the old
town tonight' when we get together
June 27 to celebrate the renomina-
tion of Roosevelt
Tom Clark, Jr., arrived in the city
this week for a visit with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Clark, and
has announced plans for staging a
community auction sale in the near
future. Since leaving home four
years ago, Mr. Clark has been all
over the United States and parts of
Canada following the line of sales
manship, and meeting with success
in his many ventures. He recently
assisted in conducting a series of
community auction sales at Stock
ton, Cal. It was planned to hold the
sales every two weeks, but they
proved so popular that they were
held twice a week on Wednesdays
and Saturday!
Interest in the annual election of
School District No. One on the 15th
was of such small proportions that
the Gazette Times inadvertently
overlooked reporting the outcome
last week. J. J. Wightman and Mrs.
Harriet Gemmell were reelected
director and clerk respectively with
out opposition, and the budget was
passed by the eight votes recorded
all being favorable.
R. L. Beard, local resident, re
ceived a dislocated shoulder and
his car was badly wrecked when
the machine overturned on the
highway near Alfalfa Lawn Dairy
Sunday night
Charles Corder and Howard Fur
long were in the car with Beard
and both escaped with minor in
juries. acre. Growing and harvesting was
given at $30 an acre, leaving a net
return of $30 to the grower.
It is an inspiring sight to see a
pea cannery at work. The Burk
cannery is well supplied with auto
matic machinery. The large build
ing, covering about half a city block,
is meticuously kept. The concrete
floor is kept washed down. The
feminine workers wear neat smocks
and caps of green trimmed in
The peas are delivered in small,
heavy wooden boxes, about half
filled to keep the peas in good con
dition not over 12 hours is allowed
to elapse from the time the vines
are cut until the peas are in the
can. First dumped into a hopper,
the peas are carried by conveyor
belt onto a jiggling screen, where
remaining pods and stems are sep
arated. They next go through a
washing process In cold water and
are taken on by conveyor belt to
the upper story where women sit
on high stools and pick out the un
desirable peas by hand. From there
the peas go to the brine tanks and
are mixed with the brine heated to
the necessary temperature and car
ried on to the canning machines,
which click at rates as high as 150
cans a minute. The Burk plant has
six picking tables and six canning
machines, with other equipment in
proportion. From the canning ma
chines the canned peas are taken
on trucks holding some 1500 of
the small sized cans and taken to
tlie steam cookers where they are
cooked for 25 minutes under 10
pounds steam pressure. They are
then ready for shipment
Automatic equipment also carries
the cans from the railroad cars,
with conveyor belts handling them
all the way to the canning ma
chines. When the Burk plant is operat
ing to capacity it employs 600 peo
ple. And when the peas start com
ing In, it works steadily with em
ployees working two 12-hour shifts.
The 12-hour shift was voted by the
employees themselves. Noticeable
every place was apparent pleasure
and Interest In the work.
Umatilla Rapids Dam to
Have Concerted Effort
of Association.
Meeting at Walla Walla Girds Belt
for Renewed Attack When Con
gressmen Come Home.
"Nothing was ver gained by
quitting." That was the unanimous
verdict of President C. L. Sweek
and other officers and directors of
the Inland Empire Waterways as
sociation who met at the chamber
of commerce rooms in Walla Walla,
Saturday afternoon. Determined
to make the organization function,
while cutting its cloth to the ma
terial at hand, the association re
solved on the motion of Roy W.
Ritner of Pendleton to concentrate
its efforts on obtaining the Uma
tilla Rapids dam as the next step
in development of the Columbia and
Snake rivers, it being deemed not
only feasible but necessary for use
of the river for transportation.
The association's action was tak
en in the face of a discouraging fi
nancial report by H. G. West sec
retary, which showed a red balance
in the year's budget Hope was had,
however, that promised subscrip
tions on which the budget was based
would be forthcoming to meet the
deficit and sails were trimmed in
order to better weather this year's
storms. The association's hard-
headed board of financiers had kept
expenses to a minimum in the face
of the necessity of sending a repre
sentative to Washington, D. C, to
present its brief at a hearing there
this spring, and it looked like a hard
job ahead, but they cinched their
belts a little tighter and viewed the
future with optimism.
A renewed call was made to civic
organizations, local governmental
bodies, farmer groups and the pub
lic generally to back the associa
tion s program. The opportunity
is at hand to contact senators and
representatives who will soon be
home from Washington, D. C, fol
lowing adjournment of congress, it
was pointed out and a unanimous
front by the Inland empire should
be presented.
Attendants at the meeting viewed
a talking moving picture sponsored
by Inland Waterways association
operating on the Mississippi and
other inland rivers. Shown was
the history of river development in
the United States, and the large
scale on which river transportation
is functioning all over the country.
Patrick J. Hurley, secretary of war,
entered into the picture, and cited
how this immense river transporta
tion program links into the entire
transportation to round out an
economical system, and not replac
ing but augmenting other trans
portation facilities. It is the hope
of the association to obtain suffi
cient financial support to show this
picture all over the inland empire
in the near future. The directors
believe that no one may see it with
out recognizing the logic of the as
sociation's stand on river develop
ment with transportation as the
major consideration in making the
next step.
Among those in attendance at the
meeting from this county were Bert
Johnson, chairman of the Eastern
Oregon Wheat league transporta
tion committee and a director of
the association; Judge W. T. Camp
bell, C. W. Barlow, W. O. Bayless,
Ed Breslin and J. V. Crawford.
Part-Time Work Yields
1000 OSC Men $23,150
Corvallis-Any student who makes
good in his work through giving in
terested sen-ice, coupled with ex
perience and a sincere desire to
please, can earn his way through
college, believes Mrs. Lula Howard
employment secretary at Oregon
State college, who has just filed her
annual report. Her report shows
that more than 1000 of nearly 2400
men students applied for work at
the college employment office and
that these obtained work valued at
$23,150.00 for the year including the
summer session. Mrs. Howard urges
that students planning to work their
way through college get as much
information in advance as possible
in order that they may know how
to plan financially for their first
year which is the critical year while
they get established.
Accident Reports Show Faults
The familiar remark "the nthr
driver didn't have the right of way"
was found in 440 accident reports
made to the secretary of state in
May. At least 15 ner cent of the
accidents during the month were
the result of right-of-way difficul
ties, which, according to Secretary
of State Snell reouires Brenter oin.
phasis on the slogan "Courtesy Pre
vents Accidents." Exceeding a
reasonable speed brought trouble
to 265 of the drivers who reported
accidents, while 186 oneratora were
reported as guilty of cutting In, and
uv tailed to signal.
In the obituary notice of Mra.
Sadie Lewis last week the name of
one daughter was mistakenly given
a3 Mrs. Grace Fuege. It should
have been Mrs. Grace Frieze,