Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 18, 1936, Image 1

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Volume 52, Number 15.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Fossil Beats Locals 11-3
and Gains Undisputed
Lead of League.
Fred Hottkins' Gang to Appear In
Round-lip City Against Bucks
Thursday ; At Condon 4th.
Won Lost Pet
Fossil 7 1 .875
Heppner 4 3 .571
Condon 4 3 .571
CCC 3 5 .375
Blalock 3 4 .428
lone 1 6 .143
Last Sunday's game not played.
Liiht Sunday's Results
Fossil 11 at Heppner 3, CCC 6 at
Condon 7.
Whore the Teams Play Next Sunday
Heppner vs. CCC at home, lone
at Fossil, Blalock at Condon.
Heppner lost its big opportunity
to dump the league-leading Fossil
tonlans Sunday at Rodeo field when
the invaders came up to bat in the
first inning and touched Ray Mas
sey for egiht runs. Massey allowed
only four safe hits but his wildness
gave two safeties on walks and an
other when he hit a batsman, Rod
Thomson took over the chucking
in the second inning and gave a
nice exhibition. He and Kelsay for
the visitors each struck out twelve
batsmen. Overcoming the huge
Fossil lead proved a hopeless task,
however, as the visitors got across
three more runs in the remaining
innings to equal the total acquired
by the home lads. The game ended
Sunday's victory gives Fossil un
disputed title to first place with no
chance of being headed, while Hepp
ner"a defeat throws her into a second-place
tie with Condon. Only
two games remain in the scheduled
series, though Heppner and Con
don have a postponed game yet to
play, as have also lone and Bla
lock. The Ione-Blalock game was
called off Sunday because of the
large exodus of lone ball players
to the Umatilla county pea fields.
More than thirty lone boys are re
ported as being engaged in the pea
harvest in the Athena section. There
were enough ball players among
them to get together a pick-up team
last Sunday and beat an undefeat
ed Athena team 1-0 In a seven-inning
Manager Fred Hoskins of the lo
cals announces a ball game sched
uled with Pendleton's Blue Moun
tain league Buckaroos to be played
In the Round-Up city next Thursday
evening, and the local club has also
accepted the Invitation of Condon
to play there July 4.
Box score and summary:
McRoberts, s 4 0 0 0 3 0
Rodman, 1 3 118 0 1
R. Massey, p-1 4 0 110 1
Thomson, 1-p 3 0 0 0 13 1
A. Massey, m 4 0 2 2 0 2
Ferguson, 2 4 0 10 11
Gentry, 3 4 1 0 0 0 1
Oilman, r 3 0 0 1 0 1
Akers, c 2 1 1 13 1 0
Totals 31 3 6 27 18 7
H. Van Horn, 2 .... 5 2 2 3 6 0
J. Van Horn, c 4 0 1 12 2 0
Boyles, 3 4 1 0 2 0 1
Schomp, 1 5 2 1 6 0 0
George, s 5 2 2 1 0 '
Misener, r . 5 1 2 2 0 0
Miller, m 5 1 0 0 0 1
Misener, 1 2 0 110 0
Prindle, 1 2 0 1 0 0 1
Kelsay, p 5 1 3 0 12 0
Totals 42 11 12 27 20 3
Two base hit, George; bases on
balls off Massey 8, off Kelsay 5;
struck out by Thomson 12, by Kel
say 12; batters hit by Massey 1, hy
Kelsay 2; innings pitched by Mas
sey 1, by Thomson 8. Heppner um
pire, John Miller.
Jim Todd, commander of the 6th
district American Legion, made an
ofliclal visit to the local post Mon
day evening, accompanied by a par
ty of legionnaires from his home
post at Hermiston. It was an
nounced that the adjusted service
bonds for payment of the bonus had
reached Pendleton that day and It
was expected they would be here
Wednesday, Mr, Todd emphasized
the legion's program for retention
of compulsory military training at
the state college and university as
essential for sensible protection.
Others In the party wore Guy Ami
berry, O. K. Mudge and Shorty Ca
bles. NOTICE.
Sealed bids are invited imme
diately for building of forms and
pouring concrete In the construction
of a reservoir on Rhea creek, 20,000
gallons capacity. This includes la
bor only.
Heppner, Ore.
We wish to take this means of
expressing our sincere appreciation
to the kind friends and neighbors
and especially Willows grange who
sponsored the benefit dance, for
their help In our time of distress.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Eubanka
and son Donald,
Send-Off for Royal Head of Rodeo-
dom Staged; Second Dance
Next at Lexington.
Miss Genevieve Hanna, Lena
grange candidate, with 3100 votes.
led the voting Saturday night at
the first of the Rodeo queen dances.
The next balloting will take place
at the second dance set for Lexing
ton next Saturday night. A series
of ten dances will be held in all to
be concluded in Heppner the week
end before Rodeo when the con
testant with the most votes will be
named queen and the others her at
tendants to preside over the royal
court of Rodeo, August 26-27-28.
The other candidates with their
send-off vote are Miss Betty Doher
ty, Lexington grange, 2700; Miss
Frances Rugg, Rhea Creek grange,
1800! Miss Harriet Heliker, Wil
lows grange, 700. Schedule of re
maining dances is:
June 20 Lexington.
June 27 Rhea Creek.
July 11 Lena.
July 18 lone.
July 25 Lexington.
August 1 Rhea Creek.
August 8 Lena.
August 15 lone.
August 22 Heppner.
Ralph Corrigall Dies
Suddenly of Pneumonia
Funeral services are being held
from the Elks temple at 2 o'clock
this afternoon for Ralph Corrigall,
38, well known sheepmftn of the
Butter creek section, who died on
Tuesday morning at St. Anthony's
hospital, Pendleton, from an attack
of pneumonia. Last rites are be
ing conducted by Heppner lodee
358, B. P. O. Elks with arrange
ments in charge of Phelps Funeral
home, and Rev. Joseph Pope deliv
ering the funeral address. Inter
ment is being made in Masonic cem
Mr. Corrigall took suddenly ill
on Saturday, June 6, and though he
was rushed to the hospital within
three hours from the time he took
II, the ravages of the disease proved
too great for him to overcome.
He was born February 1 1898, at
the Butter creek home of M. S. and
Isabella Corrigall, pioneer residents
of that section. His boyhood days
were spent on the farm and he at
tended grade school at the Butter
creek school house, later attending
nign senool at Columbia Junior
college at Milton. He assisted his
father in running the large Corri
gall sheep interests until his fath
er's death when he operated inde
pendently and assisted in taking
care of his mother's interests.
He married Gladys Howell of
Hardman In 1930, and for a time
the family residence was made at
that place, though most of the time
was spent on the Butter creek farm.
Surviving besides the widow are the
mother, Mrs. Isabella Corrigall;
three sisters, Mrs. T. J. O'Brien of
Echo, Mrs. Fred Hoskins of lone
and Mrs. Wilbur Gorley of Hepp
ner, and a cousin, Herbert Corri
gall of Westfall, Ore.
Ralph Corrigall was ever con
sidered a good neighbor, and was
of generous nature. He leaves a
wide circle of friends who regret
his untimely passing.
In a close and hard-fought game
played at Condon Sunday the Con
don baseball team defeated the lo
cal CCC camp by the score of 7-6.
Condon got off to a good start, scor
ing five runs in the first inning. The
CCC's scored three runs in the
third and three more in the fifth to
take a one-run lead. Ogilvy tripled
and scored on R. Burns' single in
the sixth to tie up the score. Mc-
Cormack tripled in the seventh with
one out but the next two batters
could not bring him home. In the
last of the ninth Ogilvy tripled to
deep center field and Ashenfelter
scpred him with a clean hit to cen
The box score:
Camp Heppner AB R H O A E
Swedas, 3 4 0 0 2 6 2
Crowley, s 5 1115 2
Janick, c 4 0 0 7 1 0
McCormack, cf 5 2 3 2 0 0
Barchey, rf 4 2 2 0 0 0
Donnelly, 2 . 4 12 14 0
Gavin, 1 4 0 1 11 0 0
Sullivan, If .. 4 0 110 0
Shepard, p 4 0 2 0 4 0
Totals 38 6 12 25 20 4
J. Baker, cf 5 112 0 0
J. Burns, c 4 0 1 14 1 0
Ogilvy, p 5 2 3 0 2 0
Ashenfelter, 2 4 2 2 2 .3 1
R. Burns, 1 3 1 0 6 0 0
Parrlsh, If 4 0 0 0 0 0
J. O'Rourke, rf 4 0 0 0 0 0
S. Buker, s 4 1113 0
Haas, 3 4 0 12 10
Totals 37 7 9 27 10 1
Heppner and lone Townsend
clubs will stage a joint all-day pic
nic at the lone park next Sunday,
and have extended an invitation to
neighboring Townsend clubs and
the general public to participate.
A program will be given beginning
at 2 o'clock in the afternoon at
which Rev. Glenn Wade of Her
miston will be tho speaker. All la
dles are asked to bring well filled
baskets for a pot luck lunch at
J. B, Huddleston and Pat Camp
bell of Lone Rock are business vis
itors in the city today. Mr. Hud
dleston just finished his shearing
and has started his sheep for sum
mer range In the mountains.
Queen Candidates
Willows Grange
Rhea Creek Grange
Red Cross Chapter Aids
Christmas Gift Project
Six Christmas packages will help
gladden the hearts of ill men in the
naval or military service, or those
stationed in foreign ports, as a gift
from Morrow county chapter Amer
ican Red Cross, announces Jose
phine Mahoney, chairman. The
pacKages will be forwarded this
Each package contains Dlavine-
cards, housewife, pocket diary, sta
tionery, handkerchiefs, wash cloths,
tooth brush, shaving cream, small
comb in case, all In cretonne hac
They are tied In Christmas trap
pings ready for mailing. The En
ergetic Ten club is making the
housewives, or sewing kits.
The local chapter has participat
ed In the Christmas gift project
for several years, and a typical ex
pression of thanks is that rpnontlv
received by the local chairman from
L,t col. K. W. Dusenbury, 7th In
fantry, commanding Chilkoot Bar
racks, Alaska. Dusenbury wrote:
"I wish to express the deep ap
preciation of the entire command
for the thought and effort that
made these gifts possible. This
year we have an unusually large
number of very young men, many
of them spending their first Christ
mas away from home, and in per
haps the most isolated station gar
risoned by American troops. Your
remembrance was a erent factor In
preserving the morale of the men."
Lexington Calf Club Reports.
The first meeting of the Lexing
ton 4-H calf club was held May 19.
Mr. Belanger, who was present, ap
pointed Clarence Biddle leader.
Other officers were elected by the
members as follows: President,
Billy Biddle; vice-president, Irvln
Rauch; secretary, Joyce Biddle.
The second meeting was h!H
June second with the president
pressing, wach member reported
on a topic previously assigned. The
topics were: Leland Edmundson,
Milk and Its Uses; Billy Biddle,
Judging; Eugene Majeckl, Feeding
and Care of Calf; Darleen Biddle,
Feeding the Calf Milk; Irvln
Ranch, Weighing and Testing Milk.
The minutes of the meeting were
read by the secretary, Joyce Bid
dle. All present gave suggestions
for raising funds to help pay club
expenses. A new member was ad
mitted and as there was nn nthor
business the meeting was adjourned.
auiy i-siacue, club president, left
June 6 for Corvallis where he is
taking a short course at O. S. C,
awarded him for outstanding club
work last year.
The Add-A-Stitch club held an
ail-day meeting yesterday at the
home of Mrs. Jennie Booher, with
quilting and pot-luck dinner. Pres
ent were Bernice Bauman, Zella
Dufault, Nina Snyder, Ordrie Gen
try, Elsie Cowins, Delia Edmund
son, May Edmundson, Kelly Gentry.
Maud Robison. All members will
meet again Friday afternoon to
finish the quilt.
fJ- V
Early Settler Sucumbs to Emer
gency Operation Here; Was
Native of Canada. N
Mrs. Sadie Lewis, 80, Lexington
pioneer, died at Heppner hospital
yesterday following a major emer
gency operation. Funeral services
will be held from the Congregation
al church in Lexington at 2 o'clock
Saturday afternoon, Archdeacon
Ralph V. Hinkle officiating. Inter
ment will be in the Lexington ceme
Sadie Scott was Dom at Ottawa,
Canada, January 4, 1856, the daugh
ter of James and Emily (Davis)
Scott She died at Heppner hospi
tal at 11:12 a. m., June 17, 1936,
aged 80 years, 5 months and 13
When a child of 13 she moved
with her parents from Canada to
the United States and settled in
Iowa where she finished her edu
cation and taught school until her
marriage to Edgar D. Palmer, Jan
uary 24, 1876. To this union were
born six children, five of whom sur
vive. The surwiing children are
Lawrence A. Palmer, Elsie Beach,
Mrs. Edna Munkers, Mrs. Gealta
Cox of Lexington, and Mrs. Grace
Fuege of Drain.
She lived near Dow City, Iowa,
until 1882 when she came west, lo
cating at Pendleton and living there
for two years. She then came to
what is now Morrow county, Mr.
Palmer filing on a homestead, where
they made their home until his
death, February 8, 1911. On Decem
ber 3, 1916, she was united in mar
riage to Ira Lewis, and in 1917
moved to Lexington where she re
sided until her death.
Mrs. Lewis was baptized into the
Episcopal church In infancy, from
which she received her Christian
training. She united with the Con
gregational church at Lexington in
February, 1894, and continued a
faithful member until she was call
ed to her final reward.
Mrs. Lewis leaves to mourn her
loss, besides her five children, her
husband, Ira Lewis; a brother, H.
G. Scott of Dow City, Iowa; 14
grandsons, one grand daughter, and
four great grandsons.
Rhea Creek Pioneer Kicked by
Stallion This Morning,
Succumbs to Shock.
Frank E. Mason, nionppr farmer
of Rhea creek riled it Hnnnn,
1:30 o'clock this afternoon from
snocK as the result of a kick by a
stallion received about 10 o'clock
this morning wliile at work in the
barn at the farm. He was rushed
to HepDnrer immediatelv hut ih.
doctor's efforts were to no avail.
Mr. Mason was kntvWori nk,f
20 feet by the force of the kick and
was unconscious for about an hour.
The blow hit him directly over the
Frank E. Mason waa lvn Mo 17
1871, on the home ranch on Rhea
creek, the son of Joseph and Aug
usta Mason. He has followed farm
ing in Morrow county since reach
ine manhood, tho laat
being spent on the old home ranch.
ne is survived by one son, Frank,
Jr.: four brothers Roi-t Tae t.
i '- l uboa, i y.
and Harold; and four sisters, Ella
mason and Nettie Lundy, Portland;
Mrs. J. O. Kincaid, Mrs. M. E. Cot
ter ana Mrs. Ed Buschke of lone.
Funeral arranrompnta oa
yet been made this afternoon.
Reynolds Appointed to
Aid Planning Work
Clarence W. Reynolds, for some
time assistant on the staff of the
state relief committee, has been
named special executive assistant in
charge of coordination activities fo
the Oregon State planning board,
It was anounced by Ormond R.
Bean, board chairman.
Work of organizing and coordin
ating planning work in counties, a
project begun a year ago by Dr. P.
A. Parsons, head of the sociology
department of the University of
Oregon, will be continued by Mr.
Reynolds. Dr. Parsons, n memhpr
of the planning board, will continue
as cnalrman of the coordination di
vision of the organization.
A program of cooperation with
county planning commissions Is re
garded as one of the most import
ant functions of the state planning
board, Mr. Bean stated. Planning
groups are given the benefit of th
technical and research facilities of
the state board, and projects hav
ing state-wide significance are also
worked out 1 1
Mr. Reynolds has had consider
able experience in public service,
and Is highly qualified for his place
with the planning board, Mr. Bean
said. Before joining the relief com
mittee, which has granted him a
leave of absence of six months to
work with the planning board, Mr.
Reynolds directed transient relief
work In Oregon and worked out
the program for this activity.
Mr. Reynolds Is now on a tour
of northeastern Oregon, where he
Is conferring with county planning
groups. He will visit this county
and other sections of the state dur
ing the next few weeks.
Queen Candidates
'- f ' ' .
: ... "try t i '
Lena Grange
-5S I
- ..$ A' 4
Lexington Grange
Survey Looks to Federal
Project on Range Water
Data showing the vital need for
wells, dams, reservoirs and other
water projects that will greatly in
crease the value of vast areas of
range land in eastern Oregon will
be included in the water resources
survey now under way in Oregon,
it was announced by Ormond R.
Bean, chairman of the Oregon state
planning board.
P. M. Brandt, head of the depart
ment of animal husbandry of Ore
gon State college, is now in eastern
Oregon personally conducting the
survey. He is already familiar with
grazing and other problems of this
section of the state, and he will
personally designate sites where
water developments are badly need
ed. Mr. Brandt is secretary of the
planning board's eastern Oregon
land use committee, which has al
ready taken up study of this pro
ject. Areas to be investigated by Mr.
Brandt are located in Lake, Har
ney, Malheur, Deschutes, Crook,
Morrow and Jefferson counties.
The water resources survey of
Oregon will be a part of the na
tional project sponsored by the Na
tional Resources committee, at the
request of President Roosevelt It
is hoped that inclusion of data on
water needs of eastern Oregon will
eventually lead to development of
these projects by the federal gov
ernment. At many places range can only
be used a part of the year at pres
ent, and necessitates expensi 'e
movement of stock. Much grazing
land often suffers, not only from
crowding of stock but by tramping.
It is pointed out. If the land coul 1
be used the year around, it would
not only better conditions for stock
raising, but would make adminis
tration of the Taylor grazing act
more efficient, Mr. Brandt points
out. Cooperation of the grazing
administration will be enlisted for
the work.
New Ray Permanents. No heat,
no electricity, no discomfort. $5.
Lucille's Beauty Shop. 14-15
f , -I
July 3 has been announced as the
last date for filling out work sheets
for the new agricultural conserva
tion program. Everyone, except
those living in Eoardman and Irri
gon, shoirtrt fill out their work
sheets in the county agent's office.
Those at Eoardman should see Paul
Smith, and those at Irrigon should
contact Don Rutledge.
The filling out of a work sheet
does not, in any sense, constitute
a contract or an agreement of any
sort, but it will, nevertheless, be im
possible to take advantage of the
new plan undess such a work sheet
has been filled out by the closing
date. Before the county commit
tee can complete the necessary rec
ords it will be necessary that the
$36,000 Comes to World War Ser
vice Men of County; Cash
ing Safeguarded.
Faces of local World war veter
ans beamed as they opened the
Wednesday morning mail. It con
tained notice that the bonds had
arrived in payment of the balance
due on their adjusted compensation
certificates for services rendered.
More than $36,000 will come to
Morrow county veterans In this
manner, it is estimated by Paul M
Gemmell, adjutant of the local post
American Legion, who assisted in
making out the bond applications
The bonds are in $50 denominations,
and odd amounts above that divis
ible by fifty are paid by government
check accompanying the bonds.
Several veterans had their bonds
in hand shortly after the distribu
tion window opened at the post of-
nce Wednesday morning.
Portland is the nearest pav-sta-
tion for cashing the bonds, but ar
rangements for cashing them may
De made at the local post office
snouid veterans wish to cash them
While cashable immediatelv. the
bonds draw interest for ten years at
tne rate of 3 percent Principal
and interest are free from all forms
of taxation except estate, inheri
tance or gift taxes.
The bonds are cashable onlv at
a United States postoffice or the U.
S. treasury by the registered own
er, and the request for payment
must be signed by him in ink or
indelible pencil in the presence of
a postmaster and certified to by
him. Certain postoffices only are
designated as paying offices (the
nearest to Heppner beine Port
land), and postmasters elsewhere
are authorized to receive the bonds
and transmit them at government
risK to a paying office where gov
ernment checks are issued.
Special arrangements for execu
tion of requests for payment will
be provided for registered owners
who may be inmates of any institu
tion, information concerning which
may be obtained from the treasury
department by the head of the in
stitution. In no case will any payment be
made other than to the registered
owner or the representative of his
estate. If. any. vteran has any
questions concerning the bonds, he
should contact the postmaster.
(-naries B. Cox, Heppner post
master, requests that veterans who
wish to cash bonds call at post
office between hours of one and six,
wnen special nelp will be provided.
Anyone wishing appointment for
tilling out application between hours
of 7 and 9 are asked to get in touch
with the postmaster. Paul M. Gem
mell, adjutant of local American
Legion post, will be at the postof
fice from 1 to 6 during the rush per
iod in making applications to as
sist the office force.
Field Day Set June 25
At Pendleton Station
Pendleton. The annual field day
at the Pendleton branch experi
ment station is scheduled for Thurs
day afternoon, June 25, announces
G. A. Mitchell, superintendent
Mitchell, together with D. E. Steph
ens, superintendent of the Moro sta
tion, and possibly other staff mem
bers of the state college, will be at
the station that day to explain to
farmers the results of the research
being carried on. Visitors will be
able to view the results of varietal
trials with wheat and other grains
more smut-resistant, high-yielding
more smut-resstant, high-yielding
The station will be at its best at
that time just before harvest, and
those in charge are preparing much
of interest for those who attend.
Particular stress will be placed this
year on methods of preventing soil
erosion and on practices which will
meet the requirements of the new
agricultural conservation program.
Nine adult and 63 pup coyotes
were taken in Morrow county in
May by hunters with U. S. Biolog.
cal survey, according to report just,
issued from the office of Roy Fu
gate, district agent in the division
of game management. Hunters with
their take were Burton Barnes, 8
adults and 25 pups; Adam Knob
lock, 4 adults and 15 pups; Alva
Stone, 2 adults and 28 pups.
information required on the work
sheet be obtained not only for
those who have filled out these
work sheets but for all the farm
ers as well. It will, therefore, be
helpful If every farm operator will
take the few minutes necessary to
fill out one of these sheets, regard
less of whether he' has any inten
tion of later applying for a grant.
Every farm operator, regardless
of where he is located or the type
of farming he is following, is eligi
ble to participate in this program.
In a few canes, of course, farm
operators have already done what
is necessary to qualify for a grant
Such operators are in the enviable
position of having done everything
necessary, and need only to till out
the necessary forms.
ask nolo m
County Court Makes Rec
ommendation to High
way Commission.
State Expecta to do Work on Low
er Route; Delegation Visits
Milton Pea Cannery-
Morrow county's apportionment
of federal and state road money
will be placed on the Heppner-Con-
don and Heppner-Spray roads if
recommendation of the county court
made before the state highway
commission at Pendleton Friday
evening is complied with. All mem
bers of the commission, engineer
and secretary and Governor Mar
tin attended the Pendleton hearing.
Those in attendance from here in
cluded W. T. Campbell, judge;
George N. Peck and Frank S. Par
ker, commissioners, and Harry
Tamblyn, county engineer.
Practical assurance was given the
local delegation that oiling of the
Lexington - Jarmon market road
would be proceded with in the fall
with the probability that the state
would do the work itself. On the
first opening of bids, all bids were
rejected. Little possibility was held
that the work would be completed
in time to be of benefit for wheat
hauling this season, however.
A delegation was present from
Gilliam county and offered the co
operation of that county in building
its end of the Heppner-Condon road
but asked that the state take over
construction of the Burton Wilson
Definite word was not given as to
whether the county's apportionment
of the federal-state money would
all be used for new construction or
whether part of it might go for
The local delegation left here
early and went on through to Mil
ton in the morning where they were
conducted through the pea cannery.
The season had not quite reached
its peak when it was estimated at
least 600 people would be employed
in the industry there. , They also
made a trip through some of the
fields where the peas were being
harvested, and saw the separators
at work.
Speed, they learned, is a prime
requisite in handling the peas as
not more than 12 hours is permitted
to elapse from the time the vines
are cut until the pears are in the
Judge Campbell has arranged a
junket of business men and farmers
from this section to make a sim
ilar tour of inspection next Satur
day and has extended an invitation
for all interested to attend.
Young Democrats Plan
Roosevelt Day Barbecue
The Young Democratic club of
Morrow county will hold a barbe
cue at the Fair grounds Saturday
evening, June 27. A meeting will
be held in the afternoon at 2 o clock
with a program of musical and
and band numbers. The barbecue
will be served at 5 o'clock in the
evening after which the two-hour
broadcast and President Roose
velt's speech will be heard. If pos-
lble the Standard Oil loud speak
er will be used at this time.
Committees appointed are Chas.
B. Cox, entertainment; Walter Eu-
banks, meat; Albert Adkins, serv
ing; Glenn Hayes, grounds; D. M.
Ward, R. B. Rice, Guy Huston and
Harry Duvall, executive committee;
Robert Jones, tickets.
This is for the public. The coun
ty court has graciously offered the
use of the fair pavilion in case of
Harry D. Boivin, state legislator,
and Harold Olsen, of Klamath Falls,
were visitors in this city Saturday
on a tour of the state in the inter
ests of Mr. Boivin's candidacy for
peakership of the house. Mr. Boi
vin received both the democratic
and republican nomination of his
district for reelection and feels as
sured of being returned to Salem
this fall. While here he enjoyed a
visit with a colleague of the last
session, Milliard R. Rodman, Crook
county representative now man
ager of the local soil conservation
Miss Llnea Troedson, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Johan Troedson of
lone, was recently honored by elec
tion to presidency of Home Econ
omics Teachers association of Port
land high schools. Announcement
with Miss Troedson's picture was
made In Monduy's Oregonian. She
has taught homo economics for the
last two years in Girls' Polytechnic
nign school.
Rose Liebrand, with Oregon writ
ers' project of "The American
Guide," American historical re
search, arrived here this week and
will spend the next two months In
the county working on a history of
Morrow county. She Is anxious to
get in touch with people having
ettets, diaries, or other documents
of historical interest.