.STOB.Ct SOCIETY P0RTLNS. ORE- Volume 52, Number 13. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, June 4, 1936. Subscription $2.00 a Year KELLEY SPRING TO HELPWATERSUPPLY Purchase of Famous Flow Made for $600; Cost of Connection $800. TOILETS DISCUSSED Letting New WPA Structures Stand in Restricted Zone Left in Hands of Committee. Purchase of Kelley spring to aug ment the city water supply was ordered at the meeting of the city council Monday evening. The city accepted the offer of Bruce Kelley, owner, to Bell the spring for $600. An estimate for concreting ths spring and turning its water into the supply line was set at $800. Kelley spring has long been fa mous as one of the better moun tain springs in proximity to Hepp ner. It is located about two miles above the wells which provide the present supply, and recent measure ments placed its now at 2400 gallons a day. It was believed this flow might be increased. Action on the spring purchase was accelerated by the report of Orve Rasmus, watermaster, that flow of the wells had dropped be low that sufficient to serve the town. Rains the first of the week had re lieved the demand on the city sup ply by lessening the need for irri gation water, and the flow from the creek was turned off Monday with the main reservoir filled to overflowing. The watermaster reported that a centrifugal pump, ordered by the water committee, had been installed and was ready for operation. This pump had been installed in the low er well, and it was believed it would carry the situation until the spring water is connected. A claim was presented to the council by E. C. Gibson for $50 for damages claimed to have been sus tained when the city's clean-up crew removed a used car from in front of his premises. The claim was tabled. Discussion of permitting the new WPA-public health service toilets to be erected within the restricted zone, and in particular letting those already erected to remain, resulted in leaving the matter in the hands of the committee on health and publio morals. It was the express ion of Dr. A. D. McMurdo, chair man of the committee, that the new type toilets were fly proof and in every way probably as sanitary as the flush type toilets. He raised the objection of unsightliness, and said he believed that if the new toilets were fronted with lattice work and concealed by vines, shrub bery or trees, that they would not be in any way a menace. Citizens present asked if the city might not extend its' ordinance controlling open toilets to include the whole city on the grounds that all citizens are taxpayers and en titled to equal health protection. The matter of drawing up a new ordinance to meet the situation In the manner it deems best was left In the hands of the committee. On the committee with Dr. McMurdo are councilmen Shlvely and McNa mer. S. E. Notson, a vice president of the association, invited city officers to attend a meeting of the North west Association of Sheriffs and Police, and a G-man school spon sored by the association, to be held the latter part of the month in Portland. Discussion was had of the mat ter of motorizing the pump in the deep well in town to use in emer gencies, and a representative of a Portland pump company attended In this connection. Heppner Safeway Store High in Sales Contests Heppner gateway store sold' the most pounds of coffee of any Safe way store in Oregon, Washington and Idaho Included in Its district, in a recent 8-day sales contest, a total of 2344 pounds. It also placed high in the broom contest on the basis of dollar volume of sales In proportion to total volume of store business. The coffee contest was won not only according to the point sys tem of scoring but in total pound age of coffee sold as well. In the coffee contest Manager John An glln received a $7.50 floor lamp as manager's prize and each of the clerks received a $4.50 cash prize. The store received a $15 cash prize in the broom contest nra niRECTOBS VISIT. J. B. Grilling, ninth corps area educational adviser from the Pre sidio, San Francisco, Cal., and H. M. Broadbent, district educational adviser from Vancouver Barracks, were guests of Camp Heppner, CCC, last week end. Mr. Griftlng was also guest at an educational con ference at Stanfleld Saturday, where he spoke to educational ad visers of this zone. They were ac companied on several work projects by Capt. W. R. Reynolds, Camp Heppner commandant, and M. E. Dixon, educational adviser for the local camp, and reported pleasure with the accomplishments of the boys of Camp Heppner. PENSIONERS NAME HAIGHT DELEGATE Salem Convention Stands Firm on Town send Flan, Raps Other Old-Age Benefits, Reported. Mrs. Chris Brown, local delegate to the state Townsend meeting at Salem Sunday, announced the elec tion of Clint Haight editor of the Blue Mountain Eagle at Canyon City, as Oregon's representative on the national advisory board. Haight was elected by a margin of two votes over John A. Jeffrey of Port land. The vote was 139 to 137 on the fourth and last ballot. Forty two people received votes on the first ballot, and Haight attempted to withdraw, but the convention voted to retain him. Mrs. Brown served as one of six members on the resolutions committee. Resolutions adopted rapped all other pension plans; called for in vincible political organizations in each state, and pledged unlimited faith, loyalty and support to Dr. Townsend and Dr. Shadduck, new area manager for Oregon. I0NE By MARGARET BLAKE The Women's Missionary society of lone had its regular meeting in the parlor of the Congregational church last Thursday afternoon. The study of missions in Latin America was continued. Mrs. J. A. Troedson read letters from a mis sionary friend who teaches in a school in Lima, Peru. During the social hour which followed the study Mrs. L. D. Hale who leaves soon to make her home at Albany was honored. She was presented with a gift. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Lydia Balsiger, Mrs. Visa Louy, Mrs. Nickoli Thompsen and Mrs. Wallace Mathews. Frank Keller of Beaver Dam, Wis., arrived Friday morning for a short visit at the home of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Keller. Miss Betty Jean Mankin was a Portland-bound passenger on Fri day night's train. She will visit relatives there. Wrex Hickok returned to Port land Wednesday. Garland Swanson and Roy Lind strom were Pendleton visitors on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mason, Mr. and Mrs. Werner Rietmann, Mr. and Mrs. Charles McElligott, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Lundell, Mr. and. Mrs. Walter Eubanks, Richard Lundell, Carl Allyn, Carlton Swan son, William Hayes and Vernor Troedson were among those who journeyed to Kinzua last Saturday. Mrs. William Padberg and son Irvin were visitors here from their Clark's canyon home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl J. Blake and family spent Saturday and Sunday visiting relatives at Kinzua and Fossil. Mrs. Ray Beezeley returned to her home at Fossil Sunday. The Women's Topic club will meet at the home of Mrs. Omar Riet mann in town on Saturday. Mrs. Frank Engelman has return ed from Pendleton where she has been visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eubanks visited their son Johnny at The Dalles last Wednesday. The Boy Scouts returned Sunday from a week's outing at the Morton cabin in the mountains. Mrs. E. C. Heliker reports the arrival of a baby girl at the home of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Elda Zink, at Antioch, Calif., on June 1. Norman Swanson returned to his work with the North Pacific Grain Growers of Spokane last Thurs day after enjoying a two-weeks' vacation at home. Among local boys who have gone to Athena to work In the pea har vest are Eugene and Harry Nor moyle, Norman Everson, Francis Bryson, Wallace Lundell, Harlan McCurdy, Jr., Dorr and Junior Ma son. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. McCurdy and son Junior and Mrs. Ray Beezeley visited relatives at Toppenlsh, Wn., Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Balsiger spent the week end with their son Alfred at The Dalles. Mrs. Ted Blake of Kinzua is vis iting here. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Barnett are moving into the Hossner house on Second street which they recently purchased from the county. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Denny drove to Estacada the last of the week so that Mr. Denny could attend the reunion of the alumni of Estacada high school. H. D. McCurdy and son Junior drove to Athena Monday. Mrs. Bert Palmateer and children are visiting relatives at Estacada. O. A. Myrand of Portland, fed eral warehouse inspector, is reg istered at the Park hotel. Mrs. Christlanson and Miss Flor ence Christianson of Gaston, the mother and sister of Charles Chrls tianson, came up on Saturday. On Monday they returned home accom panied by Mr. Christianson who expects to attend summer school at the U. of O. Mrs. S. E. Moore and Mrs. Wrex Hickok accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eubanks to Kinzua Satur day. W. F. Palmateer Is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Earl Morgan, at her home on Rock creek. Wallace Mathews came over from Selah, Wash., Saturday evening. He returned home Sundny aocom- (Continued on Pag Four) DONKEY BASEBALL THRILLS THRONGS Long -Eared Performers Keep Would-Be Riders Busy in Exhibitions. . BPW PLAYERS BEST Men in Feminine Garb Trounce Lexington at Polo and Base ball; JVIany Laughs Given. The braying of donkeys inter mingled with the honking of auto mobile horns and shouts of specta tors to herald the appearance of donkey baseball here Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. Jack Bart lett's world-famous . burros from Tucson, Ariz., performed before two of the largest crowds ever drawn to an exhibition here outside of Rodeo, and did everything expect ed of them in the way of lowering the dignity of would-be riders. Heppner donk-busters m female garb representative of Business and Professional Womens club gave the best account of themselves of any aggregation when they dumped over Lexington 10-2 in the polo game and took, the baseball game 3-2 last evening. The local Lions team split honors with lone Tues day when they won the broom wielding game, 4-3, but lost in the ball game, 4-1. The height of hilarity was reach ed near the end of the ball game when the long-eared guardian of third base treated its young off spring to a free lunch. An extra feature was the almost human per formance of Sam, the trick mule, recently starred in motion pictures. Most veryone who had any desire to try riding the burros was given an opportunity. A rule of the base ball game was that the batsman must stick on his mount from the time he got on until he arrived safely at home, else he was count ed out, and that without being tag ged or thrown out en route. It ap peared to be the special function of one of the larger donks to keep any batter from reaching first base, and he succeeded in doing so in most instances by leaving the dis appointed player lying ungracious ly in the dust. Some batsmen were noted to swing loathesomely at the ball while eyeing the waiting burro askance, and many times the. hitter would be so occupied in trying to mount his donk that he would fail to note he had been thrown out at first. There were some good exhibitions of riding. One lone boy rode the toughest donk to first, but imme diately after ieft the deck when he started for second base. Fred Hos kins, manager of the local ball club, made a nice try but the donk came out on top. Bob McCabe of lone was the only casualty. He receiv ed a cut cheek when one of the donks stepped on him, though a few of the boys found the donks' heads harder than their own. Some of the boys took their ball playing seriously, and Bartlett got one of the biggest kicks of his tour when Ray Ferguson, third baseman for the Lions, in all earnestness pro claimed, "Gosh darn this animal, I can t get him into the ring." Bart lett informed him that they had been training the donkey for three years not to do that very thing. 4-H Club Benefit Dance Set for Rhea Creek A dnncR Will hp. crlvon nt Tthoa creek hall June 6 for the 4-H club members who are going to Corvallis summer school June 8th. The grange will pay their transporta tion and also give one scholarship. Those entitled to go are Edna Ste phens, Wilbur Worden and Clavton Wright Mrs. Anna Heinv. who taup-ht thp Golden West school this year, left for Portland the last of the week to visit relatives there for a short time. Then she will go by train to New York city to visit her son who has a position with Montgomery wara at uo. we received his trans fer from the Portland concern. Miss Velma Huston is home vis iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clivo Huston. Miss Velma taught school near Drain this year and ex pects to teach the same school the next season. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parker will leave Sunday morning to attend stale grange at Lebanon. Miss Marjoiie will visit relatives in Gold Hill and Medford while her parents attend grange. HAS GOOD RKCORD. Norman Bergstrom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bergstrom of Goose berry, has set what Mrs. Lucy E. Rod;;ers, county school sunerln- tendent, believes to be a record for attendance in this county. Nor- mnn received his eighth grade di ploma recently after havlne at tended school for eight years with out naving been absent or tardy a single time. WAREHOUSE INSPECTED. O. A. Myrand of Portland, fed- eral warehouse Inspector, has been Inspecting the Morrow county op eratlons of Morrow County Grain urowers this week. The intention Is announced of placing the grow ers warenouse nere under federal license, 5 NEW TEACHERS COME TO FACULTY Board Fills Vacancies in High School and Grades; Lex and Boardman Teachers Signed. Five vacancies in the local teach ing staff were filled by the school board at a meeting last Thursday evening when contracts were signed for as many teachers. Homer Oft was signed as the Smith-Hughes instructor, a new de partment next year, and will also teach high school science. Oft, whose home is Ontario, Ore., is a graduate of Oregon State college and taught at Crane last year. Two teachers already engaged in teaching in this county will be on the local staff next fall. They are Miss Shirlee Smith of Lexington school, who will teach commerce, and Miss Mary Elizabeth Harney of Boardman school, first grade. Miss Smith is a graduate of Pacific uni versity and her home is Hillsboro. Miss Harney is a graduate of both Oregon normal and University of Oregon. Norbert Peavy of Corvallis, O. S. C. graduate with a master's degree, will be In charge of high school English, and Miss Helen Blackaby, also a graduate of O. S. C, will handle home economics. Blalock Nicks CCC's for Win in Game Here TEAM STANDINGS Won Lost Pet Fossil 5 0 1.000 Heppner 4 2 .667 Condon 3 2 .400 CCC 2 4 .333 , Blalock 2 4 .333 lone 1 5 .167 Last Sunday's game unreported. Last Sunday's Results Heppner 18 at lone 8, Blalock 15 at CCC 7, Condon at Fossil unre ported. Where the Teams Play Next Sunday Condon at Heppner, CCC at lone, Fossil at Blalock. A hard-hitting Blalock team de feated the CCCs 13-7 at Rodeo field last Sunday. In the first inn ing Blalock sent 11 men to bat and scored 7 runs on 3 hits, two bases on balls, a fielder's choice and two errors. Continuing the barrage in the third they scored four more runs on three hitif a base on balls and two errors: At this point Sul livan relieved Shepherd, the start ing pitcher. He limited the Bla lock sluggers to two runs and four hits in the six innings he toiled on the mound, but the damage had been done and this pitching was to no avail. Stevenson, pitching for Blalock, was master of the game except in the fifth and sixth innings when the CCC batters took a liking to his slants and scored three runs in the fifth and two in the sixth. But he suddenly tightened up and allowed only one more hit in the last three innings. Pfifer was the big sticker, getting four hits in six trys. Bartlemay and Miller both connected for two hits in five at tempts. Baynard and Crowley did the stick work for the CCC's with two hits apiece. The summary follows: BLALOCK AB R H O A E Bartleir.ay, 1 5 2 2 2 0 0 West, s 6 2 1 0 3 1 Fink, 2 6 116 10 filter, 1 6 3 4 6 0 1 Miller, r 6 0 2 1 0 0 Kirby, m 6 0 2 1 0 0 Woelpern. 3 5 10 10 1 Wetherell. c 1 2 0 7 n 1 Solvester, c 0 0 0 5 0 0 sievenson, p 4 2 1 0 3 0 loiais 43 13 11 28 7 4 CCC Newton, m 5 3 110 0 Baynard. s 6 0 2 2 4 1 Dean, 2-1 5 1 1 10 1 0 McCormack, 1-1 3 118 0 2 Crowley, c 3 0 2 2 0 0 Janick, r 5 0 0 1 0 0 Sweilas, 3-c 4 0 0 2 1 2 Sullivan, 1-p 4 2 0 0 2 0 Donnelly, 2 10 0 14 0 Cavin. 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 Shepherd, p 1 0 0 0 2 0 ioiais , 36 7 7 27 14 6 Struck out bv Stevenson 15 hv Rhnn. herd 1. by Sullivan 2; bases on balls off Slevenron 6. oft Shepherd 2, off Sulli van 3; double plays, Blalock 1, CCC 1. Canning, Cooking Clubs Started in 4-H Work The Morrow county 4-H canning and cooking club was organized Tuesday afternoon at the pavilion with Mrs. Marvin R. Wlghtman as leader. Meetings will be held each Wednesday afternoon hereafter at the pavilion. Officers elected were Betty Marie Adkins, president; Eileen Kelly, vice president; Margaret Tamblyn, ecreiary-treasurer. Any girl In terested may join by being at the club room next Wednesday prompt ly at 2:30. Mrs. Wlghtman will demonstrate the Flamo oven, and me ciub wm can strawberries, Mothers are always welcome. THOMPSON-BRYANT. Miss Roberta Thompson, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Thomp son, and Earl Bryant of this city were united in marriage last Fri day evening at the home of the bride's brother, Stephen Thompson, in Pendleton, the ceremony being performed by the Presbyterian min ister of that city. Following a short wedding trip to Wallowa county the newlyweds returned to make their home here, Mr. Bryant being em ployed with Heppner Abstract com pany. Both young folks are grad uates of Heppner high school and have the felicitations of many 1 friends. LIONS TO SPONSOR BOY SCOUT TROOP Action Taken on Presen tation of Council Ex ecutive Hayes. MEN NAMED TO ACT Committee Selected to Choose the Troop Managers; Newly Elect ed Officers Installed. Reestablishment of the Boy Scouts of Heppner on a recognized basis was the aim of the Lions club when it voted Monday to sponsor the local troop, after the matter was presented by Robert A. Hayes, executive of the Blue Mountain council from Walla Walla. Fol lowing action at the noon luncheon the club executive committee met in the evening and named a com mittee who in turn were to meet and select a troop committee of five from their number. Named on the committee were Dr. A. D. McMurdo, E. L. Morton, E. F. Bloom, C. J. D. Bauman, Spencer Crawford, J. O. Turner, Joseph Belanger and Ray P. Kinne. The troop committee selected were to be active managers of the Boy Scout work. In asking the Lions to sponsor the local troop, Mr. Haye3 said there was no intent of discouraging other organizations who have helped in the work in the past, declaring there is plenty of opportunity for everyone to be of assistance. He believed, however, that it would prove more satisfactory to central ize the sponsorship from the stand point of supervision by the nation al and district offices. With the re cent addition of J. Hurley Hagood as field executive for the local coun cil, he believed the council will be in position to give much more as sistance to local troops than has been possible in the past Mr. Hayes outlined the work of the Scouts, showing that scouting gives an invaluable type of train ing that is not covered by school or church work. It equips boys to take care of themselves in the great out- of-doors, gives them training in first aid, teaches them to swim, and in stills within them the highest prin ciples of citizenship. Connection of the local troop with the national organization expired in February, Mr. Hayes said, and the reorganization was deemed essen tial to put the troop on a recognized basis. In the local Scout organization the troop committee is all-import ant. Each member of the com mittee has a specific duty which must be performed if the troop is to function in a worth-while man ner. One member acts as chair man of the committee, and duties of the other members are divided up with a man in charge of each, handling finance, out-door activi ties, civic relations and Scout ad vancement, respectively. At the noon luncheon newly elect ed officers were installed, as follows: Ray P. Kinne, president; E. L. Mor ton, first vice president; John An glin, second vice president; Dr. L. D. Tibbies, third vice president; Chas. Barlow, secretary; Joe Bel anger, tailtwister; Dr. R. C. Law rence, lion tamer; Spencer Craw ford and C. J. D. Bauman, directors. HAS LARGE LITTER A prize Irish setter belonging to Frank Roberts gave birth to a litter of 13 fine pups this week, and the proud mama and her youngsters are reported to be doing nicely. BASE PA YMENT RA TE SET IN CONSER By JOSEPH BELANGER, County Agent. Official announcement of the county rate of payment per acre for Morrow county, under the new agricultural conservation program, has been received. All county rates which have been set are based on the assumption that all of the land in the county is in crop every year. For each county individual where any summer fallowing is practiced, there will have to be a revision in the county figures which will take into consideration the proportion of total crop land which was in crop during 1935. If, for example, one half of the county was in crop and the other half In summer fallow, the county figure would be one-half of the designated county rate. The announced rate for Morrow county was $9.70 per acre. If half of our land was in summer fallow last year, the actual average rate per acre would thus be $4.85. Irrigated lands along the creek bottoms and the irrigated lands at Boardman and Irrigon are In crop each year. The probable result will be that final figures will show that slightly more than half of our crop land was in crop in 1935. As a result, the payment per acre for this county will probably average very closely to $5.00 per acre. Only by finding more than half of the county crop land in summer fallow In 1935 could the average payment per acre be reduced. While it is still Impossible for any individual to figure exactly the acre rate for his Class I payment NOTSON CHAIRMAN OF COUNTY G. 0. P. Lawrence Beach Named State Com' mitteeman at Republican Or ganization Meeting. S. E. Notson, veteran party lead er, was named chairman of the re publican county central committee at the organization meeting held in the courthouse last evening. Law ence Beach of Lexington was elect ed secretary and state committee man. George N. Ely, lone, was made congressional committeeman, and members of the nominating com mittee were named as follows: J. A. Troedson, Morgan; Guy C. Bar low, Boardman; A. C. Houghton, Irrigon; Walter W. Wright, ard- man, and Henry E. Peterson, Gooseberry. Roy W. Ritner, nominee for con gress, and Rex Ellis, nominee for state senator, attended from Pen dleton, and several local candidates were present A 6 o'clock dinner was enjoyed at Hotel Heppner, fol lowing which the party attended the donkey baseball game before hold ing the organization meeting at the courthouse. Two Classes of Payments Distinct in AAA Program "What payment can I qualify for under the new federal agricultural conservation program?" The answers to this basic and im portant question are still desired by many Oregon farmers who are not clear as to the distinction be tween the two types of payments provided, according to word re ceived from extension officials act ive in explaining the details of the new program. Here are the latest official condensed definitions of the two payments as contained in a re cent leaflet of the triple A: Class I (soil-conserving) pay ments. For shifting in 1936 to soil- conserving crops some of the acre age formerly used for soil-depleting crops. Class II (soil-building) payments Made to farmers who in 1936 use approved soil-building practices on their crop land or pasture. A farmer may qualify for either payment, or for both." The announcement recently made in Oregon as to rates to be paid per acre for soil building practices re ferred to the rates of the Class LT payments. They have nothing whatever to do with the Class I payments, even though they may apply at times to the same land, the extension men explain. They are the smaller payments. Announcement has just been made of the rates for the Class I payments. These are set so that each connty has its own rate. The county rates are determined on the basis of the average yield in each over the past 10 years of a group of selected soil depleting crops. Counties with a high average pro duction are granted a correspond ingly high Class I payment rate, in accordance with the figures arrived at by the Triple A from soil de pleting crop data. Within the coun ty each farm will also be rated ac cording to its comparative produc tivity with other farms in that county. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Barratt re turned home Sunday night from Spotted Robe, Mont, where Mr. Barratt took his sheep for summer range. He reported range condi tions a little dry for the season, but still quite a bit ahead of this sec tion. People of the Glacier park area generally are agitated by an oil boom due to several wells com ing in recently near Cut Bank. That little city has about doubled in pop ulation in the last year, Mr. Bar ratt said. VA TION PLAN it is now possible for him to arrive at a figure very close to what this farm factor must eventually be. The county rate, of course, is based upon average production. For this county, the average production shown during the base period for the old AAA contracts was 14 bush els. Each farm payment will vary from the average very much as his base period production varied from the 14-bushel average. For exam ple, If a man's average in the base period was 21 bushels per acre, that would be 150 percent of the county average of 14 bushels. This per cent applied to the approximate county figure per acre of $4.85 would give such an individual a farm rate of $7.27 per acre. It will be impossible to determine exactly the amount of the county figure until all work sheets have been filled out Naturally, it will be Impossible to determine exactly what any one farm factor will be until the county figure has been finally settled upon. Probably it should again be em phasized that each man in the coun ty should fill out a work sheet as soon as possible. Such work sheets do not, in any sense, form an appll cation or a contract and do not bind anyone to anything. In order to be eligible for a 1936 payment, how ever, such a work sheet will need to be filled out before final date for filling out such sheets. This final date has not as yet been set. In order to avoid a last minute rush, however, everyone should plan to fill out his work sheet at the earliest possible moment Z I MILLS ENTERTAINS ELKS Hospitable Lumber Town Revealed as Economi cal Production Unit. IS LARGE OPERATION Facilities for Meeting, Dance, Ban quet, Card Party Provided; Many Local Folk Attend. On first arriving one sees Kinzua as a rustic mill town, not unlike many other woods settlements where people are engaged in the noble occupation of turning timber into lumber. But when one glimpses within the rustic abodes, there is seen one of the most livable yes, one can say lovable modern, little American cities to be found anywhere, and ita inhabitants just one large hospitable and friendly family. Ask anyone of the visitors who was privileged to attend the fes tivities in connection with the spec ial meeting of Heppner lodge 358, B. P. O. Elks staged there Satur day. The verdict will be unani mous in declaring that Kinzua is synonymous with hospitality there is no other word that so completely expresses It, but it might better be qualified as hospitality of the good old southern type, except that it is distinctively Kinzuan. When finally analyzed Kinzua is much more than a rustic mill town. It is a complete and modern econ omical unit in the production of ponderosa pine lumber. Every thing about it is privately owned and operated, and the big familv feeling including employers and em ployees is but a reflection of the thoroughness of organization and the application of humanitarian principles to the conduct of bus iness. From an investment standpoint and the further angle of local de velopment, one is impressed by the fact that Kinzua Pine mills has a million dollars invested in its re manufacturing plant alone. Then when one considers the milling equipment, dual in construction and including the best automatic machinery devised for the work; one of the largest dry kilns ex tant; its own private railroad ex tending 24 miles to the outside and another 24 miles into the timber a railroad which entails all the de tails of operation of any major rail road, and again the many miles of macadamized highways that the mill has constructed, one becomes quite appalled by the immensity of me operation. The big mill has a capacity for producing 140,000 board feet of lum ber every eight hours, and it is a bee-hive of industry when under full steam, as it was when Satur day's visitors were permitted to view it, and as it has been steadily throughout the depression except for a few short intervals. It was one of very few operations that did not cut down production when the wheels of industry were so gen erally slowed up a tribute to the demand for pine lumber generally and to the high quality product of the Kinzua mill in particular. quality is the underlying prni- ciple of the Kinzua operation. It is expressed in many ways, but symbolic is the nicety to which the lumber is watched in the diying process, wnere the moisture con tent is figured to fractions to give exactly the right percentage for any particular use to which the lumber is to be put; and again in tne car packing operation, wnere the finished product is loaded for shipment only in thoroughly recon ditioned, and paper-lined cars. One senses in Kinzua, everv Dlace. that thoroughness of caring for everything down to the minutest detail, and the entertainment of the lodge visitors was no excep tion. George Combes, the store manager, with the close cooperation of the whole mill organization, in cluding Joe Coleman, general man ager; Carl Coleman, superintend ent or tne woods end, and Ab Cole man, mill superintendent, directed the Kinzua end of the affair to a nicety. Nothing which the visitors might desire was left unattended. the lodge session was held in the big company-owned recreation hall which had been gaily decorated, and all needed accessories had been provided. Plenty of food for every oneand, unfortunately, for those not mere, for many more visitors man were there to eniov it was piled onto the tables in the lare-e dining room of the hotel at the noon nour. in the evening muslo was provided for dancing, again at the recreation nail, after a bounteous 6:30 o'clock dinner at the hotel. While the men were attending lodge, visiting ladies were enter tained in the private quarters of tha president of the company upstairs in the office building. Distinctively finished with Kinzua products, this setting was ideal for the distinct ively Kinzua card party for which prizes of Kinzua-made garden fur niture were given. The fortunate ladles to win these articles were Mrs. Kenneth Ovlatt and Mrs. Blaine E. Isom of Heppner and Mrs. Werner Rietmann of lone. One may get only a fleeting glimpse In a day's stay, especially when so many things must be (Continued on Pg Four)