Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 14, 1936, Image 1

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Volume 52, Number 10.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Funeral Rites Here Today
for Esteemed Pioneer
Parent Among Earliest Settlers
on Clackamas County; Came to
Present Home at Age of 12.
Funeral services are being held
from the Christian church at 2 o'
clock this afternoon for Anson E.
Wright, pioneer stockmen of the
Hardman section, who died at the
farm home in Hay canyon early
Tuesday morning. Arrangements
are in charge of Phelps Funeral
home. Joel R. Benton of Fort Ben
ton, Mont, former Christian min
ister here, will officiate. Interment
will he in the I. O. O. F. cemetery
at Hardman with Rhea Creek
grange, of which the deceased was
one of the organizers, in charge of
the commitment service.
Mr. Wright died suddenly follow
ing a short illness.
Anson Evans Wright was a native
Oregonlan and one of the oldest
residents of the Hardman section.
He was born in Clackamas county,
February 10, 1860, the son of Al
bert and Julia (Berry) Wright who
came to that county in 1853, being
among the earliest settlers of the
Mr. Wright was but twelve years
of age when his parents moved to
the territory now included In Mor
row county. Here he received his
education in the public schools,
growing to manhood in his chosen
occupation of wool grower. In 1881
he started in business for himself
on a small scale, and through the
years increased his holdings to
among the largest in Morrow coun
ty. He had retained the home place
since the beginning. It is situated
three miles north of Hardman in
Hay canyon.
The marriage of Mr. Wright and
Miss Ida Jane Knighten, daughter
of Isaac and Rebecca (McBee)
Knighten, occurred at Eight Mile
center on December 29, 1886. To
gether they acquired one of the
better farm homes of the county,
and reared their family. Mrs.
Wright preceded her husband in
death. Surviving are three sons,
Clyde, Raymond and Walter, of
Heppner, and three daughters, Mrs.
Maude Rugg, Heppner; Mrs. Myrtle
Clubine, Portland, and Mrs. Nellie
Kruger, Heppner. He Is also sur
vived by seven grandchildren, and
one sister, Mrs. Effle Gilliam of
Mr. Wright was always a pro
gressive citizen, a loving father and
kindly neighbor. He was ever gen
erous in money and work for ev
erything of community benefit He
saw the transition of this section
of the country through 54 years,
while himself contributing largely
toward the transition. No higher
tribute can be paid him than was
said by one who knew Mr. Wright
throughout most of his residence
here. He said, "Anson Wright never
said anything bad about any one.
If he couldn't say something good,
he never said anything."
In the passing of Mr. Wright, the
county has lost one of the few re
maining pioneers whose estimable
work will be better told by the
passing years will pay to their
City Trucks Continue
Raid on Town Rubbish
City trucks were continuisg haul
ing operations today in the process
of cleaning up the city which start
ed Tuesday. In accordance with
the council's edict, the city clean-up
crews have taken almost every
movable object of junk, and tin
can piles and other rubbish piles
have been removed from the local
In one instance the wrath of Cind
was brought down upon the city
powers when the crew hauled off
an om automobile. The owner had
used the car for drlvlne a wnorl.
saw. It looked like junk to the
crew, however, and so took the
course of all such.
Good cooperation was given on
the part of citizens, generally, and
me results so iar are pleasing
the eye.
M. D. Clark, pioneer Heppner
merchant, is enjoying a visit from
two brothers and a nephew who
live In Canada. They are Charles
Clark and son, Charles, Jr., of High
River, Alta., and Hugh Clark of
Kincardine, Ont. Another brother
Nell Clark, died at his home at
High River, May 8, and brother
Hugh came west to attend the
funeral. The two brothers decided
to visit here before the eastern bro'
ther returned home. Charles Clark
and son are in the newspaper bus
lness at High River, and Hugh is
an old-time newspaperman, hav
ing syndicated a column feature
for many years. He still writes a
column for the High River Times
of which brother Charles Is editor,
The three brothers thoroughly en
joyed their reunion here.
The American Legion Auxiliary
wiU hold a cooked food sale at the
Dix store, Friday afternoon, May IB.
26 Morrow and Gilliam Men See
New Forming Practices In
Douglas County,
Twenty-six men from Morrow
county and four from Gilliam coun
ty made the trip to Waterville on
Monday and Tuesday of this week
to see the practices being followed
in that locality for the prevention
of soil blowing.
Waterville is the county seat of
Douglas county. That county has
an average rainfall running about
two inches less than the average
rainfall In Morrow county. Their
soil conditions vary much as do
those In Morrow county, the soil
getting heavier in the north end
of Douglas county whereas In Mor
row county it gets heavier as one
goes to the south. In the blow
area their soil, in general, is light
er than ours. Despite their lighter
soil and lower rainfall, they have
achieved a control of blows which
is a revelation to anyone who has
not seen trashy summerfallow on
a large scale. From the standpoint
of our Morrow county farmers the
encouraging thing about the tillage
methods being folowed in Douglas
county Is that our equipment is very
much the same as theirs. In their
blow area they are using the disk
plow exclusively. This type of
plow, with the revolving rod weed
er, are about the only two tools
that they use in preparing and
handling their summerfallow. In
our county the rod weeder is stand
ard equipment on almost all of our
ranches in the blow area and prob
ably more than half of our land in
that area is handled by disk plows.
In Douglas county, however, their
drills are of the disk type with a
considerable part of the land being
handled with deep furrow disk
drills. They find that this type
of drill works excellently in the
heavy trash which they are main
taining on the surface of the land.
The basic principle of their con
trol of blows, however, is the fact
that they spread their straw and
leave all of the trash on top. Al
most any drill equipment that could
be arranged to work through this
trash would be satisfactory.
Certainly no finer hospitality
could be accorded any group than
was given our men by the Douglas
county farmers. Arrangements for
handling our tour were made by
Harold Simonds, Douglas county
agent Mr. Simosds and about 12
Douglas county farmers met our
delegation at the court house in
Waterville at 8 o'clock Tuesday
morning. Our delegation was load
ed Into Douglas county cars for the
tour. In this way each car was
driven by a local man who could
explain things between stops as we
went along. At noon the Douglas
county wheat men and the business
men were joint hosts to our dele
gation at a luncheon in Waterville.
After the luncheon a round-table
discussion, lasting until 2:30, clar
ified any points about which our
group had questions. At 2:30 the
meeting broke up and arrange
ments were made, thru the cour
tesy of the Waterville business men
for a guide to conduct as many of
our group as wished over the
Grand Coulee dam.
Those making the trip from Mor
row county were R. B. Rice, Olney
Saling, Alec Lindsay, William Do-
herty, Cornelius Melville, John Dit
ty, O. W. Cutsforth, Ernest L.
Smith, Gus McMillan, Charles Mar
quardt, Joe Belanger, Lon McCabe,
Lon McCabe, Jr., Norman Nelson,
Sam McMillan, Die Smith, Rob
ert Smith, the two Timm brothers,
Mrs. Peter Timm, Lee Beckner, J.
O. Klncald, E. R. Heliker, Wally
Hayes, Millard Rodman and Geo.
N. Peck.
The group from Gilliam county
consisted of Russell McKennon,
county agent, William Hill, Johs
Weatherford and Mr. Chllds.
Mrs. Frank Whetstone
Was Prominent Rebekah
Mrs. Lillle Whetstone, wife of
Frank Whet3tone, son of the late N.
S. Whetstone of this city, died at
her home in Pendleton, Saturday.
She had been a resident of Pendle
ton since 1882 and was prominent
in civic and fraternal circles, hav
ing been president of the Rebekah
assembly for Oregon in 1921.
She is survived by her husband,
a daughter, Mrs. Ora Hamilton of
Pendleton a grand daughter, Mrs.
William Breding of Walla Walla
great grand daughter, Urdean
Breding of Walla Walla; a brother,
Edward Baker of Pendleton, and
two half brothers, Carl and Hugh
Baker of Kansas.
C. J. D. Bauman, Morrow coun
ty's wrestling sheriff, went to Pen
dleton Tuesday night, and backed
by a large delegation of local fans,
took the main event match from
Orcn Laman on an American Le
gion card. Bauman is hailed as the
American Legion champion of east
em Oregon.
Henry Aiken, Rodeo president,
this week announced the appoint
ment of Harlan McCurdy of lone
as director of this year's parade
feature. Mr. McCurdy has already
started to work, and plans for one
of the best parades in years. The
Rodeo dates this year are August
Sell your surplus stock through
Gazette Times Want Ads.
Clips Moving Readily at
222 to 36 Cents; Out
side Buyers Here.
Demand Strong for Breeder Stock;
25,000 Lambs Contracted at 1
to 8 '4 Cents; Shearing On.
With the shearing season now
at its peak, Heppner has been the
meeting place this week for wool
growers and buyers, and active sell
ing has been reported. Wool of un
determined volume has moved at
prices ranging from 22 to 26
cents, 2500 yearling ewes were sold
at $7.50 to Washington interests,
and 25,000 lambs moved at from
7 to 84 cents.
Brady & Hartin and Pete Slevin
are reported as selling wool at the
top price, both having wool that
was wanted by Oregon mills. The
Brady & Hartin clip went to Port
land Woolen mills.
Among buyers active in the local
market are Harold and Henry Cohn,
C. W. McNamer, W. L. Blakely, lo
cal men representing outside firms,
also E. J. Burke of Portland and
J. Good who has been assisting Mr.
Blakely as Burke representative;
M. J. Clancy of Boston, represent
ing Rosenthal Bros.; E. A. Ludwig,
representing the Pacific Cooperative
Woolgrowers, and H. B. Enbach,
formerly president of the Nation
al Wool Marketing association, rep
resenting Eisemann, Inc., of Bos
ton. Indications are that most of the
wool will be sold in this section
with the completion of shearing,
with a general tendency shown by
growers to sell. A wool shortage is
reported to still exist nationally, but
the uncertainty of the government's
continuing CCC work, one of the
heaviest outlets for woolen prod
ucts, is a depressing factor on the
The lamb crop of this section was
reported as extremely light this
season, causing an extra strong de
mand for good yearling breeding
Lela Ravenscroft of Pendleton,
vice president of the Young Demo
cratic club for the second Oregon
district, was a visitor in Heppner
Morrow County Pomona grange
council will meet at Irrigon on Sat
urday, May 16. A pot-luck dinner
will be served at noon.
A meeting of all the community
committees to discuss the agricul
tural conservation program and to
organize the county association was
held yesterday in the county agent's
office. E. R. Jackman, extension
specialist in crops, was here from
Corvallis to discuss the latest de
velopments. Of interest to all men In the
wheat section will be the definite as
surance that in addition to the class
I payment, which is the large pay
ment, farmers who plant crested
wheat grass to comply will be eligi
ble for a maximum small payment
of $1.00 per acre for all wheat grass
Another ruling which has just
been released deals with the trashy
summer fallow. Under this regu
lation where a man spreads all of
his straw with a straw spreader
without either pasturing or burn
ing it, and handles his summer fal
low in such a way that trash is left
on top, he will be eligible for a class
II payment amounting to 50c an
acre for such summer fallow. It
should be borne In mind that both
the trashy summer fallow payment
and tne payment Tor seeding crest
ed wheat grass are part of the class
II payment. It is still Impossible
to say exactly what the class I, or
large payment, will amount to per
acre, xnis information is expect
ed at any time.
The three members of each of the
community committees and the al
ternate member of each committee
were at the meeting yesterday when
the entire plan was rviewed and
new information explained. It Is
inevitable that there should be a
good deal of confusion as to Just
wnat constitutes compliance for
grant. It would be advisable for
everyone who needs additional in
formation to discuss his own set-up
witn nis nearest community com'
mltteeman or to drop in at the
county agent's office the next time
he is In town.
The board of directors for the
new program is made up of the
chairmen of the nine community
committees. These nine men yes
terday elected the county commit
tee, which corresponds to the old
allotment committee, a secretary
and treasurer, and discussed the
methods to be followed In getting
work sheets signed and In checking
compliance. The county commit
tee elected consists of E. H. Miller,
Lexington, chairman; George N.
Peck, Lexington, vice-chairman;
Condon Beats CCC's in Fast 3-2
Game; Ladies to be Admitted
Free Next Sunday.
Won Lost Pet
3 0 1.000
3 1 .667
2 1 .667
Heppner .
lone 1 2 .333
Condon 1 2 .333
Blalock 0 3 .000
Last Sunday's Besnlts
Heppner 5 at Fossil 10, Condon 3 at
CCC 2, Blalock 8 at lone 27.
Where They Flay Next Sunday
Heppner vs. CCC at home, Condon at
Blalock. Fossil at lone.
Next Sunday will be ladies day
at Rodeo field, when all ladies will
be admitted free to the Wheatland
league game between Heppner and
Camp Heppner CCC's, announces
Gordon Bucknum, business mana
ger. The teams are tied in per
centage of wins, each having won
two games and lost one. A hard
battle is expected.
Heppner took a 10-0 trouncing at
Fossil last Sunday. The scorebook
hasn't been located, but 'tis said
two regulars were absent most of
the game. Lowell Turner wasn't
on deck to handle first base ,and
Manager Fred Hoskins officiated at
that position. Millard Rodman,
second baseman, didn't show up un
til the seventh Inning. Though the
locals touched Kelsay for nine hits,
they were unable to group them
to count Fossil was given credit
for five earned runa McRoberts
at third was reported as turning
in a nice performance for the lo
cals. In one of the best games of the
season Condon beat Camp Hepp
ner 3 to 2 at Rodeo field. The game
was featured by the heavy hitting
of Dean, first sacker for the C's
and by the wonderful defense of
both teams. Dean poled out a tre
mendous homer that cleared the
fence with plenty to spare and
also connected for two hard dou
bles. On his last appearance at
bat he lined a ball that would have
gone for another homer if it had
not been directly at the fielder.
Ogilvy and Shepherd, the opposing
pitchers, were in mid-season form
and only Issued one pass apiece.
Sullivan who pitched the ninth In
ning for the C's struck out two of
the three men to. face him.
Health Project Ends
For Lack of Workmen
E. A. Nutter of Pendleton, dis
trict supervisor for the WPA-health
agencies priwy program, reported
when in town Tuesday that the pro
ject under way here would be closed
down today. Lack of men to do the
work was given as the reason.
All applications already made
would be filled by today, he said.
Frank Saling, Lexington, third
member of the committee; H. D.
Rutledge, Irrigon, alternate; Joe
Belanger, county agent, secretary,
and Madge Thomson, treasurer.
In view of the fact that those
who comply for a grant under the
new program by plowing under
grain as a green manure crop will
he aoing this In a short time, the
board of directors authorized the
county committe to use whatever
methods they saw fit to urge a
speedy sign-up of work sheets. It
should be clearly understood that
in the new program there is no
contract and that the signing of a
work sheet binds neither the farm
er nor the government to any pro
gram. Tne work sheet merely
sets forth the situation on a man's
place in 1935 which forms a basis
for determining the practices whicn
he has followed to comply for a
grant These work sheets must,
however, be filled out before the
application for a grant can be made.
It is therefore highly important
that each farmer in the county fill
out one of these work sheets as
quickly as possible, regardless of
whether he knows at the present
time what he intends to do for com
pliance or whether he intends to
comply for a grant at all. It would
materially speed up this sign-up if
each man would drop into the
county agent's office the next time
he is in town and go over his work
In checking compliance where a
man intends to disk or plow down
a green manure crop, he should
first have the crop which he Intends
to disk down inspected by a com
munity committeeman. Of course,
after the green manure crop has
been turned under it will be neces
sary for a supervisor to measure
the acreage turned down.
New Highway Signs
Direct Motorists Here
Motorists passing through Hepp-
aer will henceforth have little dif
ficulty In finding the road they wish
to take out of town. Prominent,
standard highway intersection signs
were placed last week at the cor
ner of Main and May streets by
state nignway crew.
The new signs Indicate the Oregon-Washington
highway and the
Heppner-Spray road, with mtleaee
markers showing distances to prin
cipal points on eacn.
Local Interest Centers in
County Contests at
Election Tomorrow.
Republicans Have Only Races for
County Offices Congressional
Heats Are Attraction.
The primary election machinery
has been oiled in Morrow county
preparatory to going Into smooth
action promptly at 8 o'clock in the
morning. The only change in poll
ing places from those formerly
used is announced for North Hepp
ner precinct. There voters will cast
their ballots at the Heppner black
smith shop.
With registration the heaviest in
years, and a lively interest in sev
eral local contests, it is expected a
record number of ballots will be
cast. Indications point to favorable
weather, also, which will aid ev
eryone getting to the polls.
Locally, interest will be centered
in the races for county judge, coun
ty clerk, and county commission
er, where the only contests occur
on the republican ballot. The judge's
race is four-cornered with Frank
S. Parker, present county commis
sioner, Bert Johnson, Fred Lucas
and G. A. Bleakman vieing. Three
aspirants seek the nomination for
clerk, namely Charles Barlow, in
cumbent, Paul M. Gemmell, and
Gordon Bucknum, while Lawrence
Beach and Roy Neill are making a
race of it for commissioner.
The state office in which more
than usual interest is expressed is
the district attorneyship, for which
J. O. Turner and Frank C. Alfred
are the contestants, again on the
republican ballot
About the only race to Interest
democrats, aside from national
committeemen and delegates to the
national convention, is the con
gressional heat between Walter M.
Pierce and Clint P. Haight They
have no contests for local offices.
The congressional seat Is being
hotly contested by republicans, with
all five candidates attempting to
create interest here recently. The
contestants are C. D. Nickelson of
Hood River, Clarence B. Phillips
of Burns, Roy W. Ritner of Pen
dleton, R. A. Tull of La Grande,
and Phil Yates of Wasco.
While only one name appears for
president on each ballot Interest
in the national elections will cen
ter around the convention delegates
and national committeemen who
will take a large part In forming the
plans of attack for the fall cam
paign. Young Democrats Meet;
To Have Dinner May 27
A meeting of the Morrow County
Young Democratic club was held at
the council chambers Tuesday eve
ning with Robert A. Jones, pres
ident in charge. Mr. Jones and
Josephine Mahoney, delegates to
the state convention in Salem the
latter part of April, each gave re
ports on the aim and progress of
the various clubs throughout the
It was decided to have a dinner
at the Heppner hotel dining room
Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock,
May 27. At this time it is planned
to have Miss Eva Nelson, state
councilwoman, of Pendleton, speak
as well as some other prominent
democrat from Pendleton. This
with a few musical numbers will
comprise the program for the eve
ning. Roy W. Ritner Here
Furthering Candidacy
Roy W. Ritner of Pendleton, re
publican candidate for nomination
as congressman from the second
district was in Heppner Saturday
in behalf of his candidacy. He had
but recently completed a 1000-mile
tour of the district and believed
prospects favorable for his nomin
Ritner claims to be the only re
publican candidate who has taken
a definite stand against the Town
send plan. He said he believed in
adequate old age pensions, but con
sidered the Townsend plan ImpoS'
sible of accomplishment. While here
he attended sessions of the Masonic
Not long ago promise was made
In these columns that the town
clock in the courthouse tower would
again be in operation. The prom
ised event took place this week
when George Hayden came In from
the mountain home near Hardman
and started the chronometer to
clicking, and yes striking. The
sound of the bell tolling off the
hour has been welcome music to
old-time residents who said the
town was not the same while the
clock was mute.
Rev. Ralph V. Hinkle Is attend
ing an Episcopal synod meeting at
Yosemlte and will not be In Hepp
ner for services Sunday. The next
services will be held here Sunday,
May 24.
Would Use Vacant Lots on Main
Street to Relieve Congestion;
Bloom Issues Warning.
Increased parking space for
Heppner's business district is the
object of action started at Monday's
Lions luncheon. C. J. D. Bauman,
sheriff, suggested the idea of ob
taining permission to clear off gome
vacant lots where cars might park,
all day, free, thus relieving the
congestion that so often exists, es
pecially on Saturday evenings. Act
ing on the suggestion, the club nam
ed as a committee Gus Nikander
and John Anglin to seek permis
sion to use the lots and investigate
the amount of work needed to put
them in shape.
Edward F. Bloom, school superin
tendent, addressed the club voicing
a warning against high power bus
iness college and correspondence
school salesmen. Parents of grad
uates should be especially watchful
for the salesmen at this season, and
guard against spending money with
any school that does not have prop
er qualifications. He offered to
sidering spending money with a
assist anyone who might be con
school of which he might not be
Mr. Bloom said parents and
graduates should be especially wary
of any school which promises cer
tain employment for its graduates.
In most instances it Is impossible
for the school to make good on its
promise, and the promise is made
solely as bait to get enrollments.
lone, Arlington and Heppner Lod
ges Honored by Official Visit
of Grand Officers.
Mrs. Inez Glaiser of Coquille,
grand worthy matron Eastern Star
for Oregon, was guest of honor at
a joint meetng of lone, Arlington
and Heppner chapters here Friday
evening. Other grand officers also
present were Percy Folsom, Pilot
Rock, grand worthy patron; Kath-
ryn Folsom, Pilot Rock, grand Mar
tha, and Carrie Jackson of Baker,
past grand matron.
Nellie Aldrich and Wayne Aid-
rich, Arlington, and Viola Lieual
len and Harlan McCurdy, lone,
worthy matrons and worthy patrons
respectively, were present, accom
panied by other officers of each
Ruth chapter of Heppner presid
ed at the opening and closing, with
Lena Cox, worthy matron, and J.
O. Turner, worthy patron, assisted
by the other local officers. Locust
chapter of lone presented the bal
loting and escort and Jasmine
chapter of Arlington exemplified
the initiatory work. A 6:30 ban
quet was served at Hotel Heppner
Deiore the meeting, and a social
hour was enjoyed afterward.
For the Masonic convention Sat
urday, Lena Cox, worthy matron.
was hostess to visiting ladies for
afternoon tea at her home, and In
the evening a no-hostess dinner was
enjoyed at the Lucas Place. Mrs.
John A. Patterson, Mrs. W. E.
Pruyn and Mrs. Harriet Mahoney
poured for the tea.
Near Waterspout Hits
In Mountain Foothills
A heavy shower that had the pro
portions of a small cloudburst in
places hit on upper Willow creek,
Rhea and McKinney creeks and
upper Eight Mile Sunday afternoon.
Cars returning from the ball game
at Fossil reported water in the
road two feet deep at one place in
Eight Mile.
At the Bruce Kelley ranch on Wil
low creek the water carried a con
siderable number of rocks into the
road, making it difficult for cars
returning from afternoon picnics
in the mountains to pass. Willow
creek in town was raised about
three feet, with the heaviest flow
coming through about 8:30. Rhea
creek was swollen by the run-off
on McKinney creek.
Local Minister Relative
Of Famous Journalist
E. D. Greeley, Church of God min
ister of this oity who arrived here
recently, Is a grand nephew of Hor
ace Greeley, the famous New York
Journalist whose oft-quoted ad
monition, "Go west, young man, go
west" is accredited with causing
many young men of the time to do
that very thing.
Mr. Greeley did not attest to be
ing a biographer of his great un
cle, with whose pictured physiog
omy he was more familiar, as show
ing a face with a fringe of beard
reaching from ear to ear and pasa
Ing under the chin.
Henry Smouse of lone was In the
city this morning making arrange
ments for the funeral of his moth
er, Sarah Piggott, who died in Spo
kane, Wash., yesterday. Funeral
services will be held from the Chris
tian church in lone at 2 o'clock to
morrow afternoon, Alvln Kleinfeldt,
Christian minister of this city, of
Grand Master and Many
Other Distinguished
Guests Present.
Past Master Cochran is Banquet
Toastmaster; Enterprise to be
Host Next Year.
Two hundred eastern Oregon Ma
sons assembled in Heppner Satur
day in annual convention of the
district. The assemblage was hon
ored by the presence of H. Wayne
Stanard of McMinnville, grand mas
ter for Oregon, and many other
distinguished guests.
Business of the convention was
transacted in the afternoon, con
cluded by selection of Enterprise
as next year's convention host city,
date to be sometime early in May.
George T. Cochran of La Grande,
past grand master, was toastmaster
at the 6 o'colck banquet at the fair
pavilion where 160 persons were
served. Mrs. H. O. Tenney of Ho
tel Heppner prepared and served
the dinner.
An entertainment program in the
evening was featured by presenta
tion of the traveling trowel by lone
lodge to Heppner lodge. The pre
sentation ceremony brought high
commendation from the grand mas
ter. Other numbers included talk
by Rev. W. N. Byers of Arlington,
and vocal quartet from Hermiston,
Stanfield and Umatilla.
All visiting grand lodge officers
spoke either at the banquet or at
the hall. Included besides the grand
master, were D. Rufus Cheney,
Portland, grand secretary; Dr. Carl
G. Patterson, Baker, senior grand
warden; F. C. Howell, Portland,
junior grand warden; Leif S. Fin- .
seth, Dallas, senior grand deacon;
Walter W. Evans, Halfway, junior
grand deacon; F. W. Knoll, Oregon
City, grand sword bearer; and the
following district deputy grand
masters: Frank Sloan, Stanfield,
Dist 16; A. L. Koepen, Pendleton,
Dist. 17; Albert C. Gragg, Salem,
Dist. 6; Paul E. Temple, Dufur,
Dist 14; Kenneth M. Ribb, Baker,
Dist 15; Joseph Hallgarth, Elgin,
Dist 18; Willis W. Bartlett, Terre
bonne, Dist 20; Henry F. Herberg
er, Mt Vernon, Dist 22.
Other outside visitors who reg
istered were: (Place gives location
of lodge membership):
F. A. McMahon, Arlington; George
Brodle, Dufur; Roy Smith, Echo; H. L.
Hedrick, Stanfield, M. C. Baragan,
Stanleld; J. C. Hoskins, Stanfield; R.
G. Saylor, Hermiston; John A. Clark,
Hermiston; W. D. Heath, Halfway; A.
B. Carder. Halfway; L. D. Tibbies,
Maysville, Mo.; L. Jaunnault Stanfield;
Will Haggman, Stanfield: G. R. Clay
comb, La Grande; C. M. Humphreys,
La Grande; Renwick A. Clark, La
Grande; Colon R. Eberhard, La Grande;
Bert Johnson, lone; Geo. Glenn Jacob,
Enterprise; H. J. Burnham, Goldendale,
Wn. ; Ed Hulden. Arlington; C. W.
Daly, Pendleton; K. G. Betts, Athena;
W. S. Campbell. Pendleton; Dean Swift,
Long Creek; Geo. C. Krebs, lone; John
W. Krebs, lone; C. C. Clark, Arling
ton; W. O. Staver, Pilot Rock; W. W.
Duprey, Pilot Rock; R. C. Irving,
Burns; E. J. Davis, Milton; Glen C.
Odle, Enterprise; Charles Holman,
Stanfield; J. R. Douglass. Arlington;
D. L. Lemon, Arlington; Ben Bowman,
Arlington; D. V. Bolton, Antelope; John
A. Silvertooth, Antelope; J. M. Spencer.
Stanfield; I. D. ray, Arlington; H. J.
Biddle, lone; V. W. Duus, Antelope;
H. E. Rooper, Antelope; W. A. Rug
gles, Moro; E. Amadon, Moro; H. Tam
blyn. Vale: R. H. Harper, Halfway; J.
F. Carpenter, Baker.
Earl B. Wright. Baker: I. T. Bow
man, Baker; G. W. Harper, Wasco; W.
W. Harper, Wasco; Edw. B. Moon,
Wasco; I. W. Masterson, Elgin; By land
Scott, Wasco; W. A. Nisbet, Wasco;
H. R. Sawin, Wasco; L. E. Anderson,
Cove; S. A Anderson, Hermiston; C.
J. Anderson, Pendleton, S. Endrlson.
Pendleton; M. L. Kinney, Portland;
C. H. Miller, Redmond; C. W. Heisler,
Dufur, J. A. Clausen, Dufur; J. C. John
ston, uuiur; li. r . McUaulay, Dufur;
Geo. Marvel, Dufur; Ora D. Shaver,
Enterprise: Thos. C. Smith EVhn- i
C. Ebert, Echo; R. A. Tull. Alliance,
nctf.i j xsiaKe, lone, w. J. ttiaKe
lone; J. R. Rhodes, La Grande; D. F.
Mittledorf, Hermiston; Curtis Simons,
Hermiston: V. V. Lewis, Hermiston;
W. E. Stockdale. Canyon City; Leslie
Holland, Prairie City; Clark Morris,
Canyon City; John S. McKenzle, Los
tine; S. M. Crow, Lostine; Jack Teal,
Echo; Neal Bleakney, Echo; Hans Niel
sen, Pilot Rock; C. Seitz, Hermiston;
Bob Johnson, Grass Valley; R. Erlln
ger, Grass Valley; Alex Huber, lone;
Geo. N. Ely, lone; L. E. Dick, lone;
Carl H. Brown, Condon; Alex Currle.
Condon; Lawrence Kline, Condon; Wal-
iex nuiiies, Portland.
W. Martin Marbut, Echo; W. H.
Crary. Echo; W. G. Harmon. Lakeview:
Andrew A. Staig. Fossil; WiU Heber
ton. Fossil; H. V. Smouse, lone; W. N.
Byars, Hood River; A. T. Byars. Gol
dendale, Wn.; Roy W. Ritner, Pendle
ton; Elmer Griffith, lone; E. R. Lun
dell. lone; Carl C. Webb. Pendleton;
John W. Copp, Pendleton ; W. P, Llew
ellyn, Arlington; R. W. Fletcher, Pen
dleton; H. E. Waddell, Arlington; H. D.
McCurdy, lone; R. L. Ekleberry, Iono:
Frank Newmeyer, Thornton, Wn.;
Dwight Misner, lone; E. R. Fatland
Condon; C. K. Burker, Condon; Geo'.
G. Gaunt Condon: Stewart Hardie,
Condon; C. F. Feldman. olne; John
A. Clarke. Hermiston; Jas. F. Love.
Stanfield M. Rifvere, Stanfield.
Colon R. Eberhard, several times
state senator from his district, was
in Heppner Saturday from his home
at La Grande attending the Ma
sonic convention. Mr. Eberhard
observed first hand the work of
Senator J. O. Barratt at the last
special legislative session, and laid
that the young Morrow county man
gained respect of his colleagues,
and that his opinions were listened
to with attentive ears. He said
that Barratt is the type of man
needed to elevate the morale of the