PAGE FOUR HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1936. BEST WOOL SHOW PLAN FOR RODEO Auxiliary Announce Premiums for Many Classes of Exhi bits, August 27-8-9. Morrow County Wool and Grain show this year will have the finest array of woolen exhibits ever shown locally if plana of the Woolgrowers auxiliary, sponsoring the event, come up to expectations. Premium list for the event was released this week. It contains liberal cash prizes for many classes of exhibits. The show will be held in connec tion with the Rodeo, August 27-8-9. Mrs. Ralph L Thompson, super intendent, announces the prize list as follows: Emphasized is the class one collection of six or more ar ticles for which $6 first prize and $4 second prize are offered. Other classes, articles and first and sec ond prizes for each, are: (Note All entries must be made of wool. All articles must have been made by the exhibitor, except those in class 3. All articles except those in class 3 must have been made during the current year, June, 1935, to August, 1936.) Class 1 Collection: Best col lection, 6 or more articles, 1st $6.00, 2nd $1.00. Class 2 Afghans: Knitted, 1st $3.00, 2nd $1.50; crocheted, 1st $3.00, 2nd $1.50. Class 3 Oldest and Best Pre served: Oldest and best preserved woolen article (may be entered one year only) $2.50. Class 4 Scarfs: (Each class to consist of four articles. Where only one article is exhibited no premium will be given.) 1. Best wool em broidery, 1st 75c, 2nd 50c; 2. Cro cheted, 1st 75c, 2nd 50c; 3. Knitted, 1st 75c, 2nd 50c; 4. Hand woven, 1st 75c, 2nd 50c. Class 5 Pillows: 1. Best cro cheted, 1st 75c, 2nd 50c; 2. Knitted 1st 75c, 2nd 50c; 3. Woven (hand). 1st 75c, 2nd 50c; 5. Embroidered, 1st 75c, 2nd 50c Class 7 Socks, Mittens, Gloves 1. Best socks, 1st $1.00, 2nd 50c 2. Best mittens, 1st $1.00, 2nd 50c; 3. Best gloves, 1st $1.00, 2nd 50c. Class 8 Baby Garments: 1. Best sacque, knitted, 1st $1.00, 2nd 50c; 2. Best sacque, crocheted, 1st $1.00 2nd 50c; 3. Best cap, knitted, 1st $1.00, 2nd 50c; 4. Best cap, crochet ed, 1st $1.00, 2nd 50c. Class 9 Child Garments: 1. Best dress, knitted, 1st $1.25, 2nd 75c; 2. Best dress, crocheted 1st $1.00, 2nd 50c; 3. Best suit, knitted, 1st $1.25; 2nd 75c; 4. Best coat, knitted, 1st $1.25, 2nd 75c; 5. Best sweater, knitted, 1st $1.00, 2nd 50c. Class 10 Pictures: Best picture, 1st 75c, 2nd 50c. Class 11 Wall Hangings: 1. Best wool embroidered, 1st $1.00, 2nd 50c; 2. Best Crewel work, 1st $1.0, 2nd 50c. Class 12 Rugs: 1 Best crocheted, 1st $1.00, 2nd 50c; 2. Best hooked 1st $1.00, 2nd 50c. Class 13 Quilts: Best wool filled quilt, 1st $1.00, 2nd 50c. Class 14 Sweaters: 1. Best knit ted sweater, 1st $1.00, 2nd 50c; 2. Best crocheted sweater, 1st $1.00, 2nd 50c. Class 15 Suits: 1. Best knitted suit, 1st $3.00, 2nd $1.50; 2. Best crocheted suit, 1st $3.00, 2nd $1.50. Class 16 Dresses: 1. Best knit ted dress, 1st $3.00, 2nd $1.50; 2. Best crocheted dress, 1st $3.00, 2nd $1.50. Class 17 Coats: 1. Best knitted coat, 1st $3.00, 2nd $1.50; 2. Best cro cheted coat, 1st $3.00, 2nd $1.50. Class 18 Purses and Bags: 1. Best knitted purse or bag, 1st $1.00, 2nd 50c; 2. Best crocheted purse or bag, 1st $1.00, 2nd 50c; 3. Best woven purse or bag, 1st $1.00, 2nd 50c; 4. Best embroidered purse or bag, 1st i.uo, 2nd ooc. Class 19 Needlepoint: Best piece needlepoint, 1st $2.50, 2nd $1.00. Class 20 Original: Best article made from Oregon wool, 1st $1.00, znd 50c. Class 21 Collection: Best mis cellaneous collection of small ar ticles, 1st $2.00, 2nd $1.00. RHEA CREEK Mr. and Mrs. Joe Batty and Miss Alpha Knott motored to Pilot Rock Sunday. Miss Beth Wright left for Mon ument Sunday. Miss Beth will assist her uncle, Dempsey Boyer, in his store. Rhea Creek grange met at the hall Sunday with Frank Parker, the master, in charge. He held a short business session in the morn ing. Mr. and Mrs. Parker left af ter lunch to attend the funeral ser vices of Lester McMillan at Lex ington. Lester was a distant rela tive of Mr. Parker. Mrs. Carrie Beckett took the master's chair in the afternoon and gave Buddy Bat ty the first two degrees in grange. A very splendid program was giv en in the afternoon by the Eight Mile people. The Home Economics club will meet in the hall Thursday, April 23rd. All members are urged to be present to help decorate the hall for the carnival and dance the 25th. All H. E. clubs of the county ar invited to lone April 15. This will be an interesting and instructive meeting as a number of home econ omists from the state college will be present This is an open meet ing, so bring a friend and a dish or two for lunch and enjoy the day with us. Miss Leone Rockhold and her mother visited at the Chas. Beckett home Saturday. Mrs. Myrtle Clubine, who la much Improved in health was visiting rel atives on the creek Sunday. Mr. Clubine is expected from Portland over the week end. The dance scheduled for the lltn has been called off. B. O. Anderson, John Bergstrom and Alfred Bergstrom were in th2 City from Eight Mile this morning making arrangements for the run era! of Olaf Bergstrom, father of Mrs. Anderson and the Bergstrom boy who died early this morning. I0NE (Continued from First Page) gruson and H. D. McCurdy, Jr. Miss Grace Duncan and Miss Freda Anderson of Morgan and Miss Gladys Brashears of lone at tended the teachers institute at La Grande last Saturday. Church services wil lbe held at Cecil on Easter Sunday at 3 p. m. Mrs. Walter Dobyns has been ill with flu the past week. Mrs. Roy Brown 6 pent the week end at her home in Hermiston. Miss Lorraine Reed was shop ping in Pendleton Saturday. Dwight Misner and Jim and John Miller of Thornton, Wash., came down on Saturday for a combine that Mr. Misner had sold the other gentlemen. Mrs. D. M. Ward and Mrs. Bert Mason spent last Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Knap penberg at Lyle, Wash., and Friday with Mrs. Karl Farnsworth at The Dalles. The Linfleld college sextette gave a delightful program of musical numbers and readings at the gym last Thursday aftrenoon. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wagner of Enterprise spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zielke. The ladies are sisters. Mrs. Mary Davis, owner and op erator of Ritter Springs, was a bus iness visitor here last week. She spent Wednesday with her cousin, Mrs. Dan Long, and Thursday was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Laxton McMurray. She returned to her home Friday. Friends have received word of the marriage of Maxine Winifred, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Moore, former lone residents now of Los Angeles. Miss Moore was married to Donald Hight of Los Angeles at a lovely home wedding solemnized on February 15. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Simons and son and Miss Erma Miller of Wal la Walla were guests at the E. J. Bnstow home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Swanson and Mr. and Mrs. Garland Swanson were Pendleton visitors Tuesday. The school children are enjoying a vacation for the rest of the week while the teachers ar attending a meeting of the Inland Empire Teachery association at Spokane, The trip to Spokane was made in cars driven by Mrs. Bert Mason and Supt. George Tucker. Miss Dot Crabtree of Salem is visiting friends here. Mrs. F. A. Rennie of Enterprise is at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Fred Zielke, where she will be a guest for several weeks. Mrs. Walter Corley has been ill with pneumonia but is recovering H. V. Smouse, Fred Mankin and Joseph Belanger motored to Mil- ton-Freewater Wednesday on bus iness. Fourteen members of the Wom en's Topic club were present at thi study meeting at the home of Mrs. Roy Feely Saturday. The book, "Idle Days in Patagonia" by W. H. Hudson, was pleasingly reviewed by Mrs. Bert Mason, Miss Emmer Maynard and Mrs. C. F. Feldman, The library committee chairman reported that 463 books had been loaned during March. A number of new books have been placed on the rental shelf. Twenty-three books were given to the library during the month. Although the building which houses the library was pur chased recently by the I. O. O. F. lodge permission has been given by the order for the continued use of the room for several more months. Laxton McMurray has very kindly donated the book shelves to the club. At the close of the meeting delicious refreshments were served by the hostesses, Mrs. Feely, Mrs. Mason and Mrs. Feldman. Mrs. H. O. Ely who has been ill for some time and became suddenly worse Sunday was taken to Hepp- ner hospital for medical treatment Donald Heliker returned Friday from a visit of several weeks in the Willamette valley. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Troedson and Frances were in The Dalles last Saturday. James Lindsay was a Condon vis itor Friday. Members of Willows grange who attended Pomona grange at Irri gon were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cool, Opal Cool, Mrs. James Lindsay, Helen Lindsay, Mrs. Vida Heliker, Mrs. J. C. Peterson, Dorothy and Melvin Brady, Mrs. Ralph Ledbet ter and Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Lundell. LEXINGTON (Continued from First Fas) ington, Hardman and Heppner In Morrow county Condon and Ar lington In Gilliam county; Stanfleld, Echo, Umatilla, Hermiston and Pi lot Rock in Umatilla county. Lexington grange will sponsor a dance Saturday, April 11, at the hall .featuring Cliff Clifton and his Musical Mountaineers, who are ra dio and stage entertainers. Floor show included. A no-host party was given in the Ladies' Aid rooms Wednesday af ternoon, honoring Mrs. Dan Way. About thirty guests were present. An old-time dance will be given at the Lexington grange hall on Saturday night, April 18. Every body invited. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barlow of Heppner were visitors In this city Sunday. Mrs. Harry Dinges left on th' train Tuesday night, going to Port land to visit her daughter, Mrs. John R. Lasich, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schriever and family visited relatives In Boardman Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Scott spenl the week end in Portland. Mrs. Carl Whillock and daughter of Heppner visited Mrs. Charles Breshears Wednesday. The front of the Shively black smith shop is being given a new coat of green paint. Orve Brown is doing the work. Tom Barnett, mayor of Lexing ton, was a business visitor in the city this morning. iiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifii At Heppner CHURCHES CHI BCH OF CHRIST. ALVIN KLEINFELDT, Pastor Bible School 9:45 a. m. Morning services 11 a. m. C. E. Society 6:30 p. m. Evening services 7:30 p. m. Choir rehearsal. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Widweek service, Thursday, 7:30 p. m. The choir will sing "The Lord Is Risen Indeed." Special Easter ser mon. We will present our program in the evening at 7:30. It will include children's numbers, a pageant, and Easter music. We invite the public to worship with us. Our Bible school attendance cam paign will close on Sunday morn ing at the Bible school hour. The girls and women are a little ahead of the boys and men, but if a few men rally to their aid Sunday at 9:45 A. M., they can put it over the women. METHODIST CHURCH. JOSEPH POPE. Pastor. Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Public worship 11 a. m. Special Easter music. Sermon, "The Vic tory of the Rejected King." Epworth League 6:30 p. m. Evening worship 7:30. Sermon, "The Evening Twilight of the First Easter." The Woman's Foreign Missionary society will meet at the church next Tuesday afternoon at 2:30. You are always welcome at all the services of our church. ALL SAINTS' CHURCH. There will be special Easter ser vices at All Saints' Episcopal church at 11 oclock, with Holy Commu nion and sermon by Archdeacon Hinkle. The public is invited. Boardman Broom Factory Is Successful Operation Boardman's Independent broom factory using project-raised corn Is proving a highly successful industry said C. G. Blayden, justice of the peace of that city, on a visit to Heppner yesterday. L. Schnitzer, broom manufactur er with 30 years experience in all leading broom corn centers of the country, is managing the plant, and with two assitants is turning out from ten to fifteen dozen brooms a day. Demand for the brooms has been good, and providing local pro duction of the corn is sufficient to justify, the factory will be perma nent. This year about fifty per cent of the Boardman crop had been contracted before the local plant was started. Schnitzer was report ed as saying that the quality of the Boardman corn was the best he had encountered anywhere. POMONA GRANGE HAS LARGE MEET (Continued from First Pagj) by the master to represent Morrow county at the fire insurance meeting at state grange in June. Mary Lindsay was elected alternate del egate to state grange. Mr. Wick lander gave a short talk on the grange sales slips contest, saying Pomona granges are entitled to win cash prizes the same as subor dinate granges. Irrigon grange conferred the Pomona degree on four candidates, Mr. and Mrs. Min- nick, Mrs. Wm. Graybeal and Mrs. Lillian Laudermilk, being compli mented for the splendid initiatory work and beautiful tableaux. Alfalfa Lawn Dairy Has New Equipment New pasteurizing and bottling equipment is being installed at Al falfa Lawn dairy this week, and t addition Wightman Bros., operat ors, have placed a late model auto motive delivery wagon on the route in the city. This equipment places the local dairy in position to satisfy every regulation governing commercial dairies and assures Heppner of the finest milk service available. Truman Babb, local carpenter, is assisting with the work of in stalling the new equipment CARD OF THANKS. We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to all thoje who so kindly assisted us In our hour of bereavement In the loss of our dear son, Lester. We are truly grateful to you fo the many words of sympathy, and the beautiful floral offerings. Sincerely, Mr. and Mrs. John F. McMilan and Family. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Van Moor hem and Family. Tilman Beckner was in the city this morning from the farm west of lone. He will leave tomorrow for West Virginia where he will manage one of the best blue grass stock farms in Green Briar county. He has resided with his brother Lee and assisted in the large wheat operations of the Beckner's since 1932, having formerly farmed In the Athena district John Franzen arrived In the city yesterday from Baker, and will lo cate here permanently. He former ly resided here when his father conducted a local tailoring shop, and attended Heppner high school, J. A. Troedson was in the city this morning from the farm home In the Morgan district. He was feel ing pretty good over the fact that his place had escaped blows of the .past week. Mr. and Mrs. Oraln Wright wen; n the city this morning from the Rhea creek farm home. A good old-time dance is slated at Cecil hall Saturday, April 11. Everybody welcome. Harley Anderson came to town this morning from the Eight Mile farm, Sal NEWS Legislative Posts 448 Candidates Interest, Not Taxes By A. L. LINDBECK SALEM. Sixty legislators 51 representatives and nine senatorsr who served during the last session aspire to continue In the service of the state either in the same capac ity or in some other and, generally, more remunerative position. Of the 15 state senators whose terms are expiring, nine are candi dates for re-election. These include J. G. Barratt of Heppner, Allan A. Bynon of Portland, Henry L. Cor bett of Portland, Robert M. Duncan of Burns, Walter S. Fisher of Rose burg, Dorothy McCullough Lee of Portland, Isaac E. Staples, formerly of Portland but now of Tillamook; W. H. Steiwer of Fossil and N. G. Wallace of Bend. The six senators who are retiring from public life include Geo. M. Aitken of Garden Home, N. A. Boody of Portland, James T. Chlnnock of Grants Pass, James H. Hazlett of Hood River, Henry L. Hess of La Grande, and Peter Zimmerman of Yamhill. Seven senators and former sen ators aspire to seats in the national Congress. Sam H. Brown, repub lican, wants to go to the United States senate. Cortis D. Stringer of Lebanon, Byron G. Carney of Milwaukie, C. D. Nickelson of Hood River, Roy W. Ritner of Pendleton, Phil Yates of Wasco and Charles M. Thomas of Portland are in the race for Congress. Stringer and Carney are democrats. The others are republicans. Former state sen ator Ashby C. Dickson, democrat, Portland, is a candidate for the cir cuit court judgeship in Multnomah county. Congressman Walter M. Pierce of La Grande, candidate for re-election, is also a former state senator. Of the 51 representatives who are candidates for nominations on the primary ballot four seek promotion to the state senate. These include Homer D. Angell of Portland, Wil liam L. Dickson of Portland, W. A. Johnson of Grants Pass, and E. L. Ross of Hillsboro. Four others as pire to still higher honors and are candidates for Congressional nom inations In their respective dis tricts. These include E. W. Kirk patrick of Milwaukie, C. P. Haight of Canyon City and Warren Erwin and Nanny Wood Honeymoon of Portland. All four are democrats. Howard Latourette, another Port land democrat who presided as speaker of the House at the spec ial session, now aspires to be head man of the party in Oregon and is a candidate for national commit teeman. Harry Frazier, Molalla democrat, is a candidate for dis trict attorney of Clackamas coun ty. The nine House members who failed to file in the state primary are J. R. Caufleld of Tillamook, William L. Graham of Portland, Wm. W. Knight of Roseburg, Ros coe Krier of The Dalles, J. A. Mc- Kevitt of Eugene, Victor J. Nelson of Portland, William C. Rankin of Portland, Millard D. Rodman of Culver, and James H. E. Scott of Milton. Graham has a job with the state as deputy real estate com missioner. A number of veterans of previous sessions also aspire to stage a come back in the forthcoming campaign. Frank H. Hilton, former House member, seeks to represent Mult nomah county in the senate. Other former representatives who would be content with their old seats In clude A. M. Jannsen of Washing ton county; H. H. Chindgren of Clackamas county, Arthur McPhll lips of Yamhill county, and Fred 3. Meindl, W. C. North, Denton G Burdick, John H. Hall, John B. Mc- Court, F. H. Dammasch and Frank J. Lonergan of Multnomah county, Burdick and Lonergan have both served as speaker of the House. Congressman James W. Mott of Salem is also a former member of the lower House of the Oregon leg islature. Jack E. Allen of Pendleton, for mer state senator, Is, a candidate for the democratic nomination for state treasurer, and P. J. Stadelman of The Dalles who served a year as secretary of state, is out for the re publican nomination for the senate from the Hood River-Wasco dis trlct. After the candidates finally made up their minds several wtlhdraw- Ing after filing their declarations a total of 448 remain In the primary race. Of these 248 are republicans, 179 are democrats and 21 are non partisan candidates for judicial po sitions. There are 257 candidates for legislative posts 143 republi cans and 114 democrats. Thirty- four republicans and 23 democrats SPECIAL DANCE Lexington Grange Hall Sat., Apr. 1 1 FEATURING CLIFF CLIFTON AND HIS Musical Mountaineers Radio and stage entertainers from KTM, KFXD, KIDO, WOMT. Floor Show Included, Admission 75c per couple aspire to fill the 16 available senate seats and 109 republicans and 91 democrats want to serve in the House. For the first time In many years the democrats have a complete state ticket The republicans, on the other hand, have a number of vacancies on the primary ballot. There is no republican candidate for the state senate from Douglas county and no candidate filed for nominations In the 17th, 27th, 28th, 32nd and 33rd representative dis tricts. Thirty-three republicans and 17 democrats want to attend the na tional conventions of their respect ive parties as delegates from Ore gon. Only ten seats are allotted to this state in each convention. The republicans have 17 candidates from the state at large with only four seats available. The legislative interim commit tee on penal institutions, meeting in Portland this "week adopted a program which will be presented to the next session with a view to making the state prison self-sup porting. According to Senator Les sard, chairman of the committee, the program includes the manufac ture of automobile tags and high way signs, brooms, shoes and cloth ing used by inmates of all state in stitutions. Bonds owned by the state land board have increased by $132,694.76 over their cost according to an ap praisal just completed at the re quest of state Treasurer Holman. Present value of the board's in vestment in federal, state and school district bonds is placed at $2,999, 856.89. None of the bonds held by the board were appraised at less than par. Oregon is on the eve of a great development in the flax and linen industry inj the opinion of Gov ernor Martin. Facilities of the state i r : HAMS . You'd expect Safeway to offer the BEST and so, here you are: The World's Finest Hams Swift's Premium Hams uniform mild cure and OVENIZED. There's no need to parboil Swift's Premium Hams! Every ham perfect from No. 1 Eastern corn-fed pork Every ham a beauty. With our excep tional price this Easter, you cant' afford to pass up Swift's Premium Hams! T.ARD P.,vp H T a - " J "U' . M. 1-lU, Villi SHORTENING, always fresh . 8 LBS. . PEANUT BUTTER, Maximum, 2 LBS. 25(j RAISINS, deliciously fresh, 4 LB. PKG. OAg APPLE BUTTER, Kerr quality, 5 Lh. Tin FRFF sf OnKr 1 doz. doz. FRESH EGGS, Ex. Our hens are funny that way- to plptwe Safeway customers, EGG COLORS Genuine Paas colors and transfers PKG 10c SUGAR Pure Cane OfZ 100 LB. BAG dtJ.'lt CHEESE, Ore. AQs Loaf. PER LB.tlC MILK Tall Federal or Maximum CASE $3.29 PER TIN 7c FLOUR Introducing our new HARVEST BLOSSOM "as good as any and better than many." Genuine hard wheat. . Bbl. $6.98 $4 P7Q 49 Lb. Sack. V OREGON MAID Bbl. $6.09 $4 SfZ 49 Lb. Sackl .tie) SYRUP Sleepy Hollow 5 LB. TIN 65c 10 LB. TIN ' $1.25 Marshmallows Fluffiest of all POUND 17c prison flax plant have been offered to the Champagne Paper corpora tion, manufacturers of cigarette paper, for use in processing their flax crop In the Willamette valley. If experiments now being conduct ed by this company prove success ful it is expected that a large acre age will be devoted to flax for cig arette paper alone. Young republicans around the state house are threatening a coun ter attack to purge republican con trolled departments of democratic employees in retaliation against the young democrats who insist on monopolizing all of the minor jobs in democratic controlled depart- HOT CROSS BUNS FOR EASTER HEPPNER BAKERY n i i i mt j, Ham and SAVINGS FOR FRI.-SAT.-MON . H f or Whole AIR PTN ffO Daffodils with 2 Doz. ORANGES Daffodils with 3 Lbs. Bananas at Med., DOZ. 13c - -but for Easter thev turn out tholr This year we're offering fresh candled ejjgs. CANDY EGGS, 12 to Carton 10c CTN. The cleverest Eastsr Tgg Ides we've seen a doien beautiful, ohooolate SlS?i!! u f "a?1; 0 C ASTON. Covered with top VaTmUk choco ate delloiona wholeaome center eaoh egg- eeparatelv canned In metallic colored tinfoll-and packed a down In a rigVla? EQoTaTtON Beautifully decorated a wonderful gift for a dime. xaniuw. Molasses, Aunt Dinah, lOLb.PailOtfC CRACKERS, Salted or plain, in 6-pound f " boxes. PERLB. J.OC CATSUP Gresham quality NO. 10 TIN EACH 55c FRUITS Huckleberries Gooseberries Blackberries Loganberries Cherries NO. 10 TINS 59c BAK. POWD. K. C. quality, 2 REG. 25c TINS ... 39c ments. W. L. Crosslin, secretary to Governor Martin, Is leader of the young democratic group and gen erally credited with doling out the jobs to the youthful followers of Jefferson, Jackson, et al. David Hoss, son of the late Hal E. Hoss, former secretary of state, Is leader of the young republicans. Income tax payments to the state this year promise to exceed esti mates of the tax commission by approximately $500,000 basel upon returns to April 1. Members of the commission said it would take at least two weeks to tabulate the re turns that flooded the department on the laBt day for filing. it r nave iou Tried the NEW HEPPNER BREAD Cakes - Pies - Pastries eggs are to Easter what turkey is to Thanksgiving. Our hams are mild, sugar cured and full flavored Balce, boil or fry them for Easter. And eggs! know we are particular about our eggs... they're strictly fresh, large size with chalk white shells. Color them for the Easter Baskets or serve them freely for breakfast POUND . . 32c I PEACHES Tastetell Halves APRICOTS Sunladcn 2No.2'2 tins 33c t PICKLES )q Economy Dills NO. 10 TIN .... 49c at 45c 29o T Ex. Large DOZ. 15c irrvir.sT 7 1 UT" CIII'DT 1....A. PEANUTS Salted or Roasted in the shell 2 LBS 25c DRESSING or Sandwich Spread Aristocrat quality Full Quart .... 39c MATCHES Pennant Brand 6 BOX CTN. ... 19c Bananas 4 LBS. . Carrots 8 BU. 29c 17 c r I COFFEE ROASTER TO CONSUMER Always Freth AIRWAY, 3 LBS. 50c NOB HILL, 3 LBS. 65c Dependable, 2 Lbs. 45c