Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 26, 1936, Image 1

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U - u , . . i -
Volume 53, Number 3.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Last Chance to Get on
Ballot, Mar. 31; Reg
istration Up Apr. 15.
Full Slate Named This Week; Con
tests Appear; Barratt Only
Hope at Salem.
Only four days remain In which
candidates may file to get their
names on the ballot for the May 15
primary election. The final filing
date is March 31. Registration
books dose April 15, and anyone
who did not vote at the last gen
eral election in the precinct in
which he is now residing should re
register. Also anyone who has
reached legal age since the last
election, and married women whose
names have been changed since last
voting, must be registered by April
15 in order to vote.
This week saw a major develop
ment in the election campaign when
democrats of the county met and
named a full ticket of candidates
for local offices. To date no con
tests appear on the democratic bal
lot for local offices, but voters of
the bourbon faith are assured a
full list of candidates on their bal
lot. Names selected for the various
posts are R. B. Rice for judge, Jeff
Jones for commissioner, Robert A.
Jones for sheriff, Josephine Ma
honey for clerk, and Dr. A. D. Mc
Murdo for coroner.
Most exciting event in the Demo
cratic show is expected to be the
congressional race. Opposing Wal
ter M. Pierce, incumbent, is Clint
P. Haight, Townsend endorsee and
Canyon City publisher who gained
the limelight as a representative at
the recent legislative session by
asking members of the house "to
go home and howl with the coy
otes." Jack Allen of Pendleton, re
cently resigned state liquor control
administrator, is also expected to
have his name on the ballot for
Pierce's place.
In the republican ranks, newest
development this week was the an
nouncement of J. O. Turner for
district attorney, who will oppose
Frank C. Alfred, announced last
week. Contests now appear in the
G. O. P. ranks for judge and clerk.
Unopposed candidates so far are
C. J. D. Bauman, seeking reelection
as sheriff; Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers
for county school superintendent,
and Roy N?iU for commissioner.
Republicans so far announced for
judge are G. A. Bleakman, Bert
Johnson, Frank S. Parker and Fred
Lucas; for clerk Chas. W. Barlow,
Paul M. Gemmell and J. Gordon
Morrow county's only hope to
date for representation at Salem
lies In the election of J. G. Barratt
to the joint Morrow-Umatilla-Union
senatorial post. He is a candidate
to succeed himself on the republi
can ballot. Barratt completed his
filing in the secretary of state's of
fice last week upon demand of
friends from over the district that
he become a candidate. He had de
cided before that he could not afford
to take the time from his business
So far the only candidates in
sight for the two joint representa
tives from Morrow-Gilliam-Sher
man-Wheeler are E. R. Fatland of
Condon and Giles L. French, Moro,
incumbents. Both are republicans,
Stanley Reavis Takes
Position at Arlington
Stanley J. Reavis, clerk at Moro
for the last four years and a mem
ber of the Pacific Power & Light
company organization for nine
years, was advanced to commercial
agent at Arlington on February 15,
says P. P. & L. Bulletin.
Reavis joined the Pacific organi
zation May 15, 1927, as a bookkeep
er at Sunnyside, Wash. On Sep
tember 10, 1928, he was named clerk
at Heppner and on March 21, 1932,
as made clerk at Moro. During his
service at Heppner and Moro, he
learned all phases of the company's
activities, handling line trouble in
emergencies, service installations,
and sales among other aspects.
The annual meeting of Morrow
County Public Health association
will be held next Monday evening
In the office of Mrs. Lucy E. Rod
gers, county school superintendent,
at the court house, .announces Dr.
R. C. Lawrence, president. All
those Interested In public health
work In the county are urged to at
Woolgrowers auxiliary 'will stage
their spring style show and tea at
the parish house Saturday after
noon. Style show With program will
begin at 2:30 o'clock, and tea will
be served from 4 to 6. Admission
charge of 25 cents will be made and
the public is Invited.
Eugene Burr is announced as the
speaker before the local Townsend
club at Its meeting April 16. His
subject will be "Transaction Tax,
the Business End of the Townsend
Oregon Native Homesteaded In
Morrow County In Early Days;
Funeral Saturday In Salem.
John Melven Humphreys, 81, for
more than 60 years a resident of
Morrow county, succumbed yester
afternoon following a short illness
with penumonia. Mr. Humphreys
was one of the earliest settlers in
this county, taking up a homestead
In the Hardman vicinity where he
engaged in farming and stockrais
Ing. He later acquired land in the
Eight Mile section where he con
tinued his operations up to the time
of his last illness.
Mr. Humphreys was born May
10, 1855, at Salem. His father, Wil
liam J. Humphreys, and mother,
Penelope Jane . (Wilson) Humph
reys, were among the first eastern
emigrants to the Oregon country.
Mr. Humphreys never married. He
was respected by all who knew him
as a good citizen, industrious and
thrifty, and leaves a host of friend3
made during his more than three
decades of residence in the county.
Surviving are one sister, Mrs.
Mary L. Ashly of Salem; and two
brothers, William H. Humphreys
of Salem, and Harry H. Humphreys
of Los Angeles, Calif.
Funeral services will be held Sat
urday afternoon at 1:30 at the Lone
Fir cemetery at Salem.
Mrs. Glen Boyer of Courtrock has
been spending the past week here
visiting friends.
Clifford Yarnell, a student at O.
S. C, spent his spring vacation with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Yarnell. He returned to school
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Balsiger mo
tored to Oregon City last Thursday
to attend last rites for Charles Al
linger held in that city Thursday
afternoon. They were joined at
The Dalles by their son Alfred who
made the trip with them. The party
returned to The Dalles that night
and Mr. and Mrs. Balsiger returned
home Friday morning.
Wesley McNabb was a Pendleton
visitor last Friday.
Mrs. Maude Pointer with her
daughter Harriet were In town for
a short time Thursday evening en
route from their home at Salem to
the home of Mrs. Pointer's brother,
O. W. Cutsforth of Lexington. Miss
Harriet was enjoying a short vaca
tion from the Oregon Normal school
Alfred Nelson of Lexington was
in town last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Blake of Kin
zua accompanied by Mrs. J. H.
Blake visited relatives here over
the week end.
Relatives have received word
from Mrs. J. W. Howk that she is
in Portland securing medical at
tention for her small daughter Lois
who is Buffering from complications
following an attack of measles.
Willows grange is having an old
time dance at their hall in Cecil on
April 11.
The immediate family of W. F.
Palmateer gathered at the H. O.
Ely home last Sunday to felicitate
him on the 78th anniversary of his
birth. A bounteous pot luck din
ner was served at noon and the rest
of the day spent in. visiting. Those
present were Mrs. Earl Morgan ar.J
family, the Bert Palmateer family,
W. G. Palmateer, Mr. and Mrs. H.
O. Ely and Margaret, Mr. and Mrs.
Wallace Mathews of Selah, Wash.,
Mr. and Mrs. John Eubanks and
son Donald, Franklin and Elvln
Ely and their families, Mildred
Lundell, Berl Akers and George Ely.
One daughter of Mr. Palmateer,
Mrs. Lillie De Shazer of Idaho, was
unable to be present. Mr. Palma
teer has spent 37 years of his life
in Morrow county.
The Girls' League of the high
school entertained all mothers of
high school students with a tea at
Masonic hall last Friday afternoon.
Miss Mildred Lundell, president,
welcomed the guests. A selection
by the girls' glee club, a vocal solo
by Miss Frances Troedson, a tap
dance number by Misses Miriam
Hale and Elaine Nelson and a read
ing by Miss Bertha Akers combined
to make up a program highly en
Joyed. Refreshments were served
In the dining room. About twenty
mothers enjoyed the hospitality of
the league.
The senior class netted a nice sum
from their supper given in connec
tion with a free dance at Zinters
last Friday evening. A large crowd
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Corley spent
Sunday and Monday In Portland.
Miss Freda Anderson, teacher at
Morgan, spent the week end at her
home in Hood River,
Miss Dorothy Arrant was a visit
or in The Dalles Sunday.
Miss Bcrnlce Ring accompanied
Miss Llla Cannon to Pendleton on
Walter Eubanks was called to
Portland Monday by the illness of
his uncle, S. E. Moore, who has been
In the city receiving medical treat
ment. Mr. Moore who was report
ed previously as making satisfac-
tory progress toward recovery, had
(Continued on Page Four)
The regular meeting of Ruth
Chapter No. 32, O. E. S will be held
at Masonic hall tomorrow evening,
and all members are urged by Mrs.
Lena Cox, worthy matron, to attend.
Appeal of County Chair
man Answered to Help
Raise $100 Quota.
Proceeds of Donkey Exhibition
Given Town Team; Bloom Re
ports State Tournament.
Reminded by Josephine Mahoney,
county chapter chairman, of the
$2000 succor given local sufferers in
the May, 1934, flood by American
Red Cross, Lions Monday endorsed
the great humanitarian organiza
tion's drive for funds to provide
relief to viotims of the great deluge
in the east and middle west.
Generpus response was urged in
the light of reports of 38,000 fam
ilies made homeless in eleven east
ern states, and a special appeal by
President Roosevelt, chairman of
the American Red Cross, for $3,000,-
000 to meet the emergency. Mor
row county's quota was set at $100,
and Mrs. Mahoney launched the
drive immediately In Heppner.
Good response was reported by time
of the Lions meeting at noon. Let
ters were mailed to out-of-town
points Monday evening.
Gordon Bucknum, manager of
the town baseball club, appeared
before the service organization with
an appeal for support, resulting in
Lions voting to turn proceeds of
the scheduled donkey baseball ap
pearance to the baseball club. Qate
of the appearance has not been re
ceived, but is expected in the near
future. The itinerary for the fa
mous long-eared Chicago world's
fair performers is being made up
at Tucson, Ariz., headquarters.
Bucknum announced the opening
of the Wheatland league season,
April 12, with Heppner's opening
game to be played at home with
lone. He announced that folks of
the community would be contacted
in the near future to purchase sea
son tickets and tickets for the op
ening game at which a new Chevro
let automobile will be given away.
Introduced as club guests were
Willard Tubbs, state policeman
from Arlington, and Frank C. Al
fred, attorney who recently arrived
in the city from SJverton. Miss
Jessie French" pleased with two vo
cal solos, accompanied at the piano
by Miss Juanita Leathers.
Edward F. Bloom, school super
intendent and president of the Ore
gon State High School Athletic as
sociation, gave a short report of
the state basketball tournament
which he attended at Salem last
week end. Umapine, winner of the
class B tournament held here re
cently, was eliminated in its first
game at Salem, being defeated by
Bellfountain of Benton county,
champions of the B division.
Heppner Water Bonds
Bring Premium at Sale
Hess, Tripp and Burkhart were
successful bidders for the $7000
general obligation bonds of the city
of Heppner at the sale Saturday.
The Portland bond firm bought
them at the rate of $100.18 on the
hundred, the bonds to draw 4 per
cent interest First National Bank
of Portland, the only other bidder,
offered a premium of 24 cents on
the hundred but asked 4V4 per cent
interest. Sale of the bonds was
made to provide the city's share of
the money in replacing the old
wooden pipe in the lead main down
Willow creek with steel pipe, as a
PWA project City officials consid
ered the sale especially good.
It is expected authorization will
be received soon for starting the
work, as all necessary (papers have
been forwarded to the PWA office
in Portland.
Pomona Grange Program
Set for Irrigon April 4th
Morrow County Pomona grange
will meet at Irrigon, Saturday, Ap
ril 4. The business meeting will be
held before noon, also contest in
ritualistic work. After noon the
following program, open to the pub
lic, will be given:
Community singing; talk, "Po
mona Grange, what it is and the
benefits to its members," Chas.
Wlcklander, state grange deputy;
Instrumental solo, Don Houghton,
Irrigon grange; paper, "Informa
tion on lockers, their use in keep
ing fresh meats, fruits, etc" Ber
tha Nelson, chairman Pomona H.
E. C; pantomime, members Wil
lows grange; talk, "Taxes," C. J. D.
Bauman, sheriff; vocal solo, Mrs.
Wm. Graytoeal, Irrigon; discussion
of the new agricultural program by
a speaker sent by the state grange;
accordion solo, Mr. Kruse, Green
field grange; report on ritualistic
work; musical number from Rhea
creek grange. '
The Heppncr-Spray road Is now
open and will be kept open from
now on, reports G. A. Bleakman,
Heppner-Hardman stage operator.
Tho road was blocked by snow for
several weeks beyond the Wheeler
county line, and connection was
made Monday by the two crews
working on the opening.
Appeal Made to Raise
Flood Quota 50 Percent
With emergency aid being given
387,000 refugees, and the number
still increasing in the east and mid
dle west flood areas, national head
quarters sent out telegraphic ap
peal yesterday for all Red Cross
chapters to work to increase their
quotas by at least 50 percent, an
nounces Josephine Mahoney, coun
ty chapter chairman. Morrow coun
ty's quota of $100 was raised In
Heppner, and Mrs. Mahoney is
hopeful that outlying districts will
respond with the additional $50.
For those who wish to assist by
contributing small change, boxes
have been placed in Thomson Bros,
and Safeway stores here. Helen
McClaskey solicited in Heppner and
met with ready response. Also as
sisting in the drive were Leta Hum
phreys and Frances Case, chapter
treasurer and secretary.
The appeal yesterday stated that
the call for relief was exceeding
expectations, with increasing num
bers of refugees who must be fed,
clothed and sheltered until the flood
waters recede and their homes may
be rehabilitated. The Red Cross is
stepping into the breech in the
emergency, supplying these needs
while combatting the ever present
threat of disease and pestilence.
The emergency situation is among
the most critical ever to face the
American people, and has strained
the facilities of the great relief or
ganization to the utmost.
The Red Cross is ministering to
the emergency needs only, with the
promise of government assistance
in the rehabilitation later.
Boardman F. F. A. Boys
Place High in Contests
In the sectional shop and public
speaking contests held at The
Dalles March 20 and sponsored by
the Future Farmers of America, the
boys representing the Boardman
chapter won five first places, three
second places and two third places.
The winning boys were Alan Chaf
fee, first in hay judging; Pete Far
ley, first in wool judging; Ralph
Black, first in poultry judging and
also in nail driving; Ed Skoubo and
Stanley Partlow, first in horseshoe
pitching. Second place was won by
Ed Skoubo in hay judging, by Pat
Healy in wool judging, by Law
rence Smith in rope work. Schools
competing -were Condon, Dufur, Ar
lington, Redmond, The Dalles and
The Boardman department of ag
riculture was organized under the
Smith-Hughes law last summer by
Roy Murray. Mr.Murray resigned
in October and the work was taken
over by A. Burr Black.
The department has an active
chapter of the Future Farmers of
America under Alan Chaffee, presi
dent. A father and son banquet
was held in February at which time
the local chapter was presented
with their charter by the state pres
ident, Raymond Kootch.
Instruction in regular classes has
been given in stock judging, judg
ing farm products, feeding dairy
cattle and hogs, keeping dairy rec
ords, milk testing, crop rotations,
maintaining soil fertilty, pruning
and graftng, crop pest control, or
ganizing and conducting F. F. A.
meetings. In addition, instruction
has been given in shop work includ
ing rope splicing and knots, belt lac
ing, harness sewing, tool sharpen
ing and fitting, soldering, cold mci-
al work, rafter cutting, pipe fitting
and estimating bills of materials
The boys have constructed the tool
cabinets, work benches, lumber and
iron racks, etc., in the shop.
The privately owned projects car
ried on at home under the super
vision of the instructor Include the
raising of corn, melons, potatoes,
strawberries, bees, hogs, dairy cat
tle, sheep and feeding steers.
Yets Jeopardize Bonus
By Failure to File Early
Do you realize there are nearly
157,000 veterans who have failed to
file for their adjusted compensation
certificates? Some of these are in
There are two groups of veter
ans who are seriously jeopardizing
the full benefits to which they are
entitled: (1) Those who have never
applied, and (2) those who hold
their certificates, failing to make
application for the bonds.
A veteran of the first group who
may have been in the service for
500 days and dies without making
application is denying his depend
ents the sum iol approximately
$1000, when the beneficiary is re
quired to file, they receive only the
credit of a service day's pay. In
the second group where the veteran
falls to file for his bonds, and in the
event of his death, it is very often
found that a change has been made
In his marital status since first
filing for his certificate in which
event the money is left to a divorced
wife and not to the widow. This is
not always the case, but does occur
far too often. By his failure to nic
he likewise denies his estate of re
ceiving the 3 percent a year, the
Interest that eacn bond will draw,
Heppner post, American Legion
has the forms necessary and will
assist veterans to file, says Paul M,
Gemmell, adjutant.
After remaining out all night and
half the day yesterday, the jury in
the case of State of Oregon vs. Jo
seph Stefan! on a statutory charge,
failed to agree and no verdict was
returned. Judge C. L. Sweek con
vened court on the case at 9 o'clock
Tuesday morning. J. S. Beckwlth,
court reporter, accompanied him
from Pendelton.
All Officers Re-elected at
Condon Meeting; Ten
tative Schedule Out.
Heppner, Condon, Fossil, Blalock
Represented; lone and Arling
ton Expected to Come In.
Plans for the 1936 Wheatland
Baseball league playing season were
laid at Condon Friday evening, with
representatives present from Hepp
ner, Condon, Fossil and Blalock.
lone and Arlington, last year fran
chise holders, were not represented
but both places were reported as
expecting to participate again this
year to make a six-team league.
All officers were re-elected, namely"
W. H. Steiwer, Fossil, president; R
B. Ferguson, Heppner, vice-president;
Les Rhinehart Fossil, secretary-treasurer.
Fred Hoskins and
Gordon Bucknum, playing and bus
iness manager respectively, repre
sented the local club.
Drawing up of ttie schedule was
left in the hanc of Mr. Ferguson.
It was tentatively drawn for the
six teams, covering ten games each,
with the season to start April 12,
and was sent to the various clubs
for approval.
Application for franchise was
made by the local CCC camp, and
it was expected that Hermiston or
Umatilla might be interested in case
Arlington or lone, either or both
drop out. Arlington was reported
as in difficulty because of much
damage done to their playing field
by recent flood waters.
The directors voted to permit hir
ing of one paid player by any team
this season. This was the only
change in the rules under which th
league operated last year. To play
a paid player, however, his name
must be turned in to the secretary
before the fifth game.
Under the tentative schedule
lone would open the season here
April 12.
Erosion Control Directors
Study Ways and Means
A meeting of the directing com
mittee of the Lexington Erosion
Control district was held Wednes
day evening at the home of the
chairman, Henry V. Smouse, to
discuss the serious blow situation
and to consider means of most ef
fectively protecting the farm land
in the district. The Lexington Ero
sion Control district was formed
last spring during the blow emer
gency which existed at that time.
Practically 100 percent of the farm
operators signed up to cooperate
in controlling blows. The associa
tion contemplated no coercion but
elected H. V. Smouse, R. B. Rice,
Frank Saling, Omar Rietmann and
Louis Marquardt as a committee to
direct activities in emergencies. At
last night's meeting certain danger
spots were designated and mem
bers of the committee were assigned
to consult with the operators of the
lands in question as to the most de
sirable control methods.
Farm Act Now in Force;
New Conference Called
Application of the new soil con
servation and domestic allotment
act to Oregon moved several steps
closer this week with the announce
ment of details of procedure at
Washington and the calling of a
regional "school ' Mr western lead
ers at Salt Lake City.
Oregon extension service officials
were called to Salt Lake city again
this week to hear the details of the
final administrative program ex
planed by representatives of the
AAA from Washington. Those
called in from Oregon are F. L. Bal
lard, vice-director in charge of ex
tension service; L. R. Brelthaupt,
extension economist; E R. Jack
man, extension agronomist and
John C. Burtner, extension editor.
Immediately upon conclusion of
the Salt Lake meeting, state ac
tivity will start which will lead to
the setting up of county and com
munity committees to assist in lo
cal administration of the new plan.
A reorganization of administra
tion machinery of the AAA last
week changed the central arrange
ment at Washington from a com
modity division basis to a regional
division plan. The country is now
divided into five regions with a di
rector for each. Headquarters for
all will remain in Washington.
George E. Farrell, formerly head
of the wheat section and later the
grain division, was named director
of the western region which in
cludes the usual grouping of 11
western states plus North Dakota
and Kansas. Northwest farm lead
ers have welcomed the assignment
of Farrell to this division as he is
most familiar with conditions in
ths territory and has made a record
already for practical handling of
tho Involved federal programs.
The new organization will handle
the wind-up of the old commodity
control contracts, Secretary Wal
lace announced. It Is estimated
that Oregon farmers still have
about $1,796,000 due for compliance
made prior to the January 6 court
Miss Case and Miss Patterson of
' O. S. C. to Hold Farm Living
Conference In lone Apr. 15.
On Wednesday, April 15, at lone
will be held a county conference on
Farm Living. Miss Case and Miss
Patterson, members of the Home
Economics Extension staff at Cor
vallis, will participate in the pro
gram which is being sponsored by
the County Home Economics com
mittee, consisting of Mrs. Ernest
Heliker, Mrs. Harry Schriever, Mrs.
Walter Becket, Mrs. Orain Wright,
Mrs. R. I. Thompson, Mrs. Marvin
Wightman and Mrs. A. D. McMur
do. The Home Economics com
mittee of Willows grange is making
arrangements for holding this meet
ing in the Masonic hall at lone.
Mrs. H E. Cool, chairman, sent
notices to other granges that the
meeting of the Home Economics
clubs called for Friday, April 17,
will be moved forward to the 15th,
and held in conjunction with the
county conference on Family Liv
A pot-luck dinner will be served
at noon. . The following is an out
line of the tentative program.
9:45-10:00, Registration; 10-10:10,
Introduction, by Agricultural Ag
ent; 10:10-10:30, Surprise, Willows
Grange H. E. Club; 10:30-12:00,
Newer Knowledge in Home Food
Preservation," Miss Case; 12-1:45,
Pot-luck Dinner.
2:00-2:15, Recreation, In charge
of Miss Case or local person; 2:15-
3:45, "The Home We Live In," Miss
Patterson; 3:45-4:00, Planning the
Home Economics Extension Pro
gram for 1936-1937, County Exten
sion Committe Chairman, Agricul
tural Agent, Miss Case.
Exhibits: Home Food Preserva
tion, Home Furnishing Bulletins,
A Model Window, Drapery Head
ings, Curtain Styles.
Five members of the Gideons,
the Christian Commercial Men's
Association of America, conducted
services at the Christian church
Sunday evening. Several people
from Heppner, as well as the local
congregation, attended.
Alma Van Winkle underwent an
operation for appendicitis at Hepp
ner hospital Thursday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moyer, Mel-
vin Moyer and Juanita Davis spent
Thursday in Hermiston.
Citizens of this community awoke
Tuesday morning to find everything
nicely covered with a blanket of
snow and the atmosphere decidedly
wintery. This didn t last very long,
however, as the snow melted In a
short time after the sun came out.
Lester McMillan, who had a re
lapse following the flu, was taken
to Heppner in an ambulance Thurs
day afternoon. He is at the home
of Mrs. Grant
Mrs. Carl Whillock and daughter
of Heppner spent the week end with
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Breshears.
Florence and Al Bergstrom of
Heppner were visitors in this city
Harry Higgs, lineman for the
Pacific Telephone & Telegraph
company, called at the local office
Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Johnston of
Estacada spent the week end with
friends in Lexington. Mr. Johnston
was formerly superintendent of
the Lexington school and Mrs.
Johnston taught in the high school.
Mr. Johnston is now superintendent
of the high school at Estacada.
W. A. Lewis, travelling commer
cial agent for the railway express,
was in Lexington Thursday and
checked over the local office.
Mrs. James Cowlns of Heppner
spent Thursday with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. George Allyn.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schriever
and children have returned from a
three weeks' visit in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Henderson
were visitors in Pendleton Friday.
County Teachers Will
Attend Spokane Meet
Morrow county teachers have
voted to attend an Inland Empire
teachers' meeting at Spokane, April
10-11 in preference to holding the
annual spring county institute. All
teachers of the county will be ex
pected to attend the meeting, It is
By partlcipr.ig in the larger
event, the teachers considered that
they would receive benefits suffi
cient to Justify the expense of at
tending. An exceptionally fine ed
ucational program Is being ar
ranged, with the event expected to
be one of the outstanding educa
tional meetings ever held in the dis
Heppner-Pilot Rock shooters took
all three of their matches last Sun
day In the Oregonlan Telegraphic
Trapshootlng tournament with a
three-man team score of 74. De
feated were Eugene 73, Klamath 73
and Mt. Angel 66. With eight
matches won and four lost, the hy
phenates now have a percentage of
.667. Local scores included Dr. A.
D. McMurdo 25, John Lane 25, Earl
Warner 24, L. Van Marter 24, Luke
Bibby 23. Dr. J. H. McCrady 23,
Judge Carmichael 21, Tom Clark
20. Next Sunday the locals will be
matched against Salem, Roseburg
and The Dalles,
"The Gypsy Rover" Has
Wide Appeal With
Variety Program.
Musical Offering Under Direction
of Miss Leathers, Colorful;
Choruses Participate.
"The gypsies are at meal time,
The coals are piping hot,
All the air is fragrant,
From a savory pot
So come, my friends, and sup with
And have a fill as fine
As any King or Prince can boast
"Three cheers for Gypsy Rob!"
If these words are as inspiring to
you as they are to Lady Constance
and Gypsy Rob, you will not miss
the opportunity of seeing "The Gyp
sy Rover." This operetta is to be
presented in the school audtorium
tomorrow evening.
"The Gypsy Rover" is in three -acts
and is built around the charac
ter of Rob, later known as Sir Gil
bert Howe, of English nobility. Rob
is stolen when an infant, by his
nurse, Meg, who later becomes the
wife of Marto, a gypsy. Rob grows
to manhood among the gypsies be
lieving Meg and Marto to be his
It happens one day, while riding
with her fiance, Lord Craven, Lady
Constance Martendale becomes lost
in the woods. They wander to a
gypsy camp where Constance and
Rob meet and fall in love at first
sight Craven objects to Rob's at
titude, but in a very funny comedy
scene with Marto and Sinfo, he is
made to tell Sir George, who later
comes in search of Constance, that
Rob is a charming fellow. In act
two Rob goes to the home of Con
stance and serenades her. They
plan to elope but are overt eard by
Craven who informs Sir George,
and plans are made to capture Rob.
This is successfully accomplished
and Rob is thrown into prison, but
later escapes.
Two years elapse and Rob has
come into his estates, his identity
having been proved by Meg. He
becomes a successful composer, a
friend of the Prince and a social
lion. Constance has remained true
to her love for Rob and on his re
turn to England, he woos and wins
her for his wife. As Rob says,, "The
good fairies have led me to Uie
beautiful country after all, and our
story, Constance, can end in the
proper way, They lived happily
ever after'."
There are also pretty love affairs
between Nina and Captain Jerome,
and Zara and Sinfo, and many
scenes by Sinfo and Marto.
The cast of characters In the or
der as they first appear follows""
Meg, Rob's foster mother, an old
gypsy woman, Jean Adkins; . Zara,
belle of the gypsy camp, Harriet
Hager; Marto, Meg's husband,
Jackson Gilliam; Sinfo, a gypsy
lad In love wtih Zara, Gerald Ca
son; Rob, the Gypsy Rover, Norton
King; Lady Constance, daughter of
Sir George Martendale, Kathrny
Parker; Lord Craven, an English
fop "Doncha know," William Lee
McCaltb; Sir George Martendale,
English gentleman, Ellis Williams;
Nina, Sir George's second daugh
ter, Alvina Casebeer; Captain Jer
ome, of the English army, Le Moin
Cox; Sir Toby Lyon, a social butter
fly, Buddy Batty; McCorkle, a song
publisher, William McRoberts.
There are also gypsy and English
choruses made up of the high school
glee clubs. Grade school children
also take part as gypsy children,
and robber and fairy dancers.
The operetta is under the super
vision of Miss Leathers. It prom
ises to be an excellent production.
The Heppner school band Is being
put through its paces by Harold
Buhman, director, for participation
in the state band contest at Cor
vallis, April 10-11. To help defray
expenses of the trip, the Elks lodge
is sponsoring a dance at the hall
Saturday evening, April 4. It is ex
pected the band will appear at that
time, playing the pieces to be given
in the contest.
Edward F. Bloom, local school
superintendent and president of
the Oregon State High School Ath
letic association, took in the state
basketball tournament at Salem
last week end. He accompanied
F. W. Turner, realtor, who attend
ed to business matters In Portland,
Salem, and other Willamette val
ley points.
Art Stefanl, in the city Monday
from the lone section, reported con
siderable damage to his wheat from
cutworms. He was preparing to
reseed some 400 acres. He was
hoping for warmer sunshine to
subdue activity of the cutworm
which work on the wheat In cooler
Mr. and Mrs. Orain Wright wers
transacting business In the city
Monday from their home on Rhea