HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1936. PAGE THREE L(gi)S Eippi innai E. E. Rugg, Rhea creek merchant, reported hay and wheat fields de veloping nicely In hig section, when In town Monday. The lambing sea son was said to be pretty well ovtr with generally good results. Hay farmers were just turning the water into their ditches, and prospects seemed favorable for a good sup ply of irrigating water for the first crop. J. H. Peters and John Harbke were transacting business in the city Saturday from their homes In Portland. Both have large real es tate holdings in the county, and Mr. Peters is expected to start con struction soon of a building on the site he purchased recently from the Fannie O. Rood estate, corner of Main and Willow streets. C. J. D. Bauman, his niece, Miss Norma Christenson, and S. E. Not eon made a round-trip to Portland Tuesday in the Bauman car. On the return they were accompanied by Cheater Christenson, O. S. C-. student, who is spending spring vacation at the home of his mother, Mrs. Helen Christenson. Bert Johnson, candidate for coun ty judge, was in the city yesterday. He had just returned from a trip to Portland where he addressed a meeting of the Farm Hands club, to find a large blow started in the wheat fields of his farm north of lone, and he immediately set to work to control it Mrs. W. M. Hayes is visiting this week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Nickerson, com ing up from Portland where her husband is employed as construc tion engineer on the new Mont gomery Ward building with the Guy C. Atkinson company. Al Troedson made a business trip to town Saturday from Morgan, bringing Mrs. Troedson and Fran ces who took in sessions of the Ep worth league conference. "Harbke" rains were the order there the end of the week, with blows started in several fields. John Parker and Miss Ilene Kil kenny are among University of Or egon students spending the spring vacation with home folks. They arrived the end of the week. Par ker accompanied J. L. Gault, bank receiver, from Corvallis. Charles W. Smith, assistant state county agent leader, visited friends in this city Sunday evening, taking the opportunity to drop in on them while assisting with holding farm economic conferences at points in this part of the state. W. H. Instone, in town Monday from Butter creek, reported lamb ing over with excellent results. Very little scours occurred in his lambs, but he had good results from the use of paregoric in treating those affected. O. E. Peterson, south lone wheat raiser, reported the necessity of re seeding some of his fall sown wheat which was hit by the freeze last October. The work of reseedlng was reported to be progressing well. J. E. Swanson of lone, manager Morrow County Grain Growers, was a business visitor in the city Satur day, being Interested in the sale of property of the former Heppner Farmers Elevator company. Patricia Anne was born to Cap tain and Mrs. W. R. Reynolds at the Heppner hospital at 3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Captain Rey nolds is commandant of the local OCC camp. Ralph Scott was in the city Sat urday from the Blackhorse district where the new grain is reported to be making good headway. Want Ads WANT A BARGAIN? Beautiful small size piano like new must be taken for unpaid balance. Anyone wishing to buy can take over on easy terms. Write Tallman Piano Store, Sai.jm, Ore. 2-4 For Sale Year old black boar. R. Wasmer, Boardman. It Narrangansett turkey toms for sale or will trade for hens. Phone 3F24. Itp. 40 acres near Longvlew, Kelso; building, timber, road, partly im proved; clear; want smaller irri gated place. E. L. Moore, Kelso, Wash., R 2 Box 460. Up House for rent, unfurnished. S. N. Griffith, city. ltp Turkeys for Sale Ready to lay; reasonable. Mrs. Hugh Shaw, Lex Ington. l-2p For Sale or Rent on low terms, 2800-A wheat and pasture farm; good house and barn; well water; pond and springs for irrigating; orchard; Juniper canyon. Barney MoDevItt, Lexington. l-12p HEMSTITCHING At Frances Shop. 60-2 James O'Conner was in the city Monday from the Rhea creek farm. He reported lambing just getting well uader way with good results to date. Louie Gates, veteran representa tive of the Sperry Flouring mills, was calling on the local trade yes terday. He reported Improving business conditions. Miss Anabel Turner arrived home Sunday from Corvallis to spend the spring vacation from her studies at O. S. C. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Turner. Mrs. Rubina Chrisman is report ed making good recovery from an illness for which she was confined at Heppner hospital this week. 1 David Hynd, secretary of Hynd Bros, company, was a business vis itor in the city Saturday from Rose Lawn ranch, Sand Hollow. Miss Ilene Kenny visited home folks over St. Patrick's day from Pendleton where she is taking nurse's training. Jim Hayes was in town Saturday from the farm on Rhea creek, re porting conditions favorable at this season. Harry Duvall, who operates the Bell ranch north of Lexington, was a business visitor in the city Satur day. Ed Bristow, lone merchant, took time off Saturday for a business visit to the county seat. Ted McMurdo is home from Ore gon State college for spring vaca tion, arriving Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Swift were business visitors in the city yester day from Lexington. Wm. Smithurst was trading in the city yesterday from the Alpine district James H. Cox has been confined to his home with an attack of pneu monia. Roy Feeley was among folks from lone in the city, Saturday. To the Editor: In the recent mention in the Ga zette Times of the CCC gopher poisoning campaign it was stated that 100 percent of the farmers of the county cooperated. This was hardly true as several small farm ers on lower Willow creek were not given the opportunity to cooperate. RALPH BUTLER. State Board to Meet at O. S. C. Corvallis A regular meeting of the state board of higher education will be held on the campus of Ore gon State college Monday, March 9. This is in keeping with the an nounced plan of the board to meet at least once a year on each cam pus. The college will hold a spec ial student-faculty convocation in honor of the board members, with student musical organizations sup plying part of the program. Elmer Ball, whose 7-year-old son Shirley died Sunday at the home In the lone vicinity, was In the city Monday making arrangements for the funeral held in lone Tuesday af ternoon. The lad was a victim of cerebral meningitis. THE Hehisch Published by the Journalism Class of HEPPNER HIGH SCHOOL STAFF Editor Beth Vance Assistant Editor Lois Ashbaugh Operetta Dora Bailey Personals Kathryn Parker Humor, Neva Bleakman and Mar- jorie Parker. Grade School Louise McFerrln Assembly Louise Anderson Special Assembly .. Jimmle Driscoll Boys' Sports Paul C. Brown Baseball Charles Cox Girls' Sports Betty Hill Debate Wm. McCaleb Class News .. Norma Jean Becket Club News Necha Coblantz H.H.S. Surprise Speaker Makes Hit Students of Heppner high en joyed one of the greatest treats in the history of the school when Dr. Alfred Cookman, the world famous scientist, who gave up teaching in order to become an adventurer and naturalist, entertained the assem bly on Wednesday, March 11. Dr. Cookman 'spoke on several phases of wild life, but depicted most viv idly the habits and habitats of va rious species of wild birds. Fascinated, all present were transported from pole to pole, from desert to desert, across the dark jungles of Borneo Island, and into the wilds of tropical America and Hollywood on the winged words of Dr. Cookman. Sprinkling his travel talks generously with much witty and well directed humor, Dr. Cook man kept the audience roaring with Jaughter. Of special interest were the stuff ed specimens of rare birds and the flag of the International Adven turer of the World. Admiral Rich ard E. Byrd carried this same flag over both north and south poles. Before him the world famous ex plorers and adventurers Zane Grey, Sir Kingsford Smith, and Dr. Tor rance had borne the flag to the far corners of the globe. Dr. Cook man was the last to carry the flag, and Heppner was the last town in which it was displayed. From here ik was scui ias Hie oiuiiiiaKJiiiaii .in stitute in Washington, D. C, where it now resides. Dr. Cookman was accorded a tre mendous ovation of enthusiastic ap plause at the end of his discourse. H.H.S. Class News The junior class held a meeting Friday after school. The main topic of discussion was the play which is to be presented before the student body In the near future. They also brought up the subject of where to go on Flunk Day. This topic aroused such a heated argu ment that the meeting was soon closed. Next Thursday, March 26th, all the members of the senior class will have their pictures taken for their Memory books. This class has been very busy selecting an nouncements and cards in prepar ation for graduation. The Home Economics classes are taking lessons in patching. Dur ing the next few days they will re pair the boys' baseball uniforms. H.H.8. Personals Irene Padberg returned to school Monday after being ill with the flu for a month. Marie Barlow, Ethyl Hughes and Arlene Morton motored to Portland for the week end with Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mortota. H.H.S.- Heppner Team Third The Heppner high debate team under the direction of Mr. Evans, made a very creditable showing at the debate tournament held in Pen dleton last Saturday. The scores were figured on a point basis with each judge's vote counting as one point. In this way, it was possible for the two sides of one team to make six points in each debate, there being three judges hearing each side. The affirmative side of the Heppner team, Ernest Clark and Irene Beamer, won a three to nothing decision over Condon's negative. Heppner's negative, Scott McMurdo and William McCaleb, re ceived one vote for their debate against Condon's affirmative. This gave Heppner four points and put them in a tie for first place with the Hermiston team. In the sec ond debate, Heppner was not so fortunate and dropped to third place. The final standings were, Hermiston first, Pendleton second, Heppner third, Condon fourth, and Umatilla fifth. The subject for debate was, "Re solved: That the several states should enact legislation providing for a system of complete medical service available to all citizens at State expense." H.H.S.- Girls' Sports Although no definite Information has yet been received concerning the girls' sports tournament which is to be held this spring the girls will sign up for their choice of vol ley-ball or baseball and start prac tice this week. The tournament will be held among the schools of the county and as it is something new and en tirely different it promises to be very interesting. As soon as the weather permits most of the time will be spent play ing outside. Until then, however, the girls will continue playing bas ketball and other games inside. H.H.S. i League Entertains The Girls' League entertained the student body with a musical pro gram Friday afternoon at three o 'clock. Nonie McLaughlin as mas ter of ceremonies introduced the program with a humorous Idea for FOR HAIR AND SCALP JAPANESE OIL Hue la U. . A. Tht AiHstptle Scalp MJIcIm Diffttrewt from ordinary Hair Taakt 0c 1 $1. FEU IT WORKI Al All Druggists Writt fw FMC BMtM "Tkt Tnrtk Abwt TM Hilr." NatLnal Cs., Nn Yirk Well ImDroved 40 acres near Sll verton, Ore., to trade for partly irrigated sheep rancn ana pay casn difference. , Write Homeseekers Agency, Silverton, Ore. Would like to know whereabouts of Trade Llchtenthal, Lizzie Lich tenthal, and Mrs. George Blahm an they are heirs to insurance or kod at Wnll fnrmerlv Andv Lichten thai, of 2625 East Slauson Ave., Huntington Park, cai. uirect re plies to Robert Wall at this address. o-p For Sale 16-ln. dry wood, near highway, $3.50 cord. Harry Frencr Hardman. 43tf. Maternity and convalescent cases carsd for in my home. Mrs. J. B. The First National Bank of Portland, Oregon Condensed Statement of Head Office and 28 Branches As of March 4, 1936 " RESOURCES Cash on Hand and Due from Banks $18,102,720.61 " United States Bonds 14,871,139.82 32,973,860.43 Municipal and Other Bonds - 22,742,652.43 Loans and Discounts 17,905,493.57 Stock in Federal Reserve Bank 142,950.00 Bank Premises, Furniture and Fixtures - - - - 2,062,098.02 Other Real Estate Ctwned 186,506.51 Customers' Liability Acceptances ------ 33,406.90 Interest Earned - -- -- - - 426,456.33 Subscription to Federal Deposit Insurance ... - 45,379.11 pther Resources 79,487.00 TOTAL- - -' - - - $76,598,290.95 LIABILITIES Capital $2,500,000.00 Surplus - 2,265,000.00 Undivided Profits 611,461.91 $ 5,376,461.91 Reserves for Contingencies, Expenses, Interest, etc. 400,487.91 'Acceptances 83,406.90 Interest Collected in Advance 76,448.41 . Other Liabilities 47,508.6V Peposits 70,663,977.111, TOTAL $76,598,290.! MAIN BRANCH. . UPTOWN BRANCH FIFTH, SIXTH AND STARK . SIXTH AND MORRISON Other Portland Branches ROSE CITY BRANCH . SOUTHEAST PORTLAND BRANCH UNION AND RUSSELL BRANCH MONTAVILLA BRANCH EAST PORTLAND BRANCH LIVESTOCK KENTON BRANCH x Branches Outside of Portland ALBANY GRESHAM MEDFORD 8TAYTON ASTORIA HEPPNER NORTH BEND THE DALLES BEND HILLSBORO NYSSA , TILLAMOOK CONDON LA GRANDE PENDLETON UNION ENTERPRISE LAKEVIEW SALEM WOODBUBX MEMBER FEDERAL DBPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION a program we would like to give in the future. We know this program would be interesting but embarrass jng for the entertainers. Nonie then- Introduced the fol lowing numbers: Piano duet by Irene Beamer and Betty Adkins; two songs, "An Old Refrain" and "Shut Yo' Eyes," were sung by the girls' sxtette; two aongs by the girls' trio and a tap dance by Dora Bailey. After the program the students sang the school songs. H.H.S. Baseball Baseball practice was officially started Monday at the Rodeo field. The coach was greeted by a large group of baseball artists. The group was headed by six men of last year's team. These men are Howard Bry ant, catcher; Leonard Gilman, pit cher; Don Turner, second base; Bill McRoberts, third base; Riley Mun kers, shortstop, and Charles Cox, left field. There are three vacan cies. The men lost were LaVerne Van Marter, first base; Louis Gil liam, enter field, and Don Drake, right field. The former was lost because of an attack of spinal men ingitis during the first semester; the latter were lost through grad uation. Heppner high school has reason to believe that they will have a bet ter team than last year's team, which was undefeated in six starts. With proper support the team will soar to greater heights this year. It is hoped that many townspeople will attend the games to watch a good team play good baseball. H.H.S. Grade News The first grade is making a study of the circus and the pupils have made some very clever drawings. The second grade is studying the birds and their return. The grades have been bringing flowers to school to decorate their rooms. H.H.S. Boys' Sports In a special assembly last Friday morning awards were presented to the twelve boys who have the high est scores in the intramural basket ball for the past few weeks and the tests given at the end of that per iod. The boys receiving the small bronze basketball pins were Gerald Cason, William Lee McCaleb, Jr., Floyd Williams, Norton King, Lloyd Burkenbine, Donald Fell, Scott Mc Murdo, Paul McCarty, Wilfred Stone, Donald Fredrickson, Bernard McMurdo and Joe Stephens. H.H.S. ' Humor Miss Rockhold (in art class): Has anyone a compass? Buddy B.: Heck, she doesn't need a compass. I can tell her which is north or south. Steve W.: Is your dog intelli? gent? Andy S.: Very. When I say to him, "Come here or don't come here, just as you please," he comes or he doesn't come, as he pleases. Arlene M.: How did you like the party Don T.: Awful; you said I could eat as much as I liked, and I could n't Louise A. (playing the piano): One, two, three, four. Kay F.: I wish you would count to six. I can't keep up with you. Betty D.: Remember that "he who laughs last, laughs best." Mr. Pevey: Maybe, but he soon gets a reputation of being dumb. Have you ever wondered: Who brought Lola Osborn a dozen daf fodils from Pendleton? Kay Parkere's Ideal Boy Friend has: Blue eyes, football ability, Chevrolet car, ability to play a gui tar, long curly eyelashes and light hair. Jimmy Farley's Ideal Girl Friend Has: Blue eyes, musical ability, blonde hair, Chevrolet coupe, part in the operetta. H.H.S. Benzine Ring Club The Benzine Ring club held a r It Mil a ' 3 s, is! 3 m8 2 3 'S E 2. S 5. a o 3 2 3 3 I o 3 o p (D K fig. r CO m m 7S CD -I CO o meeting last Thursday evening in the laboratory. William McRob ertg gave a report on sy nthetic rub ber, and Mr. Blankenship gave an interesting talk about Alaska. Lola Osborn was initiated into the club and will be expected to give a re port at the next meeting, March 19. Each member of the club is to chose a partner and work together on a projfft for open hoiiPv The Man Who Knows Whether the Remedy You are taking for Headaches, Neuralgia or Rheumatism Pains It SAFE is Your Doctor. Ask Him st out. Don't Entrust Your Own or Your Family's Well-Being to Unknown Preparations BEFORE yon take any prepari tion you don't know all abou for the relief of headaches: or the pains I rheumatism, neuritis or neuralgia, ask your doctor what he thinks about It in comparison with Genuine Bayer Aspirin. We say this because, before Che discovery of Bayer Aspirin, most so-called "pain" remedies were ad vised againtt by physicians as being bad for the stomach; oc often, for the heart And the discovery of Bayer Aspirin largely changed medical practice. Countless thousands of people who have taken Bayer Aspirin year in and ont without ill effect, have proved that the medical findings about its safety were correct. Remember this: Genuine Bayer Aspirin is rated among the fastest methods yet discovered for the relief of headaches and all common pains . . . and tafe for the average person to take regularly. You can get real Bayer Aspirin at ana drug store simply by never asking for it by the name "aspirin" alone, but always saying BAYER ASPIRIN when you buy. Bayer Aspirin Learn how to Launder... with the catet o$ ease! MODERNIZE YOUR LAUNDRY WITH OUR FREE PLANS! O Laundering isn't drudgery when your home laundry is all electric. With an electric washer, electric ironer and automatic electric water heater to help you, all the hard work is banished. Your job becomes the direction of your appliances. And what an efficient job these willing work ers do. Your finished work is so attractive. Your clothes wear longer. And you're through in almost half your usual time. You may have to acquire your electric washer, ironer and water heater one appliance at a time. But meantime plan your all-electric laundry to meet your require ments and work toward the com pletion of your plan as you buy equipment. To serve as a basis for your plan, Jeannette Cramer, famed home service advisor, has designed 6 typical home laun dries. Copies of these are avail able free of charge at your near est P. P. & L. Co. office. Get your copy today. frr -J : rssn I I. rl""" w i s Screen or glassed-in porch laundry. 1 Chair. 2 Ironer. 3 Washer. 4 Trays. 5 Wall cabinet. 6 Coun ter. 7 Ironing board. 8 Electric water heat er. 9 Rack. 10 Lines. 11 Drain. These 3 appliances belong in every home laundry ELECTRIC WASHER Modern electric washers art kind to even the most deli cate fabrics. Yet so efficient is their washing action that every trace of dirt li swished away in 5 to 7 minutes. And they ire built to give years of trouble, free service. IBf M ELECTRIC ITONER The electric Iron er was designed to take the backache out of Ironing. 1 And it certainly does that! The Ironer exerts all the pressure not j you. It frees you from lifting and pushing. And your ironing Is finished In half the time formerly required. y w AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC WATER HEATER When you have an auto matic electric water heater, you not only have abundanthot water for laundering, but also have it for any use whenever you turn a faucet day, night, win ter, summer. It's like having an ever-flowing hot spring inyour home. For electric washers, honors and water heaters SEE ANY DEALER IN ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT or PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Alwayt at Your Sorviea 1W !. -N m rJ l-lTlV CTatl , Cason. 5tf.