HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1936. THE HEPPNER GAZETTE. Established March 30. 1SS3; THE HEPPNER TIMES. Established November 18, 1897; CONSOLIDATED FEBRUARY 15, 1912 Published every Thursday morning by CBAWPOD PUBIilSHIMQ COMPANY and entered at the Post Office at Hepp ner, Oregon, as second-class matter. JASPER V. CRAWFORD. Editor SPENCER CRAWFORD. Manager ADVERTISING SATES GIVE 31 OH APPLICATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Tear Three Years Six Months Three Months Single Copies $2.00 6.00 LOO .75 .06 Official Paper for Morrow Count; Be Ever Vigilant. SMUG complacency should not be felt by Oregon motorists for their good record of accidents and fatal ities in 1935. While the 1935 record showed improvement over that of 1934, a relaxation of vigilance will reverse the order, warns E. B. Mc Daniel, president Oregon Motor as. sociation. January this year show ed an increase in auto fatalities over the preceding January. . Records for 1935 showed women to be much more safety-minded than men. Only 1- percent of fa talities occurred where women drivers were involved; 17 percent in all accidents. Constant application of the rules of common sense while driving will increase the score against death on Oregon highways. Vigilance by the man at the wheel must not be re laxed. Shall Morrow County Lack Representation? OTRKSS of other business will M probably keep him from being a candidate for reelection to the state senate, announces J. G. Barratt Thus Morrow county at present is without any potential candidate foi representation in the legislature. Three opportunities are offered this county for legislative posts. Besides the Morrow-Umatilla-Un ion senatorship now held by Bar ratt there are two joint represen- tative positions from the Morrow-Gilliam-Sherman-Wheeler district, now held by E. R. Fatland of Gil liam and Giles French of isherman. It is thought both Fatland and French will seek reelection. Morrow county is entitled to some representation in the legisla ture. Interests of this county can best be served by having a home man on the job. That is said with out reflection on capabilities of the men from the other counties, who have served well in the past BOARDMAN By MILDRED ALLEN Mavis Sturm who has been in the Pendleton hospital with pneumonia the past week returned home Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bickford of La Grande spent the week end at the Aaron Hug home. Mr. Hall has moved to Umatilla. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Huff were in Boardman this week on business. Mrs. Huff will be remembered as Louise Klages. A party was given at the home of Mrs. J. F. Gorham Thursday after noon in honor of Mrs. Gilbert Pet tys. Several games were played and later a delicious lunch was served. About forty-five ladies were present Nathan Thorpe is now driving the west end school bus. Perlina Brown, grandaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenney, was taken to the hospital at The Dalles suffer in ? frnm rmeumonia. The school has been closed this week because of scarlet fever, the last report being three cases, Floy Byram, Lillian Sundsten ana iienry Walker. World Prayer Day was held at the community church riaay ai ternoon with Mrs. Messenger in charge. ' Miss Deloris Stall who has been visiting her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ransier, returned to her home in Pendleton Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Faler returned home Sunday after being in Port land several weeks where Mrs. Fa ler underwent an operation. P. T. A. was held in the school house Tuesday night Robert Harwood is now janitor for the school house. Rrice Dilla bough has been janitor for a num ber of years. rniffnrrt Thorne was taken to a bone specialist in Portland this week by his father. ie is now ame to be at home. Joe Byram Is now employed at the Pendleton music store in -en- dleton. Mr. and Mrs. Zeral Gillespie. J. F Barlow and Mrs. Ed Barlow were in Pendleton Saturday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Thorpe and Paul Smith were in f enaieton sat nrHnv nn business. Those who were initiated into the first degree of the Odd Fellows lodge Saturday night at Pendleton were Guy Barlow, Dan Ransier, George Wicklander, Jr., Gus Vecino nH Vornnn Root. Other members that attended were Zearl Gillespie and George WlcKianaer, or. A card party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. lom en riripkn Mrs. Gorham and Mr. Coats won high and Mr. Bkoubo nnd Mrs. Hendricks low. Those at tending were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gorham, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Brice Dillabough, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bates, Mr. and Mrs. Claud Coats, Mr. and Mrs. In gard Skoubo, Mrs. Shannon and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hendricks. Mr. and Mrs. Black and son Mar vin are spending several days in Portland. Mr. Black will also at tend a Smith-Hughes meeting in The Dalles. Dr. Rice of Heppner examined a number of school children Sunday. Boardman basketball boys won the trophy at the sub-district tour nament at Arlington Friday and Saturday. The scores of the games our boys played were: Umatilla 31- 24, Arlington 25-24, and Condon 37-19. Out of the eleven best play ers picked at the tournament Boardman had three. They are Swan Lubbes, Alan Chaffee and Teddy Wilson. The trophy was given by the business men of Ar lington. The district tournament will be held at Heppner Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Brice Dillabough and family are moving to Port Or- ford where Mr. Dillabough has em ployment Mrs. Gilbert Pettys returned to her home in Reith Saturday. Mrs. Pettys has been visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Nate Macomber, the past week. HARDMAN By LUCILLE FARRENS Mr. and Mrs. Carl Leathers were called to Kimberley Wednesday on account of the serious illness of Mr. Leathers' father. They report the road in almost imDassable con dition. They made two attempts Deiore tney finally reached there. Mrs. Walter Farrens and Mrs. Blaine Chapel were dinner guests at the home of Herman Neilson. Mr. Neilson is a bachelor, but the ladles state you would never know it from the manv delicious dishes he served them. Mary Ellen InskeeD returned Sunday from Echo where she has been workine- the Dast month. .Taj. Ayers motored over with her and spent a short while visiting friend here. A board meetiner was held at the union high school Saturday. It was decided to start working to estab lish a two-teacher standard hie-h school. All board members were present also many other interested people. 1 A surprise Dartv was held at the home of Dolly Farrens Friday eve ning. Home made candv served as refreshments. Those present were Delsie and Pat Bleakman, Forrest and Charlotte Adams, Dolly and Koland Farrens. Lois Stevens T")b'- sie Chapel and Charles Johnson. Mrs. Ada Cannon and Mrs. Mr. Intvre were visitors here Saturdav Mrs. Kenneth Bleakman nnd Miaa Neva Bleakman from Heppner were visiting here Saturday. Tom raters is v sitine here fo a few davs. Miss Ferrv Stanton is vIsriHni ner aunt Mia. Ethel McDaniel. lovd Adams spent the week en 1 with his familv in Hennner. ion-eat Adams was consulting a pnysician in Heppner one day last week. Several youn people attended the dance at Rhea creek Saturday mgnt. Mr. and Mrs. Irl Clarv. the hlcrh school students and several nthpr young people attended the show in -leppner Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Victor .Tnhnsnn nnH children visited Saturday with Miss Zetta Bleakman. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott and son visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Buck Adams Saturdnv. Mr. and Mrs. Carey Hastings mo tored to Heppner Monday. Spring weather Is prevailing In this community. Needless to say it is a welcome change from the long spell or winter weather. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Collins mn tored to Heppner Monday. They report the roads are still in a bad condition in their locality. Lewis Batty who is employed at the Clyde Wright ranch on Rhea creek spent Saturday night at his nome nere. Mrs. E. J. Merrill is staying in Heppner with her mother, Mrs. wnetstone, wno is seriously ill. PINE CITY By LENNA NEILL Emery Cox and Lowell Young were business visitors in Pendleton Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Jarmon, who spent the winter in California with their son Robert, returned home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Abbott spent the week end in Pendleton. E. B. Wattenburger was a busi ness visitor in Heppner Saturday. Fred Lee visited at the E. P. Jar mon home Sunday. Mrs. T. J. O'Brien was transact ing business in Pendleton Monday. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Estle and son F. J. spent the week end with Mr. Estle's brother, A. Estle, in Her miston. Joe Kenny spent Sunday at the John Healy home. Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Cox and sons Bob and Dick of Hermiston were dinner guests at the Emery Cox home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rauch and Mrs. Weinke were in Pendleton Sat urday on business. Mr. and Mrs. John Healy and Misses Cecelia Brennan and Norma Gibbons were business visitors In Heppner Saturday. A large crowd from Pine City at tended the show in Hermiston Sun day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Armstrong of Dayton, Wash., are now working at the Roy Neill home. Fred Rauch and son August were in Lexington Monday. Roy Neill was a business visitor in Hermiston Monday. Nursery Stock Saves O. 8. C. Cash Corvallis. Production through the past nine years of a large amount of ornamental nursery stock In landscaping the Oregon State college campus made possi ble the federal-state cooperation by which a $77,000 campus improve ment program is now being carried out at slight cash cost to the state. By using thousands of valuable or- namentals produced in the college nursery as part of its contribution. the college was able to get some $44,000 in WPA assistance. Benton county unemployed are now at work on the project NOTICE OF SALE OF ANIMAL. Notice is hereby given by virtue of the laws of the State of 'Oregon that I have taken up the hereinaf ter described animal at my place 18 miles SW of lone, Oregon, and that I will, at said place on Satur day, March 21, 1936, at 10 o'clock a. m., sell said animal to the high est bidder for cash in hand, subject to the right of redemption by the owner thereof. Said animal is des cribed as follows: 1 bay mare, 3 yrs. old, no visible brand, wt 1000 lbs. NELS JOHNSON, 52-2 lone, Ore. Political oAnnouncements FOR COUNTY JUDGE. I hereby announce that I am a candidate for County Judge of Morrow county, subject to the will of the Republican voters at the pri mary election, May 15, 1936. BERT JOHNSON, (Paid adv.) lone, Ore. FOR COUNTY CLERK. I hereby announce that I am a candidate for the office of Countv Clerk of Morrow County, subject to the will of the Republican voters at the Primary Election, May lo, 1936. GORDON BUCKNUM. (Paid adv.) FOR SHERIFF. I wish to announce that I am a candidate for Sheriff of Morrow county, subject to the will of the Republican voters at the Primary Election. C. J. D. BAUMAN, (Paid adv.) Incumbert FOR COUNTY CLERK. I hereby anounce that I will be a candidate for the office of County Clerk, subject to the will of the Republican voters at the Primary Nominating Election to be held May 15, 1936. If nominated and elected, I will, as I have in the past, conduct the office in an honest and efficient manner. CHAS. W. BARLOW, (Paid adv.) Present Incumbent. FOR COUNTY CLERK. I wish to anounce that I am a candidate for the office of County Clerk of Morrow County, subject to the will of the Republican voters at the Primary Nominating elec tion, May 15, 1936. (Paid adv.) P. M. GEMMELL. FOR SCHOOL SUPERINTEN DENT. I hereby announce that I will be a candidate for the office of County School Superintendent, subject to the will of the voters at the Pri mary Nominating Election, May 15, 1936. MRS. LUCY E. RODGERS, (Paid adv.) Incumbent. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CANDIDATE. Notice is hereby given that I will be a candidate at the May primar ies for the republican nomination for County Judge of Morrow Coun ty. GEORGE BLEAKMAN, (Paid Adv.) Heppner, Ore. Notice of Bond Sale. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that sealed bids will be received un til the hour of 7:30 o'clock P. M. on the 21st day of March, 1936, and immediately thereafter publicly opened by the Council of the City of Heppner, Oregon, at the Council Chamber In said City for City of Heppner Water Bonds in the sum of Seven Thousand Dollars ($7,- 000.00); said bonds bearing date of March 1, 1936, to mature serially in numerical order as follows: Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.- 00) on March 1, 1943, and Four Thousand Dollars ($4,000.- 00) on March 1, 1944, bearing interest at the rate of not to exceed five per cent (5) per annum, payable semiannually; both principal and interest payable at the office of the Treasurer of the City of Heppner, Oregon. All bids must be unconditional and be accompanied by a certified check for $200.00. The bonds will not be sold for less than par and accrued interest The approving legal opinion of Messrs. Teal, Winfree, McCulloch, Shuler & Kelley, Portland, Oregon, will be furnished the successful bidder. The Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. E. R. HUSTON, Recorder of the City of Hepp-52-2 ner, Oregon. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR WASCO COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of PAT FOLEY, Deceased. Ho. 1610 NOTICE OF SALE OF SEAL PROP. ERTY AT PRIVATE: SALE. Notice Is hereby given that pursuant to an order of the above entitled Court In the above entitled cause duly made and entered on February 27, 1936, the undersigned, as administratrix of said estate, will proceed to sell at private sale from and after Monday, the 30th day of March, 1936, at the office of Jesse O. Turner, attorney, Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, to the highest bidder upon the terms and conditions herein after mentioned and subject to con firmation by said Court, all of the fol lowing described real property belong ing to said estate: The north 62 feet of Lot Ten (10) In Block Four (4) of the original town of Heppner in Morrow Coun ty, Oregon; The administratrix will sell said real property in one tract and parcel as above described to the highest and best bidder. Said property will be sold for cash in hand and subject to all existing liens and encumbrances. Dated and first published this 27th day of Februay, 1936. MERCEDES E. FOLEY, Administratrix. Galloway 4 Krier, The Dalles, Oregon, Attorneys. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County administrator of the estate of Laura Markham, deceased and that all persons having claims against the said estate must present the same, duly verified according to law iu me ai uie omce ol my attorney, s. E. Notson. in HeDDner. Oreeon. within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, the date of said first publication being February 27, 1936. FRANK MARKHAM, Administrator. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. On the 4th dav of Anril 1936 at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon of said day at the front door of the County Court House in Heppner. Mor row County. State of Oregon. I will sell at public auction to the highest bid der for cash the following described real property located in Morrow Coun ty, state of Oregon, to-wit: The northeast quarter, the south east quarter of the southeast quar ter, the west half of the southeast quarter, the east half of the west half of section thirtv-four, the east half, the northwest quarter, the south half of the southwest quarter of section thirty-five, the north half of the north half of section thirty six, in Township four south of range twenty-four, east of the Wil lamette Meridian, together with the tenements, hereditaments and ap purtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining. Said sale to be made under execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County to me directed in the case or The Federal Land Bank of Spokane, a Corporation. Plaintiff vs. W. P. Wahoney and Har riet K. Mahoney, husband and wife: J. L. Gault, as Receiver of the First Na tional Bank of Heppner, Oregon. Ben O. Anderson. D. H Hanshew, M. D. Clark. Mary Rood Burt and the Hard- man National f arm Loan Association, a Corporation: Defendants. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW. Hynd Brothers Company, a corpora tion, Plaintiff, vs. James A. Cecil and Jane Doe Cecil, husband and wife; the Unknown Heirs of James A. Cecil, deceased: Frank Cecil; the Unknown Heirs of Frank Cecil, deceased : Oliver P. Tay lor and Jane Doe Taylor, husband and wife: the Unknown Heirs of on ver P. Taylor, deceased; Newton Smith and Jane Roe Smith, husband and wife; the Unknown Heirs of Newton Smith, deceased; Virginia Kinney ana Kicnard Koe lunney, wife and husband: the Unknown Heirs of Virginia Kinney, deceased; Also all other persons or parties un- . known claiming any right, title, es tate. Hen or interest in the real estate described in the Complaint herein, Defendants. SUMMONS. TO: James A. Cecil and Jane Doe Ce cil, husband and wife; the Unknown Heirs of James A. Cecil, deceased: Frank Cecil; the Unknown Heirs of -Yank Cecil, deceased; Oliver F. Tavlor and Jane Doe Tavlor. hus band and wife; the Unknown Heirs of Oliver P. Taylor, deceased; New ton Smith and Jane Roe Smith, hus band and wife the Unknown Heirs of Newton Smith, deceased; Virginia Kinnev and Richard Roe Kinnev. wife and husband; the Unknown Heirs of Virginia Kinney, deceased; Also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or Interest in the real estate described in the Complaint herein, DEFEND ANTS : IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court and Cause within four weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons and if you fail to appear and answer, for want thereof, the plain- tin win apply to tne said uourt tor re lief as prayed for in the said com plaint, to-wlt: for a decree that the plaintiff is the owner in fee simple of the following described real property; All of Section Thirty-six. Town ship Three South, Range Twenty eight, East of the Willamette Me ridian; East Half of Section Four teen and Southeast Quarter of Northeast Quarter of Section Twen ty, Township Two North, Range Twenty-three, East of the Willam ette Meridian, and that the plaintiff is the owner in fee simple of the "aid land free of any right, title, estate, lien or Interest of you and each of you. and that you or any one of you have no right, title, es tate, lien or Interest in the said land or any part thereof and perpetually re strain and enjoin you and each of you, your heirs and assigns, from asserting or claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest In the said land or any part thereof, adverse to plaintiff. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof for four consecu tive weeks in the Heppner Gazette Times, by order of Honorable Wm. T. Campbell, Judge of the County Court of Morrow County, State of Oregon, which said order was made and en tered the 26th day of February, 1936, and the first date of this publication is the 27th day of February. 1936. P. W. MAHONEY, -Attorney for Plaintiff. Postofflce Address: Heppner, Oregon. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned. M. E. Duran, administrator of the estate of Edwin S. Duran. de ceased, has filed his final account of his administration of the said estate with the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Morrow, and that said Court has designated as the time and place for the settlement of said final account, March 27th, 1936, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M., In the Court room of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County. All persons having objections to said final account must file the same on or before said date. M. E. DURAN, Admlnltrator. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MOR ROW COUNTY. The California Joint Stock Land Bank of San Francisco, a corporation, Plaintiff, vs. Robert Smith and Eliza J. Smith, his wife; Hugh Smith and Ella Smith, his wife; Harvey Smith, an unmarried man; Blanche Douglas, an unmarried woman; Leonard Douglas and Jano Doe Douglas, his wife; A. W. Doug las and Mae Douglas, his wife; Lee Douglas and Sarah Doe Douglas, his wife; Lola Turner Ross and John Doe Ross, her husband; Ruby Douglas Ward and Richard Roe Ward, her husband; Ruth Douglas Lieuallen and Francis Lieuallen, her husband; The First National Bank of Athena, Ore gon, a corporation; Francis H. Wil son, an unmarried man; Seymour P. Wilson and Mollle E. Wilson, his wife; Robert Smith & Sons, Inc., a corporation, Defendants. SUMMONS. Equity NO. 3144 To the above namid defendants Leon ard Douglas, Jane Doe Douglas, Lee Douglas, Sarah Doe Douglas, Lola Turner Ross, John Doe Ross, whoso true name Is E. M. Ross, Ruby Doug las Ward. Richard Roe Ward, Fran cis H. Wilson, Seymour P. Wilson and Mollle E. Wilson: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORKGON: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complanlt filed against you In the above entitled court and cause within four weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and If you fall to so appear and answer, for want thereof plaintiff will apply to said court for the relief prayed for and demanded in said complaint, to-wlt: A decree that plaintiff have and re cover of and from said defendants Rob ert Smith, Hugh Smith and Harvey Smith the sum of $11,590.15, with inter est thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 15th day of April, 1934, and in addition thereto Interest on installments as follows: interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum on $201.78 from ADril IB. 1934: interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum on $490.00 from October 15, 1934; Interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum on $490.00 from April 15, 1935: and Interest at tne rate oi b per cent per annum on $490.00 from October 15. 1935: the fur ther sum of X5OU0U as an attorney s fees, and the costs and disbursements of this suit That the mortgage dated May 13. 1923. and recorded May 22. 1922. at page 268, book i. Kecoro oi Mortgages lor Mor row County in the State of Oregon, be foreclosed, and the following described land covered by said mortgage be sold in the manner provided by law for the sale of real property on execution, to wit: , The South Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 24; the West Half of the East Half, the West Half, and the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 25; and all of Section 36, all in Town ship 1 South of Range 23 East of the Willamette Meridian, in Mor row County, Oregon. And the proceeds of such sale be ap plied in satisfaction oi tne total amount decreed, and if there be a deficiency, then that plaintiff have execution against the property of said Robert Smith, Hugh Smith and Harvey Smith or oi any one or more oi tnem lor sat isfaction of such deficiency. That piaintin be permitted to bid up on and purchase said land at said sale, and immediately after such sale the sheriff shall place the purchaser of said land in possession thereof, and tnat you and eacn oi you, and an persons claim ing bv. through or under vou subse quent to May 13, 1922, the date of said mortgage, be forever barred and fore closed of all right title, interest claim, lien or demand In, to or upon said land and each and every part thereof, except the statutory right of redemption. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof for four successive weeks in the Heppner Gazette Times by order of Hon. Calvin L. Sweek, judge or tne court aDove named, wnicn said order was made and dated February 21. 1936. and the date of the first Dub- lication of this summons Is February XI, 193b. A. S. COOLEY, Attorney for Plaintiff. Post Office Address: Pendleton. Oregon. NOTICE OF COUNTY LANS. BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER of the County Court, dated the 11th day of re.ruary, 193b, 1- am authorized and directed to sell at public auction, at not less than the minimum price herein set forth and upon the following terms as set out alter eacn tract, to-wit: EE4, Section 2. Twn. 1 North Range 25 E. W. M $115.00 -M. Section 27, Twp. 4 South, Range 24 E. W. M 300.00 Terms 20 percent down and remainder on payment, five years annual payments with interest at 6 percent interest. Lots 17. 18. 19. - 20 in Block 29. Irrigon 12.00 Lots 6, 7, 8, & 9, Block 31, In Ir rigon 25.00 Lot 11 or Block 3, lying South or South line of NW"4SE, Sec tion 27, Twp. 1 South, Range 25, E. W. M., in McAllster'a Second Addition to the Town of Lexington 10.00 me bourn nair or Lot 2 in Block 2 of Jones Addition to Hepp ner 20.00 Lots 4 & 5 In Block 8 of Jones Addition to Heppner. Terms 20 per cent down and remain der in five years eaual annual payme ts at 6 per cent interest 305.00 All future taxes to be paid by pur chaser. THEREFORE, I will, on the 14th day of March, 1936.-at the hour of 2:00 P. M at the front door of the Court House in Heppner, Oregon, sell said property to the highest and best bidder. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff, Morrow County, Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned have been duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Orgon for Morrow County, administrator and administratrix of the estate of Theo. Anderson, deceased, and all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased, are hereby required to pre sent the same with proper vouchers verified as required by law to the un dersigned administrator and adminis tratrix at the law office of Jos. J. Nys, at Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated and first published this 20th day of February, 1936. HARLEY ANDERSON, Administrator. DOROTHEA ANDERSON, Administratrix. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. On the 7th day of March, 1936. at the hour of Ten o'clock A. M at the front door of the Court House in Heppner, Oregon, Morrow County, I will sell at auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described real property located In Morrow County, Oregon, to wit: Lots Two and Nine in Block Two of the original Town (now City) of Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, including an interest in and to the wall between said lots and Lots Three and Eight in said block. Said sale Is made under execution Heppner Transfer Co. Anywhere For Hire Hauling Bonded and Insured Carrier ROBT, A. JONES, Mgr. Wi nes for ALL Occasions A wine to suit every taste. SPECIAL PRICES Oysters : Shell Fish NOW IN SEASON Elkhorn Restaurant ED CHINK, Prop. issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow, to me directed In the case of A. D. McMurdo, Plaintiff, vs. Daisy Shlvely and Frank Shively. wife and husband. Defendants. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S BALE OF SEAL PROPERTY ON EXECUTION. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MOR ROW COUNTY. W. E. Pruyn, Plaintiff, vs. Heppner Farmers Elevator Company, a corporation, K. a. rnompson, J. J. Chisholm, W. A. Kearns. Jeff Jones, and J. G. Barratt, as Trus tees of said Heppner Farmers Ele vator Company, a corporation, F. M. Akers, A. E. Anderson, Ben An derson, J. N. Batty, Kenneth Batty, Walter Becket, A Bergren, John Bergstrom, Adam Blahm. M. D. Clark, Lester Doolittle, Millie Doo little, R. E. Driscoll. Alice Dyk stra, O. T. Ferguson, Frank Fratera, J. L. Gault as receiver of First Na tional Bank of Heppner, a corpora tion, J. L. Gault, as receiver of Farmers and Stockgrowers Nation . al Bank, a corporation, C. P. Fur long, whose true name is C. H. Fur long, Emma Gemmell, Wm. Hueb ner, Guy Huston, John Her, Fed eral Land Bank of Spokane, a cor poration, A. W. Jones, N. L. Jones, Edward Ashbaugh, as administrator of the estate of E. C. Jones, de ceased, whose true name is C. E. Jones, John Kenny, Herman Neil son, Lawrence Redding, Dan Rice, Sanford Farming Company, a cor poration, Wm. D. Perkins A Com pany, a corporation, Floyd Wor den, Elsie E. Alger, and Mattie L. Lacy, Mary Doe Lacy, and Jane Doe Lacy, whose true names are un known, as heirs at law of W. B. Lacy, deceased. Defendants, Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of an execution duly Issued out of the abeve entitled court and cause on the 11th day of February, 1936, pursuant to a judgment and decree entered in said court on the 8th dav of February. 1936. In favor of plaintiff for the sum of $1500.00. with interest from the 26th day of December, 1934, at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, $170.00, attorney's fees and $72.65 the cost and disburse ments, and directing me as Sheriff to sell the following described real prop erty, in Morrow County, Oregon, to- wit: Block 1 in Mt. Vernon Addition to the town of Heppner, Oregon; lot 3 and the North half of lot 4 In Block- 7 of the town of Heppner, Oregon; also, commencing at the SE corner of lot 7 in Block 14 in the town of Heppner, Oregon, thence East 18 feet, thence N. 8 degrees 35 minutes W. 126 feet thence N. 1 degree 25 minutes W. 265.48 feet thence W. 362.6 feet along the N. line of Center Street extended to a point 53 feet E. of the SE corner of lot 4 Block 8 Stansbury's Addition to said town of Heppner, thence S. 23 degrees 30 minutes E. 63 feet thence S. 87 degrees 30 minutes E. 106 feet thence S. 37 degrees 06 minutes E. 107 feet, thence S. 4 de grees 38 minutes E. 255 feet to the S. line of lot 18 in Block 7 of said town of Heppner, thence E. 157.83 feet to the place of beginning, NOW. In obedience to said execution. I will on Saturday, the 14th day of March, 1936, at the hour of 10:15 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the front aoor or tne court House at HeDDner. Oregon, sell said real property at public auction to the highest bidder for cash and apply tne proceeds on said Judg ment and accruing costs of sale. Dated and first published this 13th oay oi - eoruary. 193b. C. J. D. BAUMAN. Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. NOTICE. OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY ON EXECUTION. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT ' OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW. Ed Breslin and Edna Breslln, Plaintiffs, vs. Heppner Farmers Elevator Company, a corporation, R. A. Thompson, J. J. Chisholm, W. A. Kearns, Jeff Jones, and J. G. Barratt, as Trus tees of said Heppner Farmers Ele vator Company, a corporation, W. G. McCarty, R. W. Turner, Ralph I. Thompson, J. O. Turner, F. M. Akers, A. E. Anderson, Ben Ander son, J. N. Batty, Kenneth Batty, Walter Becket, A. Bargren, John Begstrom, Adam Blahm. M. D. Clark, Lester Doolittle, Millie Doo little, R. E. Driscoll, Alice Dyks tra, 0. T. Ferguson, Frank Fraters, J. L. Gault, Receiver of First Na tional Bank of Heppner, a corpora tion, J. L. Gault, Receiver of Far mers and Stockgrowers National Bank, a corporatian, C. P. Furlong, whose true name Is C. H. Furlong, Emma Gemmell, Wm. Huebner, Guy Huston, John Iler, Federal Land Bank of Spokane, a corporation, A. W. Jones, N. L. Jones, Edward Ashbaugh, as administrator of the estate of E. C. Jones, deceased, whose true name is C. E. Jones, John Kenny, Herman Neilson. Law rence Redding, Dan Rice, Sanford Farming Company, a corporation, wm. u. i-erains uompany, a cor poration, Floyd Worden, Elsie E. Alger, and Mattie L. Lacy, Mary Due Lacy, and Jane Doe Lacy, whose true names are unknown, as heirs at law of W. B. Lacy, re ceased, Defendants! Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of an execution duly issued out of the above entitled court in the above en titled cause on the 11th day of Febru ary, 1936, pursuant to a Judgment and decree rendered In said court on Feb ruary 8th, 1936. in favor of plaintiffs for the sum of $8000.00, with interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 1st day of November, 1934, for $500.00, attorney's fees, and cost and disbursements in the sum of $77.75, and directing me to sell the following de scribed real property, In Morrow Coun ty, Oregon, to-wit: Commencing at the SE corner of Block 2 of Shipley's addition to Heppner, Oregon, running thence S. 29 3-100 feet, thence W. 131 feet thence N. 54 degrees SO minutes W. 417 4-10 feet, thence N. 6 4-10 feet to the SE corner of lot 5 In Block 4 in said Shipley's Addition, thence E. 167 7-10 feet, thence S. 64 de grees 30 minutes E. 373 8-10 feet to the place of beginning. Excepting therefrom that part thereof des cribed as a strip of land 60 feet In width off of the SW side and ex tending the entire length thereof, being the property described in that certain deed recorded In Book "Z" Deed records of Morrow Coun ty, Oregon, at page 309. ALSO, (not excepted) commencing at the SE corner of Block 2, Shlpfey's Ad dition to said town of Heppner, running thence in a Northwesterly direction on an angle of 54 degrees 30 minutes W. a distance of 373 8-10 feet, thence In a Northeasterly di rection at right angles from said point last described a distance of 60 feet, thence in a Southeasterly direction on an angle of 54 degrees , 80 minutes E. to the Intersection of the E. bounded line of said Block 2 of Shipley's Addition, thence S. along the E. bounded line of said Block 2, said Shipley's Addi tion to the place of beginning, to gether with all fixtures and appur tenances. NOW, In obedience to said execution, I will on Saturday, the 14th day of March, 1936, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, at the front door of the Court House at Heppner, Oregon, sell said real property at public auction to the highest bidder for cash and apply the proceeds on said Judg ment and accruing costs of sale. Dated and first published this 13th day of February, 1936. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. Peterson & Peterson ATTORNEYS AT LAW U. S. National Bank Building PENDLETON, OREGON Prtl In State and Federal Courts 4 -tare-tat- Professional Cards -ttrttriat?iE-S-i-a-n REAL ESTATE General Line of Insurance and Bonds W. ML ETTBANKS Notary Fnblie Phone 62 lone, Ore. W. L. BLAKELY Representing Oonnecticntt Matnal Life Innwno Co., C-l.doan.Fii. In-ora-M Co. HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR WOOL HIDES FELTS Phpne 782 Heppner, Or. VAWTER PARKER ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW Phone 173 Heppner Hotel Building Or. Richard C. Lawrence , DENTIST Modern equipment Including X-ray for dental diagnosis Extraction by gas anesthetic First Nation-! Bulk BoU-ing Phone 662 Heppner, Ore. DR. L. D. TIBBLES OSTEOPATH!. Fkysltl-n A BorgeoB FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDO. Res. Phone 1162 Office Phone 403 HEPPNER, OREGON Heppner Abstract Co. J. LOOIB RICHARDSON, Mgr. RATES REASONABLE HOTEL HEPPNER BUILDING Perry Granite Company Portland Fine Memorials Eastern Oregon Representative X. O. CASB, Xeppsw AUCTIONEER Farm and Personal Property saies a specialty G. L. XBNNBTT "The Man Who Talks to Beat the Band" LEXINGTON, OREGON J.O.TURNER ATTORNEY AT LAW Phone 171 Hotel Heppner Building HEPPNER, ORB. DR RAYMOND RICE PHYSICIAN A SYBQBON Office First National Bank Building Office Phone 623 House Phone 821 DR. J. H. McCRADY DENTIST X-Bay Diagnosli GILMAN BUILDING Heppner, Or. A. D. McMURDO, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND lU-QBON Trained Norm Assistant Office in llasonio Building Heppner, Oregon P. W. MAHONEY ATTORNRT-AT-LAW OBNNRAL XN8VBAN0B Heppner Hotel Building Willow St Entrance S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Offle la Court Xons Heppner, Oregon J. 0. PETERSON Latest Jewelry and Olft Goods Watohea - Cloaks . Diamonds Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon F. W. TURNER & CO. FERE, AUTO AND LIFE -NSURAN0B Old Line Oomp-nlM, Rati Estate. Heppner, Oregon . JOS. J. NYS ATTORNBY-AT-LAW Roberto Building, Willow Street Heppner, Oregon LAURENCE CASE MORTUARY "Just the Mrrloe wanted when yoa want It most"