0!" .,r,llO:'.l - atte Volume 52, Number 48. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, Feb. 6 1936. Subscription $2.00 a Year GUY BOND ELECTION SET FORJEB. 15TH Voters to Decide on $7000 Issue as Town's Share PWA Water Project. CHANNEL WORK UP Straightening Willow Creek, Crib bing Banks In City, May Have Assistance of CCC Camp. February 15, a week from Satur day, has been set as the date for the special city election to vote on the proposition of issuing $7000 in bonds for improvement of the water sys tem. PWA has passed favorably on the project, and with passage of the bonds, will supply the re maining $5,727 of the total $12,727 cost of the project. All legally qualified city voters, whether or not they are taxpayers, are privileged to vote, City Attor ney Nys has ruled. Votes will be cast at the council chambers be tween the hours of 8 a. m. and 8 p. m. George McDuffee, Hanson Hughes and W. O. Bayless will be election judges, and clerks will be A. W. Jones, Vivian Kane and Lou ise Becket. Pierce & Connor, Portland con tractors, have already been award ed the contract of relaying the re maining 1 miles of wooden pipe in the" lead main with steel pipe, pending passage of the bonds. This work calls for an axpenditure of $10,127. Mayor Jones believes there is possibility of using the remainder of the grant for development work at the wells to augment the supply. The council voted Monday evening to proceed with the work of ditch ing into one of the wells at a dis tance below the surface of the ground to permit a gravity flow. It ia the intention to issue the bonds serially to become due after the present bonded indebtedness has been paid, says the mayor, so that no incrase in taxes will be necessary. "The city's financial con dition is the best It has been at any time since the big bond issue was floated when the present water sys tem was constructed," Mr. Jones said. Bonded indebtedness at this time totals $85,000, and under the amortization schedule will all be paid off by 1945. In addition the tax for city purposes is now at the lowest point it has been for many years. The council set the date of spec ial election at its regular meeting Monday evening. Also considered was the matter of channel improve ment work on Willow creek for which there is possibility of obtain ing help from the local CCC camp. Mayor Jones reported making an inspection of the project Monday in company with soil conservation engineers. Straightening of the channel where needed Is being con sidered, removal of trees about the old swimming pool, and rock crib bing of banks. It is preferred to put in cemented rock, which will be done where holders of adjacent property stand the cost of mater ials for mortar. Rock and labor will be supplied through the soil conservation service and CCC, said Mr. Jones. The mayor considered this work to be of much Importance as a flood control measure, as well as helping to beautify the creek channel thru town. APPRECIATION GIVEN. We wish to thank everybody who so willingly helped to sell tickets and membership cards for the in fantile paralysis fund, all the board members who worked so faithfully, also theones who decorated the hall for the occasion and the ladies who so kindly made cakes which were rallied to help swell the fund, announces Archie D. McMurdo, Jocal chairman Birthday Ball for the President. We also extend thanks to the auctioneer and the local paper for their advertising, which was gratis. "I tried to do this in person during the intermis sion but the crowd was too busy having a good time to listen for a few minutes," Dr. McMurdo said. The ball netted $103 for the local fund. TO OBSERVE ANNIVERSARY. February 10th will be the fiftieth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Brtggs who were mar ried near Heppner on February 10, 1886. Plans are being made for luncheon at 6:30 p. m. In the base ment of the Methodist church, fol lowed by a program, to which all friends are invited. For those unable to attend the festivities at the church, Mr. and Mrs. Briggs will receive friends at thoir home at 106 West Cen Btreet, between the hours of two and five o'clock In the afternoon. No presents expected. No further Invitation will be Issued. THEATER TO BE IMPROVED. A contract was signed this week for the installation of new chair , carpets and drapes at the Star the ater, announces Mrs, Elaine Fur long, manager. The Installation is expected to be made about the mid dle of March, The Improvements will make the local theater thor oughly modern in every respect, and second to none In towns the size of Heppner, SPIRITUAL WORK UPHELD TO LIONS Visiting Evangelists Featured in Club Program; Boy Scout Week Observance Told by Morton. Citing the schools as the first defense for fighting the enemy within our gates a more trench ant foe than enemies without S. E. Notson, district attorney, led an interesting program before the Monday Lions luncheon. His re marks led to the introduction of Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers, county school superintendent, whom he commended highly for her Interest and leadership in school work. Mrs. Rodgers urged the import ance of spiritual education In de veloping a well-rounded education, and in turn introduced Mr3. Helen Duff Baugh and Miss Naomi Van Cleave, lady evangelists holding meetings in the city, whose work she commended. Miss Van Cleave who specializes in spiritual work with children, entertained with a reading, and Mrs. Baugh, display ing a pleasing Irish wit, told an amusing after-dinner story, and concluded with an invitation to service club members to attend the meetings. Through invitation of Mrs. Rod gers, chairman of the Business and Professional Womens club commit tee, Lions voted to join the B. P. W. in an evening meeting in the near future, as is the annual cus tom. Earl W. Gordon, Joseph i:l anger and J. F. Gault were named to represent the Lions in making arrangements. K. L. Morton, chairman of the Boy Scout executive committee, told of the plans for celebrating Scout week next week, and solici ted cooperation ct the club in mak ing it a success. Featuring the week will be the annual Fathers Sons banquet to be held Wednes day evening the 12th, Lincolns' birthday, in the basement of the Christian church. Ladies of the church will prepare and serve the dinner. Every man in town was urged to buy a ticket for himself and a boy, whether or not he has a son of his own. Another feature will be the placing of Scout exhib its in store windows during the week. The following week solici tation for memberships in the Boy Scout Booster club will be made Poison Rabbits Now Advises County Agent The present snowfall gives us the first real opportunity for effect ive winter rabbit poisoning, accord ing to the county agent, Joe Bel anger. When the rabbits have bunched and are traveling mostly in trails is the time when best re sults from poison are obtained. The formula for winter poison ing, according to OSC extension bulletin 390, is one ounce of strych nine sulphate dissolved in two gal lons of hot water and sprinkled over ten pounds of dry alfalfa leaves. One should be careful in using this formula that the alfalfa contains a very small percentage of stems. In using chopped hay, where quite a few stems are pres ent, it would probably be advisable to use less water. In any case the hay should be thoroughly mixed so that the moisture is entirely ab sorbed. The poisoned leaves should be distributed In small handfuls in the run-ways. If the rabbits are feeding on stacks, the bait should not be placed closer than 50 yards or so from the stack. Stock should, of course, be excluded. In using heads of rye or wheat where alfalfa cannot be obtained, dissolve one ounce of strychnina sulphate in six quarts of hot water and sprinkle over ten pounds of grain heads. The heads should be mixed thoroughly until all the moisture Is absorbed. It is import ant that the stem should be cut close to the head so that as little straw as possible will be present. Orders for strychnine may be ob tained at the county agent's office. NEW BOOKS AT LIBRARY. A shipment of new books was placed on the shelves at the library this week. Included are Quo Va dls," Sienklewicz; "It Can't Happen Here," Sinclair Lewis; "Pitcairn's Island," Nordhoff-Hall; "Navarre of the North," Darling; "The Great Hunger," Bojer; "Valiant is the Word for Carrie," Benofield; "West ward Ho," Kingsley; "The Children of Dickens," Crothers; "Black Beauty," Sewell; Autobiography of George Arliss; "The House of the Seven Gables," Hawthorne; "East Wind; West Wind," Buck; "The Scarlet Letter," Hawthorne; "Hands," Charles Norris; "Edna His Wife," Barnes; "Ends of the Earth," Andrews; "To Have and To Hold," Johnston; "Beneath Tropic Seas," Beebe; "Life With Father," Day. CARS COLLIDE. The cars of two automobile deal ers locked horns at the intersection of Gale and Baltimore streets shortly after noon Sunday. Wal ter Blackburn's Ford and the Shaw-McMillan Pontiac from Lex ington were involved, and each was damaged slightly. Both cars, were travelling slowly, Blackburn going east on Baltimore and the other car going south on Gale. They reached the Intersection at the same time, and Blackburn's car skidded into the other sideways when he attempted to turn alongside. Neither blamed the other. LEXINGTON By EDITH EDWARDS The Lexington high school bas ketball team defeated Heppner on the Heppner floor last Tuesday eve ning, January 28, by a score of 21 to 19. The high school honor rolls for this period are as follows: Third six weeks Doris Klinger, Wilma Tucker, Alma Van Winkle, Danny Dinges, Ellwynne Peck, Edith Ed wards, Mae Edmondson, Robert Campbell and Jack Van Winkle. First semester Doris Klinger, Wil ma Tucker, Alma Van Winkle, Ell wynne Peck, Edith Edwards, Dan Dinges and Jack Van Winkle. A P. T. A. meeting was held in the auditorium last Wednesday eve ning. After the business meeting, a program was presented by the pu pils of Mr. Newton's room. Mrs. Cora Warner is visiting her daughter, .Neva, in Corvallis. Don't forget the carnival to be given in the gymnasium Saturday evening, February 8. The regular meeting of Holly Re bekah lodge was held last Tuesday evening with Margaret Leach, no ble grand, in the ohair. A goodly number of members attended. Af ter the business meeting a social time was enjoyed. Gifts were pre sented to Past Noble Grand Edith Miller and to Cora Warner, who had been treasurer of the lodge for a number of years. Refreshments were served by Margaret Leach, Eva Lane and Merle Carmichael. Clayton Davis was absent from school last week on account of ill ness. The grade school and the fresh man boys played a basketball game last Friday afternoon. The final score was 11 to 9 in favor of the freshman boys. Mrs. Elsie Cowins of Heppner visited at the home of her mother, Mrs. George Allyn. Her daughter, Rae, spent the week end with her grandmother. The Lexington high school bas ketball team defeated Umatilla on the local floor last Friday evening by a score of 19 to 16. Miss Betty Skyles and Miss Shir lee Smith spent the week end in Portland. Willard C. Newton, Lyle Allyn and Elroy Martin were visitors in Pendleton Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Steagall are the parents of a 9 lb. son, Wilbur Francis, born February 1, at the home of Mrs. Corda Saling in Hepp ner. Walter Eubanks of lone was a business visitor in town Saturday. Mrs. Vernon Munkers of Hepp ner visited at the Elmer Palmer home last Friday. W. B. Tucker returned home Fri day from Portland where he spent the past week. He reports his daughter, Beulah Nichols, as get ting along very nicely. Hugh Shaw recently purchased a tractor from the Jackson Imple ment Co. Bob Marty of Pendleton was a business visitor in town last Sat urday. Mrs. Harry Dinges Is all at her home with an attack of flu. Pete Celoria of Echo was a bus iness visitor here last week. The recent contest conducted by W. F. Barnett & Co. ended last Sat urday. Glover Peck won first prize of a Coleman lamp, and Bertha Hunt received a Univex camera for second prize. A meeting of the Morrow Oil Co operative association was held in Lexington last Monday. There will be a special grange meeting next Saturday, February 8, with initiation of new members being the main evmt of the eve ning. All members are urged to at tend. The repairing of the Christian church building ia progressing and will soon be ready to enjoy. Rev. and Mrs. James Pointer are visiting Mrs. Pointer's mother, Mrs. Nettie Davis. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Allie Peck passed away at the fam ily home Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. William Van Winkle has re turned to her home from Heppner where she has been convalescing from her recent illness. J. H. FRAD INJURED. An item in the city news column of Tuesday's Oregonlan announced an accident to J. H. Frad, formerly of this county and now residing in Portland. Mr. Frad, whose address was given at 6313 Southeast Nine.'- second avenue, was hit by a hit-and-run driver at Southeast Duke street and Seventy-second avenue. He received a skinned noat and In jury to his hands. A deputy sheriff gave him first aid and took him home. BABY SON DIES. Robert Lloyd Peck, aged 2 months and 10 days, son of Mr. and Mrs. Aley Lloyd Peck, died at the hon e of his parents Tuesday after a i illness of a week. Funeral servlceu are being held from the Christian church In lone at 2 o'clock this afternoon, Rev. Joseph Pope of Heppner officiating. Interment follows in lone cemetery, IS WASCO HEALTH NURSE. Miss Mary Van Vactor, former Heppner girl, has been appointed county health nurse of Wasco coun ty, according to announcement in the daily press this week. She has held a similar position for several years in Klickitat county, Wash NEW ATTORNEY COMING. Announcement has been made that Frank C. Alfred of Sllverton will open a law office In Heppner In the near future, having visited this city Sunday. He is a Willam ette graduate and married. COUNTY, LIKE STATE, DEFEATS mas Third of Electorate Vis- its Polls Here at Spec ial Election. CITY VOTE LIGHTEST Cecil Registers Heaviest Ballot; Sales Tax Hit Hardest, Student Fees Treated Most Kindly. Morrow county followed suit with the rest of the state in snowing under all four of the measures ap pearing on the special election bal lot, Friday. A third of the 2200 reg istered vote was cast here with a total of 847 voters visiting the polls, indicating a fair Interest in spite of adverse cold weather. The coun ty vote on the various measures was: Primary Date Change, 147 yes, 692 no. Legislators' Pay, 151 yes, 672 no. Sales Tax, 132 yes, 712 no. Student Fees, 173 yes, 661 no. State results closely followed those in this county, with the sales tax slapped the hardest and the student fee bill treated most kind ly. All the measures were defeat ed in every county Not a single vote favoring the sales tax was cast in five Morrow county precincts, namely Alpine, Cecil, Eight Mile, Gooseberry and Pine City. No one in Gooseberry favored the primary date change, and no one in Pine City . liked the idea of permitting legislators to fix their own pay. Every measure was defeated in every precinct of the county. The closest race on any measure was recorded in Goose berry where five votes favored the student fee bill and nine opposed it. The heaviest vote in proportion to registration was cast in Cecil precinct where 36 of the 70 regis tered voters visited the polls. Twen ty of the 40 voters at Pine City cast their ballots, an even 50 per cent. Near 50 percent votes were cast in lone and Eightmile pre cincts, with 153 of 340 voters in lone going to the polls, and 40 of 75 casting votes at Eight Mile. Pre cincts casting the heaviest votes are all strong grange precincts, re flecting considerable interest stim ulated by that organization. The lightest proportionate vote was cast in the two Heppner pre cincts where only 286 ballots were cast from a possible 820. Mrs. Turner's Pupils Presented in Recital Piano pupils of Mrs. Virginia Turner wee presented in recital at her home on Church street, Sat urday evening. Mrs. D. A. Wilson, Mrs. Fred Parrish and Mrs. R. B. Ferguson assisted with the serv ing. The following numbers were given: Duet, "Our Invincible Nation," Rolfe, Buddy Blakely and Mrs. Turner; "The Marionette," Bilbro, "April Showers," Staris, "Thistle down," Bilbro, Viola Macomber; "Fable," Schmoll, "Bohemian Dance," Von Weber, Louise Green; duet, "A May Day," Rathbun, Jean Turner and Mrs. Turner; "A Forest Brook," Ganschals, Shirley Wilson; "Jolo," a Tango by Ruben, Buddy Blakely; duet, "Garden of Roses," Ritter, Marylou Ferguson and Mrs. Turner; "Dancing Stars," Drum heller, Margaret Doolittle; "Sway ing Daffodils," Overlade, Jean Tur ner; "Dance of the Castenets," Brown, "Romance in A Flat," Rein hardt, Juanita Phelps; "Gavotte," Mowrey, Dora Bailey; "A Fairy Barque," Aaron, "At a Run," Mar tin, Marylou Ferguson; duet, "The Mill in the Black Forest," Eilen berg, Irene Beamer and Betty Ma rie Adkins; "Valses Op. 39 No. 15 and No. 2," Brahms, Genevieve Kleinfeldt; "Mystic Shadows," Rolfe, Betty Marie Adkins; "Mili tary Polonaise," Chopin, Irene Bea mer; "Valse Caprice No. 4," De Le one, Kathryn Parker; "Polonaise," De Leone, Wallace Lundell; duet, With Careless Ease," Morrison, Juanita Phelps and Mrs. Turner. OREGON MEN AT MEETING. Corvallis. President G. W. Pea vy and Wm. A. Schoenfeld, dean of agriculture, represented Oregon at the North American Wild Life con ference In Washington, ' D. C, by appointment of Governor Charles H. Martin. Oregon State college is one of eight federal-state training and research centers recently es tablished in this country to provide degree courses and conduct investi gations in this field. Dean Schoen feld was scheduled to address the conference February 7 on the sub ject, "Wild Life as an Agricultural Resource." JANUARY MOISTURE GOOD. . January, 1936, was the wettest January since 1929, and one of the wettest Januaries of record in the last 26 years, with total precipita tion of 1.85 Inch, reports Len L. Gilliam, local government weather observer. January, 1929, showed 1.94. Other wetter Januaries were 1912 with 2.29; 1916, 1.97; 1918, 2.81; 1919, 2.28. Judge W. T. Campbell and son, Roy Campbell, motored to Port land today on business. I0NE By MARGARET BLAKE A "hard times" party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Rietmann last Saturday night. Hosts with Mr. and Mrs. Rietmann were Mr. and Mrs. Werner Riet- mann and a"d Mrs. victor xweuueuui. gueaia gallic ui esacu in appropriate costumes and the evening was spent in dancing to music played by the Botts brothers. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ted Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Denny, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. McCurdy, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Feldman, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mason, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. O'Meara, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Cotter, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rob erts, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Corley, Mr. and Mrs. George Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bergevin, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McElligott, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Bristow, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grabill, Mr. and Mrs. Ture Peter son, Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Drake, Mrs. Agnes Wilcox, Mrs. Nettie Lundy and Walter Bristow, and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. John Turner, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Ward, Mrs. Flora Dimmick, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Blake of Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. McCabe re turned the latter part of last week from a visit in northwestern Wash ington. Mrs. Walter Eubanks who has been at the bedside of her mother, Mrs. Mary Weddle, in The Dalles spent the week end at home. Mrs. Weddle does not show any marked improvement as yet. Clarence Kruse returned to Os wego Monday. He was accompan ied by Mrs. Wrex Hickok who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Moore. Mrs. Kruse and baby daughter will remain for a visit at the home of Mrs. Lana Padberg. J. W. Schleighvoight was sur prised at his home last Wednes day evening with a party, the oc casion being arranged in honor of his 71st birthday. Dancing and cards were enjoyed. Guests were Mrs. Mable Davidson and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Heliker and Donald, Mr. and Mrs. James Lind say and family, Otto Kurth, Wal ter Rietmann, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Odom and Juanita and Miss Tillie Johnson. Music for the dancing was played by the Davidson boys. Refreshments were served. Mrs. Agnes Wilcox has returned home from Gresham where she spent the winter at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Blake and children were guests at the W. J. Blake home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Raybum of Pen dleton are staying at the Park ho tel while Mr. Rayburn is working with the bridge gang which is do ing repair work on the railroad near here. Miss Dorothy Arant entertained members of the basketball girls' squad at the home of Mrs. Minnie Forbes last Thursday evening. The girls made ice cream which they later enjoyed with toasted sand wiches. B. A. Reynolds and T. H. Nelson of Yakima, Wash., who have been delivering hay near here were reg istered at the Park hotel last Fri day night H. D. McCurdy made a business trip to Condon last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mathews left last Thursday for Selah, Wash., where they will make their home. Walter Eubanks is driving a new car. Edison Morgan has purchased a new truck for use for his delivery service. W. Ray Blake of Grass Valley stopped for a short visit at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Blake. He was enroute to his home from a business trip to Spokane, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Feldman re turned last Friday from a two months' visit in California. The card pary and dance at Cecil last Saturday night was well at tended and a good time is reported. The I. O. O. F. lodge at Morgan had a card party and dance in their hall last Friday night. Both boys' and girls basketball teams played at Arlington last Fri- (Contnued on Page Four) Lady Evangelists Hold Meetings, M.E. Church Services are being conducted nightly in the auditorium of the Methodist church under the lead ership of the evangelists, Mrs. Hel en Duff Baugh and Miss Naomi Van Cleave, and will continue throughout next week. Saturday evening of this week features the beautiful "Pearly Gate Pageant" which will be shown at the close of the message. A num ber of young people of Heppner will take part A prize will be given on Friday evening for the largest family pre sent, and also the children will give special numbers in the form of choruses, verse and readings. Mrs. Baugh Is speaking each eve ning in an unusually interesting manner, and Is receiving a fine re sponse from the audiences. Sun day morning she will speak on the subject "Why I am a Christian," and on Sunday evening, "The Three Crosses." The people of Heppner cannot afford to miss these splendid messages. Mrs. Baugh was born In Ireland and tells many interesting things of her native land, as well as entertains with her natural wit and humor. Children's meetings are being conducted each afternoon at 3:45 o'clock. The boys and girls are urged to attend. TWO GIRLS HURT IN SLED ACCIDENT Jessie French, Dol Morgan, Making Good Recovery; Flying To boggan Hits Parked Car. Painful injuries were received by Miss Jessie French and Miss Dol Morgan when the flying toboggan on which they were riding Sunday evening jumped twenty feet out of the track and collided with the parked automobile of Lowell Tur ner. Spectators, including a large number of young people enjoying winter sports on the golf course hillside, estimated the speed of the toboggan at between 60 and 70 miles an hour. The impact, resulting in many cuts and bruises to Miss French and a double fracture of Miss Mor gan's arm, made large dents in the car radiator and fenders. Marvin Morgan, riding in front, and Al Massey, riding in the rear on the toboggan, escaped injury. The young ladies were taken im mediately to a doctor's office where they were given first aid, and both are reported on the mend with no serious complications. Miss French was unconscious until after her wounds were treated. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. French, and Miss Morgan the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Morgan. Grange Program Talked by Council at Conclave Sunday morning, Feb. 2, grangers from all parts of the county gath ered at the Rhea Creek grange hall where Rhea Creek grange was in regular session. Immediately fol lowing the business of the host grange, Pomona Master Minnie McFarland presided over the Mor row County Grange council until new officers were elected: Orville Cutsforth, Lexington grange, pres ident; Vida Heliker, Willows grange, vice president; Mary Lun dell, Willows grange, secretary. A delicious dinner was served by the Rhea Creek ladies at noon, following which the council met in groups for planning work to be of assistance to subordinate granges of the county. The agricultural committee with assistance of County Agent Belan ger will continue with rodent and weed control, make notes on pro gress of nursery wheats and other crops, plan more extensive pools and feed stores, and suggest a county-wide grange picnic for mid summer. The legislative committee recom mends that the granges investigate the attitude of candidates for pub lic office and legislators toward grange policies, also that subord inate granges take up the subject of curbing powers of the U. S. su preme court Vida Heliker, vice president of the council, outlined in brief a plan for lecturers' activities for the year, including balanced programs. state grange achievement program, presentation of articles of interest from grange and farm papers, etc., while Bertha Nelson, Pomona H. E. C. chairman, made timely sugges tions for home economics work in the granges. Bertha Cool, chairman of Willows H. E. C, extended an invitation to other H. E. C. clubs and commit tees to meet with Willows club on May 15, in lone, for an all day meeting. Veterans File for Bonus; $107,000 Coming, County World war veterans to the num ber of 16 had filled out applications for payment on their adjusted ser vice certificates with Paul M. Gem mell, adjutant of the local Legion post, Monday. More applications have been made since, but Mr. Gemmell gives the amount still due on the first sixteen applications at $8,035. Oregon Legionnaire gives the total amount coming to veter ans in Morrow county at $107,000. Total face value of the first 16 certificates was given by Mr. Gem mell as $14,400. The average face amount was $900. Total amount still due was given at $8,035, and the average amount due on each cer tificate, $502. Amounts still due on individual certificates ranged from $75 to $1238.. Veterans who have not yet made application are urged to get in touch with Mr. Gemmell who will assist In filling in the blanks with out charge. BARRATT FLIES EAST. J. G. Barartt, president Oregon Woolgrowers association, left Pen dleton by airplane at 1 o'clock Sun day afternoon, bound for Wash ington, D. C. He was scheduled to arrive in New York about noon, Monday. He flew east to repre sent the wool association at the national wild life conference hav ing been appointed by Governor Martin. Mrs. Barratt and Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Ferguson accompanied him to Pendleton to catch the plane. He was expected home nex; Sunday, with the return to be made by plane, also, BOB NOTSON ADVANCED. Robert "Bob' Notson, who re ceived his early journalistic train ing as "devil" in the Gazette Times office, was advanced to city editor of the morning Oregonlan the first of the month. He has been on the night desk for some time, as well as special writer for the Portland dally. FARMERS DISCUSS PROBLEMS AT LEX 80 Attend First Annual Meeting of Erosion Control District. SEVERAL TOPICS UP Advice Given on Changed Tillage Methods, Wheat Varieties by Leaders from Outside. By JOSEPH BELANGBR, County Agent The first annual meeting of the Lexington Erosion Control district was held on Thursday, January 30, at Lexington grange hall. Wheat farmers from all over the county were invited to attend and over 80 wheat growers were present at the meeting which got under way at 10:30 and lasted until 5:30 in the afternoon. Henry Smouse, lone, chairman of the directing committee of the Lex ington Erosion Control district, started off the meeting with a short discussion of conditions which led to the formation of this district last spring. R. B. Rice, Lexington, dis cussed the trip to Douglas county. Wash., made last spring by him self, Frank Saling, H. V. Smouse, Louis Marquardt and Joe Belan ger. As Mr. Rice pointed out, the section around Waterville is simi lar in annual rainfall to our own county. About six years ago they lost over 50,000 arces of wheat from blow. Since that time they have changed, in their blow area, prac tically one hundred percent from the mold-fboard to the single disk plow. They experienced no diffi culty with the rod weeders in work ing summer fallow after disking, even with the large amount of straw which was left on the surface. Mr. Rice called attention to the prac tice in that section of using deep furrow disk drills as the best tool they can find for working in so much surface trash. Officers of the erosion control district automatically carry over until 1937 and at this point in the proceedings Mr. Smouse turned the meeting into a discussion of gen eral wheat and grass production and soil conservation problems. County Agent Joe Belanger dis cussed for a few minutes the types of erosion going on here in Morrow county, pointing out particular in stances where soil losses are ser ious, and emphasizing the need for controlling such soil losses by farm -operators before such damage has reached the point where further wheat farming will become unecon- -omical. Actual measurement of losses of top soil in different sec tions of , the county have shown that during the comparatively few years that land in this county has been cultivated, a considerable amount of land has lost a foot or more of top soil. While soil losses have not yet reached the point of seriously crippling us, further ero sion must be promptly checked if this section is to remain perma nently in the farming business. D. E. Stephens, superintendent of the experiment station at Moro, presented a chart showing the close correlation between wheat yields and the percentage of moisture in the sub-soil. According to Mr. Ste phens, moisture tests taken over a period of the last 23 years show that there is no very close relation ship between the moisture in the top three feet of soil and yields, but that there is an amazingly close re lationship between wheat yields and the percentage of moisture in the fourth, fifth and sixth foot He said that ordinarily only about one third of the total precipitataion goes into the ground to remain for use by the growing wheat The other two-thirds runs off or falls in small amounts which go down only an inch or so and are dried out by succeeding winds. One of the important problems for wheat grow ers to solve is how to utilize a greater percentage of the moisture which does fall. Mr. Stephens said that In this section an inch of addi tional moisture absorbed by the soil can ordinarily be expected to produce about three bushels more wheat. Translated into figures this would mean that with an average rainfall of twelve inches, the effect ive one-third would mean four inches. If we could raise the amount absorbed to one-half we would have an effective six Inches of moisture. This extra two inches would then mean about six bushels more wheat under the same annual precipitation as before. Mr. Stephens discussed several wheat varieties and emphasized the desirability of expanding the pro duction of Rex wheat. This wheat, he said, grades soft white but has the advantage over Federation of being much more winter hardy, and the advantage over Fortyfold of being much less susceptible to smut and of being practically shatter proof. Yields of this wheat, where tried, have been excellent. In dis cussing Turkey wheats, Mr. Ste phens recommended the expansion of both Oro and Rio. These two varieties yield as heavily as any other Turkey wheat but have the advantage of being smut-resistant. E. R. Jaekman, extension special ist In crops at O. S. C, gave a lan tern slide talk on grass production and grass varieties. Mr. Jaekman (Continued on Pifi Fear)