PAGE FOUR HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JAN. 30, 1936. Iapttal NEWS $108.59 to County Allen Out Special Election By A. L. LINDBECK SALEM. Of the more than $32, 000 in liquor tax revenues distrib uted to Oregon counties and cities this week by Secretary of State Snell, $108.59 went to Morrow coun ty and $40.54 to the city of Hepp ner. The town of Boardman re ceived $3.41, lone, $9.64, and Lex ington, $6.13. Apportionment of the fund was on a population basis. The long predicted retirement of Jack E. Allen of Pendleton as state liquor administrator will material ize Friday afternoon. Allen's resig nation was announced in Portland Saturday. A. K. McMahon, chair man of the liquor control board later declared that Allen's retire ment was purely voluntary. Allen, who became liquor admin istrator last April, is understood to have been ready to step out of the picture in October because of lack of harmony within the liquor con trol organization. He was persuad ed to retain his post at that time and later when he was urged to resign refused to relinquish his po sition until such time as he could do so voluntarily. George M. Aitken of Garden Home, state senator from Washing ton county, is not a candidate for a state job he declared on a visit to Salem this week. Aitken was at one time undersood to be seeking the post of safety engineer with the Industrial Accident commis sion. He indicated that he expect ed to become a candidate for an other term in the senate where, be cause of his alphabetical classifica tion, he has been the "bell wether" during recent sessions, leading off on all roll calls. Senator Peter Zimmerman of Yamhill county whose district was cut out from under him when the legislature took Washington and Yamhill counties out of the twenty-fourth district, is understood to be flirting with the notion of coming out as an independent candidate for Congress. Senator Byron G. Car ney of Milwaukie and Senator Cor tis D. Stringer of Lebanon are among the Democrats mentioned as prospective candidates for the congressional nomination. All three are advocates of the Townsend old age pension plan, as also is James W. Mott, incumbent and a candi date to succeed himself on the Re publican ticket, Otto Haftwig, former member of the Industrial Accident commission, is now employed by the new Unem ployment Compensation commission as a public relations man, contact ing employers of labor and explain ing to them the provisions of the new act, Hartwig, a republican and for many years a leader in the ranks of organized labor in this state, was replaced on the accident commission by J. C. Joy of Port land about a month ago. The first issue of a new monthly publication to be edited by inmates of the state prison will be off the press shortly after the first of Feb ruary. The name of the new pub lication will be "Shadows" and its editor will be Hugh D'Autremont, youngest of the three brothers now serving life terms in the peniten tiary here for the murder of four men in connection with the Siski you train robbery in 1923. The prison has been wtihout a "house organ" since "Lend a Hand" was discontinued with the pardon of Jesse Webb, Portland trunk mur derer, several years ago. The budgetary control authority vested in Governor Martin and his budget director by the legislature of 1935 was put into effect this week. Heads of all state institu tions, departments, boards and commissions were supplied with "forms" on which to make monthly reports of all expenditures together with estimates of anticipated ex penditures for the coming month. These "forms," nine in number, provide for detailed information on all expenditures and anticipated ex penditures including salaries and wages paid to each employee, and purchases as well as anticipated purchases of all supplies even to such items as clothing, feed stuns, household equipment, seeds, soap. tobacco for state wards, brooms, bottles, bandages, toilet paper, light plugs, fertilizer, etc. State officials confronted with the new system for regulating and supervising state expenditures, declared that it would Involve much additional labor and in some instances necessitate the employment of an additional clerk. Except for those actively sup porting or opposing the measures on the state ballot little interest is being manifested in Friday's spec ial election according to reports reaching Salem from over the state, Based upon these reports and the heavy slump in registrations po litical observers predict a light . vote, probably not more than the 238,423 cast in the last special eiec tlon in May, 1934, when five meas. ures were up for consideration. Only one of the four measures on Friday's ballot is given more than an even break for approval. That is the September primary pro posal which, has the almost unani mous vote of the newspapers over the state as well as the leaders of both major political parties. The sales tax, It Is pretty gener ally conceded, Is slated for another overwhelming defeat Only the most optimistic of the sales tax advocates hold out any hope of its success and these are counting strongly on Governor Martin's eleventh hour statement in support of the measure to swing the unde elded. Indifferent voters Into line. The proposed constitutional amendment permitting the legisla. tors to fix their own rate of pay Is 1 not expected to pass. While most voters admit the lawmakers in this state are under paid they do not take kindly to the proposal to leave the adjustment of the per diem to those who will benefit thereby. Vocal sentiment throughout the state seems to be pretty well divid ed on the student fee bill, with op ponents of the measure having the advantage of the "no" votes usually cast by those who are indifferent as to the fate of a measure. Here's something more to worry about A group of tax experts have just discovered what they re gard as another serious flaw in the old age pension bill as amended by the recent special session. This is contained in the provision which makes the act operative if and when federal funds are available for old age assistance in this state. Defeat of the sales tax, these ex perts point out, will leave Oregon without funds to match Uncle Sam's offering hence there will be no funds "available" until this situa tion is corrected and consequently the act can not become operative. In this event the $1,000,000 state appropriation which the special esssion attempted to transfer to general relief will be suspended in transit and not available for any purpose and the entire burden of old age pensions will be thrown back onto the counties under the act of 1933. Another school of thought, however, holds that fed eral funds for old age pensions will become "available" to Oregon just as soon as the appropriation is au thorized regardless of the inability of this state to take advantage of the federal contribution and, there fore, the act will become "effective" if not "operative." Employees of municipal corpor ations do not come under the pro visions of the new unemployment compensation act, according to a ruling by the commission. Munici pal corporations, the commission explains, includes counties, cities, school districts and towns muni cipally owned water, light and pow er plants; irrigation, drainage, port and peoples utility districts. Material improvement in the em ployment situation in Oregon is indicated by the semi-annual report of the Industrial Accident commis sion which shows an increase of 13 percen in work days and 17 perecent in payrolls for the last six months of 1935 as compared with the same period in 1934. George G. Brown who has re signed as clerk of the state land board effective April 1 is the oldest employee of the state in point of continuous service. Brown first en tered the service of the state back in 1895, nearly 41 years ago. IONE (Continued from First PaggJ Mrs. Wallace Mathews. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Denny, George Ely, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ely and Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Ely and family were present. H. D. McCurdy and daughter, Maxine, were Pendleton visitors last Wednesday. Mrs. J. LaFortune of Walla Wal la is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bergevin. Mr. and Mrs. Ture Peterson re turned Saturday from a visit to Astoria and Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kruse and baby daughter of Oswego arrived Monday for a short visit with rel atives here. They were accompan ied by Mrs. Lana Padberg who has been at their home for the past month and by Mrs. Wrex Hickok of Portland who will visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Moore. A. E. Feller of Portland was reg istered at the Park hotel last Fri day. Word has been received of the death of Mrs. Rosa Jackson in Se attle on Jan. 24. Mrs. Jackson who made her home in the Dry Fork country for many years and later lived here in lone has been with her daughter, Mrs. Harry Wein- garten, in Seattle for several months. A severe attack of bron chitis which proved to be too se vere a strain on her heart was the cause of her death. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Beckner at tended the funeral services for Charles Erwin Saturday. Mrs. C. W. Swanson entertained in honor of Mr. Swanson's birth day anniversary with a bridge par ty last Tuesday evening. Three tables of bridge were in play, prizes being won by Mrs. E. R. Lundell and Clel Rea. Warns Against Virus Diseases Hood River Where single drop potatoe seed is used, it is well to take care that it comes from fields known to be free from virus dis eases, especially rugose mosaic, says County Agent A. L. Marble. A field badly Infected with rugose mosaic produces a high percentage of small potatoes, he says, because the disease kills the vines before the tubers can grow large, and ev ery potato from an Infected plant will carry the disease in spite of any disinfection. County Agent Marble has notified his local grow ers that both Burbank and Netted Gem certified seed is available from Hood River county farmers. POWER TO BE OFF. Local power and light service will be shut down between 5:30 and 7:30 Sunday morning, says Ray P. Kin- ne, local P. P. & L. manager. The shutdown is for the purpose of making repairs to the Dufur sub station, and will be made just as snort as possible. Fresh Farm Eggs Direct from farm to you. Be sure of fresh eggs and give the producer the middle man's profit Mrs. Chris Brown. 45-47 Excellent results from the use of Gazette Times Want Ads are re ported to ug each week. 1 II I1 1 1 1 II M 11 HI II Ml 1 1 II I II II H II II I II I IHtf 1 1 At Heppner CHURCHES CIirRCH OF CHRIST. ALVIN KLEINFELDT, Pastor Bible School 9:45 a. m. Morning services . 11 a. m. C. E. Society 6:30 p. m. Evening services 7:30 p. m. Choir rehearsal. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Widweek service, Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Morning sermon, "God's Adopted Children." As Sunday is the anniversary of the founding of Christian Endeav or, the young people will have charge of the evening service. We invite other young people who have not been attending regularly to at tend this service. The sermon topic will be "Youth for Christ." One month of 1936 is gone. How are your resolutions surviving? Have you any that have not been broken? How have you been keep ing your resolution to give more concern to religion? Has it been crowded out by less necessary ap peals? Don't give up. If you have brok en all your resolutions to do bet ter, there is still hope, if you will try again. One is hopeless only when he refuses to try. METHODIST CHURCH. JOSEPH POPE. Pastor. Regular services next Sunday. The Gideons of Portland will con duct the morning service. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE. ALFRED R. WOMACK. Paator. Sunday: Sunday School 30:00 A. M. After Service 11:09 A. M, Evening Service 7.30 P. M. Tuesday night prayer meeting only, 7:30. Thursday evangelistic service 7:30 "WE WELCOME ALL" Farm Price Prospects Lower for Spring Crops The market outlook for a good many spring sown crops seems less favorable than for farm products in general, owing to probable trends in production, according to the as nual report of the O. S. C. exten sion service on the outlook for spring sown crops and vegetables. The report has sections on wheat, feed grains, hay, forage, crop seeds, hops, beans, flax seed,' onions, and other vegetables. The potato out look report is postponed until March when it is expected more complete information will be avail able. The general tendency is toward increased production of the animal crops, especially grain and hay, ac cording to the report, although the outlook is variable, according to the commodity considered. The tendency to increase crop produc tion is offset somewhat from a price trend viewpoint by the upward trend in hay and grain consuming ANNOUNCES $25-A-MONTH TIME PAYMENTS AND A NEW UCC 6 FINANCE PLAN Any New Ford V'8 Car Can Now Be Purchased for $25 a Month with Usual Low Down-Payment This $25-a-month time-payment plan enables you to buy a New Ford V-8 car through your Ford dealer on new low monthly terms. After the usual low down-payment is made, $25 a month is all you have to pay for any type of new car, includ ing insurance and financing. Your cost for this extension of credit is only yt of 1 a month on your orig inal unpaid balance and insurance. This plan reduces financing charges for twelve months to 6. For example, if you owe a balance of $400 for your FORD MOTOR COMPANY livestock and improved consumer purchasing power, the report says. Commenting on the current farm price, cost ana demand situation, the circular indicates that at mid January the general level of farm prices in Oregon was unchanged to slightly lower, compared with the November-December level. At that time the Oregon index stood at 72 per cent of the 1926-30 average, or about 95 per cent of the 1910-1914 level. The cost of farming, on the other hand, as indicated by the govern ment index of prices paid by farm ers for commodities, taxes and in terest payable, was 26 per cent higher than pre-war, placing the "parity" exchange value point 31 points over the current farm price level in Oregon, the circular points out. Even so, farm products have a much higher purchasing power than at any time during recent years owing to a more rapid in crease in the level of farm income than in farm costs. The advance in farm income is shown by the report to have been approximately proportionate to the increase in factory payrolls. For the year 1932 the Oregon farm price index averaged 46 per cent of the 1926-1930 level, and the factory payroll index also averaged 46 in that year. In 1935, both indexes averaged 68, a gain of nearly 50 per cent in both instances, data in the report shows. Seat Pads on Wooden Chairs Save Clothing Straight varnished or painted chairs, some of which are found in almost every house, not only sometimes seem a little plain and uninteresting, but often are some what uncomfortable. And they) tend to make clothing shiny. An inexpensive way to improve them is to make seat and back pads of a printed fabric that harmonizes with other furnishings, says Miss Joan Patterson, extension special ist in home furnishing at Oregon State college. The pads protect the clothing and also the chair finish. They are tied or snapped on and can be taken off to be laundered. As straight chairs are usually the right sitting level, the pad must not be too thick or it will make tha seat too high for comfort To make a seat pad, cut the de sired number of thicknesses of cot ton batting the exact shape of the chair seat, but half an inch smaller on all sides. Put these between layers of cheesecloth and baste twice each way and then around the outside edge to keep the cotton SMOKER and DANCE Lexington, Leach's Hall SATURDAY, FEB. 1ST I car and insurance, you pay $24 for the year of credit; if the balance is $200 you pay $12. Your credit cost for one year is the original unpaid balance multiplied by 6. UCC plans provide you with in surance protection at regular confer ence rates. You have not only fire and theft insurance, but $50 deductible col lision, and protection against other ac cidental physical damage to your car. The Universal Credit Company ha9 made these plans available through all Ford dealers in the United States. from knotting when the pads are laundered. The outside cover is merely a slip that may be put over the pad and closed with snaps at the back or basted together. Make tapes of the same material to tie the pad to the chair posts. The back pad Is measured and fitted in a similar way, and kept at the right height on the chair by sewing tapes to the top corners and snapping them just below the top bar of the chair back. At the bot tom, the back pad may be finished with long tape loops and the tapes of the seat pad passed through these to hold the back pad down. Another idea is to make the back cover a slip on, with two bound holes for the posts to come thru. This type reaches about two-thirds of the way down the back. An at tractive finish is to sew white cot ton braid or ball fringe around the lower edge. WILLOWS GRANGE MEETS. Willows grange January business meeting was held Saturday, Jan. 25, with nearly all new officers in at tendance. A letter was read from Pomona master, Minnie McFarland, urging all officers, committees and members to attend the council meeting at Rhea creek, Feb. 2. Mr. and Mrs. Art Stefani and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brinkman were elected to become members. Donald Hel iker reported for the agricultural committee, and Kenneth Lunded and J. O. Kincaid reported on legis lative work. Bertha Cool reported activities of the home economics committee. A card party and dance was announced to be held at the grange hall in Cecil Saturday night Feb. 1. A program was given after the business was concluded, con sisting of songs by all with Anna Krebs, musician, at the piano; book review by Dorothy Brady; clarinet solo by Kenneth Lundell, accom panied at the piano by O. L. Lun dell. A discussion of the bills up for election, Jan. 31, was held with Bertha Cool talking on compensa tion for legislators, and Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bristow, Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Krebs and Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Lundell talking on the other bills, with wives and husbands taking opposite sides. Mrs. Mary Lind say read an article on "Taxes and What We Pay Taxes On." Anna Krebs gave a paper on "Important FOR Seed Barley and Feed See GUY SHAW at Lexington Farmers Warehouse Happenings in January." A skit "Collecting Dues," was put on by Donald Heliker and Otto Kurth. The concluding chapter of the grange continued story was read by Vida Heliker. The last num ber of the program was a march which finished up as a spiral "all around handshake." Willows grange plans to initiate a class of candidates in February. Col. Robins Recommends Low River Improvement A ship channel 300 feet wide and 27 feet deep at low water as an aid to navigation of the Columbia river between Vancouver and Bonneville has been approved by Colonel Thos. M. Robins, United States division engineer, in a report to the chief engineer at Washington, it was an nounced yesterday. Such improvement, estimated to cost $2,380,000, would open the Co lumbia river as far inland as The Dalles to the smaller ocean-going vessels and pave the way for port developments at The Dalles, Hood River, White Salmon, Stevenson and other points. The Inland Empire Waterways association feels very elated over the favorable decision of Colonel Robins for it can only be viewed as another boon to Columbia and Snake river navigation. By approving this channel Im provement work the engineers are following out their announced in SEEDS AND FEEDS BLUE, WHITE OR HANNCHEN SEED BARLEY SHEEP CUBES, MOLASSES SCREEN INGS, COTTONSEED MEAL OR CAKES. SHORTS ANEfMILL RUN In Ton or Carload Lots WEBB STREET FEED STORE 200 W. Webb St. Pendleton, Oregon 5 DAYS FRI. WED., INC. TO Just look at their "hot" prices and you'll know this is going to ho one of the Best sules SAFEWAY ever put on. COFFEE AIRWAY 6 LBS $1.00 NOB HILL 6 LBS $1.25 Dependable M F 2 LB. TIN DC Red Tag Specials RED TAG SPECIALS OATS ckONLBMid0!s 29C 9Lb-H SHORTENING QC BAG 4 LBS. 49c. 8LBS..t)l t ADn PINEAPPLE, 2i2 QQp LfAKD slices. 2TinsO7l pure hog BAKING POWDER, K. C. 8 Lb. $- .49 quality. 1 Qrt PAIL.. 1 REG. 25c SIZE J. til RED TAG SPECIALS tfOV SUGAR, Pure Cane 15 LBS. fl D MILK, tall Federal 12 TINS A C BEANS, Red or White, 20 LBS. l ) SOAP Crystal White, 20 BARSJrU' . j- RED TAG SPECIALS Red Tag Specials What a Meal! BOTH PRUNES WEINERSrl LB OQsa Fancv mcdlum KRAUT, lge. 22 tin 4l 10 LBS. .. 59c SOAP, Palm Olive -i 25 LBS. $1.25 4 BARS J. cIC COCOA MEAT, Jowls Off Rockwood LB Atlls 2 LB. TIN SH!!d 35c II 19c RED TAG SPECIALS PEPPER 8 OZ. Shillings - fV SALT REG. 25c SACK BROWN SUGAR 3 LBS. VyiC PANCAKE FLOUR, 2 '2 lb. pkg. 1 TOILET PAPER .... 4 Rolls Zee ii Q RED TAG SPECIALS RED TAG SPECIALS FLOUR Priced Low CHEESE Off 49 Lb. Safeway .. $1.75 LB- 0 49 Lb. Ore. Maid $1.65 Full cream loaf r,r29c S?H?L75c Carrots - R. Beggas PANCAKE Jt J- V LBS X V C j Q, K. quality RED TAG SPECIALS P. N. BUTTER 2 LBS. Oil A CRACKERS, Snowflakes, 2 Lbs. U l MUSTARD, 2 FULL QUARTS J VW C CANDY, fancy mix 3 LBS. A . II TOMATO SAUCE, 7 Reg. Tins C4 C tention of Improving the Columbia and Snake rivers by progressive development starting at tide-water and working inland. Continued announcements of fa vorable projects and work on our river systems will depend entirely upon continued united action. This is best illustrated by a statement made recently by.Archie M. Camp, president, LaCrosse Grain Grow ers, Inc.: "I know that all grain growers and others interested in the welfare of agriculture are very much interested in the development of the Columbia and Snake rivers, and everyone should feel the need of a united action at this time." The Inland Empire Waterways association is now preparing a brief to be submitted before the Board of Engineers wherein it is expected to produce preponderance of evidence immediately justifying the construc tion of the Umatilla Rapids dam and the Snake river improvements. Highest corn-belt prices for car loads of broke or range horses, mules and colts. Fred Chandler Horse & Mule Market, Charlton, Iowa. 44-49. BIG CARNIVAL and DANCE Benefit Hot Lunch Fund LEXINGTON GYM FEB. 8 GOOD MUSIC Irk( II