Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 23, 1936, Image 1

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Volume 52, Number 46.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
3100 ACRES 10 GO
Delinquent Tax Foreclo
sure Sale Saturday
at Court House.
JUDGMENTS $36,500.00
Procedure ' of Sale Explained by
District Attorney; Bids on
Parcels Given Preference.
Thirty-seven thousand acres of
Morrow county lands will be placed
on the auction block at the court
house Saturday, beginning at 10
o'clock a. m., to satisfy tax judg
ments to the amount of $36,500.
The judgments were obtained by
Morrow county for taxes delinquent
prior to 1930.
Sheriff C. J. D. Bauman or Dep
uty Elbert L. Cox will officiate as
The auction will not be held In
the accepted meaning of the term,
as no attempt is made to run the
price on any of the land beyond the
amount of judgment against it, or
will any bid be accepted for a
greater amount, explains S. E. Not
son, district attorney.
The procedure of sale will be to
offer each tract in parcels, and bids
on smaller parcels will be honored
ahead of bids on larger parcels.
Should there be no offers on a tract
by parcels, then bids will be ac
cepted on the entire tract, and
should no such bids be offered the
entire tract will be taken by the
While any land will be sold for
the amount of judgment against it,
purchasers will assume such other
tax indebtedness as has accrued
since the period covered by the
judgment, says Mr. Notson.
Included are many town lots, be
sides a large acreage of farm land.
Inquiries at the sheriff's office
indicate considerable interest in
the sale, and it is anticipated that
much of the land will turn readily.
It 13 to the county's interest to dis
pose of as much of the property
as possible, for failure to do so will
take It off the tax rolls, thus reduc
ing the amount of assessable prop
erty in the county.
New Truck Service Is
Announced for Branch
Starting January 28, the Heppner
branch will have new truck freight
service through Eastern Oregon
Freight Line, Inc., with headquar
ters at The Dalles. R. A. Twiss,
manager, and son Robert were in
the city Tuesday completing de
tails. The younger Mr. Twlss will
operate the local truck.
Three times a week service, on
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur
days, will be given until March 1,
when the run will be put on a daily
basis. The line will offer connec
tions for freight to and from any
place, Mr. Twiss said. He reported
considerable local demand for the
service. Hepnper office will be at
Kane's garage.
Guy Shaw, manager Morrow
County Grain Growers warehouse
at Lexington, reports much im
provement in crop prospects in -his
section. Much grain at first thought
to have been frozen out, has start
ed new growth, and he thinks little
reseedlng of the north-Lexigton
country will be necessary. Mois
ture has descended to a depth of
20 Inches. Old crop wheat of the
county generally is cleaned up with
grain companies after every kernel
they can get their hands on. About
10,000 bushels remain in storage at
Lexington. Mr. Shaw was In the
city Friday.
Mrs A. H. Lea, president Oregon
State Mothers, and Mrs. Geo. F.
Brlce, president U. of O. Mothers,
are strongly supporting adoption
of the student fee bill to be voted
on January 31. A letter bearing
the personal signature of both la
dies was received this week, say
ing Friends of higher education
are greatly concerned over mis
representations being made on the
student activity fee bill. We urge
you to strongly support this meas
ure In your paper."
Mrs. Beulah Nichols, Lexington
Gazette Times correspondent and
Pacific Telephone operator, was
reported this morning as recover
ing well from a major operation
which she underwent at Good Sa
maritan hospital in Portland yes
terday. Her father, W. B. Tucker,
is in the city with her.
C. M. Bentley, examiner of oper
ators and chauffeurs from the of
fice of Earl Snell, secretary of state,
will be at the courthouse In Hepp
ner, Saturday, Jan. 25, from 10 a.
m, to 4 p. m. All those wishing per
mits or licenses to drive cars are
asked to get In touch with Mr.
Bentley at that time.
Heppner lodge 358, B. P. O. Elks,
announces a 69 percent payment on
Its bond coupons payable before
closing of local banks. Dividend
payments of the First Natonal bank
have made this possible.
The Lexington grade school bas
ketball team met defeat at the
hands of Heppner on the Heppner
floor last Friday afternoon by a
score of 32 to 2.
Miss Frances Harpole of Spo
kane, Wash., is visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Edwards.
E. C. Miller is in Lexington from
his home in Salem, attending to
some business matters.
The car which Woodrow Tucker
was driving to school overturned
on the Blackhorse road Thursday
morning. The car wa3 quite badly
damaged but no one was injured.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hunt and fam
ily and Arthur Hunt were business
visitors in Pendleton Saturday.
Clyde Edwards has been ill at
his home the past week.
Bernice Bauman entertained the
Home Economics club with a quilt
ing party at her home last Thurs
day. A potluck dinner was served
at noon. Those present were Alta
Cutsfortb, Bertha Nelson, Ellen
Nelson, Freda Slocum, Laura Rice,
Anne Johnson, Anne Miller, Delia
Edmondson, Irene Padberg, Pearl
Devine, Emma White, Martha
Wright, Sarna Campbell, Trina
Parker, Bernice Bauman, Mabel
Cool, LaVerne Henderson, Laura
Scott, Margaret Leach and Alda
E. Harvey Miller, George Peck,
R. B. Rice, Orville Cutsforth, A.
H. Nelson and H. V. Smouse went
to Arlington Thursday to attend
the regional meeting of the Eastern
Oregon Wheat league.
There will be an old time dance
and pie social at the grange hall
on January 25. Everyone is cor
dially invited. Free dance.
A. M. Edwards is drilling on the
E. C. Miller ranch north of town.
Mrs. Sarah White won the 25
pound sack of sugar from the re
cent contest conducted by Barnett's
store. Judges were Opal Leach,
Shirlee Smith and Harry Schriever.
Lawrence Beach was a business
visitor in Heppner Thursday.
Mrs. Henry Rauch is quite ill at
her home.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gale and son
of Portland spent the week end at
the home of Mrs. Gale's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Sylvannus Wright,
The Lexington high school bas
ketball team defeated the Irrigon
quintet on the home floor last Fri
day evening by a score of 26-15.
Those playing for Lexington were:
Keith Gentry, Lavern Wright, Ken
neth Palmer, Asa Shaw and Lyle
Allyn. Subs, Woodrow Tucker and
Ellwynne Peck.
Mrs. Caroline Kuns has received
the position of cooking for the
school hot lunches, to replace Mrs.
Eva Lane.
Lou Broadley left on the train
Friday night for Cherryville where
she will visit for a time at the
George McMillan home.
Mrs. James Cowins of Heppner
visited her mother, Mrs. George
Allyn, last Friday.
W. B. Tucker went to Portland
to be with his daughter, Beulah
Nichols, who underwent a major
operation at the Good Samaritan
hospital Wednesday.
Neil White of Ukiah visited in
Lexington last week.
I. M. Gatter, special agent for
the Edward Brown Insurance Co.,
called on the local agent, Mrs.
Breshears, last week.
Miss Delpha Merritt is visiting
her father In Portland.
Milton R. Morgan Grew
First Wheat in Eight Mile
Recalling that he voted at the
election in which Morrow county
was divided from Umatilla county,
Milton R. Morgan, pioneer settler
of the lower Eight Mile section
south of lone, when in town Mon
day told of raising the first wheat
In that district. He arrived in the
county in 1882, having come west
from Kansas in 1880 and spending
two years In the Weston district.
A native of Missouri, he resided
eight years in Kansas.
He and his brother-in-law, Mr.
Downing, plowed under bunchgrass
knee-high to plant the first wheat
on what is known as the Morgan
home place. Red chaff and little
club wheat were the first varieties
they grew.
Mr. Morgan came west by ox
team, as the northern route of the
Union Pacific railroad had not been
completed at that time. The rail
road up the branch had not yet
been built, and wheat was delivered
by six- and eight-horse teams at
Arlington. Two or three days were
required lor making a single trip,
Conditions then may not have
been the best, but Mr, Morgan said
he thought people generally were
better situated. For one thing, they
did not have to bear nearly so
heavy a tax load as people do to
day. Life, In general, is moving at
a much faster pace today, he be
lieved. He recalled being a con
stant subscriber to this paper since
It was first started, 53 years ago.
Frank Swaggart, in the city on
Tuesday from Butter creek, report
ed that lambing had been under
way at his place for two weeks with
the arrival of many twins to keep
all hands busy. He now has more
than 800 sheep from a start of two
pet lambs a few years ago.
Ruth chapter 32, O. E. S., will
meet in regular session tomorrow
evening at Masolc hall. A large
attendance is requested by Lena
Cox, worthy matron, who an
nounces Important business to be
Oddfellows and Rebekahs
Hold Joint Installation
Joint installation of officers for
San Souci lodge 33, Rebekahs, and
Willow lodge 66, I. O. O. F., was
held in Odd Fellows hall Friday
evening following an enjoyable
chicken dinner at 6:30. Installing
for the Rebekahs were Margaret
Phelps, district deputy president,
and Charlotte Gordon, grand mar
shal, and for the Odd. Fellows, John
J. Wightman, district deputy noble
grand, and Ralph Beamer, grand
Mable Chaffee, Rebekah past no
ble grand; was presented a past
noble grand pin, and Sadie Sigsbce
was also presented a past noble
grand pin by the degree team for
which she acted as captain for
several years. Officers installed
Rebekahs: Mable Chaffee, P. N.
G.; Clara Beamer, N. G.; Bonnie
Grace Pope, V. G.; Lillian Turner,
secretary; Sadie Sigsbee, treasur
er; Ella Benge, warden; Alice Ras
mus, conductress; Hattie Wight
man, R. S. N. G.; Emma Jones,
L. S. N. G.; Elizabeth Campbell,
chaplain; Verna Hayes, musician;
Millie Doolittle, R. S. V. G.; Alice
Gentry, L. S. V. G.; Beulah Eskel
son, inside guardian; Margaret
Phelps, outside guardian.
Odd Fellows: Harold Ayers, P.
N. G.; C. A. Macomber, N. G.; Cor
nett Green, V. G.; E. L. Ayers, sec
retary; J. L. Yeager, treasurer;
Tom Wells, warden; Ralph Beamer,
conductor; Jeff Jones, R. S. N. G.;
Alex Green, L. S. N. G.; Joseph
Pope, chaplain; Frank E. Parker,
R. S. S.; Frank Anderson, L. S. S.;
Ernest Hunt, inside guardian; R.
C. Phelps, outside guardian; A. J.
Chaffee, R. S. V. G.; Joseph Belan
ger, L. S. V. G.
Oregon's Record of Farm
Owner Changes Praised
Oregon has a noteworthy record
in respect to changes in farm own
ership, according to L. R. Breit
haupt, agricultural extension econ
omist at Oregon State college. Gov
ernment statistics show that for
more. than two years Oregon has
led all other states In the union in
percentage of voluntary transfers
and has had the lowest percentage
of forced transfers of any north
west state, Breithaupt says.
Figures show that during the
year ending March 1, 1935, 5.28 per
cent of the farms In Oregon chang
ed hands 2.84 per cent being vol
untary sales and trades and 2.44 per
cent owing to tax, mortgage and
related defaults. The number of
voluntary transfers has Increased
steadily during the past three years
while forced transfers have de
creased rapidly.
Commenting on the reasons for
these trends, Mr. Breithaupt said
that' the increase In farm prices
from the 1932 level of 46 per cent
to the 1926-1930 overage of 55 in
1933, 60 in 1934 and 68 per cent In
1935, had a good deal to do with im
proving the farm situation. He
also attributed much of the enviable
record in regard to farm ownership
changes, however, to the very ef
fective work of the voluntary farm
debt adjustment committee ap
pointed by the governor for the
purpose of assisting farm debtors
and their creditors in making debt
adjustment and refinancing ar
"Led by O. M. Plummer as chair
man of the state committee, and
with the assistance of the county
agricultural agents, these county
committees have been quietly at
work for more than three years
giving advice and help to all who
asked for their aid," Breithaupt
said. "Without compensation, they
have rendered a service of greater
importance than is generally real
ized." Cake Auction to Feature
President's Ball Thursday
Dr. A. D. McMurdo, local chair
man for the President's Birthday
ball to be held at the Elks hall next
Thursday evening, issues a call for
ladies to bake cakes to be auction
ed at the affair. "Don't be afraid
to bake them, no matter how large
or how small," the doctor says, "all
will be welcome. Proceeds go to
a grave cause, the combatting of
Infantile paralysis." Kaufman's or
chestra of Pendleton will play.
This year 70 percent of the not
proceeds from the ball will stay at
home, with 30 percent going to the
national organization.
Report From Irrigon
Puts County Over Top
Tom Caldwell, roll call chairman
at Irrigon, reports the collection
of $9 there to put Morrow county
over the top In raising its annual
Red Cross quota for 1935. Total
collections for the county now ex
ceed the $250 quota by $5.50, reports
Josephine Mahoney, county chapter
Distribution of articles to high
way first aid stations Is being made
this week by C. J. D. Bauman,
chairman of the first aid commit
tee. Stations are being established
at lone and Hardman.
The Gideons of Portland will be
at the Methodist church in Hepp
ner again a week from Sunday to
hold services. Their visit hers a
few weeks ago was well received.
A meeting of the library asso
ciation will be held In the library
room at 4:30 Saturday afternoon.
Everyone Interested In library Is
requested to attend.
Pierce & Connor Given
Contract Subject to
Bond Approval.
Saving Under Estimate on- PWA
Project Believed Sufficient to
do Work at WeUs.
Pierce and Connor, contractors
of Portland, were successful bid
ders for relaying 1. miles of city
pipe line down Willow creek, when
bids were opened by the council
last Friday afternoon. Their bid
of $10,712 was accepted subject to
approval by the voters of $7000 in
bonds under a PWA project total
ing $12,575. The remainder of the
money, $5,575 will come from the
federal government as an outright
grant If the bonds ar,e approved.
Resolution authorizing the bond
election has been forwarded to the
PWA office in Portland, and the
date of the election will be set as
soon as authorization is given, an
nounced Mayor T. S., D. Jones. He
said it will not be possible to com
plete details soon enough to hold
the bond election coincident with
the special election January 31, but
expects the time will be set some
time early in February.
The mayor and council considered
the bid received as exceptionally
good. As the cost of replacing the
stretch of old wooden pipe with
steel pipe will run considerably un
der the amount allotted by PWA, it
is expected to use the remainder
in augmenting the supply from the
wells. Mayor Jones believes the
amount will be sufficient to ditch
into one of the wells at a depth of
some 20 feet, thus obtaining a grav
ity flow, should the council decide
upon this procedure.
Late information from PWA
states that the city does not have
to stand any of the cost of super
vision and inspection required by
the government agency, and Mayor
Jones considers that taking advan
tage of the federel grant funds will
bring a considerable saving to the
Ttty. - - -
Other bidders on the work were
Anderson Construction Co. and
Eugene Ruedy Co. Pierce and
Connor's bid was the lowest It
was based on specifications in the
published notice calling for bids.
Against Federal Relief
Mineral Development
Motorists Pay 9 Mil
lion By A. L. LINDBECK
Salem. Relief Is a local problem
and not one for the state or nation
to deal with in the opinion of Gov
ernor Martin, who declared himself
as opposed to any further huge
federal appropriations for unem
ployment relief such as the $4,800,-
000,000 authorized by the last Con
Local officials, the governor ex
plained, are in closer contact with
the situation and in better position
to weed out the deserving from the
undeserving than are state and
federal officials.
The governor, discussing the re
lief situation in Oregon with Elmer
Goudy, executive secretary of the
state relief committee, expressed
the opinion that an allotment of $10
a month was adequate for the needs
of the average individual on re
lief, qualifying this statement, how
ever, by explaining ,that recipients
of relief should be'able to supple
ment this fund through part time
or seasonal jobs.
Sixty-six Oregon motorists lost
their operators' licenses during
December, 36 for driving while
drunk and 30 for various other rea
sons including reckless driving,
speeding, hit and run driving, etc
Three motorists had their licenses
suspended for failure to satisfy a
judgment resulting from an acci
dent under the provisions of the
new safety-responsibility act.
Traffic accidents on Oregen high
ways during 1935 took a toll of 259
lives, according to figures compiled
by Secretary of State Snell. While
this traffic toll represents a de
crease of 54 from the 1934 record
Snell insists that the traffic fatal
ities are still too high and urges a
continuation of the accident pre
vention work being conducted by
various agencies throughout the
Boys at the state training school
near Woodburn are to be given
every encouragement to become
good dairymen. Officials of the
Oregon Jersey Cattle club have of
fered their assistance In promoting
Interest In dairying among the
boys through awards of merit and
prizes of various kinds. As a re
sult of this Interest on the part of
the Jersey breeders the board of
control this week authorized Su-
(Continued on Pag Four)
New Water District
Formed for County
A new water district has been
established in Morrow county to
include the Rock creek and Willow
creek watersheads as a result of
petition of the county court to the
state engineer, and Harry Tamblyn,
county engineer, has been named
watermaster. The new district is
No. 9. It was taken from the Uma
tilla-Morrow county district all of
which was formerly under J. M.
Spencer. The court expects the
new arrangement will greatly facil
itate control 'of water right prob
lems. Mr. Tamblyn has requested that
all water users under the Willow
creek watershed refrain from irri
gation until water in the creek
reaches the Columbia in order to
give ranchers on the lower creek
water for their stock. If everyone
cooperates he believes water for ev
eryone will be available when irri
gation becomes necessary. At pres
ent there is a shortage of water
for stock on the lower creek.
Man Found at Modesto
Cause of Inquiry Here
Finding of a dead man near Mo
desto, Cal., Tuesday, in whose
purse was the corner of an envel
ope bearing the names "Jim or
Gerome O'Connor, Heppner, Ore.,"
caused telegraphic inquiry at the
sheriff s office here yesterday. Both
O'Connor boys were found to be
at home on the farm and could
give little information on the iden
tity of the dead man.
The description in the telegram,
about 35 years of age, 6 feet tall
and fair complexioned, they said
answered that of a man who called
at their farm some time ago seek
ing employment, but they did not
learn his name or from whence he
came. The body was found along
the railroad right-of-way beside
the ashes of a campfire. A .22 cal
iber rifle was near by. A bullet
hole in the right temple indicated
Adult Education Classes
Changed to Court House
The classes in adult education
being conducted as a WPA project
under Gordon Bucknum will meet
in the county court room at the
courthouse beginning next Monday
instead of at the high school. Class
es convene at 7 o'clock each eve
ning. Mr. Bucknum announces substi
tution of a class in astronomy for
the gym class that has been held
on Tuesdays. A supply of refer
ence books for use in the work ar
rived this week from the state li
brary and are available at the local
library. Good Interest in the work
is reported.
The little library at lone at pres
ent is not a WPA project, but is a
project for six months sponsored by
the Umatilla county library and
the Women's Topic club of lone.
Most of the books in the lone li
brary are loaned by the state li
brary to the Umatilla county li
brary. However, in order that the
assortment might be more com
plete and more attractive some of
the newer books belonging to the
Umatilla county library are in
cluded in the loan. The library
board of the Umatilla county li
brary very generously consented to
lend Miss Jane Olsen, their librar
ian, to the lone people to instruct
the women in charge in proper
shelving, care, and lending of the
books, and in keeping the accounts.
The Women's Topic club and the
people of lone feel deeply indebted
to Miss Olsen for her most splen
did assistance, and to the Umatilla
county library board and Oregon
state library for their generosity
lone deeply appreciates this library
Noel Dobyns shot a coyote off
the roof of a sheepshed on the
Herb Olden farm yesterday. Esten
Stevens was with him. The coyote
ran onto the roof of the shed when
first shot at, and the good marks
manship of Mr. Dobyns felled it
from there. Walter Dobyns report
ed the feat when in town today.
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Devin were In
town from the Sand Holow farm
home today.
Members of the county court and
Millard D. Rodman, local project
manager for soil conservation ser
vice, are leaving this afternoon for
Prineville to be in attendance at
the meeting of the state planning
board there tomorrow.
Mr. Thompson, from the office of
Sam Boardman, roadside beautifl-
cation supervisor with the state
highway department, is accom
panying F. F. Wehmeyer, local for
est supervisor, out on the Spray
road today in the interest of saving
some trees along the road.
Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Pope are
In Portland this week. They were
accompanied to the city by W. B,
Tucker of Lexington.
One case of diphtheria and one
case of smallpox have been report
ed at the CCC camp. The cases are
isolated at the Infirmary and prop
er quarantine precautions are be
ing taken, reports Dr. A. D. Mc
Murdo. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bowker were
in town this morning from the
Alpine farm. They report being
pleased with moisture received to
date, but would welcome more.
There will be a dance at Dry
Fork, Feb. 1.
Bunchgrass Rebekah lodge held
its installation of officers at its
regular meeting last Thursday eve
ning. The following officers, elect
ed or appointed for the coming
year, were installed by Mrs. Edith
Mathews: Margaret Ely, noble
grand; Elaine Rietmann, vice
grand; Norma Rea and Minnie Ely,
supporters to noble grand; Gladys
Drake and Ida Fletcher, support
ers to vice grand; Harriet Heliker,
warden; Arvilla Swanson, conduc
tor; Mary Swanson, Inside guar
dian; Rose Fletcher, outside guar
dian; Minnie Forbes, chaplain; Ru
by Roberts, musician; Lena Lun
dell, secretary; Etta Howell, treas
urer, and Ruth Lundell, past noble
Mr. and Mrs. Ture Peterson went
to Astoria Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Keithley
are the parents of a daughter, Shir
ley Ann, born at Heppner on Fri
day, Jan. 17.
Mr. and Mrs. Laxton McMurray
returned last week from Portland
where they spent the past two
H. L. Decker, field representa
tive of the Farmers National Ware
house corporation of Portland, was
a business visitor here last Thurs
day. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bryson were
called to Clarkston, Wash., last
Thursday by the sudden death of
Mr. Bryson' brother, Bert Bryson.
The Home Economics club of
Willows grange met at the home of
Mrs. James Lindsay last Friday af
ternoon. Fourteen members and
eight guests were present The
business meeting was followed by
a social hour in which a grab bag
was featured. A door prize was won
by Mrs. Mary Lundell. Refresh
ments were served by the hostess.
The Home Economics club of
Willows grange is arranging a card
party and old-time dance at the
Cecil hall Saturday, Feb. 1. Pedro
and pinochle will be at play until
10:30 when the dance for which
good music is promised will begin.
A big Leap Year dance for Feb. 15
is also scheduled by the club.
Roy Feeley made a business trip
to Portland last week.
The Women's Topic club was en
tertained at the home of Mrs. Clyde
Denny last Wednesday evening.
Seven tables of bridge were in play.
Prizes were won by Mrs. George
Tucker, Mrs. Inez Freeland, D. M.
Ward and Omar Rietmann. Host
esses were Mrs. Edward Rietmann,
Mrs. M. E. Cotter and Mrs. Clyde
Denny. "
Mr. and Mrs. Bergun Ledbetter
and family moved to Boardman
last Wednesday where they will be
located on a farm. Their son Jim
my remained here for the rest of
the school year. He is at the home
of Mrs. Lena Ray.
Mrs. Nettie Bundy of Portland Is
visiting at the home of her sister,
Mrs. M. E. Cotter.
J. D. Sommer, insurance agent
from La Grande, was registered at
the Park hotel the first of the week.
Mrs. Frank Lindsey departed on
Saturday for California where she
will visit relatives for a month.
She will also visit at Carlton, Ore.,
before returning home .
N. A. Cramer and L. F. Albright,
itinerant piano tuner and radio re
pairman from San Francisco, have
been registered at the local hotel
for the past week.
Semester exams were given last
week. On the high school honor roll
for the first semester are the fol
lowing: Freshman class 1st honor
roll, Lola Cannon 2nd honor roll,
Helen Lundell; sophomore class
1st honor roll, Betty Bergevin; 2nd
honor roll, Maxine McCurdy, Ber
tha Akers, Jane Huston; junior
class 1st honor roll, Wallace Lun
dell; senior class 1st honor roll,
Ruth Kitching and Elaine Nelson.
The first edition of the high
school paper will be ready for dis
tribution next week.
The second semester began Mon
day. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. McCabe left
Saturday for a visit with relatives
at Olympia, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. Laxton McMurray
are moving to town where they
will live in the Emily McMurray
Theodore Anderson returned this
week from visiting his daughters
in Portland.
Mrs. Kelly is with her school
again after two weeks' absence.
Alice Anderson was the substitute
Wm. Mahrt of Pendleton was an
Eight Mile visitor this week. He
will install a Delco plant at Rhea
Creek grange hall this week.
There will be a dance at Rhea
Creek, Saturday, Jan. 25, with good
Friday night, Jan, 24, is social
night at Rhea Creek grange. Mem
bers and friends are urged to at
Immediate cash payment of ad
justed service certificates of World
war veterans had passed both
houses of congress yesterday by
large majorities, insuring that it
will be put into ffect even should
the president veto the measure.
Payment will be in $50 baby bonds,
cashable immediately or held to
draw three percent Interest.
Albert E. Smith, former demo
cratic presidential candidate, will
address a meeting of the American
Liberty league In Washington, D.
C, Saturday evening. The address
will be broadcast over the Colum
bia network, and will start at 7
p. m Pacific standard time.
Lions Back Membership
Drive; Resolve Favor
ing Wheat Control.
Commissioner Says Spray Road
Opening Not Feasible; NYA
Projects Considered.
Endorsement of the Eastern Ore
gon Wheat league membership
drive and the league's fight for
continuance of wheat production
control was given by the Lions club
Monday. Henry Smouse, league
membership chairman for the coun
ty, and Joseph Belanger, county
agent, presented the matters to the
club,. Earl Eskelson and Charles
B. Cox were appointed to assist with
the drive in Heppner, and a. E.
Notson and E. L. Morton named
to frame resolutions in support of
the league resolutions passed at
Arlington by a regional meeting of
wheat farmers last Thursday.
The Arlington meeting went on
record favoring payment of farm
ers for compliance already made
under allotment contracts, contin
uance of the control program, and
opposing return of processing taxes
to millers.
A. R. Shumway of Milton is rep
resenting the league in Washing
ton, D. C, in furthering its work,
and other plans for an active cam
paign are being made which will
require funds. The funds are be
ing supplied through league mem
berships at $1 a member. Already
league memberships have surpassed
any previous record. Farmers of
the county have rallied to its sup
port, and business men of lone have
joined 100 percent, Smouse and Bel-
anger reported. A like response
from businesses in Heppner is an
ticipated in view of the large bene
fit the control program has been
to this section. It was pointed out
that business in the towns can only
prosper as the supporting indus
tries, wheat and sheep raising,
prosper, and that every business in
the county is directly interested in
the wheat industry. '
Hope of getting the Heppner-
Spray road cleared of snow waned
from information received from E.
B. Aldrich, state highway commis
sioner, in reply to the appeal of H.
O. Tenney, road committee chair
man. Mr. Aldrich held that traffic
on the route did not Justify the
work, and that other roads of more
importance were not being cleared.
He gave the cost of running a ro
tary plow at $50 a day. District
Engineer Williams was cited in the
reply. Tenney asserted Aldrich
had overlooked the point of the ap
peal, saying that the work could'
be done with a blade, and that very
cheaply if the commission would
permit the grader to go beyond the
Morrow county line. While traffic
on the road has not been heavy,
Tenney said much more use would
be made of it if it were cleared.
He incorporated his arguments in
a reply to the commissioner.
N. Berkeley of Pendleton, dis
trict manager National Youth ad
ministration, appeared before the
club asking its sponsorship of a
local project to give aid to students.
C. J. D. Bauman and Dr. L. B. Tib
bies were appointed as a cooperat
ing committee. They will look into
the possibility of using the tennis
courts as a project, as well as in
vestigating the possibility of ob
taining federal aid for construc
tion of a county recreational cen
ter, funds for which were said to
be available.
Edward F. Bloom, school super
intendent who just returned from
a meeting of the National High
School Athletic federation in Chi
cago where he served as a mem
ber of the rules committee, made
a short rport of his trip. He also
reported that lockers had Just been
completed in the gym basement as
a NYA project, giving assistance to
five students. Spencer Crawford
reported briefly on his trip to the
state press conference at Eugene
last week end, saying editors of the
state generally are encouragd to
believe that the state is rising from
the slough of despond and that
business generally is on the up
grade. S. E. Notson announced a meet
ing of the state planning board to
be held at Prineville tomorrow and
Saturday for consideration of hand
ling sub-marginal lands. A public
hearing will be held tomorrow, and
the board will go into executive
session Saturday.
Mr. Kizer of Pendleton, Standard
Oil representative, was a club
All Interested in hunting and fish
ing are invited to attend an Import
ant meeting of the Morrow County
Hunters and Anglers club to bo
held at the Elks club Monday eve
ning, Jan. 27, at 7:30, announces
Chuties B. Cox, secretary. Matters
of vital importance to sportsmen
will be discussed.
Elks entertainment committee
announces a dance for Saturday
night at Elks hall ,for members
and invited guests. Branstetter'i
orchestra of Echo will play.