L SOCIETY OREGON HISTORICA PUBLIC A'JOITORI'J p 0 R T L A : Volume 52, Number 43. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JAN. 2, 1936 Subscription $2.00 a Year WILL HEAD STATE ASSAI. Elected to Vice Presidency of OSTA at Portland Meet Last Week. LIONS BACK PLUNGE Enthusiasm for Swimming Tank Evidenced in Club Outlook on New Year; Guests Speak. Election of Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers, county school superintendent, to the vice-presidency of Oregon State Teachers association at its annual convention in Portland last week end was told the Lions club Mon day by E. F. Bloom, city school superintendent. Her selecton was cited as a mark of high distinction, as it implies elevation to presidency of the organization the coming year. Mr. Bloom, himself recently raised to the presidency of Oregon State High School Athletic associa tion which met concurrently with the state teachers' meet, thereby claiming much of his time report ed briefly on activities of the or ganization. He said a new deal in manage ment of state high school athletics through giving smaller schools more say was put into effect at the meeting. The change was origin ally sponsored by James M. Bur gess, former superintendent here, he said. Strong sentiment for early con struction of a swimming pool in Heppner was loudly voiced by Lions who gave views on the outlook for the new year and ways in which the Lions club might better serve. In starting the swimming pool agi tation before the club, one member said he knew where $100 was avail able for the project immediately it takes definite form. Admitted in the discussion was the fact that suf ficient water for operating the tank must be assured before the project Is undertaken, and several Lions olced the opinion that the project could be put across without diffi culty once water is assured. A city beautiful was suggested as another venture based on an ade quate water supply. And it was proposed that the Lions and other interested citizens could do much toward accomplishing such things by attending council meetings and supporting the city government in action toward that end. It was suggested that the council is loathe to take responsibility without know ing the desires of the people. Sentiment was voiced that a feel ing exists in the community that the Lions club attempts to usurp glory -where it is undeserved, and that ridicule is made of the men who attend, sing songs, and pat each other on the back. Lions touching the subject believed this was probably the case but were not willing to desert the only service organization through which united effort may be obtained for further ing community progress simply be cause their efforts were not always looked upon with approval. General satisfaction was felt with the club's past record, and a spirit of optimism and enthusiasm was voiced as the club looked forward to the new year as one of enlarged oportunity in which to serve. Joel R. Benton, a club guest, brought greetings from the Kiwanis club of Fort Benton, Mont., where he now resides. F. A. McMahon, corporal of state police, another guest, cited assistance of his or ganization in getting serum to La Verne Van Marter when he was re cently stricken by spinal meningitis as a type of service which the state police are always ready and willing to give. RETURNS FROM BAKER. J. G. Barratt, president Oregon Woolgrowers association, returned the first of the week from Baker where he went to attend an asso ciation executive commttee meet ing and help lay plans for the an nual convention to be held In that city January 10-11. Mr. Barratt said he found Baker determined to out do Heppner's hospitality extended the convention last year and re ceived promises of support on ev ery hand. IS PIERCE STENOGRAPHER. Miss Henrietta Ashbaugh of La Grande, daughter of Mrs. Ethel Ashbaugh of that city and formerly of Heppner, has left for Washing ton, D. C, to become stenographer for Congressman Walter M. Pierce, says Tuesday's East Oregonian. Miss Ashbaugh has been employed at the county agent's office in La Grande and has bene granted a six months' leave of absence. MORROW COUNTY FIRST. Morrow county has been reported as the first county in the state to complete the work of signing up wheat farmers for the new allot ment contracts. The work was fin ished here last week end, reflecting credit upon the committee, Harvey Miller, R. B. Rice, George N. Peck and helpers. PURCHASE NEW HEARSE. The Laurence Case Memorial mortuary recently purchased a late model hearse, an attractive addi tion, to Its equipment. It was pre viously owned by a leading Port land mortuary which had licensed It for service this year. LEXINGTON By BEULAH B. NICHOLS. As a result of the icy highway the car of Mike Harton of Echo and Pat Canning of Pilot Rock ov erturned about three miles west of here last Wednesday. Mr. Harton was badly lacerated about the face and several stitches were taken after he had been taken to Hepp ner by the Phelps ambulance. H was later placed in the Heppner hospital. Joel R. Benton conducted ser vices at the Christian church Sun day morning. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bauman en tertained with four tables of 500 at their home Christmas night. High scores were received by Mrs. J. E. Gentry and W. D. Campbell and ponsolation by Mr. and Mrs. Karl Miller. The Lexington high school bas ketball team will play the Stanfield quintet on the local floor Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Dee Cox were vis itors in Pendleton Monday. Edith Edwards is absent from school on account of illness. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dinges and son Danny have returned from Portland where they spent the Christmas holidays. Mrs. Myles Martin and Mrs. Chas. Marquardt will entertain the Lex ington Home Economics club at an all-day meeting at the grange hall Thursday, January 9. Members are requested to be at the hall by ten o'clock. Archie Munkers has returned to Sadem after a short visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mun kers. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ruhl celebrat ed their twenty-fifth wedding anni versary with a dancing party at their home Saturday evening. A large number of neighbors and friends were present and all report an enjoyable evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jackson and children have returned from a va cation in Portland. Misses Elsie and Irene Tuckci are spending the Christmas holi days here from their schools a". North Powder and Nyssa. Mrs. Elsie M. Beach is spending the week in Portland. Mrs. Elmer Hunt and children have returned from San Francisco where they spent the Christmas holidays. They were accompanied home by Mr. Hunt who has been in that city several weeks. Danny Dinges Is absent from school on account of illness. Miss Betty Skyles has returned from Portland wher she spent the holidays. Miss Harriet Pointer of Mon mouth (spent the week with relatives and friends In this community. Wilbur Steagall is confined to his home with a sore throat Miss Shirlee Smith returned Sun day evening from Hillsbiro where she spent the Christmas vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Matlock of The Dalles spent the holidays with relatives in this city. Mrs. W. B. Tucker has returned from a month's visit in La Grande at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Paul DeF. Mortimore. Vester Thornburg spent the Christmas holidays with relatives in this city. Mrs. J. E. Gentry is quite ill at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Whillock of Heppner are visiting at the Charles Breshears home. Annual Breakfast Shows Big Future for The Dalles More than 200 men of the mid- Columbia district were seated at the annual Parade of Progress breakfast in The Dalles Tuesday morning, and enjoyed the program of pageant, speeches and fun-mak ing in which was depicted past and future progress. Predicted was The Dalles as the future metropolis of the west when it becomes a sea port and large industrial center following completion of Bonneville dam. Rev. Hopper, Congregation al minister of Portland, made the headline address In which he stressed the need of social unity in bringing about progress, and com mended the spirit evidenced by the breakfast. Harold Sexton, Wasco county sheriff, was the commodore directing the program from the poop deck of an improvised ship, as toastmaster. The Dalles Lions sponsored the event, and other ser vice organizations cooperated. Attending the breakfast from here were C. J. D. Bauman, S. E. Notson, Joseph Belanger and Jas per Crawford, NEW ALMANACS OUT. The new 1936 Telephone Alman ac, an annual publication of the American Telephone & Telegraph company, is now available, and copies may be obtained free at the telephone office, according to Miss Opal Brlggs, agency manager here for the Pacific Telephone & Tele graph company. The new almanac, which has 32 pages, contains inter esting Information on astronomical calculations, temperature data for representative cities in the various stiites, and other typical almanac information, as well as many facts regarding the history and develop ment of the telephone. LICENSKS TOTAL $2183.50. Hunting and fishing licenses sold In Morrow county for 1935 totalled $2183.50, according to the report of Clerk Charles Barlow just made to the state game commission. The total exceeded that for 1934 by $20( In his time as clerk, Mr. Barlow Issued an even $2000 worth of licenses. Charles Notson Tells Experiences In Escaping Chinese Red Invasion Yellow River Craft An inflated goatskin pontoon raft like that on which the Not sons journeyed 600 miles down Yellow river in escaping Chinese red invasion of their mission dis trict. A native son or daugh ter was caught in foreground. House 4, Methodist Mission, Peiping, China, Oct. 30, 1935. Dear Folks: Enclosed are some pictures and a few comments on our trip by raft. You may already know the facts as the reporter for the Associated Press met the train at the edge of the city and gathered the informa tion which he said would be cabled to the United States, including our names and addresses. Communists had entered Kansu province from Szechuan. The large army of government troops sent to repel the communists act only on the defensive, often failing to stop small groups who cut the motor road to Sian, which is the terminus of the railroad. Motor busses and mail trucks were frequently burned on the road between Lanchow and Sian. This situation made it im possible for us to make the trip from Lanchow to the railroad. Warnings were sent out by the American and British consuls to their nationals. The river route (via the Hwang Ho, or Yellow riv er) being the only way open and likely to be closed by ice by the end of October, or even sooner, we de cided to go by raft. And, as I wrote you from Ningsia, we start ed on October 9th. Several rafts had carried China Inland Mission folks from Lan chow to Ningsia, in August, and in September the Griebenows went by raft from Lanchow to Paotow. They are now at Salem, if they had no delays- There were 22 adults and 7 children in our party. Sheep of the Hwang Ho basin are often amphibious. Although land travelers in life, after death their smoothly shorn skins, well greased and inflated, are the chief support of commerce upon the waters of the upper Yellow river. As a small boy in eastern Oregon, I aspired to become a sheepherder, but never entertain a fancy of some day floating down one of China's large rivers on a raft made of willow poles and six hundred sheep and goat skins. Our raft was a large one. Usual ly produce for market, light freight, and passengers are floated between neighboring cities on small units of twenty-five to thirty skins. I saw a raft of six skins carrying six men. It looked as if they were squatting on the water itself, for scarcely any of the raft was visi ble beneath them. If a "flat" ap pears while on the water, free air Is promptly supplied from the lungs of the raftsmen. Punctures are patched just as you would patch a small boy's trousers with needle and thread. At the end of a long trip, as this one, requiring two or three weeks, the skins are deflated, folded into packs, and returned by donkey to the starting point, an ar duous journey requiring twice the time of the down trip. At the beginning of the trip, our raft was separated into two parts for easier handling, and the first day, as we were rushed through swift waters in the gorges, a double crew manned the oars, or sweeps, used for steering. In the gorges, loud roaring pummelled our ears, rock cliffs became a kaliedoscope of jutting angles, while the long poles of the raft's framework buckled and dipped until we felt ourselves on a serpent's back. Three tense hours of this excitement having fled, we finally eluded the wide spread trap of an ugly whirlpool and slid away from the tumbling, churning waters to a quiet beach where we tied up for the night. In prospect lay smooth sailing, moonlit shores with singing to a guitar acompanlment, long days of leisure and quiet, interrupted only by tasks incidental to preparing food for a raft of hungry mission aries. We, as we anticipated, saw camel caravans crossing pictur esque sand dunes and had the pleasure of seeing thousands of migrating wild fowl geese, cranes and ducks. With the lower reaches of the Gobi desert on our left and the Or dos on the right, solitude enclosed us except during stops at desert cities, when crowds of strange peo ple, curious but friendly, flocked to the bank to gaze at the "strange people" on the raft. Favored by tranquil autumn weather, we felt little cause now for anxiety from possible bandits who occasionally puncture the skins with bullets to compel their victims to land. But our peace was to be broken In an unexpected way Tied to the bank one evening In the glow of a radiant sunset, the party landed for exercise, and found upon the sand in sprawling Chinese characters, sentiments om inously anti-foreign. Quicksand In Native Garb Mr. and Mrs. Charles Notson pictured with Chinese Moslem priest. They donned robes typi cal of the section. added to the unfriendly atmosphere of the place. However, usual prep arations were made for retiring, and voices were subdued to an un dertone as groups gathered at dif ferent parts of the raft for an eve ning chat or a cup of tea. From the raftsmen on the beach, wrapped in sheep furs, came the heavy breathing preliminary to the louder snoring with which they accom panied their rest from labor. Sud den loud gurgling of water rushing beneath the light willow frames caused some comment, but not un til the raft was actually swinging from the land did we realize the ropes had broken and we were on the crest of an unusually strong current. Pa shlh! Pa shih! rose the cry for the raftsmen. Already they had sprung to their feet and were leaping through the water. Crack, smash! the left front sweep had lifted a near-by boat and had thrown it on its side. At this the men reached the oars, but only three had succeeded in boarding the raft, and with increased momentum the frail but burdened craft swung to a heavy collision with the bank. Row out! shouted the men, but what could three do to check a force that would test the combined strength of all seven raftsmen? Reeding in the powerful 'current the raft plunged another corner with a sickening impact Into the sand, receiving a' Tenching that threatened to tear it apart and leave us to struggle in the black waters beneath. Every flashlight, candle and lantern available were held high in the darkness only to throw a ghostly gleam against the speeding shore and reveal too plain ly the approach of each terrifying shock. By the dim light a racing figure could be seen tearing through the tall grass. Thur! In the brief moment of contact the youngest member of the crew cast his ath letic form at the raft, splashed into the river to his waist, while eager arms reached out. He was on! Thank God, a man for each corner. But still the tragic slugging con tact with the bank continued. Pwong! Paw! Skins were burst ing like toy balloons in the hands of a child. Strained at every point, the raft began to sag awry like a goods box under heavy weight. All the while a constant murmur of prayer was rising from the pas sengers, who, accustomed to audi ence with God, were unashamed to call upon Him In their distress. The head raftsman, a husky Moslem, with stubby iron grey beard and close cropped hair, leaping to grasp an oar, shouted, "All of you pray!" And a moment later was himself seen with both hands in the air im ploring divine aid, quite in con trast wth the quiet, unperturbed manner characteristic of him and his fellows. At the cost of a splintered oar, a distance from the bank was gained at last, and we glided swiftly on in darkness until finally the raft grounded upon a receptive sand bar in the middle of the river, six or seven miles from our earlier an chorage. The other raftsmen "bor rowed" a boat from a fisherman and came aboard later. At Paotow (pronounced Bo-too) we stayed a day and a half in a native Inn, and then took train for Peiping on the morning of October 27, having been on the raft 17 days. We arrived at Peiping on the morn ing of me 28th. About 4 a m. an axle under our baggage car broke, beating a hole in the floor of the car and causing the engineer to stop the train in time to avoid a wreck. As we were coming down grade on a curve, It was regarded by the train officials as a very dan gerous situation. This morning we visited the Chinese school and enrolled. It is expensive, but we can't afford to lose time. Howevere, we find that students who enrolled three weeks ago are as well grounded in the lan guage as we are after our five months study with a native teacher at Hochow. The Instructors here are fine. Credits earned here are recognized by colleges in America. So, you see the school Is one of ex cellent standing. Peiping has a ppoulatlon of 815, 000. It Is the former capital of the Chinese Empire, but the capital of the republic Is at Nanking. CHARLES NOTSON. M. J. Devln was in town this morning from the Sand Hollow ranch. He is enjoying quite good health at present after having been 111 for some time. TO BEJN BALLOT Registration Closes for Special State Election January 31st. SALES TAX IS ISSUE Voters to Decide Method of Legis lative Pay, Student Fees, and Time of Primaries. Four measures will be given the electorate to decide at the special state election, January 31, registra tion for which closed Tuesday. Three of the measures, providing for changing primary elections from May to September, legislative com pensation amendment, and sales tax bill to raise revenue for paying the state's portion of the old age pen sion, were referred to the people by the legislative assembly, while the fourth a bill authorizing student activity fees in state higher educa tional Institutions was referred by petition of the people. Texts of the proposed acts, and arguments for and against their passage, are contained in the official voters' pamphlet sent all registered voters from the secretary of state's office this week. Bill for changing time of holding primary elections provides for hold ing the elections the first Friday after the first Monday in Septem ber instead of the third Friday in May, and making the necessarv changes caused thereby in the method of electing delegates to na tional conventions of political part ies and the nomination of national committeemen and committeewo men of political parties and in the time of performing certain other acts and official duties in connec tion with elections. The legislative pay amendment provides for amending Article TV, section 29, of the constitution so that members of the legislature shall receive such compensation as may be provided by law instead of, as at present, receiving $3 a day Dut not more than $120 for any one session, and $3 for every 20 miles travelled in going to and returning from the place of meeting on the most usual route, the presiding of ficers of the legislature receiving $5 per day; extra sessions still, as now, not to continue longer than 20 days each. The sales tax bill would provide funds for old age assistance, aid to the blind and dependent chil dren, by imposing sales tax on gross income from sales of tangible per sonal property, of two percent for retail sales and one-fourth of one percent for wholesale sales; trans porting such property from the state without sale, considered as sale. Exemptions include gross sales up to $50 monthly; sales to United States, state, their agencies and subdivisions; sales of motor vehicle fuels, fresh sweet milk, can ned milk, butter, eggs, cheese, raw unprocessed fruit and vegetables, meat, fish, unsweetened loaf bread, rolls and buns for consumption off premises. The student activity fees bill pro vides for authorizing the state board of higher education to levy and collect from students in Oregon State Agricultural college, Univer sity of Oregon, and the state nor mal schools fees of not over $5 per term, of approximately three months each, for development and promotion of recreational and cul tural activities; the funds so col lected to be administered by such organizations as the board may designate. Program Announced For Pomona Meeting Rhea Creek grange will be host to Morrow County Pomona grange on Saturday, January 4. Newly elected officers will be installed at the morning session which should begin at 10:30. A program open to the public will be given in the af ternoon. Soma of the numbers are, a play, "The Long Horn," Rhea Creek dra matic club; music, Marjorie Parker; reading, Jane Huston; music Dy Rhea Creek school. Other numbprs will be given by subordinate granges, and it is possible that a speaker from the outside will be present to talk on questions to be submitted to the voters at the com' Ing special election. Gilliam-Wheel er Pomona grange will confer the fifth degree on all candidates In waiting at the evening meeting. NOTICE To owners of irrigated land on Wil low, Rhea and Hinton creeks: That there will be no water di verted from any of these creeks during the months of January ana February, 1936, unless the watr reaches the Columbia river. This is done in order to Insure stock water on lower Willow creek. By order of the County Court STUDENTS BACK TO SCHOOL. General exodus of the many col lege students home for the holidays is being made this week end to re sume studies at various schools, with classwork at most of them being resumed the first of the week. T. H. Nichols, pioneer wheat raiser of the north Lexington sec tion was trading In town today. I0NE By MARGARET BLAKE Many friends and relatives will mourn the passing of Mrs. Alice McNabb, who passed away at her home in lone Mondav eveninc re- cember 30, at 5 p. m. Alice Elnora wameia was born July 15, 1862, at Shedd, Linn county, Oregon. She came to Morrow county at the age of twenty, and was married to Wes ley T. McNabb July 4, 1886. Mr. McNabb passed away at lone Oc tober 25, 1920. To this union were born three children, all of whom survive. They are Mabel Read of Walport, Edna Jewell of Pasco, Wash., Wesley McNabb of Califor nia. In 1903 the children of her brother, Samuel Warfield, were or phaned and came to live with the McNabb family. To these children she was a real mother, rearing them as her own. They were Jesse and James of lone, Chester of Canada, Lovely Fisk of Kennewick, Wash., and Sam, who died Feb. 28, 1934. Except for three years spent at Nez Perze, Idaho, she has lived in Mor row county since first coming here. Mrs. McNabb is survived hv daughters, one son, two sisters, Mrs. Mary Haney, San Francisco, Mrs. Emma Howard, Vancouver, Wash., 13 grandchildren and many nieces and nephews, who regarded "Aunt Alice" as a mother. Funeral ser vices are being held at the Chris tian cnurcn in lone this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Locust chanter. O. E. S., will be in chare-e of the sertHnps The fifth annual reunion of the class of '31 was held Friday eve ning at the home of Mrs. Marion Palmer of Lexington. Officers elected for the following year were Gladys Brashers, president; Gene va Palmer, vice-president; Norman Nelson, secretary-treasurer. A com mittee was appointed to make ar rangements for the 1936 reunion. Members present were Margaret Crawford, Norman Swanson, Earl McCabe, Milton Morgan, Gladys Brashers, Barton Clark, Geneva Pettyjohn Palmer, Dorr Mason, Ir vin Ritchie and John Eubanks. Guests present were Beth Wright, Clara Nelson, Mildred Eubanks and Marion Palmer. Members unable to attend were Helen Smouse Mar tin, Veda Eubanks Brenner, Ordie Farrens, Grant Conway, Virgil Es teb, Louise Buschke and Francis Troedson. The class of "32 held its second annual reunion at the home of Miss Clara Nelson Sunday night. Mrs. J. W. Howk and children, Alan and Lois, of Condon, being unable to come over for Christmas because of the "icy roads, came by train and arrived Thursday morn ing for a Visit with her nnrpnts Mr and Mrs. P. J. Linn, and her broth er, Elmer Griffith. Mr. Hnwk riravo over after them on Sunday. He stated that the road was slick and icy as far as Olex. Clarence Linn arrived from rvil- fax, Wash., Christmas evening for a snort visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Linn. He came by stage, and was delayed by the ice on the roads. The Januarv meetine- nf the Wn- mens Topic club will be held at the home of Mrs. Martin E. Cotter on January 4. Miss Freda Anderson and Miss. Grace Duncan, teachers in thp Mor gan school, returned Sunday from tneir vacations, spent at Hood Riv er and Oregon City, respectively. Both attended the O. S. T. A. meet ing in Portland. All lone teachers were present and accounted for Monday morn ing when schools reopened. Miss Dorothy Arant accompan ied by Miss Maxine McCurdy, de parted by train for Portland Wed nesday, returning Sunday. Norman Swanson who has been spending the holidays with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Swanson, returned to Spokane Sunday. Garland Swanson returned nn Thursday from Salem Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Pomerantz of Los Angeles were holiday visit ors at the home of Mrs. Pomer antz s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clark. When thev rptnrnpd Mrs Pomerantz's brother, Lowell Clark, accompanied them. Mrs. Guy Cason and children, Guyla and Bobby, of Arlington vis ited Mrs. Cason's mother, Mrs. Lana fadberg, during the holidays. James Lindsey and family visit ed relatives in Portland last weeU. Mrs. Lindsey, who has been quite in, is improvea in neaitn. Miss Bertha Akers had as a house guest over the week end Miss Pat ty Cason of Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Dan O'Hara re turned to their home In Kinzua on Sunday. Mrs. E. J. Blake and children, Donald and Joanne, departed on Saturday nights train for Portland. Mrs. Blake will visit her parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. L. Jones and will have Joannes glasses changed. Mrs. J. H. Blake is staying with the older children. (Continued on Page Four) December Turnovers Put Collections Over Hump Tax turnovers in December brought total collections for 1935 to more than the current levy by $8,654.66. Thus Morrow county goes into the new year with less uncol lected tax than existed at the be ginning of 1935. Collections Tor the year totalled $333,630.66, while the current levy was $329,976. A total of $134,470.39 was collect ed on 1934 and prior years' tax, and $204,468.74 was collected on the cur rent levy. The uncollected balance at the close of the year is $487,319. 78, as against $496,282.91 at the be ginning of the year. PRESIDENT CITES EA UE AAA VIEWS Wisdom Upheld as Ap plied to Wheat ; Oppo sition Political. ATTACKS EXPOSED Peculiar Situation of Northwest Wheat Grower Makes Control of Production Necessary. Lexington. The Eastern Oregon Wheat league is firmly committed to the wisdom of the AAA program, particularly as applies to wheat. says E. Harvey Miller, newly elect ed president, who has just issued in condensed form a thorough re port dealing with the AAA made at the recent annual convention by a special sub-committee. This report was the result of ex tensive study made by this sub committee, headed by J. B. Adams of Moro and contains much mater ial not found in various national discussions of the adjustment pro gram, according to Miller. Follow ing is a digest of the report: There is being prosecuted in Oregon, and over the nation, a con certed attack against the Agricul tural Adjustment act. In the east this attack is intensified and bitter far beyond the comprehension of Pacific northwest farmers, who are practically a unit in favor of the act and are puzzled in endeavoring to account for the intensity of this bitterness. Part of it appears to be due to the mistaken idea that the act is purely a piece of political legisla tion. Another part seems to have originated in the fertile minds of eastern politicians who see a chance to carry themselves to political victory by stirring consumer re sentment against processing taxes. A third source of opposition lies with the mills, packing plants and factories which have paid large sums in processing fees, although every cent of such taxes has been passed on to consumers. A fourth source consists of. those easterners whose views are that the act is a diabolical scheme to take money from the east and give it to the west. "First, the attack on the act as one of Democratic party policy, it seems to us, is the farthest of all four from being founded upon fact and is the most stupid. Is rural free delivery of mail a Republican act just because it was signed by a Republican president? Is equal suffrage purely a Republican idea because of that fact that it was en acted into law by a Republican congress? Can any other funda mental act be so labeled? "Pacific northwest farmers have been fighting for the very principles embraced in the Agricultural Ad justment act for more than fifteen years past, and finally in 1932-33 were able to convince a large ma jority in congress and a presiden tial candidate that these principles were just In the fall of 1932, be fore the new president assumed of fice, all of the leading farm organi zations sent delegates to Washing ton and these wrote the act sub stantially as it now stands. It was wholly a farmers' bill and to credit the act now to either political party would be a display of ignorance or falsehood. Republican newspapers are incredibly stupid in shouting hysterically that it is a Democratic plan or scheme. "Second, the attempt of politi cians to stir resentment among consumers was to have been expect ed. In political life it is every sec tion for itself and the predominant ly urban states can be counted upon to oppose in the end most plans which promise to benefit agricul tural states more or less at the cities' expense. We have here a conflict between the industrial east and the agricultural west that has been active for years past and which is no doubt destined to be come more bitter as time goes on. We believe it to be a short-sighted policy on the part of the industrial states, but we cannot change that readily. "Third, the hope of the mills, packing plants, and certain fac tories that they may be able to re cover the processing taxes they have paid and have In turn passed on to consumers or which Is with held from payment under court re straining orders, Is the most sordid of all. Some of the other kinds of opposition are due to Ignorance or lack of understanding or short sightedness. This class of opposi tion would sacrifice the entire group of American farmers for sel fish gain. "Last, the opposition of the east erner who is loath to see money taken from his part of the country and spent In the west or south. That is what the processing taxes more or less amount to In the end. This opposition at least is honest, as the act does tend to move east ern money westward, but that only reverses in a small measure the flow that has been going on tho past 100 years. "The tariff has enabled manu facturers to pay higher wages In this country and these wage levels have caused farm wages to be two to ten times as high here as In oth er competing wheat-growing coun (Continued on Pas Four)