. HISTORIC1 0 R P L' B 4 Volume 52, Number 40. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, Dec. 12, 1935. Subscription $2.00 a Year atte TUX COLLECT IONS NEARLY UP TO LEVY Improved Condition of County Finances Indi cated in Report. IMPETUS EXPECTED Opportunity to Save on Penalty and Interest Should Overcome Shortage by End of Year. Tax collections In Morrow county, have been good so far this year. Up to November 30, total collec tions fell short of reaching the total levy for 1935 by only $1,620.75, according to the report of Charles W. Barlow, clerk, taken from the record of controlling accounts in his office. No turnovers are expected In December, but collections for this month should put the county over the top on its current levy. This does not mean that everyone has paid his 1935 taxes. Of the total collections of $328,439.4? turned over to the treasurer by the sher iff from Jan. 1, 1935 to Nov. 30, 1935, $131,446.56 was collected on taxes for 1934 and prior years, while $196,992.61 was collected on the current tax of $330,060.22. Unpaid taxes for 1934 and prior years at the date of report totaled $364,736.05, and amount unpaid on current roll was $133,067.61. Impetus to taxpaying is expected as the public understands the op portunity to save penalty and in terest on their delinquent taxes by virtue of recent order of the coun ty court giving immediate advan tage of the law passed by the re cent special legislative session, which becomes effective In Febru ary. The law provides for waiving penalty and Interest on payment of taxes for farthest year of de linquency 1934 and prior years only when similar payment is made on the current year's tax. Payment of any amount of the farthest year of delinquent tax is accepted by the sheriff now, with penalty and Interest waivedand a receipt issued containing the con dition that a like amount of cur rent tax will be paid as it becomes due, otherwise the remitted pen alty and interest will be charged back. The clerk's report shows total appropriations for the year of $584, 151.64, and vouchers paid of $252, 909.07, leaving unexpended balances In various accounts totaling $331, 242.37. Against the unexpended balances is a cash surplus of $109, 406.14. Much of the unexpended appropriations will be marked off at the end of the year, and the cash balance in most accounts will probably be sufficient to meet obli gations which must be paid, such as balance on state tax, general school, bonds and interest, which total $78,160.36. The condition of school districts on the whole shows considerable improvement with total payments on bonds and interest for the year of $22,794.55. Many districts have resumed operation on a cash basis this year, after having been forced on a warrant basis in the darker days of depression. Enviable posi tions are held by the Irrigon and Boardman school districts, where public utilities pay a large propor tion of the tax. Of the special district tax levied for Irrigon of $10,830.25 this year, collections up to November 1, not counting am ount collected on delinquent tax, showed $10,079.76. For Boardman, $8,390.01 had been collected of the total levy of $9,813.41. BEX HOME AGAIN. Leo Gorger was upset last week when his pet purebred police dog, Rex, was missed from the farm home in the north lone section. He Inserted a little want ad In the Ga zette Times and a few days later Rex was united with the family. His neighbor, Fred Mankin, had the dog and so notified Mr. Gorger when he saw the ad, not knowing before that Mr. Gorger had such a dog. Rex apparently had followed the Gorgers frdm home and on be coming tired turned in at Man kins. Both Mr. and Mrs. Mankin became attached to him and were sorry to give him up. The dog, too, was made to feel very much at home as Mrs. Mankin inadvertent ly guessed his name, Rex. Mr. Gorger was pleased to report the good result of the advertising when in town Tuesday. MISSION SOCIETY MEETS. The Womeng Christian Mission ary society of the Church of Christ met Monday evening at the home of Mrs. E. R. Huston. Twenty members and friends enjoyed the program consisting of songs and pa pers pertaining to Christmas, and a dramatization entitled, "The Com ing of the Prince of Peace." Miss Leta Humphreys assisted the host ess and delicious refreshments were served. MARRIED IN SEATTLE. Of interest to friends here Is the news of the marriage of Miss El nore Adklns, daughter of E. E. Ad klns of this city, to Mr. Benton Walker of Seattle, In the Washing ton city October 30. Mr. and Mrs. Walker make their home In Seattle where Mr. Walker Is a prominent young business man. Sister Killed When Truck Turns Over in Arizona Mrs. Minnie Barnes of Ava, Mo., sister of Mrs. Sam McCullough and daughter of Mrs. Walter Crosby of this city, was instantly killed the evening of December 3, and her daughter, May Barnes, was serious ly injured when the truck In which they were riding turned over on the Benson highway about ten miles from Tucson, Ariz. With Mr. Barnes they were on their way to Ava from Earlimart, Cal. Ben Barnes, the husband and father, was uninjured according to report received by Mrs. McCullough through the Tuc son press. The small truck was heavily loaded with household furniture. Investigation disclosed that the truck, traveling at a good rate of speed, got too far over on the high way shoulder and rolled over. Mrs. Barnes was pinned under the load of furniture, her head crushed. Miss Barnes, caught in the cab with her father, was so severely Injured that she was taken to a Tucson hos pital, while the mother's body was removed to a mortuary. LEXINGTON By BEULAH B. NICHOLS. Harry Duvall of Blackhorse was j pleasantly surprised last Wednes day evening, Dec. 4, it being the oc casion of his birthday. It was also the 25th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Duvall. Guests pres ent were Mr. and Mrs. Karl Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dinges, Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Gentry, Mrs. Nancy McWat ers, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jackson, Mrs. Laura Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Miller, Mrs. W. D. Campbell and Mrs. Elmer Hunt. The evening was spent playing cards. High scores were won by Mrs. Karl Mil ler and John Miller, second high by Mrs. Harry Dinges and Harvey Miller, consolation by Mrs. John Miller and J. G. Johnson. Chicken salad, hot biscuits and coffee were served at midnight. After the guests had departed Mr. and Mrs. Duvall found several packages left about the room. Some contained birthday gifts and others pieces of silver in honor of their silver wed ding anniversary. An excellent cast in a clever play made "Phantom Bells" a big suc cess at the high school auditorium Friday night. Members of the se nior class were exceptionally good in their character portrayals and the production was well staged. The play was directed by Wm. D. Camp bell. All grange members are urged to attend the grange meeting Satur day night when the newly elected ofllcrs w(ll be Installed. A pot luck supper will follow the initiation. Orville Cutsforth, Henry Smouse, Charles Marquardt, Oral Scott, R. B. Rice, George Peck, A. H. Nelson, Harvey Miller and Louis Marquardt were among the Lexington dele gates who attended the meeting of the Eastern Oregon Wheat league ut Pendleton last week end. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schriever and family have returned from a visit with relatives in Portland. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McMillan who has been very ill with pneumonia, is reported to be improving. Christmas vacation in the Lex ington school will start December 20 and continue until December 30. Charles Breshears is confined to his home with a dislocated knee, the result of an Injury sustained while he was trying to put chains on his car. Mr. and Mrs, Bill Smethurst and daughter have returned from a two weeks' visit with' relatives in Port land. S. G. McMillan is spending a few days in Portland. Winford Duvall spent a few days last week In Portland visiting his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wickersham. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Shaw and fam ily were Pendleton visitors Satur day. Hoi 'ace Addis of Pendleton was a business visitor in this city Satur day. Vernon Warner and Edward Rice were in Portland the first of the i week. Mrs. Alie Peck and young son returned home Saturday from the home of Mrs. Ada Cason In Hepp ner. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ingles of Boardman spent the week end with friends in Lexington. They were accompanied home by Miss Edith Tucker who is spending yie week in Boardman. Ed Miller of Portland is visiting relatives in this community. Miss Grace Rowell of Hermlston is visiting her sister, Mrs. Glover Peck. PROMINENT AT BANQUET. Senator J. G. Baratt, who is alsoi president of Oregon Woolgrowers association, was one of the featur ed speakers at the banquet of East ern Oregon Wheat league at Pen dleton last Friday evening. E. Harvey Miller, newly elected lea gue president, was another featur ed speaker. Former Heppnerites C. L. Sweek and Chas. W, Smith, the first as toastmaster and the latter as assistant toastmaster, are reported to have livened up the occasion with their well known wit. Mrs. Isabella Corrigall and daughter, Mrs. Wilbur Gourley, were trading In the city yesterday from the Gourley farm on Balm fork. The Gourleys raised a large number of turkeys this year and expect to have some fine birds for the Christmas market. BOYS' DEVELOPMENT BIG PART CCC WORK Local Camp Pogram is Told Lions by Army, Project Heads. AIDS DAM PROPOSAL Gault, Wightman Help Investigate WPA Project for City Water; Sweek, McMahon Visit One of the first considerations of CCC work, both from the stand point of the army and of the soil conservation service, is training and educating the enrollees. That is what Lions were told at their Monday luncheon byCapt W. R. Reynolds, commandant of the local camp, and R. W. Leep, soil conser vation superintendent, each of whom gave a brief outline of the work being carried on here. Being new to the work of the soil conservation service, Captain Reynolds did not know just what local benefits might result from the work, but he said that the bene fit to the boys alone' went a long way toward compensating for the money expended. His Job was cited as that of caring for the enrollees when not at work, and he com mended the fine spirit of interest and cooperation received from them. Mr. Leep gave a short insight into the soil conservation set-up, giving it as his job to superintend the work after projects had been lined up and turned over to him by Millard Rodman, the project man ager. He cited the main objective of the work to be the building up of land cover to prevent rapid run-off of water and consequent soil ero sion. The work of the service is by demonstrational projects to show what may be done and thus to guide land owners in courses to follow in preserving their soil and fertility of the country. The ultimate result of uncon trolled erosion is a barren waste, Mr. Leep said, as evidenced by the great Sahara desert, once known to have been highly productive. So far the work here has consist ed in gully control,.. with, the en larged program still In the making. The local camp's jurisdiction in cludes all of the Willow creek wa tershed, and projects so far have been undertaken on Willow and Hinton creeks. He commended the good spirit of cooperation re ceived from local people. Lions expressed Interest In the visit Monday of Wm. Bollins, WPA engineer, and the possbility of re ceiving WPA assistance for con struction of a dam on upper Wil low creek to aid in the city's wa ter supply. J. L. Gault and J. J. Wightman were named as a com mittee from the club to assist in investigating such possibility. Mr. Gault and S. E. Notson each gave a brief report of the meeting of the Eastern Oregon Wheat league in Pendleton which they at tended Saturday, and announced the selection of Heppner for the league's conference next year, and the election of E. Harvey Miller of Lexington as president. They were privileged to hear the address of Rep. Walter M. Pierce. Judge C. L. Sweek of Pendleton, former president of the local club, and F. A. McMahon, state police man, were club guests. Elks' Memorial Service Conducted This Evening The public is invited to join in honoring departed brothers of Heppner lodge 358, B. P. O. Elks, at 8:15 this evening at the lodge hall, when the ritualistic memorial service will be conducted for J. E. Williams, W. T. Matlock and Wil liam Shipley, departed members of me lasi year. J. O. Turner will deliver the ad dress, and special music will be sung by Mrs. John Turner, Mrs. Hubert Gaily and Mrs. Crocket Sprouls In trio in addition to the lodge ceremonies. ON DEBATE SOUAD. Pacific University, Forest Grove. miss ranees Kugg of Heppner, a freshman at Pacific university, will be a member of a two-women debate team representing Phi Lambda Omlcron sorority in the annual Intra-mural debate tourna ment. First round of the tourna ment which is sponsored by the lo cal chapter of Phi Alpha Tau, na tional aeeate honorary, is Tuesday night, December 10. Each team will debate five times in the pre liminaries which will not be fin ished until Christmas holiday. The subject for the debate is: '"Re solved, that Congress should make immediate payment of the adjust ed compensation certificates." McMahon promoted. F. A. McMahon, state policeman, was In Heppner Monday from the Arlington headquarters. He had jusi received nis commission as corporal in charge of the Arling ton district, recently separated from the Pendleton office. McMahon now reports directly to Salem head quarters instead of to the district office at Pendleton. Verne Hill and W. E. Francis are members of his staff. Joint Installation Set for Masonic Orders Dec. 18 'Joint Installation ceremonies for Heppner lodge No. 69, A F. and A. M., and Ruth Chapter No. 32, O. E. S., will be held Wednesday evening, December 18. Preceding the in stallation will be served the annual turkey banquet, to which all mem bers of the orders with their wives and escorts are invited. The Instal lation ceremonies will be open to the public. Officers of the Masonic lodge to be inducted into office are: Lawrence L. Beach, W. M.; J. O. Turner, S. W.; W. Vawter Parker, J. W.; Frank S. Parker, treasurer; Spencer Crawford, secretary; and appointive officers not yet announc ed. Election of officers "for Ruth chapter will be held tomorrow (Fri day) evening, at which time initia tion degrees will also be conferred. RECEIVES BURNS WHEN SHOP FIRED Mrs. Agnes Curran Injured in At tempt to Subdue Flames; Sus tains $1500 Stock Damage. Mrs. Agnes Curran, proprietress, received painful burns when she attempted to subdue flames which broke out in a clothes closet at the Curran Hot shop shortly before noon Sunday. She was burned quite deeply on the face, neck, arms and back, though she paid little heed to the injury In the excite ment. She was later treated at the j Patterson & Son drug store and has carried on since, cleaning up the store and living apartments in the rear, damage to which, including that to the building belonging to Mrs. Leta Babb, Is estimated at $1500. The insured loss to both building and contents was adjust ed Monday night and Mrs. Curran has offered her stock at fire sale. When the alarm was turned in, Mark Merrill, fire chief, was hav ing the fire truck serviced at a near-by service station. With en gine still running, the truck was on the scene before the siren had stopped. Merrill and Frank Shive ly, councilman, had water from the 100-gallon booster tank on the flames in short order, though when they arrived the front store room was so hot and smoky they could n't enter. -. The fire was largely subdued by water from the booster tank, which Merrill believes is re sponsible for keeping down dam age which would nave been done had it been necessary to bring the heavier stream from the mains into of the fire was not deter mined, but was thought to be spon taneous combustion. Mrs. Curran had returned from church but a few minutes before, accompanied by Ann Lawrence, small daughter of Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Lawrence. She was getting dinner when she heard the crackling of flames and smelled smoke, which resulted In her attempt to quell the flames. Her attempt frustrated, she re turned through the back living quarters to escape with Ann through a rear door. The door was locked, and her purse containing the key could not be located, but a few moments later firefighters, who had gathered in numbers, broke down the door and assisted them. Ann received a bump, being against the door when it was forced. Besides damage to her stock of ladies' ready-to-wear apparel, oth er damage to Mrs. Curran's person al effects was sustained, Including loss of a mink fur coat FOREST NOTES By F. F. WEHMEYER This year we had 1700 cattle and 800 calves in the Heppner district for a five months' grazing period and 23,000 sheep and 19,000 lambs for a three and a half months' sea son. The 300,000,000 acres of national forest land were, in a sense, just a big factory, where an estimated 42,000 tons of forage was converted Into tons of cutlets, roasts, steaks, blankets, shoes, buttons, glue, gel atin and innumerable other Items. This was all produced from ma terial that would otherwise have gone to waste. Forty-two thousand tons of forage would make a whop per of a hay stack. The national forest is only a minor consideration In the stock Industry of this part of the country, as I believe it is estimated that the resources of Morrow county are about 60 percent stock industry, 30 percent grain growing, and 10 per cent miscellaneous, while the re sources of adjoining counties run at even higher percentage to the stock industry. Lambs taken from the national forest as represented by the local ranger district, averaged better than 70 pounds per head as shipped to market, f. o. b. Heppner. R. A. Thompson shipped 860 five months old lambs from his Ditch creek al lotment that averaged 91 pounds. Probably a record not beaten In any other part of the state. Some of the finest beef and mutton pro duced In the northwest is raised right here in our own locality, only local producers are Just a little too modest to do their own crowing. FIRE SALE at Curran Ready-to-Wear shop, now open for busi ness. Stock damaged only by smoke. Many exceptional bargains. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Hughes, Monday evening, Decem ber 9, a son, William Bassett, weighing 9 pounds. LITTLE HOPE SEEN 1 STORAGE 01 WPA Engineer Believes Site on Upper Willow Creek Unsuitable. PROPOSAL VIEWED City, County Officials, Lions Club Committee Assist; Other Solutions Cited. Prospects for a storage dam on upper Willow creek either to aug ment the city water supply or aid in raising the water table of the valley were not heightened by the opinion of Wm. Bollins, WPA en gineer, who looked over a pro posed project Tuesday in company with Mayor T. J. D. Jones, Com missioner Frank S. Parker, and J. L. Gault and J. J. Wightman, Lions club committee. It was Bol lins' opinion that the narrow and steep storage basin would require too costly a dam at the site inves tigated, that at the old "Caves" bluff just below the forks of the creek. Bollins is in charge of dam con struction with the WPA, and his visit here was made in line with his present work of determining feasible dam projects in the state. He was "sold" on the need of the lower valley for a more adequate supply of water through the dry season, and believed a retention dam on the upper creek to conserve the spring flood run-off from the Willow creek watershed would be a feasible project if an adequate storage basin could be had. City and county officials, and the Lions club, were interested in the matter both as a means of securing more water for the city and in raising the valley's water table for irrigation of crops. The city has been fighting a water shortage the last several summers, while the county court has had trouble of its own pacifying stockmen on the lower creek who have priority claim to water for watering stock over those who use it for irrigation. The court is hopeful that the project, now being assisted in by the soil conservation service, that of diverting Ditch creek into Wil low creek, will help solve their problem the coming dry season. As for the city's problem, Bol lins believed that Mayor Jones' idea of ditching into one of the wells at a sufficient depth to per mit the water to flow into the ditch might be feasible as a means of maintaining a gravity supply. He thought a WPA project might be obtained for the purpose. At present the city is supplied with water from but one of its .two wells at the forks of the creek, and that by use of a syphon. Water in the other well has dropped below a point where it can be syphoned. This well was used for a time just before the end of the irrigation season by pumping the water. The cost of pumping is dear, however, and the mayor and council are de termined to keep' the city supplied by gravity flow as long as possible. Big Free Turkey Feed Scheduled by Legion All ex-service men in the Heppner territory are being invited to par ticipate in a big turkey feed at the 4-H club room in the county pavil ion next Monday evening, under auspices of Heppner post, Ameri can Legion. The feed, which will be served at 8:00 o'clock in order to make it possible for out-of-town men to be present, is the result of the generosity of Elbert L. Cox, immediate past commander, who is contributing the birds. While pards are being mailed out by Ad jutant P. M. Gemmell, he wishes it made plain that all ex-service men are urged and expected to be present whether a card Is re ceived or not. DEADLINE SET DEC. 21. The deadline date for receiving applications for new wheat allot ment contracts has been set for Saturday, Dec. 21. This action was taken by the state grain board, re ports E. Harvey Miller, member, who returned home yesterday from Corvallis. It behooves everyone who wishes to sign a new contract to get in before that date, Mr. Mil ler said. JUDGE JEFFRIES COMING. Judge Jeffries of Portland is an nounced as the featured speaker for the local Townsend club Friday evening, Dec. 20, at the Methodist church basement. The meeting is slated for 7:30 o'clock. Judge Jef fries' address will be followed by a box social, with each lady request ed to bring box containing food for at least two people. 83 RD NATAL DAY OBSERVED. The 83rd birthday of Mrs. Ruth Stevens is being observed today with a noon dinner party at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers. Ten elderly friends of Mrs. Stevens were the Invited guests. C. V. Stephens of Dayton, Ore., is visiting at the home of his cou sin, Ralph Benge. He accompanied Mr. Benge and son Terrel to town from the farm yesterday. Local Hoop Teams Lose to Umatilla; Lex Next Heppner high school lost 21-15, and the town team was defeated 58-30, in a double header game with corresponding teams from Uma tilla in the local gym Tuesday eve ning. It was the first appearance of the local towners under the management of Gordon Bucknum, and they showed lack of organiza tion against the more-practiced Umatilla team. Leading the scoring for the town ers were Rod Thomson and Roland King, the latter a recent arrival from Pendleton. Others making up the squad Included Bucknum, Herman Green, Ray Massey, Mar vin Morgan, Dr. R. C. Lawrence and Reese Burkenbine. In an overtime game at Irrigon Friday, Coach Blankenship's high school squad edged out Irrigon high, 27-25. The absence of two regulars from last year, James Driscoll and Len Gilman, has been felt so far this season, but they are expected to be in the lineup soon. The next games will be played Tu esday evening with Lexington here. I0NE By MRS. MARGARET BLAKE Among lone farmers who at tended the meeting of the Eastern Oregon Wheat league at Pendleton last Friday and Saturday were Henry Smouse, Bert Johnson, Lee Beckner, Edw. Rietmann, Henry Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Werner Rietmann, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Den ny, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bergevin and Mr. and Mrs. Charles McEUi gott. The Union Missionary society of lone met at the home of Mrs. Wal lace Mathews last Thursday after noon. One person from each of the churches represented at the meet ing gave a report on the work done in some of the mission fields sup ported by her denomination. Relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Davidson of Los Angeles have received announcements from them of the birth of a son, Thomas Jr., on Dec. 1. Mrs. C. P. Nelson of Firth, Ida ho, arrived on Friday for a visit at the homes of her brothers, J. E. and C. W. Swanson. Barney Devlin, sheepman of Heppner, has spent several days here. The Women's Topic club will have its December study meeting at the home of Mrs. Werner Rietmann next Saturday afternoon, Dec. 14. A. A. Dysque of Portland, a rep resentative of Swift & Co., was in town on Wednesday receiving tur keys for the holiday trade. About 2000 pounds were bought from local farmers. People from Arlington, Lexing ton and lone as well as the imme diate neighborhood attended the program and dance given' in the Cecil grange hall last Saturday night by the Home Economics and 4-H clubs. The program given fol lows: "America," sung by audi ence; reading, Estelle Ledbetter; folk dance by pupils of the Cecil school accompanied at the piano by their teacher, Miss Johnstone; reading, "How the Feud Started," Kenneth Lundell; "Farm Revolt," a play by the 4-H club children and their leader, Mrs. H. E. Cool; tap dance by Cora Ellen Fletcher accompanied at the piano by Cora Mae Van Winkle; vocal solo, O. B. Spaulding; piano solo, Cora Mae Van Winkle; reading, "Resem blance," Marion Krebs; "On Dem Golden Slippers," sung by audi ence. A social time and dance fol lowed with refreshments served at midnight by the H. E. club. Mrs. Inez Freeland returned on Wednesday from an extended visit in various parts of the state. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Feldman en tertained at their home Sunday with a dinner party. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Denny, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Dick, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mason, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Mc Namer, Mrs. Lucy Rodgers, Mrs. Stevens and Mrs. Baker. Miss Rosa Fletcher has returned from Hood River where she has been employed for several months. A Christmas cantata will be pre sented at the school gym on Christ man eve. The school and Union Sunday school and the community as a whole are joining their efforts to make a success of the evening. Everyone is urged to be present. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Feldman have gone to California where they will enjoy the holidays with relatives. Frank Lundell and Garland Swanson went to The Dalles Tues day to get a new car for delivery to J. E. Swanson. On the grade school honor roll the past six weeks were Van Riet man and Marianne Corley in the fifth grade and Alice Nichoson and Catherine Turner in the fourth grade. New cases of mumps each week continue to upset the routine of both teachers and pupils. The high school has several ac tivities scheduled for the coming two weeks before Christmas vaca tion. On Friday night the boys' first and second basketball teams will play at Irrigon. On Saturday night girls' and boys' teams will play a double header basketball game in the gym here with Stan field. It will be followed by a dance at Legion hall given for the benefit of the student body. All ladies and girls are asked to bring pies which will be auctioned off at supper time. On Dec. 14 the student body will present its first semester play, "Laugh Clown," in the gym. Nearly seventy persons attended the benefit card party given by the Past Noble Grand club in the aux- (Continued on Pas Four) WHEAT LEAGUE TO MEETJERE IN '31 E. Harvey Miller Elected President at Pendle ton Conference. GROWERS FAVOR AAA Sales Tax for Old Age Pensions Indorsed; Columbia River Development Backed. Selection of Heppner for its con ference in 1936 and election of E. Harvey Miller of Lexington as its new president marked the closing of the two-day session of the ninth Eastern Oregon Wheat league con ference at Pendleton Saturday eve-' ning. Invitation to come to Hepp ner, presented by the Lions club and farmers of the district, was accepted on acclamation with re membrance of the outstanding con ference held here in 1930. Raising of Miller to the presi dency was given in recognition of his past valuable service. He was vice-president of the organization last year. Henry V. Smouse of lone, is an other Morrow county man given recognition. He was elected to the executive committee. Other offi cers named were Charles A. Nish of Mikkalo, vice-president; Charles W. Smith of Corvallis and former county agent here, secretary; L. J. Kelly of Wasco county, Harry Froudfoot of Sherman county, Lloyd Smith of Gilliam county, Jim Putnam of Wheeler county, James Hill of Umatilla county, C. H. De- Long of Union county, Hugh Wilson of Wallowa county, and N. E. Dodd of Baker county, executive com mitteemen. Strong declaration in favor of the principles of AAA and indorse ment of proposed sales tax for old age pensions was given by the only organized voice of eastern Oregon wheatraisers after many problems confronting the industry had been carefully mulled over In committees organized for specialized consider ation. Recommendations came from similar committees which had been at work in each of the fcoun ties represented, and decision on two of the major issues followed addresses by recognized authori ties. A. R. Shumway of Milton, long prominent in farm organiza tion circles and member of the na tional wheat adjustment board, up held the triple-A program, while Charles V. Galloway, state tax commissioner, gave a lucid dis course on the tax situation. Gallo way indicated the sales tax as the only way open for providing funds with which to match federal money for payment of old age pensions. Unanimous approval of the sales tax action was not evident among the 300-odd conference attendants, as shown in an open forum discus- A sion on Friday, the day preceding adoption of the committee's reso lution. At that time many con flicting views were expressed, and much definite opposition revealed. There were rumblings of the reso lution having been railroaded, as it came up for passage early Sat urday morning without general no tice having been given, and was adopted in accepting the taxation committee's report in full. General smoothness and agree ment oiled the league's recommendation-grinding machinery in most instances as the balance-of-opin-ion views of the group were record ed. Recommendations of the trans portation committee, headed by Bert Johnson of lone, were adopt ed in full, including opposition to repeal of the long and short haul clause1 in the interstate commerce commission act; indorsement of Im mediate channel construction on upper Columbia river including construction of Umatilla Rapids dam; opposition to placing Colum bia river control under interstate commerce commission, and con demnation of the tendency allowing railroads to dominate truck trans poration and to boost freight rates all along the line. Every 2-cent change in freight rates represents $1,500,000 to northwest wheat grow ers, It was pointed out Favoring adjustment of agricul tural production to demand, and indorsement of the legislative in terim committee's revamping of Oregon's "hodge-podge" of proper ty tax and assessment laws, was included In the adopted report of the committee on legislation, taxa tion, finance and agricultural ad justment Rural electrification, labor trou bles in Portland, export bounty, putting wheat grades on quality rather than weight basis, and nu merous other problems were con sidered and recommendations made which will appear in the conference proceedings, publication of which was authorized. President Mac Hoke of Pendleton presided at the league sessions, and Judge Calvin L. Sweek was toast master at Friday evening's ban quet. Other speakers Included C. C. Conser, assistant chief of the wheat section of the national AAA, Rep. Walter M. Pierce, and Hugh Martin of the Portland Independent grain trade. Choice dried Italian prunes, 5o lb. Mall orders to Ralph Benge, Heppner, or phone 5F41, Lexington.