Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 05, 1935, Image 1

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    'w soc
Volume 52, Number 39.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Committees Here Prepare
Data for E. O. Wheat
League Meeting.
Sessions Start Tomorrow; Feck
Gets Facts on Help Received
Through Allotment Plan.
Following four special committee
meetings attended by representa
tive wheat producers from every
section of the county, Morrow
county wheat farmers are prepar
ing to travel en masse to the East
ern Oregon Wheat league meeting
at Pendleton tomorrow and Satur
day. Interest in the annual meet
ing is unusually keen this year,
largely due to the attacks being
made on the AAA, according to E.
H. Miller, vice-president of the
league. Wheat growers particular
ly resent the idea being energet
ically circulated by apparently or
ganized groups that the general
public is being penalized through
processing taxes for the benefit of
wheat farmers.
The committee on Legislation,
Taxation, AAA, and Finance with
George N. Peck, county commis
sioner, chairman, will urge dissem
ination by the league of facts con
cerning the wheat adjustment pro
gram. Data has been gathered by
Mr. Peck's committee that show
convincingly the large part played
by adjustment payments in tax and
debt payments in Morrow county.
The committee on Production,
Handling and Marketing, with O.
W. Cutsforth, chairman, will urge
that the influence of the league be
used to bring about changes in the
method of wheat grading to make
quality the criterion rather than a
sixty pound per bushel test weight.
Oral Scott, as chairman of the
county committee on Soil Conser
vation and Weeds, will urge the
league to sponsor educational ac
tivities aimed toward conserving
on soil resources.
: The county committee on Trans
portation and Rural Electrification
with Bert Johnson, lone, league
and county chairman, will sponsor
action regarding the Eastman Bill
to come before congress at the
next session and will have sugges
tions to make concerning the state
truck and bus legislation.
Miss Viola Brown Weds
Kenneth Monroe Akers
An event of Thanksgiving eve
was the marriage of Miss Viola
May Brown, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Orve Brown of this city, to
Mr. Kenneth Monroe Akers, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Akers of
lone. The wedding was performed
at the Brown home by Alvin Klein
feldt, Christian minister. Besides
Mr. and Mrs. Brown, those attend
ing Included Mr. Elbert Akers and
Miss Bertha Akers, brother and
sister of the bridegroom, and Mrs.
Helen McClaskey and Miss Mary
Chaffee, friends of the bride.
The bride is a native Heppner
girl, a graduate of Heppner grade
and high schools, and stenograph
er in the law office of P. W. Ma
honey. The bridegroom Is a grad
uate of lone high school, and em
ployed at the W. O. Dlx grocery
store. Both are popular young
people who have the well wishes
of a host of friends.
The pick-up car of Ed Dick's
was almost completely demolished,
and Miss Ethel Hughes, an occu
pant, received head Injuries when
the car somersaulted several times
near the H. O. Bauman farhi be
low town Friday evening. Ed Dick,
Jr., was driving. Miss Hughes,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Hughes, was rushed to a physi
cian's office for treatment and her
Injuries were found not to be ser
ious. She stayed inside the cab,
while young Dick was thrown out
before the car came to a stop. He
escaped with slight bruises.
Nakomis Camp Fire group met
last evening at the school. Meeting
was called to order by President
Shirley Wilson, A head band com
mittee was appointed composed of
Kathryn Nys and Margaret Tam
blyn. A Christmas party for De
cember 18 was planned, probably
to be held at the home of Kathryn
Nys. The committees appointed for
the Thanksgiving party, which
was postponed, will furnish games
and "eats" for the Christmas party.
Betty Adkins, scribe pro tempore.
Willow lodge 66, I. O. O. F., was
host last evening to visitors from
Morgan, lone and Lexington lodges
when the second degree was con
ferred. There was a large attend
ance and general good time. More
initiatory work is announced for
the next meeting.
' There will be a pot luck dinner
tomorrow evening at I. O. 0. F.
hall, at 6:30. All Oddfelows and
wives, and Rebekahs and husbands
are Invited. Rebekah initiation
will be held afterwards.
Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Bros nan Married to Alva W.
McGuire of Portland.
At a quiet ceremony Saturday
morning, November 30, Miss Mar
garet Susan Brosnan, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Brosnan, and
Mr. Alva W. (Mickey) McGuire of
Portland, son of Mr. W. McGuire
of Olney, Ilinois, were married at
St Patrick's church in Heppner,
the Rev. Finnian Carroll officiat
ing. The bride was given in marriage
by her father. She wore a charm
ing floor-length shirt-waist style
dress of Du Bonnette chiffon vel
vet, bearing corsage of white gar
denias. She carried a white prayer
Miss Theresa Quigley, the bride's
only attendant, wore a becoming
frock of chiffon velvet with a cor
sage of yellow Talisman roses.
Mr. Joseph Brosnan, brother of
the bride, was best man.
Preceding the ceremony, , Mrs.
Paul Hisler sang "O Promise Me,"
accompanied by Mrs. Richard C.
Lawrence, who also played the
wedding march. Mrs. Harry O-
Donnell sang in the service.
Following the ceremony a wed
ding breakfast was served at the
home of the bride's parents for rel
atives and close friends of the
Mrs. H. A. Sherman of Montana,
sister of the bridegroom, was pres
ent. Mrs. McGuire will be remembered
as a former attendant at the Hepp
ner Rodeo and Pendleton Round
up. Mr. McGuire attended the
University of Minnesota. The cou
ple will spend their honeymoon in
Montana and North Dakota.
No special services or entertain
ment marked the observance of
Thanksgiving day here. Family
dinners were the order of the day.
School closed on Wednesday and
the teachers went to their homes
that evening, returning Sunday.
Miss Dorothy Arrant spent the
week end in Portland and Forest
Grove. Mrs. Harriet Brown went
to her home in Hermiston, Miss
Anita Baumgardner went to Port
land, Miss Helen Ralph to her home
in Salem, Chales Christiansen spent
his holiday at Forest Grove and
Miss Lorraine Reed went to her
home at Mitchell.
Raymond Lundell who is a stu
dent at the Oregon Institute of
Technology in Portland spent the
week end at his home here.
Bert Johnson went to Portland
Wednesday morning, returning on
Miss Joyce Biddle of Lexington
was a guest of her grandparents.
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. .Salter, during
the week end.
The Townsend club held a meet
ing in the Auxiliary room of the
Legion hall on Monday night The
room was filled to capacity, many
having to leave as seats were not
available. Following the opening
of the meeting by the president
Lee Howell, the assembly joined in
a salute to the flag. Musical num
bers, a piano duet by Misses Sybil
and Dorothy Howell, and a vocal
duet by Misses Helen and Mildred
Lundell accompanied by Miss Helen
Ralph were enjoyed. The speaker
of the evening was Mrs. Chris
Brown of Heppner who gave a clear
and concise account of her trip to
the Townsend Plan convention in
Chicago and also explained the
Townsend Revolving fund and its
principles and purposes. Bert John
son explained the transaction tax
as outlined by the plan. A tenta
tive date of Dec. 17 has been set
when the club will have as their
speaker Mr. Jeffries of Portland.
The place of the meeting and other
information will be announced la
ter. Mr, and Mrs. Zielke and son
Frederick spent Thanksgiving with
friends at Willows.
Harold Eddins, Ford salesman j
from The Dalles, was a business
visitor here Monday.
Horace Addis, newspaper repre
sentative from Pendleton, is at the
Park hotel.
Ralph Jackson, implement dealer
from Lexington, was here Monday.
The Past Noble Grand club is
giving a benefit card party in the
Auxiliary room at Legion hall Fri
day night Dec. 6. Both bridge and
pinochle will be at play.
Mrs. Ned Carr and children and
Mrs. Lester Brlttian of Tygh valley
spent several days last week with I
their mother, Mrs. Alice Wiles.
Miss Virginia Wassam of Salem
was a guest at the J. E. Swanson
home during the holidays. She
came up with Miss Eva Swanson, a
student at Willamette university,
who spent Thanksgiving here with
her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. John Eubanks were
in Portland the first of the week.
Due to the holiday rush the De
cember social meeting of the Wo
men's Topic club has been Indefin
itely postponed.
Announcement has been made of
the pledging of Miss Eva Swanson
to Beta Chi sorority on the Willam
ette university campus.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Learned spent
the Thangskiving holiday at the
home of Mrs. Learned's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Balslger. Mr.
Learned Is a teacher in the high
school at Wapato, Wash. ,
(Continued on Pag Fonr)
Wehmeyer Advises Clos
ing Elk Season for
Few Years.
More Winter Feed Ground Said
Need; Bear Becoming Rare;
Population Data Given.
From his annual fish and game
report for the Heppner district,
Umatilla National forest, F. F.
Wehmeyer, local ranger, has drawn
some conclusions and suggestions
for improvement. The report, based
on estimates gathered by service
personnel, stockmen, sportsmen,
trappers and others interested,
showed the following animal pop
ulation in the district: Elk 300,
whitetailed deer 10, muletailed deer
750, bear 25, coyotes 1250, wildcats
75, cougars 7, beaver 4, foxes 5,
marten 20, mink 20. badgers 250,
weasel 200.
The game animals killed by man
were elk S, deer 80, bear 5; killed
by predators, elk 30, deer 150. Pre
dators killed by man were coyotes
250, wildcats 30.
Mr. Wehmeyer estimated that
tributary forest land outside the
reserve would increase these fig
ures by a third.
He gave his comments as purely
personal, saying, "You don't have
to agree with them." He observed:
"Through scarcity of natural
feed and the fact that most bear
are considered predators by stock
men, they are becoming rare.
"It is estimated that 15 percent
of the deer were mature bucks at
the opening of the hunting season.
Probably half or more were killed
during hunting season. Deer are in
need of winter feed grounds. This
should include areas of mountain
mahogany or other browse feed.
The area facing the John Day, just
south of the forest boundary is well
adapted' for this purpose. It haa
only a small grazing value for do
mestic stock and is otherwise of
low value. It should be acquired
by the state or federal government
and made a game preserve. Deer
season should be cut to the last six
teen days of October.
"Elk are multiplying rapidly and
becoming well scattered through
out the area. In order that they
have a good start no open season
should be considered for at least
another four or five years. The
area containing elk in northeast
ern Oregon could well be divided in
to five hunting districts. One dis
trict open each year, and allow for
rotation. Winter feed will proba
bly become a problem for elk with
in the next ten years. The hunting
season snould be nve days set some
time between November 1 and 10.
"Practically no fishing locally.
Check dams should be put up in all
the main streams to form small
ponds or pools. This would equal
ize stream flow and tend to allow
the fish to survive during dry years.
"Both the blue grouse and ruffled
grouse are becoming rare. Native
game birds should be protected by
a ten-year closed season."
Men Have Opportunity
To Play Basketball
If enough response is had to jus
tify it, the school gymnasium will
be made available to men of the
community .for playing basketball,
Supt. E. F. Bloom announced this
Considerable interest was shown
last evening when a group of men
availed themselves of the privilege.
Reporting as a nucleus for a town
squad, with Gordon Bucknum as
manager, were Bucknum, Rod and
Curtis Thomson, Ray and Al Mas
sey and Herman Green. More men
are needed, however, and all inter
ested in playing are asked to re
port next Tuesday evening when
the squad will make Its first public
appearance against the Umatilla
town team in a double header game
In which Heppner and Umatilla
high schools will mix here in the
other contest. -
Gay M. Anderson, ex-county
clerk, was sentenced to 30 days in
the countv 1all in thn Inaflfo onnrt
of Judge Bert Johnson, Monday,
when he pleaded guilty to charge
of hunting with illegal license. He
started serving time Tuesday. An
derson allegedly hunted with a
license for which no accounting
had been made to the state game
department, according to the com
plaint of W. E. Francis, state po
liceman, who made the arrest.
Joseph Belahger, county agent,
and Geo. N. Peck, R. B. Rice and
Harvey Miller, members of the
county wheat allotment committee,
left today for Pendleton to attend
committee meetings preliminary to
the opening of sessions of the
Eastern Oregon Wheat league con
ference there tomorrow.
A bazaar with fancy work, nov
elties, cooked foods and candies for
sale, is scheduled for Saturday at
the Beach store in Lexington under
the auspices of the Lexington Home
Economics club.
163 CCC's Enrolled
in Educational Work
Although the boys at the Hepp
ner CCC camp put in forty hours
a week on the work projects, they
find time during the evenings to
Improve their education, a report
from Marvin E. Dixon, educational
adviser for the company, shows.
The 19 classes now being conducted
are not compulsory, but of the 204
young men in the camp, 163 are
enrolled for studies.
Assisting Mr. Dixon are 14 In
structors. Classes are held on
Monday, through Friday evenings,
each unit meeting from one to four
nights per week. The exceptions
are classes dealing with cooking,
which are held during the day, six
times a week.
Mr. Dixon instructs classes in
arithmetic, geometry and civil ser
vice. E. R. Vinson, assistant to
the educational adviser, is in charge
of the radio, arts and crafts classes.
Captain W. R. Reynolds, camp
commander, is instructor in leader
ship, and Lt, Grant H. Edwards
conducts the dramatics class, also
supervising a course in mess man
agement L. H. Guild, agronomist, has a
typing class four evenings a week;
E. Fulkerson, engineer, teaches
physics; M. Woods, mechanic, has
started a class in auto mechanics,
while H. Earls, a camp leader, has
opened a blacksmithing class.
Kidd Morgan, who, until this
week was a leader at camp, has
been in charge of the cooking class.
Since Mr. Morgan left the company
to accept other work, Joe Lessard,
cook at the oamp, has taken over
the class. Carpentry instruction
Is in charge of C. Brown, Mr. Dix
on's chart shows, while Will Mor
gan, mess sargeant, has charge
or the meat cutting class.
Mrs. Wm. R. Reynolds is teach
ing English fundamentals to
group two evenings each week and
Mrs. Marvin E. Dixon has charge
or tne class studying advanced En
glish. Mrs. Grant H. Edwards in
structs the journalism class.
One of the enrollees in the com
pany, G. Vickers, has fifteen boys
enrolled in the orchestra class, and
with meetings four evenings a week
it is expected the group will be
playing before the entire company
The largest number of boys is
enrolled In the typing class, with
20 listed there. Eighteen are sign
ed in the civil service group, 12 in
radio, 11 in advanced English, and
ten In the dramatics and geometry
classes, respectively.
CCC Boys Eat Turkey
And All the Fixin's
Company 2113, CCC, stationed at
Heppner, ate turkey with all the
fixin's on Thanksgiving, and the
handiwork of Chef Will L. Morgan,
himself a native of Morrow county,
ana assistants, was duly appre
ciated according to the report of
Captain W. R. Reynolds, command
ing officer. Included in the guest
list were all the CCC boys, officers
and women folks, and members of
the soil conservation staff and their
lady folks.
With "Roast Young Tom Tur
key" as the piece de resistance,
here's how the menu read: Con
somme, ripe olives, hearts of cel
ery, green onions, sweet pickles,
mint salad, cranberry sauce, oys
ter dressing, giblet gravy, snowflake
potatoes, buttered asparagus, brus
sels sprouts, candied yams, hot
rolls, mince pie, fruit cake, pump
kin pie, coffee, assorted nuts, can
dy mints which includes every
thing from soup to nuts.
Mrs. Alice Anderson tautrht the
Eight Mile school last week, sub
stituting for Mrs. Lena Kelly.
ine jMgnt Mile scnool gave a
program and pie social Friday eve
ning. The Liberty school gave a
Thanksgiving program Wednesday
Frank Anderson came home
Wednesday from Eugene, to spend
me nonaays witn nis mother and
sister. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Anderson
took him as far as Arlington Sun
day on his return to school.
ranees and Anson Rues- sDent
Thanksgiving with their parents.
trances is a student at Pacific uni
versity and Anson goes to North
western Business college at Port
Clyde Wright who has been ill
for some time is very much im
proved. '
Mrs. Mary Lundell of Cecil In
stalled the new officers for the
coming year at the hall on Sunday.
The H. E. club will mept nt tho
Eight Mile home of Mrs. Fred Ak
ers, uec. 12. All ladles will bring
a Christmas gift with name at
tached. '
The grange will present two
plays, "The Long Horn," and "Hen
ery's Mall Order Wife," on Dec. 13,
at the hall. The cast includes
young people from Eight Mile and
Rhea creek. Ton and 25 cents en
trance fees. A dance will h riven
afterwards. Patrons and carpen
ters nave c-een aotng some remod
eling on the hall. The dining room
which stood out on the side, has
been moved and joined to the main
building. A new kitchen and rest
room were built on and Inside walls
of dining room reflnlshed. A sec
ond stove has been added, making
It more comfortable these cold
There will be a Christmas tree
and treats, also a program at the
hall, Dec. 23.
For Sale 2 30x34 tires and
tubes; 2 32x4 tires and tubes. Apply
at this ofllce.
Proposal to be Voted on
January 31 Discussed
by Lions Club.
Act Said Unfair to Small Merchant;
Committee Helps Arrange
Benefit Dance.
The 2 percent sales tax measure
to be voted on at the special elec
tion next January 31 did not meet
with popular approval of Heppner
Lions at their Monday luncheon
when the matter was presented for
discussion by J. O. Turner. Though
sympathy was expressed with the
purpose of the tax that of raising
funds with which to cooperate with
federal old-age pension act opin
ion did not favor the method, deem
ed out of line with the purpose.
Mr. Turner cited the federal act
as providing a $15 a month pen
sion for qualifying persons aged
65 or over, this amount to be
matched by a like amount to be
paid half by the state and half by
the counties. The objection was
raised that the sales tax does not
provide counties with revenue for
paying their portion, the state go
ing whole hog, and that such a tax
would raise revenue far in excess
of the amount needed by the state.
One member of the club vigor
ously opposed the proposed tax as
just another sales tax which is at
tempted to be forced down the
throats of the people. "We were
told first that the state would go
on the rocks from the overloading
of property with taxes unless a
sales tax were passed to relieve
the burden. That proposal was de
feated and the state continued in
business. Then we were told that
the schools would have to close un
less a second proposed sales tax
were adopted to save them. It was
knocked out, and the schools re
main open. Now they want us to
vote for a sales tax for the old peo
ple. It's the same old sale3 tax,
discriminating against the small
merchant, which the merchant may
pass along if he can. The only
thing is, this last sales tax bill is
worse than the others. They say
California and Washington have
sales taxes that are working. If
Oregon must have a sales tax, why
can't it copy one of these laws?"
The sales tax proposal was left
as the only means by which the
state might provide its portion of
old-age assistance when the leg
islature diverted funds already ap
propriated for next year into relief
channels, Mr. Turner said. He
showed where the tax is different
from those formerly proposed in
that it exempts from tax certain
necessary articles of food.
Quoting C. C. Chapman's Oregon
Voter, one member said no one
has been able to find out just where
the last sales tax came from, its
inception being laid to Representa
tive "Buck" Snyder of Lake county
who was said to have first intro
duced it as a joke on Townsend
ites; it later being taken seriously
as a means of providing revenue
for old age assistance when no oth
er plan was presented.
Part of the club program period
was given over to reports by mem
bers on how each spent Thanksgiv
ing. Lion John Carroll of Lexing
ton was welcomed back after an
enforced absence of several weeks
In which time he underwent an op
eration in a Portland hospital, and
made a few lively remarks concern
ing his sojourn there.
Dr. L. B. Tibbies, chairman of
the tennis court cooperating com
mittee, announced that arrange
ments had been made to stage a
benefit dance at the Elks hall next
Saturday evening with the Lions,
B. P. W. and Elks cooperating.
Incomplete Reports Show
Red Cross Quota Neared
With the school only unreported,
Heppner responded with $152 to the
annual Red Cross roll call which
ended Thanksgiving, announced
Josephine Mahoney, county chap
ter chairman. Rhea creek report
ed In $11, and with other points of
the county still to be heard from,
it was almost assured that the
county would go over the top for
its quota of $250.
Response in Heppner consider
ably exceeded that of a year ago.
Leading in the work of solicitation
here were Helen McClaskey and
F. W. Turner.
The marriage of Onez Parker,
son of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Parker of
this city, and Miss Naomi Williams,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Williams of Everett, Wash., was an
event of November 27 in the Wash
ington city. Mr. and Mrs. Parker
and daughter, Miss Marjorie, mo
tored to Everett for the ceremony.
Mr. Parker is a graduate of Hepp
ner high school and has many
friends here who will join in ex
tending well wishes. He has been
at Everett for the last two years
and is engaged in a plywood mill
there. The young people will make
their home at Everett. ,
Native of Ireland Came Here in
1880; Was Long Engaged in
Livestock Business.
Matthew Hughes, 70, for 55 years
a resident of this vicinity and most
of the time engaged in stockrais
ing, died at Heppner hospital Wed
nesday, November 27, following a
last Illness of a few days' duration.
Funeral services were held Satur
day at 2 p. m. from the Methodist
church, with Rev. Joseph Pope of
ficiating, and arrangements in
charge of Phelps Funeral home. In
terment was in Masonic cemetery.
A large concourse of relatives and
friends of the family attended.
Matthew Hughes was born in Lit
tleton Thurles, Tipperary county.
Ireland, March 15, 1865, and de
parted this life November 27, 1S35,
at the age of 70 years, 8 months and
12 days. He came to America at 15
years of age, locating in Heppner
and living in this vicinity the re
mainder of his lfe.
He married Angie Hiatt Decem
ber 11, 1894, and to this union were
born five children, four daughters,
one of whom departed this life
when three years of age. The oth
ers are Mrs. Lena Kelly, Heppner;
Mrs. Edith E. Smith, Heppner; Mrs.
Ethel Gard, San Francisco, Cal.;
and son, R. E. Hughes, McMlnn
ville. Mrs. Hughes preceded him to the
Great Beyond in the year 1908. Mr.
Hughes was again united in the
holy bonds of matrimony in 1910
to Grace McFerrin. To this union
were born nine children, eight of
whom survive, four daughters, Mrs.
Melba Quackenbush, Edna, Betty
and June Hughes, all of Heppner,
and four sons, Elvin, Marvin, Ho
mer and Matthew, Jr., all of Hepp
ner. He also leaves two grand
daughters and four grandsons. Be
sides his children and grandchild
ren he leaves to mourn their loss,
his wife and one sister who lives
in Ireland, also many friends.
He was generous, kind and good
to all and a lover of animals, es
pecially fine horses.
The Lexington Water company
has been installing meters for the
water users in this city and the
meter rates, which will become ef
fective January 1, 1936, are as fol
lows: First 1000 gallons or less,
$1 per month; next 3000 gallons,
50 cents per 1000 gallons a month;
next 4000 gallons, 25 cents per 1000
gallons per month; excess over
8000 gallons, 20 cents per 1000 gal
lons per month.
Lexington grange will be hosts
to Willows, Rhea Creek and Lena
granges on Saturday evening, De
cember 14, when the newly elected
officers of the four granges will be
installed. Following the installa
tion a pot luck supper will be
served. '
"Phantom Bells," a mystery
comedy in three acts, will be pre
sented Friday evening in the high
school auditorium by the members
of the senior class of Lexington
high school.
Next Wednesday, December 11,
is the date of the P. T. A. "Fun
Night" at the high school auditor
ium. The purpose of this is to raise
funds to help in financing the hot
lunches and everyone is urged to
The following Thanksgiving pro
gram was given by the school Wed
nesday afternoon preceding the
holidays: Chorus, 5th, 6th, 7th and
8th grades; reading, Roberta Mil
ler; playlet, "The Courtship of
Miles Standish," 7th and 8th grades;
reading, Clyde Edwards; two tap
dances, high school girls; panto
mime, 5th and 6th grades; "Song of
Thanksgiving," Gerry Cutler and
Gene Schriever; reading, George
Lamblrth; skit "Lower is Higher,"
Keith Gentry and Kenneth Peck;
reading, "Makln' Things o' Pur
pose to be Et," Danny Dinges;
Playlet, 3rd and 4th grades;
Thanksgiving game, 1st and 2nd
grades; reading, Edna Rauch;
Thanksgiving song, 4th grade girls.
The following committees will be
in charge of the H. E. S. bazaar
which will be held at the Beach
store Saturday: Aprons, Pearl De
vine, Laura Rice, Jessie McCabe,
Anna Smouse; linens, Carna Camp
bell, Norma Marquardt Freda Slo
cum; cooked foods, Anna Miller,
Tena Scott, Elma Scott, Vera Bel-
anger; novelties, Alda Troedson,
Emma White, Beulah Mankin,
Bertha Nelson; fortune telling, Lor
raine Beacn; candy, Beulah Nich
ols, Bertha Dinges, Pearl Mar
quardt Harvey Miller was in Corvallls
last week, attending- a meeting of
the state grain board of which he
Is a member.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul DeF. Morti
more and children of La Grande
spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Mor-
timore s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
B. Tucker. On their return they
were accompanied by Mrs. Tucker
who will visit in La Grande until
Miss Erma Lane has returned to
Portland after a short visit with
relatives In this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Glover Peck and
family have moved to the Harry
Dinges ranch west of town.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Campbell and
daughter Patsy spent the Thanks
giving holidays with relatives in
Mr. and Mrs. William Smethurst
(Continued on Pas Poor)
$7000 Loan, $5727 Grant
to be Used for Relay
ing Pipe Line.
Council Asks People to Decide on
Issue for Street Improvement
at January 31 Election.
Heppner's application for PWA
funds with which to replace one
and a quarter mile of oipe line in
the lead main down Willow creek
was allowed this week, according
to telegraphic advice from Senator
Chas. L. McNary. The project calls
for an expenditure of $12,727, $7000
of which will come as a loan from
the government and $5727 as an,
outright grant. Senator McNary"s
wire read:
'Happy to advise you public
works has allotted loan of $7000
and grant of $5727 for Heppner
Water Works Oregon."
Just how soon the project will
begin has not been announced. It
is understood the city's financial
condition is such that the loan
can be negotiated without neces
sity of a special bond election for
this particular purpose. Several
weeks will of necessity be required
to complete final draft of the pro
ject and to let bids.
No definite word has been receiv
ed from the city's other PWA ap
plication, that for funds for street
improvement, but in case it is also
acted upon favorably the council
Monday evening sanctioned placing
the matter of issuing bonds on the
special election ballot January 31.
The city attorney was authorized
to draw up the necessary resolu
tion for referring the matter to the
The street improvement project
calls for curbing and paving with
light blacktop paving most of the
principal streets of the city, and the
city's portion of the expense would
be some $20,000 for which bonds
would have to be issued. Before
the bonds could be issued they
would have to be sanctioned by
city taxpayers. The council's idea
is to have the expression of the
taxpayers, either for or against, so
they can act immediately should
the project be approved by the
government agency. In this case,
as in the case of the water works
improvement, 45 percent of the
cost would come as an outright
grant from the government
Further help for the waterworks
may be available through WPA,
if a pending application is approv
ed. This application calls for aug
menting the supply from the wells.
Frank Hayes, WPA engineer, went
over the project this week with
Mayor Jones, and advised digging
across the creek and taking water
off bedrock. It was believed a con
siderable addition to the supply
could thus be obtained, and the
labor could all be done by hand in
accordance with the aim of WPA
to give as much employment as
Two Get Citizenship
Papers; .Court Held
Mrs. Alfred Womack and Mrs.
Frank Kilkenny received final cit
izenship papers in circuit court
presided over by Judge C. L. Sweek
this morning. Mrs. Womack com
pleted affidavits required from a
former examination, while Ber
nard Doherty and Alex Lindsay ap
peared as witnesses for Mrs. Kil
kenny. Mrs. Womack is a former
subject of Canada and Mrs. Kil
kenny of Ireland. E. R. Bonsell
with the federal immigration de
partment at Spokane, assisted wtih
the examination.
On arraignment, Joseph Stefani,
charged by recent grand jury with
contributing to the delinquency of
a minor, pleaded sot guilty. He
was represented by R. M. Burley,
Portland attorney, and P. W. Ma
honey, local attorney. J. S. Beck
with, court reporter was present
Motions were held in several cases
at law and in equity.
The Stefani trial will be called
at a later date, and the regular
December term of court will not
be called Monday.
No more pathetic sight was seen
on Heppner thoroughfares this
week than that of Pal, Dave Wil
son's bird dog, hobbling along on
three legs. He carried the fourth
leg, a front leg, tied up in splints
to correct a fracture, undoubtedly
received by getting tangled up with
an automobile. A look of stoicism
marked his countenance as he ex
uded the sentiment, "What! A lit
tle thing like that get me down!"
A dance to benefit construction
of tennis courts at the school Is
being sponsored jointly by Lions,
B. P. W. and Elks at the Elks hall
Saturday night. The commutes
announces admission of 75 cents
the couple, with a pre-sale of tick
ets. A generous response by tha
public will make possible the con
struction of a second concrete ten
nis court that will be available for
public use at all times.