PAGE SIX HEPPNER -GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGQN, THURSDAY, NOV. 21, 1935. STATE klTWC CAPITAL MC W O Capitol Bill Okeh. Fisher for Congress. Governor Vetoes Two. By A. L. LINDBECK Apparent discrepancies in the state capitol bill are not serious and will not require court action to clarify the Intent of the lawmakers in the opinion of Ralph Moody, as sistant attorney general and legal advisor to Governor Martin during the special session. Conflicting sec tions in the act pointed out by the governor in his letter transmitting the measure to the state department were described by Moody as the re sult of hasty legislation but in no wise fatal to the act A bill which would have author ized the board of control to pool state owned automobiles and exer cise some supervision over their use was killed in the House by one vote. Department heads who objected to the proposed pool are said to have been active in lobbying against the measure which the board of con trol believes would have resulted in annual savings of thousands of dol lars by preventing the present abuse in use of state owned automobiles. Contracts for improvements and new buildings at four state institu tions are to be awarded by the board of control next week. The improvements will include a two story ward building at the state hospital for insane; a nurses' home and a third story to the new hospi tal at the state tuberculosis hospi tal; a one story Are proof dormi tory at the school for blind, and a nurses' home at the eastern Oregon tuberculosis hospital at The Dalles. The building program will involve the expenditure of more than $390,- 000 of which approximately 45 per cent will be supplied by the federal government through PWA grants. Many are offered but only nine will be chosen. Referring, of course, to the state capitol reconstruction commission. Governor Martin, President Corbett and Speaker Lat ourette, each of whom will name three members of the commission, are being deluged with applications and recommendations for the posi tion of commissioner. Reports from over the state in dicate that most of the lawmakers have spent a busy week alibying to their constituents and passing the buck for any mistakes of the ses sion on to their 'colleagues. Friends of Walter Fisher of Rose burg are grooming the Douglas county state senator as a demo cratic candidate for Congress from the first Oregon district The boom was started during the closing week of the legislative session where Fisher gained prominence as the author of the capitol reconstruction bill ultimately adopted by the ses sion. Fisher has served several terms in the state legislature, first in the House and later in the Sen ate. In addition to his legislative service Fisher is a World War vet eran, active in the work of the American Legion, was until recent ly a member of the World War Veterans State Aid commission, and is in the mercantile business in Roseburg. His popularity at home is attested to first by the fact that he was elected over his republican opponent from a county which is overwhelmingly republican and again by his recent appointment to the senate by a republican board of county commissioners. Jerrold Owen, secretary to the state bonus commission, reports the sale of 154 properties for an aggre gate of $383,489 during the first ten months of the current year. This, he points out represents an increase in sales of more than 300 percent over the record for the entire year of 1934 and is regarded as a fairly accurate index to the Improvement of business conditions generally throughout the state. The state tax levy which will probably be made public this week will provide for the limit that can be raised within the constitutional restrictions and some $600,000 great er than the levy for 1935. Increased Income tax collections, however, will cover the increase in the levy so that the load to be borne by property owners will be no greater, if as great than the property tax under the 1935 levy. Although the commissioners who are to supervise construction of the new capitol have not yet been se lected speculation is already being indulged in as to the type of build ing which will replace the old cap itol and the number of buildings to be constructed. Legislators in dis cussing the problem in committee and on the floor were emphatic in their demands that adequate pro vision be made for the state library either in a separate building or in more commodious quarters in the capitol building. Sentiment among the lawmakers also inclined toward a state house of conventional de sign dome and wings and colon nades rather than a more mod ernistic building of the skyscraper type. Only two of the 75 bills passed by the special session of the state legislature failed to run the gaunt let of the governor's office to be come part and parcel of the Ore gon statutes. The two bills vetoed by the governor include the Burke bill repealing an act of the regular session making the payment of stu dent body fees at state Institutions compulsory, and a bill sponsored by the Multnomah county delegation placing all Janitors employed in the Portland schools under civil ser vice. In vetoing the Burke bill the governor pointed out that there was no act to repeal, the bill having been held up when it was referred to the voters. The other measure was ve toed at the request of the Portland school board. Nine bills were filed with the sec retary of state minus the signature of the governor. Those included Senate bill 54 jproviding for the con struction of a new capitol, the gov ernor pointing out a number of ob jections to the bill from his point of view. The agricultural market ing act and the bakery code bill as well as the unemployment insurance act all of which are of questionable constitutionality, also failed to gain the governor's signature. Attorneys representing restaurant and hotel operators appearing be fore Governor Martin to urge his veto of the new agricultural mar keting act declared that the meas ure would be taken into court at the first opportunity if it was permitted to become a law. It cost the House of representa tives $1141 in clerk hire for the mailing and distribution of its 91 bills. The senate with 83 bills spent only $400 for the same service. The House was also much more liberal in the distribution of patronage than the senate in other respects, providing chief clerks for 14 com mittees whereas the senate got by with only five chief clerks for its committees. Representative C. P. Haight drew the largest mileage allowance for attendance upon the special session. Haight traveled 1005 miles from his home at Canyon City and return for which he received $150.70 at the rate of 15 cents a mile. Notable Program Ready For Wheat League Meet Pendleton. Prominent national and state leaders are scheduled to appear at the annual Eastern Ore gon Wheat league meeting held in this city December 6 and 7, accord ing to program information issued by Mack Hoke, Pendleton, president of the league, and Charley Smith, OSC, secretary. Coming from Washington, D. C, is C. C. Conser, who will represent the division of grains in the AAA. Mr. Conser, a former Montana far mer, was at the August wheat ad justment conference in Boise, where he made a favorable impression up on delegates attending from west ern states. Conser is a man who was taken to Washington because of his practical knowledge of grain fanning, according to Smith, and he has proved invaluable in helping to keep the wheat program one of the most workable yet undertaken. Walter Pierce, congressman from the eastern Oregon district, who has had the task of promoting ag ricultural legislation in the lower house of Congress desired by Ore gon farmers, has accepted an invi tation to appear on the program and tell of the national farm situa tion as he has viewed It from the congressional angle. A. R. Shumway, president of the North Paciflo Cooperative Grain Growers and a member of the Na tional Wheat Advisory board, is to have a place on the program in con nection with agricultural adjust ment and grain marketing. A new program feature this year win De a oi3cussion of relationship between livestock and grain farm ing, given by D. E. Richards, su perintendent of the Union Branch Experiment station. Mr. Richards will report on the results of experi ments of feeding wheat and wheat by-products to various kinds of livestock and will also tell about testa made in feeding pea vine sil age, which has become an import ant by-product of the canned pea industry, now important in Umatilla and Walla Walla counties. A large numDer of growers from the neigh' boring counties in Washington hai-e indicated an intention .of attending mis pnase or the program. Organization for the control of noxious weeds will have an import ant place on the program this vear. as this is becoming a problem of Increasing seriousness throughout tne inland empire. Greater coor dination of the prepared proeram with the final recommendations of the league will be possible this vear because of the new arrangement of having committee reports prepared in advance for consideration during the cosvention instead of as a final feature. Blanket Buying Demands Care to Obtain Quality When the homemaker goes out to buy warmth and comfort for hec family In the form of blankets for winter use, there are certain points sne will need to consider if she is to be sure of getting full value for her money, says Mrs. Azalea Sager extension specialist in clothing and textiles at Oregon State college. Blanket manufacturers are not required by law to label their blan kets as to content, Mrs. Sager points out, Dut if they are labeled the In formation must be accurate. For those that are not labeled, the homemaker has only her own ob servation and knowledge to guide tier in making selections. Warmth in blankets is determined prlnci pally by the percentage of wool and the amount of napping. All wool is, of course, the most desirable where warmth is the chief consideration, If a blanket does not contain more that 25 percent wool, it is likely to be no warmer than a good quality cotton blanket and will be less durable, says Mrs. Sager. Loose ends of fiber pulled to tho surface are called napping. While this adds warmth, too much nap ping will weaken the weave, so it Is a good idea to hold the blanket to the light to observe closeness and evenness of the weave, Mrs. Sager explains. The foundation clotn chould reveal a simple twill weave. Durability of the weave and nap may be tested by pulling gently on the nap or rubbing the surface briskly with the hands. If fibers of good length and strength have been used, very little nap will come off, but if the amount of lint re moved is considerable, It is an In dication that the blanket will soon iiiriiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiHHiiiiiiiimiininHiil At Heppner CHURCHES CHURCH OF CHRIST. ALVIN KLEINFELDT. Pastor. Bible School t :46 a. m. Morninr services 11 a. m. C. E. Society 1 :00 p. m. bTemng servces 8 :00 p. m. Choir rehearsal, Wednesday , Midweek service, Thursday ... 8:00 p. m. . 8 :00 p. m. Before you realize it the meet ings will be over and you will wish you had attended oftener. We are having inspirational con gregational singing, special music and fine sermons each evening. Crowds and interest are Increasing. For the culture of your soul, you need these services. Meetings every night except Mon day. Everyone invited. Topics for the week, Nov. 24-30, follow: Sunday A. M. "S. O. S." Sunday, P. M. "Short Beds and Scanty Covers." Tuesday "The Devil's Master piece. Wednesday "Barbed Wire Fen ces." Thursday How to be Happy Though Married." Friday YOUNG PEOPLE'S NIGHT "Down and Out" Saturday "The Preacher's Re sponsibility." Services begin at 7:30 each eve ning. METHODIST CHURCH. JOSEPH POPE. Pastor. Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. The eleven o'clock preaching ser vice will be conducted by the Gid eons; subject, Portland Business Men's View of Religion. Evening services: Epworth Lea gue at 6:30, followed by a general song service from 7:30 to 8:30. Thursday evening: Song service 7 to 8 o'clock; prayer service 8 to 8:30. Everybody cordially invited to all of these services. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE. ALFRED R. WOMACK, Pastor. Sunday: Sunday School After Service )0:00 A. M. 11:00 A. M. Evening Service . 7.30 P. M. Tuesday night prayer meeting only, 7:30. Thursday evangelistic service 7:30 "WE WELCOME ALL" EPISCOPAL CHURCH. There will be prayer and sermon Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Bishop Remington may be able to be present If not, Archdeacon Hin kle will conduct the services. lose its warmth and wear thin in spots. Blankets that are adequate in length wear better, as pulling puts a strain on the yarns and weakens them, says Mrs. Sager. For double beds she recommends that they be not less than 72 In. x 84 in., while 80 x 90 is not too large, and for single beds 60 x 70 is a desirable size. When buying blankets on a bargain counter it is well to make certain that they are of the desired size, she suggests. Sateen bindings are the most practical and satisfactory, Mrs. Sa ger says, but it is well to be sure that it has two rows of stitching, one close to the edge and one farth er back, and that the ends of the binding are turned back at least two inches or well finished with a non-ravelling overlook stitch. New Corn - Hog Features Discussed With AAA Men A preliminary outline of what the new corn-hog adjustment contracts are likely to contain has been re ceived from Washington by the O. S. C. extension service. Latest news tells of the result of a conference of producers and state agricultural specialists held in Washington this month where provisions were dis cussed. Recommendations from that con ference include approval of a two year voluntary contract Instead of another for a single year, and one which will permit increase in hog production this next year up to the full amount of the producers base. That would mean a permitted 30 percent increase, though such an amount Is not expected by those familiar with the situation, who say that the drouth-enforced Haul dation of breeding stock makes it impossible for any major hog pro ducing state to attain this maxi mum next year. Recommended corn adjustment Is about the same as at present, the proposal being to allow benefits on an optional adjustment of from 10 to 30 percent, with each signer com pelled to plant at least 25 percent of his base. The plan Includes keeping the adjustment payments at 35c a bushel for the estimated yield on the acres retired. The plan for making hog pay ments will be entirely changed if the new recommendations are adopted. A flat adjustment pay ment of $2.50 for each hog produced up to half of the signer's base is the proposal. While no benefit pay ments would be made on anything above 50 percent, the grower could produce and sell any amount up to his 100 percent. The group unanimously approved using the appraisal method of es tablishing corn-hog bases, so that equitable bases may be assigned to producers regardless of past par ticipation In a contract Commu nity committeemen would be given more power under this plan to make assignments within the limits of the county quota. The proposed plan is designed to hold corn production in bounds and increase hog production as rapidly as possible without letting it go to former ruinous extremes deemed detrimental to both producers and consumers. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Har old Rowell at Hardman Friday, a 6 Mi pound daughter. TODAY and FBANK PARKER T' Tgl SrCXKBRIDeEgV, Wildcat . . . Ventures Out One of my neighbors, Merico Lacoli, saw a strange-looking beast on the grounds of the Berkshire Country Club the other day. He had his gun with him, so he took a shot and brought down a 20-pound wildcat Old timers up our way say it is the first wildcat seen in Berkshire in 30 years. There's still a lot of wild, unset tled country, even in New England. Up on top of a rocky spur of West Stockbridge Mountain there Is said to be a herd of wild goats. I've never seen them, but venturesome boys sometimes scale the crags and bring back reports of being men aced by fierce, long-horned, bearded billygoats. Now and then hunters up our way sight a black bear, and every so often we have a wolf scare, while the deer seem to be in creasing in numbers. I hope this country never gets so crowded that there won't be room for all the wild things as well as all the people. Termites . . moving north The other day Fred Shaw and I went up into my farmhouse attic to see about winter-proofing the gable ends. "Say, did you know you've got termites in your rafters?" asked Fred. He pointed to half-a-dozen mounds of sawdust on the attic floor. Sure enough, the little white ants were at work there. I thought I'd stopped 'em, seven years ago, when I found they'd eaten away one of the old hand-hewn 12 x 12 sills that the old house rests on. Now I've got to spend a lot more money, maybe put on a whole new roof, if I don't want the house to fall down on our heads. Termites have been working their way north from the Gulf of Mexico for twenty years. Now, the expert Dug men tell me, they re busy even in Canada. They get inside a piece of timber and eat the heart out of it, leaving it only a hollow shell. Looks to me as if we've got to figure out new ways to keep insects from licking the human race and taking possession of the world. Germany . . . holds cash A New York friend of mine of German descent, owns with his mother, a number of houses in Ber lin. A Berlin bank manages the property and collects the rents. My friend can't get any of the money, tor tne Mitier Government won't let cash go out of Germany except to pay for imported goods. Last Summer his mother got per mission to take $3,000 out, if she would come to Berlin in person and satisfy the authorities she needed the money to live on. She and her son got as far as Paris, where the old lady slipped and broke her hip, She couldn't go to Berlin, and the money is still there, doing nobody any good. My friend's account of that ex perience brought home sharply to me tne effects of nationalistic poli cies carried to their extreme, and the trouble caused by setting up artificial barriers to free interna tional intercourse. Telephone . . . Improved I saw a new kind of telephone instrument the other day, which the telephone people say will be in uni versal use in a few years. It doesn't have any box to fasten to the wall the bell Is contained in the base of the receiver. There are two clap pers to strike the gongs. One is the usual metal tone, the other is made of wood, to give a softer note for the benefit of nervous people who "jump out of their skins" whenever the telephone rings. And the two gongs are pitched to different tones, giving a musical effect as the clap per vibrates between them. A little thing, perhaps, but one more example of the way business enterprises are always trying to im prove their product Web ..... over nation I sat in my New York office the other day and asked the telephone operator to call my farm home, 150 miles away, "Hold the wire," re S. F. BOWMAN MONUMENTS Representing BLAESING GRANITE CO. Odd Fellsws Bulldlnf Phone 181 PENDLETON, OREGON WOOD FOR SALE LOW PRICE General Trucking Anywhere In the state, any time WALTER R. CO RLE Y Phone 184 lone, Ore. Does Your Typewriter or Adding Machine Need Fixing? See HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES expert repair man cans regular- i ly. See us for office supplies. J LAURENCE CASE MORTUARY "Just the service wanted when you want It most" plied the operator and in three min utes I was talking to my daughter. I hung up, then called for a Wash ington number. It took even less time to get my connection with the Senator I wanted to talk to. I had barely finished with him when my pnone rang again. "Pittsburgh calling," said the operator. And that night I got a telephone call from another friend who was stranded In Los Angeles and wanted me to telegraph him enough money to pay his hotel bill and buy a ticket back East! I went to sleep marvelling at the miraculous web which the telephone nas woven all over the nation. Sixty years ago, nearly, I saw Professor Bell's first telephone, at the Phila delphia Centennial of 1876. It was looked on as an ingenious toy, noth ing more. IRRIGON MRS. W. C. ISOM. Mr. and Mrs. Fronnin "Wp1iti nf Mt. Vernon, Wash., visited at the home of Mr. Nelson's grandmother, Mrs. Fred Reiks, from Wednesday until Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Nel son were on their honeymoon trip. Mrs. Alexander and two daugh ters from La Oranrift vlaitort tho former's mother, Mrs. F. Reiks, Wednesday. Kev. Thomas of Boardman was an overnieht euest of Mr inH Mm Alva Bowluare Tuesday night Rev. Crawford of the Pentecostal church left Monday for a three-days Bible conference at Walla Walla. ti. c. Warner was in charge of the Thursday night services. Miss Hanson snpnf har vniofirtn at her home in La Grande. Quite a crowd frnm TTmnttlln came down Sunday night and charl- vaneo. tne newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Will Grabiel. C. T. Ferrell hn hoon nnHo 111 Vi past few days. Fred Bushman of was in charge of the section during the absence of Roy Minnick. Roy Minnick, Emmett McCoy and Mr. Swearingen returned Sat urday witn one big elk for their trouble. The Irrigon hieh school stnrients. were guests at a narfv nt th homo of Mr. and Mrs Rort n.v.. Umatilla Friday night and report a pieasani evening. isobby Brace had tho misfni-tnno to ditch his car near the R. Miller nome when returning from the party Friday night The accident was due to too bright lights on an approaching car. Two windows were broken but nn nno moo in jured. Fred Markham was called to Sa lem to attend the fiinornl nf iuv, Hoskins, a friend of the family, last i uusuay. Miss Lola Berrv of UmaHlln vi ited relatives here over the week end. Mrs. EtlTel Caldwell attended the conference at Walla Walla last week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Grabiel, Mrs. Earl Isom and Earl Leach motored to Pendleton Saturday. Russell Miller dressed out 100 tur keys Friday and Saturday. The birds were purchased by Mr. Eu banks of lone. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grider dressed their birds on the same date, selling to Eubanks also. R. V. Jones had quite a number of turkey pickers at his home Sun day, his birds being marketed thru the Co-op. The next regular bible study meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. J. A. Grabiel Wednesday night, Nov. 27. The public is cordially in vited to attend. Many Permits For Gas Refunds Issued in 1935 New regulations in connection with claims for gasoline tax re funds enacted by the 1935 legisla ture and effective July 1 have brought in 5,430 applications for permits to obtain refunds, reports Thanksgiving Dinner Noon and Evening f ? t ? T 50c HEPPNER NO UPSETS The proper treatment for a bilious child TRUE! ITEM TO RELIEVIKI CfJNITIMTIOI A cleansing dose today; a smaller quantity tomorrow: less each time, until bowels need no help at all. ANY mother knows the reason when her child stops playing, eats little, is hard to manage. Constipation. But what a pity so few know the sensible way to set things right! The ordinary laxatives, of even ordinary strength, destroy all hopes of restoring regularity. A liquid laxative is the answer, mothers. The answer to all your worries over constipation. A liquid can be measured. The dose can be exactly suited to any age or need. Just reduce the dose each time, until the bowels are moving of their own accord and oeed no help. This treatment will succeed with any child and with any adult. Doctors use liquid laxative. Hospitals use the liquid form. If it is best for their use, it Is best for home use. The liquid laxative they generally use is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. Any druggist has it 77. 1 Earl Snell, secretary of state, this week. Under the provisions of the new law, all persons claiming refund for taxes paid on motor vehicle fuels not used on the highways of the state are required to take out a permit, registering equipment used and the purpose for which the mo tor fuel is purchased. A charge of 50 cents is made for the permit, which is good for one year. Thanksgiving Eve For Elks and Friends B. P. O. E. Hall WED., Nov. 27 KAUFMAN'S ORCHESTRA TURKEYS RECEIVED Sun., Nov. 24 or any time before We have coops for shipping live poultry Morrow County Creamery Company VrtMlffi&w A Walnuts fancy Ore JELLWELL, the famous Q "I Q cube dessert O Pkgs. JLtCs SUGAR Golden Brown PEELS Citron, Lemon, Orange LB 29c TOILET TISSUE Waldorf quality ........ CRACKERS Saowflakes 2 LBS 29c BAKING POWDER, 50 OZ. 29c. PEAS, 5 CAN SARDINES Large oval tins asst. . OYSTERS SHRIMPS 2 TINS 24c RAISINS Thompson seedless MATCHES PER CTN., 6 BOXES CANDY, fancy box chocolates, 22 LBS. 59c 5 LBS. 98c - Fancy Mix, Choc. Drops 2 lb. 25c COFFEE I DRESSING Dependable I Aristocrat 2 LBS 49c I QUART 39c MAYONNAISE itZf Aristocrat, highest quality. QT.tLJDv PUMPKIN I MARSHMALLOWS No. 2V4 tins I Fresh EACH 10c 16 OZ PKGS 17c While a rush of applications was received shortly after the new law became effective the first of July, a steady business has been maintained and it is anticipated that from nine to ten thousand claimants will be on record with the department dur ing the year. House for rent, unfurnished, new ly inovatedSeeAJejcWta 75c the couple 5 DAYS Fri.-Sat.-Mon.-Tues.-Wed. soft shell. LB JL &, DATES, fancy new -f A crop. 2 LBS JLtU Mincemeat, fancy quality. 2 LBS 19c 3 lbs. 19c SUGAR Powdered 2 12 LBS 19c 4 ROLLS 19C FIGS White fancy layer LB 19c K. C. quality 4AA 25 OZ. TIN J. SJC CANNED GOODS sieve fancy No. 2 9c CORN, STR. BEANS C A A TOMATOES. CASE J&.JU O FOR 24c PUREX Vt GALLON 24c M LB. 24c 24c Tt PKG. Fresh Produce GRAPE FRUIT DOZ. 39c CRANBERRIES ... PER LB. 25c SWT. SPUDS, No. l's, 4 LBS. 19c CELERY, Large Utah, 2 BU. 33c