PAGE TWO HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOV. 21, 1935. (Stxzttti intra TUB HEPPNER GAZETTE, Eatabltahed March 0. 1883 ; THE HEPPNER TIMES. Established November 18, 18S7 ; CONSOLIDATED FEBRUARY 15, 191. PablUhed every Thursday naming by the CRAWFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY, and entered at the Pout Office at Heppner, Oregon, as second-class matter. JASPER V. CRAWFORD, Editor SPENCER CRAWFORD, Manager. ADVERTISING RATES GIVEN ON APPLICATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year Three Yean ., , . Six Months Three Months Single Copies , . SZ.00 . (.00 . 1.00 . .76 . .OS Official Paper or Morrow County MEMBER. Hp" Remembering Will Rogers GRAVEN more lasting in human hearts of this generation than on tablets of stone or metal is the name of Will Rogers. What enjoy ment the name immediately sug gests to those who laughed at hit printed homely philosophy or who laughed with him on screen or stage. The one and only Will Rog ers! The ambassador of good wi,l who jested of presidents and of kings and made them like it! The sage mayor of Beverley Hills, who in a short glimpse revealed the heart of human emotions, of human desires, and of human ambitions. To the American public, and to the world, Will Rogers was and is more than a person. He was and la an institution. He lives on as a school of philosophy. He has mold ed, and will continue to mold, so long as his writings and his pic tures exert their influence, the thought of nations. No greater monument, no finer memorial, than that builded by him self could be erected to his name. Yet, as a mark of love and devo tion; as due tribute to this great American, is it mete that his name should be graven in marble, in brass, and in every lasting sub stance. Those who have lived witQ Will Rogers will receive satisfaction in contributing to that end. For Humanity. EVER the outstanding champion of suffering humanity, the Amer ican Red Cross is issuing its annual appeal for memberships. The roll call in this county is just getting well started, and while response has been fair, it has not been as good as it should be. May Morrow coun ty not be found wanting in its quota of $250 when the roll call ends on Thanksgiving day. The first to relieve distress at the scene of disaster, the American Red Cross is proving itself still more worthy as a benefactor to mankind through campaigns instituted this year to make the highways safer and to prevent accidents in the home. Highway and home fatal! ties annually kill more people than have Deen killed in all wars in the last twenty years. The toll is as founding. Your dollar may seem an insig nificant amount with which to do anything about decreasing the great loss of life from these sources, yet added to millions of other dollars which should come from millions of other individuals, much can and will be done. Where can a better investment be made than a dollar spent to relieve suffering humanity? BOARDMAN By RACHEL J. BARLOW The new officers elected at the Greenfield grange meeting last Sat urday evening were: Ray Barlow, master; W. A. Baker, overseer George Wicklander, secretary Bryce Dillabough, steward; Ray Brown, gatekeeper; Mra L. V. Root treasurer; Dan Ransier, assistant steward; Mrs. I. Skoubo, lady as sistant steward; Mra. Minnie Wick lander. chaplain; G. E. Strum, leo turer; Mr. Ray Brown, Flora; Mrs. G. E. Sturm, Pomona; Mrs. Ray Barlow, Ceres; and I. Skoubo, Ed Sauders and Paul Smith were elect ed as the executive committee. Ed. Kunze and family were vis iting friends in oBardman Sunday. They are making their home at Granger, Wash., where Mr. unze is employed. Mrs. Victor Myers and Mrs. Chas. Hango and son motored to Port land Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Nate Macomber and Mr. and Mra Ray Brown spent the week end in Walla Walla. The ladies of the Home Econom ics club entertained their husbands at a pot luck dinner at the grange hall Wednesday evening. After dinner 500 was played. Mrs. Ray Brown and G. E. Sturm won high prize, and Mrs. Brace and Dan Ran' sier low. Dancing was enjoyed la ter In the evening. Several guests from Irrigon were present Mrs. Anna Partlow underwent an operation at the Mid Columbia hos Dital in The Dalles Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Halse and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Halse of Water town, S. D., came to Boardman Sat urday for a visit at the G. E. Sturm home. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Halse are the parents of Mrs. Sturm and Lloyd Halse Is her brother. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Myron Halse of Wasco spent the day here with relatives. Dallas Wilson of Enterprise vis ited In Boardman for a short time Tuesday when on his way to Port land to attend tne Diamond Belt boxing tournament Dave John' oLim.nAaSraitioH ston is fighting for the Multnomah club in the tournament Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Strobel and family and Mrs. E. T. Messenger spent several days last week in Portland. HARDMAN By LUCILLE FABRBNS Charlie McDaniel, Fan Miller, Dee Schnitzer, Bernard Bleakman, Guy Chapin, Owen Leathers and Les Robison recently returned from a ten-day elk hunting trip in the Ukiah vicinity. Owen Leathers and Fan Miller each brought home an elk. Mrs. Lillian Turner, grade school principal, was absent from school last Friday due to illness. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rowell are the parents of a 6 ft -lb. daughter named Phyllis Marie Hazel, arriv ing Nov. 15th. Mrs. J. W. Stevens who is caririg for mother and daughter reports both to be doing fine. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Burnside were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Duff McKitric last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Adams and Herbert McDaniel attended a birth day dinner in honor of Mrs. Victor Lovgren at the Lovgren home last Sunday. Mrs. Ada Cannon and son Bud, Mrs. J. B. Adams, Jim Knighten, Case Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hams, Herman Nielson and Guy Hastings were Heppner visitors during the week. Miss Dolly Farrens was visiting in Heppner Tuesday and attended the show in the evening. Maxine McDaniel spent the week end with her grandmother, Mrs. Lotus Robison. Jean Leathers was ill last week with the mumps. Mrs. Jim Brannon was reported to be on the sick list last week. The high school had a debate last Tuesday. The question was, "Re solved: That the South was right in their attitude toward slavery." Pat Bleakman and Richard Robison upheld the affirmative side and Ro land Farrens and Richard Robison were on the negative side. The judges cast a tie vote. Mrs. Frank McDaniel was given a party last Thursday evening with the following friends attending Dolly Farrens, Charlie Fraters, Charlotte Adams, Walter McKitric, Case Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Duff McKitric. Mr. and Mrs. Jim McDaniel and Constance were up from their Sa lem home visiting friends and rela tives last week. They were guests of Mr. McDaniel's sister, Mrs. B. H. Bleakman, while here. Miss Pat Bleakman was a week end visitor at the home of her cou sin, Miss Neva Bleakman, at Hepp ner. Yvonne, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carey Hastings, was ill at her home last Monday with the measles. Charles Johnson was absent from school a few days last week with a cold. Mrs. Lew Knighten was called to La Grande last Sunday by the serious illness of her mother, Mrs. Edna Ashbaugh. Miss Juanita Leathers and Mrs. Lester White were visiting rela tives here last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Batty were vis iting their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Batty, last Fri day. PINE CITY Br LSNNA NEILL Mr. and Mrs. John Healy were business visitors in Heppner Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wattenburger attended the show in Hermiston Saturday evening. John Harrison had the misfortune of breaking his arm last week. Charley Plourd spent Sunday at the W. D. Neill home. Mrs. Plourd and children, who have been visit ing at the Neill home for the past week, returned home with him. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ayers were called to Hermiston Saturday night by the serious injuries of Mrs. Ay ers father, Sam Ritchie. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Helms were business visitors in Pendleton Mon day. A large number of Pine City peo ple attended the dance at the Jas per Myers home Saturday evening, Refreshments were served at mid night Mr3. T. J. O'Brien left for Port land Friday to visit her husband American Boy Magazine Is Loaded With Adventure "We try to make a subscription to THE AMERICAN BOY," states Griffith Ogden Ellis, editor, a round trip ticket to a world-wide adven ture cruise. "Most boys cannot afford the lux ury of travel but they can afford to settle down under a reading lamp and take an Imaginative trip to for eign lands in American Boy stories." American Boy stories, during the coming year, will take readers to the atolls of the South Seas in a trad ing schooner, to the polar wastes behind a dog team, into the Canad ian wilderness with the Mounted Police, through the Caribbean with the U. S. Navy, even to the far-away planet of Mars in a space ship! There'll be true adventures among the lions and chimpanzees of Africa with Captain Carl von Hoffman, fa mous explorer and ethnologist In addition, there'll be stories about the favorite characters of a million boys Bonehead Jim Tierney, detec tive; Square Jaw Davis, engineer; Hide-rack, the red-and-gold collie; Connie Morgan, and Douglas Ren frew. There'll be vocational stories that will help the reader select his life work, advice and hobbies, sports tips from famous coaches and play ers, money-earning suggestions, va cation hints, and worthwhile con tests. THE AMERICAN BOY costs only 1 a year, or $2 for three years, for eign subscriptions 00 cents a year extra. Send your name, address, and remittance to THE AMERI CAN BOY, 7430 Second Blvd., De troit, Mich. Service will start with the Issue you Bpecify. On news stands, 10c a copy. Hunting Season -croP, QB, dont Pull nun su P)an ALL. RAIL FEMCES VAlRED FOB SOUND EFFECTS IpJreparedwess costumes FOR THE FAftM. , who 13 ill in the St. Vincent's hos pital. ' Mr. and Mr3. Emery Cox and family were business visitors in Hermiston Friday. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Wattenburger and family attended the show in Hermiston Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Foley spent Sunday evening visiting at the Frank Helms home. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Estle and son F. J. were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Estle at Irrigon. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wattenburger and Mrs. E. B. Wattenbruger were business visitors in Pendleton on Wednesday. Tourist Travel in State Shows Recent Increase Tourist travel during the last three months increased 17 per cent over a year ago, according to Earl Snell, secretary of state, through whose department nonresident mo tor vehicles are registered. It is estimated that some 150,000 visitors entered the state in the 90 days by automobile, as the total number of motor vehicles listed duing the three month period was 52,357. Thus far this year, 86,601 cars have been registered in Oregon by out-of-state owners, while at the same time last year, 78,948 vehicles had been checked. In September, 11,088 automobiles were brought in to the state and in September, 1934, 10,196 cars were registered. With the exception of the year of 1929, the nine-months registra tion total exceeds that of any other year since records of the depart ment have been maintained. Some 3,000 more cars were registered In 1929. Gene Ferguson was among a par ty of elk hunters returning home yesterday from a season-long hunt over in Umatilla county. He bagged a two-point bull, the only success ful member of the party. Sell your surplus stock through Gazette Times Want Ads. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Nov, 11. 1935. NOTICE is hereby given that William H. Instone of Lena, Oregon, who, on Mar. 1. 1934. made Homestead Entry under Act Dec. 29, 1916, No. 028449, for SEWSW14, Section 21, Township 2 South. Ranee 28 East. Willamette Me rldian, has filed notice of Intention to make final Proof, to establish claim to ,&xlln Tat it ran Beach Equipment Co. DEALERS LEXINGTON, ORE. FOft HAIR AND SCALP JAPANESE OIL MeotlaU.t. A. Tti Antiseptic Scalp Mcdletnt DMrt from ordinary Hair Teaks 40c f I. FEEL IT WOKKI Al All DruggliH Writ far FRCI BMltlrt "TN Trot About TM Mslr." Nitlxul Ktmttl fa.. N Yark RHEUMATISM! NEURITIS - ARTHRITIS Read the book that is helping thous ands! A postcard brings you a FBXIE copy of the latest edition "The Inner Myiterlea of Rheumatlnn" sealed and ?oatpald. Address the author today L P. Clearwater, Ph. D., 1916-A St. Hallowell, Maine. Hints- Foe. the Satoodav DfiJVE KM THE. COUUTftV (Safety the land above described, before Gay M. Anderson, United States Commis sioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 23rd day ot December, 1935. Claimant names as witnesses: Alvin Schaffer, of Heppner, Oregon. Jim Morgan, ot Heppner, Oregon. Walter Luckman. ot Lena, Oregon. Elsia Vinson, ot Lena. Oregon. W. F. JACKSON, Register, NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Nov. 12, 1935. NOTICE Is hereby given that Harold Sherer of Heppner, Oregon-, who, on Oct. 7, 1932, made Homestead Entry un der Act Dec. 29. 1916, No. 028295. for SENE'i, NEKSE'i, Sec. 22, SW"4 NW'4, NS, Sec. 23, NV4SWH. SEli SW!i, SWV4SE'i, Sec. 24, NMiNEii, NE4NW14, Section 25, Township 7 South, Range 28 East, Willamette Me ridian, has filed notice of intention to make final Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Gay M. Anderson, United States Commis sioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 27th day of December, 1935. Claimant names as witnesses: Virgil Gentry, of Heppner, Oregon. Sam McDaniel, Jr., of Hardman, Ore gon. Wilbur Knighten, of Monument, Ore gon. Wendell Aldrich, of Heppner, Oregon. W. F. JACKSON, Register. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DIS TRICT OF OREGON. In the Matter of Walter W. Kilcup and Rose H. Kilcup, Debtors. NOTICE TO CBEDITOBS OF COM. POSITION OB EXTENSION. To the Creditors of Walter W. Kilcup and Rose H. Kilcup. his wife, of Lena in the County of Morrow, and Dis trict of Oregon: "Notice is hereby given that on the 28th day of October, 1935, the petition of the said Walter W. Kilcup and Rose H. Kilcup, his wife, praying that they be afforded an opportunity to effect a composition or an extension of time to pay their debts under Section 75 of the Bankruptcy Act (11USCA Sec. 203), was approved by this court as properly filed under such section; and that the first meeting of their creditors will be held at the Court House In the Circuit Court Boom in Heppner, Oregon, on the 4th day of December, 1935, at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, examine the debtors, and trans- Heppner Transfer Co. Anywhere For Hire Hauling Bonded and Insured Carrier ROBT. A. JONES, Mgr. METSKER'S ATLAS of MORROW COUNTY BUY township ownership maps showing your property. Up-to-date County Maps, County Atlaaae and Township Maps of all count lea In Oregon, Washington and Northern Idaho. Tha bent maps made. For sale by all dealers and at Heppner Abstract Co., Heppner. Ore., and at "MetKker the Map Man," 514 S. W. Oak 8t., Portland, Ore. 50-38 Help Kidneys If poorly functioning Kldneyi and Bladder make too uffer from Getting Up Nighta. NerrouineflB, Hheumatta Paint, BtilTneM, Burning, Smarting, Q Itching, or Acidity try the guaranteed Doctor'. Prescription Cratex(Siaa-tex) n.j.v Huat fix yoonpor money ( fS I OX bk. Ouly V( M drogg-U. WHEN kidney function badly nd you tuffer i nagging backache, with dizziness, burning, scanty or too frequent urination and getting up al night; when you feel tired, nervous, allupset , , . us Doan's Pills, Doan's art (specially for poorly working kidneys. Millions of boxes are used every year. They are recom mended the country over. Ask yoar neighbor! mmm -v .tes h N." &mL liSWe - A fn Bess J by A. B. Chapin """Si XIa. - i rj. EROVDE EACH NIMftOD WITH ROTABLE BROADCASTING SETS first - HUMTIMff COSTUME. , yir' Bullet proof steel Aup SHATTER LESS GLASS. act such other business as may prop erly come before said meeting. Dated at Heppner, Oregon, this 21st day of November, 1935. J. J. WIGHTMAN, Conciliation Commissioner. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administrator has filed with the County Court of the State of Ore gon for Morrow County, his final ac count of his administration of the es tate of Nancy Gentry, deceased, and the said court has set Monday, January bih, 1936, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock a. m.. of said day at the county court room at the Court House at Heppner, Oregon, as the time and nlace for hpariner oh. jections to said final account, and all persons having objections to said final account or the settlement of said estate are hereby required to file the same with said court on or before the time set for said hearing. Dated and first published this 21st day of November, 1935. C. W. McNAMER, Administrator. NOTICE TO CBEDITOBS. Notice is hereby given that Mrs. C. E. Berger has been appointed Adminis tratrix of the Estate of Harry T. Mur chie, deceased, and haa qualified. Ail persons having claims against said es tate are hereby notified and required to present the same duly verified to the Clerk of Morrow County at the Court House at Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the first publication of this notice. The first publication is October 24, 1935. MRS. C. E. BERGER, Administratrix, 800 Jackson St., The Dalles, Ore. J. Tracy Barton, Attorney, The Dalles, Oregon. NOTICE 07 MOETOAGE FOKE CLOSTTRE SALE. In the District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon. The California jQlnt Stock Land Bank of San Francisco, a corporation, plain tiff, vs. Ewing P. Berry and Belle Ber ry, sometimes known as Vera B. Berry, his wife; Frank Lieuallen and Hottie E. Lieuallen, his wife; Addie Harman, Administratrix of the Estate of Jennie P. Hill, deceased; Addle Harman; Mol lie Baldwin; Florence Gobat; Tressa Conger; Lair Prather; Merlin Pratner; Jeane M. Simpson; Harley Prather; Myrtle Bohna; Bessie Cammon; Marie Prather; Clyde Hall; Herman Prather; Do You Ever Wonder Whether the"Pain" Remedy You Use is SAFE? Ask Your Doctor and Find Out Don't Entrust Your Own or Your Family's Well - Being to Unknown Preparations THE person to ask whether the preparation you or your family are taking for the relief of headaches is SAFE to use regularly is your family doctor. Ask him particularly about Genuine BAYER ASPIRIN. He will tell you that before the discovery of Bayer Aspirin most "pain" remedies were advised against by physicians as bad for the stomach and, often, for the heart. Which is food for thought if you seek quick, safe relief. Scientists rate Bayer Aspirin among the fastest methods yet dis covered for the relief of headaches and the pains of rheumatism, neu ritis and neuralgia. And the experi ence of millions of users lias proved it safe for the average person to use regularly. In your own interest re member this. You can get Genuine Bayer Aspirin at any drug store simply by asking for it by its full name, BAYER ASPIRIN. Make it a point to do this and see that you get what you want. Bayer Aspirin Edward Prat her; and Morrow County, quasi-municipal corporation: Ben Buschke; Cleave Prather; Rebecca Bush; Jane Cowne; Carl Cryderman; Geneva Cryderman; Lola Reader; Mary Ball; Mable Ball; Alma McCann; Ruth Watson; Donald McCann, Jr.; Clyde McCann; Norman McCann; Carl Mc Cann; Orvil McCann; John McCann; William McCann; George McCann; Cecil Wills; Wanda Klepper; Agnes Morgan; Priscilla Goodwin; Edward Wills; Etlle Fergusen, defendants. BY VIRTUE of a writ on Judgment, decree and order of sale Issued out of the above Court In the above entitled cause to me directed and dated the 15th day of October, 1935, upon a judgment, decree and order of Bale rendered and entered in Bald Court and Cause on the 15th day of October, 1935, in favor ot The California Joint Stock Land Bank of San Francisco, a corporation, as plaintiff, and against Ewing P. Berry and Belle Berry, sometimes known as Vera B. Berry, his wife, and Addie Harman, as administratrix of the estate of Jennie P. Hill, deceased, for the sum of b. with interest from March 31, 1934, at six per cent per annum, and J351.02 taxes for the year 1932, with penalties and interest thereon as by law provided, and $354.44 taxes for the year 1933, with interest and penalties as by law provided, and J75O.0O reason able attorneys' fees herein, and plain- tin s costs and disbursements of this suit taxed at S809.17, and for accruing costs on sale, commanding me to make sale ol tne following described real property situated in the County of Mor row, state oi Oregon, to-wit: The East half (EVfe) and the East half (EV4) of the West half (WW,) of Section numbered Ten (10) ex cepting that portion of the East half (E',a) of the Northwest quarter (NW4) and the Northwest quarter (NW!4) of the Northeast quarter (NE14) of said Section numbered Ten (10) lying North and West of the County road; the West half (W) of the West half (W) of Section numbered Eleven (11) ; the West half (WMs) and the West half (W) of the East half (E) of Sec tion numbered Fifteen (15) in Township Three (3) South, Range Twenty-six (26) East of the Wil lamette Meridian, in the County of Morrow and State of Oregon, save and except 2.70 acres deeded to D. E. Gilman; together with all and singular the privileges, appurten ances, tenements, hereditaments, easements and rights of way there unto belonging or usually enjoyed with said premises or any part thereof, and the reversion and re versions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof; also all the estate, right, title or interest, homestead or other claim or demand, as well at law as in equity, which the mortgagors had on the 9th day of April, 1920, or thereafter acquired of, In or to said premises or any part thereof, and also together with all other rights of every kind and nature, however evidenced, to the use of water, ditches and canals for the irrigation of said premises to which the mort gagors or said premises were then or might thereafter become entitled, and also together with all shares or rights, whether represented by certillcates of stock or otherwise, in any canal company or water users' association attached to said land for the benefit thereof, then owned or thereafter acquired by said mortgagors. And also all right, title and interest of the defendants Ewing P. Berry and Belle Berry, sometimes known as Vera B. Berry, his wife; Frank Lieuallen and Hettie E. Lieuallen, his wife; Addie Harman, Administratrix of the Estate of Jennie P. Hill, deceased; Addle Har man; Mollie Baldwin; Florence Gobat; Tressa Conger; Lair Prather; Merlin Prather; Jeane M. Simpson; Harley Prather; Myrtle Bohna; Bessie Cam mon; Marie Prather; Clyde Hall; Her man Prather; Edward Prather: and Morrow County, a auasi-munlclDal cor poration; xsen uscnKe; uieave rratner; Kebecca Bush; Jane Cowne; Carl Cry derman; Geneva Cryderman (whose true name is Geneva Cryderman Steele) ; L.oia neaaer; Mary isau; Mable Bail; Alma McCann; Ruth Watson; Donald McCann, Jr.; Clyde McCann; Norman McCann: Carl McCann: Orvil McCann: John McCann; William McCann; George mcann; iecu wins; wanaa Klepper; Agnes Morgan; Priscilla Goodwin; Ed- wara wins; and Erne Fergusen, and each and all of them, and that each and all of them be forever barred and fnr- closed of all right, title, interest or es tate in and to the said premises or any part thereof, save and except only the statutory right of redemption. NOW. THEREFORE, bv virtnn nf said writ on said judgment, decree and order of Bale, and in compliance with the command of said writ, I will on the 23rd day of November, 1935, in the af ternoon of said day, at the hour of Two o'clock P. M. of said day, at the front door of the County Court House in Heppner, Oregon, the countyseat of Morrow County, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder for cash in hand all the right, title, and estate which the defendants In this suit have, or any of them had' on the 9th day of April, 1920, the date of the mortgage described herein, or have since acquired, or since said date have had In or to the above described property or any part thereof, to satisfy said Judgment, decree and order of sale, with interest, costs and accruing costs Including the costs upon this writ J. T. SUMMER VILLE, United States Marshal for the Dis trict of Oregon. JAMES A FEB and FEE & RAN DALL, Attorneys for Plaintiff, P. O. Address, Pendleton, Oregon, NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an execution Issued out of the Cir cuit Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, dated October 16, 1935, in that certain suit wherein the Federal Land Bank of Spokane, a corporation, as plaintiff, recovered a judgment against the defendants, Charles A. Mor ey; Sarah H. Morey; Alvin S. Akers and Nellie G. Akers, husband and wife; and Clay Vance, and against each of them, for the sum of $924.42, with Inter est on the sum of $211.13 thereof at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from June 19. 1935, to July 1, 1935, and with interest at 5 per cent per annum there after until paid, and with Interest on the sum of $686.94 thereof at the rate of 414 per cent per annum from June 19, 1935, until paid; and the further sum of $60.00, attorney's fee In this suit; and the further sum of $26.10, plaintiff's costs and disbursements In this suit, and a decree of foreclosure against the defendants, Charles A. Morey; Sarah H. Morey ; Alvin S. Akers and Nellie G. Akers', husband and wife; Clay Vance; and lone National Farm Loan Associa tion, a corporation, I will, on the 16th day of November, 1935, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said day at the front door of the County Court house In Heppner, Morrow County, State of Oregon, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand the following described real property sit uated in Morrow County, State of Ore gon, to-wit: The South Half of the Northwest Quarter and the South Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section Five In Township One North, of Hange Twenty-six, East of the Willamette Meridian, containing 160 acres, Blt uated in Morrow County, State of Oregon, or so much of said real property as may be necessary to satisfy the plaintiff's Judgment, costs and attorney's fee and accruing costs of sale. , . c- J. D- BAUMAN, Sheriff of Morrow County, State of Oregon. Date of First Publication October 17, 1935. IN THE! COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MORROW COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of Andrew L, Douglas, Deceased. NOTICE TO CBEDITOR3. NOTICE is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed adminis trator of the estate ot Andrew L. Doug las, Deceased, by an order of the above entitled court. All persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased are here by notified to present the same to me at AnHmn Orpirnn rtt tn m ,,.. ,1 , ," '"' "'J aiiui "ey, no- mer I. Watts, at his ofllce in Athena, v. vOU11 n iuuii ma muiiing iroro, tno (date of the first publication ot this no- tice. All claims must be verified as by taw requtrea. DATED at Heppner, Oregon, this 24th day of October, 1935. A. W. IXJUUIjAS, Administrator of the Estate of An drew L. Douglas, Deceased. Homer I. Watts, Attorney for Administrator. Professional Cards REAL ESTATE General Line of Insurance and Bonds. W. M. EUBANKS Notary Public Phone 62 lone, Ore. W. L. BLAKELY Representing Conneeticutt Mutual Lift Iniurance Co. Caledonian Fire Inauranca Co. HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR WOOL HIDES PELTS Phone 782 - Heppner, Ore. VAWTER PARKER ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW Phone 173 Heppner Hotel Building Dr. Richard C. Lawrence DENTIST Modern equipment Including X-ray for dental diagnosis. Extraction by gas anesthetic First National Bank Building Phone 562 Heppner, Ore. DR. L. D. TIBBLES OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDQ. linn. Phone 1162 Offlca Phona 491 HEPPNER. OREGON Heppner Abstract Co. J. LOGIE RICHARDSON, Mir. RATES REASONABLE HOTEL HEPPNER BUILDING Perry Granite Company Portland Fine Memorials Eastern Oregon Representative II. C. CASE, Heppner AUCTIONEER Farm and Personal Property Sales a Specialty O. . BENNETT "The Man Who Talks to Beat the Band" LEXINGTON, OREGON J. 0. TURNER ATTORNEY AT LAW Phone 173 Hotel Heppner Building HEPPNER, ORB. DR. RAYMOND RICE PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office First National Bank Building Office Phone 523 Houae Phone 811 DR. J. II. McCRADY DENTIST X-Say Diagnosis GILMAN BUILDING Heppner, Oregon A. D. McMURDO, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND STTKOEON Trained Nan AiiuUant Office in Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon P. W. MAH0NEY ATTOBUBY-AT-LAW GENERAL INSURANCE Heppner Hotel Building Willow St. Entrance S. E. NOTS0N ATTORNEY AT LAW Offloa in Court Home Heppner, Oregon J. O. PETERSON Latest Jewelry ami OKt Ooods Watohes . Clooki . Diamonds Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon F. W. TURNER & CO. FIBN, AUTO AND LIFE INSTTBANCB Old Lin Companies. Boa Bitat. Heppner, Oregon JOS. J. NYS ATTOBNEY-AT.LAW Roberta Building, Willow Strict Heppner, Oregon