Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 21, 1935, Image 1

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alette HKtwe
Volume 52, Number 37.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Court Orders Waivure of
Penalty and Interest
Under New Act.
Olin Hayes Dies, Spokane ;
Funeral Rites Held Here
Tax Commissioner Galloway Cites
Provisions of Law, Immediate
Benefit of Which is Given.
Remission of penalty and Inter
est on delinquent taxes of 1934 and
prior years for those paying a quar
ter or more tax of the earliest year
or such delinquency is now ef-
fective in Morrow county. Though
the bill passed by the special legis
lative session making such pro
cedure law does not become effect
ive until February 8, 1936, the Mor
row county court has entered an
order to the effect, giving local tax
payers Immediate benefit of its provision
An interpretation of the act was
recevied by Sheriff C. J. D. Bauman
this week from Chas. V. Galloway,
state tax commissioner. Mr. Gal
loway wrote:
"This act applies to delinquent
taxes of 1934 and prior years only;
that is, to taxes which were due
and payable and became delinquent
in 1934 or in any prior year. It has
no application whatever to taxes
of the current year which, if not
paid, will become delinquent De
cember 16, 1935, nor to taxes which
may become delinquent in any sub
sequent year.
"Section 2 of the act waives in
terest and penalties on delinquent
taxes of 1934 and prior years if
paid on or before April 15, 1936, but
not on any payment of less than
one-quarter of the taxes of the
earliest year of such delinquency.
It is not required that taxes of the
current year (1935), or taxes to be
come due in 1936, shall be paid to
secure waiver of interest and pen
alties on delinquent taxes of 1934
and prior years, if such delinquent
taxes be paid on or before April 15,
"However, as to delinquent taxes
of 1934 and prior years which may
be paid after April 15, 1936, the act
Imposes a condition precedent to
the waiver of interest and penalties
the requirement that the taxes on
the property currently due and pay
able shall be paid in full within the
same calendar year. For instance,
arier April 15, 1936, a property own
er must pay, on or before December
al, 1936, the taxes becoming due and
payable in that year before he can
secure waiver of interest and pen
alties on any payment of delinquent
taxes of 1934 and prior years: also
the payment of such delinquent
taxes must not be less than one
quarter of the taxes of the earliest
year of delinquency."
Mr. Galloway advised the sheriff
in the manner of handling collec
tions on which waiver of interest
and penalties is allowed prior to the
effective date of the act, and con
cluded: "The erroneous Impression seems
to be abroad that under this new
act taxes of the current yaer which,
if not paid, will bcome delinquent
December 16, 1935, may be paid
without interest on or before April
15, 1936. As before stated, the act
applies to delinquent taxes of the
year 1934 and prior years only. In
terest charges provided by law will
continue on taxes becoming delin
quent in 1935 and in each subse
quent year, as though said Chapter
5, Oregon Laws, special session,
1935, had not been enacted."
Sheriff Bauman calls attention of
those having unpaid taxes for 1934
and prior years to the advantage of
paying such taxes now In the man
ner specified to make a saving on
the amount of penalty and interest
without necessity of paying the
current tax in order to obtain such
Olin Hayes, 50, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Hayea, pioneer Morrow
county residents, died at his home
in Spokane, Wednesday, November
13, following a last illness of a
week's duration. Funeral services
were held here Monday from Lau
rence Case Memorial chapel, with
Alvin Kleinfeldt, Christian minis
ter officiating, and interment was
in Masonic cemetery. The rites were
largely attended by relatives and
Olin Hayes grew to young man
hood in this city, attending the lo
cal schools, and was popular with
all who knew him. In the early
'20's he left here, going to Pendle
ton, Los Angeles and other points
before locating at Spokane several
years ago. He is survived by a
son residing in San Francisco, a
brother Elra of Los Angeles, and
sister, Mrs. W. D. McHargue of
Spokane. Mr. and Mrs. McHargue
and Anderson Hayes, an uncle, mo
tored from Spokane for the funeral
services. He was a cousin of Glen
Hayes of this city.
50-Man Crew Improving
Grade on Willow Creek
Fifty men are now employed in
widening and straightening the
grade on the Willow creek road
just south of Heppner, a project
being carried on jointly by Morrow
county, WPA and CCC. The project
contemplates improvement of the
road for four or five miles by mak
ing a much better grade and elim
inating the series of sharp curves
on the stretch which passes the
Frank Monahan and W. H. Cleve
land ranches.
WPA allotted $10,000 for this
project, part of which money may
be used to purchase materials. The
county stands part of the cost of
materials and furnishes necessary
equipment. Though most of the
work Is hand labor, the large crew
is reported to be making good
The city council opened bids
Monday night for purchase of a
new truck for the city. The matter
was left open and placed in the
hands of Councilmen McMurdo,
Mahoney, Morton and McNamer
for decision. License for sale of
beer was granted the new Aiken
pastime, and a resolution passed
permitting flood control work on
Willow creek within the city.
The dead line for the 1936-1939
wheat application sign-up is set
for Saturday, Nov. 30, announces
Joseph Belanger, county agent. All
those who have not completed their
applications or those who wish to
make new applications are asked to
call at the county agent's office not
later than the dead line date.
County Agent's Office
Scene of Fire Scare
Fire discovered between the walls
at the county agent's office Friday
morning about an hour after the
County wheat allotment committee
force had gone to work caused
hasty response by the fire depart
ment. It was extinguished with
slight damage except to wall and
roof, though work of the force in
signing up farmers under new al
lotment contracts was considerably
upset for the day.
With many records in the office
almost impossible to replace, the
allotment committee received a big
scare and started immediately to
look for more suitable and safer
The Business and Professional
Womens club met Monday evening
at. Hotel Heppner with 28 members
present. "Vocational Guidance"
was the discussion topic, with Phyl
lis Pollock leader, assisted by Mae
Doherty. Main talks were given by
Leone Rockhold and Lucy E. Rod
gers, and several minutes were giv
en to questions and answers. Eliza
beth Dix, program chairman for
the year, provided the club with
amusement by conducting a funny
paper forum. Members were called
upon in couples to give impromptu
skits depicting funny paper characters.
A burned out flue which melted
out a stop in the chimney upstairs
at tne Dick Wightman farm home
Friday morning came near to set
ting the house afire and resulted In
an alarm being sounded In the city.
The action of Bub Clark, who held
a pan over the stop, was largely
responsiDie tor Keeping the name3
In check. The city fire department
responded for which the Wight
mans extend their thanks. Smoke
damage only resulted, necessitating
some renovating which was done by
E. L. Bucknum.
Morrow county let contracts yes
terday for purchase of an Austin
Western grader and two Chevrolet
trucks, the latter through Fergu
son Motor company. Delivery was
made this week of a dicsel tractor
purchased through Beach Equip
ment company of Lexington.
A new WPA project with Morrow
county as sponsor was started to
day on the Iono-Boardman road.
The project calls for eliminating
the curve ahd straightening road
about four miles west of Boardman.
Nakomis Camp Fire group met
yesterday afternoon with meeting
cauea to oraer by Betty Adkins,
vice president. Report on the
doughnut sale last Saturday showed
$5 profit New members, changing
meeting date to Tuesday, and hav
ing party next Tuesday were dis
cussed. Carolyn Vaughn and Dor
otha Wilson were named on the
games committee, and Lois Jones
and Alberta Adkins on the "eats"
cdmmittee for the party. The pres
ident presides over all committees.
Margaret Doollttle, scribe.
Jesse A. Anderson of La Grande,
district deputy grand exalted ruler,
B. P. O. Elks, will make his official
visitation to Heppner lodge 358 this
evening In a specially called meet
ing. Initiatory ceremonies and an
elk feed by courtesy of Dr. A. D.
McMurdo will be features of the
The Gideons, who are business
men of Portland and traveling
salesmen, will have charge of the
morning services at the Methodist
church. They will hold a meeting
In lone In the afternoon and at Ar
lington In the evening.
Pacific University, Forest Grove.
Miss Francis Rugg of Heppner
was pledged to Phi Lambda Oml
cron sorority at Pacific university
last week,
In a deal completed last week Or-
ville Cutsforth purchased the Har
ry Schriever farm which is located
about two miles north of Lexing
ton. Mr. Cutsforth recently leased
the Arnold Pieper ranch and this
latest deal, which involves 640
acres of wheat land, brings his
holdings up to eight thousand acres.
Mr. Cutsforth uses a diesel tractor
in his farming operations and bulks
his wheat, using his own. elevator
which he built in Lexington two
years ago.
The Lexington Home Economics
club met at the grange hall Thurs
day and elected the following offi
cers for next year: President, Mrs.
Harvie Miller; vice-president, Mrs.
Orville Cutsforth; secretary, Beu-
lah Nichols; treasurer, Mrs. Harry
schriever. The club will hold
special meeting Saturday afternoon
at the school house to complete
preparations for the bazaar which
will be held on Saturday. Dec. 7.
A meeting of the Parent-Teacher
association will be held at the
school house next Wednesday eve
The work of levelling the grounds
at the school under the WPA pro
ject has been started and several
men are employed. A new cement
sidewalk is to be built also,
There seems to be some doubt
now about the wheat being frozen
out m this community. Some far
mers still think that it is while oth
ers are hoping that the recent rains
and warmer weather will bring it
out an rignt.
A number of Lexington people
went to lone Friday evening to see
me piay, "Tne Pajama Girl," which
was presented by the senior class
or the lone high school.
Mr. and Mrs. Orris Padberg and
iamny nave moved into the E. D.
McMillan house.
Miss Lenna Wald of Stanfleld
and Mrs. Neil White spent Thurs
day at the home of their sister, Mrs.
.narry uuvall.
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Duran and
Mrs. Delia Duran were visitors in
.Pendleton one day last week,
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Dohertv of
neppner nave moved to Lexineton.
jwr. ana Mrs. Kalph Wickersham
and daughter of Portland were re
cent guests of Mrs. Wickersham's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Du-
umar Luttrell of Hermlston Is
visiting his daughter. Mrs. M. F.
Mrs. Guy Shaw is ill with an at
tack of mumps.
Vernon Scott has improved the
appearance of his service station
during the past week by applylne a
new coat of paint to the exterior of
tne building.
Mr. and Mrs. Eslie Walker of
Hardman are living in the Penland
J. E. Gentry has been quite ill as
a result of having some teeth ex
tracted Saturday.
J. H. Frad of Portland spent last
ween witn nis daughter, Mrs. Ar
nold Pieper.
Aaolpn Maieske and Charles
scnriever have each purchased a
new -iymoutn.
Dwight Misner of Thornton. Wn .
was in this city over the week end.
Mrs. Claude Hill of Redmond la
visiting her parents. Mr. and Mra
S. G. McMillan.
Erma Lane, who has been work.
ing in Portland, Is visiting rela
tives in this city.
Mrs. Marion Palmer and baby
son returned home from Heppner
Danny Dinges spent the week end
in Portland visiting his sister, Mrs.
John R. Laslch, Jr.
Ralph Jackson was a business
visitor in Pendleton Tuesday.
School News
Edith Edwards, Reporter.
Alma Van Winkle returned to
school Tuesday morning after a
week's absence on account of illness.
Kenneth Klinger is absent from
school with an attack of mumps.
Doris Klinger, Joyce Biddle, Lou
rene Fulgham and Lester McMillan
vere among those absent from
school during the past week.
The senior class Dlav. "The Ph.n.
torn Bells," a three-act thrilling
mystery-comedy with a very sur
prising climax, will be nresentert
I on Friday evening, December 6, in
uie nign scnool auditorium. The
cast of characters is as follows:
Jean Rhodes, the second wife of
Mark Rhodes, Alma Van Winkle;
Laura Rhodes, her step-daughter,
Mae Edmondson; Lela Sayles, a
trained nurse, Bernice Martin; Mir
iam Booth, a secretary, Juanlta
Davis; Harriet Forbes, maid of all
work, Edith Edwards; Joseph Ken
nedy, a detective, Woodrow Tuck
er; Ned Carruthers, a lawyer, Jamie
Peck; Jack Page, Laura's fiance,
Kenneth Peck; Darrell Carson,
Laura's cousin, Keith Gentry; Vic
tor Livelle, a neighbor, Lavern
Believes Unicameral Sys
tem Would Facilitate
Law Making.
Solon Thinks State Would Have
Been Wise to Take All of Fed
eral Grant for Capitol.
Senator J. G. Barratt returned to
Heppner at the close of the arduous
20-day special legislative session
strongly in favor of a unicameral
lawmaking system. This sidelight
climaxed a talk given before the
Monday Lions luncheon In which
he told of the major legislation
handled at the session, and the
trouble had in getting the unwieldy
machinery of the two houses into
Senator Barartt expressed convic
tion that a single house, say of 30
members, could have done as good
or even better job in half the time
and thus have saved the state much
expense. The House especially was
unruly, and had It not been for
On Tuesday afternoon funeral
Auxiliary Gives Treat
of Lamburger to City
The Heppner public was treated
services for S. J. Ritchie of Her- J lree """burger Saturday by
miston were held at the Christian Morrow County Woolgrowers aux
church. Alvin KleinMrft na.trvr r, "iary, in line with that organiza-
the Christian rhurrh of tion's campaign to create an inter-
preached the sermon and a quartet cst ln Iamb 48 a worthwhile ad
composed of Mrs. W. G. Roberts Junct to the diet- The large am
Mrs. J. E. Swanson, E. J. Keller ount of meat Prepared was all dis-
and P. G. Balsiger accompanied by p"ocu m' wlul muen appreciation
Mrs. E. J. Blake, sang appropriate shown bv recipients,
hymns. Samuel Jackson Ritchie ,. For tnelr cooperation in making
was born in Lee county, Virginia the event successful the auxiliary
on January S!9, 1869, and was acci- i" piraauun to neppner
dentally killed at Hermiston on and Central markets, through
Nov. 16, 1935. He came to lone with whom the meat was given, and to
his parents in 1884 and resided here nttIum olm. w. r. Manoney, K.
several years, then moving to a : ThomPSn, Bruce Kelley, Frank
farm near Lexino-tnn ww h u,, Wilkinson and R. I. Thompson who
until moving to Hermiston a few gave the 8neeP- Ths auxiliary has
years ago. He leaves to mourn his I?"ie arrangements to have every
ui. r .... , .. Wednesday "Tamh rinv" of
uajsaiiLtz him will ivisrv rnraa pni . " j buvi w-
dren, Mrs. Bertha Ayres of Echo 081 markets, and hope that those
Olin Ritchie of Hermiston, and Ha- who tried tte lamburger will be in
zel Ritchie of Kelso, Wash two terested in purchasing various cuts
grandchildren, three brothers "L"cl ulan "ops ana legs
Charles of Rwinnop ' TpmA nf TnnA
' which are usually most ln demand.
and George of Portland, and three 0her cut3 are available at lower
sisters, Mrs. Ida Rolfson and Mrs.
Rose Miller of Portland and Mrs. Announcement is made also that
Alice Hwhran nf Tnno onH n, tne free knitting school, held each
relatives. Interment w'as made in Mondav afternoon at the library,
the I. O. O. F. cemetery here "aa ueen o'sconiinuea aue to lack
Five tables of bridge were at play pf interest but will be started
at the Womens" Topic club Novem- agam if enough demand is shown.
ber social meeting in the Masonic
hall Saturday night Hostesses were Fire Truck On Job With
Mrs. D. M. Ward and Mrs. E. J.
51 !Prizes were won by Mrs H- New Pumper Installed
D. McCurdy, C. F. Feldman and Mr. r
and Mrs. George Tucker. The city Are truck was brought
Louis Bergevin was a business DacK rrom Portland yesterday
visitor in Pendleton on Saturday. where it was taken more than a
uert Mason and Dale Ray return- ago iur tne installation or a
Speaker Latourette using high
handed methods, that body might, Sunday from the mountains water booster tank to replace the
where each had secured his elk. om cnemical equipment Mayor
Walt Smith stopped here during Jones ana iire Chief Merrill super
the past week on his way to Pen- vsed a test of the new equipment
dleton from Lyle, Wash., where he snor"y atter its arrival and ex
has spent several months at . the Pressed satisfaction.
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Knap- The tank of 100-gallon capacity
penberg. is expected to be or much benefit in
H. L. Decker, field man of the fusing small fires or helping to
Farmers National Warehouse cor- hoId larger, ones until connection is
poration of Portland, was a busi- made with the mains. In the ab-
ness visitor here on Tuesday. sence of the truck only one fire
Ray Pettyjohn of Heppner spent Droke out. that in the county agent's
the week end with his cousin, Paul offlce Friday, and it was quickly
Pettyjohn. put under control by use of one of
Miss Mary Van Vactor with her the 11 hand hose carts,
mother, Mrs. Sam Van Vactor, ar- "
rived at the Edward Rietmann Frppman T.nao-inc Outfit
ranch Saturdav evening Mi vn r reman Mggmg UUtftt
vactor returned Sunday to her work
as county nurse at Goldendale
while Mrs. Van Vactor will remain Operations of the Freeman log-
Members of the Lions club were
treated unawares to a feed of roast
elk at their Monday luncheon, the
meat being the compliment of Dr.
A. D. McMurdo. While several sus
plcloned that everything was not
just right, many did not know but
what they were eating roast beef.
Dr. A. D. McMurdo is among the
successful elk hunters reporting
back to town the first of the week.
He hunted witn a party over In the
Ukiah district and bagged a big
bull which dressed out between 600
and 700 pounds.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Harshman of Hardman at the home
of Mrs. Corda Sallng ln this city
Tuesday, a 9Sb pound son.
have been entirely unmanageable,
he said
Settling of contested seats in the
senate delayed organization of that
body for two days, the senator said.
and action on the major issue of
capitol construction was further
delayed by the many conflicting
proposals. House and senate were
divided on many points, causing
many amendments and counter
amendments to be ironed out in
conference committees and on the
floors of the two houses. In addi
tion to a flood of other bills, some
of which had to be acted upon as
touching real emergencies and oth
ers which were sent into commit
tees to die, served further to delay
the session.
Senator Barratt did not express
agreement with the capitol recon
struction bill in its final form, be
lieving after all the arguments had
been heard pro and con that it
would have been wise to take ad
vantage of the full federal grant
which would have meant $3,500,000
available for the new structure and
additional grounds and to have ac
quired further space. He believed
the purchase of yiUamette univer
sty campus or other ground adjoin
ing the present site would prove a
good investment in the light of real
estate values generally, and that
such acquisition would make possi
ble construction of a capitol com
mensurate with the promised
growth of the state.
He expressed sympathy with the
old-age assistance act as passed,
and which will be presented to the
voters for approval at the special
election January 31 next Much op
position was expressed in both
houses to the financing feature by
means of a sales tax, but Mr. Bar
ratt believed that In the light of
burdensome taxes on real estate,
and other tax sources being heav
ily drawn upon, that the sales tax
was the only way out and that the
need justified this course; especial
ly in light of the fact that county
and state funds originally intended
for the purpose next year had been
diverted into unemployment relief
Senator Barratt felt honored ln
being privileged to serve as a mem
ber of the senate judiciary com
mittee, being the only non-lawyer
member. He paid tribute to the late
Senator Goss. a highly esteemed
member of the committee, whose
accidental death during the session
was a great shock.
The AAA act, since adjudged un
constitutional, he deemed as one of
the Important pieces of legislation,
necessary to the well-being of many
phases of agriculture, and hoped
that objectionable features of the
act might be eliminated and the law
put into effect to relieve agriculture
where It is badly needed.
Memorial to Will Rogers
The Will Rogers Memorial
commission, composed of re
sponsible, respected men and
women, has set aside the period
commencing November 4th, Will
Rogers' 56th anniversary of
birth, and ending Thanksgiving
Eve, November 27, for the sub
scription of funds, every single
penny of which will be used for
a memorial, or memorials, to
perpetuate the memory of one of
our most beloved and useful cit
izens. The expenses of gather
ing the fund are being borne by
the aviation Industry.
Emphasis throughout the
country will be, not on large do
nations especially, but on the
number of friends and admirers
of Will Rogers. Those who have
laughed and cried with him in
his understanding of mankind
will contribute toward the me
morial. Citizens of Morrow county who
feel that they can and who care
to contribute toward the Will
Rogers Memorial may send oi
leave their donations at the
Heppner Branch of the First
National Bank of Portland or at
the Star Theater.
Moves Operations Base
for a visit until after Thanksgiving, ging outfit who have been suddIv-
Mr. and Mrs. Laxton McMurray ing logs to a mill at The Dalles are
were passengers for Portland on being moved this week from the
Monday night s tram. They plan to former location near Tupper sta-
stay there for several months. I tion to the Camas prairie district
ajub Alien or .tuamatn jj-aiis, a wnere it is reported they will con
half brother of Mrs. J. H. Bryson, tinue to operate for the winter,
was visiting here last week. H. C. Acquisition of stumDae-e was re.
woods of Heppner was also a visit- ported to have been from Louis
or at the home of his sister, Mrs. Fluer and brother, mill men of
aryson, during the week. Mayger. The deal was completed
Mr. and Mrs. Cole Smith have Monday.
gone to the French ranch on the -
Spray road where they will remain MEETS CUB PITCHER,
for a time. Gene Ferguson had the unique
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Balsiger spent exPBrience of having a large bull
several hours in Hermiston Satur- eik kllled almost under his nose
day. while hunting over in the Ukiah
The ladies of the Conereffatinnnl section. When the marksman came
Ladies Aid held an all day quilting UP 10 lalm his kill, it turned out
with a pot luck dinner at noon in to be none other than Larry French,
Organization All Set for
Soil Conservation
Work in County.
Aid for Agriculture, Development
of CCC Boyg is Aim; Flans Con
template Much Benefit.
the church parlors Wednesdav.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rolfson and
George Ritchie of Portland were
here on Tuesday for the funeral of
s. J. Ritchie.
Mrs. Bert Mason, Mrs. H. D. Mc-
ace Chicago Cub pitcher and one
time chucker with the Portland
Beavers before making the big
time. Ferguson had quite a visit
with French, pronounced him a real
fellow. Heppner's garage man was
Curdy, Geonre Tucker the only successful member of a
Louis Bergevin treated the football Party of eight in bagging his elk, a
squad to a chicken dinner at the nne two-pointer,
home of Mrs. Bergevin on Wednes
day evening.
Mrs. Ed Dick and Mra Victor
Peterson of Heppner were luncheon
hostesses to a group of lone ladies
at the home of the latter on Mon
day. Bridge was played after the
Edgar W. Smith, general agent
Oregon Mutual Life Insurance com
pany of Portland, was in the city
Saturday making an official visit to
Eddie Kenny, local agent. Mr. Ken
ny, who but recently entered the
uncheon. Prizes were won by Mrs " T 7 emerea tne
Louis Bergevin, Mrs. Dorr Mason i"nCe,5US'nTu U maln flne
and Mrs. Cleo Drake. Othor P""6'""' "" lepurtea.
were Mesdames C. W. Swanson,
Frank Lundell, Clell Rea, Ella Da
vidson, Walter Corley, Fred Man
kin, Carl F. Feldman, E. R. Lun
dell, Hugh Smith. Clvde Dennv.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. MacHargue,
Andy Hayes and Erb Hayes were
here Monday from Spokane to at
tend funeral services for the late
Roy Lieuallen, Walter Dobvns. Carl Olin Hv m.u.
Allyn, Werner Rietmann. J. E. Neva Hayes, Is a sister of the de-
t 5, 7T, Jonn ceased. They returned home Tues-
xun,ci, . vv. .uxciaiuer, rsen Ma- aay.
aon, in. c;. uotter. Wallace Mat
hews, David Rietmann and George
Mrs. Eunice Warfleld of Hermis
ton was here on Tuesday.
As the first victims of the epi-
E. J. Davis, field supervisor for
Farm Credit administration whose
home is at Freewater, is In the city
today on business connected with
seed loans made through the gov-
demlc of mumps are returning to ernment agency he represents. In
school another group of students his recent visits to various parts of
have come down with the disease. h's district he has found much dam
It is hoped that it will soon run its age to fruit and vegetables as a re
course in the school. .suit of the recent freeze, and in
The Junior class will have charee Morrow county he encountered
of the program at assembly on Fri- 1 hundreds of acres of grain in the
day morning. north end that had not been har-
The senior play, "The Paiama vested.
Girl," given at the school gym last
Friday evening drew a fair sized Theodore Anderson was In town
crowd. All parts were well learned Monday 'mm the Eight Mile farm,
and given by the cast Musical num- He reported the ground in his sec-
bers given between acts by Misses n as now being wet down to a
Sybil and Dorothy Howell, Miss good dePth and there appears little
Helen Ralph, Miss Frances Troed- likelihood that the wheat was at
son and Wallace Lundell were a" damaffed by the recent cold snap,
greatly enjoyed. Mrs. Amy Sperry He recalled the year 1907 as being
directed the play. the biggest year on his immediate
Work has started on a student I la slnce ne nas Deen raising
body play, "Laugh, Clown," which
will be presented In December.
The junior class is giving a bene
fit dance at the Legion hall on Sat
urday night, Nov. 23.
Erllng Thompson is In Portland
where he Is receiving medical treat
ment for one of his ears.
Mrs. Albert Lindstrom is recov
ering from an operation for appen
dicitis ln the Hood River hospital.
She is expected to be able to return
home soon.
Dan Stalter went to Portland
yesterday on business in connection
with a pending deal for sale of
properties of Heppner Mining com
pany of which he is president.
wheat in the county. His averaee
production that year was well over
30 bushels and part of his place
yielded 42H bushels an acre.
A party of five elk hunters each
of whom was successful in bagging
his game returned to town the first
of the week. Included were R. A.
Thompson, Roscoe Cox, Wilbur
Gourley, Gene Florence and one of
the Matteson boys.
Born to Mr. and Mra Marlon
Palmer of Lexington at the home
of Mrs. Corda Saling ln this city
Saturday, a 6 pound son.
Mayor T. J. D. Jones motored to
.Pendleton today on business.
With four projects under way,
personnel intact, and organization
smoothly oiled the local soil con
servation CCC camp is settling
down to intensive work In its pro
gram of contributing to the future
well-being of the county's agricul
ture lying within the Willow creek
watershed while affording oppor
tunity to tne young men enrolled
to improve their education.
To date gully control projects ara
under way on the J. L Hanna farm
on Hinton creek and the W. H.
Cleveland farm on Willow creek,
while crews are also carrying on a
road improvement project on up
per Willow creek and deepening
and widening the ditch to divert
Ditch creek into Willow creek. The
gully control projects are definitely
son conservation in nature, while
the road project is undertaken to
facilitate crews getting to and from
work, and the Ditch creek diversion
project is intended to augment the
supply of irrigation water for the
Willow creek valley.
lhe organization set-up for car
rying on the work is in three main
divisions: The army division, which
nas cnarge of the working person
nel, the CCC boys, talcing care of
tneir nouslng, clothing, feedine en
tertainment and education; the soil
conservation service, which suner-
vises the boys while at work, plans
me wont, manes contacts with the
farmer organizations and political
subdivisions for whom work is per
formed, and in fact handles all de
tails of the work program: and
lastly, the farmer co-operative as
sociation, the Morrow County Soil
vunservauon association, the mem
bers of which agree to comply with
uviaiuiia set up oy tne soil conser
vation service in having work done
on their land, which association
deal3 with the conservation service
instead of farmers dealing with it
The army division of the work is
in charge of Capt William R. Rey
nolds and Lieut Grant H. Edwards.
Besides clothing, housing and feed
ing the boys, the army division also
provides for their entertainment
and education. The educational
director is M. E. Dixon, and he is
assisted by E. R. Vinson. This
feature of camp life, which largely
takes care of the boys in their spare
time, offers courses in vocational
education in which members of the
soil conservation staff assist, and
supervises sports and other recre
ation for which facilities of the
large recreation hall are used. Med
ical care is also under the army,
and is in charge of Capt Carl G.
Ashley, camp doctor.
Millard D. Rodman, state reDre-
sentatiye, is project manager for
uie sou conservation service, and
R. W. Leep is nroiect Bimwinin.
dent Rodman's work consists
largely in planning the projects
and making contacts, while Leen
supervises the actual work. Earl
l. Fulkerson has the position of
engineer, and LeGrand H. Guild is
chief agronomist W. W. Morris
is range man, and Victor Larse is
assistant agronomist The latter
four men are engaged in working
out technical details in connection
with the projects undertaken.
ine farmer organization set ud to
cooperate with the soil conservation
program filed its articles of incor
poration last week, with Frank S
Parker, J. I. Hanna, R. A. Thomp
son, J. J. Wightman and W. H.
Cleveland as incorporators. Joseph
Belanger, county agent is assisting
In Informing those who may wish
to cooperate through this associa
tion, and W. Vawter Parker is tha
association's legal adviser. ,
uther than the prolects undr-
taken, no information has vet been
given as to the nature of the work
to be done under the local program,
though a number of plans are re
ported as ln process of develop
ment, which if they materialize, will
be of much benefit
Fifty pounds of crested wheat
grass seed was received from the
Pullman headquarters this week
for use only where needed in actual
control of gully washes. No pro
vision has so far been made to sup
ply seed at government cost for
range planting.
Clifton Craig, aged 70 years, 9
months and 16 days, died at the
Nels Johnson farm home on Dry
Fork last Monday night Coroner's
investigation pronounced death as
resulting from natural causes, prob
ably apoplexy. The body was
brought to Phelps Funeral home
for preparation, with burial de
layed in an attempt to contact rel
atives, none of whom have been lo
cated. Mr. Craig was formerly In
the feed business In Spokane In the
early '90's, and farmed near Pom
eroy, Wash., until 1912. He had
worked around this section for sev
eral years.