Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 31, 1935, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Henry Happold returned from the
mountains at the close of the deer
season with a nice four-point buck.
He hunted In company with Mr. and
Fred Mankln of lone who also got
a buck apiece, and with Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Kane. The party invaded
the vicinity of Mallory creek.
Tim Rippee Is among the big
game hunters this season, getting
a dandy 235 pound buck. He hunt
ed with Gene, Lyle and Harley Mat
teson and Tom Harris who also
landed a buck apiece shortly be
fore the close of the season. They
were out on Skookum creek.
Mrs. Mark Merrill may not be all
that is expected of an amazon but
she at least matched the skill of
male nimroda by bagging a little
two-point buck near Mallory prairie
the last day of the season. Mr. Mer
rill had previously bagged his game.
Two local hunters made their first
kill of a deer this season. They are
Stanley Minor and Robert Jones.
Each has sought the wily denizens
of the forest on past occasions.
Jones got his Friday. It was a nice
Announcement has been received
of the arrival of Billy Lee, weight
9 pounds 3 ounces, to Mr. and Mrs.
W. R. Poulson at their home in
Portland, October 20. Mr. Poulson
was local superintendent of schools
a few years ago.
Floyd Worden of Eight Mile did
n't get his buck, but he did get a
good sized bear as a trophy of the
hunt His neighbor, Fred Akers,
got a big six-point buck, however,
Mr. Worden reported when In town
Kenneth Oviatt has succeeded
Clinton Rohrer as assistant post
master, Mr. Rohrer and family de
parting Sunday for Portland to
make their home while he takes a
position in the city postofflce.
Roy Quackenbush is assisting at
Safeway stores, having left the po
sition of lookout on Arbuckle moun
tain at the close of the Are season.
He bagged a nice buck for himself
before leaving the timber.
Walter Blackburn spent a few
days before the close of the deer
season at Ukiah and went out into
the timber long enough one day to
land himself a nice little two-point
Roy Lieuallen was oui with a
party of eight hunters over in the
Tollgate country and bagged a 234
pound buck. Six inches of snow
covered the ground in that section.
T. E. Sheridan, former resident
of this county, was in the city Sat
urday from Hood River where he
has been located for several years
while following railroading.
Earl, Len and Louis Gilliam spent
the closing days of the hunting sea
son over in the Greenhorn moun
tains at the Dan Stalter mine and
each landed his buck.
Eddie Sheridan landed a buck
weighing considerably over 200
pounds while hunting In company
with E. R. Schaffer last week end.
Published by the Journalism Class
final minutes of play lone made its
only scoring of the game; the final
score was 22-6. This was Hepp
ner's first scheduled game in which
they have been Bcored upon.
Next Friday promises to be the.
biggest game of the year, with Mac
Hi. As this Is a home game, let's
see a good crowd out there.
Class News
The boys' gym class is going to
begin a volley ball tournament this
week. Those boys who wish to are
practicing tumbling after school
and they plan, when the basketball
season begins, to do tumbling be
tween halves of the games.
The Spanish class is having lots
of fun experimenting by talking
nothing but Spanish a part of their
class period. Since they have prac
tically finished their review on verbs
and grammar, they hope to receive
their Spanish readers soon.
The freshmen are planning to
give the freshman return party In
the near future.
If you have' noticed a fishy atti
tude among some of the Heppner
high school students you will know
that it is just because the biology
students are studying vertebrates
this week.
The home economics class will
have finished their aprons by the
end of this week and the art class
is beginning to do lettering.
New Tennis Courts at School
Before many months it is hoped
that two new tennis courts will be
completed. They are to be erected
on the school grounds, south of the
gymnasium. The type of court has
not , been definitely decided as to
whether it will be a crushed rock
bed with asphalt surface or whether
it will have a concrete surface. In
vestigation is now being made to
ascertain which would be the more
economical. It Is hoped that the
court may be arranged so as to
make it serve as a skating rink
during the winter months.
All the labor will be furnished by
the Federal government, and some
materials may also be provided
from that source.
Mr. Bloom is very enthusiastic
over the proposition and thinks it
will be a big Improvement for the
town as well as the school.
Schools Represented
The Heppner schools were well
represented In the Library Benefit
program last Monday night. Again
the school was justly proud of the
band, which favored the audience
with several fine numbers.
A scene from the junior play,
"Huckleberry Finn," was presented
with La Verne Van Marter as Huc
kleberry, Dora Bailey as Mary Jane
and Kathryn Parker as Aunt Polly.
The faculty number was well re
ceived with most of the members of
the faculty participating. Their
contribution was a mock kinder-
I garten with Miss Dale as the teach
er and the others as the children.
The Girl? League presented a
marionette show as the final num
ber for the evening. Harriet Ha-
ger, Dora Bailey, Arlene Morton,
and Kathryn Parker acted as the
All in all, the evening's program
was excellent and was doubly ap
preciated because It was home tal
ent H.H.S.
GirhV League Conference
Ten delegates from the Girls'
League, namely Harriet Hager, Ar
lene Morton, Ruth Green, Marjorie
Parker, Kathryn Parker, Dora Bai
ley, Norma Beckett Betty Doherty,
Margaret Scott and Irene Beamer,
motored to Hermiston Saturday for
a Girls' League conference. They
were accompanied by the advisor,
Miss Rockhold, and Mrs. E. L. Mor
ton, who took a car.
After evesyone had registered,
they gathered in the assembly for
some group singing, led by Miss
Golda Mumma of Hermiston. The
welcome address was given by Supt
R. H. McAtee. Classes were held
until noon. They included: What
You Owe Your Home, led by Opal
Stockard; Importance of School
Spirit, led by Nina Ral McCully;
Growing Up, led by Edna Turn
blad; Officers Plans for This Year,
led by Maxine Paul.
A luncheon and program was en
joyed at the Methodist church. Skits
were given by the different schools.
The speaker of the day was Miss
Eunice A. Mitchell, who gave us a
travel talk on China. She told about
the trip over there and also about
her work in the Chinese schools.
She showed many Interesting things
she bought in China.
To end the pleasant day, the girls
went to the art exhibit. This proved
very interesting; It included many
great masterpieces.
The schools represented were
Pendleton, Echo, Athena, Heppner,
Helix, lone, Pilot Rock and Her
miston. H.H.S.
Grade School News
The sixth grade entertained the
fifth grade with a play last week.
The play, "A Good Scalding," was
written by Lucille Barlow. The
players were Lucille Barlow, Claud-
ine Drake, Dick Ferguson, Margaret
Tamblyn and Billy Scrivner.
The fifth grade "Citizenship club
appointed the following monitors
for this week: blackboard cleaner,
Alberta Adkins; waste paper bas
ket, Bobby Ball; pencil sharpener
cleaner, Colleen Kilkenny; flag sa
lute and song leader, Rae Cowing.
The fourth grade will have a pro
gram In their room this week. Each
pupil will represent a character
taken out of their reading books.
The Primary Paper, published by
the third grade was published to
day. The name of the paper is "The
Dog Barks."
The second grade have their room
all decorated in Hallowe'en style.
They had their Hallowe'en party
The first grade pupils have been
working on their contributions to
the primary newspapere. They are
also getting ready for Halolwe'en.
Among those attending the Stunt
Night entertainment at Heppner
last Monday evening were Mrs. Irl
Clary, Richard Robison, Delvin and
Dallas McDaniel, Delsie, Zetta and
Pat Bleakman, Mr. and Mrs. Carey
Hastings, Ronald Farrens, Lois
Stevens and Opal Hastings. Miss
Pat Bleakman had a part in the
program, giving the reading, "Dan
iel in the Lion's Den."
Among Hardmanites attending the
pioneers' reunion at Lexington last
Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. O. E.
Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Blaine-Chapel,
Herman Neilson, Mrs. Chester
Saling and Mrs. Walter Farrens.
They report a most enjoyable day
with Lexington people proving to be
most hospitable entertainers.
J. C. Walker had the misfortune
to break both bones near the ankle
of the left leg while walking about
in his yard last Friday when one of
the crutches fell from his hand. A
neighbor was with him at the time
and took him to the house and
rushed for help. Mr. and Mrs.
Carey Hastings took him to Hepp
ner where the doctor cared for
him. Mr. Walker was left a crip
ple as the result of a serious illness
many years ago and has been In the
barber and cobbler trades here for
some time. Mr. and Mrs. Eslie
Walker and daughter Betty are
here caring for their father.
Mrs. Lillian C. Turner, teacher in
the local schools, spent the week
end in Portland.
Mrs. Charles Roach and small
daughter of Kinzua were visiting at
aT s?i ill i -si sS& i U
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Editor Norma Jean Beckett
Assistant Nonle McLaughlin
Humor, Necha Colblantz and Nor
ton King
Class News Olivia Baldwin
Grade News Louise Anderson
Boys' Sports Paul Brown
Features, Marjorie Parker, Kath
ryn Parkere, Dora Bailey
Which Are Wer
When we get a new book we no
tice that it has a shiny new paper
cover. After we have used this
book year after year the pretty new
cover is soiled and torn and we
must discard It We find then that
after the old cover has been re
moved there is a clean new finish
on the book, while the old cover
shows the ravages of time.
This fittingly represents life. The
new cover represents the people
who coop themselves up like her
mits to live lives of no value to any
one. The old cover Is soiled and
marred by time and usage, but it
has seen service and has been of
crnnt. vnlne to someone. Therefore,
if we make up our minds to go out
Into the world and be of some use
to the human race, we will be of
value and not a detriment
Wonnnor'a fnnkhall team defeated
the lone team last Friday In an easy
victory. At the beginning or tne
first half, Heppner scored a safety
followed hv two touchdowns. Again,
in the last half, another touchdown
was scored by Heppner, and In the
Want Ads
Hay chopping, $1 ton, furnish 1
man and outfit, you board and fur
nish 4 men. Write Chas. Wilcox,
Heppner. 33-36p
Lost, car license plate No. 134-066.
Return to Fred Mankln, lone.
For sale cheap for cash, combln
atlon electric 10-tube radio and pho
nograph. Inquire G. T. office. 34p
For Sale 26 head 1- and 2-yr.-old
ewes. W1U lamb Feb. 1. Dallas
Craber, city. 34-36
AT., NOV. 2nd
12 Head Good Work Horses
1 Brown Horse, weight 1650.
1 Brown Mare, weight 1650.
1 Grey Mare, weight 1500.
1 Bay Horse, weight 1500.
1 Brown Horse, weight 1500.
1 Black Mare, weight 1450.
1 Black Horse, weight 1450.
1 Black Horse, weight 1750.
1 Bay Mare, weight 1750.
1 Brown Mare, weight 1500.
1 Brown Mare, weight 1500.
1 Grey Mare, weight 1500.
1 SADDLE HORSE, weight 1000.
Child's Pony, Gentle.
6 Sets Harness. 12 Horse Collars.
12 Halter Bridles.
l2-H. P. Gas Engine.
1 Small Feed Grinder.
1 Hay Wagon.
1 3'4 Winona Wagon.
1 3-Bottom, 16-Inch Gang Plow.
1 Bar Weeder.
1 Circulating Heating Slove.
1 Small Cream Separator.
1 Disk.. Lead Bars, Hitch, etc.
1 Noble Roping Saddle
J. O. TURNER, Owner
E. J. KELLER, Auctioneer
E. H. MILLER, Clerk
the home of her brother and sister,
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Leathers a few
days last week.
Heppner visitors last Monday
were Carl Leathers, Robert Burn
side and Forest Adams.
Mrs. J. B. Adams returned home
last Saturday from the Lotus Rob
ison ranch on Rhea creek where
she has been employed the past
month during the illness of Mrs.
Robison. She reports Mrs. Robison
to be much improved.
Sunday school was organized last
Fresh Fruits
Fountain Service
BEER and
Sunday with almost twenty mem
bers enrolled. Classes were divided
into three groups, kindergarten and
primary with Pat Bleakman as
teacher; intermediate grades, Lu
cille Farrens, teacher; 7th, 8th and
high school, Roland Farrens, teach
er. Everyone is welcome to attend
these services beginning at 10:00
every Sunday morning.
Max Buschke and Carey Hastings
are busy repairing the grade school
building this week. It is expected
that there will be about forty days
work before the school can be re
moved to the grade school building.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Swift and
Joe Thornburg were visitors here
last Sunday from their Lexington
This vicinity was treated to some
winter weather last Tuesday when
the ground was covered with a
blanket of snow.
Mrs. Chester Saling returned to
her home at Prairie City last Sun
day, having spent two weeks at her
home here.
IT'S CHEAPER to rent
a safe deposit box than to
replace lost papers
Many valuable papers if lost could
never be -replaced. Others could be
replaced only at a great cost and in
convenience. If you lose an insur
ance policy, for example, or a stock
certificate, you will have to put up a
surety bond to procure a duplicate.
It's far cheaper and safer to keep
such papers in your own safe deposit
box, which you can rent for as little
as $3 a year.
E. L. Morton, Manager
Sjfelt ... ..
Deposits in this bank are insured by the
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
By Audrey Heringtan
Home Service Director for Pacific Power & Light Company
iff - :
fit l Jf'
Where is the woman who
wouldn't like to have all the hard
work taken out of her washing
and ironing . . . who wouldn't like
her home laundering time cut in
half ... wo whouldn't like to turn
out attractive work quickly and
easily? There's really no longer
any reason for washing and iron
ing to be the bane of any woman's
life. All she needs is the assistance
of a modern electric washer, an
electric ironer, and an automatic
electric water heater. Prices and
terms on these appliances were
never lower. And the operating
costs considering the low cost of
electricity and the services given
by the appliances are very reas
onable. New washers
prove efficient!
TVERY home laundry needs a good
electric washer. One that washes
clothes spotlessly clean in 5 to 7
minutes, yet is so gentle that it never
tears or tangles even the most fragile
pieces. The electric washers now on
display at dealers and in Pacific Power
8s Light Company showrooms meet
every laundering requirement. They are
sturdily constructed come equipped
with Lovell or other high-grade wringers
have tubs finished in beautiful porce
lain enamel. Inspect these washers today.
Iron in half your
usual time!
O Electric ironers eliminate the
back-breaking strain of bending,
pushing and lifting. They permit
you to sit comfortably in a chair
and do your ironing in half the
time required by a hand iron. You
can now buy a table-type ironer for
as little as $44.95 the lowest price
at which a Quality ironer has ever
been offered. Or, if you wish to keep
your ironer in your kitchen yet
have little tDace. you can purchase
one of the new ironers that fold
awav into a vertical cabinet when
not in use and take up no more
room than a chair. The price of
this ironer is $64.50. See these new
electric ironers at your dealer's
soon. Remember, you can pay for
your ironer as you use it.
lir-iP iSfiTI Abve: Table
I -VT I B'tJI I type ironer
IK i jf l I now "''cm'
flF l I a lew at
l Ijy Mm S44J9S
Lett: New
fold-aw ay
AUTOMATIC electric hot water
service is a necessity required
not only for your laundering, but for
your entire household. When you
have an automatic electric water
heater, you can turn the hot water
faucet any time and be sure of hot
water. You don't have to remember
to light a heater; you don't have to
fire up and wait. Your hot water
supply is always ready to tackle your
washing or do any other job just as
soon as you are.
Right now dealers and Pacific Power
fit Light Company' are making this
proposition. They have placed a special
low price on a 40-gallon automatic
electric water heater. ($10 down and
balance on convenient terms.) The
operating cost is only eight tenths of
one cent per kilowatt hour. Use this
htater for all your hot water require
ments for a full 60 days Remember,
if you are not completely satisfied, it
will be removed from your home
without charge and your payments
refunded. The only cost to you will be
the electricity you have used.
Always at Your Service