r OREGON HISTORICAL S mtttt PUBLIC AUDITOR I U'.'" PORTLAND, ORE. Volume 52, Number 34. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, Oct. 31, 1935. Subscription $2.00 a Year LIBRtR NETS FROM STUNT NIGHT President Expresses Ap preciation of Fine Co operation Given. ORGANIZATIONS AID One Hundred People Present 21 Numbers in Evening of Varied Entertainment The library netted $90 and the Heppner public enjoyed an evening of good entertainment as a result of the benefit stunt night partici pated in by organizations of the county at the gym-auditorium Mon day evening. Bor the fine cooperation, Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers, library association president, said: "We deeply appre ciate the help received, and the co operative spirit not alone of the people of Heppner but that of the people of Lexington, Hardman and lone as well. Without this help the entertainment would have been Im possible, and the impetus thus given the work of the library for the com ing year would have been lost The association is very thankful to all who participated, and to those who gave their financial support." There were 21 numbers on the program, with some 100 people par ticipating, providing a variety of entertainment of skits, vocal and In strumental music, Including every thing from the hilarious to the classical. The school band opened the pro gram, followed by American Le gion's humorous xskit by C. J. D. Bauman and Elbert Cox. Pat Bleakman read "Daniel in the Lion's Den" for Hardman. The Willow creek 4-H Sheep club presented a model meeting for Wooigrowers auxiliary. Mrs. E. F. Bloom and Mrs. E. L. Morton sang two beau tiful duet numbers for Methodist church. "Murder in the Lighthouse" was the offering of Degree of Honor. Mrs. J. O. Turner and Kathryn Par ker played the piano duet, "Polish Dance," for Eastern Star. The Lex ington school with "The Miller's Daughter," a chorus burlesque, probably got the most laughs. - A girls' double trio from the school represented American Legion Aux iliary. Scenes from "Huckleberry Finn" was the local school offering. Dr. R. C. Lawrence, Joseph Belanger, F. W. Turner and Blaine Isom, the Lions quartet, represented their or ganization. Mrs. Walter Blackburn gave a reading for the Rebekahs. Business and Professional Women told' "Fortunes by Tea Leaves." Marylou Ferguson, In witch attire, played piano solos, "Gobblins" by Ella Ketterer, and "March of the Dwarfs" by Michael Aaron, for Christian church. Heppner school faculty presented "Little Red Riding Hood," a farce school room skit. Miss Helen Ralph represented the lone school with vocal solos. Three groups of his torical pantomimes were offered by Bookworms, representations being Sacajawea, Lewis and Clark, Dr. John McLaughlin, Marcus and Nar clssa Whitman, and the Pioneer Mother. A marionette show by the Girls' League and more selections by the band rounded out the pro gram. Seed Loan Applications Extended to Nov. 15th The time in which applications may be made for seed loans has been extended to November 15, an nounces Joseph Belanger, county agent. All applications must be forwarded from his office by that date, and those interested In se curing loans may obtain the neces sary blanks there. Applications will be given con sideration even though they are in complete when mailed, Mr. Belan ger said. Other necessary data may be filled in later if not available by the 15th. The main thing for those desiring loans to do is to get their application In the mall not later than the 15th. M. HEDWALL TAKES BRIDE. The marriage of Monte Hedwall of Hermlston, well known here by residence while employed with the local creamery for some time a few years ago, was announced recently. Mr. Hedwall, now manager of the cooperative creamery at Hermls ton, took as his bride Miss Lenore Wahl at the home of the bride's par ents in Newberg on Sunday after noon, October 13, at 5 o'clock, says the Hermlston Herald. Attending the pair were Louise Wahl, sister of the bride, and members of her immediate family. Mr. and Mrs. James Larson and son Ronald were present. Mrs. Hedwall has been bookkeeper for the Hermlston creamery for the last three years. They are making their home at the Osbom apartments in Hermlston. RETURN FROM TRIP SOUTH. Rod Thomson and Carl Troedson returned home Sunday from a two weeks' motor trip which took them south as far as Agua Caliente, Mex ico. They stopped at San Diego to take In the world exposition, or as Thomson called it, "the big car nival." They report a good trip. TOWNSENDERSJAM HOTEL AT CHICAGO Mrs. Brown Tells of Inspiring Meeting; Press Report Cites Religious Note In Conclave. From the Stevens hotel, Chicago, local delegate, Mrs. Chris Brown, wrote Rev. Joseph Pope, Morrow county Townsend club president, under date of October 24 of the na tional convention of Townsendltes. "More than 10,000 people Jammed the grand ballroom of Stevens ho tel today. It was said to be the largest non-political convention ever held. They tried to find another room, bo that the convention could be held where all could be accom modated. Could not do so. There are loud speakers out in the lobby and corridors of this wonderful ho tel, so that people would be able to hear. It is a wonderful thing to see so many people with one single purpose in their minds. There will be a young man speak for young people tomorrow. I have been asked to take part in this meeting tomorrow," was Mrs. Brown's mes sage. Enclosed was a Chicago newspa per clipping reporting the session. It said: "With the fervor of a revival meeting, the first national conven tion of Townsendites opened yes terday at the Stevens hotel. Town sendites are believers In a plan to 'restore recovery through payment of $200 a month pension to each of 8,000,000 persons over 60 years of age In the United States. Their convention here is the first step toward mobilizing '21,000,000' voters to force congress to appropriate the money. "Shouting, applauding delegates wearing shiny badges jammed the hotel's grand ballroom yesterday. Hundreds were left outside. An estimated 10,000 heard Dr. Clinton Wunder of New York City deliver the keynote address. "Again the disciples of Dr. F. E. Townsend of Long Beach, Cal., 'fa ther of the scheme, were told that it is a 'sure thing' to get $200 a month for oldsters who agree to quit work and spend all of the money every 30 days. " We believe God Is on our side,' Dr. Wunder said, 'and with God all things are possible.' "In the shouts of approval that echoed this remark, several dele gates cried out loud: 'Amen!' Dr. Townsend and R. E. Clements, for mer Long Beach, Cal., real estate dealer who is national secretary, were called 'our beloved leaders.' The Rev. Joshua Oden, D. D., In toned the Invocation. "Sweeping up to new heights of fervor, all sang, to a hymnal tune: 'Blest be the tie that binds Our hearts in Christian love; The fellowship of kindred minds Is like to that above.' "Also on the convention program Is 'Onward, Townsend Soldiers,' to the tune of 'Onward, Christian Sol diers.' This song urges: 'Brothers, do your duty; make your ballots count' "Earlier, noisy dissentlon briefly Interrupted the religious note, as rebels demanded that every state should be given a representative on the resolutions committee. They were shouted down." First Aid Worker Will Start Road Safety Plan Ralph E. Carlson, Red Cross first aid field worker, will be In Morrow county from next Monday to next Wednesday Inclusive, in the interest of inaugurating the newly adopted highway safety program of his or ganization, announces C. J. D. Bau man, first aid chairman for the local chapter. A meeting for 8 o'clock Monday evening has been called by Mr. Bauman to be held at the library, when Mr. Carlson will tell of the plan. Mr. Bauman urges attendance of all Red Cross committee mem bers and all others interested. The new program calls for placing Red Cross first aid stations in service stations and at other convenient i points on the highways for the pur pose of aiding distressed and in jured motorists. EXAMINER HERE NOV. 2. C. M. Bentley, examiner of op erators and chauffeur from the office of Earl W. Snell, secretary of state, will be at the court house in Heppner, Saturday, Nov. 2, from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. All those wish ing permits or licenses to drive cars should see Mr. Bentley at this time. OBSERVE 49TH ANNIVERSARY. The 49th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Buschke, pioneer Morrow county residents, was ob served at the pioneers' reunion at Lexington Saturday. Vinton Howell, Billy Cox, Howard Evans and James Farley composed a party motoring to Portland for the O. S. C- W. S. C. football game Saturday. Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Pope, Miss Joan Pope and Mrs. L. W. Brlggs motored to Portland Monday. They expected to return home today. Miss Nona Howell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pirl Howell, Is re ported to be confined at home with an attack of diphtheria. H. O. Tenney, Hotel Heppner manager, returned on Friday last from Hot Lake where he enjoyed a week's rest COUNTY TAX LEVY LOWER NEXT Proposed Estimates Show Drop in Expenditures; Aid River Work. BONDS NOW $470,000 Court Decides to Fight Mandamus for John Day District Levy Un til Technicalities Cleared. The tax levy for county purposes will be considerably lower next year, according to the estimate of expen ditures set out in the budget notice prepared by the budget committee last week and printed in this issue. The levying board will meet No vember 21 for final preparation of the levy when any interested tax payers may attend and be heard for or against the proposed levy. The prepared estimate shows a total of $89,366 to be raised by taxa tion subject to the 6 percent limi tation, and $96,189 for state tax, bond sinking fund and bond Inter est Bond redemption of $27,500 is called for next year, and interest payment of $23,689. Current expenses of the county generally are' the same as levied for last year, with cuts in places ac counting for the lower levy this year. An addition of $500 was made under the head of advertising in support of the Inland Empire Wa terways association. The levying board did not see its way clear to assess land of the John Day Irrigation district to pay out standing warrants in accordance with a writ of mandamus caused to be issued by Sandy River Invest ment company. In this matter the court has decided to fight the man damus until it has been instructed as to certain technicalities regard ing the levy. So far it has not been instructed as to whether county lands in the district are subject to such assessment and whether all land shall be evenly assessed on an acreage basis regardless of value. Outstanding bonded indebtedness of the county at the present time is shown as $470,000, all road bonds. Snow Covers Ground; Temperature Lowered Light snow fall at Heppner, with heavier fall in the higher country to the south, marked the first onset of winter Monday night While the first snow barely covered the ground here, a depth of three inches was reported from the higher country as a result of the first precipitation. Another light fall last night added to the winterish aspect and over cast skies today bring promise of more of the "beautiful." Lowered temperatures accompan ied Ihe advent of snow, with the minimum of 10 degrees above zero recorded Tuesday night The win terish blast caused motorists to make a rush for radiator anti freeze and otherwise to have their cars prepared for cold weather driv ing. Wheat farmers welcomed the moisture in any form, while stock men, facing a shortage of feed, are not so anxious to see a prolonged winterist onset which the early ar rival of snow may omeru Umatilla Rapids Dam Next Step in Program S. E. Notson reported the annual meeting of Inland Empire Water ways association held at Walla Walla Saturday, before the Mon day Lions luncheon, citing good progress in the association's pro gram to date as told in the address of C. L. Sweek, waterways presi dent With sealocks-at Bonneville and channel development work be tween Celilo and Umatilla Rapids assured, the next step in the asso ciation s program is obtaining con struction of the Umatilla Rapids dam. Only through construction of this dam can barge transportation on the Columbia be made to pay, Mr. Notson emphasized, as 90 per cent of the potential tonnage for river shipment lies above Umatilla Rapids. LaMoyne Cox read an interesting paper on the United States navy in recognition of Navy Day, observed by the nation Monday. Fred Man kin of lone was a club guest. SENATOR VISITS HURRIEDLY. senator and Mrs. J. G. Barratt made a hurried visit to their home here last week end as Mr. Barratt was provided a respite from his legislative duties long enough to attend to business matters. He said the srjecial flesalnn wno crottlno- iwt motion slowly with a predominant sentiment apparently prevailing in favor of reconstruction of the cap itol on the old site with nrmiltilHnn of tributary land if necessary. AUXILIARY TO MEET. The American Legion auxiliary will hold its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Harold Cohn Tues day evening, Nov. 5. A largo at- tenaance or members is urged. LEAVING FOR TROUTDALE Mr. and Mrs. Neal Knlo-Man nf Hardman are leaving today for i routaale to make their home. They nave purchased a service station there. NIGHT SCHOOL BEGINS SOON The night school to be con ducted In the local high school will begin soon. Final plans are being made and as soon as au thorization is received from Washington, the course will start The athletic class being planned will include basketball, tennis and handball for men, with volley ball and tennis for women. Those interested In the school should see Mrs. Rodgers or Mr. Bloom as soon as possible. It is for those who enroll to de cide just what subjects will be taught. Report immediately, therefore, and Inform those in charge concerning which classes you are interested in taking. LEXINGTON By BEULAH B. NICH0LS. The tenth annual reunion of Morrow county pioneers which was held at Lexington Saturday was well attended, many coming from a great distance to greet their old friends and neighbors and enjoy talking over old times. At the big basket dinner which was served at noon a special table was reserved for those past 60 years of age. The afternoon entertainment consisted of an interesting program of pan tomimes and musical numbers that was enjoyed by everyone. Lunch was seryed at six o'clock and from seven until nine o'clock old time dancing was enjoyed. Modern danc ing "was the diversion during the remainder of the evening. At the meeting of Lexington grange Saturday night, November 9, the mock trial which was post poned from last meeting will be held. Orville Cutsforth is the crim inal in the case and it is rumored that he had a lady accomplice. Fur ther particulars concerning the in dictment will be given in this col umn next week. An added attrac tion is the fact that the men of the order are to prepare the eats. Kenneth and Marcella Jackson have recovered from a siege of the mumps and are back in school. Mrs. George Allyn spent the week in lone at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Tucker. Mr. and Mrs. George McMillan of Cherryville spent the week end with relatives in Lexington and attend ed the pioneers' reunion Saturday. W. J. Fanngton, manager of the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph com pany at The Dallas, was a business visitor at the local office Friday af ternoon. Danny Dinges is able to be back in school again after being out on account of mumps. Mr3. Claude Hill of Heppner spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. McMillan. Mrs. Mack Gentry and Mrs. Alice Gentry of Heppner were in this city Wednesday, coming down to attend the funeral of the late Otto Summers. Laurel Beach who is an instructor in the high school at Gresham spent the week end with is mother, Mrs. Elsie Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Brown came over from Condon Saturday to at tend the pioneers' reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are former residents of this community. Oral Scott was a business visitor in Portland this week. Mrs. Elmer Palmer and Infant son have returned home from Heppner. W. J. Holler; Pacific Telephone & Telegraph company lineman, was in this city Tuesday. School News The grade school honor roll for the first six weeks is as follows: First grade: Marcile Piper, Lourene Van Winkle, Carolyn Bauman and Marion Miller; second grade: Gene Schrlever, Roberta Miller, Gerry Cutler and Kathryn Burns; third grade: Jack Miller, Jack Edmond son and Darlene Biddle; fourth grade: Marcella Jackson and Jean Rauch; fifth grade: Bunny Bresh- ears; sixth grade: Duane Johnson; seventh grade: Jerrine Edwards and Kenneth Jackson. The high school honor roll for the first six weeks: Doris Klinger 1.00; Alma Van Winkle 1.25, Wilma Tucker 1.25, Edith Edwards 1.50, Ellwynne Peck 1.75, Clayton Davis 2.00. Asa Shaw and Robert Campbell are absent from school with mumps. The senior play nas been decided upon as "The Phantom Bells," a mystery-comedy and the following pupils have been selected for the cast: Alma Van Winkle, Mae Ed mondson, Bernice Martin, Juanita Davis, Edith Edwards, Woodrow Tucker, Jamie Peck( Keith Gentry, Kenneth Peck and LaVerne Wright. This play is to be directed by Mr. Campbell. Mildred Hunt was absent from school Friday. Lester and Colleen McMillan are back at school again, having been absent for several weeks. A speaker visited our school Mon day and spoke to the high school pupils on the anti-cigarette league. HAS SUCCESSFUL SEASON. Dan Stalter returned to Heppner the first of the week after spend ing the summer at his Mayflower mine In the Greenhorn mountains. Joe Devine took a truck in after him, and they came out over the John Day north and south highway, making the distance to Heppner 146 miles. Mr. Stalter reported good progress on the mine this summer with lots of good ore put on the dump. The main tunnel Is now 900 feet into the ground and Mr. Stal ter is sure he has one of the best gold mining prospects in the state. ENGLAND IT 190 Workers Arrive by Special Train From Camp Devins, Mass. TO BEGIN SOIL WORK Gully Control Expected to be First on Program; Early Winter Greets Newcomers. One hundred ninety New England boys arrived here yesterday eve ning, greeted by fine eastern Ore gon "summer" weather, to man the soil conservation service CQC camp. They were mobilized at Camp Dev ins, Mass., and arrived at Heppner Junction by special train at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon where they were picked up by 15 government trucks and brought on in. Captain W. R. Reynolds of Cali fornia, with two years experience at Frog Heaven and other CCC camps in Oregon, is in charge of the army division of the camp, arriving a few days before with 40 members of his old company. This company was recently split up and sent to vari ous camps. Several Morrow coun ty men are in this contingent, In cluding Will Morgan, mess sergeant and Russell Wright, mechanic. The camp personnel now includes some 230 men, and it is expected the local soil erosion control pro gram will be proceeded with at once. It has been announced that the first work will include gully con trol on several farms on Hinton and Willow creeks, largely through building of retention dams. These dams will not empound water, but simply prevent washing of gullies, according to the announcement. Just what effect the early onset of winter may have on the work has not been stated, though it is not probable that the light fall of snow so far will seriously retard it It is believed the New England boys will not be much handicapped in becom ing acclimated, as their home sec tion is accustomed to early and long winters, usually much more severe than are experienced in this section. Captain Reynolds was busy yes terday getting bids on fuel, and lay ing in a supply sufficient, to meet demands until the full contract is let. More than 300 cords of wood were stipulated in the bid estimate. $10,000 City Refunding Bonds Sold at Premium The $10,000 city of Heppner re funding bonds offered for sale Sat urday brought a premium of $407, with First National Bank of Port land bidding them In at $104.70 on the hundred. The second highest bidder was Hess, Tripp & Butchart at $98.27. The bonds, redeemable $5000 in 1943 and $5000 in 1944, draw 4 niterest as against 5V& drawn by the bonds due this year which the re funding bonds were issued to re finance. The good offer of the Portland bank, presented through E. L. Mor ton, manager of the local branch, is an expression of confidence in the stability of Heppner: Mr. Morton reported this week that deposits of the local branch had exceeded $600,- 000 and that its steady business growth since the opening in Janu ary, 1934, is gratifying. Ladak Seed Growing Now Urged in Eastern Oregon Belief that Ladak alfalfa, a com paratively new, extremely hardy va riety, will give the old standby va riety, Grimm, some real competition as a seed crop in years to come and may eventually crowd it into the background in eastern Oregon al falfa sections has been voiced by E. R. Jackman, extension agronomist at Oregon State college. Ladak seed will outsell Grimm for many years at least, says Jackman. It produces just as much seed as Grimm, is extremely hard, matures a fair crop early, then "dries up without sulking if it has no water, and is ready for another good crop the following spring. Jackman points out that Oregon and Montana lead the country at present in Ladak seed production, and will probably maintain this lead for many years. Jackman expects the production of Ladak to Increase up to 1,000,000 pounds per year, but looks for little if any expansion in Grimm production. CASON-PROCK. The murriage of Miss Gladys Ca son, daughter of Mrs. Ada Cason, and Mr. Faye Prock, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Prock, has been an nounced as an event of October 14 at Prosser, Wash. The young cou ple kept the marriage a secret from their many friends for several days. They are making their home in Portland, where Mr. Prock is en gaged in track driving. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Jones are Heppner visitors from their home in the Redmond district In the good old days, Gene was one of Heppner's best top hands noted for his ability as a breaker of wild mustangs. (MIEN N0TS0NS' SAFETY GIVEN IN REPORT Press Dispatch Indicates Safe Ar rival of Chinese Missionaries In Feiping; Trip Cited. Virtual assurance of the safe ar rival of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Not son at Peiping following a hazard ous 600-mile trip by goatskin raft down the Yellow river in China, was believed by S. ENotson, father of Charles, to have been given in a daily press dispatch Monday eve ning. Charles and wife were among a party or refugee missionaries who were forced to flee from the Hochow mission district near the border of Tibet and the dispatch reported Rev. Dr. Thomas Moseley, Oakland, Cal., believed to have been one of the party as reporting hazards of the trip without mention of casual ties. Mr. Notson received a letter Mon day morning from Charles and wife, written before they started the raft trip. It stated that rafts had been ordered on October 4 and that they expected to leave Lanchow on the 10th, and quoted raftsmen as say ing that at this time of year the trip would require 17 days which would have put them in Paotow on the 26th. The press dispatch said, "Travel ing on inflated goat skins, the party was for 16 days without shelter, ex posed both to the burning sun and perilous rapids and shoals of the river. Mr. Notson also had word this week from Mrs. Notson who is vis iting in Salem. She reported the arrival at Salem Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Griebenow, mis sionaries just returned from China who visited with Charles and wife in August They left Lanchow by raft on September 9 and seemed confident that the other mission aries would get through all right I0NE By MRS. MARGARET BLAKE The Women's Missionary society of the Gooseberry Lutheran church had a birthday party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Peterson last Sunday afternoon. A program was enjoyed and refreshments served. Twelve tables were arranged, one for each month of the year, and the guests sat at whichever table was marked for their birth month. One cent for each year of their age was put in the silver offering by each guest. Those present report an ex ceptionally enjoyable afternoon. Mrs. Ted Smith and Phillip went to Redmond Friday for a visit with relatives. Mrs. Blaine Blackwell and small daughter of Yachats are visiting at the home of Mrs. Ida Fletcher. F. M. Griffin of The Dalles is spending the winter with his son, Phil. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Feldman re turned last week from Hamilton, Mont, where they were called by the death of Mr. Feldman's brother. At Spokane they picked up Miss Emmer Maynard who made the journey home with them. Miss Maynard spent the summer in Mon tana. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Peterson of Portland spent the week end at the home of Mrs. Ida Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Wendel Balsiger of Moro announce the birth of a son on October 23. Charles Allinger of Milwaukee was a business visitor here from Wednesday until Friday last week. Kev. Atchley, president of the Anti-Cigarette league of Oregon, spoke at Sunday school last Sunday and also preached both morning and evening. On Monday he spoke before the school. Mrs. David Rietmann was host ess to the Past Noble Grand club at her home last Friday night Members of the club and their hus bands were guests. The evening was spent with Hallowe'en stunts and games and dancing. Refresh ments were served. About sixty persons were present Word has been received of the birth of a five-pound son to Mr. and Mrs. Anton Lindstrom In Portland last Saturday, Oct 26. Mr. and Mrs. Lindstrom were teachers in the lo cal school last year and now make their home in Cascade Locks. H. R. Decker of the Farmers Na tional Warehouse corporation of Portland was a busines visitor here Tuesday. A federal warehouse inspector made a check of the local ware houses last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Howk and children of Condon were here Sun day. They express themselves as well pleased with their new home. On their return home they were ac companied by Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Linn. Mr. Linn will do some re modeling work for them. Five deer were brought out on Saturday by a party whose mem bers were Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Cot ter, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Corley, Bert Mason, J. O. Kincald and Law rence Payne. The cafeteria supper served by the auxiliary ladies in their room at Legion hall on Tuesday night was well attended. During the supper musical numbers by Miss Helen Ralph. Miss Anita Baumgardner and Miss Lorraine Reed were much enjoyed. Mrs. Maude Devln with her daughter, Mrs. George Hanel, and daughter Barbara visited here Sat urday night and Sunday. Mrs. Devln lived on the Timm ranch about ten years ago. She now (Continued on P Four) T T Farmers Crowd Lexington Hall to Hear Jackman Explain Set-Up. FIVE PCT. CUT ASKED Wheat May Not be Planted on Con tracted Acres; Application Signing Starts Soon. Widespread interest among Mor row county farmers in the new 4- year wheat allotment plan was elo quently expressed by the crowd which overflowed the auditorium In Leach Memorial hall in Lexing ton Monday afternoon to hear E. R. Jackman, extension specialist in farm crops from Oregon State col lege, tell of the new set-up. Many farmers still had checks in their pockets from the latest benefit pay ments made a few days before and were anxious to continue the benev olence that has been largely re sponsible for carrying them through three years of adversity. Mr. Jackman's discourse dwelt al most entirely on the national and international wheat situation which led to original inception of the allot ment plan, and showed that a still formidable domestic surplus and inability to export that surplus makes continuance of the plan nec essary if the farmer is to have the benefit of a "parity" price for his wheat parity meaning a price at which the farmer may exchange his products for goods he must buy on terms commensurate with those prevailing in the pre-war period 1909-1914. The main difference in the new contracts will be that farmers will be required to reduce their acre age by five percent former con tract called for reduction of 20 and 15 percent. In return for such acre age reduction, contracting farmers will be paid the difference between the market price and "parity" on their average production for the base period, 1928-1933. A qualification of the new con tract states that wheat may not be sown on contracted acres, but far mers have the privilege of planting rye, barley, oats or other forage crop. Most of the information for mak ing applications under the new con tracts has been assembled at the county agent's office, and the plan was announced to have a group of rarmers, as many as can be con veniently handled, visit the county agent's office at a scheduled time for making out the applications. Letters informing farmers of the time they will be expected are being mailed out Farmers are asked to bring production figures with them for the last three years. As a result of the allotment plan. and of drouth in leading wheat pro ducing sections, the last three years, Mr. Jackman said the nation's wheat surplus had been reduced to nearly normal. The normal carry over he gave as somewhere between 80,000,000 and 130,000,000 bushels. This reduction is from a carryover of more than 600,000,000 bushels which prevailed at the time the al lotment plan was instituted, he said. Clyde Wright Critically 111 at Rhea Creek Home Clyde Wright, prominent stock man, was reported still in an uncon scious condition last night from what is believed to have been a stroke of apoplexy at his Rhea creek home Monday evening. Mr. Wright had entertained a group of gentlemen friends for din ner Monday evening before all ex pected to attend lodge at Hardman. Following dinner he told the others to go ahead and that he would do the dishes before joining them at lodge. He failed to show up at lodge, and was found four hours later, unconscious, and the dishes untouched. LOCAL STORE WINS AGAIN. John Anglln, manager of the lo cal Safeway stores, says he takes great pleasure in announcing that the local store has again rated In two recent contests held by Safe way stores organization. Two Sleepy Hollow syrup prizes were won, the local store selling 759 quarts -of syrup during the week's contest the last of September. They won first district prize in the coffee contest which closed a week ago, selling 2014 pounds during the week's contest. Mr. Anglln says this exceeds all former sales rec ords and wishes to thank everyone who so generously purchased syrup and coffee during these two con tests. LIBRARY MEETING CALLED. Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers, president, has called a meeting of the Heppner Public Library association to be held at the library next Tuesday evening at 5 o'clock. All officers are urged to be present and all mem bers of the association are asked to attend. Business of the meeting is Important, Mrs. Rodgers said. Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Bailey have received word from their son Arlo, located at Kelso, Wash., that he re cently suffered the misfortune of lOBlng three fingers in a wood saw. in NEW ALLOTMEN