Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 26, 1935, Image 1

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P 0 P. T L A l D , OH -
Volume 52, Number 29.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Local Folk Attend Fair
With Band ; Find Many
Things of Interest.
Spirit of Independence Exhibited
by Neighboring Folk; Dredge
Tears up Pretty Valleys.
Heppner .folk in goodly numbers
followed the band to John Day last
week end and were privileged to
see one of the best little fairs and
rodeos held any place. The oldest
fair in Oregon in years of contin
uous exhibition, the Grant County
fair reflected the spirit of independ
ence, pride and loyalty which exists
among Grant county people.
They received at John Day a true
neighborly welcome, reflected part
ly in the selection of Henry Aiken,
Rodeo president, as one of the race
judges, and of Eddie Sheridan, ex
perienced Heppner showman, as
one of the arena judges. Mr. Aiken
appropriately expressed apprecia
tion of the good will existing be
tween the two sections when he was
accorded privilege of the micro
phone Saturday afternoon to bring
greetings from the Heppner Rodeo;
and to show that a common bond
of fellowship also exists with Pen
dleton's premier western show, he
introduced visiting officials of the
Round-Up including Dr. W. D. Mc
Nary, president; Roy Ritner, sec
retary; Herb Thompson, "Pinky"
Boylen an A. L. Powers, directors.
It is not our purpose to bring a
detailed report of the various
events, but rather to point out high
lights of the visit which should be
of general interest to our readers.
For instance many readers will be
interested to know that our former
leading resident and good friend,
C. A. Minor, rode on the prize-winning
Mt. Vernon community float,
which, we wot not he helped pro
duce as leading Mt. Vernon mer
chant. Donald Boyer, native Hepp
ner boy and son of Mr. and Mrs.
Guy Boyer of Mt. Vernon, showed
prize stallions from the Boyer sta
bles. Miss Edna Rice, granddaugh
ter of John Bellenbrock of this city,
had one of the prize cow ponies in
Oliver brothers' inimitable contest
which has done much to stimulate
the raising of many fine Grant
county horses. Then there was
Johnny Farley, son of Mr. and Mrs.
James Farley of Heppner, who had
so many committee jobs in connec
tion with the show that he had lit
tle time to take care of his job as
manager of Wilson's store at John
In the lists were Kenneth and
Lloyd Depew, Ivan Applegate, John
Watkins, Emery Moore, and rounu
and about were Ad Moore, Jack
French, Mr. and Mrs. Dillard
French, and mayhap numerous oth
ers whose frequent Heppner visits
make them almost as much at home
here as elsewhere. Kenneth De
pew won third in the bucking, with
Stub Bartlemay of Arlington first,
and Dude Farrell (a performer at
the last Heppner Rodeo), second.
The band was prominent at all
times, playing on the street, in the
parade and at the grounds, and
never stinting. Billy Schwarz of
ficiated as baton wielder for the
marching, wearing the high feath
ered helmet of the drum major;
and the entire group was stunning
ly arrayed in their blue and gold
capes and caps with white trous
ers. '
Exhibits at the fair reflected
some of the reasons for Grant coun
ty independence, displaying a wide
array of fruits from garden, or
chard and field, handiwork of the
sewing room and kitchen, but most
of all, an abundance of purebred
It was the livestock, too, that
stood out In the parade and in the
rodeo performances. Especially
were fine horses In evidence, and a
lot of pride exhibited by the own
ers. Morrow county, once among
the leading cattle domains of the
West, has become more devoted to
sheep and wheat in these later
years. But Grant county is stiU
preeminently a cattle country.
Grant county boys and girls grow
into the saddle. They ride as if
they were a part of the horse, pro
viding a show more picturesque
than the professsional bucking and
roping to one less accustomed to
life on the range. And as the cat
tle industry is impressed upon the
mind of the spectator as being the
backbone of the country, one be
comes truly appreciative of the im
portance of the fine horseflesh
which of necessity plays a vital role
In that industry. And again one ap
preciates what those community
leaders, the Oliver brothers, Frank
and Herman, have in mind when
they put up a $50 purse for the best
cowpony each year. It, is a magnif
icent gesture toward maintaining
the permanency of the cattle In
dustry, and of fostering the love
they hold for it
No less than the cattle Industry,
has gold mining contributed to the
colorful historic background of
Grant county. 'Tis said that when
a "native" goes broke In town, he
hies himself back up Canyon creek
with a little pack outtlt and a pan
and within a few days comes back
(Continued on Faga Four)
Good Exhibits in All Classes; Mon
strosities Hold Interest;
Attendance Good.
A fine exhibit in all the divisions
was shown at the North Morrow
County fair held here in the gym
nasium Friday and Saturday when
a large crowd of local and out-of-town
people attended. An unus
ually fine showing of poultry and
stock was there. The monstrosit
ies class in the fruit and vegetable
divisions is always of interest to the
public. The tallest stalk of broom
corn measured 14 feet 5 inches and
was grown by Harlan Jones. The
tallest stalk of field corn measured
over 16 feet. The largest water
melon weighed 49 pounds and was
brought in by Buster Rands. The
best bunch of broom corn which
took first prize was grown by J. A.
Allen, with that of Zearl Gillespie
taking second. A beautiful display
of flowers, fruits, canned foods and
fancy work was attractively ar
ranged. One of the outstanding
articles in the fancy work display
was a full size quilt, made and
quilted by Mrs. J. F. Barlow, which
contains 12.204 diamond shaped
pieces. Dinner was served cafeteria
style In the school basement by the
H. E. club and the Ladies Aid so
ciety. A dance in the grange hall
Saturday evening with the Lundell
orchestra playing closed the fair.
Heppner people attending the fair
Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. L. W.
Briggs, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bar
low and family, Mr. and Mrs. Perl
Howell, Mrs. Harold Case and
daughter, Mrs Lucy Rodgers and
Joseph Belanger.
Higher Farm Income
Expected for 1935, OSC
Higher average prices and slight
ly better crop yields are expected
to bring the farmers of Oregon 5
million dollars more cash income
from the crop and animal produc
tion of 1935 than received from that
of 1934, and possibly 10 million more
says the September report on the
agricultural situation just released
by the O. S. C. agricultural exten
sion service. It is also indicated
that purchasing power of farm in
come per acre will be greater than
in any of the previous four years.
Cash farm Income from 1935 pro
duction is placed at 85 million dol
lars possibly 90 millions, .depend
ing on price trends during the bal
ance of the marketing season. At
the higher figure 1935 cash income
would approach 75 per cent of the
estimated annual average of 124
million from 1926 to 1930. The low
er figure, 85 million, is approxi
mately 70 per cent of the 1926-1930
average, but Is greater than in any
year from 1931 to 1934, both in
amount and purchasing power.
In 1934, Oregon cash farm in
come was approximately 80 million
dollars, 70 million in 1933, 58 mil
lion in 1932, and 74 million in 1931,
According to data given in the cir
cular which also gives the first es
timate ever made of Oregon cash
farm income in the 1910-1914 pre
war "base period." This is placed
at an average of 74 million dollars
annually, or 60 per cent of the 1926
1930 average. The acreage of all
land In Oregon farms from 1910 to
1914 was about 80 per cent of the
1926-1930 acreage and farm prices
averaged about 75 per cent of the
1926-1930 level.
In respect to the purchasing pow
er of Oregon farm Income in rela
tion to prewar "parity," in the re
port which was prepared by L. R.
Brelthaupt, extension economist,
gives valuable new estimates of
"net" Income per acre after deduct
ing taxes and interest payable in
the different periods and years.
The old price ratio formula In the
Agricultural Adjustment Act is
shown to Indicate that farm prod
ucts in Oregon now have a pur
chasing power, or exchange valuo
for the commodities usually pur
chased by farmers, of about 70 per
cent of parity. The new formula in
the 1935 amendments produces a
ratio of about 68, owing to the in
clusion of taxes and Interest In th".
index of prices paid by farmers.
The net income per acre plan out
lined in the circular produces an
even lower index of farm purchas
ing power, as It Is estimated that
"net" cash income per acre in Ore
gon in 1935 will have but 56 per
cent of the 1910-1914 purchasing
"The reasons why the net Income
per acre method of calculating
'parity' produces a figure for 1935
which is 12 or 14 points under the
price ratio method are chiefly (1)
farm taxes and interest in Oregon,
despite some reductions, are still
approximately twice as much per
acre as during the 'base period' and
(2) crop yields In Oregon in 1935
are expected to fall about 10 per
cent below average," says the cir
cular, "although crop yields may
be slightly better than in 1934."
The net Income per acre formula
of calculating parity purchasing
power, outlined in the circular, In
dicates that, compared with 100 In
the 1910-1914 base period and 56
for 1935, Oregon farm Income in
1934 had a purchasing power of
about 53, against 50 in 1933, 39 in
1932, 48 in 1931, and 77 as the 1926
1930 average.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernor Sackett ar
rived this week from their home in
Salem, Mrs. Sackett visiting at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
S. E. Notson, while Mr. Sackett is
enjoying a deer hunting trip.
Most of the men in our little city
joined the caravan of deer hunters
passing through town the latter
part of the past week and spent
Sunday in the mountains. So far
as can be learned no hunter from
here caught even a glimpse of a
Henry Smouse departed Monday
for Corvallis' to take his son Ken
neth down to register for the fall
term at O. S. C. They were accom
panied by Miss Clara Nelson who
will be a junior at O. S. C. this year,
Mr. and Mrs. Cole E. Smith went
to The Dalles last Saturday to
spend a week or so visiting rela
tives. Mrs. Mary Cunningham of Post
Falls, Idaho, visited her sister, Mrs.
Elmer Griffith, over the week end,
Mrs. George Allyn of Lexington
is staying with Marianne and Wal
ter Corley while their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Corley enjoy a
The Women's Topic club met at
the home of Mrs. Hugh Smith for
its social meeting last Saturday af
ternoon. Four tables of bridge were
at play, high scores going to Mrs.
Roy Lieuallen and Mrs. George
Charles McEUigott returned Sun
day from Portland.
E. Patrick of Walla Walla, E. S.
McKinney of Long Beach, Wash.,
and S. C. Kurdy of Portland were
in town Sunday looking at real es
fate. Lasc Saturday Mr. and Mrs. J.
E. Crebtree held an auction sale of
their farm machinery and house
hold goods at their ranch. E. J,
Keller cried the sale which was wei)
attended. Mr. and Mrs. Crabtree
left on Sunday morning for Salem
where they will make their home
in the future. They made the trip
with their son-in-law, Roy Stender.
George "Shorty" Calkins, with
his wife and family, of Brush, Col.,
stayed overnight here last Thurs
day on their way to the Willamette
valley where they hoped to find
work in the hop fields. Mr. Cal
kins, a brother-in-law of E. G.
Jrank, made his home here about
fifteen years ago.
The Home Economics club of
Willows grange was entertained by
Mrs. John Eubanks and Mrs. Wal
ter Eubanks at the latter's home
last Friday afternoon. A social
time was enjoyed, the meeting be
ing chiefly intended as a farewell
party for Mrs. J. E. Crabtree. Mrs.
Crabtree was given a shower of
handkerchiefs during the after
noon. Refreshments were served.
Members present were Mesdames
Vida Heliker. Hattie Crabtree, Roxy
Krebs, Beulah Lundell, Mary Lun
dell, Etta Bristow, Stella O'Meara,
Marie Ledbetter, Elsie Peterson,
Anna Krebs, Mary Swanson, Veda
Eubanks, Mildred Eubanks, and
Misses Helen Lindsay and Dorothy
May Brady. Mrs. Delia Mobley,
Mrs. Sylva Gorger, Mrs. Harry Yar
nell, Mrs. Otto Lindstrom, Mrs.
James Ledbetter and Mrs. J. H.
Bryson were Invited guests. Mrs.
Glenn Copp will be the hostess of
the club in October.
On October 30 a council of state
officers of the grange will be held
at the Legion hall in lone. State
officers will preside at the all day
meeting and the public is invited
and urged to attend. The program
will cover all lines of endeavor
sponsored by the granges and each
person who attends will be able to
join a special group taking up the
thing in which he or she is espec
ially interested. Home economics,
group entertainment, etc., will be
presented. Further particulars will
be announced later.
Pacific University, Forest Grove.
Two Heppner high school gradu
ates of last June entered the fresh
man class at Pacific university, For
est Grove, last week. They are Miss
Frances Rugg, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. E. E. Rugg, an.d Louis Edwin
Dick, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. E.
Both of the new freshmen were
active in high school activities.
Louis participated in football, base
ball, debate and dramatics and
Frances was active in dramatics,
glee club and as yell leader and
class officer.
Morrow County Woolgrowers aux
iliary will be hosts to FVhn nnrt
Pendleton units of Umatilla county
at 12:45 luncheon meeting at the
Lucas Place Monday, Sept .30. The
free knitting school will be held at
me uDrary Monday as usual.
The Order of Eastern Kfnr- will
meet in regular session tomorrow
evening, with special entertainment
as part of the program. All mem
bers are urged to attend.
Heppner lodge 358, B. P. O. Elks,
will meet at the hall tonight in reg
ular session, and all members are
urged to attend.
Miss Anabel Turner departed on
Tuesday for Corvallis where she
will enter Oregon State college,
having transferred this year from
University of Oregon.
Mr, and Mis. D. P. Phelan have
returned from a trip to New York
where they were called recently by
the death of Mr. Pholan's mother.
Free picture show, Star theater,
Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock,
sponsored by Blackburn-Jones Mo
tor Co.
House for rent, unfurnished, 6
rooms. Phone 6F12 or 695. 29
Fall From Train Fatal to
Paul Helfenbeck of
New Jersey.
Name Gained from Permit Issued
at Pendleton; Body Awaits
Word from Relatives.
A man who officers believe they
have identified as Paul Helfenbeck
of West New York, N. J. was killed
and badly mutilated on the main
line of the Union Pacific west of
Boardman near Castle Rock Satur
day night when he fell from a mov
ing freight train, i The body was
brought to Heppner Sunday by
Sheriff C. J. D. Bauman and Dis
trict Attorney S. E. Notson, who
were called to investigate, and af
ter being prepared for burial at
Phelps Funeral home is awaiting
instructions from the family.
There were no clues on the body
to . Indicate who the man might be,
but a man riding on the front of the
oil tank car with the supposed Hel
fenbeck said that the dead man had
been drinking. The traveling com
panion also said that the supposed
Helfenbeck had boarded the train
at Reith. All indications were that
he had stopped in Pendleton, which
caused officers to make a search
The officers found that a strange
man giving the name Paul Helfen
beck, West New York, N. J., had
purchased a liquor permit there on
the 21st, the day before his death.
They also found a coat matching
the dead man's trousers in one of
the barber shops, and in an inside
pocket wsa found a letter to the
same Helfenbeck from his wife in
New Jersey.
ihe family was contacted by wire
for description of Helfenbeck who
was said to have had the end of a
little finger nipped off by a ma
chine and had lost all his teeth.
These identification marks checked
with marks on the dead man. Hel
fenbeck's identity was established
through the chief of police of West
New York, and local officers are
certain there can as no mistake.
The man on the car with Hel
fenbeck said the fated man was sit
ting alone in front of the tank when
he last saw him. He said he had
warned Helfenbeck about falling
off, and himself had crawled under
the side of the tank for a snooze.
Failing to find Helfenbeck when he
awoke, he worked his way clear
around the car, and still found no
trace of the man. Helfenbeck's
bed roll was still on the car, how
ever, and he turned this in to the
station agent at Arlington where
officers later picked it up, but found
no clues as to the owner's identity.
. Helfenbeck had recently been
shaved, his hair cut, and his clothes,
aside from the dirt and mutilation
received from the accident, ap
peared well kept. He carried a very
good watch which had stopped at
7 o'clock, making it appear that 7
o'clock Saturday evening may have
been the time of the accident He
also had $1.95 in money in his hip
pocket. His age was given at 42.
Peavy Raps Attacks
On Higher Education
Corvallis. Higher educational in
stitutions are in grave danger from
insidious forces which are attempt
ing to destroy this type of public
education and ultimately democ
racy, President George W. Peavy
told faculty members here In ap
pealing to them to redefine the
functions of their institution and
to reorganize their offerings in har
mony with the times. He spoke at
the first faculty meeting of the year
just previous to opening of the fall
"Our cherished institutions are
in graver danger today than ever
before in history," President Peavy
declared. "The satire of the 'brain
trust,' the slurs cast upon the 'pro
fessor' in government as the Im
practical theorist, the savage at
tacks upon legislative appropria
tions for higher education, the loud
wails of the man of wealth when he
pays his taxes for education these
are but surface indications of a
movement, deep and sinister."
President Peavy advocated de
velopment of a social consciousness
which would enable students to
grapple understandingly with the
perplexing problems of social read
justment and at the same time pro
vide more of a safeguard for democ
"This nation has developed the
greatest industrial geniuses the
world ever saw, but our record of
social engineering is pitiful and hu
miliating," President Peavy ex
plained. "It is axiomatic that de
mocracies are founded upon the
consent of the governed. The per
petuation of democracy is depend
ent upon the support of the major
ity governed. We in America are
finding ourselves too close to a con
dition In which a majority of the
governed may, by their votes or
otherwise, challenge democracy for
failing adequately to provide for the
general welfare."
House for rent, unfurnished, new
ly renovated. See Alex Wilson, tf.
Saturday night is Booster Night
at Lexington grange and Mrs. Laura
Rice, lecturer, has prepared an ex
cellent program for the occasion.
The program starts at 8 o'clock and
every grange member is expected
to come and bring a friend whom
they think might be interested in
the grange. Mrs. Rice hopes to
have the Heppner school band on
hand for a couple of numbers. At
ter the program the remainder of
the evening will be spent with
games and other forms of amuse
ment. A reception for the teachers In
the local schools was held Friday
evening in the high school gymna
sium. The affair was planned by
tne Lexington Parent-Teacher as
sociation of which Mrs. Charles
Marquardt is president.
Mrs. J. E. Gentry returned home
last week from a month's visit with
relatives and friends in Baker.
Lester White, Earl Warner, Or
ville Cutsforth, Paul Smouse, Fred
Nelson and a number of others
from this community were off to
the tall timber early Sunday morn
ing with red hats and guns in quest
of the ever elusive deer. Most of
them have returned, but without
any deer. Better luck next time!
The Lexington grange will spon
sor a card party at the grange hall
on Friday evening, October 4. Both
bridge and 500 will be player. Ad
mission will be 15c each of 25c per
Miss Clara Nelson left Monday
for Corvallis to resume her studies
at Oregon State college.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Way and fam
ily have moved Into the Duran
house from their Sand Hollow farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. D. Campbell,
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Ed
win Ingles of Boardman, enjoyed a
hunting trip during the week end,
although they were not successful
in getting their deer.
Kenneth Smouse left Monday
morning for Corvallis to continue
his studies at Oregon State college.
Mr. and Mrs. Orris Padberg and
family have moved Into one of the
Barnett houses from their farm in
the Clarks Canyon district.
Mr. and Mrs. George Peck and
sons attended the North Morrow
County fair at Boardman Saturday.
Miss Betty Skyles spent the week
end in Portland.
D. A. Emerson of the state de
partment of education and Mrs.
Lucy Rodgers, county school spuer
intendent, visited the Lexington
school Thursday.
Mrs. Arthur Hunt and daughter,
Shirley Anne, returned home from
Heppner Friday afternoon.
Mrs. Carl Whillock and daugh
ter Carla of Heppner spent Satur
day with Mrs. Whillock's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Breshears.
Hobart Helms of Hermiston vis
ited relatives in this city Monday.
Class elections were held last !
Thursday with the following stu
dents being elected as president of
their respective classes: Fresh
men, Robert Campbell; sophomores,
i.11 wynne Peck; juniors, Kenneth
Peck; seniors, Alma Van Winkle.
Two sewing machines have been
bought for the school and the high
school girls are taking sewing two
days each week under the direction
of Miss Shirlee Smith.
Tumbling is taught two days each
week and glee club on Friday, un
der Miss Betty Skyles.
The high school boys have decid
ed not to play football this season
and they plan to devote most of
their time to basketball. They will
start practice this week.
Edna Rauch started to school
last Thursday.
Stanley Way started to high
school Monday. His brothers and
sisters entered the grade school.
Mr. Bowman, a representative of
the Curtis Publishing company, vis
ited our school last Thursday and
organized a campaign among the
students to secure subscriptions to
the Curtis publications. Alma Van
Winkle was appointed campaign
manager for the school and the
students were divided Into two
teams, Green and Gold. Edna
Rauch Is captain of the Greens and
Kenneth Peck is captain of the
Golds. This promises to be a close
Juanita and Evelyn Davs of Yak
ima have entered our school. Juan
ita is enrolled as a freshman in
high school and Evelyn Is in the
seventh grade.
Lester Lambirth is another new
student in the freshman class.
Henry Rauch is absent from
school with the mumps.
Woodrow Tucker was absent from
school Monday and Tuesday.
Mae Edmondson has started to
high school in Lexington, having
attended Heppner high in the past
She Is enrolled as a junior.
Alma Van Winkle was absent
from school Tuesday.
Harold Case and Mack Smith re
turned yesterday evening from a
deer hunt with a nice four-point
buck. They hunted over in Bear
valley beyond John Day near the
Murderer's creek reserve. Of the
many archers who invaded the John
Day country, only two had bagged
bucks, the Heppner men reported.
The Phelps ambulance took Mrs.
H. E. Kennedy, sister of the late
Luther Hamilton, to Fossil on Tues
day. Mrs. Kennedy will make her
home there with a niece.
Paul M. Gemmell has returned
home from the Dale section where
he was employed for several weeks
with the federal road crew.
Outside Nlmrod Brings In 250
Pounder; W. Waldron, Holton
Leads in Buck Contest
Expectations for the opening of
we deer season were largely ful
filled as last week end saw an tin
ceasing procession of outside hunt
ing cars passing through the city
timoerward bound, and the fore
part of the week saw many happy
hunters returning from the haunts
of the famous mule tails with fine
prizes of the hunt
Yesterday T. L. Kellar of La
Grande had hung up the prize
weight in the Green Hardware com
pany big buck contest, his buck
weighing in at 208 pounds. He
was outdistanced this morning by
W. Waldron of Holton whose buck
weighed 234, though his is not the
largest buck coming to town. An
outside hunter by the name of
Schultz who had not registered in
the contest weighed in a buck at
the Burkenbine market which went
250 pounds. The hunter weighing
in the biggest buck in the hardware
store contest will receive a fine new
$50 rifle.
Just who got his buck to town
first has not been determined,
though several were brought in
Monday morning. Dick Wells Is
among the first He went out Mon
day morning and was back with his
deer before noon. Bruce Bothwell
also brought in a buck Monday
morning, and Scott Furlong and SI
Slocum had one between them.
One of the most elated hunters
was young Scott McMurdo. Both he
and his brother Bernard killed nice
bucks on the opening day. W. L.
Blakely, Tom Beymer and Burl
Coxen composed a one-hundred-percent
party, each of them bagging
a nice specimen, while Earl T. Ful
kerson, soil erosion engineer, Ho
mer Hayes, chief of police, Reese
Burkenbine, George Bleakman and
Harold Case were other successful
Many more deer have come to
town, not a few of them tied to for
eign cars, giving indication that
early reports of many deer were
authentic However, many nimrods
have returned empty handed, and
of these some will make a second
quest before the season's close.
District Official Guest of
Lions; Compliments Club
Lion Bud Kilham, deputy district
governor, was guest of honor at a
postponed meeting of the Lions club
Tuesday noon. A member of the
Park Rose club in Portland, he was
accompaned by the club's president
Frank Clark; Its secretary, Ross
Jarrett, and past-president, Carl
Mr. Kilham complimented the
local club on being one of the livest
and best clubs in the district, and
expressed pleasure with the appear
ance of Heppner especially the
picturesqueness of the courthouse
as it impressed him on his first
visit to this city. Mr. Jarrett re
called being in Heppner shortly af
ter the time of the flood and on oc
casion had worked in Morrow coun
ty harvest fields. Mr. Hanneman
issued an invitation to local club
members to attend a picnic spon
sored by the Park Rose club on
the beautiful Hill Military academy
grounds to be held October 9, and
Mr. Clark told of his automobile
trip to Mexico City in July to at
tend the International convention
of Lions clubs.
Heppner was still in its swad
dling clothes, but none the less a
healthy youngster when Holmes
Hayman bartered In the old Minor
hotel shop some 40-odd years ago.
Mr. Hayman came to town this
week from his present home at To
ledo accompanied by a son, Arthur,
of Portland and is visiting at the
home of his sister, Mrs. Dee Cox,
while the son is enjoying a deer
hunt with the Cox boys. Mr. Hay
man was last In Heppner 43 years
ago and It had been 15 years since
he last saw his sister. There is lit
tle remaining of the old town, Mr.
Hayman found, and he was disap
pointed in not being able to see
more of the old time residents,
many of whom have passed on.
The local Campflre Girls group
had an enjoyable party at the Al
bert Adkins home last evening, with
games and refreshments enjoyed
by thirteen members, their leader,
Miss Dale, and assistant leader,
Miss Case. Girls present Included
Lois Jones, Jean Gemmell, Mar
garet Tamblyn, Jeanette Blakely,
Eunice Omln, Katherine Nys, Con
stance Instone, Shirley Wilson,
Claribel Adams, Carolyn Vaughn,
Margaret Doolittle and Albert Ad
Roy Feeley of lone was in the
city this morning announcing an
auction sale to be held at his place
on Rhea creek Monday, October 7.
Included in the many Items offered
for sale are a number of good
horses, milk stock and turkeys. A
full list of the Items will be found
In an advertisement In another
The American Lesion aulxillnrv
will meet next Tuesday, Oct. 1, at
the home of Mrs. Victor Peterson
with Mrs. L. E. Dick associate
hostess. Installation of officers will
be held with Mrs. Harriet Gemmell
Installing officer.
J. P.
Accident at Salem Fatal
to Local Woman, Na
tive of County.
Had Just Arrived at Home of
Brother; Enjoyed Visit With
Friends Here Day Before.
Like a bolt out of the blue came
news Tuesday evening of the sud
den accidental death of Mrs. Arthur
Parker in Salem. She fell down
the basement stairs in the home of
her brother, Lee Reaney, and was
killed instantly.
In company with Mr. Parker and
her brother-in-law and sister, Mr.
and Mrs. Karl Miller, Mrs. Parker
had motored to Salem that day, and
had arrived but shortly before at
the Reaney home when the fatal
accident happened.
Apparently in the best of health
and spirits, Mrs. Parker had spent
Monday at the home of her nephew,
Andrew Baldwin, in Heppner and
that evening had taken dinner with
Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Pope. She
had also called at the 6. E. Notson
home and expressed pleasure over
the prospective visit to Salem.
Only three weeks ago Mr. and
Mrs. Parker lost their farm home
at the head of Dutton canyon by
fire, and nearly all their personal
belongings were a complete loss.
Their many friends and neighbors
came to their assistance with many
useful gifts, and the Parkers were
enjoying the prospect of reestab
lishing their home on the farm.
Mrs. R. C. Phelps and Emmet
Ayers brought the body here by
ambulance and funeral prepara
tions are -in charge of Phelps Fu
neral home. Services will be held
at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon
from the Methodist church in Hepp
ner, Rev. Joseph Pope officiating,
and Interment will be in the Lex
ington L O. O. F. cemetery.
A sister, Mrs. S. E. Lee, is com
ing from San Bernardino, CaL, and
two sisters, Mrs. Delia Phelps and
Mrs. Mary Lundstrom of Kelso,
Wash., arrived last evening.
imma Pearl Reaney was born
March 10, 1891, at Lexington, being
tne daughter of Mr. and Mrs. An
drew Reaney who settled on the
land claim there 53 years ago. She
attended the Lexington schools and
her entire life was spent in this
county. On September 22, 1912, she
was united is marriage to Arthur
P. Parker and the first year of their
married life was spent in Lexing
ton. They then spent a year on
what is known as the old Pedro
place, and the next year they were
employed on the Evans farm near
Lexington. In 1917 they moved to
the Henry Blahm place below
Heppner where .they resided until
when they moved to the Gil-
man place at the head of Dutton
canyon where the home was made
until the time of the fire a short
time ago.
Surviving relatives besides the
husband include five sisters and
two brothers. They are Mrs. Hattie
Lee of San Bernardino, CaL; Mrs.
Delia Phelps and Mrs. Mary Lunts
ford of Kelso, Wash.; Mrs. Hazel
Budden of Boise, Idaho, and Mrs.
Edith Miller of Lexington; Lee
Reaney of Salem and Lawrence
Reaney of Vancouver, Wash.
X or many years Mrs. Parker had
been a member of the Methodist
church and of the Rebekah lodge.
Co-op. Council Meeting
Draws National Leaders
Some of the leadinc natinn.i
authorities in the field of coopera
tive marketing will be in Portland
Friday, September 27. to appear on
the program of the sDeclal meeting
of the Oregon Cooperative council
called for that day. The meeting
will be held in the Multnomah hotel
starting at 10 o'clock.
invitations to present council
members as well as to offirera nH
members of all other cooperative
associations in Oregon have been
extended bv Paul Cann tiki. orw.
retary-treasurer of the council and
marKeting special st at Oregon
State college.
Among the speakers on the
gram will be H. M. Bain, deputy
tuiumissioner oi tne Dank for co
operatives in the Farm Credit ad
ministration for Washington, D. C.
He is in charge of the division of
research, education and service.
Another prominent sneaker win h
Robin Hood, secretary of the Na
tional cooperative council, from
Washington, D. C, who la one of
tne pioneers in the cooDerativs mar.
keting movement and conversant
wiui uie relation oi cooperatives to
the AAA. A number of other muii.
ers from Oregon and neighboring
states are listed.
Free picture show, Star theater,
Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock,
sponsored by Blackburn-Jones Mo
tor Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bartholomew
were In the city today from the
Pine City district
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hughes of
Umaplne are visitors In the city to-