Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 19, 1935, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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j The Ups and Downs of Fall Hat Fashions
Two Capitol Sites
Election Changes
Debt-free Shaniko
Salem. -Choice of a.tes for the
new state capitol building has been
narrowed down to two by an opin
ion given Governor Martin by At
torney General Van Winkle.
The legislature, when it meets in
special session soon, will be able to
consider building the statehouse on
the old site, or on Williamette uni
versity campus, which would be
added to the old location.
The hill sites favored by Govern
or Martin cannot be used, accord
ing to the attorney general.
Both the Grabenhorst tract and
Ben Lomond park hill sites are out
side the city limits, Van Winkle
pointed out, and the capitol can be
built only within the boundaries of
Salem as they existed in 1864 when
the citv was chosen the permanent
seat of government by a state-wide
To build on the hills would re
quire a constitutional amendment
and a special election to change or
enlarge the seat of government.
It would do no good for the city
to extend its boundaries to include
the hill sites, the attorney general
"Designation of Salem In 1864 as
the permanent seat of government
by the electors of the state neces
sarily included all parts of the city
as it then existed," Van Winkle ex
plained. "Although the corporate limits
have since been greatly enlarged
this has not enlarged the seat of
government. It remains within the
limits of the city as they first ex
Isted on the first Monday of June,
1664, when the election was held, at
which time Salem was selected as
the location of the seat of govern
Construction of state institutions
beyond the city limits has no bear
ing on the capitol because the state-
house "is not an institution as that
world is ordinarily used."
In the 1864 election, Salem re
ceived a majority of 79 votes over
all the score of cities proposed as
the capital. The vote was 6108 for
Salem, 3864 for Portland, 1588 for
Eugene and 577 for all other cities.
No city had received a majority in
With the issuance of the opinion
requested by the governor, who
went on record as favoring a hill
site for the capitol when it appeared
that negotiations for the purchase
of the Willamette university cam
pus would fall through officials
wondered what PWA would do.
Two applications for grants for
the purchase of additional land are
in Washington, D. C. One was for
45 per cent of the $750,000 to 'buy
the university grounds, and the
other waa for 45 per cent of $100,
000 set as the hill site price. The
latter is now out of the picture.
State officials were jubilant over
word from Hyde Park, N. Y., Pres
ident Roosevelt's home, that the
president had approved the state's
$3,500,000 application for the con
struction of the statehouse.
The legislature will be called into
special session when PWA acts on
the site grant applications. The
legislature will have the last word
as to where the capitol shall be
built. ,
Arrangements have been com
pleted for the senate to meet in the
Marion hotel dining room and the
house to convene in the armory au
ditorium adjoining the hotel. The
state will pay $40 a day rent to the
hotel and $13.50 to the armory. Gov
ernor Martin will probably move
downtown during the session.
Abolition of the primary election,
the calling of a regular general
election every November and the
possible recall of officials at the
election were proposed in a drastic
constitutional amendment filed by
W. P. Wagnon, Portland. Attorney
General Van Winkle is at work on
the ballot title.
The governor, state treasurer,
secretary of state, justices of the
Eupreme court, judges of the circuit
courts and attorney general would
face a possible recall every two
years. Maximum tenure of state
offices would be six years.
All county, district, precinct and
municipal officers would be subject
to recall every year. Their maxi
mum terms would be four years.
Wagnon must obtain more than
16,000 signatures on petitions by
next July 1 to place his proposed
constitutional amendment on the
ballot at the November, 1936, elec
tion. Shaniko, little Wasco county town
which had 100 residents when the
1930 census was taken, is the envy
of the state.
The city has no taxes, no debts,
and is on a cash basis, E. P. Wag
ner, city recorder, wrote Secretary
of State Snell. Shaniko has never
had a budget and doesn't see why
it should have to draw one up now
to submit to Snell in view of a law
passed by the last legislature pro
viding for auditing of municipal
Governor Martin is getting ready
to move again for the second time
since the capitol fire. He and State
Treasurer Holman and the board of
control employes will move from
the supreme court library to the
fourth floor of the main office build'
ing. There they will take over the
offices of the World War Veterans
state aid commission, letting them
move upstairs to the state engin
eer's quarters. The latter will move
to the Elk's temple downtown. It's
all being done because the supreme
court had complaints from auor
nevs that there was too much noise
in the library what with all the
stenographers and bookkeepers at
The sensational Kellaher-Banks
bribery case, involving an ex-state
parole officer and a murdered, is be-
M , r If H it- L
At Heppner
NEW TOBK. . . Fall hat styles in all their glory grate fashion center
shops hero as milady makes selections. Two distinctive models (above)
afford her highness choice of up or down styles. Left, a brilliant red, yeTiow,
bine and green parrot Perthes on a black velvet sport hat with pleats pressed
into brim and crown. Bight, the Mercury hat with pleated felt simulating
wings is extremely smart.
fore the Marion county grand jury.
Dan J. Kellaher, Portland, for
mer parole chief, was accused of
agreeing to accept a $50,000 bribe
to obtain Banks' release from pris
on. Li. A. Banks, ex-Aieaiora puD-
lisher, serving a life term in the
penitentiary for the murder of
George Prescott, Medford consta
ble, has repeatedly sought release
from prison.
Real estate is looking up, thinks
C. V. Johnson, deputy state real
estate commissioner. Oregon has
1500 persons in the business, some
12 percent more than the same
time last year. Brokers report more
calls for property than at any time
in the last seven years.
Wheat seeds that lay in the cor
nerstone of the burned capitol for
60 years turned out to be dead. The
state department of agriculture ex
perimented on the seeds, hoping to
rouse them back to activity. They
were placed in the cornerstone by
S. F. Chadwick, secretary of state
in 1873.
Increased speed has definitely
boosted the percentage of fatalities
on the open highway," reported
Secretary of State Snell. Exper
ienced drivers cause 85 percent of
the accidents.
Extension Program for
Rural Youths in Making
Definite plans are being made to
provide a new extension program
in Oregon for rural boys and girls
who are past the 4-H club and
Smith-Hughes age but who are not
continuing in college, announces F.
L. Ballard, vice-director of the ex
tension service at O. S. C. Details
of this new "youth movement" have
recently been discussed with Eu
gene Merritt, federal extension rep
resentative from Washington, D. v.,
who recently visited the state office.
Hundreds of such boys and girls,
potential community leaders, are
not now finding adequate outlets
for their talents and earlier train
ing through the regular adult or
ganizations, Ballard believes. He
plans to start the work first in four
or five counties, using existing ex
tension personnel under the direc
tion of a new extension specialist in
rural sociology to be appointed ear
ly next year.
This plan for rural youth activ
ities has been tried already in Kan
sas and New Hampshire and proved
to be highly beneficial to the young
people and to the communities, Mr.
Merritt reported.
Leaflet on New Course
In Wild Life Available
Leaflets describing in detail the
new four-year curriculum in fish,
game and fur animal management
at Oregon State college are now
available for distribution. The
course was authorized too late to
be included in the annual catalog.
The new work will be offered in
the animalt Industries division of
the school of agriculture, with spec
ialized work in that school and the
schools of science and forestry. The
course is designed to train stu
lents for state and federal service
in wild life conservation, manage
ment of private estates and clubs,
fur and game farming, or fields al
lied to wild life conservation.
Inclusion of this work is consid
ered partly responsible for a big
prospective increase in new Btu
dents enrolling in agriculture this
fall. Advance applications show a
prospective increase of more than
70 per cent In that school.
Potato Quotas Out Soon;
Wheat Meeting Dates Set
Regional meetings in Oregon for
launching the new wheat produc
tion control campaign have been
scheduled for the week of October
14, announces E. R. Jackman, OSC
extension agronomist who is chair
man of the educational committee.
The meetings will be held at Cor
vallis, Medford, Arlington and Ba
ker for the Willamette valley,
southern Oregon, Central Oregon
and Columbia basin and the Blue
Mountains regions respectively.
Dates are October 14, 15, 17 and 18.
Following the regional meetings
to be attended by allotment com
mitteemen and county agents, will
be county and in some cases com
munity meetings for growers at
which applications for the new con
tracts will be available.
State allotments of potatoes un
der the new potato marketing con
trol act will be ready for announce
ment before November 1, according
to word received from Washington
by the OSC extension service. These
allotments will be discussed thor
oughly with growers before be
coming final, it is stated.
"All problems involved in the act
will be threshed out with producers
themselves and we will rely upon
them for guidance and advice on
enforcement," said A. E. Mercker,
newly appointed chief of the po
tato section. Mercker, who has
made a speciality of marketing
problems in the bureau of agricul
tural economics, will work under
J. B. Hutson, head of the AAA di
vision to which potato control has
been assigned.
Assisting Mercker will be H. C.
Thompson, head of the department
of vegetable crops at Cornell uni
versity and former horticulturist in
the department of agriculture.
"Operation of the potato act is
intended to bring potato prices to
a level such as will eliminate the
distressingly low prices received
by growers the past two seasons,"
Thompon announced. "It is not
intended to lift consumer prices
above moderate levels.
"Reports that a tax of three
quarters of a cent a pound is to be
paid on all potatoes are entirely er
roneous. The act exempts from any
tax a quantity of potatoes deemed
sufficient to meet current consump
tive demands at prices on a parity
with prices the potato grower must
pay for the things he buys."
U.S. Trains WPA Tutors;
Indian Agents at O. S. C.
Adult education in Oregon cum
munities and extension work among
Indians in western states are ex
pected to be improved in quality as
the result of state and regional con
ferences held at Oregon State col
lege early in September.
The first state training school
for WPA teachers brought 250 men
and women to the campus for four
weeks of specialized training or
ganized by the general extension
division of the state system of high
er education. These unemployed
teachers will be In charge of emer
gency adult education classes this
winter throughout the state, in a
program under the direction of C.
A. Howard, state superintendent of
public instruction.
More than 50 extension agents
working in the Indian service
among the 35,000 Indian population
of Oregon, Washington, southern
Idaho, Northern California and Ne
vada spent two days in conference
at OSC under Indian service lead-
Bible School 9:46 a. m.
Morning services 11 a. m.
C. E. Society 7 :00 p. m.
Evening servceB .. 8:00 p. m.
Choir rehearsal, Wednesday 8 :00 p. m.
Midweek service, Thursday 8:00 p. m.
Morning sermon, "Rebuilding Jerusalem."
Evening sermon, "The Church
that Overcame."
Those who have not been attend
ing church regularly are especially
invited to begin now. You have a
need of spiritual guidance which
you are not filling. We. have spe
cialized in spiritual things and will
help you supply that which Is lack
Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.
Public worship, 11 a. m. Special
music by the choir. Sermon, "Lord
I Believe, What Do I Believe."
No. 1.
Epworth League, 6:30 p. m.
Evening worship, 7:30. Sermon
"The Thoughtless Moment."
Choir practice, Wednesday eve
ning, 7:30.
irayer meeting, Thursday eve
ning, 7:30.
"An ounce of prevention is worth
a pound of cure," Judge L. L. Faw-
cett of the supreme court of New
York says. "More than 4,000 of the
8,000 prisoners sentenced by me
were under the age of 21 years, and
only three were members of the
Sunday school at the time of com
mitting their crimes." (Continued
next week.)
to organize the records of sales
covering the period 1932 to 1934 as
such evidence will be necessary.
James Farley went to John Day
Sunday to asssit his brother John
in the Wilson store there during
the fair season. He will return
home next Sunday.
Chicken dinner by Episcopal La
dies Auxiliary, Parish House, Wed
nesday, Sept 25, 6:30, 35 cents.
For Sale 6-room modern resi
dence, steam furnace, fireplace;
good terms. Inquire G. T. office. 28
Wood sawing, in or near town,
regular prices. Homer Tucker. 30
Resolutions of Condolence.
Whereas, our beloved brother,
George Broadlcy has been called to
that mysterious beyond, and in his
departure we have lost a valued
friend and member, we deeply de
plore the loss to our fraternity;
Resolved, that Holly Rebekah
Lodge No. 139 tender its heartfelt
sympathy to the family and rela
tives of our deceased brother in
this hour;
Resolved, that we drape our
charter in mourning for thirty
days, and that these resolutions be
entered upon the minutes of this
lodge, and that a copy be sent to
the bereaved family.
Fraternally submitted,
Emma Peck,
Dona E. Barnett,
Bertha Dinges.
Lexington, Oregon, Sept. 17, 1935.
Sunday School
After Service
. J0:00 A. M.
11:00 A. M
Evening Service i 7.30 P. M
Tuesday night, prayer meeting
enly, 7:30.
Thursday evangelistic service 7:30
Notice is hereby eiven that the un
dersigned has been appointed by the
County Court of the State of Oregon
lor Morrow County. Administrator oi
the Estate of Llovd Matteson. deceased.
and that all persons having claims
against said estate must present the
same to me at the office of my attorney.
P. W. Mahonev. in Heorjner. Oregon,
within six months from the date of the
first publication of this notice, said
date of first publication being Septem
ber 19. 1935.
In the County Court of the State of
uregon lor Morrow bounty. In me
matter of the estate of Bernard P.
Doherty. deceased.
Notice is hereby given that we have
been appointed executors of the estate
of Bernard P. Doherty, deceased. All
persons having claims against said es-
Odd Fallows Building Phons 1(1
General Trucking
Anywhere in the state, any time
Phone 184 lone, Ore.
tate are hereby notified to present
them to us at our residence in Slorrow
County, Oregon, near Lexington, Ore
gon, that being our postolllce address,
with proper vouchers attached, within
six months from this date.
Dated this 19th day of September,
A. D. 1935.
Executors of the estate of Bernard
P. Doherty. deceased.
Does Your Typewriter
or Adding Machine
Need Fixing?
Expert repair man calls regular
ly. See us for office supplies.
"Just the service wanted
when you want It most"
Morrow County Creamery
We Want Eggs
California '35
. . (Ms , , t ?
Italy Pouring Troops to Ethiopian Front
- fi r s ' 'i1
NAPLES, Italy. . . . The above picture is no unusual sccno here those
weeks as Italy embarks its crack divisional troops for tlio Ethiopian front
Photo shows "SUa" division embarking on the steamer Gauge.
VENICE, Calif. . . . Miss Mercedes
Hill, 20 (above), is California's
Queen of Beauty for 1935, final selec
tion being madn following a parade
of beauties before 150,000 Mardi
Gras Visitors.
ers from Washington, D. C, and
specialists from the state college
Potato Production Will
Be Controlled Under Act
The Warren Potato act which
passed the last session of congress
and becomes effective December 1,
1935, is designed to adjust the pro
duction of potatoes to the normal
annual consumption. Without en
tering into any long discussion of
the theory back of the bill or the
support and opposition which it
had in congress it is now part of
the law of the land and growers
should know the main features of
the law and the things which they
should do to put themselves in a
position to comply with it.
In general the idea Is to give each
man parity price for the potatoes
which he normally produced. It is
calculated that according to pres
ent prices for other products this
price is $1.50 per hundred. Each
sack of potatoes sold must be
stamped. Each state is given a
quota of tax-free stamps and stated
broadly, growers will be Issued free
stamps for the amount of potatoes
considered as their base. Over and
above this amount the stamps must
be purchased at 75c apiece. If it is
found that the tax is too high, the
secretary may lower the tax to
any point down to fifty cents per
hundred. All post offices will have
the stamps for sale. Thirty days
before the start of each allotment
year a secretary shall conduct a
referendum and all of those entitled
to an allotment shall cast one vote
in favor of or in opposition to con
tinuing the act for another year. If
the majority of those voting are
against the act it shall be Inoper
ative in the succeeding year. This
feature will not affect the plan for
the first year but will only become
effective a year from this fall. If
the plan is successful In obtaining
the price of $1.50 per hundred for
tho.se growers who are consistently
producing about the sania amount
of potatoes such growers wlil prob
nbly be in f avor of continuing the
plan. In any case the Warren Po
tato net is now e. law.
Until such time as the Bureau of
Crop and Livestock Estimates has
the s'Me quota determined there Is
very little for the grower to do.
The only action suggested now is
NOW A new Syrup Rich in the
real maple.
Griddle Cake lovers everywhere
are choosing old-time SLEEPY
HOLLOW blend over syrups cost
ing up to four times as much.
Pint Jug. .19c
Quart Jug 35c
5 lb. kin . . 63c
11 .(DO
You want the best in Coffees to go with those delicious
Pancakes and Syrup then try some of our Coffee too.
Vacuum packed sfU TIN
50c : 3
rm n- rrn No.iosk.
rannoiAC inopiuiu 59c
For frying, baking and all
Fancy Side Bacon 43c Lb.
Fancy Picnics, Lb 25c
Fresh supply very economical
canterbury Reliance
16 oz. Black 49c u oz TIN EACH
16 oz. Green 29c gQAP
Peet's or Scotch
1 reg. pkg. 1 med. both
Aunt Dinah
7 oz. Tins, Real
Fancy Gum Drops, Pep- Value, 6 FOR
permint Chews, Jelly pmmR
2 0C, K. C. Quality
2'2 LB. PKG.
Thompson Seedless
4 LB. PKG.
Fancy 5 sieve,
No. 2 Tins
You can still buy Flour Made from old wheat
Safeway $4 7Q Ore-Maid. $i lQ
49 lb. bag ! 1 49 lb. bag XUiF
Fancy cut,
No. 2 Tins
Elbo Cut
CHEESE Oregon full OQf
cream loaf, PER LB. dO
Fancy No. 2 In
50 Lb. Bags
Small whites
10 LBS 49c