HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPT. 19, 1935. PAGE FIVE TODAY and FRANK.PARKER f"PC iT STOCKBRI D6E Uplifters .... enjoyment All my life I have been llsetning to folk who were eager to do some thing to help the less fortunate. These uplifterg are usually more interested in those who live a long way off. They get spasms of pity for the down-trodden Armenians, the fa mine stricken Hindoos, and the plague-ridden Chinese, more often than they are moved to help those who live in the same town. One reason Is that those far-away folk can't slam the door in their faces, while their neighbors don't like to be patronized. Most folk resent having somebody else decide what is best for them, while most uplifters get their chief enjoyment out of ordering other people's lives. Standards vary I am Just as much interested In elevating everybody's standards of living as anyone else can be, but I have no desire to impose standards of any kind upon anybody who doesn't want to be interefered with. There seems to be a general as sumption that anybody who hasn't one or two bathrooms and an elec tric refrigerator, a car or two, a radio and an oil-burning central heating system, la downtrodden, or at least underprivileged. It never occurs to most uplifters that per haps some of the folks who haven't got those things don't want them. I am all for the stimulation of human wants, by advertising and every other means. I think it would be fine if everybody wanted all the modern Improvements and doo-dads badly enough to get out and hustle for them. But I can't see the point of making a fuss over the ones who don't care whether they have them or not. Contentment . . . within Within two or three miles of my farm I could show you a dozen or more homes of highly-regarded, self-respecting families who have no bathtubs, no running water in the house, no electric lights no "mod ern improvements" of any kind. A few have radios battery sets and some have "one-pipe" wood-burning furnaces, though most depend on stoves, chiefly the kitchen range. Many of these old houses have never even been painted, but out of them have come generations of good citizens and good neighbors, many of them university graduates. These folk would be Indignant if anyone told them they were either down-trodden or underprivileged. They know better. They know that happiness does not depend upon material possessions and that con tentment comes from within, not from without. Ambition .... second son Not every boy, even in this mod ern age, looks for an easy job with short hours and long vacations. I met Sam Baldasarri on our village street yesterday and he told me about his second son. John, his oldest boy, wants to go to college and become a lawyer, and with aid of a bit of luck, slight ly stimulated, he's got off to a good start In New York. But his brother Francis has only one ambition. He wants to be a farmer, rising at dawn to milk six cows, and doing all the rest of the hard work that a farm boy has to do from sun-up to sun-set and after. "Frankle wants to quit high school and stay on the farm," his father told me. "I don't mind his being a farmer, but I think he ought to finish school. He's too young to understand the value of education." "Had you thought of taking him over to the State Agricultural Col lege and getting some of the teach ers there to talk to him?" I sug gested. "That's a good Idea," said Sam. "I'll do that" I'm going to keep an eye on Frank Baldasarri. That boy will get somewhere. Youth . . changes world As I grow older, I get more and more satisfaction out of watching the young folks grow up. By and large, city and country, they are so much like myself and my youthful friends, at their age. Youth has always been Impatient, reckless, sure that It knows more than its elders, bent on having its own way. Youth always will be like that. I can't join In the outcry that the young folks of today are worse than we were; neither do I think they average up much better. I do agree, though, that youth Is changing the world. That, also, is what youth has always done. We did it ourselves. "The only service the young can render to the old is to shock them and bring them up to date," wrote Bernard Shaw. If we of avancing years refuse to be brought up to date It Is just too bad. The pro cession of up-and-coming youth will pass on and leave us behind. CREDITORS NOTICE. In the County Court ol the State of Oregon, for Morrow County. In the matter of the estate of Nat H. Webb, deceasd. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, thst the undersigned, has been appointed by the above named court, administra tor with the will annexed, of the estate of Nat H, Webb, deceased, and that he has fully qualified. All persons having claims against said estate ore hereby notified to pre sent the same, with proper vouchers, and duly verified, within six months from the date and first publication of this notice, to said administrator at No. 207 Gale Street, Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon. t Dated and first published, September 12. 1936. T. J.. D. JONES, Administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Nat H. Webb, deceased. sta Professional Carols REAL ESTATE General Line of Insurance and Bonds. W. M. EUBANKS Notary Fubllo Phone 62 lone, Ore. W. L. BLAKELY Representing Connectieutt Mutual Life Inraranet Co. Caledonian Fire Insurance Co. HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR WOOL HIDES PELTS Phone 783 Heppner, Ore. VAWTER PARKER ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW Phone 173 Heppner Hotel Building Dr. Richard C. Lawrence DENTIST Modern equipment Including X-ray for dental diagnosis. First National Bank Building Phone 662 Heppner, Ore. DR. L. D. TIBBLES OSTEOPATHIC Phriifian A Burgeon FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. Rm. Phom 11(2 Offiea Phon. 491 HEPPNER, OREGON Heppner Abstract Co. 1. LOGIE RICHARDSON, Mr. RATES REASONABLE HOTEL HEPPNER BUILDING Perry Granite Company Portland Fine Memorials Eastern Oregon Representative H. C. CASE, Heppner AUCTIONEER Farm and Personal Property Sales a Specialty O. L. BENNETT "The Man Who Talks to Beat the Band" LEXINGTON, OREGON J. 0. TURNER ATTORNEY AT IAW Phone 17S Hotel Heppner Building HEPPNER, ORE. DR. RAYMOND RICE PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office First National Bank Building Offtc. Phon 623 Horn. Phone 821 WM. BROOKHOUSER PAINTING FAPBBKAJTOINO XNTEJUOB DECORATING Heppner, Oregon DR. J. H. McCRADT DENTIST X-Bay Diagnosis GILMAN BUILDING Heppner, Oregon A. D. McMURDO, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND STOQNON Trained Norse Assistant . Office in Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon P. W. MAHONEY ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW GENERAL INSURANCE Heppner Hotel Building Willow St Entrance S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY AT LAW OfflM In Court Hons Heppner, Oregon J. 0. PETERSON Latest Jewelry and Olft Goods Watohas Clocks . Diamonds Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing , Heppner, Oregon F. W. TURNER & CO. Ft&K, AUTO AND LIFE INSURANCE Old Line Companies. Baal Batata. Heppner, Oregon JOS. J.NYS ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Boberta Building, Willow Street Heppner, Oregon To Whom Assessed on 1936 Tax Boll Straight W. E. Reld, A. R. Stevenson, Elsie Ann Walbrldge, Eliza Latourell, Chas. H. . Grotkopp, Emll Ferguson, Pearl E. Fell, Ida M. Adjustment Bureau of the Portland ass n oi credit Men French, Uzz Healy, Annie Reid, Martha Schwartz, Henry Borg, P. O. Estate Borg, P. O. Estate , McRoberts, W. T. n McRoberts, W. T Case, M. L. et ux Turner, Frank W. Cox, J. H. Borg, P. O. Estate - Turner, C. D. Estate Randall, Sarah H. Carty, James Nordyke, E. Allyn, Carl L Allyn, Carl L Cox, O. J. et ux Cox, O. J. et ux Warner, Henry Earl . Warner, Henry Earl McMillan, E. D. McMillan, E. D Helms, James H. Davis. Clark T- Phillips, Sarah Nordyke, Minnie, et vlr . Nordyke, Minnie, et vlr , McAiister, Charles R McAlister, Charles R. Nordyke, E . McAlister, Charles R. Henfell, Bell Engleman, Frank . Engleman, Frank Engleman, Frank Campbell, J. W. Campbell, J. W. Campbell, J. W. Campbell, J. W ., swanson, u. w. Bullard, W. E. co John Farris McNamer, C. W Balcomb, Edna Hossner Balcomb, Edna Hossner Blake, E. J. et ux Blake, E. J. et ux Rice, Archer Walker, Clyde R Stringer, Louisa B . Swanson, c. w. Randall, Bergena B. Randall, Bergena B. McMillan, W. P. A Delia Grabill, Ida M Grablll, Ida M. McNamer, C. W. Robnett J. H. Sperry, R. W. Estate Lovell, Paul E Independent Whse. Co. clo Farmers Kiev. (jo. oi lone O'Meara, Stella Wlggens, Laura E Rolfson, Ida B. A Pentecostal Assem- Rletmann, Robert . Blake, H. M. Padberg, E. L. Estate Padberg, E, L. Estate feterson. Victor G. .. Ritchie, George W Ritchie, George W Brown, Earle A. et ux . ..- Fletcher, Ida . Fletcher, Harry D Corkhoff, Amanda ... Flggott Sarah Ball. Lewis Griffith, Elmer . Swanson, C. W. Swanson, C. W. Stratton, Sylvia J O'Shee, Martha McNamer, C. W Fletcher, Harry D. Frank, E. G. Phelps, Leila A Lee. Guy L Jones, Percy E. et ux . Davis, Ralph S Goodwin, Chas. W Munger, H. E. . Klitz, Margaret M. . Klitz, F. F Warner, Eva L Warner, Eva L Sherman, Emma E ... Smith, Frank Wilson, Alex . Mathes, Edna M Murchle. Harry T McKean. J. C. & R. H. . Burnside, H. A .... Doering, Carl W. Miles, Alice E. Warren, H. E Voyen. Clara J .... Murchle. Harry T. Shaar, W. W Shaar, W. W McKean, J. C. & R. H McKean, J. C. 4 R. H .. Maxwell, Effle Murchie, Harry T . . Spagle, Lowell A. . Murchle, H. T Murchie. Harry T ... Kennedy, May C , Gorham, J. F. . Ballenger, Ruth N Hein, Mary A. Latourell. Chas. H. Snlvely. Mrs. Flora . , Gornam, Marvel II. Chaffee. May Price, W. A. et ux Price. W. A. et ux McKean, J. C. 4 R. H. McKean, J. C. & R H Weston, Clair P. Harter Price, W. A. et ux .... McKean, J. C. & R. H Marshall, Annie Estate McNamee, James McNomee, James . Weston, Annls McNamee, James .. ... Weston, H. H Walpole, Ella R. Estate Walpole, Ella R. Estate Walpole. Etna M Cook, Mrs. L. M. Walpole, W. R. Estate Buchanon, May Caldwell, Clifford H Locke, W. J. Portfors, J. F Wadsworth, Sue P. Suddarth, W. L. A Orlena M. Kessler, Frances F Qulmby, Charles C. Pierce, William H. Mann, C. W. Walpole, Etha M Woodward, L. V. et vlr ......... Woodward, L. V. et vir ........... Knight, C. E. Graybeal, Lee Beneflel, Ralph et al Foster, J. A . Walpole W. R. Estate Blume, George Cronk, Thomas A. et ux ........ Swayze, F. B. ...................... Swayze, F. B ........... Swnyze, F. B Cummlngs, Fred N. Qulnlln, Eliza J. J orgenson, A ...., Davis, G. W. McCune, Debbie Bell Doering, Carl W MnCune, Debbie Bell Glover. D. F . George, T. J. et ux . Ives, Catherine .......... McCoy, J, E Ollbertson, Martin Jogenson, Andrew ........., Allen, Macle Charles Sec Twp Description of Property Lot Blk Heppner Looneys except W 10U II. 12 Heppne Mt. Vernons 4 to 8 Inc. 11 Tract Heppner Mt Vernons (C. Wills 33) 18 11 Heppner Mt. Vernons Tract (DR 39-471) 28 11 Heppner Tr. No. 5C (DR 36-592) Heppner Tr. No. 11 (DR 33 2) Heppner Tr. No. 54B (DR 39-394) Heppner Tr. No. 58 (UK 30-581) . Heppner Tr. No. 77 (DR 38-53) Heppner Tr. No. 80 less Tr. No. 92 (DR W-452) Heppner Tr. No. 90 (DR 35-507) Heppner Tr. No. 103 (DR 32-346) Heppner Tr. No. 110 (UK 33-95) Heppner Tr. No. 112 Heppner Tr. No. 113 (DR J-586) Heppner Tr. No. 114 (DR 32-611-549) Heppner Tr. No. 115 (UK 32-611-549) Heppner Tr. No. 116 (DR 32-88) Heppner N 61 ft. of S. 132 ft of Tr. No. 130 less Tr. No. 172 (DR 32-137) Heppner Tr. No. 146 (DR 35-54) Heppner Tr. No. 173 (DR 35-113) Lexington Lexington T"r ....v. i2 Lexington northeasterly 63 ft 6 A 7 Lexington 10 Lexington E 14.42 feet of WE 6 Lexington W 14.42 feet of WE 7 Lexington X 3 A 4 Lexington 5 Lexington - 6 Lexington B 7 Lexington 1 Lexington . 2 Lexington . 5 Lexington 6, 7 A 8 Lexington Penlands . 3 Lexington Penlands S of OWR&N RW 4 A 6 Lexington Penlands . frl 10 Lexington McAlisters 4, 6 A 6 Lexington McAlisters 7 Lexington McAlisters 2nd all blk. 3 lying S of S line of NWUSEW, Sec. 271325 25 Lexington Tr No. 3 (DR Y-596) - Lexington Tr. No. 18 ex. Tr. sold to City (DK 34-366) lone W 1VA ft 3 4 6&6 7 8 lone lone lone lone lone lone lone . ZZZ. 10 11 to 16 Inc. lone 4 lone Sperrys 2nd . 9 A 10 lone Sperrys 2nd E 10 ft .... 14 lone Sperrys 2nd 15 A 16 lone Sperrys 2nd 1 A 2 lone Sperrys 2nd E 14 ft. ana I in. s lone Sperrys 2nd lone Sperrys 2nd lone Sperrys 2nd lone Sperrys 2nd 7A8 13 A 14 9 to 12 Inc. 5 to 8 Inc. 8 9 8 10 8 lone sperrys ma lone Sperrys 2nd lone Sperrys 2nd 11 A 12 8 lone SDerrvs 2nd N 25 ft 9 A 10 lone Sperrys 2nd 12 to 16 Inc. 9 lone Sperrys 2nd 5 to 12 Inc. 10 lone Sperrys 3rd NE4 3 lone Sperry's 3rd SE 3 lone Sperrys 4th 2 lone Wills .- lone Wills lone Wills N 40 ft. . .. 6 Park 1,2,3 15 4 15 lone Wills lone Wills - lone Cluffs 2nd E 20 ft .. 3 1 A2 7 A8 5 8 1 A2 7&8 142 3 A4 3&4 6 A6 lone Cluffs 3ra . lone Cluffs 3rd . lone Cluffs 4th lone Cluffs 4th lone Cluffs 4th lone Clufl's 4th ... lone Cluffs 6th .... lone Cluffs 6th .... lone Cluffs 7th lone Cluffs 7th lone Halvorsens ... ... 2 A 3 lone Tr. No. 6 (DR T-251) lone W 50 ft. Tr. No. 12 (DR 32-173) lone E 60 ft. Tr. No. 12 (DR 29-361) lone Tr. No. 23 less right-of-way of Highway (DR R-14Si lone Tr. No. 27 (DR P-252) lone Tr. No. 28 (DR 32-532) lone Tr. No. 31 (DR 27-472) S of vacated McKee St be tween G 4 H Streets (DR 40-572) Boardman 4 5 . 4 A5 7 . 8&9 10 13 14 Boardman Boardman . Boardman . Boardman Boardman .. Boardman Boardman Boardman 3 Roardman. SUt 4 Boardman 23, 24, 25 Boardman Boardman Boardman Boardman Boardman Boardman Boardman Boardman . 5 A6 . 21 A 22 .. 5 ... 1, 2, 3 ... 6, 7, 8 .. 10 .. 11 .1 A 2 Boardman 3 to 6 Inc. 7 Boardman . 7 7 7 7 7 Boardman Boardman 10 A 11 .. 12 .. 13 .. 13 . 14 15 & 16 Boardman, Boardman, Boardman Boardman Boardman S4 NV4 ... 7 7 7 7 7 8 21 A 22 Boardman 25 A 26 Boardman, B 50 ft. 9 & 10 Rnfirdman . 14 8 Boardman . 15. 16. 17 8 Boardman 20 8 Boardman 1, 2. 3 9 Boardman 4 to 8 Inc. 9 Boardman 9 A 10 9 Boardman 11 A 12 9 Boardman - . 1 to 8 Inc. 10 Boardman - 5, 6. 7 11 Boardman 8 11 Boardman 1 to 4 Inc. 12 Boardman 1 to 4 Inc. 13 Boardman 1 A 2 14 Boardman 7 A 8 17 Boardman C Boardman D Castle Rock 9 A 10 1 Castle Rock 6 8 Castle Rock 13 to 16 Inc. 4 Castle Rock 1. 2. 3 10 Castle Rock 5 to 8 Inc. 10 Castle Rock 8 11 Irrigon Irrigon 11 12 13 Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon .... 7 to 11 Inc. 13 12 A 13 15 Irrigon 11 to 14 Inc. 16 Irrigon 15 to 18 Inc. 16 Irrigon 19 to 22 Inc. 16 Irrigon 23 A 24 16 Irrigon i to inc. n Irrigon 1 18 Irrigon 2 A3 18 Irrigon 7 to 10 Inc. 18 Irrigon . It 18 Irrigon 12 19 Irrigon 16 20 Irrigon 11 to 14 Inc. 25 Irrigon 30 A 31 26 Irrigon 32 A 33 Irrigon 13 & 14 26 Irrigon 33 27 Irrigon 35 27 Irrigon 6 46 28 Irrigon 7A8 28 Irrigon 13 28 Irrigon - 17 & 18 28 Irrigon 21 28 Irrigon 23 A 24 28 Irrigon 37 to 40 Inc. 28 Irrigon 29 to 32 Inc. 28 Irrigon 41 to 40 Inc. 28 Irrigon 9 to 12 Inc. 29 Irrigon 13 to 16 Inc. 29 Trrlron - 17 to 20 Inc. 29 Inlgon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon , it to su inc. 3 31 to 33 Inc. 29 1.2,3 5 A6 8 to 10 Inc. 11 A 12 13 A 14 19 A 20 or Bng. 1930 1929 1928 1927 1928 192S 39 60 6.19 J.91 123 1.20 1.27 1.21 1.21 1.20 123 120 54.45 2.48 2.38 2.56 2.42 2.43 2.41 .97 9X8 9.21 (.89 9.41 4.72 9.90 9.44 10.12 .51 34.65 33.04 36.40 33.81 33.60 2.48 9.90 3.72 8.56 3.81 3.63 1.81 69.40 56.64 7.44 7.09 7.61 7.26 7.28 94.06 89.68 96.14 91.77 91.96 9.90 9.44 10.07 12.39 11.81 6.33 37.13 36.39 37.91 86.23 36.29 2.46 2.55 2.42 1.20 6 2.24 2.18 2.31 2.18 2.57 9 10.68 9 6.62 6.46 6.80 6.44 6.42 9 1.69 10 12.93 12.66 10 .85 .82 12 35.95 35.00 37.10 14.63 12 8.76 8.49 9.02 15 144.72 140.86 149.36 15 2.12 2.07 2.19 18 6.19 602 6.99 18 40.76 39.66 39.44 18 11.81 1L49 19 1.69 1 63 1.71 1.61 1.94 22 24.72 24.04 16.82 24 .85 -81 .88 .82 .97 24 1.12 1.13 1.09 1.28 2 13.47 13.11 13.91 2 4.60 4.38 4.64 1.98 2.23 2.17 2.30 115.21 26.96 23.33 28.98 25.48 22.80 19.73 18 61 29.09 26.16 31.25 27.46 24.57 21.24 20.03 47.10 40.73 6.93 6.98 105.26 80.01 2.77 2.41 2.22 1.88 209.15 180.82 224.62 6.93 2.99 7.44 6.54 6.05 44.32 38-32 47.60 41.84 37.44 . 32.40 30.56 1.10 -95 1.19 1.03 .93 .79 33.24 28.74 35.70 31.38 28.08 24.30 6.54 4.78 6.23 1.61 1.39 1.51 6.54 4.78 6.95 6.23 4.67 48.76 42.15 62.36 46.03 41.19 35.66 33 63 8.87 7.67 9.53 8.37 7.49 7.20 6.22 12.21 35.44 1.65 3.33 2.87 3.58 6.64 6.74 64.03 46.72 11.08 9.67 11.90 10.46 9.36 8.10 7.63 14.41 12.45 15.48 13.69 36.57 81.62 13.86 3.47 26.33 1.38 1.20 149 16.62 17.85 11.08 1.34 1.43 1.26 1.13 .97 .91 62.04 63.64 3.33 2.87 2.77 11.09 9.57 11.89 33.24 28.74 29.76 27.70 2.21 3.84 4.76 4.18 3.76 3.24 3.07 2.91 6.05 16.65 14.66 13.11 11.34 10.69 23.81 20.60 19.64 21.06 18.20 19 64 17.26 15.44 13.38 12.60 37.66 32.56 40.43 35.57 3L82 27.55 1.94 8.88 29.64 25.63 61.59 47.10 40.71 41.62 .55 1.38 1.38 6.24 .48 1.20 1.20 10.78 .59 148 1.49 13.40 1-39 1.39 .16 165 2.33 2.64 2.73 2.65 3.18 13.53 1.62 15.15 2 33 2.64 2.73 2.66 8.18 1.61 15.14 1.82 16.96 4B5 4.65 .56 5.21 4.35 4.95 9.30 1.12 10.42 20.35 23.14 20.25 63.74 7.65 71.39 2.33 2.33 .28 2.61 2.33 2.64 2.73 2.65 3.18 13.53 1.62 15.15 19.75 22.47 23.28 22.63 27.01 115.04 13.80 128.84 1743 17.43 2.09 19.53 146 1.46 .18 1.64 697 g.97 .84 7.81 4.65 6.29 6.48 5.31 6.37 3 84 3.62 34.46 4.14 38.60 581 6.60 7.96 6.41 26.78 3.20 29.99 16.83 19.17 23.28 69.28 7.11 66.39 4181 4181 4.92 46.73 6 97 7.92 2.74 7.97 3.17 7.71 2.62 2.35 41.45 4.92 46.37 2.33 2.64 2.73 2.66 2.57 12.93 1.44 1437 11.03 12.55 13.02 12.60 15.09 6.77 70.06 8.40 78.46 7.26 8.27 8 57 8.28 9.94 6.39 6.55 6.86 61.12 732 68.44 11.62 13.22 13.68 13.24 15.90 66.13 56.39 179.18 21.48 200.66 2.90 3.32 3.45 3.31 12.98 1.44 1442 34.86 34.86 4.08 38.94 2.90 3.32 6.63 .72 6.94 1-46 1.67 3.13 .36 3.49 1.46 1.65 1.72 1.66 2.00 .97 .97 .89 11.32 1.32 12.64 2.90 3.31 3.44 3.31 8.98 1.98 1.97 1.75 22.59 2 64 25.23 14.52 16.52 31.05 3.72 34.77 6 95 6.95 .72 7.67 14.53 16.53 16.58 47.64 5.64 63.28 6.81 5.81 .60 6.41 2..90 2.90 .24 3.14 8.71 9.91 10.29 9.95 1192 50.78 6.00 56.78 2.91 3.31 6.22 .72 6.94 65.05 74.01 38.34 177.40 21.24 198.64 34.86 39.66 41.10 115.62 13.80 129.42 110.39 125.59 235.98 28.20 264.10 4.65 6.29 5.31 6 37 5.14 2 60 29.36 3.48 32.84 20.06 22.81 23.63 22.89 27.43 22.13 22.63 161.58 19.32 180.90 8.71 9.93 68.22 66.36 67.57 54.60 55.79 49.82 360.90 43.20 404.10 2 91 3.31 3.44 3.32 12.98 1.44 14.42 40.67 4627 47.94 46 41 181.29 21.72 203.01 22.66 25.77 26.71 25.86 31.00 132.00 15.84 147.84 4.07 4.63 4.80 4.63 5.55 4.48 4.60 4.11 36.87 4.32 41.19 4.65 6.30 5.48 15.43 1.80 17.23 2.91 3.31 3.43 3.32 12.97 1.44 141 2.04 2.32 2.40 2.31 2.79 .92 2.30 2.06 17.14 2.13 19.27 .41 .37 .40 .39 .41 27.13 29.11 3.48 32.59 .23 .19 .21 .20 .20 .19 .21 .20 1.63 .14 1.77 .83 .73 .80 .78 .79 .75 .77 6.45 .63 6.08 .64 .68 .61 .69 .59 .58 .69 .61 4.79 .49 5.28 .82 .73 .80 .78 .79 .75 .77 .78 6.22 .73 6.95 .23 .19 .21 .20 .19 .21 .20 1.43 .13 1.66 .74 .69 .66 .67 . 71 3.37 .37 8.74 4.11 8.80 8.64 8.16 3.91 18.62 2.16 20.78 .37 .34 .34 .29 .36 1.70 .14 1.84 189 1.74 1.44 178 175 8.60 .97 9.57 .74 .69 .66 3.43 6.53 .62 6.14 1.49 1.38 1.31 1.15 1.42 1.43 1.39 9 57 1.12 10.69 1.49 1.49 .13 1.63 7.11 6.59 6.28 6.46 25.43 3.08 28.51 .74 .74 .08 .83 1.49 138 7.89 10.76 1.23 1198 .87 .34 .71 .08 .79 .74 .69 .66 .67 2.66 .25 2.91 1.49 1.38 1.31 1.14 1.42 1.43 1.39 1.39 10.95 1.31 12.26 .37 .34 .34 .37 .36 .84 2.12 .24 2 86 .37 .34 .34 .29 .36 .36 .34 .35 2.75 .38 8.11 .37 .34 .34 .29 .86 1.70 .15 185 20.21 18.69 17.80 66.70 6.80 63.60 3.74 3.48 3.80 10.52 1.20 11.78 .74 .69 . 66 .57 .71 .71 5.90 9.98 1.19 11.17 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