PAGE SIX HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPT. 12, 1935. BROTHER-IN-LAW OF MRS. GIBB IN AFRICA IS BIG GAME HUNTER To Whom llid on 1936 lu Boll Deiorlption of Froparty Em. Twp or or Mug, Lot Blk 1930 George, T. J. et ux . Card. C. W. Grim. Mrs. Hugh . "Hunting a Giant Elephant for I London la higher than the quota Thirty Tears" is the title of a fea- I tiong for many Indian varieties, ture storv carried by the Aberdeen I and has risen from about -Hd to (Scotland) Press and Journal, i lid per lb. The tea has to be handed the Gazette Times this week transported through Portugese ter by Mrs. Alex Gibb, in which is ac- ritory to the nearest port and the counted some experiences of her dues charged are, in his opinion, brother-in-law, George Garden, excessive. Aberdeen was the home of Mrs. Gibb before coming to America, and her sister was a teacher of lan guages in internationally - famed Aberdeen university before becom ing Mrs. Garden. The article, writ ten by a special representative of the Press and Journal, contains an interesting account of life in the African veldt It follows: Missionaries and Government of ficials are taking the wrong meth ods of dealing with the natives of Nyasaland. This is the considered opinion of Mr. George Garden, Southfield, Tobacco Growing. Tobacco growing, unfortunately, is not now a profitable undertaking for white settlers. The industry started well and there was a brisk demand for the light grades of to bacco for cigarettes: but the indus try has been almost ruined by the growing of the lear By natives, wno are now worse off than in the old days. The manager of a big estate, wno had formerly been a missionary, was the man who started the na tives growing tobacco. The move did not in the long run neip mm, Cult who has just returned to this - - - hasnow had-to be country after nearly forty years down Then two more white residence in that territory where he natjves t(j cultivate was engaged In tea planting and, in fc t the ,eaf from the his spare time in big game hunting. flnd ,t tQ a I called on Mr. and Mrs. Garden tobacco & wlth at their charming Cults home ad white en cou(J nQt listened spellbound to the tales of ml)ete native witch doctors and of the ThPe two white me delighted with tracking of elephants and otter e and started to boagt big game Mr. Garden, Tfl b, combine t to pod healtt d.te his many years SaturaBy thought in Africa, is the son of a Peterhead could dQ game them. minister and Mrs. Garden belongs encouraged to to Aberdeen. They have just re- and ce turned by air from tieir African combine. The estates. When Mr. Garden first , . . ? ' o . . . . Kessler, Frances P. Burroughs. D. H. Blount, Mary Parker Waloole. Etna M. Walpole, Etha M. Daggett, W. E. Enoch. Clyde Miller, Obed I Corey, Guy Estate English. Q. C. Trustee Munroe, J. L. Williams. R. F. Walpole, Etha M. Walpole. Ella R. Estate Miller. Obed I. Walpole. W. R. Estate scnarnnorst, . Walpole, Etha M. , Walpole, Ralph G. Swayze. Frank B. Lane. B. B. Swayze, F. B.. Walpole, Etha M. Smith, J. A. Trustee Grim, Hugh W. Egbert J. L. Swayze, F. B. swayze, r . B. . Walpole. Ella R. Estate , Walpole, Ella R. Estate . Walpole, Ella R. Estate . Walpole, Ella R. Estate , Adams, s. w. McDaniel, Ethel Adams, F. N. Haekman. Charles Hackman, Charles Prophet, W. P. Bleakman, E, E. Estate popnet, w. p. Bleakman, E. E. Estate jjevore, Ben Gilliam A Blsbee . Odell. Emmit Swift J. C. did the trip thirty-seven years ago it took him over nine weeks. His last journey was accomplished in under nine days. Nature's Gentlemen. In the course of our talk Mr. Gar- leaf, of course, can be produced by the natives at a much lower cost than can be quoted by the estates controlled by white men. During his long sojourn in Nyasa land Mr. Garden's hobby has been big game hunting. The walls on Hendrix, William . Swift, J. C. De Vore, B. F. Smith. John C. De Vore, B. F. Adams, F. N. Adams, F. N. Adams, F. N. DeLashmutt E. L. , Howell. Maude Howell, Maude den touched on a wide variety of his Cults home bear photographs of subjects. He told me of encounters huge animals which have fallen to with hostile natives, long treks his gun, the hall is adorned with across the veldt in pursuit of Dig souvenirs, while he himself is game, pioneer work in tea planting slightly deaf as a result of being an industry in JNyasaiana ior mauled by an elephant in 19U7. which he has done more than any- Narrow Escape, one else tracking of thieves and ., . , . . recovering of stolen property with the aid of witch doctors, tobacco growing and the management of natives. Dealing with the native question Mr. Garden stressed the fact that the people of Nyasaland in their native state were gentlemen. In his one of his hunting trips which lasted two to four months at a time when he was confronted by a huge tuskless male elephant. He did not want to shoot it, but it at tacked him. His bearer kept on urg ing him to run, but Mr. Garden uauve aiaLC ncic gcuucuitu, .1.1 .... .... , T - . , via early days when a white man went f.ood his ground He fired and I hit J .1 fV, alanhan, in tno trunk1 tniTllfinC that would scare the brute off. In to a native village he was wel comed and provided with food and quarters for the night. Their na tive hospitality made this obligatory. Then the white men began to "ed- stead it continued. Again he fired, this time at the animal's mouth. On it crashed, and rolled Mr. Gar den over with its trunk. He was ucate" the natives. The beliefs M1" 1 7f Tkl w wh th narivo had had for ren- when he was finally rescued he had r t, serious head injuries, three n to son, were pooh-poohed by the " " 'V. I OL 141. OIU. .LI "UU iv v...- .... would lose the power of his arm, but constant treatment saved the limb, and soon he was on the trail again. In all Mr. Garden has shot for ty-three elephants, which he con siders the most dangerous of big game. The biggest of his "bag" he had to trail for five nights, and its tusks weighed from 80 to 90 lbs. each. Mr. Garden revealed an interest- Brown, Artie Estate Howell, Maude Brown, Artie Estate . Brown, Artie Estate Brown, Artie Estate Brown, Artie Estate Ingram, W. D. Estate Ingram, Mary ... Prophet ft Miller Prophet Miller Cartwright J. R. Cartwright J. R. Cartwright J. R. Cartwright J. R. Morsu Co., The . Cartwright J. R. Palahniuk, Stephen J. et ux Ballinger, Robert S. . Freiwald, Gustav Estate Butt, Lawrence C. Barzee, C. W. Spencer, Samuel R. .'. Lamam, c J. . Deyoe. H. F. . Curran, John Mahoney, T. J. Gibson, Oness V Bank, Philomath State Graves, W. W. Bank, Philomath State Barker, John Estate Barker, John Estate . missionaries. In their place, said Mr. Garden, the white men tried to set up theories which it ha3 taken centuries for the white men themselves to evolve. These were quite out of the comprehension of the black men, who were left in a state of mental chaos. ' This policy was a bad one. It would have been far better had the missionaries and administrators of Nyasaland first studied the native 1 ,. .,n,Ama .,, .il. j u... .kiv, ine ambition. He has been on the could be understood by the native track of hu 6 ef Lh hi fh DODulation years' Thls iant ia called by the population. natives Zalukuta and is claimed by "Magic Horn. to be over 20o years 0id. While on the subject of native stories of the monster, whose superstitions and beliefs Mr. Gar- tusks go straight down Mr. Gar den told me an amazing story of den has himself seen its spoor with how he had recovered stolen prop- marks showing how Its huge tusks erty by employing a "sable horn." have torn furrows along the ground These horns, which are now illegal have been handed down from fa- possessions and which have been ther to son. lajcen irom ine nauves, were noma stiii HoDlne n.. ...U, .UU v 6 r.t oii whi-n hoH Mr. Garden has made Inquiries violent deaths from the teeth of about the beast and has spent .many beasts of prey. They derived their " " " magic properties from the "med- Logan, Hattie Hanville, Burrell, et ux, It Crouse, Her bert et ux Macomber, W. H. Grotkopp, E. C. T. Schuller, W. F. Schuller, W. F. Schuller, W. F. , Doherty, Neil Walker, Samuel .... . McEntire, Thomas .. . Schuller. W. F. Siegmund, Wilda Siegmund, Wilda Vermont Loan A Trust Co. Tibbetts, Violet L. & Mock, F. C, & Louise G . .... . Younger, W. H. Barzee, C. W Wagner, Clyde W. & Joe P. Brown Bryant, Frances H. Pringle. Joseph Round, Tunis D. Bank First Nat'l Heppner Eaton, James E. . Luttrell. W. P Thompson, Robert A. icine" with which the witch doctors filled them, and they were potent only during daylight Their pow ers, whatever they were, were in some way analogous to the twig in the hands of a water diviner. On one occasion a quantity of bition that Zalukuta may escape the bullets of the hunters until he himself returns to Nyasaland to lay low this monarch of the veldt. Both Mr. and Mrs. Garden were deeply impressed by the aerial views of the jungles which they had obtained when flying home. The .oif .., . herds of game and the life of the had been stolen from the huts used jungle when seen from above made by the boys on Mr. Garden's estate. lflLLl -2 The authorities were baffled and 6 ''"""' ""f " -" Mr. Garden decided to call in the from Blantyre to Brinisl whence, natives to track down the criminals n account i xuan .e8umuu?, and recover the stolen property. Af- they were forced to travel by rail ter some preliminary difficulties the l .rl3- J""c witch doctor arrived with his horn. r I , P 7 ,, When Mr. Garden arrived on the made n an. air lj"erl ?hey scene the medicine man was per- amazea at me comxori ui forming a ritualistic dance before ver the long distances which they it. When this was ended several ""'"""I T , .kT; natives laid hold of the horn, which thf' next journey to their African estaies win De maue uy u. pulled them round in circles. Mr. Garden was amazed and de termined to test the strength of the horn himself. He seized the end of it, but despite his most strenu- ous efforts he was unable to hold it down. Discovery. The horn finally pulled the na tives towards a path which was followed until a crossroads was Many Linn Farmers Irrigate Albany Forty-three Linn county farmers are now using Irrigation water on their crops, and 23 others are planning to have plants In op eration for 1936, reports F. C. Mul len, county agent. The value of irrigation and Installation of dif ferent types of systems was dem onstrated to 52 farmers of the coun- 1 .J ft UnA , U n Vn- Anl . . , v., ty who attended a series of meet- uavciicu iuuiiu ill a. uio uciuie .- , , , . . "nosing" out the trail alone an- in& recently conducted by County other path. The trail then led to Agent Mullen. a hut in a native village, where the notice OF SHE-HTP'S BALE. stolen goods were found. on the 14th day of October, 1935, at The articles had been stolen by the hour ot i o ciook p. m. at me ironi a mnn nnd hla two wives naHistpd door of the Court house in Heppner, a man ana nis two wives, assisted f T wltl Dub ic auction to by a woman friend. The delin- the highest bidder for cash the follow quents were made to carry the Ing described real property in Morrow stolen goods back to the huts from county, state oi uregon, io-wii. T, j i j rrv.. All nt Rrc 1: WW of Sec. 8: the oa. OHM ,. . ..v . . - - for the good and sufficient reason that they had been eaten. The fee of the native Sherlock Holmes for this feat of detection was a bag of salt! For years afterwards Mr. Garden was left unmolested by thieves, for section 6, lying and being South and Southerly of the County road running through said section 6; NW'i of Sec. IS; all right, title and Interest of mortgagors, J. R. Cart wright and Maggie Cartwright in the SWWNW',: BE!4SW; N'fe SW'4, and the SF.V, of Sec. 5, all in Tp. 1 N. R. 23 E. W. M. Said sale Is made under execution ia- on the roof of one of his huts he m,efj 0t of the Circuit Court of the had placed one of the "magic" State of Oregon for Gilliam county, and .-. to me directed in the case of Carrie jiorna. w Iiurnham. J. B. Morrison and A. K. Dealing with the tea industry in McMahan. plaintiffs, vs. J. R. CarU Nyasaland, for which he has done wrtght. Magpie Cartwright, A.. H. Swit- so much, Mr Garden told me that r Mary Et t cultivation of the plant In that dls- t(,rpRt to WeBt CoaRt Ban-corporation, trlrt ia wnrcadintr. The chief dif- a comoratlon. Leon Logan. Jodie Mor- flniiltv met with hv the oroducers rison, P. E. Snodgrass, Marion Chard, . , J u . t . . Wa ter Pope, and MarK v. weather la the heavy rail charges for send- lm.d defen5anU. Ing the tea to the coast The price c J. D. BAUMAN, obtained for the Nyasaland leaf In Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. Federal Land Bank of Spokane , Murphy, P. T. Levin, Harry Essex, John G. .. Holmberg, Nels Farmer, James - Carty, Patrick Beckland, Ernest O. Flood. James, Heirs Schmidt, Charles et ux . Schmidt Charles H. Amato, f ranK Sepanek, Michael et ux . Sepanek, Michael et ux uonrad. uuo Thompson. Byron M. ... Spencer. Arthur W. . Brumneld, Sadie Nelson, Peter Carl Treisch, W. H. Castle Rock Land Ass'n . Broyles, Sarah A .. Castle Rock Land Ass'n Doherty, Nell Castle Rock Land Ass'n , Castle Rock Land Ass'n .. Gordon, Lizzie -... .. Hoover, Samuel S. Israel, Genevieve Jenkins, J. D Luten, B. B. Klesel, William C. Mather, The Misses Storseth, John Decker, Margaret DeYounff, May Bank. First Nat'l Heppner . Rosequist, Victor . inley, Claude L. co W. is. Finley sepaneK, m. et ux Castle Rock Land Ass'n Burnell, L. M. Doherty, Nell Farrand, Calvin D. . Cummins, Vere Cummins, Solomln C. Rletmann, Victor .. Gorger, George . Krause, Franz . Central Trust Co. Kilkenny, Peter .... DeFranq - Moore .. Porter, A. A. Rupprecht George Castle Rock Land Ass'n ....... Castle Rock Land Ass'n Wade, Douglas A. et ux Deos, Mrs. L. A. instate , Broyles, Sarah A. . ..... .... Castle Rock Land Ase'n Schlssler, H. H. Irrlgon - Irrigon Irrlgon Irrigon Irrlgon . , Irrigon Irrigon - . Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrison Irrigon - Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigoii , Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon . Irrigon ., Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon .... Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon .. Irrigon Irrigon, All except ... Irrigon Hardman ... Hard man .. Hardman, N 30 ft Hardman Hardman Hardman Hardman Hardman . Hardman Hardman Hardman Hardman M. 23, 24 30 . 6 to 8 Inc 31 ' 13to 20 Inc 31 LiS 32 445 32 6 to 12 Inc. 32 1 4 2 36 67 36 8 36 , 11 to 15 Inc. 36 18 36 17 20 4 21 4 6, ft 7 87 37 38 38 38 38 38 39 39 39 39 18 & 19 39 ... 20 to 33 Inc. 39 24 ft 26 39 39 ... 11 12 ft 13 4 9 . 14 17 28, 29. 30 39 1&2 40 . 15 to 18 Inc 40 20 40 1 to 37 Inc 43 -. 1 to 35 Inc. 44 6&7 45 1 to 35 Inc 46 6 A 1,2,3 B 4 1, 2, 3, 4 Hardman, Royses N 40 ft. Hardman, Royses Hardman, Royses Hardman, Royses Hardman, Royses Hardman, Fergersons Hardman, Adams .. Hardman, Adams N 23 ft of Hardman. Adams Hardman, Adams . 1, 2, 3, 4 Hardman, Adams 1 ft 2 Hardman, Adams. E 100 ft. 5 Hardman, Adams 2nd . 1 ft 2 Pundt Bernard, co Phipps, F. L. Trustee Schmidt, Anne E Pundt Bernard, co Phipps, F. L. Trus tee . . ... ... Amato, Frank Pundt, Bernard, co Phipps, F. L. Trus tee .... 3 ft 4 . 2 3, 4. 5, 6 . -2 ... 3, 4 6 4 4 6 4 -.5 46 . All 142 142 3 .. 6, 7, 8 546 11 ft 12 1, 2, 3 10, 11, 12 Hardman, Adams 2nd Hardman. Adams 2nd Hardman, Adams 2nd Hardman, Adams 2nd Hardman. Adams 2nd Hardman Tr. 8 (DR V-53) Hardman Tr. 9 (DR T-238) Hardman Tr. 20 (DR 37-162-39-310) Hardman Tr. 21 (DR 37-162 39-310) SWV4NW4, SESWli, N SWV4, SEi 5 All S ft E of road 6 All 7 W,E. W 8 Tract (DR 34-208) 9 NWVl 18 NM.NWW 27 All 36 SW14 1 SEV4 8 SW 8 NSWK. SE14SW14 10 All 15 E4E 2 All 10 NE14 22 o S'ASWVx SlsSW,, SWH SEi4 19 NE'4 .'. 26 NWNW& 30 S',S 24 NE-4NW14, NWtfNEK, Eft NEV4 25 WMiNEVl, NV-SEVi 19 NE(4NEi4 22 SHSW 27 Tract (DR Y-257) 33 All 6 All 9 SWV4 - 14 E,4 14 swy, 16 All 21 NW 22 SEli 23 W1 except 1 Acre for cem etery, NEV4 26 NV4SB14. SE',iSEV4 26 wy.NE SWViNW'A, NlSWVi NEVl - S'AS'jSWVi, NNW, S NVVVi -... e 4 4 ....!ZIZZ"!r""ZZ" W",iNW'4, NEi4NW4 SE'LNEU SW',4 KWH - SE'4 NEV4NE14, WViNE!4 N'i W! W'4W!4, SEViSWW NE4, E'iNW'j, NE&SW14, NW14SEV4 -. SVjN'i, SW,i SE'i NW',4 - N'iNE'4, SW'4NE14 W14NE14 E'NEli NWy, SWVi NW4 . SW14 - All WVi - NViNEVi 27 31 34 34 35 12 18 19 24 24 24 30 8 10 12 12 14 18 19 19 20 20 20 23 24 24 25 26 28 28 30 30 32 6 8 SE'4 18 SW14 frl 19 NWM, ESWV4, SWV4SW 20 .SWWNWV4, WiSWt4, SE'4 30 W'.WiA NE4, EtNW!4, E'SE4 .... SWfc SE4 NWV4. SVi NE4 All NWV4NWJ All All All All 30 1 3 13 36 5 NW14NWV.NWU. WV4NE- NWMNwy, 17 EVfe WVfeSEH, EWWV4WV4 SE'4 17 WASEi4NEViNW14 -- 17 W'iSE'ANWiANEVi, NWVi SWViNW'4, NW14 NWVi NE'4, E'iKWViNWViNE'A 17 ENEV4, WV.NEV4NW54 . NE'4 17 SW'ANEliSEM " E 2 Acres NWViNESE'i 17 V7V4 NW'4 NW!4 SE'A, SE'4 NE'4SW'4 17 NE'4 NE'4 SWVi, EV4 NW'4 , NE'4SW'4 17 W'ASWV4NWV4NE4 17 NW'4 NW'4, E'ANE'4. SE'4 21 SW'4NW'4, NW4SW4, N'A NEViSW'i 21 All 36 N'iNE'4 16 SE'4 NE'4 All All NWVi ... NE'4 .. NE'4 . NEV4 SE'4 SW'4 .. All frl. All Coin, George M. Estate ........... Waggoner, Ople L. .... ........ Stephens, Wm. S. et ux Lead better, Charles ........ ..... Burleson, David W, ft Klein Realty Service ........ .... Gurley, S. A D Castle Rock Land Ass'n .... ............. Prater, J. H. et ux .. Walpole, W. R. Estate Thomas, Elizabeth S. Ex Bills, J. C . Brlce, J. T. Walpole, W. R. co Ira L. Berger ... Jaeckel, Charles ,. Jaeckel, Ernest 26 26 28 32 84 4 7 18 16 18 13 25 W'jNWVi 28 NWVi '2 WViSWVi 84 All except 12 Acres right-of- way All frl 11 NW',NW'4 14 EViNW'4. NE'4, NSE'4 .... 4 NV4NWV4NWV4 - I8 S"i.NW'4NW'4. NEViNW'4, S'jNW'4 - 18 SE'4 1" NE'4 . : J8 All 17 HEViNWVi 23 NW'4SE'4 N of Canal 23 W SW'4 NW'4, WViNWVi SW'4 Unit D , 24 E',SW'4NE'4, EVtNWttSEVi Unit C 24 NE'4NW'4, NW14NBV4 25 EHNE'4 ... 25 EViNW'A, W"V4NBV4. NWV4 SE'4 ....-......-... NEVtNE'4 . 2" L12 1.50 .87 2.98 1.13 .74 2.62 .74 .74 .37 1.87 .37 .87 8.23 .37 1.12 .37 .37 .74 .37 .37 .37 .74 I. 49 .74 .37 1.13 .74 1.49 .37 8.81 8 43 6.93 19.64 3.23 12.60 1.25 16.10 491 16,80 II. 20 2.11 4.21 6.31 1.11 3.79 6.99 1.40 4.21 9.81 9.80 1.11 4.21 15.69 2.80 1.38 .55 2.65 .54 .84 .84 1.42 2.11 .34 1.38 1.42 1.66 14.00 14.06 19.62 LANDS OF MOBBOW COTT-TTY 1939 1928 1937 18SS 19. 1.00 .87 1.06 1.38 1.31 1.14 .36 3.64 2.77 2.63 2.30 1.03 1.00 .87 1.08 1.09 .69 .66 .67 .71 .71 2.43 2.32 2.00 2 49 .69 .66 .67 .71 .69 J56 .57 .71 .71 .36 .34 .29 .37 .37 1.75 .36 .34 3.16 3 91 3.96 .34 .34 .29 7.62 7.24 6.31 7.83 .34 .33 .29 .36 .36 1.04 .98 .86 1.06 .34 .34 .29 .36 .34 .35 33 .34 !S3 .29 .36 .34 .32 .29 .86 J4 .32 .29 .36 .36 .69 .66 .67 .72 .71 1.38 1.31 2.59 3.20 8.22 .69 .66 .67 .72 .34 .34 .29 .36 .36 1.03 .69 .66 .57 .71 .71 1.38 1.31 1.16 1.42 L43 .34 .34 .29 .36 .36 4.06 8.90 3.21 9.09 3.27 4.41 19-6 19M 193 Total Interact Amount for all k Penalty Our. of Year. to 13-31-34 Delln. 18.01 16.29 498 16.98 36.97 46.89 41.99 11.31 19.62 24.71 22.61 2.11 3.26 3.53 3.23 4.25 4.92 6.31 4.83 4.93 6.38 10.64 1.11 3.79 6.87 6.79 7.08 13.08 14.12 1.42 1.66 1.63 9.92 15.56 16.78 15.36 7.44 9.92 1.12 4.23 15.86 2.83 8.20 L43 1.66 .66 .63 .70 2.69 .66 .63 .70 .83 .99 1.07 .83 .99 1.07 1.43 1.66 1.78 IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N ' 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 3N 3N 3N 3N 3N 3N 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 27 27 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 . 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 25 26 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 23 23 23 23 24 24 37.24 26.96 94.08 67.08 .36 22.86 24.28 105.71 27.40 17.64 19.44 21.89 160.21 22.71 80.48 28.12 19.28 34.58 16.74 6.15 129.68 108.29 15.84 3.60 13.14 .07 36 99 36.87 9.21 18.44 9.21 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