HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPT. 12, 1935. PAGE FIVE TODAY and FRANK PAJUErTTN''! SrpCKBRIDeEg Liberty . has laws I think of no word that is so often misused and misunderstood as the word "liberty." To many people is seems to mean that they have a right to do as they please regardless of the rights of others. I do a great deal of motoring, much of it over wide, smooth concrete highways, and I see many examples of drivers who have no regard whatever for the safety of others. Liberty, it seems to me, is not the right to violate law or to infringe upon other peoples' liberty. Unfor tunately, we have in America a very large number of people, not all of them of recent foreign birth or descent, whose idea is exactly the opposite. It is an extremely prev alent idea among our foreign-born population that they don't have to obey any laws at all in this land of liberty to which they have come to escape, in many cases, from the rigorous regulation of their native countries. Registration . . of aliens There is no nation except ours In the world that permits foreign ers to enter and move about freely without identification cards and registration with the police or mu nicipal authorities. These other nations protect the liberties of their own people against Infringement by foreigners who don't understand or are not in clined to conform to their laws and customs, by keeping the closest tab on everybody who is not a citi zen. In most countries, a landlord is subject to severe penalty if he rents an apartment or a hotel room to an alien without first inspecting the foreigner's passport and other papers and immediately reporting the visitor to the police. I have a strong feeling that the United States would have much less of a crime problem if we kept the same kind of tab of every stranger within our gates. Fingerprints ... of all The suggestion has often been made, and I think the idea is gain ing ground, that every child ought to be finger-printed at birth and a record of those fingerprints filed with the proper authorities for pos sible future Identification. I can not see where it would be an in fringement upon individual liberty to require every citizen to carry with him at all times some identi fication, either a card with his fingerprints and name, or an iden tification tag such as are issued to soldiers in war. A terrible howl goes up from some quarters whenever such a sug gestion is made. My observation is that the howls mostly arise from persons or groups who are more Interested in evading the law or helping violators of law to go free, than from law-abiding citizens. Relief . . . goes estray I have seen many statements lately of the number of aliens in the United States who are drawing re lief money from municipal, state or Federal sources. Some of them, to be sure, have taken out their first papers. One case I heard of re cently is that of a man and wife who have never earned a cent since they came to America. She was a widow with five children, he is a widower with six children, and their joint progeny has added another half-dozen or so to the population of America. The man has been supported by charity almost from the time of his entrance into this country. By any sensible test of qualflca tions for citizenship, this family never would have been allowed ,to remain here. Nationalism . for us, too I have little sympathy with the Intensely nationalistic spirit which has seized the people of almost all the world In the past few years. I think it is about time we in the United States were tightening the lines. It is becoming a matter of self-defense. We have a greater opportunity to go on indefinitely as a self-contained nation than has al most any other country. We are dependent upon the rest of the world for only a few luxuries. I have never seen any human plan that was perfect, but it does not seem impossible for America to de velop an economic system under which our own people will be able to consume everything that our mines, waters, forests, farms and factories can produce and provide a market which would still keep us in the position of the most pros perous nation In the world. Until the rest of the world re covers its economic sanity and ceases to set up stupid artificial barriers to the free-flow of Inter national trade, It seems to me that America might show how much better she can do the job of being a completely self-contained nation. Klamath Seed Harvest Large Klamath Falls The total harvest of small seeds In Klamath county this year will be approximately 750, 000 pounds, or the largest amount in the hiBtory of the district, ac cording to County Agent C. A. Hen derson. It will Include about a quarter million acres of alslke clo ver seed, a similar amount of seed ceas about 60,000 pounds of blue- grass seed, some sweet clover and red clover, and miscellaneous other grasses. The bent grass harvest is under way and indications are mat ylelde will be good and quality ex cellent, says Mr. Henderson. For Sale 6-room modern resi dence, steam furnace, fireplace; good terms. Inquire O. T. office. 28 Professional Cards REAL ESTATE General Line of Insurance and Bonds. W. M. ECBANKS Notary Public Phone 62 lone, Ore. W. L. BLAKELY Representing Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co. Caledonian Fire Insurance Ce. HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR WOOL HIDES PELT8 Phone 782 Heppner, Ore. VAWTER PARKER ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Phone 173 Heppner Hotel Building Dr. Richard C. Lawrence DENTIST Modern equipment including X-ray for dental diagnosis. First National Bank Building Phone 062 Heppner, Ore. DR. L. D. TIBBLES OSTEOPATHIC Phrileiaa A Surgeon FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG.' Ru. Phene 1162 OffiM Phane 491 HEPPNER, OREGON Heppner Abstract Co. J. LOGIE RICHARDSON, Hsr. RATES REASONABLE HOTEL HEPPNER BUILDING Perry Granite Company Portland Fine Memorials Eastern Oregon Representative H. C. CASE, Heppner AUCTIONEER Farm and Personal Property Sales a Specialty a. L. BENNETT "The Man Who Talks to Beat tha Band" LEXINGTON. OREGON J. 0. TURNER ATTORNEY IT IAW Phon) 173 Hotel Heppner Building HEPPNER, ORB. DR. RAYMOND RICE PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office First National Bank Building Offlca Phon (23 Home Phon 811 WM. BROOKHOUSER PAINTING. FAPEBHASOXNa XNTEBXOB rECOBATDfO Heppner, Oregon DR. J. H. McCRADT DENTIST X-Bay Diagnosis GILMAN BUILDING Heppner, Oregon A. D. McMURDO, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND BUBO-EON Trained Nan Assistant Office in Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon P. W. MAHONEY ATTOBOTSY-AT-LAW Heppner Hotel Building Willow St Entrance S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY AT LAW OfflM la Court House Heppner, Oragon J. 0. PETERSON Latest Jewelry end Gift Oooda Watohea . Cloaks Diamonds Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon F. W. TURNER & CO. mi, AUTO AND LOT XNSTTBANOB Old Line Companies. Baal Batata. Heppner, Oregon JOS. J. NYS ATTOBNBT.AT.LAW Boberts Building, WlUow Itreat Heppner, Oregon To Whom Asaeued on 1935 Tu Boll Straight, W. E. Reld. A. R. Stevenson, Elsie Ann Walbridge, Eliza Latourell, Chas. H. , Grotkopp. Emil Ferguson, Pearl E. Fell. Ida M. Adjustment Bureau of the Portland Ass'n of Credit Men French, Uzz Healy, Annie Reid, Martha Schwartz, Henry Borg, P. O. Estate Borg, P. O. Estate McRoberts, W. T. McRoberts, W. T Case, M. L. et ux . Turner, Frank W. Cox, J. H. Borg, P. O. Estate . Turner, C. D. Estate Randall. Sarah H. Carty, James Nordyke, E. Allyn, Carl L Allyn, Carl L Cox, O. J. et ux Cox, O. J. et ux Warner, Henry Earl . Warner, Henry Earl . McMillan, E. D .. McMillan, E. D. Helms, James H. Davis. Clark T. Phillips. Sarah Nordyke, Minnie, et vir , Nordyke, Minnie, et vir , McAlister, Charles R. McAlister, Charles R. Nordyke, E McAlister, Charles R. , Henfell, Bell Engleman, Frank RnirlAman Fmnk Engleman, Frank . Campbell, J. w. Campbell, J. W. Pnmnholl I W . Campbell, J. W. . Swanson, c w Bullard. W. E. co John Farris MCNamer, w. Balcomb, Edna Hossner Balcomb, Edna Hossner Blake, E. J. et ux Blake, E. J. et ux Rice, Archer Walker, Clyde R. Stringer, Louisa B. ... Swanson, C. W. , Randall. Bergena B. Randall: Bereena B. McMillan, W. P. A Delia . Grabill. Ida M. Grabill, Ida M McNamer, C. W. .. - Robnett, J. H. Sperry, R. W. Estate Lovell, Paul E Independent Whse. Co. co Farmers Elev. Co. of lone O'Meara. Stella Wiggens, Laura E. Rolfson, Ida B. A Pentecostal Assem bly Rietmann, Robert . - Blake. H. M Padberg, E. L. Estate Padberg, E. L. Estate Peterson, Victor G. Ritchie, George W. Ritchie. George W. Brown, Earle A. et ux Fletcher, Ida Fletcher, Harry D Corkhoff, Amanda . Piggott, Sarah , Ball. Lewis Griffith, Elmer Swanson, C. W. Swanson, C. W Stratton, Sylvia J. O'Shee, Martha McNamer, C. W. ... Fletcher, Harry D. Frank, E. G. Phelps, Leila A, Lee, uuy u. Jones, Percy E. et ux Davis, Ralph S Goodwin. Chas. W. Munger, H. E. Klitz, Margaret M. Klltz, r . X. Warner, Eva L. ..... Warner. Eva L Sherman. Emma E. Smith, Frank Wilson, Alex . Mathes. Edna M. ... Murchle. Harry T . McKean, J. C. ft R. H. , Bumside, H. A ... Doering, Carl W. Miles, Alice E. Warren, H. E , Voyen. Clara J ... Murcnie. Harry r. snaar, w. w Shaar, W. W. McKean, J. C. R. H McKean. J. C. ft R. H. Maxwell, Effle Murchle, Harry T Spagle. Lowell A. Murchle, H. T Murcnie, Harry T ... Kennedy, May C. . . ... Gorham, J. F. Ballenger, Ruth N Heln, Mary A. Latourell, Chas. H ... Snively. Mrs. Flora . .... Gorham, Marvel ti. Chaffee, May Price. W. A. et ux Price. W. A. et ux McKean. J. C. A R. H McKean, J. C. A R. H Weston, Clair P. Harter Price, W. A. et ux ... McKean, J. C. & K. H. . Marshall, Annie Estate ...... McNamee, James ... . McNamee, James . . Weston. Annis McNamee. James . .................. Weston, H. H. Walpole, Ella R. Estate Walpole, Ella R. Estate Walpole. Etha M. Cook, Mrs. L. M. Walpole. W. R. Estate micnanon, May Caldwell, Clifford H. Locke, W. J. Portfors, J. F ., Wadsworth. Sue P. ... Suddarth, W. L. A Orlena M. Keseler, Frances F ......, Quimby, Charles C. Fierce, William H Mann, c. w. Walpole, Etha M Woodward, I V. et vir Woodward, L. V. et vir . Knight. C. E. Graybeal, Lee Beneflel, Ralph et al , Foster, J. A ..... Walpole, W. R. Estate ... isiume, ueorge , Cronk, Thomas A. et ux .... Swayze, F. B Swayze, F. B .., Swayze, F. B ...... Cummlngs Fred N. .. Qulnlin, Eliza J. Jorgenson, A ......... . Davis, u. w. McCune, Debbie Bell , Doering, Carl W. McCune, Debbie Bell Glover, D. F. , George, T. J. et ux ... Ives, Catherine ... McCoy, J. E J... Gilbertson, Martin Jorenson, Andrew , Allen, Macle Charles Sao. Twp or or Lot Blk Daaoription of Property Heppner Looneys except W 100 ft. . . 12 2 Heppne Mt. Vernons 4 to 8 Inc. 11 Tract Heppner ML Vernons ia;. wins 33) is 11 Heppner Mt. Vernons Tract (DR 39-471) Heppner Tr. No. 5C (DR 36-592) Heppner Tr. No. 11 (DR 33-2) Heppner Tr. No. 54B (DR 39-394) Heppner Tr. No. 65 (DR 30-581) Heppner Tr. No. 77 28 11 (1K 38-53) Heppner Tr. No. 80 less Tr. No. 92 (DR W-452) Heppner Tr. No. 90 (DR 35-507) Heppner Tr. No. 103 (DR 32-346) Heppner Tr. No. 110 (DR 33-95) Heppner Tr, No. 112 (DR P-131) Heppner Tr. No. 113 (DR J-566) . Heppner Tr. No. 114 (DR 32-611-549) Heppner Tr. No. 115 (DR 32-611-549) Heppner Tr. No. 116 (UK 3H-50) Heppner N 51 ft. of S. 132 ft of Tr. No. 130 less Tr. No. 172 (DR 32-137) Heppner Tr. No. 146 (UK 35-54) Heppner Tr. No. 173 (DR 35-113) Lexington 2 Lexington j. 12 Lexington northeasterly 63 ft 6 7 Lexington . 10 Lexington E 14.42 feet of WVSE - 6 Lexington W 14.42 feet ol WE Lexington .... Lexington ...... Lexington .... Lexington SVi Lexington ..... Lexington ...2, 34 5 Lexington Lexington . ...6, 78 Lexington Penlands 3 Lexington Fernanda s oi OWR&N RjW - 45 Lexington Penlands frl 10 Lexington McAlisters . 4, 6 6 Lexineton McAlisters .... 7 Lexington McAlisters 2nd all blk. 3 lying S of S line of NWySEH. Sec. 27 IS 25 25 S Lexington Tr No. 3 (DR Y-596) Lexington Tr. No. 18 ex. Tr. sold to City (DR 34-366) lone W 17 ft. 3 2 lone 4 2 lone 5 & 6 2 lone 7 2 lone 8 2 lone 9 2 lone 10 2 lone 11 to 16 Inc. 2 lone 4 3 lone Sperrys 2nd 9 4 10 4 lone Sperrys 2nd E 10 ft 14 4 lone Sperrys 2nd , 15 16 4 lone Sperrys 2nd . 12 5 lone Sperrys 2nd E 14 ft and 7 in. 3 6 lone Sperrys 2nd 7 4 8 5 lone Sperrys 2nd 13 4 14 5 lone Sperrys 2nd 9 to 12 Inc. 7 lone Sperrys 2nd lone Sperrys 2nd . lone Sperrys 2nd . 6 to 8 Inc. 8 9 8 10 8 11 12 , 8 lone sperrys ana . lone Sperrys 2nd N 25 ft. ..... 9 10 9 lone Sperrys 2nd 12 to 16 Inc. 9 lone Sperrys 2nd 6 to 12 Inc. 10 lone Sperrys 3rd NE14 3 lone Sperry's 3rd . SE14 3 lone Sperrys 4th . 2 lone Wills 5 Park lone Wills 1, 2, 3 15 lone Wills N 40 ft 4 15 lone Wills lone Wills lone Cluffs 2nd E 20 ft. lone Cluffs 3rd lone Cluffs 3rd ....... lone Cluffs 4th lone Cluffs 4th lone Cluffs 4th lone Cluffs 4th 3 ..142 .78 5 8 .142 .748 . 1 42 .34 .3 44 lone Cluffs 6th lone Cluffs 6th lone Cluffs 7th lone Cluffs 7th 66 lone Halvorsens 23 lone Tr. No. 6 (DR T-251) lone W 50 ft. Tr. No. 12 (DR 32-173) lone E 60 ft. Tr. No. 12 (DR 29-361) lone Tr. No.. 23 less right-of-way of Highway (DR R-149 lone Tr. No. 27 (DR P-262) lone Tr. No. 28 (DR 32-532) lone Tr. No. 31 (DR 27-472) SV4 of vacated McKee St be tween G ft H Streets (DR 40-572) uoardman ... 4 5 .... 4 4 5 7 849 .. 10 13 ... 14 .. 3 ... 4 23, 24. 25 .... 646 .. 21 4 22 .. 6 .... 1, 2. 3 ... 6. 7, 8 10 Boardman Boardman Boardman Boardman Boardman Boardman Boardman Boardman Boardman, Boardman Boardman Boardman Boardman Boardman Boardman Boardman SH Boardman 11 Boardman - 1 4 2 Boardman .. .. 3 to 6 Inc. Boardman 7 Boardman 10 4 11 Boardman . 12 Boardman, S',4 13 Boardman, N'A 13 Boardman . 14 Boardman . - 15 & 16 Boardman 21 4 22 Boardman 26 4 26 Boardman, E 60 ft. 9 & 10 RoHrdman .......... 14 Boardman , 15, 16, 17 8 Boardman 0 8 Boardman 1. 2, 3 9 Boardman 4 to 8 Inc. 9 Boardman - 9 4 10 9 Boardman 11 4 12 9 Boardman 1 to 8 Inc. 10 Boardman . 5, 6, 7 11 Boardman . 8 11 Boardman 1 to 4 Inc. 12 Boardman 1 to 4 Inc. 13 Boardman - 14 2 14 Boardman 7 4 8 17 Boardman .. C Boardman D Castle Rock 9 4 10 1 Castle Rock 6 3 Castle Rock 13 to 16 Inc. 4 Castle Rock 1. 2. 3 10 Castle Rock 5 to 8 Inc. 10 Castle Rock 8 11 Irrigon ... - 11 Irrigon ... 12 Irrigon - - 6 13 Irrigon 7 to 11 Inc. 13 Irrigon 12 4 13 15 Irrigon 11 to 14 Inc. 16 Irrigon 15 to 18 Inc. 16 Irrigon 19 to 22 Inc. 16 Irrigon 23 4 24 16 Irrigon 41 to 44 Inc. 17 Irrigon 1 18 Irrigon 2 43 18 Irrigon 7 to 10 Inc. 18 Irrigon 11 18 Irrigon - 12 19 Irrigon 16 20 Irrigon 11 to 14 Inc. 25 Irrigon 30 4 31 25 Irriiron 32 4 33 25 Irrinon 13 & 14 26 Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon 83 35 546 748 Irrigon irrigon 13 Irrigon 17 & 18 Irrigon 21 Irrigon 23 4 24 Irriiron 37 to 40 Inc. Irrigon 29 to 32 Inc. 28 Irrigon 41 to 46 Inc. 28 Irrigon 9 to 12 Inc. 29 Irrigon la to 10 inc. Irrigon 17 to 20 Inc. 29 Irrigon 27 to 80 Inc. 29 Irrigon 31 to 33 Inc. 29 Irrigon 1, 2. 3 30 Irrigon 648 80 Irrigon 8 to 10 Inc. 30 Irrigon 11 4 13 80 Irrigon 13 4 14 80 Irrigon 19 4 20 30 Bug. 1930 1929 1928 39.80 619 8.91 123 1.20 1.27 1.23 120 64.45 2.48 2.38 2.65 .97 9.68 9.21 9.89 9.90 9.44 10.12 .51 34.66 33.04 36.40 2.48 9.90 8.72 S.56 3.81 69.40 66.64 7.44 7.09 7.61 94.06 89.68 96.14 9.90 9.44 10.07 12.39 11.81 6.33 87.13 86.39 37.91 86.23 36.29 2.46 2.55 2.42 1.20 6 2.24 2.18 2.31 2.18 2.67 9 10.68 9 5.62 6.46 6.80 6.44 6.42 9 1.69 10 12.93 12.56 10 .85 -82 12 35.95 35.00 87.10 14.63 12 8.76 8.49 9.02 15 144.72 140.86 149.36 15 2.12 2.07 2.19 18 6.19 6.02 6.99 18 40.76 39.66 39.44 18 11.81 11-49 19 1.69 163 171 1.61 1.94 22 24.72 24.04 16.82 24 .85 .81 .88 .82 .97 24 1.12 1.13 1.09 1.28 2 13.47 13.11 13.91 2 4.50 4.38 4.64 1.98 2.23 2.17 2.30 115.21 26.96 23.33 28.98 26.48 22.80 19.73 18.61 29.09 25.16 31.25 27.46 24.67 21.24 20.03 47.10 40.73 6.93 5.98 . 105.26 90.01 2 77 2.41 2.22 1-88 209.15 180.82 224.62 6.93 2.99 7.44 6.64 6.05 44.32 38.32 47.60 41.84 37.44 32.40 30.56 I. 10 -95 1.19 1.03 .93 .79 33.24 28.74 35.70 31.38 28.08 24.30 6.54 4.78 6.23 1.61 1-39 1.51 6.54 4.78 6.95 6.23 4.67 48,76 42.15 62.36 46.03 41.19 35.66 33.63 8.87 7.67 9.53 8.37 7.49 7.20 6.22 12.21 35.44 1.65 3.33 2.87 3.58 6.64 6.74 54.03 46.72 11.08 9.67 11.90 10.46 9.36 8.10 7.68 14.41 1245 16.48 13.69 36.57 3162 13.86 3.47 26.33 1.38 120 149 16.62 17.85 II. 08 1.34 143 1.26 1.18 .97 .91 62.04 63.64 3.33 2.87 2.77 11.09 9.67 11.89 33.24 28.74 29.76 27.70 2.21 3.84 4.76 4.18 8.76 3.24 8.07 2.91 5.05 16.65 14.66 13.11 11.34 10.69 23.81 20.60 19.64 21.06 18.20 19.64 17.26 15.44 13.38 12.60 37.66 32.66 40.43 35.67 3182 27.56 194 8.88 29.64 26.63 6169 47.10 40.71 41.62 .55 1.38 1.38 6.24 1.39 2.33 2.33 465 4.35 20.35 2.33 2.33 19.75 17.43 I. 46 6.97 4.65 6.81 16.83 41.81 6.97 2.33 11.03 7.26 II. 62 2.90 34.86 2.90 1.46 1.46 2.90 14.52 6.95 14.53 6.81 2.90 8.71 2.91 65.06 34.86 110.39 4.65 20.06 8.71 2.91 40.67 22.66 4.07 4.65 2.91 2.04 .41 .23 .S3 .64 .82 .23 .74 4.11 .37 1.89 .74 1.49 1.49 7.11 .74 1.49 .37 .74 1.49 .37 .37 .37 20.21 3.74 .74 .74 .87 .87 .74 .74 .37 .74 .87 .74 1.60 1.50 2.25 1.60 1.50 1.50 1.60 1.12 8.61 .75 1.12 .75 .75 .76 1.38 .69 1.38 .34 .34 .34 18.69 3.48 .69 .69 .35 .35 .69 .69 .35 .69 .35 .69 1.38 1.38 2.08 1.38 1.38 1.88 1.38 1.03 .69 1.03 .69 .69 .69 .34 .66 1.31 .34 .34 .34 17.80 3.30 .66 13.84 .84 .34 .66 .66 .66 .84 .66 1.99 1.31 1.31 9.68 1.31 1.00 14.20 .66 1.00 .66 .66 .66 1927 192 1934 1.21 1.21 1.20 1.21 2.42 2.48 2.41 9.41 172 33.81 33.60 84.16 3.63 1.81 7.26 91.96 7.26 91.77 48.00 2.06 6.15 4.74 1.56 .78 1.42 .48 .59 .50 .47 .41 .38 1.20 1.48 1.31 .59 120 1.49 1.31 1.17 1.02 .94 10.78 13.40 11.76 10.54 9.10 8.60 2.64 2.73 2.66 8J8 2.64 2.73 2.66 3.18 1.61 4.95 23.14 20.26 2.64 2.73 2.65 8.18 22.47 23.28 22.63 27.01 6.29 5.48 6.31 6.37 3.84 6.60 7.96 6.41 19.17 23.28 7.92 2.74 7.97 3.17 7.71 2.82 2.64 2.73 2.66 2.67 12.55 13 02 12.60 15.09 6.77 8.27 8.57 8.28 9.94 6.39 6.65 13.22 13.68 13.24 15.90 55.13 66.39 3.32 3.45 3.31 8.32 1.67 1.65 1.72 1.66 2.00 .97 .97 3.31 3.44 3.31 3.98 1.93 1.97 16.52 16.53 16.68 9.91 10.29 9.96 1192 3 31 7401 38.34 39.66 41.10 125.59 5.29 6.31 6 37 5.14 2.60 2281 23.63 22.89 27.43 22.13 22 63 9.93 58.22 66.36 67.67 54.60 65.79 3.31 3 44 3.32 46.27 47.94 4H.41 25.77 26.71 25.86 31.00 4.63 4.80 4.63 5.55 4.48 4.60 5.30 5.48 8.31 3.43 8.32 2.32 2.40 2.31 2.79 .92 2.30 .37 .40 .39 .41 27.13 .19 .21 .20 .20 .19 .21 .73 .80 .78 .79 .75 .77 .68 .61 .59 .59 .58 .69 .73 .80 .78 .79 .75 .77 .19 .21 .20 .19 .21 .69 .66 .67 . 71 8.80 3.64 8.16 8.91 .34 .34 .29 .36 1.74 1.44 1.78 .69 .66 3.43 1.38 1.31 1.16 1.42 1.43 1.39 6.69 6.28 6.45 .57 1.14 1.43 .37 .36 .86 1.43 .36 .36 1.39 .34 .34 .29 .29 .67 12.04 .29 .29 .67 .67 .29 .67 .29 .67 1.16 1.72 1.15 1.18 8.31 116 .87 12.36 6.62 .67 .57 .67 .71 14.96 .36 .36 .71 .36 .73 .36 .71 1.43 2.14 142 10.33 1.07 16.32 8.18 .71 .71 .71 .71 15.02 14.44 .36 .36 .71 .36 .71 .69 .35 .69 1.37 2.07 1.37 2.15 1.43 1.09 .71 .71 .71 .71 1.08 .68 .68 .68 Total Intareat Amount for all ft Penalty Car. of Tears to-1J -31-34 DaUn. 1933 89 60 4.75 44 35 12.10 1.45 13 66 914 110 1024 2 43 .17 22.60 54.45 1.53 60.98 14.67 176 16 43 .97 .12 1.09 42.91 5.16 48.06 29.46 2.54 83.00 .61 M .67 238.96 28.68 267.64 2.48 .30 2.78 9.90 1.19 11.09 16.52 198 18.50 116.04 13.92 129.96 36.65 4.40 4105 463.60 55.63 619.23 29.41 8.53 82.94 30.63 366 84.19 230.95 27.71 258.66 8.63 1.04 9 67 13.54 1.62 16.16 10.68 128 11.96 43.92 6.27 49.19 169 .20 189 25.49 3.06 28.66 1.67 .20 1.87 122.68 14.72 137 40 26.27 3.15 29.43 434.94 62.19 487.13 6.38 .77 7.15 18.20 198 20.18 119.86 14.38 134.24 23 30 2.80 26.10 13.16 1.58 14.74 65.58 7.87 73.45 5.80 .70 6.60 4.62 .65 5.17 40.49 4.86 45.35 13.52 1.62 15.14 198 .24 2.22 6.70 .80 7.60 115.21 13.83 129.04 165.89 19.91 185.80 178.80 21.46 200.26 87.83 10.54 98.37 12.91 1.55 14.46 196.27 23.55 219.82 6.18 .62 6.80 4.10 .49 4.59 614.59 73.75 688.34 28.95 8.47 32.42 272.48 32.70 305.18 6.99 .72 6.71 181.44 21.77 203.21 15.55 187 17.42 4.51 .64 6.06 26.17 3.14 29.31 299.77 35.97 335.74 41.93 6.03 46.96 25.63 3.08 28.71 35.44 4.25 39.69 165 .20 1.85 9.78 117 10.95 12.38 1.49 13.87 100.75 12.09 112.84 68.10 8.17 76.27 55.93 6.71 62.64 68.19 8.18 76.87 13.86 166 16.62 3.47 .42 8.89 26.33 3.18 29.49 4.07 .49 4.56 34.47 4.14 38.61 11.08 133 12.41 7.90 .95 8.85 115.68 13.88 129.66 6.20 .74 6.94 2.77 .33 8.10 32.55 3.91 36.46 91.73 11.01 102.74 27.70 3.32 31.02 25.06 3.01 28.07 74.41 8.93 83.34 64.05 7.69 71.74 117.58 14.11 131.69 205.59 24.67 230.26 10.82 130 12.12 116.86 14.02 130.88 129.43 15.43 144.86 3.38 .41 3.79 5.96 .72 6.68 8.51 1.02 9.63 70.42 8.45 78.87 .81 34.30 6.29 1.60 .87 1.39 13.53 15.14 4.65 9.30 63.74 2.33 13.53 115.04 17.43 1.46 6.97 34.46 26.78 59.28 41.81 41.45 12.93 70.06 61.12 179.18 12.98 34.S6 6.62 3.13 11.32 22.59 31.06 6.95 47.64 5.81 2.90 50.78 6.22 1W.40 115.62 235.98 29.36 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