HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUG. 29, 1935. PAGE FIVE Gaylord Succeeds Nye as Home Economics Leader Corvallis. Miss Thelma Gaylord, for five years home demonstration agent in Clackamas county, hag been recommended by Vice-director F. L. Ballard to be acting state leader of extension, work in home economics, effective September 1. Miss Gaylord succeeds Miss Claribel Nye who resigned to enter the Cal ifornia extension service. Miss Gaylord is a graduate of Montana State college who taught in high schools several years before entering the OSC extension service. Her record in Clackamas county is considered outstanding. A suc cessor for her in the county posi tion has not yet been selected. With the change in state leaders will also take place some expansion in extension work in home econom ics, made possible by receipt of ad ditional federal funds and through county cooperation. As soon as qualified personnel can be obtained a new specialist in home manage ment and another in child welfare and parent education will be add ed, as will one or two district home demonstration agents and one or two county workers if counties co operate financially, says Ballard. "A well rounded program of ex tension work applicable to the en tire rural family is the aim of the extension service," Ballard explain ed. "This is accomplished through the agricultural, home economics and 4-H club workers serving as a unit in the common cause of in creasing farm income so that there may be better home conditions and enriched country life generally." Printing in the modern mode as turned out by the Gazette Times shop will please you and attract at tention to your business. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Aug. 13, 1935. NOTICE is hereby given that Wil liam T. Wheeler of Top, Oregon, who, on Sept. 15, 1928. made Homestead En try under Act Dec. 29. 1916, No. 026821, for NM, N'i.S'A, SESSW'i SEViSE'i, Section 27, Township 7 South, Range 27 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before J. H. Allen, Notary Public, at Long Creek. Oregon, on the 5th day of October, 1935. Claimant names as witnesses: Lonzo Merrill, of Monument, Oregon; Roy Scott, of Top. Oregon; Clyde Cox. of Monument, Oregon; Marvin DeVore, of Monument, Oregon. W. F. JACKSON, Register. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. On the 14th day of September, 1935. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door of the Court House at Hepp ner, Morrow County, Oregon. I will sell at auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described real prop erty in Morrow County, Oregon, to-wit: The East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 10; The South west Quarter of Section 11; the West Half of Section 14; the East Half of the East Half of the North east Quarter, and the East Half of The East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 15; the East Half of the East Half of Section 22; the Northwest Quarter, the West Half of the Northeast Quarter, and the West Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 23; in Township 2 South of Range 25, E. W. M. Said sale is made under execution out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow, to me directed in the case of Pacific Coast Joint Stock Land Bank of Portland, a corporation, vs. Nathaniel L. Shaw and Casha F. Shaw, husband and wife, George G. Shaw and Pearl I. Shaw, husband and wife, Hugh W. Shaw and Winifred Shaw, husband and wife, Lotta A. Shaw Budden and Sidney G. Budden. wife and husband, Nora Shaw Ritchie and Ray R, Ritchie, wife and husband, George Lee Shaw, Asa Har old Shaw, Hugh Vester Shaw, Carl Cal vin Shaw, Ray Ernest Shaw, Raymond George Budden, Wallace Alton Bud den, Fay Budden. Sidney Budden, and Margaret Ethel Shaw. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. By ELBERT L. COX, Deputy. First Publication, August 15, 1935. Last Publication, September 12, 1935. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned was duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, administratrix of the estate of Samuel McCul lough, de ceased, and all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased, are hereby required to present the same duly verified as required by law, to suid administratrix, at the law office of Jos. J. Nys. at Heppner, Oregon, with in six months from the date of this no tice. Dated and first published this 8th day of August, 1935. MARY D. McCULLOUGH, Administratrix. est In the real estate described in the amended complaint herein. Defendants. SUMMONS. To: Mabel Harvey and John Doe Har vey, her husband; Bertie Grooves and Richard Roe Grooves, her husband; Gussie Grooves and James Roe Grooves, her husband; The Unknown Heirs of Mabel Harvey, Deceased; The Unknown Heirs of Bertie Grooves, Deceased; The Unknown Heirs of Gussie Grooves, Deceased; The Unknown Heirs of Mary Stewart Laam, (also known as Mary Stewart Lam) and Unknown Heirs of James Stewart, Deceased; Also ali other per sons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real property described in the amended complaint herein, DEFENDANTS. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court and Cause within four weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons and if you fail to appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Baid Court for relief as prayed for in the said complaint, to-wit: for a decree that the plaintiff is the owner in fee simple of the fol lowing described real property: ' West Half of Southwest Quarter; North Half of Southeast Quarter; Southwest Quarter of Northwest Quarter of Section Thirty-six, Township Four South Range Twenty-four East of the Willamette Meridian, in Morrow County, and Southeast Quarter of Northwest Quarter; Northeast Quarter of Southwest Quarter and Lots Num bered Three and Four of Section One, in Gilliam County, State of Oregon, Township Five South Range Twenty-four East of the Willamette Meridian. And that the plaintiff is the owner in fee simple of the said land free of any right, title, estate, lien or interest of you and each of you and that you or any one of you have no right, title, estate, lien or interest in the said land or any part thereof and perpetually restrain and enjoin you and each of you, your heirs and assigns, from as serting or claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the said land or any part thereof, adverse to plain tiff. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof for four consec utive weeks In the Heppner Gazette Times, by order of Honorable Wm. T. Campbell, Judge of the County Court of Morrow County, State of Oregon, and which said order was made ami entered the 29th day of August, 1935, and the first date of this publication is the 29th day of August, 1935. P. W. MAHONEY, Attorney for Plaintiff. Post office Address: Heppner, Oregon. Estate of Elizabeth Young NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW. Probate Department. In the Mutter of the Estate of Eliza beth Young, deceased. Nf,Hco u bprohv triven that the un dersigned. as executors of the estate of Elizabeth Young, deceased, have filed their final account In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Morrow, and that Monday, the 9th Hv fif Snntomhor nt 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said day, and the Court room of the said Court has been appointed by the said Court as the time and place for the hearing of .objections thereto, and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published August 9th iflas Date or last publication September 5lh, 1935. FRANK C. YOUNG, LOWELL A. YOUNG. Executors of the Estate of Ell'.a beth Young, Deceased. Leonard D. Alley. Attorney, 1104 Guardian Bldg., Portland, Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Mntt. ia iiprniw irlven that the un dersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of the Stale of Ore gon for Morrow County, administratrix f th oatnto nf William T McRoberts, deceased, and all persona having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby required to present the same to said administratrix duly verified as required by law, at the law office of JOS. J. Nys, at Heppner, uioguu, .". i aiv vM.mtfia fnmi the date hereof. Dated and first published this 8th day of August, iimo. , STELLA MoROBERTS, Administratrix, tw Trim ptpctttT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MOR ROW COUNTY. Rubina F. Crisman, Plaintiff, vs. tT,, nH .Tnhn Doe Harvey, her husband; Bertie Grooves and mho,i n r.mnvflfl. her husband: Gussie Grooves and James Roo Grooves, her husbnnd; The Unknown Heirs of Mabel Harvoy, Deceased; rrV, TT,,lrnnun Hnlrfl Of Bei'tie Grooves, Deceased; The Unknown Heirs of Gussie Grooves, Deceased; The Unknown Heirs of Mary Mewart Laam, (also known as Mary Stewart r m n,,ri tt,iknnwn Heirs of James Stewart, Deceased; Also all other persons or parties unknown cla mlng any rigm, uue, " IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DIS TRICT OF OREGON. The California Joint Stock Land Bank of San Francisco, a corporation, Plaintiff, vs. Ewing P. Berry and Belle Berry, some times known as Vera B. Berry, his wife; Frank Lieuallen and Hettie E. Lieuallen, his wife; Addle Harman, Administratrix of the Estate of Jen nie P. Hill, deceased; Addie Harman; Mollio Baldwin; Florence Gobat; Tressa Conger; Lair Prather; Merlin Prather; Jeane M. Simpson; Harley Prather; Myrtle Bohna; Bessie Cam mon; Marie Prather; Clyde Hall; Her man Prather; Edward Prather; and Morrow County, a quasi-municipal corporation; Ben Buschke; Cleave Prather; Rebecca Bush; Jane Cowne; Carl Cryderman; Geneva Cryderman; Lola Reader: Marv Ball: Mable Ball: Alma McCann; Ruth Watson; Donald McCann, Jr.; Clyde McCann; Nor man McCann; Carl McCann; Orvil McCann; John McCann; William Mc Cann; George McCann; Cecil Wills; Wanda Klepper; Agnes Morgan; Priscilla Goodwin; Edward Wills; EfHe Ferguson, Defendants. ORDER REQUIRING NON-RESIDENT DEFENDANT TO APPEAR. Equity No. 9427. TO LOLA READER, one of the de fendants above named: You are hereby commanded that all excuses and delays set aside you De and appear within six consecutive weeks from the date of the first publi cation of this order, and not later than September 6, 1935, at the office of the crerk of the United States District Court for the District of Oregon at Portland. Oregon, and plead, answer, or demur unto the amended bill of com- nlaint of The California Joint Stock Land Bank of San Francisco, a corpor ation, in said Court exhibited against you. Hereof you are not to fail at your peril. i That In said suit Dlaintiff is seeking to foreclose a mortgage made on April 1920. and recorded Annl 1U, 19ai. in Book 29 of Mortgage Records of Mor row County, State of Oregon, at page 237 thereof, made to said plaintiff by Ewing P. Berry and Belle Berry, his wile, upon me iouowing aescrioea lands, to-wit: The East half (EV.) and the East half (EM) of the West half W) of Section numbered Ten (10) ex cepting that portion of the East half (EV.) of the Northwest quar ter (NW'4) and the Northwest quarter (NW'i) of the Northeast quarter (NEy4) of said Section numbered Ten (10) lying North and West of the County road; the West half (WM) of the West half (W) of Section numbered Eleven (11); the West half (W',4) and the West half of the East half (EM;) of Sec tion numbered Fifteen (15) in Township Three (3) South, Range Twenty-six (26) East of the Wil lamette Meridian, in the County of Morrow and State of Oregon, save and except 2.70 acres deeded to D. E. Gilman; That said Ewing P. Berry and his said wife on April 20, 1920. mortgaged said lands to jenmo f. ma ior ix,iui.n, wtiich mortgage was recorded April 21, 1920, in Book 29 of Mortgage Rec ords of Morrow, county, Oregon, al m ire 258 thereof: that on February IB. 923. said Ewine P. Berrv and his said wife deeded said lands to Frame Lieu allen and Hetlie E. Lieuallen, which said deed was recorded October 3, 19J.1. In Book 36 of Deed Records of said County and State, and grantees therein assumed and agreed to pay as part of the consideration therefor the plain tiff's said mortgage and the mortgage to Jennie P. Hill; that thereafter and on March 20. 1923. said Frank Lieuallen and Hettie E. Lieuallen. husband and wife, deeded said real property to Jen nie P.. Hill, which said deed was re corded August 6, 1924, In Book 36 of Deed Records of Morrow County, State of Oregon, at' page 611 thereof; that said deed contained the following lan guage, to-wit: "Subject to existing mortgages, one 10 ine uamornia joint Stock Land Bank and one to the grantee herein, which mortgages the grantee herein (Jennie P. Hill) assumes and agrees to pay;" that thereafter said Jennie P. Hill foreclosed her said mortgage recorded April 21, .1920, In Book 29 of Mortgage Records of Mor row County, Oregon, at page 258 there of, and sold said real property at fore closure sale and purchased the same; that on or about the 28th day of June, 1933. said Jennie P. Hill died Intestate in Multnomah County, Oregon, leaving the above described lands as part of her estate; that said Lola Reader is a grand niece and one of the heirs at law of said Jennie P. Hill, deceased, and claims an interest In and to the above described premises and is a necessary and proper party defendant in said To Whom Assailed on 1935 Tut Boll Description of Property Moses, Albert B Castle Rock Land Ass'n . Castle Rock Land Ass'n . Bisbee, L. E. Jones. W. N. . NE'iHEH SW54. SWiiNW'.. SViSEK All Boardman. S. H. co J. M. Allen , Skoubo, Adolph . Hubbell, A D. Ransier. D. F Campbell, W. A Estate Betts, Annie H. Warner, Eva L. Jones. Percy E. et ux Brown, Frank L. Courtwright, R. W Cox, Jay A. Gilliam, EfHe J. Lowry, John W. ft Julia ft Howard, George C - Northern Pacific co Maurice Warren Howard Lofgren, David E. et ux Clarke, Emma B. et al White, Martha , Clarke. T. A. Strong, MacNaughton Trust Co. - Dunn Holding Co. Brown, F. L. Hunter, P. C. & McCune, Jos. K. . Walpole, Ella R. Estate Beneflel, Chas W Dunn Holding Co. McCoy, Mary M. Walpole, Ella R. Estate . Morgan. J. J. Doble, Frank A Smith, Harry Smith, Clara B. Smith, Clara B ...... Beavert, L. D. et ux . Betts, C. G. Rodgers, Lucy F Strong, MacNaughton Trust Co. Interior Whse. Co. Blake W. J Stringer, Martha E Lindsey, Frank H. .. , Burt, Mary V Ball, Mary E. Ball, Mary E Anderson, Selma Ex Watts. Frank H McNamer, C. W. Halvorsen, Mathias Halvorsen, Mathias Petteys. George A .. Halvorsen, Mathias Bank, First Nat'l Heppner . Raymond, Frederick et al ... Raymond, Frederick et al ... Raymond, Frederick et al ... Raymond, Frederick et al ... Raymond, Frederick et al ... Raymond, Frederick et al ... Raymond. Frederick et al ... Volmer Clearwater Co. .. Raymond, Frederick et al ... Raymond, Frederick et al ... Volmer Clearwater Co ... Raymond, Frederick et al ... Chambers. Charlotte A Petteys, George A. Evans, Emma A ... Tucker, W. B. Kenny, Joseph B. . Kenny, Joseph B. . Kenny, Joseph B. . Kenny, Joseph B. . Kenny, Joseph B. . Maguire. Michael Burt, Mary V. , Stewart, John Young, Frank A Freiwald, Gustav Estate ., Freiwald, Gustav Estate .. French, L. R. ft Leota Sink, E. et ux Sink. E. et ux French, L. R. ft Leota Canning, Clarence N. Peterson. Carl J Biddle, H. J. et ux Sink, E. et ux Green, Robert E. : Gentry, L. V. Est., co C. W. McNamer Gentry, L. V. Est., co C. W. McNamer Gentry, L. V. Est., co C. W. McNamer Gentry, L. V. Est, co C. W. McNamer Van Horn, R. R Jones, Richard Jr . .. Zinter, Robert H. Bowker, Katherine B Rahner, August . Runner, August Gilman, Bertha D. . Hennenhofer, W. L. ft Robbins. Jo seph A . . Glascock, W. V. Dexter, Jacob A . Dexter, Jacob A , J. L. Gault, Receiver First National Bank of Heppner . ...... Glascock. W. V. Stephens, Otha C. . Chapin, George W. Estate . Miller, F. M Connell, Patrick Minor, C. A .... Bank. First Inland Nat'l of Pendleton Conner, Hugh Estate . Latourell, Chas. H ...... Dykstra. Ida L .. Knappenburg, Helen V . Woolery, J. A. Estate .. Bell, Margaret E Gill, Grace G. Culick, William G. Brownell, William Hill, George A Hill, George A ... Gill. Grace G. Bell, Margaret E Repass, C. A. Estate, co B. H. Bleak man . ....-... Mahoney, W. P. -ult. make default herein the Court will proceed to the hearing and adjudicating of said cause. Done and dated at Portland, Oregon, this 22nd day of July, 1935. JOHN H. McNARY, Judge of the United States District Court for the District of Oregon. The foregoing order Is published pur suant to an order of the Honorable John H. McNary, Judge of the above entitled Court, signed upon the 22nd day of July, 1935, and the first publi cation, as provided for therein, is made upon the 25th day of July, 1935. JAMES A. FEE and FEE ft RANDALL, Attorneys for Plaintiff. McDaniel, Elmer Estate ...... Ashbaugh, George .. .. Ashbaugh, George - .... ........... Arbogast, Neva ...... Central Pacific Lumber Co Central Pacific Lumber Co Conway, D.. J. . Cason, Lewis .. Cason, Lewis .. . Cason, M. ft W, Osten . Cason, M. ft W. Osten . Cason, Lewis . ., Cason, M. ft W. Osten Cason, Lewis . .............. Ryerson, John R ............. Cox, Benjamin S. . O'Erten, Thomas J .. MeAyeal, C. R. et al ....... .... Boullleur, H. P Dresser, A. S. ........ ..... Dresser, A. S . Johnson, Lena Aztec Land ft Coal Co ..... ... Mason, Samuel L. et ux .......... .......... Leete, James P .. ...... Wright, Irwin D Chee Lumber Co., The ... . Chee Lumber Co., The Albertson, Clarence G .. Albertson, Clarence G. ....................... Central Pacific Lumber Co Rose, Laura M Rose, Laura M ............ Miller, Chas. E. Estate . Miller, Chas. E. Estate Rose, Laura M ...... Hubbard, Mrs. E. I Gardner, Walter E Walsh, James F. ft Beatrice Rush, W. J ...... Leonard, Angle et vlr E'.4 36 Tract ex. sold (DR 31-248) 7 SWKNW54SWK 8 Lot 2 ex. sold OWR&N (DR 40-143) 9 E 5 acres NW4NW;i, NE NWV4, NW&NE'i, N of canal 13 Wy-EVaSEli Unit B 14 NW'4, N'jSW'yi 16 SE14 NE'4, E'A E4 SW'A NEi4 . 16 Sy2NW'4SW4 - - 17 NWV4NE14 17 SE'4SEi,4 (Unit D.) 18 NWMSEVi 18 NWNWH (Unit B.) 22 WA except 6 A right-of way 16 SWSWli & Lot 2 15 Lot 1 - 15 W'jW'i frl 16 Westerly 60 acres Lots 5, 8, 13 16 E ex. W 60 acres of Lots 5, 8. 13 16 ECT frl 16 S'iNE'i 19 Lots 2, 3, 4 ft SW4NW14, SW, NWSE'i. SW14 SE lying N of OWR&N right-of-way 21 SVaSEVi lying S of rjw OW R&N ft Columbia River Highway 22 Tract (DR 36-6) 22 Lot 4, NMiNWWSWy 23 NEMSE14, N'jSEViSE .... 26 All N rlw of OWR&N 29 Lots 2, 3, 4 17 NW4NWi,4NW& except W 500.7 feet 30 Lot 3 Blk 3 W (DR 37-60).... 25 Lot 7 Blk 15W (DR 38-216-304) 25 Lot 7 Blk 19W (DR 32-202) 25 Lot 8 Blk 19W (DR 31-626) 25 Lots 11 to 14 Incl, Blk 19W (DR 31-626) 25 Lot 1 Blk 39W (DR 40-264) 23 Lots 3 to 9 Inc. Blk 8E (DR 34-395) 19 Lot 9 Blk 39E (DR 41-71) 21 NE14NWMNW14 30 Tract (DR X-472) 1 NW14NWU 20 NEiiNE, NVfeSEViNE .... 28 SEViSWVl - 29 Wy.-SE'.i, SW&NEV4 32 EMrNEy 34 WWVj 35 Ny2NE ex. rlw OWRftN .... 7 WV.Ei, Ei'NW'.. EV2SW14 NW'i, SW'4, EVjSE W of Gooseberry Rd. 8 EV2NWVI ex.. platted tracts sold ft right-of-way 9 NENEVtSEi4, SE'iNEi.... 9 SW'( NW, NWS SW, SE14NE 10 S4 NE, N SEVi, SE SE'4 12 SEiiSWtt 15 NVjNWMNEli. 22 EE 22 WV.NW14, SW 23 S&NW&, SW14NEH, SW lying N ft W of Co. Rd 25 NW4, SV4 - 26 EM., SW& 27 Tract (DR 39-358) 33 SNEy4 34 Ny,NEy4. Tr. (DR 39-358).... 34 NE4, NNW 35 SMiNWy 35 NWi4NW4 North ft West of Co. Road - 36 Lot 2 ft SEi,4NW 7 Lots 3, 4, SE14SW& 7 NE14 26 SEy4NEi4, EM1SE&, SW& SEH - 29 SVfVi - 17 SEii 18 W. SE'4 19 WyiWy., ESWi4, Tr. (DR 37-421) 20 NW'4, SM,SWH 29 . SWNEi 26 Lots 2, 3 6 swy4, WV2SE14 7 Ey,WV2 8 SEyt io- N, NVaS'A 15 EKSEVi, SWSEi, SEYi SWVi - 20 SEytSEli 24 NEyj, NE14NW14 25 NE'4, EliNWyi 29 Ey.SWH 30 SEVt. EV2SWK 31 SE'4SWVi, NEliSE, SB14 NE 14 Lot 4 19 EynEU 21 SE"4 23 An undivided interest in NWH 25 wyswyi 25 E'j 26 SE14 18 SWVtSWW 6 WVa, SHNEM, NWNEii .... 36 NWyNE'i, EyjNWli N ft W of Rd. Tr (DR 29-338) . 10 WyjNW'A 25 NE'4 26 NWViSE',4 17 EVa, SySW4, NEV4SWVi .... 19 SW4NWM. NViSWyi 20 NE14, N',4NW, SEHNWft, Ny,SEyt 20 NWHNEH, NSWy, NWVi 21 E 27 Lot 1 30 WyESWW - 21 North 21.20 rds. of SESW (DR 32-111) 34 S'A NW'4, W1 NWH SW4, WyJE'4NWy4SW14 35 NW14SWI4, SViSWH, EVa SEVi 8 SEy4NE14 - 21 NE4 34 SWySE',4 12 Tract (DR 39-409) 21 NEi4 ; 32 SW14NE14, NWV4SE 34 EHNEH 34 Wy-SWV4 . 7 SVjSE',4 10 SWSEyi, EHSE14 11 SE14 13 WNWH, NW'iSWH 13 NEiSEy4 14 NV4NE& 15 18 2 WVjNWH NE14NW1, SE'jSWW EVjSE!4 lying West of Co. Rd 34 Tract (DR 32-393) 34 WyjSWi 35 NV2SEV4, SWyiSEVi, SE'4 swy4 12 SWV,KEi4 .: 24 NK'NW'., NW&NE14 25 SWy4NEi.4 32 wy,swy4 4 E'iSEH 5 Ey,SEi,i, SW'4SE',4. SE14 SWV4 6 NE'4, Ny.SEV, 7 NEW. NEViSE'A 8 Wy.NW'4, NWViSWH W',t.WV2, SEV4SW4 SW14 All WViSEi4 All WVjNW S14SE14 NEy4, NV.SE',4 - NW14NW, SliNWVi, NEi4 awy4 - EASEy4 SEV4NWy4, EM,SW!4, SWVi 8E SE WyNE'4, NHSEV, EHswy , swv4swyt NEV4NW!4 Ny..sw!4 EHSE14 Ny.jNwy4, NwyiNEi4 swy4swvi SEy4SEyt wyEM, Ny.NWW. SE'ANWVi, SW NE'4 E'iNEVi MiNWll, Wy-NE'i SV:.NEi4, NMjSEW Eyiswy4 EV2NE14, SWWNE'4, NW SE14 swy4 9 14 16 32 36 19 24 25 27 31 Twp or Bng. 1930 Blk 4N 24 3 35 4N 24 2333 4N 24 53.38 4N 24 26.69 4N 25 1.17 4N 25 12.50 4N 25 .91 4N 25 2.59 4N 25 26.44 4N 25 20.01 4N 25 63.59 4N 25 32.86 4N 25 3.35 4N 25 58.12 4N 25 70.88 4N 25 27.74 4N 26 23.40 5N 26 6.22 5N 26 1.43 5N 26 54.60 5N 26 22.45 5N 26 68.05 5N 26 48.61 5N 26 5.99 5N 26 27.13 6N 26 62.26 5N 26 ' 20.95 5N 26 58.35 5N 26 24.20 6N 26 15.26 5N 27 6.35 5N 27 .22 EN 26 5.62 5N 26 5.16 6N 26 1.25 5N 26 .75 5N 26 3.00 5N 26 12.33 5N 27 16.07 6N 27 5.63 5N 27 IS 23 2.08 IS 23 2.74 IS 23 7.52 IS 23 IS 23 9.06 IS 23 19.15 IS 23 24.62 IS 24 13.08 . IS 24 299.24 IS 24 73.70 IS 24 11.60 IS 24 19.88 IS 24 83.14 IS 24 6.63 IS 24 IS 24 75.86 IS 24 112.45 IS 24 202.90 IS 24 171.70 IS 24 193.76 IS 24 145.72 IS 24 2.98 IS 24 39.75 IS 24 42.72 IS 24 51.35 IS 24 13.75 IS 24 1.29 IS 25 15.12 IS 25 20.54 IS 25 65.18 IS 26 29.05 IS 28 80.43 IS 28 16.87 IS 28 43.78 IS 28 23.01 IS 28 23.08 IS 29 2S .23 5.47 2S 23 68.17 2S 23 10.95 2S 23 36.88 2S 23 111.94 2S 23 13.56 2S 23 1.70 2S 23 13.38 2S 23 70.17 2S 23 16.12 2S 23 20.36 2S 24 31.62 2S 24 3.87 2S 25 32.50 2S , 26 38.22 2S 26 19.12 2S 26 17.49 2S 26 91.40 2S 27 31.10 3S 23 3.45 3S 23 104.60 3S 26 9.95 3S 26 7.29 38 26 36.35 3S 27 3.11 4S 24- 38.00 4S 24 10.60 4S 24 31.82 4S 24 24.75 4S 24 32.78 4S 24 3.46 4S 25 13.60 4S 25 4S 25 32.06 4S 26 57.44 4S 27 5.57 4S 27 20.74 4S 28 4.90 4S 28 .31 43 28 23.94 4S 28 12.55 4S 28 12.55 4S 29 12.87 43 29 12.53 4S 29 14.73 4S 29 25.08 4S 29 18.82 4S 29 6.27 4S 29 12.54 43 29 13.70 53 25 11.42 5S 25 4.10 5S 25 6S 25 53 25 5S 26 18.04 6S 26 9.75 5S 26 25.35 5S 26 6.29 6S 27 9.02 58 27 10.88 5S 27 28.07 63 27 86.60 53 27 31.84 53 27 17.50 53 27 31.84 6S 27 30.85 6S 29 100.35 6S 29 9.80 6S 29 100.35 6S 25 68 25 15.61 6S 25 46.84 63 25 31.24 63 26 15.61 6S 26 39.05 6S 26 39.05 6S 26 39.05 63 26 23.43 63 26 7.79 6S 27 19.51 63 27 19.51 63 27 29.29 6S 27 6.27 6S 27 9.75 63 27 21.11 6S 27 21.11 6S 27 19.51 6S 28 12.54 63 28 25.09 6S 28 12.64 63 28 25.08 68 29 25.09 129 1928 1925 1924 Total Intereirt Amount 1923 for all k Penalty Cer. of Tear to 12-31-34 DUn. 4.42 30.98 70.84 35.43 1.56 11.97 1.22 344 24.22 66.61 61.62 62.72 22.57 32.48 1.95 60.52 20.76 62.97 44.98 8.30 37.68 67.62 19.38 26.99 45.53 2L18 14.72 .27 5.20 6.19 11.41 14.86 6.20 8.22 1.87 22.84 29.37 247.19 60.87 9.58 16.42 68.64 5.48 6.48 62.67 92.89 186.11 144.39 160.07 120.39 2.47 35.31 42.40 1.50 12.51 16.97 64.03 28.55 55.71 11.15 35.29 107.18 12.99 67.19 15.43 19.49 36.60 32.50 35.88 17.95 16.41 85.84 3.75 105.67 9.33 6.04 30.12 36.98 10.33 30.94 24.07 33.04 3.37 4.70 32.40 6.54 . .31 13.73 12.73 13.07 14.45 25.48 19.11 6.36 12.73 13.38 11.54 4.14 9.85 25.60 5.34 30.73 101.88 4.98 101.88 15.86 47.61 15.86 39.43 39.43 23.82 7.93 19.70 19.70 29.68 6.36 9.85 21.30 21.30 19.70 25.48 12.72 25.48 26.48 4.78 33.61 76.61 1.80 1L73 3.71 26.19 61.20 55.71 1.90 48.17 19.80 60.06 42.90 35.94 54.94 18.49 43.42 20.21 14.02 10.88 14.18 , 2.03 3.51 24.52 31.53 290.57 71.56 9.67 19.30 80.72 6.44 6.45 19.93 71.46 3.72 17.40 42.38 7.01 34.90 43.16 12.04 36.13 28.11 20.10 3.93 6.42 37.42 6.35 15.11 15.11 7.76 16.39 30.24 22.69 7.66 15.11 7.93 13.33 12.62 3.16 15.78 11.46 29.81 6.24 120.96 120.97 19.35 20.36 61.10 20.36 45.87 30.56 10.18 22.92 22.91 34.38 7.56 11.46 24.91 24.91 22.91 15.12 30.24 80.24 469 32.86 75.07 23.57 3.64 59.98 1.72 41.80 17.22 52.23 37.31 31.25 4.31 2.16 12.33 1.95 6.84 23.96 30.81 280.44 69.07 9.32 18.63 77.91 6.21 6.21 19.25 69.10 36.73 4.25 6.84 34.10 43.37 12.10 3.95 5.82 6.29 13.87 13.87 15.21 27.75 20.81 6.93 13.87 11.89 30.74 110.97 110.97 19.12 67.35 47.67 28.68 9.54 23.80 23.80 35.68 6.D3 11.89 25.00 25.00 23.79 13.86 4.78 4.57 33.52 32.10 7660 73.33 4.67 28.50 61.20 2.01 51.98 21.36 64.79 46.28 38.78 15.13 11.75 15.31 1.81 23.50 30.23 64.25 8.66 17.33 17.92 62.42 35.96 33.30 42.66 11.91 5.34 36.99 5.54 14.01 14.01 15.23 28.04 21.03 7.00 14.01 11.31 11.13 28.88 112.12 17.42 18.43 65.29 22.27 22.27 33.40 7.00 11.13 23.87 23.87 22.27 14.01 28.03 27.86 .59.83 38.31 2.18 52.27 66.15 38.99 15.21 26.11 62.60 21,17 57.29 1928 11.81 15.41 1.71 6.40 22.38 28.81 60.71 8.1S 28.52 72.49 70.27 6.78 5.46 4.92 11.34 14.78 1.65 6.24 21.83 28.09 57.86 7.81 27.18 66.98 19.50 4.22 11.45 1.56 22.94 29.52 63.69 16.91 62.52 16.12 15.33 34.85 6.42 32.02 43.07 12.06 3.94 6.50 5.11 5.90 13.10 13.10 13.93 26.22 13.10 6.71 33.47 31.75 2.90 6.36 6.05 13.04 13.04 13.04 3.84 6.55 32.68 42.04 11.77 3.85 6.28 104.82 17.71 53.13 26.22 6.54 8.37 17.95 17.95 16.75 13.10 24.92 6.51 8.36 16.76 13.04 18.38 6.11 8. ID 16.41 12.25 3126 375 8601 186 29 21.35 2li764 425.83 61.10 476 93 62.12 7.45 69.57 28 10 3.37 81.47 36.20 4.34 40.54 2.13 .25 2.38 69.74 8.36 78.10 7685 9.22 86.07 20.01 2.40 22.41 400.72 48.00 448.72 32.86 3.84 36.70 3.35 .40 3.75 165.35 19.84 185.19 13360 16.03 14963 60.31 6.03 66.34 65.88 6.70 62.64 6.22 .74 6.96 11.19 1.34 . 12.53 324.45 39.03 363.48 101.59 12.19 113.78 457.02 54.84 511.86 220.08 26.40 246.48 14.29 1.71 16.00 209.77 25.17 234.94 251.39 30.16 281.55 58.82 7.05 66.87 85.34 10.24 95.58 113.15 13.75 126.90 56.65 6.79 63.44 77.64 9.31 86.95 .49 .05 .64 20.10 2.41 22.51 12.91 1.54 14.45 1.25 .15 1.40 .75 .08 .83 3.00 .36 3.36 80.97 9.71 90.68 102.94 10.83 8.22 14.66 2.74 7.52 22.99 9.06 181.13 232.98 13.08 12.35 2.49 .98 1.75 .30 .90 2.75 1.20 21.73 39.95 1.56 115.29 13.32 9.20 16.41 3.04 8.42 25.74 10.26 202.86 372.93 14.64 X117.44 ' 134.09 1,261.53 458.02 54.96 512.98 64.82 7.77 72.69 147.26 17.67 164.93 583.84 70.06 - 653.90 65.50 4.66 60.16 27.28 3.27 30.55 138.53 16.62 155.15 205.34 24.64 229.98 389.01 46.68 435.69 316.09 37.93 354.02 353.83 42.45 396.28 266.11 31.93 298.04 5.45 .65 6.10 39.75 4.77 44.53 78.03 9.36 87.39 93.75 11.25 105.00 13.75 1.65 15.40 2.79 .31 3.10 27.63 3.32 30.95 142.97 17.41 160.38 394.71 47.36 442.07 57.60 6.91 64.51 80.43 9.65 90.08 16.87 2.02 18.89 43.78 5.25 49.03 23.01 2.76 25.77 23.08 2.76 25.84 3.72 .44 4.16 5.47 .65 6.12 113.88 13.65 127.53 22.10 2.65 24.75 72.17 8.66 80.83 219.12 26.29 245.41 26.55 3.02 29.57 1.70 .20 1.90 13.38 1.60 14.98 137.36 16.48 153.84 48.95 5.87 64.82 39.85 4.48 45.63 68.22 8.18 76.40 3.87 .46 4.33 214.92 25.79 240.71 74.10 8.89 82.99 37.07 4.44 ' 41.61 33.90 4.06 37.96 177.24 21.26 198.50 31.10 3.73 34.83 19.60 2.35 21.95 210.27 25.23 235.50 19.28 1.31 20.59 53.54 6.40 50.74 266.94 32.03 298.97 3.11 .36 3.47 32L02 3 8.52 359.54 89.70 10.76 100.46 98.89 11.86 110.75 76.93 9.23 86.16 85.92 10.31 96.23 29.30 3.51 32.81 13.60 1.63 15.23 40.42 4.85 45.27 143.98 7.27 154.35 57.44 6.89 64.33 41.24 4.94 46.18 20.74 2.48 23.22 4.90 .58 6.48 .62 .07 .69 23.94 2.87 26.81 81.37 9.76 91.13 94.41 11.32 105.73 33.70 4.04 37.74 100.78 12.09 112.87 14.73 1.76 16.49 162.81 19.53 182.34 102.46 12.29 114.75 34.13 4.09 38.21 94.40 11.32 105.72 34.48 4.13 38.61 36.29 4.37 38.76 8.24 1.00 9.24 23.93 2.87 26.80 3.16 .37 3.53 15.78 1.89 17.67 18.04 2.16 20.20 64.08 6.48 60.56 140.38 16.84 157.22 16.87 2.02 18.80 9.03 1.08 10.10 10.88 1.30 12.18 28.07 3.36 -31.43 36.60 4.39 40.99 31.84 3.82 35.66 17.50 2.10 19.60 31.84 3.82 35.66 61.5S 7.38 68.96 651.10 78.13 729.23 14.78 1.77 16.55 434.17 52.10 486 27 36.77 4.41 41.18 107.09 12.85 119.94 321.32 38.55 395.87 31.24 3.75 34 99 61.83 7.21 69.04 171.92 20.63 192.55 39.05 4.6S 43.73 78.45 9.41 87.89 106.49 12.77 119.26 35,44 4.25 39.69 108.20 12.98 121.18 108.19 12.97 121.18 231.S5 27.82 259.67 63.28 6.39 69.67 79.00 9.48 88.48 134.14 16.09 150.23 134.14 16.09 150.23 158.10 18.97 177.07 12.54 1.50 14 04 50.67 ' 6.06 6663 1U6.64 12.79 119.43 108.83 12.83 121.6S 80.91 9.69 90.50 You and each of you are further noti fied as the respective owners of the le gal title of the several tracts of prop erty hereinabove described, as the same appears of record, that Morrow County, Oregon, the plaintiff above named, will apply to the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County for a de cree foreclosing Its tax Hens against all of the property above named, described and mentioned in this summons. You and each of you are hereby sum moned to appeal- on or before the 30th day of September, 1935, and defend tills action, or pay the amount duo plaintiff upon its lien, together with costs and accrued Interest; and In case you fall to do so a judgment and decree will be rendered against you as your interest may appear in the tabulation aforesaid, foreclosing the lien of plaintiff for taxes and costs against tile tracts of land above described. All process and papers in the pro ceedings may be served on the under signed, residing In the State of Oregon, at the address hereinafter mentioned. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. P. O. Address, Huppmu, Oregon, 3. E. NOTSON, District Attorney for Morrow Coun ty, Oregon. P. O. Address, Heppner, Oregon.