PAGE SIX HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUG. 22, 1935. Migrating Name Found Scattered Over Country The map often proves an Index to local loyalty, showing how peo ple have emigrated and the name of their home town has emigrated with them. Britain's metropolis Is dupli cated many times, observes a writer In Tit-Bits Magazine. There are Londons In Kentucky, Ohio, Ontario, and many other parts of the world. The Ontario London actually stands on a Canadian Thames In a Cana dian Middlesex. There are ten Colnes on the world's map, 14 Bur tons and 37 plus another name, 23 Prestons and 38 more with titular additions. The name of Washing ton Is found over 200 times. There are, besides, 14 Richmond The original is the Yorkshire borough, where the "Lass" of the famous song dwelt. The Thames-side sub urb was originally Sheen, and was renamed Richmond by Henry VII, who had been Earl of Richmond. The names of York, Cumberland, and Cambridge have been carried all over the world, usually, as with Albany, originally the name of the Scottish Highlands, by peers who bore them as titles of nobility.' New York Is not the capital of the state of that name, but Albany, and both are named after the Duke of York and Albany, who later became James H. He also named London's St. James', Duke street, and York street, Covent Garden. Charter Oak's Location Is Marked by Monument The first settlers of Hartford, Conn., found there a white oak, tall and spreading, whose age then was estimated at several centuries. It was used as a landmark by the In dians, on whose request the pioneers spared the tree. In the year 1687, about 50 years after the founding of the colony, notes a writer in the Detroit News, Sir Edmond Andros, appointed by King James n to be governor of all New England, at tended a session of the Colonial as sembly at Hartford and demanded its charter. Appearing to submit the colonists went to the council chamber to carry out the ceremony, but while the charter was on the table, the candles were snuffed out; before they could be relighted, the precious document was carried away by Capt. Joseph Wadsworth and concealed In the hollow trunk of this ancient oak. When Andros was deposed in 1689, the govern ment and charter reappeared and undying reverence was established for the old charter oak. The tree was blown down in August, 1S56, but Its location, on Charter Oak place, Hartford, is marked by white marble monument. Molybdenum a Metal This white metal Is used In vari ous electrical contact making-and- breaking devices, in X-ray tubes, voltage rectifiers. In electric lamps, for winding electric resistance fur naces and in dentistry. It Is also employed In the manufacture of chemical reagents, dye glazes and disinfectants. Its principal use, however, is in the manufacture of special alloy steels, in conjunction with chromium, manganese and oth er metals. During the World war it was of great Importance In gun- making, etc. The chief source of the metal Is the ore called molybde nite, found in this country in the New England states, New York, Pennsylvania, Colorado and Cali fornia; in Canada It is found in Ontario and Quebec. . Mont St. Michel Cose your eyes and go back In memory to the wonderful castles that you first saw In your books of fairy stories, where terrible gi ants dwelt behind ramparts that seemed to pierce the skies. Instead of the moat and drawbridge, picture the fortress on a rocky Isle tower ing nearly 200 feet above the waves of the sea, cut off at high tide from all land Invaders. Around it clus ter a few small houses and shops and on the rock foundations rises an abbey founded in the year 708 A. D., over 1,200 years ago, with cloisters and somber halls about It, and you have a picture of one of the strangest and most Impressive structures in the world Mont St. Michel, off the coast of Brittany in France. The Spoonbill Duck The shoveier or spoonbill duck Is a bird with a peculiar accomplish ment It can fly, swim, and build a nest. The shoveier Is one of the few birds that carry a sort of "cof fee strainer" as part of their equip ment so that they can feed In a different manner. Its bill Is so con structed that when this bird tips up and starts to feed In shallow water It can draw the muck and water through the lamlnas of this strange appendage, thus straining out the food Items that It wants. Second Largett City in Peru On the west coast of South Amer ica, Arequlpa, the second largest city In Peru, lies 7,700 feet above sea-level In an amphitheater of mountains turreted with three tow ering peaks, including El Mlsti, snow-crowned cone of about 18,500 feet In height. It Is on the route to Cuzo, famed for Its Inca and pre Inca ruli.H. and to Lake Tlticaca, loftiest navigable waterway In the world. Beyond the lake la La Paz. For Sale 6 good dairy cows. Clarence N. Biddle, Lexington. 25p, Tons of Radium Ore Are Dug From Barren Wastes The radium Industry, which for some 30 odd years has been extract ing radium from pitchblende and other ores, will probably continue turning out its few grams of radium annually for at least a little while. The 700 or so grams, which by in finite labor and patience it has been able to extract from the earth, rep resent thousands of tons of radium ore du. from the steaming jungles of the Belgian Congo In darkest Af rica, from the mines of Bohemia, from the barren frozen wastes of Great Bear lake on the rim of the Arctic circle In wildest Canada ore which has been roasted, acidi fied, dissolved, precipitated, redis solved, washed and rewashed over and over again by chemists who must wear gas masks and lead aprons to protect themselves from the dangerous radium rays. In this way Is produced such a small quantity of radium that the ounce is far too heavy to weigh it by. So scientists record the weight in grams and milligrams, the former being 1-28, the latter l-2S,0O0 of an ounce which amount of radium, by the way, costs many dollars, and is probably about as big as a speck of dust Washington Post To Whom AoMeeed oa 1836 lu BoU DeaoripUon of Property See. Twp or or lot BUc Total Interact Amount Bnff. 193 IMS 1928 1927 IMS 1925 1924 1923 for all 4 Penalty Cer. of Tear to 12-31-34 Selin. Ruins of Blue Beard's Castle on Erdre Banks The ruins of Chateau de la Ter rier, on the banks of the Erdre, In the department of the Loire In ferieure, France, are, according to the tradition of the neighboring peasantry, those of the castle of the celebrated Blue Beard, the hero of the well-known nursery tale. This person is not altogether a creature of fancy, asserts a writer in the Indianapolis News. He was Giles de Retz (or Laval), who lived in the reign of Charles VII, and was a vassal of John, duke of Bretagne. He was tried at Nantes on .suspi cion of having destroyed children who had been seen to enter the castle and never were heard of afterward. The bodies of several, however, were found much later. He had caused them to be put to death, to make u?e of their blood in writing charms and forming Incan tations to raise infernal spirits, by whose means he believed (according to the superstitions of the times), that buried treasures would be re vealed to him. On his trial he con fessed acts of atrocity, and was sen tenced to be burned alive; but the duke caused him to be strangled be fore he was tied to the stake. The execution took place December 25, 1440, and a detailed account of It still is preserved in a manuscript in the archives of Nantes. George. T. J. et ux Card. C. W. Grim. Mrs. Hugh Kessier. F rances t . Burroughs. D. H. Blount Mary Parker , walpole, Etna M. Walpole, Etna M. Daggett, W. E. Enoch. Clyde Miller. Obed I. Corey, Guy Estate r.ngnsn. y. u. Trustee Munroe. J. L. . .. Williams. R. F. Walpole, Etha M. Walpole. Ella R. Estate , Miner, UDea i. Walpole, W. R. Estate Scharnhorst. D. Walpole. Etha M. Walpole, Ralph G. Swayze. Frank B. Lane. B. B. Swayze. F. B Walpole, Etha M. Smith, J. A. Trustee Grim. Hugh W. Egbert, J. L. fawayze, r . B. , Swayze. F. B. . Walpole, Ella R. Estate , Walpole, Ella R. Estate , Walpole, Ella R. Estate . Walpole, Ella R. Estate , Adams, a. w. McDaniel. Ethel Adams, F. N. Hackman, Charles Hackman, Charles Prophet, W. P. Bleakman. E. E. Estate Pophet W. P. Bleakman. E E. Estate DeVore. Ben Gilliam & Bisbee . Odell. Emmit - Swift, J. C. Hendrix, William . Swift J. C. De Vore. B. F . Smith, John C. De Vore, B. F. Adams, F. N. Adams, F. N. Adams. F. N. DeLashmutt E. L , fiowell. Maude Howell, Maude Brown, Artie Estate . Howell, Maude .... Origin of Fain The word "fair" is derived from the Latin word for holidays, "feriae," and has been applied since the Middle Ages to special periodi cal gatherings of merchants to which the people could come and get their supplies. These were first held back in the days of the Unman empire. As time went on tlielr Im portance increased and thousands of them were chartered in England and other European countries, many to churches and monasteries whose fairs were often held on religions festivals. Many of the surviving European fairs still have attached to their names the commodity In which they specialized such as horse-fair, cattle-fair, cheese-fair, etc.; other names Indicate the sen son of the fair, as Mlcliaelmas-fnir. Poiion Tree Save Lives In Hawaii the ornamental yet poisonous "be-still" tree promises to supply valuable supplies of thevenin, powerful drug for heart ills where digitalis has failed to give relief, according to island experiments In pharmacologic research. Named the "be-still" tree because the days before these Islands were a part of the United States, a native queen heard lovers beneath It whisper "be still" as she passed close by, It Is known to science as "thevetia nerefolla." Not Indigenous to Ha waii, it was Imported there some years ago as an ornamental shrub. The nut Is reputedly poisonous. The stimulant thevenin is extracted from this nut. The Word "Empirical" The word "empirical" is one that may not have an opprobrious mean ing, depending upon the context. The original meaning was "relying on or guided by observation of facts," as said of a physician who based his methods of practice on the result of observation and experi ment The term, though still retain ing Its original meaning, subse quently took on an opprobrious meaning of charlatanry or quack ery, that Is, relating to the practice of surgery or medicine without sci entific knowledge. Literary Digest. Brown, Artie Estate Brown, Artie Estate Brown, Artie Estate Brown, Artie Estate Ingram, W, D. Estate Ingrum. Mary Prophet & Miller Prophet 4 Miller Cartwright J. R. Cartwrlght J. R. Cartwright J. R. Cartwright J- R. Morsil Co., The . Cartwright, J. R. Palahniuk, Stephen J. et ux Ballinger, Robert S. . Freiwald. Gustav Estate Butt, Lawrence C. Barzee, C. W Spencer, Samuel R. Latham, C. J. Deyoe. H. F. Curran. John Mahoney. T. J. Gibson. Oness V Bank, Philomath State Graves, W. W. Bank, Philomath State Barker, John Estate Barker, John Estate Logan, Hattie Hanville. Burrell, et ux, & Crouse, Her bert et ux Macomber, W. H. Grnlknnn TP. P T Schulier, W. F. ..ZZZZZZZZZZZI Schuller, w. F. Schulier, W. F. , Doherty, Neil . Walker. Kamnpl McEntire, Thomas Z ZZZ Schuller, W. F. Siegmund, Wilda Siegmund, Wilda Vermont Loan 4 Trust Co. Tibbetts, Violet L. & Mock, F. C, Louise G Younger, W. H. tsarzee, c. w. Wagner, Clyde W. & Joe P. Brown , Bryant, Frances H. Pringle, Joseph Kouna, Tunis u. Bank, First Nat'l Heppner . Eaton, James E. Luttrell. W. P. Back-Firing Plan Effective Forest fire fighters have found that next to water there is nothing that will stop an advancing fire so quickly as buck-firing. This means that huge piles of brush and woods refuse are built along the lines of the advancing flames and set on fire. These are kept under control by the fire fighters and after they have burned out they leave a wide strip of burned-over land that effec tively checks any fire, for there is nothing left to burn. Hay for sale Ralph Reade, Klm berley, Ore. 24-27p. Thompson, Robert A. Bank, First Nat'l Heppner ... nosequiat, victor . Finley, Claude L. co W. B. Finley . oepaneK, m. el ux Federal Land Bank of Spokane , Murphy, P. T. L.evin, Harry Essex, John G ... Holmberg, Nels farmer, James .... Carty, Patrick Beckland, Ernest O. Flood, James. Heirs Schmidt Charles et ux Schmidt, Charles H. Amato, Frank Sepanek, Michael et ux Sepanek, Michael et ux uonraa, utto Thompson. Byron M. bpencer. Arthur w. .. Brumfleld, Sadie Nelson, Peter Carl . Treisch, W. H. Pundt, Bernard, cjo Phipps, F. L. Trus tee ...... .... Schmidt, Anne E Pundt, Bernard, co Phipps, F. L. Trus tee - Amato, Frank Pundt, Bernard, co Phipps, F. L. Trus tee Castle Rock Land Ass'n .... Broyles, Sarah A Castle Rock Land Ass'n Doherty, Neil . Castle Rock Land Ass'n Castle Rock Land Ass'n . Gordon, Lizzie , Hoover, Samuel S. Israel, Genevieve Jenkins, J. D 22. 23. 24 80 6 to 8 Inc 81 9 31 ZZ 13 to 20 Inc. 31 1, 2. 3 32 445 32 . 6 to 12 Inc 32 12 36 67 8 11 to 15 Inc. 18 17 20 & 21 4 5. 6. 7 9 11 12 4 13 4 36 Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrifeon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon . Irrigon ' Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon 1 to 37 Inc. 43 Irrigon 1 to 35 Inc. 44 Irrigon, All except 6&7 45 Irrigon 1 to 35 Inc. Hardman . . 6 Hardman 1, 2, 3 Hardman. N 30 It 4 14 17 ... 18 & 19 39 39 39 39 , 20 to 33 Inc 39 . 24 4 25 39 .... 26 39 28. 29, 30 39 1&2 40 15 to 18 Inc 40 20 40 Hardman 1, 2, 3, 4 Hardman 6 Hardman . 2 Hardman 3 4 4 Hardman 2 Hardman 3, 4, 5, 6 Hardman 2 Hardman 3. 4, 5 Hardman 4 Hardman, Royses N 40 ft. .. 4 Hardman, Royses 6 Hardman, Royses 4 Hardman, Royses 5 4 6 Hardman, Royses All Hardman, Fergersons 14 2 Hardman, Adams 14 2 Hardman, Adams N 23 ft. of 3 Hardman, Adams 6. 7, 8 Hardman, Adams 1, 2. 3, 4 Hardman, Adams - 14 2 Hardman, Adams, E 100 ft. 5 Hardman, Adams 2nd 14 2 Hardman, Adams 2nd 5 4 6 Hardman, Adams 2nd 11 4 12 Hardman, Adams 2nd 1, 2, 3 Hardman, Adams 2nd ..... 10, 11, 12 Hardman, Adams 2nd Hardman Tr. 8 (DR V-53) Hardman Tr. 9 (DR T-238) Hardman Tr. 20 (DR 37-162-39-310) - Hardman Tr. 21 (DR 37-162 39-310) SWWNWVi. SEHSWy. SWU, SE'4 5 All S & E of road 6 All 7 WMjE".. WV6 8 Tract (DR 34-208) 9 NW 18 .NNWft 27 All 36 SWH 1 SE'i 8 SWU - 8 N',isw4, SEy4swy4 10 All .. 15 E'iE - 2 All 10 NE'4 22 S,-jSW'4 5 S',SWii, SW SEVi 19 NE4 26 NWWNW14 30 SVfcS'A 24 NEWNW14, NW&NEtt, EV4 NE'4 25 WyjNE'4, NttSEW . 19 NE&NEK 22 sy.sw'4 27 Tract (DR Y-257) 33 All 5 All 9 SW14 14 EVfe 14 SW!4 16 All 21 NW4 22 SE'4 23 WVa except 1 Acre for cem etery, NE'4 26 NiiSEV4, SEHSEVi 26 Luten, B. B. Kiesel, William C Mather, The Misses Storseth, John . Decker, Margaret .... DeYoung, May Castle Rock Land Ass'n Burnell, L. M, Doherty, Neil Farrand, Calvin D. Cummins, Vere ...... .................. . Cummins, Solomin C. Rietmann, Victor ............................... Gorger, George . Krause, Franz .. Central Trust Co. Kilkenny, Peter ............ DeFranq 4 Moore ............... Porter, A. A ................ Rupprecht, George . Castle Rock Land Ass'n ........... Castle Rock Land Ass'n Wade, Douglas A. et ux . .... ........ Deos, Mrs. L. A. Estate Broyles, Sarah A ... Castle Rock Land Ase'n - . Schlssler, H. H. Cole, George M. Estate Waggoner, Ople L Stephens, Wm. S. et ux . Lead better, Charles .............. . ...... Burleson, David W. 4 Klein Realty Service . Gurley, S. A D Castle Rock Land Ass'n . Pruter, J. H. et ux . .... Walpole, W. R. Estate Thomas, Elizabeth 8. Ex Bills, J. C . Brice, J. T Walpole, W. R. co Ira L, Berger Jaeckel, Charles Jaeckel, Ernest .... . 46 A B B Ct C D D E E G G H M 2 2 3 WNEH - SWyiNWVi. NVsSW NE'i - S'jSijSWft, NiSNWi4, SV6 NW& NE'4 E WIANW14, NE14NW& SE'iNEii SW'i Nwy, seh -.. NE14NE14, WViN'E N',j Wi WW, SEViSWH NEV4, Ei.-NWii, NESSWW, NW4SEy4 SV4NV4, SWV4 SE'4 NW'4 NijNEV,, SW4NE14 wy2NE"4 E',NEV4 NW!4 - SWV4 NW'4 swy4 All wy, NM.NEi4 SEV4 W'aWVi NE'4, E2NWy4, EV4SEV4 .... swy4 ; SE'4 u NW',4. S'A - SE'4 SW14 frl. 18 19 NW'4, EV2SW1,, SW4SW14 20 SW'4NW'4, W'SW'4, SEV4 30 NE'4 30 All 1 NW!4NW'4 3 All . 13 All 36 All 6 All S NW!4NWV,NW'4, WMiNE'A NWMNW'4 17 E4 W SE'4, E'A WV4 Wtt SE'4 17 Wy2SE'4NEi4NWi4 17 Wy2KE'4NWi4NBi4, NW(4 SW'4NW'.'i. NW14 NW44 NE4. Eyi.SVVy,NWy4NEi4 17 E'4NE'4, W'2NE'4NW!4 NEW 17 SW'4NE'4SE', 17 E 2 Acres NW'4NEy4SE'4 17 W'j NW'4 NW'4 SE'4, SEV4 NEVS8WK 17 NE'4 NE'4 SW'4, E'A NW'4 NE'4SW'4 - 17 Wi,4SW'4NW'4NE(4 17 NW'4NW'4, EVNE'4, SE'4 21 SW'4NW'4, NW'4SW'A, Ni4 NE'4SW'4 21 All 86 N'2NE'4 16 SE'4 26 NE'4 26 All ... 28 All 32 NW'4 34 NE'4 NE'4 NE'4 SE'4 SW .- All frl All W'.NW', J. W Yi .... 4 7 16 16 16 13 25 28 W'2SW'4 84 All except 12 Acres right-of-way - 9 All frl 11 NW'4NW"4 14 E'4NW'4, NE'4, N'iSE'4 .... 14 N'.NWNWVi 1 S',S.NW4NWy4. NEKNW, S'.iNW'4 18 SE'4 18 NE'4 - - 18 All 17 SE'4NW'4 23 NW'4,SE'4 N of Canal 23 W',3 SW'4 NW'4, Wto NWVi SW'4 Unit D 24 E',SW'4NE'4, E',4NWSKVi unit C 24 NE'4NW'4, NW'4NE'4 25 K'ijS'E1 26 e n w '4, "' wii'NEiir'N 'w'y SE'4 29 NE!4NE!4 29 1.12 1.50 .37 2.98 1.13 .74 262 .74 .74 .37 1.87 .37 .37 8.23 .37 I. 12 .37 .37 .74 .37 .37 .37 .74 1.49 .74 .37 1.13 .74 1.49 .37 8.81 8.43 6.93 19.64 3.22 12.60 1.25 16.10 4.91 16.80 II. 20 2.11 4.21 6.31 1.11 8.79 6.99 1.40 4.21 9.81 9.80 1.11 4.21 15.69 2.80 1.38 .65 2.65 .54 .84 .84 1.42 2.11 .34 1.38 14.00 LANDS OF MOBBOW COUITTY 1.00 .87 1.06 1.38 1.31 1.14 .36 8.64 2.77 2 63 2.30 103 1.00 .87 1.08 1.09 69 .66 .67 .71 71 2.43 2.32 2.00 2.49 69 .66 .67 .71 69 .66 .57 .71 .71 36 .34 .29 .37 .37 1.76 36 .34 3.16 3.91 3.96 .34 .34 .29 7.62 7.24 6.31 7.83 34 .33 .29 .36 .36 1.04 .98 .86 1.06 34 .34 .29 .36 .34 .35 33 34 33 .29 .36 .34 .32 .29 .36 34 .32 .29 .36 .36 69 .66 .67 .72 .71 1-38 1.31 2.59 3.20 3.22 69 .66 .67 .72 jg -3 -29 J6 .36 " .66 .57 .71 71 1.38 1.31 1.16 1.42 1.43 $ , -36 .36 3.90 8.21 9.09 3.27 4.41 18.01 16.29 4.98 168 35.97 , 45.89 41.99 11.31 19.62 ' 24.71 22.61 2.11 3.26 8.63 3.23 4.25 4.92 6.31 4.83 4.93 6.38 10.64 1.11 3.79 6.87 8.78 7.08 13.08 14.12 1.42 1.66 1.63 9.92 15.66 16.76 16.36 7.44 9.92 1.12 4.23 16.86 2.83 8.20 1.43 , 1.56 .66 .63 .70 2.69 .66 .63 .70 .83 .99 1.07 .83 .99 1.07 1.43 1.66 1.78 1.42 1.66 1,78 1.63 14.15 19.62 21.18 19.38 61.22 3.94 18.72 IN 23 37.24 IN 23 26.96 IN 23 94.08 IN .23 67.08 IN 23 .36 IN 23 22.86 IN 23 24.28 IN 23 105.71 IN 24 27.40 IN 24 17.64 IN 24 19.44 IN 24 21.89 IN 24 160.21 IN 25 22.71 IN 25 80.48 IN 25 28.12 IN 26 19.28 IN 26 34.58 IN 26 16.74 IN 26 6.15 IN 27 129.68 IN 27 108.29 2N 23 15.84 2N 23 3.60 2N 23 13.14 2N 23 .07 2N 24 36.99 2N 24 36.87 2N 24 9 21 2N 24 18.44 2N. 24 9.21 2N 24 36.87 2N 24 9.21 2N 24 29.95 2N 24 114.11 2N 24 28.51 2N 24 11.52 2N 24 34.55 2N 24 36.86 2N 24 25.35 2N 24 33.41 2N 25 23.87 2N 25 2N 25 1.66 2N 25 20.64 2N 25 20.64 2N 25 20.64 2N 25 11.70 2N 26 39.07 2N 26 26.05 2N 26 35.82 2N 26 64.72 2N 26 26 05 2N 26 32.56 2N 26 22.95 2N 26 15.49 2N 26 14.28 2N 26 19.64 2N 26 33.93 2N 26 16.78 2N 26 18.92 2N 26 11.42 2N 26 182.78 2N 26 57.11 2N 26 14.28 2N 26 28.56 2N 26 21.44 2N 26 28.89 2N 26 28.56 2N 27 13.02 2N 27 156.28 2N 27 52.10 2N 27 30.26 2N 27 66.32 2N 27 97.39 2N 27 45.70 3N 23 23.36 3N 23 1.47 3N 23 23.30 3N 23 23.29 3N 24 47.26 3N 24 46.98 3N 24 3N 24 22.02 3N 24 1.84 3N 24 11.00 3N 24 31.19 3N 24 8.65 3N 24 .72 3N 24 6.51 3N 24 6.51 3N 24 1.84 3N 24 20.65 3N 24 7.33 3N 24 28.28 3N 26 6.62 arsr 26 18.02 3N 26 13.02 3N 26 62.10 3N 26 62.10 3N 26 . 13.02 3N 27 13.02 3N 27 26.06 3N 27 13.02 3N 27 13.02 3N 27 13.02 4N 23 14.24 4N 23 29.72 4N 23 8.72 4N 28 7.42 4N 23 8.72 ' 4N 24 25.76 4M 24 95.92 4N 24 3.35 4N 24 40.70 4N 24 1.67 4N 24 11.67 4N 24 13.34 4N 24 13.34 4N 24 63.38 4N 24 64.21 4N 24 .42 4N 24 29.45 4N 24 4N 24 6.67 4N 24 6.67 4N 24 16.68 4N 24 .8.35 37.43 39.16 43.74 27.11 28.32 31.66 94.53 98.89 110.46 84.87 67.42 70.51 78.77 .35 22.97 24.04 26.85 28.13 30.63 40.60 27.84 21.50 12.80 24.09 26.09 24.77 76.43 87.05 75.50 73.62 26.71 30.42 26.37 26.73 17.92 19.75 21.16 18.90 1.95 23.64 38.64 36.02 130.55 109.03 16.64 73.17 61.10 13.39 16.26 15.83 .09 .11 . .11 61.06 63.55 60.86 63.36 15.22 15.83 30.43 31.69 31.30 15.22 40.60 60.85 63.36 62.59 15.22 16.83 32.00 33.32 32.91 39.61 41.26 40.76 40.58 16.11 37.41 38.94 23.67 27.88 26.93 1.79 2.37 2.74 3.33 13.92 16.40 16.84 13.92 16.40 15.84 13.92 16.40 16.84 11.88 13.68 16.68 36.68 39.95 42.43 25.14 38.26 47.29 15.28 39.95 33.28 42.43 15.68 .10 48.14 31.39 38.35 22.66 22.56 38.40 42.80 38.39 15.68 .11 47.80 31.14 33.88 2.66 19.92 13.32 37.63 41.94 18.84 146.68 48.90 31.63 66.71 90.67 42.60 35.44 2.20 35.32 35.32 71.31 70.84 11.06 31.38 3.67 6.56 6.55 1.86 11.07 83.41 9.16 24.40 24.44 78.34 73.34 18.34 18.34 18.34 18.34 16.94 35.32 4.41 -4.42 4.41 34.19 84.87 4.41 47.38 16.49 17.72 17.72 70.84 .44 26.76 29.44 8.86 8.85 22.14 . 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