PAGE EIGHT HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUG. 15, 1935. HARDMAN By LUCILLE FARRENS Mrs. Owen Lee then and Junior returned to their home after spend ing a vacation at Mulklto, Wash. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Leather's sister, Mrs. Tad Merritt and children. The Mer rltts will return home in a few days. Mrs. Ada Cannon and children and George Smith motored to Mt. Adams to pick huckleberries. The berries were green so they returned home without any. Mrs. Charles McDaniel spent the week end In The Dalles with her daughter, Mrs. R. O. Fisk and baby daughter, Ormal Marlene. Miss Charlotte Adams is spend ing the week in Heppner with Miss Lois Ashbaugh. Mrs. Duffren McKitrick, Char lotte and Forrest Adams and j?u Bleakman were business visitors in Heppner Saturday. Forrest Adams and Leslie Bleak man are sporting new cars. Nick Leathers and Irl Clary and children motored to Brown prairie to pick huckleberries. Elmer Shields was in town Sun day hunting fire fighters. Ower. Leathers, Hubert Hudson, Claud and Carey Hastings were taken to the fire on Willow creek. Mr, B. H Bleakman and daugh ters, Delsie and Pat, were dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Ethel McDaniel recently. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Lovgrn were calling in town Sunday. Ed McDaniel is employed at the Lovgren ranch putting up hay. Mrs. Ted Merritt and children and Mrs. Merritt's sister, Mrs. Har lan Adams and children motored to Dale ranger station to visit their brother, Carl McDaniel. Miss Murl Farrens was a business visitor in town Saturday. Mrs. Carrie Kirk is spending the week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. E. Hams. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Coats and Echo and Miss Essie Jones of Boardman are visiting at the home of Mr. Coats' mother, Mrs. Mary Coats. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burnside spent the week end in Heppher. Buel Harshman of Eight Mile wag calling in town Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Knighten are the proud parents of a son, born at the Ada Cason home In Heppner. The new boy has been named Lewis Edward. Mrs. Fred Ashbaugh, Mrs. L. E. Knighten and Mrs. Neil Knighten motored to La Grande Sunday. Mrs. Ashbaugh remained for an indefinite visit with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Glasscock. Mrs. Delsie Chapel, Mrs. Ella Farrens and daughter Dolly mo tored to Heppner Sunday and re mained over for the show. Mrs. Chapel was consulting a physician. Mrs. J. B. Adams returned to her home after spending a week in Heppner. John Kingen left for Spokane where he will visit for a while be fore returning to his home at Bei- lingham. He was accompanied as far as Heppner by Carey Hastings and Pat Bleakman. Something of interest to Hard man people is the new service sta tion recently installed with Jim Brannon as proprietor. Harvest is well under way at most of the nearby ranches. Kenneth Batty was seen in town Sunday. Mrs. Raymond McDonald re turned heme from the Lotus Rob ison ranch where she spent the past week with her husband. Their Announcing New Oliver-Superior Grain DRILL ALL GEARS RUN IN OIL. EXTRA LARGE METAL HOPPER. Now on display at our showroom. See it at our Rodeo Machinery Display. Beach Equipment Co. Lexington ATTENTION! Democratic Women and Party Members Nancy Wood Honeyman State Representative from Portland, Accompanied by MRS. PICKING, repre senting the Women's Division of the Democratic National Committee Will be at ELKS' CLUB, HEPPNER Monday Eve., August 19 8 o'clock to organize Reporter Plan in Morrow County All Democrats and Others Interested INVITED TO ATTEND inimiftnHiittiiHiitmiiiiitiiiitiiiiuni At Heppner CHURCHES CHURCH OF CHRIST. ALV1N KLEINFELDT, Pastor. Bible School 9:45 a. m. Morning eervices 11 a. m. C. E. Society 7 :00 p. m. Evening servces 8 :00 p. m. Choir rehearsal, Wednesday 8 :00 p. m. Midweek service, Thursday 8:00 p. m. Morning sermon, "Profiting by Peter's Mistakes." Evening sermon, "Moses' Choice." METHODIST CHURCH. JOSEPH POPE, Pastor. Morning services: Sunday School, 9:45; Preaching service, 11:00. Ren- dyle Pope will speak on the sub ject "Requirements for the Su preme Reward." There will be no evening service. Prayer meeting Thursday eve ning at 7:30. Everyone is cordially invited to attend the services of our church. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE. ALFRED R. WOMACK, Pastor. Sunday: Sunday School J0:0O A. M. After Service 11:00 A. M. Evening Service 7.30 P. M. Tuesday night, prayer meeting only, 7:30. Thursday evangelistic service 7:30 "WE WELCOME ALL" small son Monte remained at the home of his grandpaients, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Bleakman. The Robert Burnside home was the scene of a dancing party Wed nesday night, honoring Mike Saling who is home from the CCC on a va cation. Bud Batty entertained with several ukele and vocal solos. Lawrence Williams was attending to business in town Sunday. Monte, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond McDonald, is ill at his home. CANNING PEACHES Slappey, 214c per lb. in the orchard. W. T. Bray, Umatilla, Ore. 22-3 Seed Wheat for Sale Good, clean Arco. B. F. Swaggart ranch, Lex ington. 23tf. NOTICE OF PINAL ACCOUNT. , Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administrator of the Estate of Carl E. Mattson, deceased has filed with the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, his final account of his administration of the estate of the said deceased and that the said Court has fixed Monday, Sep tember 16. 1935, at the hour of Ten o'clock in the forenoon of the said day at the Courthouse at Heppner, Oregon, as the time and the place for hearing of objections to said final account and the settlement of the said estate, and all persons having objections thereto are hereby required to file the same with said Court on or before the time set for said hearing. Dated and first published this 15th day of August, 1935. P. W. MAHONEY, Administrator. S. F. BOWMAN MONUMENTS Representing BLAESING GRANITE CO. Odd Fellows Building Phone 161 PENDLETON, OREGON WOOD FOR SALE LOW PRICE General Trucking Anywhere in the state, any time WALTER R. CORLEY Phone 184 lone, Ore. PINE CITY Bt lenna neill E. B. Wattenburger motored to the John Day country Monday to look after his bees. Mrs. Watten burger and children accompanied him to Long Creek where they will visit Mr. Wattenburger's sister, Mrs. Retd Buseick, for some time. John Healy and son Jack, who have been in St Helens for the past week, are expected to return home the last of this week. Mr. an Mrs. A. E. Wattenburger who motored to Lake Port, Calif., last week with Mr. and Mrs. Reid Buseick and family to visit Mr. Wattenburger's brother, returned home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Neill and Guy Moore are spending this week in the mountains huckleberrying. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Omohundro and family moved to their new home near Nolin Sunday. Miss Iris Omohundro is spending this week in Hermiston visiting Miss Marian Henderson. Miss Marie Healy spent Friday afternoon visiting with Miss Alma Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Corrigall visited at the T. J. O'Brien home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Young and family left Saturday morning for the mountains where they will spend a few days huckleberrying. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wattenburger, Miss Ina Wattenburger, Mrs. L. D. Neill, Miss Alma Neill, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Wattenburger and fam ily and Mrs. Ollie Neill and family spent Sunday afternoon at the A. E. Wattenburger home celebrating Mrs. Wattenburger's birthday. C. H. Bartholomew was a busi ness visitor in Heppner Saturday. Mrs. Roy Omohundro and daugh SELECT NOW! Be Early! Girls' TUB FROCKS Fast-color! 49 3-6 with match ing bloomers ! 7 to 14 with finished backs! Quality percale' CHILDREN'S OXFORDS and SHOES 98c Well fitting Very Durable! Men's & Boys' Furnishings BOYS' SHIRTS Fast Color! 49c Percales, broad cloths, in fancy patterns and solid colors! 1 2 - 1 4 V, ' It'sR WE HAVE Give us a chance to prove to you that we do carry HIGH QUALITY FEEDS PRICED TO GET BUSINESS Morrow County Grain Growers, Inc. KENNETH BLAKE, Mgr. Morrow County Creamery Company Manufacturers of Pride of Oregon Butter and Ice Cream When you patronize your local factory, you are not only helping the home factory and local farmers who are helping to pay taxes, but are helping yourself. For the month of May we paid $4300.00 for Buttcrfat. Do you think this is worth keeping in the community? Is this worth encouraging? ter Iris visited at the Antone Cunha home Saturday. Miss Ida Ullman and J. C. Wat tenburger from Talent, Ore., spent Friday and Saturday visiting at the Mrs. Ollie Neill and A. E. Watten burger homes. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Cox and family were business visitors in Hermiston Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Myers and son Jerry and Mr. and Mrs. Marion Finch and daughters spent Sunday afternoon at the C. H. Bartholo mew home. Ellis Coxen is staying at the Roy Neill ranch and doing the chores while the Neills are in the moun tains. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wattenburger, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Wattenburger and family, Mrs. Emery Cox and family spent Thursday afternoon at the Mrs. Ollie Neill home. Ice cream and cake were served In Does Your Typewriter or Adding 3Iachine Need Fixing? See HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES Expert repair man calls regular ly. See U3 for office supplies. LAURENCE CASE MORTUARY "Just the' service wanted when you want it most" GIRLS' SWEATERS 98c GIRLS' BLOOMERS 19c MISSES' T-STRAPS 8 12 to 2 nL Patent leather 'iSBwi stitchdownswith ttubber n e e i s. Knock-out value BOYS' DRESS PANTS 81.49 BOYS' CORDUROYS $1.98 d umore NO FEEDS honor of Mlsa Neva Neill's birth day. Mrs. W. D. Neill, Miss Bernice Neill and Floyd Mathers are camp ing In the mountains this week and picking huckleberries. Misses Ruth, Susan, and Mary Carol Thompson are now visiting at the C. H. Bartholomew home. Emery Cox and Lowell Young were business visitors in Hermis ton Sunday morning. Printing in the modern mode as turned out by the Gazette Times shop will please you and attract at tention to your business. ONE FULL WEEK CRAM FULL OF SAVINGS Celebrating our 20th Anniversary we are offering Food Buyers What We Honestly Believe to be the Finest Group of Food Values Ever Gotten Together... The Treat's on us During This Tremen dous Sale One Full Week August 16. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22. LIBBY'S CORNED BEEF 12 oz. Tin ... 18c SHORTENING A real saving 4 lbs. 49c SALT Leslie quality Full 2 LB. Q Shaker OC STRING BEANS Good quality CASE $2.29 Z2 10c TOMATOES No. 2i2Tins DOZEN $1.53 ?,anch 12c I CHEESE Brookfield Loaf PER LB. ... 23c P. N. BUTTER No. 1 quality 2 lbs. 33c WALNUTS No. 1 Walnut meats 8 0Z. PKG. 23c TOM. SAUCE Finest quality 6 tins 25c MEAT Fancy Picnics Very Special us.R 24c TISSUE Waldorf 1 Rolls 19c TEA Cantebury 16 oz. Black .. 49c 16 oz. Green .. 29c MATCHES Favorite Sk 23c CTN. Harold Cohn returned the first of the week from a flying trip to Montana. He was accompanied on the trip going by Joel R. Benton, who returned to his pastorate of the Christian church at Fort Benton. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Crawford left this morning for The Dalles to take in the American Legion con vention sessions today and tomor row. August Clearance Sale Dresses, hats and coats greatly reduced. Currnn Ready-to-Wear. r US au- WW l7Jki ccri i I l WPF k 1 ' Inclusive Coffee LB 18C 3 Lbs 50c it.l'.v.x - jT''Qi -.v. Baby Lima Beans, 3 Lbs. 19c Brown Sugar 7 Lbs. 45c Pepper, Schillings, 8 oz. 19c Soap, Sunny Mon. 10 brs. 25c Gr. Juice, Fiesta .... Qts. 35c Powd. Sugar 5 Lbs. 43c PINK SALMON McGovern's Best LB. CAN 12c Marshmallows Lb. 17c Tapioca. Albers Inst., lb. 23c Peas, Blk. Eyed, 2 Lbs. 19c Candy, asst. var., 2 Lbs. 25c Willi mmw m Soap, 5 bars White King, 1 wash rag, For 23c MILK Federal Tall Tins Case, $2.85 PER TIN 6c COFFEE Dependable 2 tin 45c 3 Lbs 69c NOB HILL SUGAR Pure Cane 100 $539 LBS. FLOUR We sold four tons of flour on' the last ad and are continuing the same prices so those who missed can get in on this flour milled from old wheat. SAFEWAY BBL. $5.98 ORE. MAID BBL. $5.49 sk. $139 $1.55 FRESH PRODUCE Cantaloupes OSfc Large 45 size .... I for MfJx POTATOES, excell- C Off ent .quaity. 100 LBS. V Li GOLD WANTED Licensed gold buyers will pay up to $35.00 an ounce for old dental bridges, crowns, rings, chains, lockets, watch cases, spectacle frames, etc. or any other dis carded jewelry if mailed within 30 days. Take advantage of this wonderful opportunity given to you by a reliable concern to get full value for your old gold. We also buy old silver. ELCO GOLD REFINERY 1038 Exchange Building Seattle, Washington VINEGAR Bring your con tainer (it 6c GALLON 19c BROOMS 5-sewnneQp quality .. Kitchen M0 Quality TUV SARDINES Large oval tins DOZEN 95c 3 for 25c SHRIMP Fancy 5 oz. DOZEN $1.45 U FOR 25c TUNA FISH White Star M TINS 29c PORK & BEANS Large 22 oz. Van Camps DOZEN $1.15 EACH .... 10c OATS Sperrys or Albers quick or regular 9 LB. BAG 49c BK. POWDER K. C. quality i 33c 50c SIZE APRICOTS fancy Walla Walla 2 Large OOsa 22 Tins.. U tIC RICE Fancy head 10, 63c SH. WHEAT Genuine M Pkgs. 23c MACARONI Elbo Cut 5 lbs. 35c RAISINS New crop pkg. 25c 4