PAGE SIX HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUG. 15, 1935. Interesting Item For Rheumatic Sufferers Mrs. Ivan Yargus, Belknap, Iowa, writes that her 20 year suffering from rheumatic neuralgia, and neu ritis pains has been remarkably re lieved by taking Williams R, U. X Compound. In her letter she states she also takes Williams S-L.K. For mula to eliminate the cause. Pat terson & Son Drug Store, IN THE CIRCTIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MOR ROW COUNTY. Rubina F. Crisman. Plaintiff, vs. Mabel Harvey and J.thn IV Kmy. her husband: Rem Grxvv and Richard Roe fitwm bw husbrd: Gusie Grooves &nd Janxs Roe Groovwa her hushsud: Th fr.kTvurn Heirs of Muhel Hrcv, IVoM-'vsl : The Vnkn-n Heirs of Bertie Grooves. Deceasied ; The Cr.knowTi Heirs of Gussie groove. Deoe5d: The Unknown Hr of Mrv Stewart Laara. Deceased: Also all othr per sons or parues unknown claiming any right tit!, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein. Defendants. SUMMONS. To: Mabel Harvey and John Doe Har vey, her husband: Bertie Grooves and Richard Roe Grooves, her husband: Gussie Grooves and James Roe Grooves, her husband: The Unknown Heirs of Mabel Harvey. Deceased; The Unknown Heirs of Bertie Grooves. Deceased: The Unknown Heirs of Gussie Grooves, Deceased; The Unknown Heirs of Mary Stewart Laam. Deceased: Also all other per sons or parties unknown claiming any right title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described In the complaint herein, the above named defendants, IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court and Cause within four weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons and if you fail to appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff win apply to the said court ror renei as craved for in the said complaint to-wit: for a decree that the Dlaintiff is the owner in fee simple of the fol lowing aescriDed real property: West Half of Southwest Quarter; North Half of Southeast Quarter; Southwest Quarter of Northwest Quarter of Section Thirty-six, Township Five South Range Twenty-four East of the Willamette Meridian, in Morrow County, and Southeast Quarter of Northwest Quarter; Northeast Quarter of Southwest Quarter and Lots Num bered Three and Four of Section One. in Gilliam County. State of Oregon, Township Five South Range Twenty-four East of the Willamette Meridian. And that the plaintiff is the owner in fee simple of the said land free of any right title, estate, lien or interest of you and each of you and that you or any one 01 you nave no ngnt. utie. estate, lien or interest in the said land or any part thereof and perpetually restrain and enjoin you and each of you, your heirs and assigns, from as serting or claiming any right title, estate, lien or interest in the said land: or any part thereof, adverse to plain- tin. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof for four consec utive weens in tne Heppner Gazette Times, by order of Honorable Wm. T. Campbell, Judge of the County Court of Morrow County. State of Oregon, and which said order was made and entered the 15th day of August 1935, and the first date of this publication is the 15th day of August 1935. P. W. MAHONEY, Attorney for Plaintiff. PostofBce Address: Heppner, Oregon. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. On the 14th day of September, 1935. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door of the Court House at Hepp ner. Morrow County. Oregon. I will sell at auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described real prop erty in Morrow county, uregon, io-wii: The East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 10; The South west Quarter of Section 11; the West Half of Section 14; the East Half of the East Half of the North east Quarter, and the East Half of The East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 15; the East Half of the East Half of Section 22 ; the Northwest Quarter, the West Half of the Northeast Quarter, and the West Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 23; in Township 2 South of Ranee 25. E. W. M. Said sale is mudft under execution out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow, to me directed in the case of Pacific Coast Joint Stock Land Bank of Portland, a corporation, vs. Nathaniel L. Shaw and casna a: snaw, nusband and wife, George G. Shaw and Pearl I. Shaw. husband and wife, Hugh W. Shaw and Winifred Shaw, husband and wife, Lotta A, Shaw Budden and Sidnev G. Budden, wife and husband, Nora Shaw Ritchie and Ray ft Ritchie, wife and nusoana, George Lee Shaw, Asa Har old snaw. Hugh vester Shaw. Carl Cal vin Shaw, Ray Ernest Shaw, Raymond George Budden, Wallace Alton Bud den, Fay Budden, Sidney Budden, and jaargarei feinei snaw. C. J. D. BAUMAN. Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. By ELBERT L. COX, Deputy. First Publication, August 15, 1935. Last Publication. September 12. 1935.. NOTICE OF FIN A! ACCOUNT. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administratrix of the estate of Charles Thomson, deceased, has filed with the County Court of the State of uregon ior Morrow county, ner nnai account of hei administration of the estate of said deceased, and that said Court has set Tuesday, the 3rd day of September, 1935, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the County Court room at the Court House at Heppner. Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to said final account and the settlement of said estate, and all persons having ob jections thereto, are hereby required to file such objections with said court on or before the lime set for said hearing. Dated and first published this 25th oay oi juiy, laao. MARY H, THOMSON. Admlnlsratrix. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DIS TRICT OF OREGON. The California Joint Stock Land Bank of Ban Francisco, a corporation, Plaintiff, vs. Ewing P. Berry and Belle Berry, some times known as Vera B. Berry, his wife; Frank Lieuailen and Hettle E. Lieuailen. his wife: Addie Harman Administratrix of the Estate of Jen nie P. Hill, deceased; Addie Harman; Mollio Baldwin; Florence Gobat; Tressa Conger; Lair Prather; Merlin Prather; Jeane M. Simpson; Harley Prather; Myrtle Bohna; Bessie Cam mon ; Marie Prather ; Clyde Hall ; Her man Prather; Edward Prather; and Morrow County, a quasi-municipal corporation; Ben Buschke; Cleave Prather; Rebecca Bush; Jane Cowne; Carl Cryderman; Geneva Cryderman; Lola Reader; Mary Ball; Mable Ball; Alma McCann; Ruth Watson; Donald McCann, Jr.; Clyde McCann; Nor man McCann; Carl McCann; Orvil McCann: John McCann; William Mc Cann; George McCann; Cecil Wilis; Wanda Klepper: Agnes Morgan; Prlscllla Goodwin; Edward Wills; Eftie Ferguson, Delendants. ORDER SEQtrrRINO NON.RESI DBNT DEFENDANT TO APPEAR. Equity No. 9427. TO LOLA READER, one of the de fendants above named: You are hereby commanded that all excuses and delays set aside you be and appear within six consecutive weeks from the date of the first publi cation of this order, and not later than September 6, 1936, at the office of the Clerk of the United States District Court tor the District of Oregon at Portland. Oregon, and plead, answer, or demur unto the amended bill of com plaint of The California Joint Stock Land Bank of San Francisco, a corpor ation, in said Court exhibited against you. Hereof you are not to fall at your peril. That In said suit plaintiff Is seeking to foreclose a mortgage made on April 9 1920. and recorded April lu, ls-u. in Book 39 of Mortgage Records of Mor row County, State of Oregon, at page 237 thereof, made to said plaintiff by Ewing P. Berry and Belle Berry, his wife, upon the following described nds. to-wit: The East half (EH) and the East h&lf vEW) of the West half (Wil of Section numbered Ten (10) ex cepting that portion of the East half tE'i) of the Northwest quar ter tXWUi and the Northwest quarter iNW1,) of the Northeast quarter (NEl) of said Section numbered Ten (10) lying North and West of the County road; the West half (V4) of the West half (Wis) of Section numbered Eleven til); the West half (W) and the West half of the East half (Eli) of Sec tion numbered Fifteen (15) in Township Three (3) South. Range Twenty-six (26) East of the Wil lamette Meridian, in the County of Morrow and State of Oregon, save and except 2.70 acres deeded to D. E. Oilman; That said Ewing P. Berry and his said wife on April 2U, 1830. mortgaged saia lands to Jennie P. Hill for $12,701.23. which mortgage was recorded April 21. 1920, In Book 29 of Mortgage Rec ords of Morrow county, uregon, at page 258 thereof; that on February 16. 1923. said Ewing P. Berry and his said wife deeded said lands to Frank Lieu alien and Hettie E. Lieuailen, which said deed was recorded October 3, 1923, in Book 36 of Deed Records of said County and State, and grantees therein assumed ana agreed to pay as pan. oi the consideration therefor the plain tiff's said mortgage and the mortgage to Jennie P. Hill; that thereafter and on March 20. 1923. said Frank Lieuailen and Hettie E. Lieuailen. husband and wife, deeded said real property to Jen nie P. Hill, which said deed was re corded August 6, 1924, in Book 36 of Deed Records of Morrow County, State of Oregon, at page 611 thereof; that said deed contained the following lan guage, to-wit: "Subject to existing mortgages, one to The California Joint Stock Land Bank and one to the grantee herein, which mortgages the grantee herein (Jennie P. Hill) assumes and agrees to pay;" that thereafter said Jennie P. Hill foreclosed her said mortgage recorded April 21, 1920, in Book 23 ot Mortgage Kecoras oi Mor row County. Oregon, at page 258 there of, and sold said real property at fore closure sale ana purcnasea tne same; that on or about the 28th day of June. 1933. said Jennie r. Hill died intestate in Multnomah County. Oregon, leaving the above described lands as part of her estate; that said Lola Reader is a grand niece and one of the heirs at law of said Jennie P. Hill, deceased, and claims an interest in and to the above described premises and is a necessary and proper party defendant in said suit You are further notified that If you make default herein the Court will proceed to the hearing and adjudicating oi said cause. Done and dated at Portland. Oregon. this 22nd day of July, 1935. JUHIN h. MCINAKI, Judge of the United States District Court for the District of Oregon. The foregoing order Is published pur suant to an order of the Honorable John H. McNary, Judge of the above entitled court signed upon the Zand day of July. 1935. and the first publi cation, as provided for therein, is made upon the 25th day of July, 1935. jAiuts a. rra ana FEE 4 RANDALL, Attorneys for Plaintiff, To Whom Assessed on 1966 Tax Boll Sesoriptlon of Property Seo. Twp or or Bng. Lot Blk George, T. J. et ux card. C. W. Grim. Mrs. Hugh Kessier, ranees . Burroughs, D. H. Blount Mary Parker Walpole, Etna M. Walpole, Etha M. Daggett W. E. iuiooh, Clyde Miller. Obed I. Corey, Guy Estate tngiisn. y. c. Trustee Munroe. J. L. Williams, R. F. . Walpole. Etha M. Walpole Ella R. Estate . Miller, Obed I. Walpole. W. R. Estate scharnhorst. D. .... Walpole, Etha M. Walpole, Ralph G. Swayze, Frank B. Lane, B. B. Swayze, F. B Walpole, Etha M. Smith, J. A. Trustee Grim. Hugh W. Egbert. J. L. Swayze, F. B. swayze, t . B. . Walpole, Ella R. Estate Walpole, Ella R. Estate Walpole, Ella R. Estate , walpole, Klla R. Estate Adams. S. W. McDaniel, Ethel Adams. F. N. Hackman, Charles Hackman, Charles Prophet. W. P. Bleakman. E. E. Estate . fopnet. w. f. Bleakman. E.. E. Estate DeVore, Ben Gilliam & Bisbee Odell, Emmit Swift. J. C. NOTICE OF SREBIFF'S SAiE UNDER. EXECUTION. Notice Is hereby given that I will on the 14th day of September, 1935. at 2 o'clock. P. M.. at the front door of the Court House in Heppner, Morrow Coun ty, pell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, all of the fol lowing described real property, situat ed in Morrow County, to-wit: The following described lands in Township 4 South of Range 27 E. W. M. : Beginning at the North west corner of SWHSW4 of Sec tion 16, said township and range, running thence South one quarter of a mile to the SW corner of said Sec tion, thence East on the Section line one quarter of a mile, thence North westerly in a straight line to place of beginning, SViSH, SHNWy4SW4 ' and following described tract of land: Beginning at SW corner of NEViSW"4, running thence due North 40 rods, thence in a South easterly direction in a straight line to SE corner of NE14SWH of Sec tion 17, thence in a straight line 80 rods to place of beginning, all in Section 17 said township and range; SHNEy4SEy4 and SE'.iSE'i of Sec tion 18. EHWH and Eli of Section 19, Section 20, Wti and SWy4NE4 and WHSEli of Section 21, begin ning at SE corner of SWli of Sec tion 27, running thence west on the Section line 1320 feet, thence North on forty line 1320 feet to NW cor ner of SEyjSWli of said Section 27, running thence Southeasterly in a straight line to place of begin ning, WHSWli and SW'4NWli of Section 27, EliSEli, SliNEli and NWy4NE, NWy4 and NW'4SW4. Section 28, EHEli, NWV4NBM, SW'4SE4. NNW4. SWliNWli. EiSW4 and SWViSW'4 of Sec tion 29. EH and EHWli of Section 30. NE'4NWy4, WHE'i and NE'4 NE'4 and SEy4SEli of Section 31, Wli. NEy4 NV4SEV4, and SWli SEli of Section 32, NEy4NE4 of Section 33, ENWK and Following described tract: Beginning at the NW corner of NE14SE14 of Section 34, running thence due East 1320 feet to the NE corner of SE'4 of said Section 34, thence South on the Section line 1320 feet, thence in a northwesterly direction In a straight line to place of beginning: All the above described real property being in said Township 4 South, Range 27 East of W. M. NNE'4, SE,4 NE'i. NWV4SE!4 and NE'4SW14 of Section 6. SWy,NW'4. Wli SWy4. Wli SW',, SE'4SW'4, and WHE of Section 5, SE'4NWli, NE14SW4. and NWliNE'i of Sec tion 4, SWy4SW4 and WHNW'4, and the following described tract: Beginning at NW corner of NE14 NWli and running thence due South on forty acre line 1320 feet, thence East 1320 feet to SE corner of NEy4NW4, thence In a straight line in a Northwesterly direction to place of beginning, all In Section 3, NE'4NEy4, NWy4NW'4 of Sec tion 10, NE',4NE'4 of Section 9, EV4 NWy4 of Section 8, EM.NW14 Sec tion It and SVjS'A of Section 15. all in Township 5 South, Range 27 E. W. M. SE'iSE"4 of Section 32, NE'4NW14. SNWy,, SW'l and WSE'4 of Section 33, in Township 4 and lots 3 and 4. SWtfNWW of Section 4. and Lot 1, and SEVt NE'4 of Section 5 in Township 6, All South Range 27 East of W. M and W'4 of SEVt. E'SWVi, SWA SW, of Section 28, NW'4NW'4, and W'ANEtt of Section 33 In Town ship 4 South, Range 27 E. W. M and NW'4. WNE and NWV4 SWli of Section 15 In Township 4 South, Range 28 East of the Wil lamette Meridian. This notice Is based upon an execu tion issued in favor of the Federal In termediate Credit Bank, in the case of Marguerite Glavey, plaintiff, vs. Jerome O'Connor, sometimes known as Jerm O'Connor, James O'Connor, Ellen Bu selck Schwarz, State Industrial Acci dent Commission, as defendants, and the Federal Intermediate Credit Bank of Spokane as third party claimant, in which case the said Federal Interme diate Credit Bank of Spokane secured on the 23rd day of February, 1935, a judgment against the said Marguerite Glavey, for the sum of $49.60. The proceeds of said sale to be ap plied In satlsfatcion of the judgment of the said Federal Intermediate Credit Bank of Spokane, together with all ac cruing costs. Dated this 13th day of August, 1933. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff of Morrow County. Hendrix, William Swift J. C. De Vore, B. F Smith John C. De Vore. B. F. Adams, F. N. . Adams, F. N. Adams. F. N. DeLashmutt. E. L Howell, Maude Howell, Maude Brown, Artie Estate Howell, Maude Brown, Artie Estate Brown, Artie Estate Brown, Artie Estate Brown, Artie Estate Ingram, W. D. Estate Ingrum. Mary Prophet & Miller Prophet & Miller . Cartwright, J. R. Cartwright, J. R. Cartwright, J. R. Cartwright J. R. Aiorsii Co., The . Cartwright J. R. Palahniuk, Stephen J. et ux , Ballinger, Robert S. . Freiwald, Gustav Estate Butt, Lawrence C. Barzee, C. W. Irrigon 22. 23. 24 SO Irrigon 6 to 8 Inc 31 Irrigon 9 31 Irrigon 13 to 20 Inc 31 Irrigon 1, 2, 3 32 Irrigon 4 ft 5 32 Irrigon 6 to 12 Inc. 32 Imgon 1 4 2 36 Irrigon 6 ft 7 36 Irrigon 8 36 Irrigon 11 to 15 Inc. 36 Irrigon 18 36 Irrigon 17 37 Irrigon 20 4 21 37 Irrigon . 4 38 Irrigon 5, 6. 7 38 Irrigon 9 38 Irrigon 11 38 Irrigon 12 4 13 38 Irrigon 4 39 Irrigon 9 39 Irrigon 14 39 Irrigon 17 39 Irrigon 18 & 19 39 Irrigon 20 to 33 Inc 39 Irrigon 24 4 25 39 Irrigon 26 39 Irrigon 28, 29, 30 39 Irrigon 1 & 2 40 Irrigon 15 to 18 Inc 40 Irrigon 20 40 Irrigon' 1 to 37 Inc 43 Irrigon 1 to 35 Inc. 44 Irrigon, All except 6&7 45 Irrigon 1 to 35 Inc 46 Hardman . . 6 A Hardman 1, 2, 3 B Hardman, N 30 ft. 4 B Hardman L 2. 3, 4 C Hardman 6 C Hardman ... : 2 D Hardman 3 4 4 D Hardman 2 E Hardman 3, 4, 5, 6 E Hardman 2 G Hardman . 3, 4, 5 G Hardman 4 H Hardman, Royses N 40 ft. 4 I Hardman, Royses 6 I Hardman, Royses 4 J Hardman, Royses 6 4 6 J Hardman, Royses All M Hardman, Fergersons . 1 ft 2 1 Hardman, Adams 1 ft 2 1 Hardman, Adams N 23 ft of 3 1 Hardman, Adams 6, 7, 8 1 Hardman, Adams 1, 2, 3, 4 2 Hardman, Adams 1 ft 2 4 Hardman, Adams. E 100 ft. 5 4 Hardman, Adams 2nd 1 ft 2 1 Hardman, Adams 2nd 5 ft 6 1 Hardman, Adams 2nd 11 ft 12 1 Hardman, Adams 2nd ..- 1, 2, 3 2 Hardman, Adams 2nd . 10, 11, 12 2 Hardman, Adams 2nd 3 Hardman Tr. 8 (DR V-B3) Hardman Tr. 9 (DR T-238) Hardman Tr. 20 (DR 37-162-39-310) Hardman Tr. 21 (DR 37-162 39-310) SW'4NWy(, SEHSW&, Ntt SW(4, SE 5 All S ft E of road 6 All 7 WEH, W 8 Tract (DR 34-208) 9 NWVi 18 Spencer, Samuel R. . Latham, C. J. Deyoe, H. F. Curran. John Mahoney, T. J. Gibson, Oness V. Bank, Philomath State Graves, W. W. Bank. Philomath State Barker, John Estate Barker, John Estate Logan. Hattie Hanville, Burrell, et ux, ft Crouse, Her- oert et ux . Macomber, W. H. . Grotkopp. E. C. T. .. Schuller, W. F ... Schuller, W. F Schuller, W. F. Doherty, Neil Walker, Samuel McEntire, Thomas ... Schuller, W. F Siegmund, Wilda Siegmund, Wilda Vermont Loan ft Trust Co. Tibbetts, Violet L. ft Mock F. Louise G Younger, W. H. uarzee, c. w. C, & Wagner, Clyde W. & Joe P. Brown . Bryant, Frances H. Pringle. Joseph Round, Tunis D. Bank, First Nat'l Heppner Eaton, James E. Luttrell. W. P Thompson, Robert A. Bank. First Nat'l Heppner xtosequisi, victor . Finley, Claude L. co W. B. Finley . sepaneK, m. et ux Federal Land Bank of Spokane Murphy, P. T. L,evin, Harry Essex. John G . Holmberg, Nels Farmer, James Carty, Patrick Beckland. Ernest O. Flood, James, Heirs , Schmidt, Charles et ux . Schmidt, Charles H Amato, Frank Sepanek, Michael et ux . Sepanek. Michael et ux . Conrad, Otto Thompson. Byron M. spencer. Arthur w. Brumfield, Sadie Nelson, Peter Carl Trelsch, W. H. Pundt, Bernard, co Phipps, F. L. Trus tee . Schmidt, Anne E Pundt, Bernard, co Phipps, F. L. Trus tee Amato, Frank Pundt, Bernard, co Phipps, F. L. Trus tee Castle Rock Land Ass'n Broyles, Sarah A Castle Rock Land Ass'n Doherty, Neil Castle Rock Land Ass'n Castle Rock Land Ass'n Gordon, Lizzie . Hoover, Samuel S. Israel, Genevieve . Jenkins, J. D Luten, B. B. Klesel, William C Mather, The Misses Storseth, John Decker, Margaret DeYoung, May Castle Rock Land Ass'n Burnell, L. M. Doherty, Neil Farrand, Calvin D. Cummins, Vere Cummins, Solomln C. Rletmann, Victor ........ Gorger, George Krause, Franz Central Trust Co. Kilkenny, Peter DeFranq ft Moore Porter, A. A Rupprecht, George , Castle Rock Land Ass'n , Castle Rock Land Ass'n , Wade, Douglas A. et ux , Deos, Mrs. L. A. Estate . Broyles. Sarah A , Castle Rock Land Ass'n , Schissler, H. H. . Cole, George M. Estate Waggoner, Ople L Stephens, Wm. S. et ux Leadbetter, Charles ... Burleson, David W. ft Klein Realty Service ................. Gurley, S. A. D Castle Rock Land Ass'n Prutcr, J. H. et ux .... Walpole, W. R. Estate Thomas, Elizabeth S. Ex . Bills, J. C '. Brice, J. T Walpole, W. R. co Ira L.. Borger Jaeckel, Charles . Jaeckel, Ernest . N4NW All 27 36 1 8 8 10 15 2 10 swy, SEy; SWli - NHSWli, SE4SW14 ...... All EMjEli All NE'4 22 S'jSWli 5 sy.swii. swy.. SEii 19 NE'4 26 NW14NW14 .. 30 S14S14 24 NEliNW, NW'4NE4, Eli NEy4 25 Wy.NEli, NliSEl4 19 NE14NE14 22 SMiSWy 27 Tract (DR Y-257) 33 All 5 All 9 SW'4 14 EH 14 SW14 16 All 21 NWli 22 SEli 23 WV4 except 1 Acre for cem etery, NE4 26 Ny,SEl4, SEliSEli 26 WNE'i 27 SWliNWli, N'ASW14 31 NE14 34 s'AsyjSwii, nnw'4, sy, NWli 34 NE'4 35 EH 12 W'iNW'i, NEliNW'4 IS SEy4NEli 19 SW4 24 NWli 24 SE'4 24 Nfii4NEli, WHNEli 30 W'A Z"I""ZZ""""ZZZZI 10 W'4WS, SE'4SW14 12 NE4, Eli-NWli, NEliSWli, NWy4SEli 12 SHNH, SW'4 14 SE'i 18 NWli 19 NliNEVi, SWliNEli 19 WViNEli 20 EyaNEy4 : 20 NWy4 20 SW4 - 23 NWli 24 swy4 24 All 25 W'j 26 NliNE'i 28 SEli - 28 WHW 30 NE'4, ENWli, E'2SEli .... 30 SW'4 32 SE'i 6 NW'4, S4 8 SE'4 18 SWli frl 19 NW',, E'ASWli, SW4SW14 20 SW'4NW'4, WHSW'4,'SEli 30 NE'4 30 All 1 NW4NWV4 - 3 All 13 All 36 All ,. -. 5 All 9 NW',iNWy,NWli. W14NE14 NW'4NW'4 17 E'j Wli SE'4, E'AWWli SEli 17 Wli.SE'4NE4NW'4 17 Wli.SEy4NW'4NEV4, NWli s w a w w 14, nwnwn NK'4, 1C'.SW14 WNfiJli E14 NEli, WV4 NE'4 NWli NE1 17 17 SWi4NE',SEl4 17 E 2 Acres NWHNEliSE'i 17 WHNWH NWli SE'4, SE'4 NE',SWli 17 NE'4 NE', SW'4, E14 NW NE'4SWli - 17 W'.SW'4NW'4NE'4 17 NW',NW',i, EHNE'4, SE'4 21 SW'4NW4, NW14SW4, NK NEliSW'4 .'. 21 All 36 N'.NE'4 16 SE'4 26 NE'4 26 All 28 All 32 NW'4 34 NE'4 NE'4 7 NE'4 - 16 SE4 16 SW'4 16 All frl 13 All 25 WV-NWli - 28 NW'4 32 WM-SW'4 84 All except 12 Acres right-of-way - 9 All frl ,. 11 NW'4NW'4 14 E'ANW'A, NE'4, NHSE14 .... 14 Ny,NW'4Nwy4 16 S'.-NW'4NWl4, NE14NW14, SyuNW'4 16 SE'4 NE'4 All 16 18 17 SEV4NW'4 - 23 INW'4KK'4 N of canal W', RW'4 NWli. W14 NWli SW'4 Unit D 24 E',SW'4NE14, EM.NW4SE14 Unit C 24 NE'4NWy4, NWliNE'4 25 EijNE'4 26 E',NW'4, W14NE14, NWli SE'i 29 NEHNE14 . 29 193 19M 1038 1937 193 1935 - 1.13 1.00 .87 1.08 150 1.88 1.31 1.14 .37 .36 3 64 . 2.98 2.77 2.63 2.30 1.13 1.03 1.U0 .87 1.08 1.09 .74 .69 .66 .67 .71 .71 2.62 2.43 2.32 2.00 2.49 .74 .69 .66 .57 .71 .74 .69 .66 .57 .71 .71 .37 .36 .34 .29 .37 .37 1.87 1.75 .37 J6 .84 3.16 3.91 8.95 .37 .34 .34 .29 8.23 7.62 7.24 6.31 7.83 .37 .34 .33 .29 .36 .36 1.12 1.04 .98 .86 1.06 .37 .34 .34 .29 .36 .37 .34 .74 .35 .33 .37 .34 - .33 .29 .35 .37 .84 .32 .29 .36 .37 .34 .32 .29 ' .36 .36 .74 .69 .66 .67 .72 .71 I. 49 1.38 1.31 2.59 3.20 3.22 .74 .69 .66 .67 .72 .37 .34 .34 .29 .36 .38 1.12 1.03 .74 .69 .66 .67 .71 .71 1.49 1.38 1.31 1.15 1.42 1.43 .37 .84 .34 .29 .36 .36 8.81 4.06 8.42 8.90 6.93 8.21 19.64 9.09 3 22 S.27 4.41 12.60 , 18.01 1.25 16.10 16.29 4.91 4.98 16.80 16.98 35.97 45.89 41.99 51.22 II. 20 11.31 19.62 24.71 22.61 2.11 2.11 8.26 3.53 3.23 3.94 4.21 4.25 4.92 5.31 4.83 4.93 6.31 6.38 10.64 1.11 1.11 3.79 3.79 6.87 6.79 6.99 7.08 13.08 14.12 1.40 1.42 1.66 1.63 4.21 9.81 9-92 16.66 16.76 15.36 18.72 7.44 9.80 9.92 1.11 112 4.21 4.23 15.69 15.86 2.80 2.83 8.20 1.38 " 1-43 1.56 .65 -56 .63 .70 2.65 2.69 .64 .66 .63 .70 .84 .83 .99 1.07 .84 .83 .99 1.07 1.42 1.43 1.66 1.78 2.11 .34 1.38 1-42 1.66 1.78 1.63 1.95 14.00 14.16 19.62 21.18 19.38 23.64 1934 1933 Total Xntarwt Amount for all Penalty Oar. of Tears to 13-31-34 Bella. LANDS OF MORROW COUNTY IN 23 37.24 IN 23 26.96 IN 23 94.08 IN 23 67.08 IN 23 .36 IN 23 22.86 IN 23 24.28 IN 23 105.71 IN 24 27.40 IN 24 17.64 IN 24 19.44 IN 24 21.89 IN 24 160.21 IN 25 22.71 IN 25 80.48 IN 25 28.12 IN 26 19.28 IN 26 34.58 IN 26 16.74 IN 26 6.15 IN 27 129.68 IN 27 108.29 2N 23 15.84 2N 23 3.60 2N 23 13.14 2N 23 .07 2N 24 36.99 2N 24 36.87 2N 24 9.21 2N 24 18.44 2N 24 9.21 2N 24 36.87 2N 24 9.21 2N 24 29.95 2N 24 114.11 2N 24 , 28.51 2N 24 11.62 2N 24 34.55 2N 24 36.86 2N 24 25.35 2N 24 83.41 2N 25 23.87 2N 25 2N . 25 1.66 2N 25 20.64 2N 25 20.64 2N 25 20.64 2N 25 11.70 2N 26 39.07 2N 26 26.05 2N. 26 35.82 2N 26 64.72' 2N 26 26.05 2N 26 32.66 2N 26 22.95 2N 26 15.49 2N 26 14.28 2N 26 19.64 2N 26 33.93 2N 26 16.78 2N 26 18.92 2N 26 11.42 2N 26 182.78 2N 26 57.11 2N 26 14.28 2N 26 28.56 2N 26 21.44 2N 26 28.89 2N 26 2S.56 2N 27 13.02 2N 27 156.28 2N 27 52.10 2N 27 30.26 2N 27 66.32 2N 27 97.39 2N 27 45.70 3N 23 23.36 3N 23 1.47 3N 23 23.30 3N 23 23.29 3N 24 47.26 3N 24 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