Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 15, 1935, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Eatabliihed March 10. 1881;
Established November 18, 18T s
Published mrfry Thursday morning by the
and entered at the Post Office at Heppner,
Oregon, as second-class matter.
One Tear .
, 11.00
, t.OO
. 1.00
. .78
. .06
Three Years
Six Months
Three Months .
Single Copies .
Official Piper for Morrow Cositty
Director May Visit.
TJEPPNER may enjoy a visit in
the near future from C. C. Hock
ley, acting director of PWA for
Oregon. A form letter received by
the Gazette Timea this week an
nounces his intention of making a
flying trip over the state with as
many stops as possible to familiar
ize people, where it Is desired, with
the new government set-up for pub
lic works construction.
Mr. Hockley's office recently had
puzzling questions concerning the
new set-up answered by an assist
ant director and staff from Wash-
ington, an is now prepared to give
help wherever possible. This PWA
program is to result In permanent
structures, financed in part by
sponsoring bodies while assisted to
the extent of 45 per cent by a grant
or gift from the federal govern
The letter says, "In instances
where the communities prize such
local improvements to the extent
that they are willing to bear their
share of the cost by putting up the
other 55 per cent of the money re
quired, PWA stands ready to as
sist In the event a community
does not have its share of the fi
nancing immediately available or
does not find it advantageous to
borrow the 55 per cent required
from private sources, PWA will
loan the needed funds on qualified
security. The type of project and
Its nature may be determined by
the community and the prevailing
wage scales in that community will
be paid to those given employment.
. . . Relations with WPA are such
that there is no conflict, and with
the desire on the part of both of
fices to be of assistance to the
The city administration has out
lined projects totalling $100,000 to
include permanent street improve
ment water works improvement
and construction of swimming tank,
all much needed improvements in
the city, to be applied for under
PWA. However, at this time, there
is no provision made for the city
financing its 55 per cent of the
amount A visit from Mr. Hockley
now should be of much benefit in
explaining the financial set-up in
detail. It might be determined that
the city's share could be amortized
on such basis to make It possible
to proceed with the work.
The opportunity Is rare, and
should not be passed by lightly.
A Good Project.
A leading citizen of the city has
suggested a needed improve
ment for inclusion in the PWA pro
gram for Heppner an improve
ment that would add much to the
beauty and safety of Heppner's
Main street.
He suggested the removal of tele
phone and light poles from Main
street to alleys in the rear' of build
ings, and installation of an orna
mental curb lighting system with
adequate lights to properly illum
inate the principal thoroughfare.
The step has already been taken
by many progressive towns no larg-,
er than Heppner, at costs entirely
within reason.
Properly, light and telephone ser
vice should be given from the rear
of buildings. The installation of
poles on Main street curbs is a
hangover from early days when the
prominent display of such poles in
dicated pride of the people in ob
taining such services as an earmark
of progressiveness. Now the poles
tn such lighting systems are un
sightly and a nuisance.
Too, the present street lighting
system jeopardizes lives of citizens
through failure to give enough light
for good vision. There is just light
enough to nullify car headlights
and to make night driving on the
street hazardous.
This improvement calls for ser
Jous thought on the part of every
The year's canning program, like
Milady's gown, must follow an ac
curate pattern or it may turn out
too large in some places and too
small in others, says Miss Lucy A.
Case, extension specialist in foods
and nutrition at O. S. C.
A garment pattern must fit the
individual and the canning pattern
must fit the family, she says. Oth
erwise there may be too many jars
of corn and too few of peas and
greens, or some similar situation.
Two guide patterns to assist Ore
gon homemakers in this respect
have been prepared by Miss Case
and are available free from the col
lege or county extension offices.
These are H. E. 753, "Suggested
Plan for Family Food Supply;" and
Extension Bulletin No. 61, "Canned
and Stored Food Budget"
The Ladies Aid social meeting
was held at the home of Mrs. Harry
Jaynes last Wednesday afternoon
at which a large crowd was present
Apple pie and ice cream were served
by the committee.
Geraldine Healy spent several
days in Condon last week.
Hi Hoffman took his truck to The
Dalles Saturday where he will have
his relics of the Columbia river on
display during the state Legion
Alton Klitz spent Monday and
Tuesday here with his parents be
fore going on to his work at Port
land. Claud Myers spent the past two
weeks in the Valley.
Mr. and Mrs. Claud Coats and
Echo visited during the week end
at Hardman with Mr. Coat's moth
er. T. E. Hunt was home over Sun
day. The North Morrow County fair
dates are September 21 and 22 and
will be here at Boardman. The fair
board, H. E. club and Ladies Aid
will have booths for lunches and
refreshments. Races, sports and
a baby show will be features dur
ing the afternoons, and a dance on
Saturday evening will close the fair.
Mr. and Mrs. Z. J. Gillespie and
Donald motored to Condon Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barlow and
Lucille and Miss Mary Chaffee of
Heppner spent Sunday here with
Miss Elsie Wilson of Hood River
was a Boardman visitor last week.
G. F. Harford who is ill with
asthma was in the veterans hospital
at Portland for several days this
Buster Rands and Dave Johns
ton motored to Portland Tuesday
where they will box in the tourna
ment Rev. W. O. Miller of Umatilla,
former pastor of this place, will
preach in the Community church
Sunday morning at 11 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Jones mo
tored to Hardman Saturday where
they disposed of a load of potatoes.
A large number of out of town
friends came to Boardman Sunday
where they enjoyed a picnic and
visit with the Kruse family at their
ranch here. They were Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Palmer and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Potter and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Potter and son,
Mr. and Mrs. Kuff Stanton and
daughter Eva, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Install electric
hot water
service now...
With low 8-mill rare and
low-priced automatic
electric water heater, you
can easily afford it I
$10 down installs a specially
priced 40-gallon automatic
electric water heater in your
home. You pay the balance in
convenient monthly install
ments. The operating cost is
only eight-tenths of lc per
k.w.h. . . . Try this heater for
60 days. Then if you are not
fully satisfied, it will be re
moved. The only cost to you
will be the electricity used.
(Remember, you don't have to
own an electric range to own
an electric water heater.)
Always at Your Service
Stanton, Mr. and Mrs. Farren and
daughter Alta, all of Condon, Mr.
and Mrs. Winkle and daughter of
Corvallis, Mrs. Marjorie Johnson
and Silvian Palmer of Olex.
Mr. Hansett of the Hansett
Brothers Broom company of Port
land, spent a day on the project
last week looking over the fields of
broom corn which many farmers
have this year. He reported that
the crops were fine and thought
they would have a good yield and be
of good quality. He says this coun
try is an ideal place for broom
corn as there Is a ready market
for it in Portland, probably a good
many more acres will be planted
next year. Last year Reese Byram
and Glenn Carpenter had in a few
acres and received good profit from
it and this year there are a lot of
farmers who have planted some.
Broom corn is priced now at $180.00
a ton. Harvesting of the corn is
starting this week.
School will start in the Board-
man district Monday, September 2.
Most of the teachers of last year
will be with us again. Ray Murry
of Cottage Grove will be the added
teacher in the high school, this now
making four teachers again in the
high school. E. T. Ingles will again
Pari Mutuel
I Starting Monday, September 2
Livestock Produce Fratt Grata
Elodeo Homo Show
Starting Monday, September j
Gilmorc Circus Parado
I - Of Giant Animals A Mile of Laughs
Special on Children's Day, August SI
Fireworks Display Free at Night
la a Special Building, September 4, 5, 6
Bands and Free Attractions
New Rides and Shows on the Midway
New Flower, Art and Textile Displays
lic Corporation and Political Sub
division of the State of Oregon,
Gideon Franzen. Columbus J. Gordon.
Dennis McNamee, B. G. Slgsbee Es
tate. Chas. H. Latourell, Emil Grot
kopp, Lena Owen Estate, Sara E. Mc
Namer, George B. Noble, Peter O.
Bore Estate, Eliza Walbrldge, Alice
B. DePew, Arthur Smith c0 F. W.
Turner, Sylva Cason, Mary Ingram,
The Adjustment Bureau of the Port
land Association of Credit Men, Hen
ry Stender, Hessie Kinney Estate. L.
1 V. Gentry Estate, La Verne Van Mar
ter et ux, Ora M. Wyland, Pearl E.
Ferguson, W. E. Straight. A. R. Reld,
Elsie Ann Stevenson, Ida M. Fell,
Uzz French, Annie Healy, Martha
Reid, Henry Schwartz, W. T. McRob
erts, M. L. Case et ux, Frank W. Tur
ner, J. H. Cox, C. D. Turner Estate,
Sarah H. Randall, James Carty, E.
Nordyke, Carl L. Allyn, O. J. Cox et
ux, Henry Earl Warner. E. D. McMil
lan. James H. Helms, Sarah Phillips,
Clark T. Davis, Minnie Nordyke et vlr,
Charles R. McAlister, Belle Henfell,
Frank Engleman, J. W. Campbell, C.
W. Swanson, W. E. Bullard co John
Farrls, C. W. McNamer, Edna Hoss
ner Balcomb. E. J. Blake et ux, Ar
cher Rice. Clyde R. Walker, Louisa
B. Stringer, Bergena B. Randall, W.
P. A Delia McMillan. Ida M. Grablll,
J. H. Robnett. R. W. Sperry Estate,
Paul E. Lovell, Independent Ware
house Co. co Farmers Elevator Co.
of lone, Stella O'Meara, Laura E,
Wiggens. Ida B. Rolfson and Pente
costal Assembly, Robert Reitmann,
H. M. Blake, E. L. Padberg Estate,
Victor G. Peterson, George W. Rit
chie, Earle A. Brown et ux, Ida Flet
cher, Harry D. Fletcher, Amanda
Corkhoff , Sarah Piggott, Lewis
Ball, Elmer Griffith, Sylvia J.
Stratton, Martha O'Shee, E. G.
Frank, Leila A. Phelps, Guy L. Lee,
Percy E. Jones et ux, Ralph S. Da
vis, Chas. W. Goodwin, H. E. Munger,
Margaret M. Klitz, F. F. Klitz, Eva
L. Warner, Emma E. Sherman, Frank
Smith, Alex Wilson, Edna M. Mathes.
Harry T. Murchie, J. C. A R. H. Mc
Kean. H. A. Burnside, Carl W. Doer
ing. Alice E. Miles, H. E Warren,
Clara J. Voyen, W. W. Shaar, Eflle
Maxwell, Lowell A. Spagle, H. T.
Murchie, May C. Kennedy, J. F. Gor
ham, Ruth N. Ballenger, Mary A.
Heln, Mrs. Flora Snively, Marvel H.
Gorham, May Chaffee, W. A. Price
et ux. Clair P. Harter WeBton. Annie
To Whom Assessed on 1935 Tax Boll
Franzen, Gideon
Gordon, Columbus J.
McNamee, Dennis ..
Slgsbee, B. G. Estate
Noble, George
Latourell, Chas. H.
Latourell, Chas. H
Gotkopp, Emll .
Gotkopp, Emil
Owen, Lena Estate
McNamer, Sara E.
McNamer, Sara E.
McNamer, Sara E. ...........
McNamer. Sara E. ....
Noble, George B.
McNamer, Sara E. .....
McNamer, Sara E ..
Borg, Peter O. Estate ....
Walbrldge, Eliza
Grotkopp, Emil .........
Grotkopp, Emll .....,...
DePew. Alice B .
Smith, Arthur, c0 F. W.
Cason, Sylva
Adjustment Bureau of
Ass'n of Credit Men
Stender, Henry .-.........
Kinney, Hessie Estate .
Kinney, Hessie Estate ,
Gentry, L. V. Estate .
Van Marter, LaVerne et ux .
Wyland, Ora M.
Wyland, Ora M
Ferguson, Pearl E. .
Ferguson, Pearl E.
Adjustment Bureau of the Portland
Ass'n of Credit Men ,
Walbrldge, Eliza
be superintendent, the other teach
ers being Miss Jeannette Turner,
high school and Miss Clara Ruff,
high school; and grade teachers.
Miss Harney, Miss Henderson, Miss
Burkholder and Theron Anderson.
Mrs. B. P. Rand and Mrs. Geo.
Rand were business visitors in
Walla Walla Tuesday.
Miss Julia Miller is visiting her
sister Grace at the F. C. Aid rich
Chas. Steward returned home
Saturday from the veterans hos
pital at Walla Walla.
Mrs. Steward had Mrs. Rebecca
Knight as a house guest Saturday
and Sunday.
Clair Caldwell and Fred Mark
ham have been hired to drive the
Heppner Transfer Co.
Anywhere For Hire Hauling
Bonded and Insured Carrier
Marshall Estate, James McNamee,
Annls Weston, H. H. Weston, Ella R.
Walpole Estate, Etha M. Walpole,
Mrs. L. M. Cook, W. R. Walpole Es
tate, May Buchanon, Clifford H. Cald
well, W. J. Locke, J. F. Portfors,
Sue P. Wadsworth, W. L. A Orlena
M. Suddarth, Frances F. Kessler.
Charles C. Quimby, William H.
Pierce, C. W. Mann, L. V. Wood
ward et vir, C. E. Knight, Lee Gray
beal, Ralph Beneflel et al, J. A. Fos
ter, George Blume, Thomas A. Cronk
et ux, F. B. Swayze, Fred N. Cum
mings, Eliza J. Quinlln, A. Jorgen
son, G. W Davis, Debbie Bell Mc
Cune, D. F. Glover, T. J. George et
ux, Catherine Ives, J. E. McCoy, Mar
tin Gilbertson, Andrew Jorgenson.
Made Charles Allen, C. W. Card, Mrs.
Hugh Grim, D. H. Burroughs, Mary
Parker Blount. W. E. Dagget, Clyde
Enoch, Obed I. Miller, Guy Corey
Estate, Q. C. English Trustee, J, L.
Munroe, R. F. Williams, D. Scharn
horst, Ralph G. Walpole, Frank B.
Swayze, B. B. Lane, J. A. Smith
Trustee, Hugh W. Grim, J. L. Eg
bert, S. W. Adams, Ethel McDaniel,
F. N. Adams, Charles Hackman, W.
P. Prophet, E. E. Bleakman Estate,
Ben DeVore, Gilliam ft Blsbee, Em
mit Odell. J. C. Swift, William Hen
drix, B. F. De Vore, John C. Smith,
E. L. DeLashmutt, Maude Howell,
Artie Brown Estate, W. D. Ingram
Estate. Prophet ft Miller, J. R. Cart
wright, The Morsll Company, Stephen
J. Palahniuk et ux, Robert S. Ballln
ger, Gustav Freiwald Estate, Law
rence C. Butt, C. W. Barzee, Samuel
R. Spencer, C. J. Latham, H. F. De
yoe, John Curran, T. J. Mahoney,
Oness V. Gibson, Philomath State
Bank, W. W. Graves, John Barker
Estate, Hattle Logan, Burrell Han
ville et ux A Herbert Crouse et ux,
W. H. Macomber, W. F. Schuller,
Neil Doherty, Samuel Walker, Thom
as McEntire, Wllda Slegmund, Ver
mont Loan A Trust Co., Violet L.
Tibbetts ft F. C ft Louise G. Mock,
W. H. Younger, Clyde W. Wagner ft
Joe P. Brown, Frances H. Bryant,
Joseph Prlngle, Tunis D. Round,
First National Bank of Heppner,
James E. Eaton, W. P. Luttrell Rob
ert A. Thompson, Victor RoBequist,
Claude L. Finley co W. B. Finley,
M. Sepanek et ux. Federal Land
Bank of Spokane, P. T. Murphy,
Harry Levin, John G. Essex, Nets
Holmberg, James Farmer, Patrick,
Carty, Ernest O. Beckland, James
Flood Heirs, Charles Schmidt et ux,
Charles H. Schmidt, Frank Amato,
Michael Sepanek et ux. Otto Conrad,
Byron M. Thompson, Arthur W.
Spencer, Sadie Brumfleld, Peter Carl
Nelson, W. H. Trelsch, Bernard
Pundt co F. L. Phlpps Trustee, Anna
Sec. Twp
or or
Lot Blk
Description of Pro party
Heppner, S. 18 ft 5 in of NV4
North 15 It 1 in. of Ni
South Half
East 69 feet
South A of North V4
Heppner .
Heppner .....
South 36 feet
Heppner .
Heppner, South 89 feet .........
Heppner, North 27 feet
Heppner, North 27 feet
Heppner, South 89 feet
Heppner, East 79 feet
Heppner, North 27 feet
Heppner, South 89 feet
Heppner Ayers
Heppner Ayers ...
Heppner Ayera 2nd .
Heppner Ayers 2nd .....
Heppner Ayers 8rd - .
Heppner Ayers 4th .
Heppner Ayers 6th
Heppner Jonea -........
Heppner Jones .
Heppner Jones -.-
HennnAr Mnr.r,u,i . ...2
Heppner Morrow's
Heppner Johnson N 62 ft
Heppner Johnsons -
Heppner Johnsons S 6 ft.....
Heppner Qualds s"io"ft ,
Heppner Qualds -
Heppner Browns
neppner yualdi
school busses the coming school
year with Russell McCoy as substitute.
Rev. Miller of Umatilla was call
ing on friends in Irrigon Wednes
Mrs. Leslie Semon and three chil
dren from Madras are visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Steward.
Mr. and Mrs, Jay Berry and
family of Umatilla visited the Mc
Coy families Sunday. .
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kendler and
daughter Vyonne of Umatilla were
WA'ClJz 4 ; .
, 'V,
E. Schmidt, Castle Rock Land Asso
ciation, Sarah A. Broyles, Lizzie Gor
don, Samuel S. Hoover, Genevieve Is
rael, J. D. Jenkins. B. B. Luten, Wil
liam C. Klesel, The Misses Mather,
John Storseth, Margaret Decker, May
DeYoung, L. M. Burnell, Calvin D.
Farrand, Vere Cummins, Solomln C.
Cummins, Victor Rietmann, George
Gorger, Franz Krause, Central Trust
Co., Peter Kilkenny, DeFranq ft
Moore, A. A. Porter, George Rupp
recht, Douglas A. Wade et ux, Mrs.
L. A. Deos Estate, H. H. Schissler,
George M. Cole Estate, Ople L. Wag
goner, Wm. S. Stephens et ux,
Charles Leadbetter, David W. Burle
son c0 Klein Realty Service. S. A. D.
Gurley, J. H. Pruter et ux. Elizabeth
S. Thomas Ex, J. C. Bills, T. J. Brice,
W. R. Walpole clo Ira A. Berger,
Charles Jaeckef. Ernest Jaeckel, Al
bert B. Moses, L. E. Blsbee, W. N.
Jones, S. H. Boardman clo J. M. Al
len, Adolph Skoubo, A. D. Hubbell,
D. F. Ransier, W. A. Campbell Es
tate, Annie H. Betts, Frank L. Brown,
R. W. Courtwrlght, Jay A. Cox, Effle
J. Gilliam, John W. ft Julia Lowry
A George C. Howard, Northern Pa
cific co Maurice Warren Howard,
David E. Lofgren et ux. Emma B.
Clarke et al, Martha White, T. A.
Clarke, Strong MacNaughton Trust
Co., Dunn Holding Co., F. L. Brown,
P. C. Hunter ft Jos. K. McCune,
Chas. W. Beneflel. Mary M. McCoy,
J. J. Morgan, Frank A. Doble, Harry
Smith, Clara B. Smith, L. D. Beavert
et ux, C G. Betts. Lucy F. Rodgers,
Interior Warehouse Co., W. J. Blake.
Martha E. Stringer, Frank H. Llnd
sey, Mary V. Burt, Mary E. Ball,
Selma Anderson Ex., Frank H. Watts.
Mathias Halvorsen, George A. Pet
teys, Frederick Raymond et al, Vol
mer Clearwater Co., Charlotte A.
Chambers. Emma A. Evans, W. B.
Tucker, Joseph B. Kenny, Michael
Magulre, John Stewart, Frank A.
Young, L. R. A Leota French, E. Sink
et ux, Clarence N. Canning, Carl J.
Peterson, H. J. Blddle et ux, Robert
E. Green, L. V. Gentry Estate clo C.
W. McNamer, R. R. Van Horn, Rich
ard Jones, Jr., Robert H. Zinter,
Katherlne B. Bowker, August Rah
ner. Bertha D. Gllman, W. L. Hen
nenhofer A Joseph A. Robblns, W.
V. Glascock, Jacob A. Dexter, J. L.
Gault Receiver First National Bank
of Hepptter, Otha C. Stephens, George
W. Chapln Estate. F. M. Miller, Pat
rick Connell, C. A. Minor, First In
land National Bank of Pendleton,
Hugh Conner Estate, Ida L. Dyks
tra, Helen V. Knappenburg, J. A.
Woolery Estate. Margaret E. Bell,
Grace G. Gill, William G. Culick, Wil
liam Brownell, George A. Hill, C. A.
Repass Estate clo B. H. Bleakman,
W. P. Mahoney, Elmer McDaniel Es-
9 1 I 13.12 12.62
, 9 1 11.64 11.10
.91 24.76
... 4 ft 6 4 22.27 42.48
9 4 23.76
, 1 6 29.70 28.82
, 2 6 24.75 23.60
6 6 4.95 4.70
6 6 2.48 2.36
4 7 .99 1.90
9 7 898 8.77
10 7 8.21 8 07
18 7 8.71 8 63
14 7 8.97 8.77
4 13 28.01
2 14 .76 .71
8 14 69.90 47.76
. 8 ft 9 1 89.60 47.20
10 1 24.76
1 2 2.98 2.83
12 2 1.23 1.18
1 8 1.23 L18
, 6 ft 7 7 8.72
2 2 29.70 14.18
, 1 ft 2 2 ( 14.86 14.16
, 2 ft 8 4 64A6 61.93
4 5 8 - 49.50 47.20
to 4 Inc. 4 1.46 1.41
..8 A 9 4 1.97 1.86
6 1 83.16 79.29
18 1 84.66
14 1 .91
2 2 49.60
8 2 2.47
), 11 12 8 48.27 46.04
.111 1 4.96
I 13.42
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Isom
Sunday evening.
Mrs. J. A. Grabiel accompanied
her grandson. Hap Grabiel, to Im
bier for a week's visit with rela
tives. Mr. Grabiel was enroute
from his home at Stevenson, Wn.,
to Imbler.
Mrs. Chas. Ellis has her sister,
Mrs. Stanley and Mrs. Cole, as
house guests this week.
Mr. Griffith and two sons from
The Dalles and Mr. and Mrs. R. F.
Miller of Boardman were visiting
tate, Gsorge Ashbaugh, Neva Arbo-
fast, Central Pacific Lumber Co, D.
. Conway, Lewis Cason, M. Cason A
W. Oaten. John R, Ryerson, Benjamin
S. Cox, Thomas J. O'Brien. C. R. Mc-
Ayeal et al, H. P. Bouflleur, A, S.
Dresser, Lena Johnson, Aztec Land
& Coal Co., Samuel L. Mason et ux,
James P. Leete, Irwin D. Wright,
The Chee Lumber Co., Clarence G.
Albertson, Laura M. Rose. Chas. E.
Miller Estate, Mrs. E. I. Hubbard et
al, Walter E. Gardner. James F. A
Beatrice Walsh, W. J. Rush, Angie
Leonard et vir. and any other person
or persons owning or claiming to
own, or having or claiming to have,
any interest In or to the real eatate
hereinafter described. Defendants.
No. 3118
To each and all of the defendants
named in the foregoing Title:
OREGON: You and each of you are
hereby notified that Morrow County,
Oregon, is the holder of Certificate of
Delinquency No. 2688. issued on the
31st day of December, 1934, by the
sheriff and tax collector of Morrow
County, Oregon, and duly filed for
record by the Clerk of said county on
the 5th day of July, 1935. which said
Certificate is in the amount of 63,274.79.
being the amount then due and delin
quent tor taxes for the year 1930 and
prior years, together with penalty, in
terest and costs thereon, upon real
property situated In said county here
inafter described, which said respective
parcels of real property being assessed
hespectlvely to you as Is hereinafter
set forth in this summons.
You and each of you are further noti
fied that in the subjoined tabulation of
this summons the left hand column of
said tabulation under the words "Pres
ent Owner" Is the name of the person
or persons appearing on the latest tax
roll in the hands of the sheriff for col
lection as the owner or owners of said
property described In the column next
following; that the column next fol
lowing under the word "Description"
shows and properly alleges the descrip
tion of the several tracts of land herein
referred to; that in the said descrip
tion the abbreviation "DR" means
Deed Record and the figures Imme
diately following Baid abbreviation in
dicates the number of the book of the
Deed Records and the number follow
ing the hyphen following the number
of the book indicates the page of such
book where the deed referred to is re
corded; the capital lettera "N", "S",
"E", and "W" mean North. South, East
and West; the abbreviation "Ft" means
$ 12.80 J 12.84 $ 27.12 $
11.36 11.40 23.29
4.83 4.83
2.42 2.43
2.90 2.91
1.21 1.21
1.21 1.22
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Miller and
family Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver motored to
Goldendale, Wn., Saturday to visit
Mrs. Oliver's mother who has been
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Privall are
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jess Allen
for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Beusel and Mr.
and Mrs. Casslday of Hermlston
visited Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Isom
Sunday afternoon.
feet; that "OWRAN" means Oregon
Washington Railroad A Navigation
Company; that "R of W means right-of-way;
that "tr" means tract; that the
abbreviation "Inc" meariB inclusive;
that "Heppner Looneys", means Loon
ey's Addition to the town of Heppner;
that "Heppner Mt. Vernon" means Mt.
VemonB Addition to the City of Hepp
ner; that "Heppner Ayers" means Ay
era' Addition to the City of Heppner;
that "Heppner Jones" means Jones' Ad
dition to the City of Heppner; that
"Heppner Morrow" means Morrow's
Addition to the City of Heppner; that
"Heppner Johnson means Johnson's
Addition to the City of Heppner; that
"Heppner Quald's" means Qualds Ad
dition to the City of Heppner; that
"Heppner Brown's" means Brown's Ad
titlon to the City of Heppner; that
"Lexington Penland's" means Pen
land's Addition to the town of Lexing
ton; that "Lexington McAllater's"
means McAllster's Addition to the town
of Lexington; that "lone Sperry's"
means Sperry's Addition to the town
of lone; that "lone Wills" means Wills'
Addition to the town of lone; that
"lone ClufTs" means duffs Addition
to the town of lone; that "lone Hal
vorsen's" means Halvorsen's Addition
to the town of lone; that "Hardman
Royse's" means Royse's Addition to
the town of Hardman; that "Hardman
Ferguson's" means Ferguson's Addi
tion to the town of Hardman; that
"Hardman Adams' " means Adams' Ad
dition to the town of Hardman; that
the abbreviation "2nd", "3rd", etc., fol
lowing the additions indicated means
the "second addition", "third addition",
etc.; and that "McHaley, R. R. Tr.
means R. R. McHaley, Trustee of the
Estate of J. H. McHaley, deceased.
Following each description in said tab
ulation, and reading from left to right,
the column headed with the word
"Sec" or "Lot" means section or lot
number; and the column headed "Twp"
or "Blk" indicates Township or Block;
and the column headed "Range" indi
cates Range EaBt of the Willamette
Meridian; and the columns headed 1930,
1929, 1928, 1927, 1926. 1926, 1924. and 1923
represent the tax assessed for the Bald
year; and the column headed "Total for
all years" represents the amount of the
taxes assessed against the property op
posite and described in the column
headed "Description," for 1930 and prior
years; and the column headed "Penalty
and Interest" indicates the penalty and
accumulated interest at 8 per cent per
annum on the respective amounts from
the date of delinquency to the 81st day
of December, 1934; and the words
"Amount for which certificate was Is
sued" In the column following repre
sents the total tax due, including pen
alty and Interest, to the 81st day of De
cember, 1934.
for all
Intermit Amoant
ft Penalty Car. of
toU-31-84 Delin.
8 91.82 11.02
172.61 20.70
24.76 2.97
328.52 39.42
23.76 2.86
68.02 6.9S
48.86 5.80
29.16 8.50
14.66 1.76
7.78 .93
7.75 .93
6.28 .75
7.24 .87
7.74 .98
28.01 2.76
1 48 .18
117.65 14.12
205.06 24.61
24.75 2.98
17.64 2.10
6.09 .73
6.11 .78
8.72 .45
43.86 6.26
44.18 5.80
162.02 19.44
96.70 11.60
2.87 .34
6.88 .70
162.44 19.49
34.65 4.16
.91 .12
49.60 6.84
2.47 .80
143.87 17.24
4.96 .69
I 102.84
160 91