Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 15, 1935, Image 1

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Volume 52, Number 23.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Wool and Grain Show to
Return After Absence
of Three Years
Ladles Wool Auxiliary Sponsors
Special Exhibit; Stand Profits
to Send Stock to Salem.
The 4-H Club fair to be held in
conjunction with the Rodeo prom
ises to be the largest 4-H Club show
ever held in Morrow county. The
wool and grain show also will again
be held after an absence of three
years. In addition a woolen goods
exhibit ia being sponsored by the
Morrow County Wool Growers aux
iliary. All of these will be combined
in the old fair building adjoining
the dance pavilion.
This three-day county fair is ex
pected to be one of the outstanding
events of the year and should be of
interest to everyone in the county.
The 4-H Club livestock exhibit will
be a major event, with some 75
sheep and 20 head of dairy cattle
being shown by club members.
The girls' club exhibits will be
shown in the dance pavilion and in
the model kitchen erected for the
use of the 4-H cooking clubs this
year. In this kitchen the girls'
demonstrations and judging con
tests will be held. Just outside of
the dance pavilion door the Pacific
Power & Light company will have
a display of electrical appliances,
electric brooders, motors and other
electrically driven farm equipment
The show ring for the livestock will
be in the center of the vacant street
between the fair building and the
Tum-A-Lum Lumber company. In
(his space also will be exhibits of
farm machinery displayed by Jack
son Implement company, Lexing
ton; Beach Equipment company,
Lexington, and Braden-Bell com
pany, Pendleton.
In the booth placed in front of
the dance pavilion the 4-H clubs
will sell hamburgers, hot dogs, ice
cream and soft drinks. Money real
ized from this booth will go into a
fund to be used to defray expenses
of shipping an entire carload of 4-H
livestock to the state fair at Salem
during the week of August 31 to
September 7. This will be the first
time Morrow county 4-H club mem
bers have ever exhibited stock at
the state fair.
Many of the organizations and
business concerns in the county
are taking an active interest In club
work this year. The Heppner Lions
club is awarding a large silver cup
as a perpetual trophy to be award
ed to the champion sheep club of
Morrow county. This cup will be
presented to the winning club in the
arena in front of the grandstand
Saturday afternoon, the last day of
the combined county fair and Ro
deo. The Heppner branch of The
First National Bank of Portland
has offered to award a scholarship
for the 4-H club summer school to
a high-scoring sheep club member.
The women's auxiliary of the Mor
row County Wool Growers is spon
soring a scholarship for the high
est scoring sheep club member. The
Jackson Implement company, Lex
ington; the Beach Equipment com
pany, Lexington; Pacific Power &
Light company, Heppner; Braden
Bell company, Pendleton, are each
awarding a scholarship.
Special arrangements have been
made to house the 4-H club mem
bers who plan to stay in Heppner
for the three days at the Elks club.
Cots will be furnished and club
members will bring only their blan
kets and personal belongings. Three
meals a day will be served to the
club members from the Elks kit
chen. The Rodeo association has
agreed to give each club member
exhibiting a season ticket to the
The wool show should bring out
an excellent exhibit of fleeces and
the grain show promises to be one
of the best held for some time. The
open class woolen garments exhibit
sponsored by the women's auxiliary
or tne Morrow (Jounty Wool Grow
ers will be exhibits of woolen dress
es and suits, afghans, pillows, pic
tures and miscellaneous, and a spec
lal classification of the oldest and
most Interesting article made of
wool. Any one In the county is
eligible to exhibit in this woolen
goods show.
On Thursday Oren Nelson, pro
fessor of animal husbandry at Ore
gon State college, Corvallls, will
Judge the wool show and the 4-H
club sheep. On that day also, D. D.
Hill, professor In the farm cropB
department, will judge the grain
show. On Friday, L. J. Allen, as
sistant club leader, will judge 4-H
cattle. On Friday morning also
the 4-H club judging contest will
be held. On Saturday morning Mr.
Allen will Judge what should be one
of the most Interesting contests of
the fair, the livestock showman
ship contests.
Mrs. A. D. McMurdo underwent
an appendectomy at a Portland
hospital last week end. She Is re
ported as making good progress
toward recovery. Dr. McMurdo re
mained with her for several days,
returning home Monday.
State Grange Master Speaks as
Historic Articles Placed In Cor
nerstone of New Building.
The Lexington grange hall which
was recently completed was dedl
oated at a public ceremony Satur
day afternoon. Ray W. Gill, mas
ter of the Oregon State grange, had
charge of the dedication. He was
assisted by the officers of Lexing
ton grange. Immediately following
the dedication the cornerstone was
sealed by Orville Cutsforth, master
of this grange. In the cornerstone
was placed a list of the charter
members of the grange, a list of
all the officers of the grange, a copy
of the minutes of the first meeting,
a copy of the minutes of the meet
ing at which the grange decided to
build a hall, a copy of the current
Issue of The Oregon Grange Bul
letin, The National Grange Month
ly and the Heppner Gazette '-Times,
a short history of this grange from
the time of Its organization on May
27, 1929, to the present time, in
cluding some information about the
.grange hall, and several other ar
Preceding the dedication an in
teresting program was given. This
consisted of several musical num
bers and a talk by Mr. Gill relative
to Senate bill No. 1662 which would
place the control of water trans
portation under the Interstate Com
merce commission. Mr. Gill also
spoke briefly of the Bonneville pro
ject and other problems of interest
to farmers.
The Lexington Home Economics
club met Thursday afternoon at the
grange hall with Mrs. A. H. Nelson
and Mrs. S. J. Devine as hostesses.
In the absence of Bertha Dinge3,
president, Alta Cutsforth presided
at the business meeting. The fol
lowing committees were appointed
for the bazaar to be given this fall:
Aprons, Pearl Devine, Anna Smouse,
Laura Rice and Jessie licCabe;
fortune telling, Lorraine Beach;
cooked foods, Anna Miller, Tena
Scott, El ma Scott and Mrs. Joseph
Belanger; novelties, Alda Troedson,
Beulah Mankin and Emma White;
linens, Carna Campbell, Norma
Marquardt and Mrs. Lawrence Slo-
curn; cand; Beulah Nichols, Bertha
Dinges and ternice Bauman; serv
ing, Ellen Nelson and Frances
Troedson. A short program was
enjoyed after the business meeting
and refreshments of ice cream,
cookies and punch were served.
Mrs. Laura Rice and Mrs. Alta
Cutsforth will be hostesses at the
next meeting which wiil be on Sep
tember 12.
When Ralph Jackson, accompan
ied by S. G. McMillan and Mrs.
Sarah White, was returning from
Lehman springs Monday night he
had the misfortune to have his car
badly wrecked when it was struck
by a logging truck on the highway
near Pilot Rock. None of the oc
cupants of the car were Injured.
The truck did not stop but pro
ceeded on toward -Pendleton, a
front wheel and one fender and
running board were torn from the
Jackson car and the truck was ap
parently undamaged except a piece
of it which was left lying on the
road. Mr. Jackson notified th?
state police who, with the aid of
this, hope to locate the truck.
Mrs. Carl Allyn and daughter
Maxine of lone visited at the George
Allyn home Monday.
Mrs. Harry Duvall has returned
from Portland where she has been
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ralph
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Breshears
and daughters, Helen and Bunny,
and Miss Nellie Doney were visitors
in Pendleton Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray W. Gill and
daughter of Portland were visitors
in this community Saturday. Kr.
Gill had charge of the dedication
of the Lexington grange hall.
Mrs. Harry Dinges and son Dan
ny left Thursday night for Port
land to visit with Mr. and Mrs.
John R. Lasich, Jr.
Mrs. Wm. VanWlnkle and family
spent last week picking huckleber
ries In the mountains.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Majeske and
family were visitors in Pendleton
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell McMillan of
Chlco, Calif., visited Lexington rel
atives one day last week.
Danny Dinges underwent an op
eration for removal of tonsils and
adenoids at Portland Monday. '
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Peck and fam
ily spent the week in the moun
tains picking huckleberries.
Richard Pickell of Salem has been
engaged to teach In the high school
this year.
Myles Martin went to Moro last
week. He was accompanied by
Bernice Martin and Mildred Hunt
who will visit at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Orlo Martin.
George Schatz and two sons were
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Har
ry Dinges Tuesday evening. Mr.
Schatz who is local depot age.it,
plans to leave for Rufus soon.
Mr. and Mrs. Togo Erlckson of
Minneapolis, Minn., are guests of
Mrs. Erlckson's mother, Mrs. Min
nie Leach.
Miss Peggy Warner had her ton
sils removed last week.
There will be a meeting at the
circuit court room in the court
house at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening,
August 20, for the purpose of or
ganizing a Townsend Old Age Pen
sion club for Morrow county,
George Baker will speak.
Mrs. Carrie Vaughn
Has Painful Injury
Mrs. Carrie Vaughn received
painful Injury to her left hand
Monday morning when the mem
ber was caught In the wringer
as she was assisting with the fam
ily washing at her home on Gale
street Her son, John F. Vaughn,
was close by and helped to free
her, but much of the flesh had been
stripped from the hand, and 31
stitches were required In dressing
the Injury.
Mrs. Vaughn, 78 years of age,
suffered considerably from the
shock. She is being cared for at
the home of her granddaughter,
Mrs. Charles Barlow.
Mr. and. Mra Dean Engelman
and children have returned from
Fossil where they spent several
Miss Mary Cotter of Austin, Minn.,
who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs.
M. E. Cotter, departed for her home
Monday evening. She was taken to
Arlington by Mr. and Mrs. Cotter
and will visit In North Dakota ou
her way.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Engelman of
Portland are visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Engelman.
Ture Peterson went to Portland
Sunday. Cole Smith looked after
the meat market during his ab
sence. Art Stefan! trucked Louis Btr
gevin's tractor to Gibbon- Sunday.
Mr. Bergevin will use it in harvest
there during the next two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Wilson of
Huntington Beach, Calif., are vis
iting friends and relatives here and
at Morgan.
Mrs. Edward Rietmann and sons
Van and David are visiting rela
tives at The Dalles.
Maxine and Harlan McCurdy
spent Sunday at Lehman springs.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Blake came
over from Kinzua on Wednesday
and went on to the mountains to
pick huckleberries. They returned
to their home Friday.
Mrs. E. J. Keller returned last
Friday from a visit of several weeks
with sisters at Tacoma and Port
Angeles, Wash., and with her son,
Dr. James Keller, at Butte, Mont
Bert Johnson with his mother
and sister spent the week end in
Mr. and Mrs. Earle Brown and
son are here on a visit from south
ern Oregon. Mr. Brown taught here
several years in both the grades
and high school. Both he and Mrs.
Brown teach in schools in southern
W. F. Honey of Gresham who
has large holdings near here is reg
istered at the Park hotel.
Miss Bethal Blake of Heppner
spent several days of last week
with her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Blake.
Mrs. Roy Stender and children
came up from Salem last Wednes
day bringing with them Misses Dot
and Dimple Crabtree who have
been working in Salem. Miss Dim
ple will remain here until after the
Rodeo, while the rest of the party
went back Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mankin and
son Buddy spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Dwight Misner at Thorn
ton, Wash. Betty Jean returned
home with them.
Miss Charlotte Sperry has cone
to Portland to be with her sister
at the home of their aunt, Miss
Agnes Nlblen.
Earl Blake returned Monday from
Thornton, Wash., where he has been
working In harvest
Mrs. George Secor of Buckley,
Wash., has been visiting with Mrs.
Etta Shippey. Mrs. Secor who has
been here to attend the Pentecostal
conference was the first teacher of
Mrs. Shippey's children years ago
in Washington and stayed in their
Junior Mason went to Wfi-lla Wal
la on Friday where he joined the
group of 45 boys who were to rep
resent Blue Mountain council at the
Boy Scout Jamboree in Washington,
D. C. Although the jamboree was
called off by the president tne boys
are taking the rest of the trip as
planned but will go to a scout camp
near New York Instead of to Wash
ington. Miss Marjorie Peterson of Goose
berry spent the first part of the
week with her cousin, Miss Wilms
10-Acre Fire on Willow
Creek Lightning Result
A 10-acre Are near Linger Longer
camp in the national forest on Wil
low creek offered stubborn opposi
tion to a large fire-fighting crew,
Sunday, before It was finally put
under control, announced F. F.
Wehmeyer, local district supervis
or. The Are was said to be a hold
over from the lightning storm of
July 23. Apparently the fire had
been set In the pitchy top of a large
tree, and had smoldered since the
time of the storm. When the tree
top fell out, it set the dry grass and
the flames were making rapid prog
ress when discovered.
All members of San Souct Re
bekah lodge are urged to attend
the meeting at the hall tomorrow
evening. Business and social ses
sions are scheduled.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Barratt re
turned home Tuesday evening from
Montana where they spent ten days
looking after sheep Interests.
C. B. Cox and E. L. Mor
ton, Lions Committee
for Road Fete.
Bright Garb Slated to Appear at
Final Queen's Dance, Saturday;
Bauman Report Navy Visit.
Celebration of completion of the
Heppner-Spray road, set for Labor
Day, is important as a reminder
to the general public that hard
surfacing of the road is now com
plete, said S. E. Notson, president
of Heppner Commercial club, in
addressing the Lions club Monday
noon. The club offered its coop
eration in helping to stage the cel
ebration and named Chas. B. Cox
and E. L. Morton as the cooper
ating committee.
The forest park on Wilson point
was announced as the probable site
of the celebration, and it was pro
posed that a general committee
comprising representatives of the
city of Heppner and of various or
ganizations handle the details.
Should the staging of a ball game
be desired, Mr. Notson believed the
old CCC diamond at Bull prairie
would be available. As the state
highway commission is expected to
be In Pendleton shortly before, it
was thought probable that all the
members could be prevailed upon
to attend.
That "completion of the Heppner
Spray road might not also be its
finish" was the hope of J. O. Tur
ner, who called attention to the
hauling of heavy loads of logs which
has already started over the road.
One contract already let calls for
hauling 7,000,000 feet of logs and
there is promise of much more hard
use of the road which will tend to
cut it up rapidly unless it is put in
shape to handle the traffic. He be
lieved effort should be expended to
have the road oiled that it may be
more serviceable.
"Everybody in a loud shirt and
Windsor tie for the .final queen's
dance at the pavilion Saturday
night," is the slogan announced by
Dr. R. C. Lawrence, chairman of
the club's Rodeo dress-up com
mittee. The queen's dance was
slated as the official time for don
ning Rodeo garb, with everyone
urged to reflect the spirit of Rodeo
from then until after the curtain
falls on the final act.
The club's committee on the float
to be entered In the Parade of the
Old West reported plans well in
hand, with the hope that the entry
would make a strong bid for prize
money. Dr. L. D. Tibbies, Ralph
Jones and John Anglin comprise
the committee.
The program feature of the day
was given by C. J. D. Bauman,
sheriff, who described a visit to the
U. S. S. Arizona in thePuget Sound
harbor, one of the entertainment
features for the convention of
Northwest Association of Sheriffs
and Police which he attended re
cently In Seattle. Having seen ser
vice as a marine in the World war,
Mr. Bauman expressed gratification
on being accorded naval visiting
honors when they were greeted
aboard ship. The ship's crew was
lined up at attention and the cap
tain and other oHloers were in the
receiving line.,
The ship's hospitality was accord
ed through a sight-seeing tour of
the vessel and a banquet, navy
beans included, which was address
ed by the ship's captain and the
commandant of the Pacific fleet
John Hager, Pioneer
Passes at Pendleton
John William Hager, early-day
settler of the Heppner section and
father of Mrs. John .Brosnan of
Lena, died In Pendleton Saturday.
Funeral services were conducted
from St Mary's church in that city
at 9 o'clock Monday morning, with
interment In the Vincent cemetery.
Pallbearers were grandchildren
and nephews, Jerry Brosnan, Joe
Brosnan, Ed Williams, James
Drake, Jack Luck and Carlton
Luck. Mr. Hager was born Sep
tember 30, 1855, In Shelby county,
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs.
Zetta Brosnan of Lena, and Mrs.
Zllpha Carrell of Tucson, Ariz.;
seven grandchildren, Margaret,
Jerry and Joe Brosnan, and Nan,
Pauline, Zllpha and Paul Carrell;
a sister, Mrs. George O'Daniel of
Pendleton, and a brother, Tom
Hager of Ferndale, Wash.
Among Heppner nlmrods who
participated In the big PaclAc In
ternational TrapshooUng associa
tion shoot at Portland last week end
were Chas. H. Latourell, Dr. A. D.
McMurdo, Dr. J. H. McCrady, P.
W. Mahoney and Luke Blbby. Dr.
McCrady, who averaged 93 dead
birds on each 100 birds shot at, held
high gun among local participants.
Said to be the largest trapshootlng
event ever held west of the Missis
sippi, the shoot drew top-notch
shooters from all parts of the west,
and the competition was extremely
keen In all events.
Rea Farm Home at Top
Razed by Fire Saturday
Fire of unknown origin razed the
farm home of Mrs. Albert Rea at
Top, Saturday. Mrs. Louis Sperry,
alone with her baby in the house at
the time, first discovered the flames
overhead. She escaped with the
baby, but had little chance to save
anything else, and the house and
contents were a total loss. Mrs.
Rea was in Heppner at the time.
George and Louis Sperry, brother
and nephew of Mrs. Rea, who live
on the place also, were at work in
the field and were not aware of the
fire until the house had been reduc
ed to ashes. The house was not
insured. Mrs. Rea and the Sperrys
had just got nicely settled on the
place where they moved from Hepp
ner a short time ago.
Forest Fire Interrupts
Local Power Service
Interruption to light and power
service, Tuesday and Wednesday,
was due entirely to the forest fire
that has raged over a considerable
area between The Dalles and Mo
Bier, announces Ray P. Kinne, lo
cal Pacific Power and Light com
pany manager.
Twenty-five poles in the Hood
River-The Dalles section of the
power line serving The Dalles, Con
don, Moro, Arlington, as well as
Heppner, Lexington and lone, were
burned down and the line for a dis
tance of more than a mile was
Five line crews quickly assem
bled from The Dalles, Hood River,
Portland, Woodland and Yakima,
Wash. These crews worked from
the time of arrival on the job, with
out stopping until the repairs had
been completed. Service was re
stored with the leat possible delay.
The Pacific Power and Light
company wishes to thank those
customers whose water heaters and
power service were temporarily dis
continued, so that all customers
might have use of their lights and
other indispensable appliances thru
the use of the old Heppner steam
plant which is not adequate to car
ry all electrical equipment now
used in Heppner. They are more
than pleased with the attitude dis
played by most of their customers
when informed what the extent of
damage was reported to be and the
probable length of time which might
be needed for repairs.
Pupils of Mrs. Turner
Presented in Recital
Mrs. J. O. Turner presented her
piano pupils in a pleasing recital at
her home on Church street last Fri
day evening. Assisting were Mrs.
Ralph Jones, guest artist and Mrs.
D. A. Wilson, Mrs. Alva Jones, Mrs.
W. V. Crawford, Mrs. Raymond
Ferguson and Mrs. Frank Turner
who helped with serving after the
program, presented as follows:
Duet, "Polish Dance" by Schar
wenka, Kathryn Parker and Mrs.
Turner; duet, (a) "Little Journey,"
(b) "A Little Song" Music Play
for Every Day, Viola Macomber
and Mrs. Turner; duet "Spring
Song," Mendelsohn, Marylou Fer
guson and Mrs. Turner; "Drifting,"
Williams, Joanne Crawford; "Valse"
Thompson, Louise Green; duet,
"Moment Muslcale," Schubert, Jean
Turner and Mrs. Turner; "La Zin
gana," Bohm, Buddy Blakely; "Dix
ie," "Country Dance," Williams,
Constance Instone; "The Clock,"
McLeod, "The Sleigh Ride,"
Schmidt, Lavelle Piper; "Mealtime
at the Zoo," Williams, Nan Craw
ford; duet "Camp of Glory," Edw.
Hoist, Jeannette and Buddy Blake
ly; "Cavatina," Bilbro, Carolyn
Vaughn; "Dangling Spirits," Carl
Bohm, Jean Turner; "The Silver
Nymph," Heins, Margaret Tarn
blyn; vocal solos, "In My Garden,"
Idabelle Firestone, "Sweet Miss
Mary," -Neidlinger, Mrs. Ralph
Jones; duet, "Sea Gardens," James
Frances Cook, Genevieve Kleinfeldt
and Mrs. Turner; "La Grace,"
Bohm, Shirley Wilson; "On the
Meadow," Llchner, Marylou Fer
guson; "The Butterfly." Merkel,
Margaret Doolittle; "Bell Tones,"
Heins, Juanita Phelps; "Robins Re
turn," Carl Fischer, Wallace Lun
dell; "The Spinning Wheel," Wachs,
Jeannette Blakely; "Shower of
Roses, Ascher, Irene Beamer
"Listen to the Mocking Bird," Hoff
man, Genevieve Kleinfeldt; "Calli-
rohe," Chaminade, Kathryn Par
ker; duet, "Valse Caprice," Engle-
mann, Irene Beamer and Mrs. Tur
Roadside Clean-up Crew
At Work in Local District
A 10-man crew started work last
week on roadside clean-up In the
local district of the Umatilla Na
tional forest, announces F. F. Weh
meyer, supervisor. This work Is
being conducted with federal funds
under FERA.
The work is expected to be of
considerable benefit in lessening
fire hazards, and in lending to the
beauty of roads through the nation
al forest. It will probably continue
as long as the season lasts for car
rying on the work.
The home of Mrs. Lulu Jones in
this city was the scene of a double
wedding Sunday, when her daugh
ter, Bonnie Lee Bookman became
the bride of Harold Wilson, and
Mildred Wilson was united in mar
riage to Edgar James Morris, all
residents of this county. Rev, Al
fred Womack, Pentecostal minis
ter, performed the ceremonies.
Death Calls Native of Ireland, Suc
cessful Sheep Raiser, and Highly
Respected Cittzem
Funeral services were held at the
Catholic church in Pendleton at 10
o'clock this morning for Barney P.
Doherty, who passed away Monday
morning at the farm home at Al
pine. Mr. Doherty had been in failing
health for the last two years, giv
ing over active management of the
farm to his sons. He was a highly
respected citizen, well known thru
out the county, and his passing
brings sorrow into many homes.
He was a Morrow county pioneer,
coming here over SO years ago.
He was born 78 years ago in county
Donegal, Ireland, and came to the
United States as a young man, re
siding for several years in the east
before coming west For many
years he had engaged extensively
in the sheep business, and was
numbered among the successful op
erators of the county. He leaves a
wide circle of friends in both Mor
row and Umatilla counties.
He is survived by his widow, four
sons and four daughters, the chil
dren being Bernard, William J.,
John E. and Lawrence P., Mrs. P.
J. Curran, Mrs. Alex Lindsay and
Miss Dorothy Doherty, of Lexing
ton, and Mrs. Charles Monagle of
The sympathy of the entire com
munity is extended the family in
their bereavement
Democratic Leaders Slate
Meeting Here August 19
Nancy Wood Honeyman, demo
cratic state representative from
Multnomah county, and Mrs. Pick
ing, representing the women's div
ision of the Democratic National
committee, will address a meeting
at the Elks club in Heppner, Mon
day evening, August 19, at 8 o clock,
for the purpose of organizing a Re
porter club for Morrow county. The
county democratic central commit
tee, in charge of arrangements,
urges a full attendance of party
members and others interested.
"Women members of the party
are especially urged to be present
Mrs. Honeyman and Mrs. Picking
are both women of prominence,
and their visit here should be wel
comed by a very large attendance.
Their messages will be of interest
to many people regardless of party
affiliation," said C. B. Cox, local
member of the committee, in an
nouncing the meeting.
George Gillis, member of the Lex
ington school faculty, says he likes
his summer job as lookout on Tam
arack mountain even though the
occasional scream of a cougar
causes one's scalp to tingle. George
is one who believes that a cougar
really screams like unto the
screams of a woman and that it is
not just the hoot of an owl com
bined With overwrought nerves
such as one of the theories recent
ly expounded in these columns by
F. F. Wehmeyer, the local district
supervisor. George tracked his
cougar over the mountain and had
three shots at the varmint, though
he has not yet succeeded in landing
the prized hearthstone rug. It's 102
feet to the top of the steel tower on
Tamarack, and George says the
several-times-a-day trip up and
down the stairs has taken off a few
pounds of avoirdupois, but his ap
pearance when in town Tuesday
makes chances pretty tough for any
mat opponent when he comes out of
the timber. At odd seasons, George
Indulges in the bone-crushing game
as a form of amusement
Mrs. H. L. Duvall was in the city
Tuesday from the farm home north
of Lexington. She was just in re
ceipt of a letter from her nephew,
Freddie Wade of Stanfleld, in which
he told of a coming trip to Alaska
with his aunt, Miss Helen Freder
ickson. They expected to leave
Seattle yesterday on the S. S. Der
blay for Nome where Miss Freder-
ickson will teach the fifth and sixth
grades the coming year in the ter
ritorial school of which Wm. H.
Bloom, brother of E. F. Bloom of
Heppner, is superintendent and
where Freddie will attend high
school. Miss Frederickson taught
in the local schools a few years
Announcement of the date of the
wedding of Miss Evelyn Struve of
Pendleton to Mr. Blaine E. Isom of
Heppner was made Tuesday night
(August 13) when Miss Kathryn
Furnish and Mrs. Norman Larabee
entertained with a bridge party In
honor of the bride-elect at the home
of the latter in Pendleton. While
the guests were playing, facsimile
Western Union telegrams announc
ing the date as September 15 and
Signed by Dan Cupid were deliver
ed to each guest by Robert How
land who acted as messenger boy.
Jack Morton, son of Mr. and Mrs.
E. L. Morton, and Marylou Fergu
son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.
B. Ferguson, were each victims of
bicycle accidents yesterday morn
ing. Jack sustained a broken arm
In a fall from his bicycle while at
play on Rodeo field, and Marylou
sustained a slight concussion of the
brain when she fell from her bi
cycle at home. Both injuries re
quired the attention of a physician,
though neither was serious.
Kaufman's Orchestra to
Play for Dances; First
Try -Outs Held.
Miss Kenny's Lead for Queen In
Creased; Dress-Up Set for Sat
urday as Rodeo Near.
Reserved seat tickets go on sale
today at Hotel Heppner.
Kaufman's orchestra of Pendle
ton was retained this week to play
for the Rodeo dances.
First try-out of bucking horses
was held at Rodeo field Sunday.
The full list of prizes for the Pa
rade of the Old West was made up
this week, with contributions of $58
coming from business men of lone.
Miss Ilene Kenny's lead for queen
was greatly increased by the voting
at Lexington Saturday night
And official Rodeo dress-up time
will be the final queen's dance at
the pavilion in Heppner next Sat
urday night with Kaufman's or
chestra playing, and announcement
of queen and attendants.
These, and the promised arrival
of a professional decorator Sunday
to put Main street and the dance
pavilion in holiday garb, are latest
developments for staging the 1935
Rodeo next Thursday, Friday and
Henry Aiken, president returned
Tuesday evening from a flying trip
to Portland and Salem, and an
nounced also that an amplifying
system for announcing events will
be on hand, definite arrangements
for which will foe announced next
Then, too, construction of the 7-
foot high board fence along the
highway side of the Rodeo field is
under way the track and grounds
are being put in shape Gerald and
Merle Swaggart have been condi
tioning twelve of their bang tails at
the field and the Heppner school
band also has been undergoing two
daily conditionings there, getting
ready for the three-day grind of
playing under direction of Harold
Voting after Saturday night's
queen dance stood: Miss Bene Ken
ny, Lexington grange, 34,500; Miss
Maxine McCurdy, Rhea Creek
grange, 16,300; Miss Aileen Farley,
Willows grange, 14,800; Miss Ca- ,
mille Stanley, Lena grange, 10,200.
Chill in the hazy atmosphere this
morning omens early arrival of In
dian summer and round-up time
on the range, making the weather
itself a barometer of the coming
Rodeo. The "feel" Is in the air
the feel that makes cowboys rest
less to get going; the feel that
makes the wild mustangs stomp and
claw in their stalls; the feel that
makes everyone want to get out in
the open to witness the magic
changes of nature, and to marvel
at its wonders.
And so, the time is at hand. Prep
arations for a gala time are near
ing completion. It is for folk them
selves to bring the celebration to
joyous fruition as the colorful hol
iday throng pours into town next
week end.
All available living accommoda
tions are being listed with the hous
ing committee, H. O. Tenney at Ho
tel Heppner and F. W. Turner next
door. Those not having reserva
tions when they arrive should get
Into contact immediately with this
committee who will "find a nail" for
everybody who cares to sleep.
Grand sweepstakes, $25.
Floats, $30, $20, $10.
Best costumed lady riding side
saddle, $10, $5 merchandise.
Four-horse team, $15, $10, $5.
Best costumed cowgirl, $5 mer
chandise, $2 merchandise.
Best costumed cowboy, $5 mer
chandise, $2.50.
Best equipped horse, $3 mer
chandise, $2.50 merchandise.
Best buggy team, $5, $2.50 mer
chandise. Best costumed juvenile cowboy
or cowgirl under 10 years of
age, $5, $2.50,' camera.
Best clown with animal and
equipment, $5 merchandise,
Oldest Morrow county pioneer
man, $5.
Oldest Morrow county pioneer
woman, $5.
Pets, $5.50, $2.50, $1.50.
Best old time cowboy, $2.50.
Best old-time cowgirl, $2.50.
Cowboy with longest beard,
haircut and shave.
Baldest cowboy, bottle of hair
Pack outfit $5.
Gold miners, $5, $2.50.
Best representation of historic
character, fountain pen.
Ugliest, leanest an most run
down conditioned cowboy, free
A. F. Majeske and G. L. Bennett
were In the city Saturday from tho
north Lexington district, making
arrangements for an auction sale
which Mr. Bennett will call for Mr.
Majeske near Nolln, Umatilla coun
ty, next Tuesday. Details of the
sale are carried In an advertisement
In another column.