HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1935. PAGE SIX MILLIONS LOST TO BONDHOLDER RING Receiverships Said to Bring Huge Returns. Washington. Evidence disclosing We existence of so-called "chain committees" of bondholders cen tered In Chicago and New fork and controlling millions of dollars' worth of defaulted realty bonds was made public by Congressman A. J. Sabath, chairman of the house committee Investigating receiverships. Evidence concerning the opera tions of the committees and their affiliates Is continuing to be uncov ered with the result that prosecu tion may be requested for violation of a number of federal and state laws, Sabath declared. The chain committees, he de clared, control from a few Issues up to as many as 400 issues of realty bonds aggregating In par amount from a few million upward of $200,tXK),000. The chain committees, the con gressman said, form but one aspect of a "national racket" through which 20,000,000 citizens have been affected. Nearly $S,000,000,000 of outstanding realty bonds are In de fault, he reported. Control or administration of the chain committees is nationwide, the congressman reported. Sabath said he bad found In stances where the so-called "protec tive" committee destroyed the value and income of the property In volved to enable the house of issue to purchase back the bonds "for a song." He added: "We have discovered instances where committees have taken bonds sent to them and posted them as collateral for loans to pay expenses and big fees 5 per cent to the pro tective committee, 5 per cent to a management committee, 5 per cent to the lawyers, and so on down the line. "They are resourceful and deter mined to get away with everything they can." Missouri Towns Boast Odd Names, Guide Shows Jefferson City, Mo. Using names of towns as a standard, Missouri Is well equipped for almost anything, a state postal directory shows. A "Sentinel" to watch over it, "Speed" and "Swift" at its com mand, Missouri has little to retard its progress. Even "Success" Is within the state. Trick names are plentiful. For the boaster there's "Brag City," and for the peace-seeker, "Amity." An "Annapolis" is boasted by the state, but the best that can be done toward West Point is "Cadet," Washington county hamlet. The state has a "Bachelor," but no spinster; a "Day," but no night a "Bendavis," but no apple; "Joy," but no sorrow; and a "Shamrock," but no St. Patrick. Seventeen other varieties of "saints" are listed. For the traveler, an extensive tour is provided within the bounds of the state. He mav jump from "Mex ico" to "California," then to "Del aware." Then he has his choice of the "Klondike," "Louisiana" and "Nevada." "Alley" was remembered with a "Rat," but "Pochaliontas" In Cape Girardeau county, was not given a John Smith. Bows and Arrows Old as First Men on This Earth Bows and arrows are almost ns old as man, himself. This form of weapon, used as a method of offense and defense and for hunting before history was first recorded, loug ago was superseded by improved forms of weapons. The bow and arrow is now mainly used in the sport of archery. Only a few savage tribes today use this weapou in warfare and for hunting. Throughout the ages the bow and arrow has remained practically un changed In general form, with one notable exception which was made by the Chinese centuries ago. This Innovation consisted of making arrows that would whistle while In flight Just why such an Innovation ever was made, Is not definitely known. A noise making arrow surely gives warning, which, apparently, would greatly impair its efficiency as a weapon. The simile, "as silent as an arrow in Its flight" certainly does not apply in the case of the whis tling shafts once used by the Chinese. The Chinese whistling arrow Is one of the rarest forms of weapon This type of arrow has a head made of Jade which was fashioned into whistle. The rush of air through the whistle produced a long-drawn sound which was sure to attract attention. A peculiar type of bow was em ployed In shooting the whistling ar rows. It Is known as the "reverse bow" and is said to have been used by Ghengls Kahn and his followers, who conquered ancient Asia. Cleve land Plain Dealer. To Whom Ammd os 136 Tut oll George. T. J. et ux . Card. C. W. Grim. Mrs. Hugh Kessler, Frances . Burroughs. D. H. Blount Mary Parker . Walpole, Etha M. Walpole. Etha M. Daggett W. E. Enoch, Clyde Miner, ooed I. Corey. Guy Estate Kngusn, y. c Trustee .. Munroe, J. L. Williams, R. F Walpole, Etha M. Walpole, Ella R. Estate Miller, utiea I Walpole, W. R. Estate .. Scharnhorst, D. . Walpole, Etha M. Walpole, Ralph G. Swayze, Frank B. ..... Lane, B. B. Swayze, F. B Walpole. Etha M. Smith, J. A. Trustee Grim, Hugh W. Egbert J. L. Swayze, F. B. . Swayze, F. B. . Says Molecule Cannot Be Solid, Liquid, Gaseous A single molecule can be neither solid, liquid, nor gaseous. These are properties of molecular aggre gates, declares Dr. Thomas M. Beck, in the Chicago Tribune. In a gas the molecules are moving through space almost Independently of one another. In a liquid they are close ly packed, but still able to move around. In a crystallne solid they are solidly fixed in an orderly ar rangement, like soldiers in forma tion. In a gummy solid they also have fixed positions, but the ar rangement is disorderly. When a crystaline solid changes to a liquid the change is usually ab rupt and definite. There is no in. termedlate stage between Ice and water. But when a gummy sub stance, such as asphalt, is heated. It gradually softens and melts. At a low temperature it Is definitely solid, At a higher temperature It is liquid, In between it cannot be classified as either. Moreover, there Is no hard and fast line between the crystaline and gummy solids. As a matter of fact, there are no such things as perfect solids or perfect liquids. The terms solid and liquid are merely relative ones, like rich and poor. Walpole, Ella R. E9tate . Walpole, Ella R. Estate . Walpole, Ella R. Estate . Walpole, Ella R. Estate , Adams. S. W. McDaniel. Ethel Adams, F. N. Hackman, Charles Hackman, Charles Prophet W. P. Bleakman, E, E. Estate , Pophet. W. P. Bleakman. E. E. Estate DeVore, Ben ... Gilliam - Blsbee Odell, Emmit Swift J. C. Hendrix. William Swift J. C. De Vore. B. F Smith. John C. De Vore. B. F. Adams, F. N. . Adams. F. N. . Adams. F. N. DeLashmutt E. L. .... Howell, Maude Howell, Maude Brown, Artie Estate Howell, Maude Brown, Artie Estate . Brown,-Artie Estate Brown, Artie Estate Brown, Artie Estate Ingrum, W. D. Estate ... Ingram, Mary ..... Prophet & Miller . Prophet ft Miller Cartwright J. R. Cartwrlght J. R. Cartwright J. R. Cartwright J. R Morsil Co.. The Cartwright, J. R. DMOriotloii of ProMitv or Lot BUx Irrlgon 23, 23, 24 SO Irrigon 6 to 8 Inc SI Irrigon - 9 31 Irrigon 13 to 20 Inc. 31 Irrigon 1. 3. 3 82 Irrigon 45 32 Irrigon 6 to 12 Inc. 82 Irrigon 12 86 Irrigon 67 36 Irrigon 8 36 Irrigon 11 to 15 Inc. 86 Irrigon 18 36 Irrigon 17 37 Irrigon 20 21 37 Irrigon 4 38 Irrigon . 5, 6. 7 38 Irrigon 9 38 Irrigon 11 38 Irrigon 12 13 38 Irrigon 4 39 Irrigon . 9 39 Irrigon . 14 39 Irrigon v 17 39 Irrigon .... 18 & 19 39 Irrigon 20 to 33 Inc. 39 Irrigon . ! 24 4 25 39 Irrigon 26 39 Irrigon 28, 29, 80 39 Irrigon ....... 1 & 2 40 Irrigon 15 to 18 Inc. 40 Irrigon 20 40 Irrigon 1 to 37 Inc. 43 Irrigon 1 to 35 Inc. 44 Irrigon, All except 6 & 7 46 Irrigon 1 to 35 Inc 46 Hardman . 6 A Hardman 1, 2, 3 B Hardman, N 30 ft 4 B Hardman L 2, 8, 4 C Hardman . 6 C Hardman 2 D Hardman 34 D Hardman . . .. 2 E Hardman 3, 4, 6, 6 E Hardman 2 G Hardman 8, 4, 5 G Hardman 4 H Hardman, Royses N 40 ft. 4 I Hardman, Royses 6 I Hardman, Roy3es .- 4 J Hardman, Royses 56 J Hardman, Royses All M Hardman, Fergersons - 12 1 Hardman, Adams . 12 1 Hardman, Adams N 23 ft of 3 1 Hardman, Adams 6. 7, 8 1 Hardman, Adams 1, 2, 3, 4 2 Hardman, Adams - 12 4 Hardman, Adams, E 100 ft 5 4 Hardman, Adams 2nd . 12 1 Hardman, Adams 2nd 66 1 Hardman, Adams 2nd 11 12 1 Hardman, Adams 2nd 1, 2, 3 2 Hardman, Adams 2nd 10, 11 12 2 Hardman, Adams 2nd 3 Hardman Tr. 8 (DR V-53) Hardman Tr. 9 (DR T-238) Hardman Tr. 20 (DR 37-162-39-310) Hardman Tr. 21 (DR 37-162 39-310) Bn. swknwk. sekswk. SWK, SEK All S & E of road Palahniuk, Stephen J. et ux Ballinger, Robert S. . Freiwald, Gustav Estate . Butt Lawrence C. . Barzee, C. W Spencer, Samuel R. . . Latham, C. J. Deyoe, H. F. Curran. John Mahoney, T. J. Gibson, Oness V Bank, Philomath State Graves, W. W. NW NKNWK All SWK sek .. swk ...... NSWK, All ElijEK .... All NEK Bank. Philomath State , Barker, John Estate Barker, John Estate .. Logan, Hattie .. .. Hanviile, Burrell, et ux, Crouae, Her bert et ux Macomber, W. H. . Grotkopp, E. C. T. Schuller, W. F. Schuller, W. F Schuller, W. F. , Doherty, Neil ..... Walker, Samuel ... . .. McEntire, Thomas Schuller, W. F Siegmund, Wilda Slegmund, Wilda .... skswk skswk. swk sek nwknwk ZZZZZZZ. SSK NEKNWK. NWV4NEK. EK NEK WyjNEU, NH-SEK Vermont Loan Trust Co. Tibbetts, Violet L. Mock, F. Louise G . Younger. W. H. Barzee, C. W. "Puzzled Office Girl" Finds Job She Wanted Cleveland, Ohio. A young lady . who wrote to a newspaper and signed herself "Puzzled Office Girl," because she couldn't find a Job where the employer didn't want to hold hands, found one quickly. W. B. Wilhelm, general manager of the Cleveland Time Clock com pany, said he could give her a job as a stenographer, and she would be Just that. "We don't hold hands around here, and we re pretty sure our wives understand us," Wilhelm said. "Puzzled Office Girl" had writ ten "Unto me the millennium will have arrived when and if I find a lob that pays NRA wages and where the employer loves his wife." Trapped by Trifles While the police were Investigat ing an empty house in Newcastle, they disturbed a mouse which dashed to its hole; In doing so it scattered some plaster and revealed hidden board which led to the ar rest of a gang of smash-and-grab raiders. Rogues are often betrayed unconsidered trifles. One sus pect, having committed a murder in Devonshire, made his way to Black pool, but he could not explain away particles of red earth that he had forgotten to clean from his shoes. Once a grease-stain established the fact that a murderer had some con nection with a soap refinery, and this connected a chain of facts which led to his arrest and sen tence. On another occasion a small magnet in a man's pocket attracted particles of metal dust, which stuck to his clothes and enabled the po lice to prove that he had been In a certain spot. Tit-Bits Magazine. Wagner, Clyde W. & Joe P. Brown ... Bryant, Frances H. i-ringie, josepn .... ., Round, Tunis D. . .. Bank, First Nat 1 Heppner Eaton, James E. Luttrell, W. P. . Gold in Petrified Wood Fallon, Nev. Black petrified wood containing gold has been found near here. Cye Cox reported that many petrified logs have been ground in mortars and the gold extracted, Approximately 40 sacks of the ground wood have yielded gold, he claimed. Chain System Used to Circulate Books Madison, Wis. A chain Idea started more than 15 years ago by John L. Meyer, secretary of the Inland Press association, Is perpetuated monthly when he purchases a new book and starts one traveling from his library. With each book he sends a note saying; "Please accept this with my compliments. Some time please pass It along to someone else you think will be interested in It- He sends his books to friends and acquaintances who are in newspaper work, but does not neclfv that they must be re layed to persons similarly occu pled. Thompson, Robert A. .. tsaiiK, f irst wai l tieppner ...... Rosequist, Victor . Flnley, Claude L. co w. . Finiey , Sepanek, M. et ux Federal Land Bank of Spokane Murphy, P. T. evin, Marry Essex, John G ......... Holmberg, Nels Farmer. James Cai ty, Patrick Beckland, Ernest O. Flood, James, Heirs Schmidt, Charles et ux . Schmidt, Charles H. Amato, Frank Sepanek, Michael et ux . Sepanek, Michael et ux , uonraa, uuo Land for the White House The principal owners of the land on which the city of Washington is built were Daniel Carroll of the Duddlngton branch of the Carroll family, a cousin of Charles Carroll of Carrollton, the signer; Samuel Davidson, Notley Young and David Burnes. The land on which the White House stands belonged to David Burnes, an aged Scotchman who very reluctantly gave up his 600 acres for the federal city when negotiations were In progress for buying u land for the National Capital. Daniel Carroll owned large tract of land ninng tne east- prn branch of the Totoraac river, which Includes the site of the Cap itol. The Michigan Are Originally settled by the French and taken from them by the British, the Michigan area became on paper a part of the United States as result of the War of the American Revolution. The area did not actu ally become a part of the United States until 13 years after the war, however, when the British finally yielded the border psts. The open lng of the War of 1812 was marked by the recapture of the Michigan area by the British. Itewon by the Americans In 1813, through Oliver Hazard Perry's victory on Lake Erie and William Henry Harrison's suc cesses on land, the territory strug gled for two decades toward state hood. Surplus stock and be sold through use of a G.-T. Want Ad. The Gazette Times' Printing Ser vice is complete. Try It NEKNEK skswk Tract (DR Y-257) All All SWK EK SWK All - NWK SEK C. & WVi except 1 Acre for cem etery, NK"4 nk-sek, seksek WKNEK 27 SWKNWK. NViSWK 31 NEK 34 SKSKSWK. N'ANWK. Stt NW 34 30 12 18 19 24 24 24 30 8 10 NEK WKNWK, NEKNWK SEKNEK SWK NWK sek neknek. wv4nek - NK - WK WKW, SEKSWK 12 NWy4SEV4 . 12 snk, swy4 H SEK 18 NWK 19 NNEV4, SWV4NE 19 20 20 23 24 24 25 26 WViNEVi E'iNEVi - NWft swy4 NWtf swy4 All Thompson. Byron M. Spencer. Arthur W. . Brumneia, saaie -. Nelson. Peter Carl . Treisch. W. H. NNE4 28 SEy4 28 WVfeWft 30 Pundt Bernard, c0 Phlpps, F. L. Trus Schmidt. Anne E. Pundt, Bernard, co Phlpps, F. L. Trua- Amato, Frank . Pundt Bernard, C0 Phlpps, F. L. Trus tee ... . Castle Rock Land Ass'n ..... Broyles, Sarah A .. Castle Rock Land Ass'n . . Doherty, Neil NEy4 swy4 SE,4 NW!4 E'ANWVi, EV4SEK SV4 SEV4 SWV4 frl. NWS, EViSWy4, SWSW SW4NW4, WViSW, SE Castle Rock Land Ass'n .... Castle Rock Land Ass'n ...... Gordon, Lizzie Hoover, Samuel S. NE14 All NW"4NW All All All All 18 19 20 30 30 1 3 13 36 6 Israel, Genevieve Jenkins, J. D. .... Luten, B. B. Klesel, William C Mather, The Misses Storseth, John Decker, Margaret DeYoung, May Castle Rock Land Ass'n Burnell, L. M.. Doherty, Nell Farrand, Calvin D, .. Cummins, Vere Cummins, Solomln C. Rietmann, Victor ...-. Gorger, George Krause, Franz Central Trust Co. Kilkenny, Peter .., DeFranq Moore .. Porter, A. A ......., Rupprecht, George ....., Castle Rock Land Ass'n , Castle Rock Land Ass'n , Wade, Douglas A. et ux , Deos, Mrs. L. A. Estate . Broyles, Sarah A. NW14NWV4NWV4, WHNEV4 NWy4NW!4 17 EWSE54, EttWV4W4 , SE4 17 WSE'4NEy4NWH 17 WV4SE!.NW14NE. NW swy4 Nwy4, Nwy4 nwk NE'4, E'jSWNWi4NEi4 17 EVi NEy4, W14 NE!4 NW!4 NE'4 17 SW'ANEfcSEtf 17 E 2 Acres NWWNEVSE 17 WttNWKNWliSEK, SE& NE'ASWVl 17 NEK NE'4 SWli, EM NW54 . NEy.SW'4 17 wswy4Nwy4NE " NWy4NW4, E'NEK. BE 14 21 SWy4NWK, NWKSWK, NV4 . NE'4SWV4 21 All 38 NNEyt 16 SE'4 26 NE!4 . 26 All ? All 32 NW4 34 NE4 z;. - 4 NEK NEK SEK SWK All frl All WNWK NW'A Castle Rock Land Ase'n . . . ... Schlssler, H. H . Cole, George M. Estate Waggoner, Ople L ............... Stephens, Wm. S. et ux ........... Leadbetter, Charles , Burleson, David W. Klein Realty Service ............ Gurley, S. A. D .... Castle Rock Land Ass'n Pruter, J. H. et ux .. Walpole, W. R. Estate Thomas, Elizabeth S. Ex. . Bills, J. C Brice, J. T Walpole, W. R. co Ira L. Berger . Jaeckel, Charles ... 7 16 16 16 13 25 28 32 wksw'k' !.Z.'Z ; 84 ah except i Acres rigm-vi- way All trl 11 NWKNWK J E14NW14, NEK, NttSEK ..- 4 N'jNWKNWK 16 SKNWKNWK, NEKNWK. . SKNWK 16 SEK NEK All Jaeckel, Ernest SEKNWK i2 NWKSEK N of Canal 23 W'ASWKNWK, WKNWK , SWK Unit D 2 EKSWKNEK, EtoNWKSEK , Unit C 24 NEKNWK, NWKNEK 26 EKNEK 25 E'ANWK, WKNE54. NWK SEK -.- 29 NEKNEK 28 LS3 ism less 1997 ism Mas 1.12 100 .87 1.06 1.50 1.38 1 31 1.14 .37 .36 8.64 2.98 2.77 2.63 2.30 1.13 1.D3 1.00 .87 1.08 1.09 .74 .69 .66 .67 .71 .71 2.62 2.43 2.32 2.00 2.49 .74 .69 .66 .67 .71 .74 .69 6 .67 .71 .71 .37 .36 .84 .29 .37 .87 1.87 1.75 .37 .36 .34 3.16 3.91 3.95 .87 .34 .84 .29 8.23 7.62 7.24 6.31 7.83 .37 .34 .33 .29 .36 .36 1.12 1.04 .98 .86 1.06 .37 .34 .34 .29 .36 .37 .84 .74 .86 .33 .37 .34 .33 .29 .36 .37 .34 .32 .29 .36 .37 J54 .32 .29 .36 .36 .74 .69 .66 .67 .72 .71 I. 49 1.38 1.31 2.59 3.20 3.22 .74 .69 .66 .67 .72 .37 .34 .34 .29 -6 .36 1.12 1.03 .74 .69 .66 .67 .71 .71 1.49 1.38 1.81 1.15 1.42 1.43 .37 -34 .34 .29 .36 .36 8.81 4.06 8.42 3.90 6 93 S.21 19.64 9.09 8.22 3.27 141 12.60 18.01 v 1.26 16.10 16.29 4.91 4.98 16 80 16.98 35.97 45.89 41.99 61.22 II. 20 11-81 19.62 24.71 22.61 2.11 2.11 3.26 3.53 3.28 8.94 4.21 4-26 4.92 S.31 4.83 4.93 6.31 6.38 10.64 1.11 111 3.79 8.79 6.87 6.79 6.99 7.08 13.08 1412 1.40 142 1.66 1.63 4.21 9.81 9.92 15.56 16.76 15.36 18.72 7.44 9.80 9 92 111 1-12 . 4.21 4.23 1569 15.i6 2.80 2.83 8.20 1.38 1-43 1.56 .55 .66 .63 ,70 2.65 2-69 .64 .66 .63 .70 .84 .83 .99 1.07 .84 " .83 .99 1.07 142 1 43 1.66 1.78 2.11 .34 1,38 1-42 " 166 1.78 1.63 1.95 14.00 14.16 19.62 21.18 19.38 23.64 ISM 1913 Total for all Teeni Interest Amount Penalty Car. of to 1S-31-34 Delln. LANDS OF MOBBOW COUNTY 6 IN 23 37.24 37.43 39.16 43.74 6 IN 23 26.96 27.11 28.32 81.66 7 IN 23 94.08 94.63 98.89 110.46 8 IN 23 67.08 67.42 70.61 78.77 9 IN 23 .36 .35 18 IN 23 22.86 22.97 24.04 26.86 27 IN 23 24.28 28.13 30.63 40.60 36 IN 23 106.71 1 IN 24 27.40 27.84 8 IN 24 17.64 8 IN 24 19.44 21.50 12.80 10 IN 24 21.89 24.09 25.09 24.77 15 IN 24 160.21 2 IN 25 22.71 10 IN 25 80.48 76.43 87.06 76.50 22 IN 25 28.12 26.71 30.42 26.37 5 IN 26 19.28 17.92 19.76 21.16 19 IN 26 34.58 26 IN 26 16.74 30 IN 26 6.15 24 IN 27 129.68 130.55 73.17 25 IN 27 10829 109.03 61.10 19 2N 23 15.84 16.64 22 2N 23 3.60 27 2N 23 13.14 . 13.39 16.26 15.83 33 2N 23 .07 .09 .11 .11 5 2N 24 36.99 61.06 63.55 9 2N 24 36.87 60.86 63.36 14 2N 24 9.21 15.22 16.83 14 2N 24 18.44 30.43 31.69 31.30 16 2N 24 9.21 15.22 40.60 21 2N 24 36.87 60.85 63.36 62.59 22 2N 24 9.21 15.22 15.83 23 2N 24 29.95 26 2N 24 114.11 26 2N 24 28.51 32.00 33.32 32.91 34.87 73.62 25.73 18.90 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N - 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 3N 3N 3N 3N 3N 3N 3N 3N 3N 3N 3N 3N 3N 3N 3N 3N 8N 8N 3N 8N 8N 3N 3N 3N 3N 3N 3N 3N 3N 3N 4N 4N 4N 4N 4N 4N 4N 4N 4N 4N 4N 4N 4N 4N 4N 4N 4N 4N 4N 4N 4N 4N 24 24 24 24 24 25 26 25 26 26 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 26 26 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 23 28 23 28 23 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 11.52 34.55 25.35 33.41 23.87 I. 66 20 64 20.64 20.64 11.70 39.07 26.05 36.82 64.72 26.05 32.56 22.96 15.49 14.28 19.64 33.93 16.78 18.92 II. 42 182.78 67.11 14.28 28.56 21.44 28.89 28.56 13.02 166.28 52.10 30.26 66.32 97.39 45.70 23.36 1.47 23.30 23.29 47.26 46.98 22.02 1.84 11.00 31.19 8.65 .72 6.61 5.51 I. 84 20.66 7.33 28.28 6.62 ' 13.02 18.02 62.10 62.10 13.03 13.02 26.06 13.02 13.02 18.02 14.24 29.72 8.72 7.42 8.72 25.76 96.92 8.36 40.70 1.67 II. 67 13.84 13.34 58.38 64.21 .42 29.46 1.67 1.67 16.68 8.36 39.61 40.68 37.41 23.67 2.37 13.92 13.92 13.92 11.88 36.68 25.14 36.68 16.28 13.28 18.26 19.26 20.58 16.94 169.98 45.91 13.28 30.87 16.19 18.34 146.68 48.90 31.63 66.71 90.67 42.60 36.44 2.20 35.32 35.32 71.31 70.84 41.26 16.11 38.94 27.88 2.74 16.40 16.40 16.40 13.68 39.95 38.26 39.96 33.28 14.64 20.14 21.23 22.68 17.54 187.39 50.61 14.63 34.04 17.89 19.97 169.73 34.86 99.84 41.40 2.58 41.27 ; 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