PAGE FOUR HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1935. 3?rpptter (Basrttr emnrs THE HEPPNER GAZETTE. EiUblisfaed March 10. 188 ; THE HEPPNER TIMES. tblhd Norwnbcr 18, 1887 ; CONSOLIDATED FEBRUARY It. Hit. Published every Thursday morning by the CRAWFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY, and enured at the Poet Office at Heppner, Oregon, as second-daw matter. JASPER V. CRAWFORD. Editor SPENCER CRAWFORD, Manager. ADVERTISING RATES GIVEN ON APPLICATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year Three Years Six Months Three Months Single Copies . tlOO . t.oo . 1.00 . .71 . .01 Official Paper for Merrew Ceanty MEMBER Hilt Riding the Pendulum. POLITICS aside, leading students of the situation agree that the pendulum is swinging out of the deep throes of depression and is headed for inevitable credit infla' iton. To what heights the pendU' lum will rise depends upon the wisdom of the American people. One does not need to look afar to see much of truth in the asser tion. In our own section, read justment of credits, largely through governmental financing agencies, has brought people to face the fu ture with confidence. This is re flected in increased installment buying of new commodities the last few months, a practice nearly aban doned in the readjustment period of the last few years. There is now no secret that the last depression was caused by the wind being taken out of the credit inflation of 1928-29, symbolized largely by the "stock market crash." Realization of what dried-up credit means came slowly to this section, but was forcefully impressed as one avenue of trade after another hung out the sign, "We Sell for Cash," and the strain broke the backs of our banks. It was the drying-up of the cred it stream rather than any appre ciable decrease in the volume of money that caused the last de pression. However, some students mistook the situation as an off spring of money, and bethought themselves that the only way to save the child was to suckle more milk from its mother. Hence the talk of making more money as the only cure for depression. Students who promote the credit inflation idea, cite that under nor mal conditions a very small propor tion of trade is represented in money transactions, and that cur rency inflation is reflected in al most directly equal rise in prices. That credit inflation within bounds is of benefit to business, has been proved. It is in times of such inflation that opportunity is afford ed to market new ideas, new ser vices and new goods. It is indicat ed that people should prepare to ride the pendulum, but they should attempt to hold its course within the bounds of economic and social service. The credit wind in the bag ol business should be held to a point where it may not again tear the fabric to shreds. In death. His only surviving rela- tives are a niece, Mrs. Ruth Ber- ger, a grandniece, Ruth Ballenger, and a sister-in-law, Mrs. Mae Mur chie. Interment was in the Board- man cemetery. Hermiston visitors Tuesday were A.. B. Shannon, Mrs. Wm. Lilly and son Eldon and Mrs. T. E. Hunt Mrs. Klitz has received word from her son Alton that he will be stationed in Portland. Alton re cently received appointment as government inspector of mines for Oregon, Washington and Alaska. Elon Shannon left with Sommer Robinson Saturday evening for northern Idaho where they will mine for gold. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Yennd of Pullman, Wash., visited Saturday at the A. R. Barlow home. Mr. Yennd is assistant program direct or of station KWSC. Mrs. El via King accompanied her sister to Gearhart Friday afternoon where she will spend two weeks at the home of her parents. Her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Tagg, were un able to attend the funeral. Mrs. C. Berger, Maxine Ballen ger and Janet Gorham returned to Boardman Wednesday. Mrs. Ber ger will paint the interior of the home of the late Harry Murchie and plans to rent it Mr. Campbell of Portland attend ed the funeral services of his friend, Mr. King. Mr. Campbell has been a guest at the King home during' hunting season for a number of years. Mr. and Mrs. Albin Sundsten and children returned last Wednesday from a trip to Chicago and Wiscon sin. Mr. Sundsten's relatives live in northern Wisconsin. They made the trip by train. Lowell Spagle was in town last week on his return to Silver Falls where he is mechanic in the CCC camp. He was taking a truck load of the boys back to the Falls after they had driven trucks to a camp east of here. G. E. Sturm has been transierred from the railroad tie crew to the section and is working at te. Mrs. Earl Cramer and Mrs. Flovd Surface of Spokane accompanied Rev. H B. Thomas to Boardman Thursday to attend the funeral of W. O. King. Rev. Thomas ,as spending his vacation near Spo kane when he was called back. Mrs. Pat Pattee and children who have been visiting at the Olson home returned to Fossil Sunday. The trustees and elders of the Community church met at Irrigon last Thursday evening with the trustees of the Umatilla and Irri gon churches. A. E. Porter of Portland was a Boardman visitor last week. Mr. and Mrs. Al Macomber and children spent Sunday at the Root home. Mrs. Nate Macomber who has been at the Al Macomber home for the past three weeks returned with them. Lauren Blayden and family of Kennewick are visiting at the George Blayden home. BOARDMAN By RACHEL J. BARLOW This community was saddened last week by the death of two of its citizens who have lived here for many years. W. O. King passed away Tuesday evening at the Heppner General hospital following an illness of spleenomeglia. Funeral services were held at the Boardman Com' munity church Friday morning with Rev. H. B. Thomas officiating. Mrs. Floyd Surface accompanied by Mrs. Earl Cramer sang "When I Get to the End of the Way." The services were largely attended by friends and neighbors. Interment was in the local cemetery. Mr. King had been a resident of Boardman for the past sixteen years where he has been farming on the east end of the project, and for six years was teacher and coach in the Boardman high school and has always taken a great in terest in the community work. Mr. King was born eDcember 23, 1890, at Valley City, N. Dak. He was a graduate of Oregon State college where he was active in ath letics. He was united in marriage to Elvia Tagg at Gearheart June 18, 1918. He is survived by his widow and four children, Francine Ruth, Stanley and Bobby; his fath er, P. O. King of Eugene; his broth ers, Fred, Carl and Henry and a half sister, Mrs. H. C. Stenhol of North Dakota; his sisters, Mrs. W. J. Seaver, Miss Annie King and Mrs. G. R. Martin, all of Eugene, and brothers, Bert of Portland and Ed of Eugene. The community ex tends its sympathies to the be reaved family. Harry Murchie, aged 75, passed away very suddenly Thursday morning at his home in Boardman. Mr. Murchie had not been well for several days but his death came as a shock to friends. Neighbors were with him when he passed away. Services were held at the CommU' nity church Friday afternoon. He was born at Nevada City, Cal., in 1860, coming to Wasco in 1880 where he lived a number of years before going to Yakima. He came to Boardman in 1919 where he has made his home since. He was the son of Mary Ann Nesbitt and An drew Murchie. There were four brothers and four sisters in the Land Bank Loans Now Paid in Cash On Monday of this week the Fed eral Land bank of Spokane re turned, to its normal practice of closing new loans in cash, as a re sult of the ready demand for fed eral farm mortgage corporation bonds in the Investment markets, according to a statement by Presi ent E. M. Ehrhardt. For the last year and a half the Land bank has been exchanging its own consolidated bonds for federal farm mortgage corporation bonds which are guaranteed both as to principal and interest by the fed eral government, and closing its loans partly with mortgage corpor ation bonds and partly with cash. "One of the principal reasons for using bonds In lieu of cash in mak ing Land bank and Land bank com missioner's loans," Mr. Ehrhardt explains, "was to get a far-flung distribution of them in rural dis tricts. This has been well accom plished, the bonds being well re ceived by the public in general and the farmers' creditors in particular." camp filled as quickly as possible and adding in the letter that the Summer months were far better for the Soil Conservation and Flood Control works, than later in the year. Court accepts cancellation of Treasurer's bond from Metropoli tal Casualty Company for J15.000.00 and accepts new bond from the Na tional Surety Corporation of New York for $35,000.00. WARRANTS ISSCED ON GEN ERAL FUND, JULY. Old Age Pensions S. Ashbaugh $8.00, W. H. Ayers $7.50, J. W. Baird $9.00, J. D. Boo her $12.00, E. Bennett 9.00, J. H. Bellenbrock $9.00, Willis Bush $7.50, W. C. Brown $10.00, W. W. Bran non $7.50, E. L. Berry $10.00, T. L. Barnett $9.00, C. G. Blayden $9.00, F. Cramer $9.00, Geo. Cass $15.00, A. L. Cornett $10.00, J. H. Cox $15. 00, L Caldwell $7.50, O. & E. Cox $15.00, C. Dillabough $7.50, F. Em berger $6.00, F. Gay $7.50, Jos. Gray beal $10.00, E. Grotkopp $10.00, R. J. Howard $9.00, A. Howell $11.00, Chas. Hackman $10.00, H. W. How ard $15.00, N.- Johnson $7.50, W. Mc Ferrin $12.50, S. McDaniel $8.00, F. & L. Markham $15.00, M. Harlatt $9.00, C. O'Connor $11.00, W. P. Prophet $8.00, H. Montgomery $8.00, J. D. Rule $25.00, Nancy Robson $8.00, Ruth Stevens $9.00, W. A. Thomas $9.00, S. C. Thornburg $8.- 00, J. A. Walker $10.00, H. H. Wes ton $7.50, E. C. Watkins $7.50, J. W. Warner $10.00. Widow's Pensions A. Burchell $10.00, Virg. Chaney $15.00, O. Christopherson $15.00, Ada T. Cason $10.00, R. Ingrum $10.00, Emily Peck $10.00, A. R. Slanger $10.00, Grace Tyler $25.00, Izora Vance $20.00, Nora Wilson $15.00. Poor Mrs. Rumble $124.66, L. L. Hiatt $20.00, City $3.25, W. O. Dix $30.91 Dr. Rice $15.00, Nat. Re. Service $15.00, M. Bauernfeind $7.50, F Leicht, $9.99, Phelps $1.82, Thomson Bros. $6.20, C. W. Swanson $10.00, P. P. & L. Co. $3.75, R. C. Lawrence 28.50, C. Beamer $7.50, W. T. Camp bell $19.75,- H. O. Tenney $4.90, Mrs, Foley $12.33, Patterson & Son $20, 75, A. E. Ritchie $60.00. Water System Tum-A-Lum $398.65, Harry Wells $12.88, Santa Cruz Portland Cement $103.96, John Eubanks $38.20, W. T. Campbell $3.08, Alfred Womack $24.34. Court House P. P. & L. Co. $49.38, E. L. Buck num $30.55, C. W. Barlow $.50, Gil liam & Bisbee $4.19, W. T. Camb bell $3.08, City $11.70. Circuit Court C. J. D. Bauman $72.80, Guy Bar low $1.26, E. L. Cox $28.14. County Court Geo. N. Peck $65.26, F. S. Parker $62.42, Gazette Times $15.60. Sheriff C. J. D. Bauman $28.78, Gazette Times $4.80, Bushong & Co. $15.69, N. Cochell $6.85, St. Ind. Acc. Com. $7.93. Valley Printing Co., Super intendent $ 15.06 Gazette Times, Superinten dent and Clerk 4.10 Dr. R. M. Rice, Physician 25.00 J. J. Wells, Assessor 149.02 A. D. McMurdo, Coroner 5.00 M. Clarke Webb, Sealer 11.53 Chas. B. Oral-, Sealer 2.19 Bushong & Co., Clerk 3.48 Ed Nunn, Emergency 16.67 W. Massey, Emergency 2.00 L. W. Briggs, Treasurer 6.70 Ore. State Agri. Col., Coun ty Agent 1,075.00 Henry Stotts, Jail 36.00 M. D. Clark, Jail 7.48 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., Cur rent Expense 44.15 C. W. Barlow, Current Ex pense 5.00 General Road Fund Ferguson Motor Co. $15.49, A. R. Reid $11.55,' Chas. Williams $3.65, Oregon-Wash. Powder Co. $50.00, Tum-A-Lum Lbr. Co. $11.25, Green's Hardware $1.05, Service Tire Co. $25.32, Feenaughty Mchy. Co. $32. 00, Geo. Hayden $88.04, Howard Cooper Corp. $31.22, Valvoline Oil Co. $76.99, Mack Int. Truck Co. $25.- 81, Wm. T. Campbell $3.57-, Pac. P. & L. Co. $4.05, Thomson Bros. $1.80, Charles Vaughn $5.70, C. W. Bar low $4.24, John Day Truck Line $18.30, A. R. Reid $123.06, K. Mc Daniel $1.98. B. Shannon $34.33, Albert Connor $42.04, Ralph Mar- latt $41.82, Bert McDowell $17.91 Ralph Thompson $28.56, Raymond Lundell $6.72, Wallace Lundell $10.08, V. L. Warren $10.00, W. N, Johnson $8.75, A. J. Chaffee $112.25, Vernon Munkers $74.75, Glenn Sher- er $56.00, Chas. Williams $39.74, Willis Adkins $40.32, H. Tamblyn $156.76, Ore., State Highway Com. $59.22, City of Heppner $2.85, Ser vice Tire Co. $92.65, K. Ovlatt $37. 74. C. R. Langdon $25.43, Frank Shively $50.32, Gilliam & Bisbee $81.54, C. A. Kane $25.70, A. E. Rit chie $18.00, Willis Adkins $6.72, L. N. Morgan $15.00, I. E. McConkie $41.89, Dallas McDaniel $25.76, O. B. Hottman $60.00, Earl Snell, Sec. of State, $.50, State Ind. Acci. Com. $35.23, Pac. Tel. & Tel Co. $2.75. Market Road Fund Ore.-Wash. Powder Co. $50.00, Marion Hayden $166.40, Frank Gen try $49.75, Marvin Morgan $66.76. L. N. Morgan $89.12, Lester Gammell $54.87, Frank Munkers $7.50, J. H. Gentry $169.56, Dale Ray $82.28, W. O. Reese $30.83, S. L. Giles $20.16, Geo. H. Hayden $42.66, Ralph Mar- latt $23.92, Albert Connor $23.92, H, S. Taylor $121.23, M. V. Nolan $74. 75, Jack Stotts $56.00, Henry Sch,warz $56.00, Bob Allstott, Jr., $94.08, K. Oviatt $25.00, H., Tam blyn $100.00, State Ind. Acc. Com. $38.54. Heppner Gazette Times offers to subscribers, new or old THIS NEWSPAPER-1 FULL YEAR AMD 3 OF THESE FAMOUS MAGAZINES I CHOOSE 2 MAGAZINES IN GROUP A 1 MAGAZINE IN GROUP B 3 IN ALL ia Heppner Transfer Co. Anywhere For Hire Hauling Bonded and Insured Carrier ROBT. A. JONES, Mgr. McCALL'S MAGAZINE 1 Vr. O MYSTERY (Detective) ...... tYr. HOME MAGAZINE IVr, NEW MOVIE Q TOWER RADIO MAGAZINE . . SERENADE (Romanes-Fiction) . PATHFINDER (Wsskly) .... BETTER HOMES - GARDENS . . GOOD STORIES ...... PICTORIAL REVIEW ..... NEEDLECRAFT lYr. lYr. Yr. IVr. IVr. IVr. Check 2 magaiint$ thai (z) 8 Sparkling new features In cluding detective stories, romantic fiction, movies, radio, something for every member of the family. aMHB--- 'V rV7eTn-E:l fJ UhUi il kHMMIlJ WOMAN'S WORLD HOUSEHOLD MAOAZINI . . . CAPPER'S FARMER SUCCESSFUL FARMING . . . t HOME CIRCLE ILLUSTRATED MECHANICS . . THE FARM JOURNAL. . THE COUNTRY HOME . . . a MOTHER'S HOME LIFE .... a HOME FRIEND Q POULTRY TRIBUNE GENTLEWOMAN MAGAZINE . . lYr. Tn lYr. tYr. Yr. IVr. tYr. IVr. lYr. SYr. IVr. lYr. CAecA majaxinc that () MAIL THIS COUPON NOW1 ChKk the three magazines desired and rttura M with your erd.r. Fill out ceupen carefully, Gentltmoni I enclose! .... PImm Mad mo the throe magazines chocked wtta a sal's subscription to yew aawsaaaac. NAME .. , STREET OR R.F.D. TOWN AND STATE Tramps Out Reed Canary Seed Albany When Paul Ohling, Linn county farmer, was ready this year to harvest a seed crop from the half acre of Reed canary grass that he has had growing for the past year or two on some of his low, swampy ground, he became impa tient with the usual slow method of picking the individual heads ,y hand, so he cut it with his binder, as he would grain or rye grass. Then came the problem of thresh ing it, which with this crop is also a slow, diflicul process using aver age farm equipment. So Mr. Ohling used his imagination. He spread the grass over the barn floor and walked over it each time he went to feed his stock. He now has most of the seed tramped out and lying about an inch deep on the floor, ac cording to County Agent Floyd Mullen, who inspected it recently. IS THE CIRCUIT COUBT OF THE STATE OF OBEGON FOB MOB BOW COUNTY. MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, a Pub lic Corporation and Political Sub division of the State of Oregon, Plaintiff, vs. Gideon Franzen. Columbus J. Gordon. Dennis McNamee. B. G. Sigsbee Es tate. Chas. H. Latourell, Emil Grot koDD. Lena Owen Estate. Sara E. Mc- Namer, George B. Noble, Peter O. Borg Estate, Eliza Walbridge. Alice B. DePew, Arthur Smith co F. W. Turner, Sylva Caaon, Mary Ingrum, The Adjustment Bureau of the Port land Association of Credit Men, Hen ry Slender. Hessie Kinney Estate, . V. Gentry Estate, La Verne Van Mar ter et ux, Ora M. Wyland, Pearl E. Ferguson, W. E. Straight, A. R. Reid. Elsie Ann Stevenson. Ida M. Fell. Uzz French, Annie Healy, Martha Reid. Henrv Schwartz. W. T. McKoD erts, M. L. Case et ux, Frank W. Tur ner, J. H. Cox. c. D. Turner -state, Sarah H. Randall. James Cartv. E. Nordyke, Carl L. Allyn, O. J. Cox et ux, Henry Earl Warner, . u. McMil lan, James H. Helms. Sarah Phillips, Clark T. Davis. Minnie Nordyke et vir. Charles R. McAlister, Belle Henfell, Frank Engleman, J. W. Campbell, C. W. Swanson. W. E. Bullard clo John Farris, C. W. McNamer, Edna Hoss ner Balcomb. E. J. Blake et ux. Ar cher Rice, Clyde R. Walker, Louisa B. Stringer, Bergena B. Randall, W. P. A Delia McMillan, Ida M. Grabill, J. H. Robnett. R. W. Sperry Estate, Paul E. Lovell, Independent Ware house Co. co Farmers Elevator Co. of lone, Stella O'Meara, Laura E. 1 Wiggens, Ida B. Rolfson and Pente costal Assembly. Robert Reitmann. H. M. Blake. E. L. Padbere Estate. Victor G. Peterson, George W. Rit- cnie, arie a. srown et ux, Ida let' cher, Harry D. Fletcher, Amanda Corkhoff. Sarah Plggott, Lewis Ball, Elmer Griffith, Sylvia J. Stratton, Martha O'Shee, E, G. Frank, Leila A Phelps, Guy L. Lee, Percy E. Jones et ux, KalDti S. Da vis. Chas. W. Goodwin, H. E. Muneer. Margaret M. Klitz. F. F. Klitz, Eva L. Warner, Emma E. Sherman. Frank Smith, Alex Wilson, Edna M. Mathes, Harry T. Murchie. J. C. A R. H. Mc- Kean. H. A. Burnside, Carl W. Doer- ine. Alice E. Miles, H. E. Warren, Clara J. Voyen, W. W. Shaar, Effle Maxwell, Lowell A. spagle, H. T. Murchie, May C. Kennedy, J. F. Gor ham, Ruth N. Ballenger, Mary A. Hein, Mrs. Flora Snively, Marvel H. Gorham, May Chaffee, W. A. Price et ux, Clair P. Harter Weston, Annie COURT PROCEEDINGS FOR MONTH OF JULY Court met in Heppner on the 3rd day of July, when were pres ent: Wm. T. Campbell, Judge; George N. Peck, Commissioner, Frank S. Parker, Commissioner; C. W. Barlow, Clerk; S. E. Notson, District Attorney, C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff. Court approved, continued or dis allowed claims presented against the county. The engineer's reports on vacation of roads in Blackhorse, one-fourth mile East Eightmile postoflice and the petition of C. D. Huston and others were ordered continued. The court, having been Informed that the CCC camp had been or dered closed July 31st, took action and wired Representative Walter Pierce and also sent air mail let ters to Representative Pierce and Senators Stelwer and McNary ask ing that the camp be kept open, and to see If It were not possible to nave the regulations, as to en Adjustment Bureau of the Portland Au.'n nt rVA,Ht Man family who have all preceded him listments, modified so as to get the Waibrldge, Eliza , ,""T Marshall Estate, James McNamee, Annis Weston. H. H. Weston, Ella R. Walpole Estate. Etha M. Walpole, Mrs. L. M. Cook. W. R. Walpole Es tate, May Buclianon, Clifford H. Cald well. W. J. Locke, J. F. Portfors, Sue P. Wadsworth, W. L. A Orlena M Suddarth, Frances F. Kessler. Charles C. Quimby, William H. Pierce, C. W. Mann, L. V. Wood ward et vir, C. E. Knight, Lee Gray beal, Ralph Beneflel et al, J. A. Fos ter, George Blume, Thomas A Cronk et ux, F. B. Swayze. Fred N. Cum mings, Eliza J. Quinlin, A. Jorgen son, G. W Davis, Debbie Bell Mc Cune. D. F. Glover, T. J. George et ux, Catherine Ives, J. E. McCoy, Mar tin Gilbertson, Andrew Jorgenson, Made Charles Allen, C. W. Card, Mrs. Hugh Grim, D. H. Burroughs, Mary Parker Blount, W. E. Dagget, Clyde Enoch, Obed I. Miller. Guy Corey Estate, Q. C. English Trustee, J. L. Munroe, R. F. Williams, D. Scharn horst, Ralph G. Walpole, Frank B. Swayze, B. B. Lane, J. A. Smith Trustee, Hugh W. Grim, J. L. Eg bert, S. W. Adams, Ethel McDaniel, F. N. Adams, Charles Hackman, W. P. Prophet, E. E. Bleakman Estate, Ben DeVore, Gilliam & Bisbee, Em mit Odell, J. C. Swift, William Hen drix, B. F. De Vore, John C. Smith, E. L. DeLashmutt, Maude Howell, Artie Brown Estate, W. D. Ingrum Estate, Prophet - Miller, J. R. Cart wright. The Morsll Company, Stephen J. Palahniuk et ux, Robert S. Ballin ger, Gustav Freiwald Estate. Law rence C. Butt, C. W. Barzee, Samuel R. Spencer, C. J. Latham, H. F. De yoe, John Curran, T. J. Mahoney, Oness V. Gibson, Philomath State Bank. W. W. Graves, John Barker Estate, Hattie Logan, Burrell Han ville et ux 4 Herbert Crouse et ux, W. H. Macomber, W. F. Schuller, Neil Doherty, Samuel Walker, Thom as McEntire, Wilda Siegmund, Ver mont Loan & Trust Co., Violet L. Tibbetts 4 F. C Louise G. Mock, W. H. Younger, 'Clyde W. Wagner A Joe P. Brown, Frances H. Bryant, Joseph Frlngle, Tunis D. Round, First National Bank of Heppner, James E. Eaton, W. P. Luttrell, Rob ert A. Thompson, Victor Rosequist, Claude L. Finley c0 W. B. Flnley, M. Sepanek et ux. Federal Land Bank of Spokane, P. T. Murphy, Harry Levin, John G. Essex, Nels Holmberg, James Farmer, Patrick, Carty, Ernest (). Beckland, James Flood Heirs, Charles Schmidt et ux, Charles H. Schmidt, Frank Amato, Michael Scpanek et ux, Otto Conrad, Byron M. Thompson, Arthur W. Spencer, Sadie Brumfteld, Peter Carl Nelson. W. II Treisch. Bernard Pundt co F. L. Phipps Trustee, Anna E. Schmidt Castle Rock Land Asso ciation. Sarah A. Broyles, Lizzie Gor don, Samuel S. Hoover, Genevieve Is rael, J. D. Jenkins, B. B. Luten, Wil liam C. Kiesel. The Misses Mather, John Storseth, Margaret Decker, May DeYoung, L. M, Burnell, Calvin D. Farrand, Vere Cummins, Solomin C. Cummins, Victor Rletmann, George Gorger, Franz Krause, Central Trust Co., Peter Kilkenny, DeFranq A Moore, A. A. Porter, George Rupp recht, Douglas A. Wade et ux. Mrs. L. A. Deos Estate. H H. Schissler, George M. Cole Estate, Ople L. Wag goner, Wm. S. Stephens et ux, Charles Leadbetter, David W. Burle son co Klein Realty Service, S. A. D. Gurley, J. H. Pruter et ux. Elizabeth S. Thomas Ex, J. C. Bills, T. J. Brice, W. R. Walpole co Ira A. Berger, Charles Jaeckel, Ernest Jaeckel, Al bert B. Moses, L. E. Bisbee, W. N. Jones, S, H. Boardman clo J. M. Al len, Adolph Skoubo, A. D. Hubbell. D. F. Ransier. W. A. Campbell Es tate, Annie H. Betts, Frank L. Brown, R. W. Courtwrlght, Jay A. Cox, Erne J. Gilliam, John W. A Julia Lowry A George C. Howard. Northern Pa cific co Maurice Warren Howard. David E. Lofgren et ux, Emma B. Clarke et al, Martha White, T. A. Clarke, Strong MacNaughton Trust Co., Dunn Holding Co., F. L. Brown. P. C. Hunter & Jos. K. McCune, Chas. W. Beneflel, Mary M. McCoy, J. J. Morgan, Frank A. Doble, Harry Smith, Clara B. Smith. L.. D. Beavert et ux, C, G. Betts, Lucy F. Rodgers, Interior Warehouse Co., W. J. Blake, Martha E. Stringer, Frank H. Lind sey, Mary V. Burt, Mary E. Ball. Selma Anderson Ex., Frank H. Watts, Mathlas Halvorsen, George A. Pet teys, Frederick Raymond et al, Vol mer Clearwater Co., Charlotte A. Chambers, Emma A. Evans, W.. B Tucker, Joseph B. Kenny, Michael Maguire, John Stewart, Frank A. Young, L. R.. A Leota French, E. Sink et ux, Clarence N. Canning, Carl J. Peterson, H. J. Blddle et ux, Robert E. Green. L. V. Gentry Estate clo C. W. McNamer, R. R, Van Horn, Rich ard Jones, Jr Robert H. Zlnter, Katherine B. Bowker, August Rah ner, Bertha D. Gllman, W. L. Hen nenhofer A Joseph A Robblns, W. V. Glascock. Jacob A. Dexter, .J. L. Gault Receiver First National Bank of Heppner, Otha C. Stephens, George W. Chapin Estate, F. M. Miller, Pat rick Connell, C. A. Minor, First In land National Bank of Pendleton. Hugh Conner Estate, Ida L. Dyks tra, Helen V. Knappenburg, J. A. Woolery Estate, Margaret E. Bell, Grace G. Gill. William G. Culick, Wil liam Brownell, George A. Hill, C, A. Repass Estate clo B. H. Bleakman, W. P. Mahoney. Elmer McDaniel Es tate, George Ashbaugh, Neva Arbo gast. Central Pacific Lumber Co, D. J. Conway, Lewis Cason, M. Cason A W. Osten. John R. Ryerson, Benjamin S. Cox, Thomas J. O'Brien, C. R. Mc Ayeal et al. H. P. Bouffleur, A. S. Dresser, Lena Johnson, Aztec Land & Coal Co., Samuel L. Mason et ux, James P. Leete, Irwin D. Wright, The Chee Lumber Co., Clarence G. Albertson, Laura M. Rose. Chas. E. Miller Estate, Mrs. E. I. Hubbard et al, Walter E. Gardner, James F. A Beatrice Walsh, W. J.' Rush, Angle Leonard et vir, and any other person or persons owning or claiming to own. or having or claiming to have, any interest in or to the real estate hereinafter described, Defendants. No. 3118 APPLICATION FOB JUDGMENT FORECLOSING TAX LIENS. SUMMONS AND NOTICE. To each and all of the defendants named in the foregoing Title: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each of you are hereby notified that Morrow County, Oregon, is the holder of Certificate of Delinquency No. 2688. Issued on the 31st day of December. 1934, by the sheriff and tax collector of Morrow County, Oregon, and duly filed for record by the Clerk of said county on the 6th day of July, 1935, which said Certificate Is In the amount of $53,274.79. being the amount then due and delin quent ior taxes for the year 1930 and prior years, together with penalty, in terest and costs thereon, upon real firoperty situated in said county here nafter described, which said respective parcels of real property being assessed hespectlvely to you as Is hereinafter set forth in this summons. You and each of you are further noti fied that in the subjoined tabulation of this summons the left hand column of said tabulation under the words "Pres ent Owner" is the name of the person or persons appearing on the latest tax roll in the hands of the sheriff for col lection as the owner or owners of said property described in the column next following; that the column next fol lowing under the word "Description" shows and properly alleges the descrip tion of the several tracts of land herein referred to; that in the said descrip tion the abbreviation "DR" means Deed Record and the figures imme diately following said abbreviation in dicates the number of the book of the Deed Records and the number follow ing the hyphen following the number of the book indicates the page of such book where the deed referred to is re corded; the capital letters "N", "S", "E", and "W" mean North, South, East and West; the abbreviation "Ft" means feet; that "OWRAN" means Oregon Washington Railroad A Navigation Company; that "R of W" means right-of-way; that "tr" means tract; that the abbreviation "Inc" means inclusive; that "Heppner Looneys" means Loon ey's Addition to the town of Heppner; that "Heppner Mt. Vernon" means Mt. Vernons Addition to the City of Hepp ner; that "Heppner Ayers" means Ay ers' Addition to the City of Heppner; that "Heppner Jones" means Jones' Ad dition to the City of Heppner; that "Heppner Morrow" means Morrow's Addition to the City of Heppner; that "Heppner Johnson means Johnson's Addition to the City of Heppner; that "Heppner Quatd's" means Quaids Ad dition to the City of Heppner; that "Heppner Brown's means Brown's Ad titlon to the City of Heppner; that "Lexington Penland's" means Pen land's Addition to the town of Lexing ton; that "Lexington McAlister' s" means McAl later' s Addition to the town of Lexington; that "lone Sperry's" means Sperry's Addition to the town of lone; that "lone Wills" means Wills' Addition to the town of lone; that "lone Cluft's" means Cluff's Addition to the town of lone; that "lone Hal vorsen's" means Halvorsen's Addition to the town of lone; that "Hardman Royse's" means Royse's Addition to the town of Hardman: that "Hardman Ferguson's" means Ferguson's Addi tion to the town of Hardman; that "Hardman Adams' " means Adams' Ad dition to the town of Hardman; that the abbreviation "2nd", "3rd", etc, fol lowing the additions Indicated means the "second addition", "third addition", etc.: and that "McHaley. R. R. Tr. means R. R. McHaley. Trustee of the Estate of J. H. McHaley, deceased. Following each description in said tab ulation, and reading from left to right, the column headed with the word "Sec" or "Lot" means section or lot number; and the column headed "Twp" or "Blk" indicates Township or Block; and the column headed "Range" indi cates Range East of the Willamette Meridian; and the columns headed 1930, 1929, 1928, 1927, 1926, 1925, 1924, and 1923 represent the tax assessed for the said year: and the column headed "Total for all years" represents the amount of the taxes assessed against the property op- Soslte and described in the column eaded "Description," for 1930 and prior years; and the column headed "Penalty and Interest" Indicates the penalty and accumulated Interest at 8 per cent per annum on the respective amounts from the date of delinquency to the 81st day of December, 1934; and the words "Amount for which certificate was Is sued" in the column following repre sents the total tax due, including pen alty and interest, to the 31st day of De cember, 1934. To Whom Assessed on 1936 Tax Boll Description of Property Seo. Twp or or Lot Blk Bog. 1930 Franzen, Gideon Gordon, Columbus J. McNamee, Dennis Sigsbee, B. G. Estate Noble, George ...... Latourell, Chas. H . Latourell, Chas. H Gotkopp, Emu Gotkopp, Emil Heppner, S. 18 ft. 6 In 6f NV4 North 15 ft. 7 in. of Nft Soutli Half East 99 feet Owen, Lena Estate McNamer, Sara E ... McNamer, Sara E .. McNamer, Sara E McNamer, Sara E. ......... Noble, George B. ......... McNamer, Sara E. McNamer, Sara E. South of North hi . Heppner Heppner South 36 feet Heppner 45 9 1 2 5 10 Borg, Peter O. Estate Walbridge, Eliza Grotkopp, Emil GrotkopD, Emil . DePew, Alice B. 8 except Tract No. 174 Heppner, South 39 feet Hennner. North vr feet Heppner, North 27 feet 13 Heppner. South M feet .- 14 Heppner, East 79 feet 4 Heppner, North 27 feet ........ Heppner, South 39 feet Heppner Ayers iieppner Ayers Smith, Arthur, co F. W. Turner uason, eyiva .... Adjustment Bureau of the Portland Ass'n of Credit Men ... Stender, Henry ............. Kinney, Hessie Estate -...... Kinney, Hessie Estate ............... Gentry, L. V. Estate Van Marter, LaVerne et ux Wyland, Ora M Wyland, Ora M . Ferguson, Pearl E. . Ferguson, r"eari . Heppner Ayers 2nd Heppner Ayers 2nd Heppner Ayers 3rd . Heppner Ayers 4th ......... Heppner Ayers 5th Hennner Jones Heppner Jones . . 2 A 3 Heppner Jones 4 A 5 Heppner Morrows . 2 to 4 In Heppner Morrow's - 84 9 Jicppner JohnRon N 62 ft o Heppner Johnsons 13 Heppner Johnsons S 6 ft...... 14 Heppner Quaids . 2 Heppner Quaids S 10 ft. 3 Heppner Quaids Heppner Browns 13 14 14 2 2 8 7 2 2 4 8 ..2 to 4 Inc. 4 4 1 1 1 2 2 ..10, 11, 12 8 : 1 A 6 I 2 .. 8 ...8 4 9 .. 10 .. 1 . 12 .. 1 ..647 .. 2 1 42 I 13.12 11.64 24.75 22.27 23.76 29.70 24.75 . 4.95 2.48 .99 3.98 8.21 3.71 8.97 23.01 .76 69.90 39.60 24.76 2.98 1.23 1.23 8.72 29.70 14.85 64.45 49.60 1.46 1.97 83.15 34.66 .91 49.60 2.47 48.27 4.96 1929 1928 19 1926 1928 I 12.52 13.42 $ 12.80 I 12.84 S 27.12 11.10 11.91 11.86 11.40 23.29 42.48 45.64 43.46 43.66 43.20 28.32 23.60 4.70 6.06 4.83 4.83 4.80 2.36 2.56 2.42 . 2.43 2.41 1.90 2.01 .96 1.92 8.77 8.07 8.53 8.77 ' .71 47.76 47.20 60.69 48.30 19.36 2.83 3.04 2.90 2.91 2.88 1.18 1.26 1.21 1.21 1.18 1.27 1-1 1.22 14.16 14.16 16.17 61.93 56.64 47.20 1.41 1.86 2.00 79.29 46.04 49.36 Total Interest Amount 1924 1923 for all . te Penalty Cor. of Years to 12-31-34 Delin. 43.91 44.10 91.82 $ 11.02 $ 102.84 172.51 20.70 193.21 24.75 2.97 27.72 328.52 39.42 867.94 23.76 2.86 26.61 68.02 8.96 64.98 48.35 5.80 64.16 29.16 3.50 32.66 14.65 1.76 18.41 7.78 .93 8.71 7.75 .93 8.71 6.28 .75 7.03 7.24 .87 8.11 7.74 .93 8.67 23.01 2.76 25.77 1.46 .18 1.64 117.65 14.12 131.77 205.06 24 61 ,229.66 24.76 2.98 27.72 17.64 2.10 19.64 6.09 .73 6.81 6.11 .73 6.84 3.72 .45 4.17 43.86 6.26 49.13 44.18 5.30 49.48 162.02 19.44 181.46 96.70 11.60 108.30 2.87 .34 8.21 6.83 .70 6.63 162.44 19.49 181.93 34.66 4.16 88.81 .91 .12 1.03 49.50 6.84 66.34 2.47 .30 2.77 148.67 17-4 160.91 4.96 .58 6.54