HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1935. PAGE SEVEN NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice la hereby given that the un dersigned wag duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, administrator of the estate of Emily McMurray. de ceased, and all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby required to present the same with proper vouchers, to the under signed at lone, Oregon, or at the law olllce of Jos. J. Nys, at Heppner, Ore gon, within six months from the date of tills notice. Dated and first published this 25th day of July, 1935. LAXTON McMTJRRAY, Administrator. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administratrix of the estate of Charles Thomson, deceased, has filed with the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, her final account of her administration of the estate of said deceased, and that said Court has set Tuesday, the 3rd day of September, 1935. at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the County Court room at the Court House at Heppner. Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to said final account and the settlement of said estate, and all persons having ob jections thereto, are hereby required to file such objections with said court on or before the time set for said hearing. Dated and first published this 25th day of July, 1935. MARY H., THOMSON. Admtnisratrlx. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, administratrix of the estate of ARTHUR A. McATEE. deceased, has filed with the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, her final account of her administration of the es tate of said deceased, and that said court has fixed Monday, the 3rd day of September, 1935, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon of said day at the County Court room at the Court House at Heppner, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to said final account and the settlement of said estate, and all persons having ob jections thereto are hereby required to file the same with said court on or be fore the time set for said hearing. Dated and first published this 24th day of July, 1935. LUCILLE McATEE, Adminisratrix. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. On the 24th day of August, 1935, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. at the front door of the Sourt House at Hepp ner, Morrow County, Oregon. I will sell at auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described real prop erty in Morrow County, Oregon, to-wit: The East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 10: The South west Quarter of Section 11; the West Half of Section 14; the East Half of the East Half of the North east Quarter, and the East Half of The East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 15; the East Half of the East Half of Section 22; the Northwest Quarter of the West Half of the Northeast Quarter, and the West Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 23; in Township 2 South of Range 25, E. W. M. Said sale Is made under execution out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow, to me directed in the case of Pacific Coast Joint Stock Land Bank of Portland, a corporation, vs. Nathaniel L. Shaw and Caslia F. Shaw, husband and wife, George G. Shaw and Pearl I. Shaw, husband and wife, Hugh W. Shaw and Winifred Shaw, husband and wife, Lotla A. Shaw Budden and Sidnev G. Budden. wife and husband, Nora Shaw Ritchie and Ray R. Ritchie, wife and husband. George Leo Shaw, Asa Har old Shaw, Hugh Vesler Shaw, Carl Cal vin Shaw, Ray Ernest Shaw. Raymond George Budden. Wallace Alton Bud den, Kay Budden. Sidney Budden, and Margaret Ethel Shaw. C. J. D. BAUMAN. Sheriff of Morrow County. Oregon. By ELBERT L. COX, Deputy. First Publication, July 25, 1935. Last Publication, August 22. 1935. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MOR ROW COUNTY. In the Matter of the Application of C. C. Creighton. Administrator de bonis non of the Estate of Hessie Louise Kinney, deceased, for Leave to Sell Real Estate. Notice is hereby given that, in pur suance of an order of the Honorable Wrn. T. Campbell, judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Mor row County, made on the 15th day of July, 1935. for the sale of the real es tate hereinafter described, there will be sold at public sale to the highest bid der for cash, at the front door of the Courthouse in the city of Heppner, in said county and state, on the 17th day of August, 1935, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon of said day, the following described real estate in one parcel: Lots Four and Five in Block Eight of Jones' Addition to the city of Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, and Lots Three and Four of Block Four of Morrow's Addition to the city of Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon. Said sale will remain open one hour. Dated this 17th day of July, 1935. (Signed) C. C. CREIGHTON, Administrator d. b. n. or the Estate of Hessie Louise Kinney, deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice la hereby given that Lula E. Rett, administratrix, and George E. Sperry, adminstrator of the estate of Mary Jane Sperry, deceased, have filed their final ac count as administratrix and administrator of the estate of said Mary Jane Sperry, de ceaxed, and that the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County has appointed Monday, the 6th day of August, 1036, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the fore noon of said day, as the time, and the county court room in the court house at Heppner, Oregon, as the place of hearing and settlement of said final account; and that objections to said final account must be filed on or before said date. LULA K. KEA, Administratrix, GEORGE E. SPERKY. Administrator. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that the under signed, executrix of the estate of HARRY L. BENNETT, also known as H. L. Ben nett, deceased, has filed with the County Court of the State of Ofegon for Morrow County, her final account of her adminis tration of the estate of said deceased, and that said court has fixed Monday, the 6th day of August, 1U35, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the County Court room at the Court House at Heppner, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objection to said final account and the settlement of said estate, and that all persons having objections to said final ac count or the settlemnt of said estate are hereby required to file the same in said Court on or before the time fixed for said hearing. Dated and first published this 27th day day of June, 1936. MA1IHL FRENCH, Executrix. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an execution issued out of the Cir cuit Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, dated July 16, 1935, In that certain suit wherein The Federal Land Bank of Spokane, a corporation, as plaintiff, recovered a judgment against the land hereinafter described, for the sum of $4,423.60, which judgment shall bear interest from July 12, 1935, at the rate of 8 per cent per annum until paid; and the further sum of $99.80, plaintiff's costs and disburse ments in this suit, and a decree of fore closure against the defendants, Fred A. Cole, a single man; Earl T. McKlnney, a single man; Willam P. McKlnney, a single man; E. C. Dougherty and Bcr ta Dougherty, husband and wife; R. D. Allstott and Frances Allstott, husband and wife; State Land Board; Chas. Al linger; Maurice W. Edmondson; Wil liam McCaleb; Everett Barlow and Addie Barlow, husband and wife; Mor row County, Oregon, a body politic; Katherine B. Bowker, also known as Mrs. Albert Bowker; Lena Gilman; Hardman National Farm Loan Asso ciation, a corporation; The Unknown Heirs of D. E. Gilman, deceased; The Unknown Heirs of Bertha D. Gilman, deceased; Also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title? estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the amended com plaint herein. I will, on the 17th day of August. 1935, at the hour of Ten o'clock A. M. of said day at the front door of the County Court house in Heppner, Morrow County, State of Oregon, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand the fullowing described real property situ ated in Morrow County, State of Ore gon, to-wit: Commencing at the Quarter corner between Sections Sixteen and Twenty-one, in Township Three South, Range Twenty-five, East of the Wil lamette Meridian; thence running North Sixty rods; thence West Eighty rods; thence in a South westerly direction in a straight line to a point twenty rods North of the Southwest corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section numbered Twenty; thence South Twenty rods; thence East One Hundred Sixty rods; thence North Eighty rods; thence East One Hundred tsixty rods to point of be ginning; also the South Half of the Northeast Quarter; the North east Quarter of the Southeast Quar ter of Section Twenty; the North Half of the Northwest Quarter; the Southwest Quarter of the North west Quarter; the Northwest Quar ter of the Southwest Quarter of Section numbered Twenty -one; also all that portion of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Sertion Twenty-one. lying North and West of the County Road, con taining about 5 acres, as represent ed In that certain Deed from Ralph W. Beckett and Daisy Beckett, his wife, to J. F. Barlow, being of rec ord In Deed records of this County in Book 27, at page 591 thereof. All of said property above described and referred to being In Township Three South, Range Twenty-five, East of the Willamette Meridian, containing 400 acres, situated in Morrow County, State of Oregon, Together with all water and water rights used upon or appurtenant to said lands and however evidenced, or so much of said real property as may be necessary to satisfy the plain tiff's judgment, costs and attorney's fee and accruing costs of sale. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff of Morrow County, State of Oregon. Date of First Publication. July 18, 1935. To Whom Assessed on 1935 Tax Roll Description of Property See. Twp or or Lot Blk Rug. 1930 Total Interest Amount 1928 1927 1926 1925 1934 1923 for all k Penalty Car. of Yean to 12-31-34 Delin. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an execution issued out of the Cir cuit Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, dated July 16. 1935, In that certain suit wherein The Federal Land Bank of Spokane, a corporation, as plaintiff, recovered a Judgment against the defendants, G. Guy Shaw and Pearl Shaw, husband and wife, and against each of them, for the sum of $5668.71, which judgment shall bear interest from July 12, 1H35. at the rate of 8 per cent per annum until paid; and the further sum of $74.80, plaintiff's costs and disbursements in this suit, and a decree of foreclosure against the defendants, G. Guy Shaw and Pearl Shaw, husband and wife; Frances All stott; John F. Vaughn; Maurice W. Edmondson: E. C. Dougherty and Ber- ta Dougherty, husband and wife; Wil liam McCnleb; Katiieime a. rsowaer, also known as Mrs Albert Bowker: Lena Gilman; The Unknown Heirs of 1). E. Gilman, deceased; ins unanown Heirs of Bertha D. Gilman, deceased; Also all other persons or parties un known claiming any right, title, estate, lien or Interest in the real estate des cribed In the amended comnlalnt hero in; and Hardman Natlonnl Farm Loan Association, a corporation, I will, on the 17th day of August, 1935, at th?i hour of Eleven o'clock A. M. of said day at the front door of the County Court house In Heppner. Morrow Coun ty. State of Oregon, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash In hand the following described real prop erty situated In Morrow County, State ot Oregon, to-wii: The South Thirty rods of the South west Quarter of the Northeast Quarter; The Southeast Quarter; the East Half of the Southwest Quarter; the East Half of the West Half of the Southwest Quarter of Soction numbered Ten; the West Half of the Northeast Quarter and the East Half of the West Half of Section numbered Fifteen, all In Township Three South, Range Twenty-five, East of the Willam ette Meridian, containing 535 acres, situated in Morrow County, State of Oregon, Together with all water and water rights used upon or appurtenant to ' Bald lands and however evidenced, or so much of said real property as may be necessary to satisfy the plaintiff's judgment, costs ana attorney s lee auo accruing costs oi snie. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff of Morrow County, State of Oregon. Date of First Publication, July 18, 1936. Moses, Albert B Castle Rock Land Ass'n Castle Rock Land Ass'n Bisbee. L. E. Jones. W. N. Boardman, S. H. do J. M. Allen Skoubo, Adolph Hubbell. A. D. Ransier. D. F Campbell. W. A. Estate Betta, Annie H. Warner, Eva L. Jones, Percy E. et ux Brown. Frank L. Courtwright, R. W Cox, Jay A , . Gilliam, Effle J Lowry. John W. A Julia A Howard, George C Northern Pacific co Maurice Warren Howard Lofgren, David E. et ux . Clarke, Emma B. et al White. Martha Clarke, T. A. Strong, MacNaughton Trust Co. Dunn Holding Co. Brown, F. L. Hunter, P. C. A McCune. Jos. K- Walpole, Ella R. Estate Benefiel. Chas W Dunn Holding Co. McCoy. Mary M Walpole, Ella R. Estate Morgan. J. J. Doble, Frank A. . Smith, Harry Smith. Clara B. Smith, Clara B. Beavert. L. D. et ux Betts, C. G. Rodgers. Lucy F . Strong. MacNaughton Trust Co. Interior Whse. Co. Blake, W. J . Stringer, Martha E. Lindsey, Frank H. Burt, Mary V Ball, Mary E Ball, Mary E Anderson, Selma Ex. Watts. Frank H . McNamer, C. W. . NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that bv virtue of an execution issued out of the Cir cuit Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, dated July 16, 1935. In that certain suit wherein The Federal Land Bank of Spokane, a corporation, as plaintiff, recovered a judgment against the defedants, R. D. Alstott (also known as R. D. Allstott). and E. C. Dougherty, and against each of them, for the sum of $10,073.81, which Judgment shall bear interest from July 12, 1935, at the rate of 8 per cent per annum until paid; and the further sum of $84.16, plaintiff's costs and disbursements in this suit, and a decree of foreclosure against the deienuants, ti. v. Alstott (same person as R. D. Allstott), a wid ower; F. M. Miller, a single man; E. E. Downing; E. C. Dougherty and Berta Dougherty, husband and wife; Clair Dougherty and Alma Dougherty, husband and wife; John F. Vaughn; William McCaleb; Katherine B. Bowker (same person as Mrs. Al bert Bowker); Lena Gilman; R. A. Thompson. J. J. Chisholm. W. A. Kcarns, Jeff Jones and J. G.. Barratt as Trustees for the benefit of creditors of Heppner Farmers Elevator Com pany; Tne unknown Heirs oi u. Ui. Gilman, Deceased; The Unknown Heirs of Bertha D. Gilman, Deceased; and All other pesons or parties unknown claim ing any right, title, estate, lien or in terest in the real estate described in the complaint herein; and Hardman National Farm Loan Association, a cor poration, I will, on the 17th day of August, r.Mo. at tne hour of iu:30 o clock A. M. of said day at the front door of the County Court house In Heppner. Morrow County, State of Oregon, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand the following described real property sit uated in Morrow county, .state oi Ore gon, to-wit: The East Half of the Northeast Quarter, and the Southeast Quur ter of Section Numbered Fifteen; the Northeast Quarter; the East Half of the Southeast Quarter; the Northwest Quarter of the South east Quarter; the East Half of the Northwest Quarter; the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; the North Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section Numbered Twenty-two; the Northeast Quarter, (ex cepting out of said Northeast Quar ter that part thereof West of the County Road, about 5 acres, the same being the property conveyed by one Ralph W. Beckett and Daisy Beckett, his wife, to J. F. Barlow, being of record in Deed Records of this County In Book 27, at Page 691 thereof) ; the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; the North cast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; the North Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section Num bered Twenty-one; in Township Three South, Rnnge Twenty-five, East of the Willamette Meridian, containing 1040 acres, situated in Morrow County, State of Oregon. Together with all water and water rights used upon or appurtenant to said lands and however evidenced. or so much of said real popertv as mav be necessary to satisfy the nlnlntlfr'p judgment, costs and attorney's fee and accruing costs oi sale. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff of Morrow County, State of Oregon. Date of First Publication, July 18, 1935. Halvorsen, Mathias Halvorsen, Mathias, . Petteys. George A Halvorsen, Mathias ..... Bank. First Nat'l Heppner . Raymond, Frederick et al ... Raymond, Frederick et al ... Raymond, Frederick et al Raymond, Frederick et al . Raymond, Frederick et al , Raymond, Frederick et al , Raymond. Frederick et al . Volmer Clearwater Co Raymond, Frederick et al Raymond, Frederick et al . Volmer Clearwater Co Raymond, Frederick et al Chambers, Charlotte A. Petteys. George A. . Evans, Emma A Tucker, W. B. Kenny. Joseph B Kenny, Joseph B Kenny, Joseph B Kenny, Joseph B Kenny, Joseph B. Maguire. Michael Burt, Mary V. Stewart, John - Young, Frank A. Freiwald, Gustav Estate J... Freiwald. Gustav Estate French, L. R. A Leota Sink, E. et ux . Sink. E. et ux . French. L. R. & Leota Canning, Clarence N. Peterson. Carl J Biddle, H. J. et ux Sink, E. et ux Green, Robert E. Gently. U V. Est., cio C. W. McNamer Gentry, L. V. Est., co C. W. McNamer Gentry, L. V. Est., co C. W. McNamer Gentrv. L. V. Est, co C. W. McNamer Van Horn, R. R Jones, Richard Jr . Zinter, Robert H Bowker, Katherine B Rahner, August . Rahner, August ... Gilman, Bertha D. . Hennenhofer, W. L. A Robbins, Jo seph A Glascock, W. V. Dexter, Jacob A Dexter, Jacob A J. L. Gault. Receiver First National Bank of Hennner .... . Glascock. W. V Stephens. Otha C Chapin, George W. Estate Miller, F. M Connell, Patrick Minor, C. A Bank. First Inland Nat'l of Pendleton Conner, Hugh Estate . .. Latourell, Chas. H Dykstra, Ida L KnappeiiDurg, Helen V Woolery, J. A. Estate Bell. Margaret E GUI. Grace G Culick, William G. Brownell. William Hill. George A Hill, George A Gill, Grace G. Bell, Margaret E Repass, C. A. Estate, co B. H. Bleak-man Mahoney, W. P. McDaniel, Elmer Estate Ashbaugh, George Ashbaugh, George Arbogast, Neva Central Pacific Lumber Co. Central Pacific Lumber Co. Conway, D.. J. uason, Lewis Cuson, Lewis Cason, M. & W. Osten Cason, M. A W. Osten uason. ijewis Cason, Cason, M. & W. Osten Lewis Ryerson, John R Cox, Benjamin S. O'Brien. Thomas J McAyeal, C. R. et al ... Boullleur, H. P Dresser, A. S . Dresser, A. S. .. . Johnson, Lena Aztec Land A Coal Co Mason, Samuel L. et ux Leete. James P . Wright, Irwin D Cliee Lumber Co., The Cliee Lumber Co., The Albertson, Clarence G Albertson, Clarence G Central Pacific Lumber Co. Rose, Laura M Hose, Laura M. Miller, Chus. E. Estate Miller, Chas. E. Estate , Rose, Laura M Hubbard, Mrs. E. I Gardner. Walter E. Walsh, James F. A Beatrice , Rush, W. J ., Leonard, Angle et vlr NK'iSES 29 SW4, SW'4NW'4. S'iSE'i 29 All 33 E 36 Tract ex. sold (DP. 31-248) 7 SW'4NWy4SW'4 8 Lot 2 ex. sold OWPfc.V (DR 40-143) 9 E 5 acres NWViNW'i, NE',i NWy4, NW4NE11, N of canal . 13 W'.ElASEii Unit E 14 NWS, NVjSW'.i . 16 SE'4 NEii, E'A E- SW'4 NE'i 16 Sy,NW4SW'4 17 NWNE!4 17 SEVJSE't (Unit D.) 18 - - 18 NWVlNW'i (Unit B) 22 W2 except 6V4 A right-of way 16 SW4SW54 & Lot 2 15 Lot 1 15 WMjWVj frl 16 Westerly 60 acres Lots 5, 8, 13 .. 16 ex. W 60 acres of Lots 5. 8, 13 16 BV.WH frl. 16 S'2NE4 19 Lots 2. 3. 4 A SW',4NW'4. SW4. NWI4SEV4. SW'4 SE'4 lying N of 0WR4N right-of-way 21 S'2SE'4 lying S of r'w OW RAN A Columbia River Highway Tract (DR 36-6) - 22 Lot 4, NViNW4SW'.4 23 NE14SEI4, NViSEiiSE't .... 26 All N rlw of OWR&N 29 Lots 2, 3. 4 17 NW'4NWy4NW14 except W 500.7 feet 30 Lot 3 Blk 3 W (DR 37-60) .. 25 Lot 7 Blk 15W (DR 38-216-304) 25 Lot 7 Blk 19W (DR 32-202) 25 Lot 8 Blk 19W (DR 31-626) 25 Lots 11 to 14 Incl, Blk 19W (DR 31-626) 25 Lot 1 Blk 39W (DR 40-264 ) 23 Lots 3 to 9 Inc. Blk SE (DR 34-395) 19 Lot 9 Blk 39E (DR 41-71) 21 NE'4NW'4NW!4 30 Tract (DR X-472) 1 NW'4 NW'4 20 NE'4NE'4, NVi SE'4 NE'4 .... 28 SE'4 SW'4 29 WySE'4. SW'4NEy4 .. 32 Ey.NE'4 34 WVjWMi 35 N'2NE'4 ex. rlw OWR&N .... 7 WB?4, E'4NW?4. E'2SW4 NW!4, SWy, EV2SEV4 W of Gooseberry Rd 8 ENWy, ex. platted tracts sold & right-of-way 9 NENE'4SE14, SE1.4NE14.... 9 SW'4 NW'4, NW'4 SVfYi, SE'4 NE'4 10 S',4 NE'4, NV4 SE'4, SE'4 SE'4 12 SEy4SW'4 15 NV.NW14NE14 22 E'4E'A 22 Wy.NW'4, SWH 23 SV2NW14, SWy4NEy4, SW',4 lying N & W of Co. Rd 25 NW'4 SV - - 26 SW'4 . 27 Shi 28 Tract (DR 39-358) 33 SNE'i 34 Ny2NE'4. Tr. (DR 39-358).... 34 NE'4. NS.NW54 ... 35 S'.NW'4 35 NW14NW14 North & West of Co. Road 36 Lot 2 & SEy4NW'4 - 7 Lots 3, 4 SE"4SW4 7 NE'4 26 SE'4NEi4, EySE4, SW'4 SE'4 29 SW'4 - 17 SE14 18 WVi. SE'4 19 WWi. EM.SW&. Tr. (DR 37-421) ..... 20 NW'4. Sy2SW& 29 SWV4NEy4 26 Lots 2, 3 5 SWi,4. WliSE 7 EViW4 8 SEi 10 Ny2, NVS 15 EV..SE14, SWSEVi, SEYt SW'i 20 SEi,4SE'4 24 NE14, NEy;Nwyt 25 NE'4. E1NW14 29 Ei.,SW4 30 SE'4. EViSW',4 31 SE'4SWV4, NEV4SEV4, SE NEV4 14 Lot 4 19 EUEVj 21 SE'4 23 An undivided interest in NW'4 25 WM.SWV4 E'4 SE'4 25 26 18 SW'iSW'4 6 WW,, S'.NE'4, NW'4NE'.i .... 36 NW'4NE'i, E',iNW4 N A W of Rd. Tr (DR 29-338) ... 10 WVjNW'4 25 NE'4 26 NW'4SE'4 17 EV4, S'.iSW, NE'4SWyi .... 19 SW!4NWy4, N'iSW'4 20 NE'4, NNW'4, SENWtt, NViSE'4 20 NWViNE'4, N1.SW14, NWVA 21 E',4 - 27 Lot 1 30 w'-iswy; 21 North 21.20 rds. of SE14SW14 (DR 32-111) 34 S'-. NW'4. WU NWfc SWVi, Wy.E'.NWWSW'i 35 NW'4SW'4, SV2SWVI. EH SE'i - 8 SE14NE14 21 NE'4 34 SWySE'4 12 Tract (DR 39-409) 21 NE'4 - 33 SW'jNE'4. NWV4SE14 34 E'ANE'4 34 7 10 W v.. SW'4 S'iSE'4 .. SW'4SE',4, E'.SEi4 11 SE'4 13 13 W'i.NW'4. Nwy4sw;4 NE'jSE'4 14 N 'a N E'4 15 Wy.NW'4 ... NE'4NWi4 SE'4SW'4 Ei-jSE'4 lying West of Co. Rd Tract (DR 32-393) W'2SW4 NVtSE'4, SW'4SE'4, SE'4 SW'4 SWV,SE'4 N'NWU, NWVi.NBtt 18 2 6 34 34 35 SWV4NEU wu.MW'4 E'-iSE'4 E'aSE'4. SW4S1C4, SEV4 SW'4 NE'4, N',SE'4 NE'4. NEV4SE14 W'.NWV4. NW'iSW'4 W'-.WVa, SEV4SWU SW'4 All WViSEV4 All WiiNW'4 SM:SE'4 NE'4, N',.jSE'.4 NW'4NWV4, S'.iNVV4, NE'4 SWV4 E'ASE'i SE14NW4, E',SW!4. SW'4 SE',4 SE'4 W',NE'.i, N'iSE', E'iSW"i. SW'.4SW'4 NE'4NW!4 Ny.SW'4 E'-iSE'4 Ny,NV'4, NWViNKii SWV4SW4 SE'4SEVi WyjE'i, N'.sNWVi. 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42.65 43.07 31.75 42.04 321.02 3 8.52 359.54 10.60 10.33 12.04 12.10 11.91 12.06 8.89 11.77 89.70 10.76 100.46 31.82 30.94 36.13 98.89 11.86 110.75 . 24.75 24.07 28.11 76.93 9.23 86.16 32.78 33.04 20.10 85.92 10.31 96.23 3.46 3.37 3.93 3.95 3.90 3.94 2.90 3.85 29.30 3.51 32.81 13.60 13.60 1.63 15.23 45.27 15435 64.33 46.18 23.22 5.48 .69 26.81 91.13 105.73 37.74 112.87 16.49 182.34 11475 38.21 105.72 38.61 38.76 9.24 26.80 8.53 17.67 20.20 60.56 167.22 18.80 10.10 12.18 31.43 40.99 35.66 19.60 35.66 68.96 729.23 16.55 486.27 41.18 119.94 395.87 34.99 59.04 192.55 43.73 87.89 119.26 39.69 121.18 121.16 259.67 69.67 88.48 150.23 150.23 177.07 14.04 56.63 119.43 121 65 90.50 You and each of you are further noti fied as the respective owners of the' le gal title of the several tracts of prop erty hereinabove described, as the same appears of record, that Morrow County, Oregon, the plaintiff above named, will upply to the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County for a de cree foreclosing Its tux Hens against all of the property abovo named, described and mentioned In this summons. You and each of you are hereby sum moned to appear on or before the 30th day of September, 1935, and defend this action, or pay the amount due plaintiff upon its lien, together with costs and accrued interest; and in case you fail to do so a Judgment and decree will be rendered against you as your interest may appear in the tabulation aforesaid, foreclosing the lien uf plaintiff for taxes and costs against the tracts of land above described. All process and papers In the pro ceedings may be served on the under signed, residing in the Stute of Oregon, at the address hereinafter mentioned. C. J. V. BAUMAN. Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. P. O. Address. Hcpuuer, Oregon. S. E. NOTSON, District Attorney fur Morrow Coun ty, Oregon. P. O. Address, Heppner. Oregon.