PAGE SIX HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1935. Lights ofNewYork Br L. I. STEVENSON Curious things happen In the City of Seven Million. Kor instance, the experience of Jack Price, native born New Yorker, newspaper man of many years' experience and for mer head of the camera department of the World. He was walking along Lexington avenue near Thirty ninth street at 10:30 after spending the evening with friends. Ue heard a man shout something in a for eign language but, seeing that he did not know the fellow and being a New Yorker he paid no atten tion. The man shouted again and leaped at him. Price felt what he took to be a heavy fist blow on his forehead. Though taken off guard. his training as a camera man en abled him to go Into action suddenly and he knocked the stranger down. The stranger Jumped to his feet and Instead of renewing the attack, ran. Starting for the subway. Price happened to notice that his hand was bloody. Investigation told him the blood came from his face. While he was attempting to wipe It off with his handkerchief, another stranger, who had seen the en counter from across the street, hur ried over and took him in a nearby drug store. There it was found that he had suffered a long and deep cut Just over his eye, a cut that took four stitches to close, in his right cheek, and a lesser cut on his left There was also a hole In his hat bim. Price, however, is certain that his attacker struck him only once. The surgeon who dressed the wouDd held that If that were true, the assailant turned the knife as It was descending and thus the three wounds. A less spectacular incident in Tolved a young woman. She was walking along Fifth avenue. ' An older woman brushed against her, apologized and went on. After that, the younger woman noticed that those who passed her, stared. It was not until she reached her apartment, however, that she learned why. Her expensive new spring coat had been slashed in the back, the cut extending from the collar to the hem. New York's 6,000 "white wings" are soon to vanish from the metro politan picture. They will continue to wield brushes on the streets, but after July 1 they will be "white wings' no longer. Instead of be ing all In white, they will wear forest green trousers though the white duck coat will be retained. All of the 10,000 employees of the sanitation department will wear the forest green. Drivers who now wear brown uniforms will be completely green clad. The change in uniform Is the first made In many years. ' The younger generation, who drives a car and therefore should know, Just laid this on my desk : "There are more streets In Manhat tan on which traffic may travel west than those on which it mny travel east. Almost all the streets are only one way with traffic mov ing east on the even-numbered streets and west on the odd-num-bered. But most of the streets where traffic may move two ways are even-numbered and thus the west-bound traffic gets the breaks." New York state has an income tax which is almost as lanre ns that Imposed by the federal gov ernment It includes a 1 per cent emergency tax, which must be paid In full. Also, the taxpayer must fork over one-half the total at the game time. That's not so good. But the blanks are still worse, be ing even more complicated than those of the government. In desper ation, this writer appealed to a pleasant young woman In the state branch here. She filled It out and omitted several Important deduc tions, the error not being discov ered until entirely too late. When a young woman employed In a dressmaking shop on the nine teenth floor of a Broadway build ing quit work without turning off an electric Iron, three fire engines, two fire patrol trucks, a battalion chiefs car and a police emergency squad turned out and such a crowd collected that all traffic In the vi cinity of Thirty-seventh street was blocked. P. S. The firemen ex tinguished the blaze with no diffi culty and little damage. Big Sheep Coming Back Helena, Mont. Rocky Mountain sheep, at one time nearly extinct In Montana, are making a comeback, Tom Peasley, assistant state fish and game warden, reported. 47 Birthdays Pass Minus Smile of Sun Springfield, Mass. It was rain ing the day Alme If". Cote was born In Alpena. Mich. Since then he never has had the cheer of sunshine to help him celebrate a birthday anni versary. Years ago he moved from Michigan to Massachusetts, but the birthday rainstorms per sisted. It rained this year as he cel ebrated his forty-seventh birth- MOTOR ACCIDENTS TAKE 15,200 LIVES First Six Months Rolls Up an Alarming Total. Hartford, Conn. Approximately 15,200 persons were killed and more than 300.000 Injured in street and highway accidents the first six months of this year, according to state reports analyzed by the Trav elers' Insurance company. Eight thousand of the total of 15,200 deaths have been pedes trians. Nearly 3,100 persons have been killed in collisions between cars. Almost 500 persons have been killed in the collisions of automo biles and trains. The percentage of deaths of pedestrians and persons involved in collisions between cars as well as In automobile-train colli sions have been greater this year than for the corresponding part of last year. Fatal Collisions. More than 1.500 have been killed in the collision of automobiles with fixed objects and nearly 1,500 also have been killed In non-collision ac cidents, both of which are less In percentage than the first six months of last year. Deaths from automobile accidents have been around 2 per cent less than the casualties for the corre sponding period of last year, but it is possible that this decrease will be more than wiped out by com plete and revised figures yet to be reported by all states. ' During the last four years deaths from automobile accidents have been 34 per cent greater In the last half of the year than the first, and If this should hold true this year, the total number of casual ties would approximate 35.G0O. With more cars being In use than last year, the number of persons who will be killed this year is likely to exceed the present estimate which will be subject to an Increase be cause of upward revisions In state reports In keeping with the trend of fatalities. Drunken Drivers. Available records for the first half of the year show an increase of almost 13 per cent in the num ber of drivers under the Influence of liquor who were Involved In ac cidents, as well as an Increase of 10 per cent in the number of pe destrians under the Influence of liquor who were Involved In auto mobile accidents. Automobile-pedestrian accidents continue to be extremely serious, present figures show, as the rec ords available for the first half of this year Indicate that about 40 per cent of all personal Injury auto mobile accidents involved pedes trians, but the deaths of pedes trians comprised more than 50 per cent of all automobile accident fa talities. Although automobile-train collisions the first six months of this year account for half of 1 per cent of all personal Injury acci dents, the deaths resulting from such mishaps were in excess of 3 per cent of the total of 15,200. Non-collision accidents accounted for less than 50 per cent of the ac cidents, but the deaths from them totaled almost 10 per cent of all fatalities. To Whom lawtd on 1935 Tu Boll Description of Property Sso. Twp or Kng, 193 1929 1928 1927 192S 1925 1924 1923 George, T. J. et ux Card. C. W. Grim. Mrs. Hugh Kessler. trances . Burroughs. D. H. Blount. Mary Parker , Walnole. Etna M. Walpole, Etha M. Daggett, w. ii. Enoch. Clyde Miller, Obed I. Corey, Guy Estate English, y. c. Trustee ... Monroe, J. L. Williams. R. F Walpole. Etha M. . Walpole. Ella R. Estate . Miller. Obed I Walpole, W. R. Estate ... Scharnhorst. D . Walpole. Etha M. Walpole, Ralph G. Swayze. Frank B. Lane. B. B. Swayze, F. B Walpole. Etha M. Irrlgon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon irrigon Smith, J. A. Trustee . Grim, Hugh W. Egbert. J. L Swayze, F. B Swayze, F. B Walpole, Ella R. Estate Walpole, Ella R. Estate Walpole, Ella R. Estate Walpole, Ella R. Estate Adams. S. W. MdDaniel. Ethel Adams, F. N Hackman, Charles Hatkman, Charles .. Prophet, W. P. Bleakman. E. E. Estate Pophet, W. P. Bleakman, E. E. Estate DeVore, Ben Gilliam Bisbee Odell. Emmit Swift. J. C. Hendrix, William . Swift. J. C. De Vore. B. F Smith, John C De Vore, B. F .. Adams, F. N. , Adams, F. N. Adams, F. N . DeLashmutt, E. L. Howell, Maude Howell, Maude Brown. Artie Estate . Howell, Maude , Brown, Artie Estate Brown, Artie Estate Brown, Artie Estate Brown. Artie Estate . Ingram, W, D. Estate . Ingrum, Mary , Prophet & Miller . Prophet Miller Cartwright, J. R Cartwright, J. R Cartwright, J. R. Cartwright, J. R. Morsil Co., The Cartwright, J. R. Palahniuk, Stephen J. et ux Ballinger, Robert S. Freiwald, Gustav Estate Butt, Lawrence C. Barzee, C. W . Spencer, Samuel R Latham, C. J. Deyoe, H. F Curran, John Mahoney. T. J. Gibson, Oness V Bank. Philomath State Graves, W. W. Surplus stock and be sold through use of a G.-T. Want Ad. Bank. Philomath State Barker, John Estate Barker, John Estate Logan, Hattie Hanville, Burrell, et ux, Crouse, Her bert et ux .- Macomber, W. H. Grotkopp, E. C. T Schuller, W. F Schuller, W. F Schuller, W. F Doherty, Neil Walker, Samuel McEntire, Thomas .. scnuuer, w. '. Siegmund, Wllda Siegmund, Wilda Boy Declared First to Discover Gold in West Danville, Calif. George Van Gor don, ninety-year-old rancher and horse breeder, arises to say John Marshall was not the first person to discover gold In California. "It was a ten-year-old boy, John Wlmmer," recalled Van Gordon. "His father worked for Gen. John A. Sutter at Coloma. John gave the nugget he found to his father, who gave It to John' Marshall, who gave It to Mrs. Wlmmer, and she boiled It In the soap kettle. I've heard the Wimmers tell the story many times." Van Gordon perhaps knows. He came to California in 1846, remem bers how everyone abondoned his work and rushed to the gold fields. He remembers Lola Montez, the dancer; Joaquin Murletta, most vengeful and dashing of American bandits, and the Vigilantes. Complex Rules Govern Sale and Use of Oleo Mobile, Ala. If you have a boarding house, don't serve oleo margarin. . But If you do, don't mix coloring Into It yourself. "To do so will subject you to a manu facturer's license if Uncle Sam finds It out. And such a license costs $000. These and other warnings have been issued by the internal revenue bureau. A grocer who sells oleo may give the coloring for It, but If he shows the buyer how to mix It, he can be made to pay the manufacturer's license. Iowa Pig Has Two Mouths and Eats Well With Both Oelweln, Iowa. C. A. Curnmlngs, farmer living four miles northwest of here, has a pig he would like to sell to a museum. The freak pork er has an oversized head, three eyes and two perfectly matched snouts and noses. The pig can eat with either mouth, Curnmlngs said. Physically, It is perfect, except for the super abundance of noses and snoulH, ac cording to Its owner. The Gawtte Timer Printing Ser vice is complete. Try It Vermont Loan & Trust Co. Tibbetts, Violet L. Mock. F. C, & Louise u . Younger, W. H. Barzee, C. W Wagner, Clyde W. & Joe P. Brown . Bryant, Frances H. fringie, Joseph Round, Tunis D Bank, First Nat'l Heppner Eaton, James E. Luttrell, W. P. Thompson, Robert A Bank, First Nat'l Heppner Rosequist, Victor . Finley, Claude L. c0 W. B. Finley aepaneK, m. ei ux Federal Land Bank of Spokane Murphy, P. T. Levin, Harry Essex, John G . . Holmberg, Nels . Farmer, James ... Caity, Patrick Beckland, Ernest O. . Flood, James, Heirs Schmidt, Charles et ux Schmidt, Charles H Amato, Frank Sepanck, Michael et ux . Sepanek, Michael et ux . Conrad, otto Thompson. Byron M. Spencer. Arthur W. ... Bnmifield, Sadie Nelson, Peter Carl Treiach, W. H. Pundt, Bernard, cjo Phipps, F. L. Trus tee . . , Schmidt. Anne E Pundt, Bernard, cjo Phipps, F. L. Trus tee Amato, Frank Pundt, Bernard, co Phipps, F. L. Trus tee . Castle Rock Land Ass'n . Broyles, Sarah A Castle Rock Land Ass'n Doherty, Neil . Castle Rock Land Ass'n . Castle Rock Land Ass'n Gordon, Lizzie . Hoover, Samuel S Israel, Genevieve Jenkins, J. D 22, 23. 24 30 5 to 8 Inc 31 9 31 IZ' 13 to 20 Inc. 31 1. 2. 3 32 445 32 .... 6 to 12 Inc. 33 12 36 67 36 8 36 11 to 15 Inc 18 17 20 21 4 .- 5, 6. 7 ... 9 .... 11 1213 ... 4 .... 9 14 Irrigon 17 Irrigon 18 & 19 , 20 to 33 Inc. 24 25 39' 39 28, 29, 30 39 1 & I 40 Hardman Hardman Hardman, Hardman Hardman Hardman N 38 It. Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon 15 to 18 Inc. 40 Irrigon 20 40 Irrigon 1 to 37 Inc. 43 Irrigon 1 to 35 Inc. 44 Irrigon, All except 6&7 45 Irrigon 1 to 35 Inc 46 A B B C C D D E E G G H I I J J M 1 1 1 1 2 4 4 1 1 1 2 2 3 6 .....t 2, 3 ... 4 1, 2. 3, 4 . 6 2 Hardman 34 Hardman , 2 Hardman 3, 4 5, 6 Hardman . 2 Hardman . 3, 4, 5 Hardman 4 Hardman, Royses N 40 ft. 4 Hardman. Royses 6 Hardman, Royses 4 Hardman, Royses 66 Hardman, Royses All Hardman, Fergersons 12 Hardman, Adams 12 Hardman, Adams N 23 ft. of 3 Hardman, Adams 6, 7, 8 Hardman, Adams 1, 2, 3, 4 Hardman, Adams 12 Hardman, Adams, E 100 ft, 5 Hardman, Adams 2nd 1 ft 2 Hardman, Adams 2nd 5 4 6 Hardman, Adams 2nd 11 12 Hardman, Adams 2nd 1. 2, 3 Hardman, Adams 2nd 10, 11, 12 Hardman, Adams 2nd Hardman Tr. 8 (DR V-53) Hardman Tr. 9 (DR T-238) Hardman Tr. 20 (DR 37-162-39-310) Hardman Tr. 21 (DR 37-162 39-310) SWHNWM, SEV4SWI4, NV4 SW)i, SEi 5 All S 4 E of road 6 All 7 WEtt, W14 8 Tract tDR 34-208) 9 NWS 18 NNWV4 27 All SW11 . SE4 SW'4 N14SW!4, SE'4SW'4 All 36 1 8 8 10 15 EV4EV4 - 2 All 10 NE'4 ... 22 SViSWH - 5 S'SWV4, SWft SE 19 NE'4 26 NW'4NW'4 - 30 S2SV4 24 NENWi4, NW!4NE14, E'A NE'4 25 WNE'4, NMsSEV4 19 NENEVi 22 SV4SW& 27 Tract (DR Y-257) All All SW'4 E4 - swy4 All NWV4 33 5 9 14 14 16 21 22 23 W'2 except 1 Acre for cem etery, NE'4 26 NViSE'4, SESE'4 26 WVfjNE'4 27 SW'4NW,4, NliSWtt 31 NE'4 34 S'AS,iSW, N'ANW'4, S'i NW'4 34 NE'i 35 E'i 12 W'NW4, NE14NWV4 18 SEViNEU 19 SW1, 24 NW4 SE: NEV4NE14. WijNEtt 30 N 8 W'i 10 W'iW'j, SE',SW'4 12 NE'4. E '4 NW'4. NE14SWI4, NW'4SE'4 12 SV6NV4, SW'4 -14 SE'4 18 NW'4 19 NVjNE'4, SW'4NE4 19 WVNE'4 ... E1..NE14 NW'4 SW'4 NW'4 swy, All W'2 N 'A NE'4 SE',: Luten, B. B Kiesel, William C Mather, The Misses . ....... Storseth, John Decker, Margaret . DeYoung. May ...... . Castle Kock Land Ass'n . Burneli, L. M. Doherty, Neil Farrand, Calvin D. .. Cummins, Vere ... . ...... Cummins, Solomin C. .... Rietmann, Victor - . .... Gorger, George .... Krause, Franz Central Trust Co. Kilkenny, Peter DeFranq Moore Porter, A. A Rupprecht, George ..... Castle Rock Land Ass'n Castle Rock Land Ass'n ..... Wade, Douglas A. et ux . Deos, Mrs. L. A. Estate Broyles, Sarah A ........ Castle Rock Land Ass'n Schissler, H. H - Cole, George M. Estate . . Waggoner, Ople L Stephens, Wm. S. et ux .... Lead better, Charles ........ -. Burleson, David W. Klein Realty Service - - Guriey, 8. A. D Castle Rock Land Ass'n I-ruter, J. H. et ux .... Walpole, W. R. Estate Thomas, Elizabeth S. Ex .. Bills, J. C . Brlco, J. T . Walpole, W. R. co Ira L Berger Jaeckel, Charles , Jaeckel, Ernest . . . 20 20 20 23 24 24 25 26 28 28 WW; - 30 NE'4, ENW'4, ESE'4 .... 30 SW'4 32 SE'4 6 NW'4, S',i! 8 SEli 18 SW'4 frl 19 NWV,, E'ASW'4. SWV,SW14 20 SW',4NW!4, W&SW4, SE'4 30 NE'4 30 All 1 NW4NWV4 3 All 13 All 36 All 5 All 9 NW'iNW',',NW(4, WV4NEV NW'4 NW'4 17 E W'2 SEVi, EV4 WMi WMi SE'4 - I7 W'i!SE'4NE'4NW'4 17 Wi;,SE',.,NW',:,NE'4. 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