HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 193 PAGE FIVE ALASKAN TOWN HAS VIRGINIA CLIMATE Temperature Seldom Falls Much Below Freezing. Washington. Ketchikan, Alaska, is going into the public utility busi ness. The city hus arranged to buy up local electric light, power, water and telephone properties. "This is only another Indication that Ketchikan Is a strictly modern city, with very few of the charac teristics popularly attributed to Alaskan towns," gays the National Geographic society. "Its popula tion of 3,800 would scarcely rate It a metropolitan standing In the states, but In Alaska It is second only to the capital, Juneau. More Rain Than in Panama. "Situated at the very southern most tip of the long, Alaskan pan handle that reaches down the coast of British Columbia, Ketchikan is first port of call for all steamers entering Alaska through the inland passage. It Is perched on a rocky hillside thnt falls abruptly Into the waters of Tongass Narrows. Around It rise steep, wooded hills, green the year around, for winters In 'Ketchikan are as mild as In Richmond, Va. The temperature seldom drops much below freezing, ami there Is practically no snow. The winding sea channels and swift, mountain streams freeze. But there Is rain, plenty of It; over thirteen feet a year, which Is worse thun tropical I'anama. 5'cllow oil skins are the prevailing fashion In all seasons. "The bare, rock foundations of the city provide neither soil nor level space for roads, so the streets are built of wooden planks. The business district is set on piles, close to the long line of wharfs. Stairs and winding board roads lead up to the residential part of town. There almost every home has a bit of lawn or garden, prob ably planted on Imported earth. Is Busy Place. "Business Is good In Ketchikan. It Is a shipping center and supply base for a large district. The shops and stores are stocked with foods and merchandise fresh from the states. After all, Seattle Is only GOO miles away, with regular steam er service winter and summer. Huge salmon canneries nre fran tically busy during the short sea son when salmon are running. Often the little river that rushes through Ketchikan, incidentally supplying It with electric power, is packed solid with pink and silver fish. The' Chinook, or king salmon, Is the principal variety of the Ketchikan district. Halibut fishing Is another big Industry, and there are great cold storage plants where the fish are frozen before they are shipped south. "Although there nre several saw mills, lumbering has not been de veloped on a very large scale. But Ketchikan lias all the potential re sources for a great pulpwood In dustryunlimited, year round wa ter power and almost Inexhaustible timber. The forests, which are mostly spruce and hemlock, mixed with some eider, willow, and Cot tonwood, are controlled by the United States forest service." Turkish Woman Seeking Right to Cross Her Legs Istanbul. Whether It Is an out rage for a woman to sit with jne leg across the other is being dis cussed in Turkish Anatolia. The offending Turkish woman is Madame NadJIe Kipchak, a history teacher. She attended a sitting of the court as a member of the public, and taking a front seat, placed one leg across the other. The usher called her to order, saying, "thnt is not how one sits In court." She answered sharply, and the usher Instituted proceed ings against her for outrage to a magistrate In the exercise of his functions. When the case came up, Madame Kipchak defended herself by say ing thnt In her opinion good man ners In the Twentieth century al lowed a lndy to place her right leg over her left knee or her left leg over her right knee without It con stituting any lack of respect to a court of law. She replied to the magistrate that she was well-grounded In no tions of law and sociology as well as etiquette. The case was adjourned for wit nesses to give evidence as to the ex act angles at which her legs were crossed. Istanbul Sets Up Code for Its Grave Diggers Istanbul. In Istanbul Turkish mourners have stnged a revolt against the grave diggers. They say that they charge more than the due fees for burying the dead and bargain speculatively over the corpses. So many complaints have reached the municipality from the mourning population that the police have been sent a schedule of grave digging charges which all grave dig gers must follow. It will cost $:!.7f to bury any one over live years old, and $1.80 for persons under live. But for burials In graves which are already open, the charge will be only a dollar. The Gazette Times' Printing Ser vlc li complete. Try it Professional Cards REAI, ESTATE General Line of Insurance and Bonds. W. M. K I HAN KS Notary Fubllo Phone 62 lone, Ore. W. L. BLAKELY Representing Connecticutt Mutual Life Insurance Co. Caledonian Fire Insurance Co. HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR WOOL HIDES PELTS Phone 782 Heppner, Ore. VAWTER PARKER ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Phone 173 Heppner Hotel Building Dr. Richard C. Lawrence DENTIST Modern equipment including X-ray for dental diagnosis. First National Bank Building Phone 562 Heppner, Ore. DR. L. D. TIBBLES OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. Km. Phone 1162 Office Phone 492 HEPPNER, OREGON Heppner Abstract Cor. J. LOG1E RICHARDSON, Mir. KATES REASONABLE HOTEL HEPPNER BUILDING Perry Granite Company Portland Fine Memorials Eastern Oregon Representative H. C. CASE, Heppner AUCTIONEER Farm and Personal Property Sales a Specialty O. L. BENNETT "The Man Who Talks to Beat the Band" LEXINGTON, OREGON J. 0. TURNER ATTORNEY AT IAW Phone 173 Hotel Heppner Building HEPPNER. ORB. DR. RAYMOND RICE PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office First National Bank Building Office Phone (23 Houne Phone 821 WM. BROOKHOUSER PAINTING PAFEBHANQINO INTERIOR DECORATING Heppner, Oregon DR. J. II. McCRADY DENTIST Z.Ray Diagnosis GILMAN BUILDING Heppner, Oregon A. D. McMURDO, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Trained Nurse Assistant Office In Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon P. W. MAHONEY ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Heppner Hotel Building Willow St Entrance S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Offloe In Court Hons Heppner, Oregon J. 0. PETERSON Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods Watohes . Clooks Diamonds Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon F. W. TURNER & CO. FIRR, AUTO AND LITE INSURANCE Old Line Companies. Real Estate. Heppner, Oregon JOS.J.NYS ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Roberts Building, Willow Street Heppner, Oregon . To Whom Assessed on 1935 Tax Roll Straight. W. E. Reid. A. R. Stevenson, Elsie Ann Walbridge, Eliza Latourell, Chas. H. .. Grotkopp, Emll Ferguson, Pearl E Fell, Ida M. Adjustment Bureau of the Portland Ass'n of Credit Men French, Uzz - . . Healy, Annie Reid, Martha .. Schwartz, Henry Borg, P. O. Estate Borg, P. O. Estate McRoberts, W. T. McRoberts, W. T Case, M. L. et ux . . . Turner, Frank W. ' Cox, J. H. Borg, P. O. Estate Turner, C. D. Estate Randall Sarah H. Carty, James Nordyke, E Allyn, Carl L Allyn, Carl L Cox, O. J. et ux Cox. O. J. et ux Warner, Henry Earl . Warner, Henry Earl McMillan, E. D McMillan. E. D Helms, James H Davis, Clark T Phillips, Sarah Nordyke, Minnie, et vir . Nordyke. Minnie, et vir . McAlister, Charles R McAlister, Charles R Nordyke, E McAlister, Charles R. Henfell, Bell Engleman, Frank Engleman, Frank Engleman, Frank Campbell, J. W Campbell, J. W . Campbell, J. W. Campbell, J. W , Swanson, C. W Bullard, W. E. cjo John Farris McNamer, C. W ..... Balcomb, Edna Hossner .. Balcomb, Edna Hossner Blake, E. J. et ux Blake, E. J. et ux Rice. Archer Walker, Clyde R Stringer, Louisa B. Swanson, C. W Randall, Bergena B. Randall, Bergena B McMillan, W. P. 4 Delia , Grabill, Ida M ... Grabill, Ida M McNamer, C. W Robnett, J. H Sperry, R. W. Estate Loveu, r&m a. Independent Whse. Co. co Farmers fciiev. uo. or lone - O'Meara. Stella Wiggens, Laura E - Rolf son, Ida B. & Pentecostal, Assem bly Rietmann, Robert Blake, H. M . Padberg, E. L. Estate - Padberg, E. L. Estate . Peterson. Victor G. . Ritchie, George W. Ritchie, George W. Brown, Earle A. et ux .. Fletcher, Ida Fletcher. Harry D Corkhoff, Amanda . Piggott. Sarah Ball, Lewis Griffith, Elmer Swanson, C. W. , Swanson, C. W Stratton, Sylvia J. O'Shee. Martha . McNamer, C. W Fletcher, Harry D. ., Frank, E. G. Phelps, Leila A Lee, Guy L - -. Jones, Percy E. et ux Davis. Ralph S Goodwin, Chas. W Munger, rl. E Klitz, Margaret M. Klitz, F. F Warner, Eva L .... Warner, Eva L Sherman, Emma E. Smith, Frank Wilson, Alex . Mathcs, Edna M Murehie. Harry T McKean. J. C. 4 R. H. . Burnside, H. A ... Doering. Carl W Miia, Alice E. Warren, H. E Voyen, Clara J Murehie, Harry T Shaar. W. W Shaar, W. W. McKean. J. C. 4 R. H McKean, J. C. & R. H. Maxwell, Eflle Murehie, Harry T Spagle, Lowell A. . Murehie, H. T Murehie, Harry T . Kennedy, May C - Gorham, J. F . . Ballenger, Ruth N .. liein, Mary A Latourell. Ciias. II Snively. Mrs. Flora .. ... Gorham, Marvel II Chaffee, May . . Price, W. A. et ux Price, W. A. et ux McKean, J. C. & R. H McKean, J. C. 4 R. H Weston, Clair P. Harter Price, W. A. et ux McKean, J. C. 4 R. H Marshall, Annie Estate McNamee, James . McNamee, James . . Weston, Annis McNamee, James Weston, II. H Wulpole, Ella R. Estate . Walpole, Ella R. Estate Walpole. Etha M Cook. Mrs. L. M Walpole, W. R. Estate .. Buchanon, May Caldwell, Clifford H Locke, W. J ....... Portfors, J. F Wadsworth, Sue P. Suddarth, W. L. & Orlena M. .. Kessler, Frances F Quimby. Charles C. Pierce, William II. Mann, C. W. Walpole, BHiia M Woodward, L. V.. et vir Woodward. L. V. et vir Knight. C. E Gray heal, Lee Keneflel, Ralnh et al Foster, J. A Walpole. W. R. Estate Blume, George , Cronk, Thomas A. et ux Swuyze, F. B Swayze, F. B Swayze, F. B Cummings. Fred N. ... Quinlin, Eliza J. .lorgenson, A ... Davis, u. w. McCune, Debbie Boll ... Doering, Carl W McCune, Debbie Bell ... Glover, D. F George, T. J. et ux Ives, Catherine McCoy. J. E Gilbertson, Martin . Jogenson, Andrew Alien, Made Charles Sec Twp or or Description of Property Lot Elk Hcppnfr Looneys except W 100 ft 12 2 Hcppne Mt. Vern ihs 4 to 8 Inc. 11 Tract Heppner Mi. Vernona (C. Wills 33) 18 11 Heppner Mt. Verm.ns Tract (DR 39-471) .. 28 11 Heppner Tr. No. 5C (DR 38-592) Hi-ppner Tr. No. 11 (DR 33-2) Heppner Tr. No. 54E (DR 39-394) - Heppner Tr. No. 5S (DR 30-581) Heppner Tr. No. 77 (DR 38-53) Heppner Tr. No. 80 less Tr. No. 92 (DR W-45?) Heppner Tr. No. 90 (DR 35-507) Heppner Tr. No. 103 (DR 32-346) Heppner Tr. No. 110 (DR 33-95) Heppner Tr.. No. 112 (DR P-131) Heppner Tr. No. 113 (DR J-566) Heppner Tr. No. 114 (DR 32-611-549) Heppner Tr. No. 115 (DR 32-611-549) Heppner Tr. No. 116 (DR 32-88) Heppner N 51 ft. of S. 132 ft of Tr. No. 130 leei Tr. No. 172 (DR 32-137) Heppner Tr. No. 146 (DR 35-54) Heppner Tr. No. 173 (DR 35-113) Lexington 2 6 Lexington - 1 & 2 9 Lexington northeasterly 63 ft 6 & 7 9 Lexington 10 9 Lexington E 14.42 feet of W'AE 6 10 Lexington W 14.42 feet of VVjEVi 7 10 12 Lexington 2, 3 4 4 Lexington 5 12 Lexington - 6 15 Lexington SVi 7 15 Lexington 1 18 Lexington 2 18 Lexington 5 18 Lexington 6, 7 4 8 19 Lexington Penlands . 3 22 Lexington Penlands S of OWR&N RW 4&5 24 Lexington Penlands frl 10 24 Lexington McAlistcrs ... 4, 5 4 6 2 Lexington McAlisters 7 2 Lexington McAlisters 2nd all blk. 3 lying S of S line of NWViSEV,, Sec. 27 IS 25 25 3 Lexington Tr No. 3 (DR Y-596) - Lexington Tr. No. 18 ex. Tr. sold to City (DR 34-366) lone W 17V4 ft 3 2 lone 4 2 lone 5 & 6 2 lone 7 2 lone 8 2 lone 9 2 lone - 10 2 lone 11 to 16 Inc. 2 lone lone Sperrys 2nd 9 & 10 4 lone Sperrys 2nd E 10 ft 14 4 lone Sperrys 2nd 15 & 16- 4 lone Sperrys 2nd 14 2 5 lone Sperrys 2nd E 14 ft. and 7 in 3 5 lone Sperrys 2nd 7 4 8 5 lone Sperrvs 2nd - 13 4 14 5 lone Sperrys 2nd 9 to 12 Inc. 7 lone Sperrys 2nd 6 to 8 Inc. 8 lone Sperrys 2nd - 9 8 lone Sperrys 2nd 10 8 lone Sperrys 2nd 11 4 12 8 lone Sperrys 2nd N 25 ft 9 4 10 9 lone Sperrys 2nd 12 to 16 Inc. 9 lone Sperrys 2nd 5 to 12 Inc. 10 lone Sperrys 3rd NE',4 3 lone Sperry s 3rd SE14 3 lone Sperrys 4th 2 lone Wills 5 Park lone Wills - 1, 2, 3 15 lone Wills N 40 ft 4 15 lone Wills 17 lone Wills 21 lone Cluffs 2nd E 20 ft 3 2 lone Cluffs 3rd .... 14 2 2 lone Cluffs 3rd 7 4 8 2 lone Cluffs 4th 5 1 lone Cluffs 4th 8 1 lone Cluffs 4th 14 2 2 lone Cluff's 4th 7 & 8 2 lone Cluffs 6th 1 4' 2 2 lone Cluffs 6th 3 4 4 2 lone Cluffs 7th 3 & 4 1 lone Cluffs 7th 5 4 6 1 lone Halvorsens 2 4 3 2 lone Tr. No. 6 (DR T-251) lone W 50 ft. Tr. No. 12 (DR 32-173) lone E 60 ft. Tr. No. 12 (DR 29-361) lone Tr. No.. 23 less right-of-way of Highway (DR R-149; lone Tr. No. 27 (DR P-252) lone Tr. No. 28 (DR 32-532) lone Tr. No. 31 (DR 27-472) SVi of vacated McKee St. be tween u 4 n Mreeis (DR 40-572) Boardman - Boardman Boardman Boardman . Boardman Boardman Boardman Boardman Boardman -. Boardman, SVj Boardman Boardman ... Boardman -. Boardman Boardman Boardman Boardman Boardman Boardman Boardman - Boardman , Boardman Boardman Boardman, SH Boardman, N'b Roardman Boardman .... Boardman Boardman - Boardman, E 50 ft. Boardman Boardman Boardman Boardman Boardman Boardman Boardman Boardman Boardman Boardman Boardman - Boardman Boardman Boardman Boardman Boardman Castle Rock Castle Rock Castle Rock Castle Rock Castle Rock ..... Castle Rock Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon - Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon - Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon . Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon irrigon Irrigon - Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon . Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon - Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon . - Rng. 1930 1929 1928 Years to-12 -31-34 Delta. 39 60 6.19 6.91 1.23 1.20 1.27 1.23 1.20 54.45 2.48 2.38 2.55 .97 9.68 9.2) 9.89 9.90 9.44 10.12 .51 34.65 33.04 35.40 2.48 9.90 3.72 8.55 3.81 59.40 56.64 7.44 7.09 7.61 94.05 89.68 96.14 9.90 ' 9.44 10.07 12.39 11.81 6.33 37.13 35.39 37.91 2.46 2.55 2.24 2.18 2.31 10.68 5.62 5.46 6.80 1.69 12.93 12.56 .85 35.95 8.76 144.72 2.12 6.19 40.76 11.81 1.69 24.72 .82 35.00 8.49 140.86 2.07 6.02 39.66 11.49 1.63 24.04 37.10 9.02 149.36 2.19 39.44 1.71 16.82 .85 -81 .88 . 82 . 97 ,78 .69 1.12 1.13 1.09 1.28 13.47 13.11 13.91 4.50 4.38 4.64 1.98 2.23 2.17 2.30 115.21 26.96 23.33 28.98 25.48 22.80 19.73 18.61 29.09 25.16 31.25 27.46 24.57 21.24 20.03 47.10 40.73 6.93 5.98 105.26 90.01 2.77 2.41 2.22 1.88 209.15 180.82 224.62 6.93 2.99 7.44 6.54 5.05 44.32 38.32 47.60 41.84 37.44 32.40 30.56 I. 10 -95 1.19 1.03 .93 .79 33.24 -28.74 35.70 31.38 28.08 24.30 6.54 4.78 6.23 1.61 1.39 1.51 5.54 4.78 6.95 5.23 4.67 48 76 42.15 62.36 46.03 41.19 35.65 33.63 8.87 7.67 9.53 8.37 7.49 7.20 6.22 12.21 35.44 1.65 3.33 2.87 3.68 6.64 6.74 54.03 46.72 11.08 9.57 11.90 10.46 9.36 8.10 7.63 14.41 12.45 15.48 13.59 36.57 31.62 13.86 3.47 26.33 1.38 1.20 1.49 16.62 17.85 II. 08 1.34 1.43 1.25 1.13 .97 .91 62.04 53.64 3.33 2.87 2.77 11.09 9.57 11.89 33.24 28.74 29.75 27.70 2.21 3.84 4.76 4.18 3.76 3.24 3 07 2.91 5.05 16.65 14.66 13.11 11.34 10.69 23.81 20.60 19.64 21.06 18.20 19.64 17.26 15.44 13.38 12.60 37.66 32.56 40.43 35.67 31.82 27.55 1.94 8.88 29.64 25.63 61.69 47.10 40.71 41.62 .55 .48 .59 .50 .47 .41 .38 1.38 1.20 1.48 1.31 .59 1.38 1.20 1.49 1.31 1.17 1.02 .94 6.24 10.78 13.40 11.76 10.54 9.10 8.60 J39 1.39 .16 1.55 4 1 2.33 2.64 2.73 2 65 3.18 13.53 1.62 15.15 5 1 2.33 2.64 2.73 2.65 3.18 1.61 15.14 1.82 16.96 4 5 2 4 65 4.65 .56 5.21 7 2 4.35 4.95 9.30 1.12 10.42 5 49 2 20.35 23.14 20.25 63.74 7.65 71.39 10 2 2.33 2.33 .28 2.61 13 2 2.33 2.64 2.73 2.65 3 18 13.53 1.62 15 15 14 2 19.75 22.47 23.28 22.53 27.01 115.04 13 80 128.84 3 3 17.43 17.43 2.09 19.52 3 1.46 1.46 .18 1.64 23. 24. 25 3 6.97 6.97 .84 7 81 6 4 6 4 4.65 5.29 6.48 5.31 6.37 3 84 3.52 34 46 4 14 38 60 21 4 22 4 5.S1 6 60 7.96 6.41 26.78 3.20 29.99 5 5 16.83 19.17 23.28 59.28 7.11 66 39 1,2.3 6 41.81 41.8I 4.92 46.73 6, 7, 8 6 6.97 7.92 2.74 7.97 3.17 7.71 2.62 2.35 41.45 4.92 46.37 10 6 2.33 2.64 2.73 2.66 2.57 12.93 1.44 14 37 11 6 11.03 12.55 13.02 12.60 15.09 5.77 70.06 8.40 78.46 1 4 2 7 7.26 8.27 8.57 8.28 9.94 6.39 6.55 6.86 61.12 732 68.44 .... 3 to 6 Inc. 7 11.62 13.22 13.68 13.24 15.90 55.13 56.39 179.18 21.48 200.66 7 7 2.90 3.32 3.45 3.31 12.98 1.44 14.42 10 & 11 7 34.86 34.86 4.08 38.94 12 7 2.90 3.32 6.62 .72 6.94 13 7 1.46 1.67 3.13 .36 3.49 13 7 1.46 1.65 1.72 1.66 2.00 .97 .97 .89 11.32 1.32 12.64 14 7 2.90 3.31 3.44 3.31 3.98 1.93 1.97 1.75 22.59 2 64 25.23 15 & 16 7 14.52 16.52 31.05 3.72 34.77 21 4 22 7 6.95 6.95 .73 7 67 25 4 26 7 14.53 16.53 16.68 47.64 5.64 63.28 9& 10 8 5.81 6.S1 .60 6.41 14 8 2..90 2 90 24 3 14 lr 16, 17 8 8.71 9.91 10.29 9.95 11.92 50.78 6.00 66.78 10 8 2.91 3.31 6.22 .72 6.94 1. 2. 3 9 65.05 74.01 38.34 177.40 21.24 198.64 4 to 8 Inc. 9 34.S6 39.66 41.10 115 62 13.80 129.42 9 4 10 9 110.39 125.59 235.98 28.20 264.10 11 & 12 9 4.65 5.29 5.31 6.37 5.14 2.60 29.36 3.48 32.84 ... 1 to 8 Inc. 10 20.06 22.81 23.63 22.89 27.43 22.13 22 63 161.58 19.32 180.90 5 6, 7 11 8.71 9.93 58.22 56 36 67.57 54.50 55.79 49.82 360.90 43.20 404.10 8 11 2.91 3.31 3.44 3.32 12.9S 1.44 14.42 ... 1 to 4 Inc. 12 40.67 46.27 47.94 46.41 1S1.29 21.72 203.01 ... 1 to 4 Inc. 13 22.66 25.77 26.71 25.86 31.00 132.00 15.84 147.84 1 4 2 14 4 07 4.63 4.80 4.63 6.55 4.48 4.60 4.11 36.87 4.32 41.19 7 4 8 17 4.65 6.30 5.48 15.43 1.80 17.23 C 2.91 3.31 3.43 3.32 12.97 1.44 1441 D 2.04 2.32 2.40 2.31 2.79 .92 2.30 2.06 17.14 2.13 19 27 9 4 10 1 .41 .37 .40 .39 . 41 27.13 29.11 3.48 32.69 6 3 .23 .19 .21 .20 .20 .19 .21 .20 1 63 .14 1 77 . 13 to 16 Inc. 4 .83 .73 .80 .78 .79 .75 .77 5.45 .63 6 08 1 2. 3 10 .64 .68 .61 .59 .59 .68 .59 .61 4.79 .49 6 28 ... 5 to 8 Inc. 10 .83 .73 . 80 .78 .79 .75 .77 .78 6.22 .73 6 95 8 11 -23 .19 .21 .20 .19 .21 .20 1.43 .13 1.56 11 .74 .69 .66 .57 .71 3.37 .37 3.74 12 4.11 3.80 3.64 3.16 3.91 18.63 2.16 20.78 6 13 .37 .34 .34 .29 .36 1.70 .14 184 . 7 to 11 Inc. 13 1.89 1.74 1.44 1.78 1.76 8.60 .97 9 57 12 4 13 15 .74 .69 .66 3.43 6.52 .62 6.14 11 to 14 Inc. 16 1 49 1.38 1.31 1.15 1.42 1.43 1.39 9 57 1.12 10.69 15 to 18 Inc. 16 1 49 1.49 .13 1.62 19 to 22 Inc. 16 7.11 6.59 6.28 5.45 25.43 3.08 28.61 23 & 24 16 .74 .74 .08 .82 41 to 44 Inc. 17 1.49 1.38 7.89 10.76 1.22 11.98 1 18 .37 .34 .71 .08 .79 2 4 3 18 .74 .69 . 66 .57 2.66 .25 2 91 - 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