Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 25, 1935, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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, ' 1 . ..
Crah of Airplanes Part of Spec
tacle to be Presented In War
Pageant at Convention.
the state indicate that there will
be an attendance of more than 3000
legionnaires and auxiliary members
during the four days of the conven
tion. Ample housing accommodations
to care for this number and many
more are declared available.
The Dalles, July 24. One of the
most ambitious programs ever ar
ranged for the entertainment of
delegates and visitors to tne annual
state convention of the American
Legion will be presented in this
city August 14, 15, 16, 17.
The convention will open official
ly at noon on Thursday, August 15,
With the arrival of the national
commander, Frank N. Belgrano Jr.
The convention celebration, how
ever, will begin at 8 o'clock Wed
nesday night, August 14, with the
presentation of a gigantic spectacle
of World war service on land and
sea. Soldiers, sailors, legionnaires
and civilians to the number of 500
will take part in this spectacle
which is to be staged on Amotan
field, The Dalles high school turf
covered and flood-lighted football
The spectacle is planned to fol
low the life and training of World
war recruits from their entry into
service until their participation in
front line warfare.
Among the sensational features
of the spectacle will be the crash
ing of an airplane on the field as
the climax of a representation of a
student aviator's first solo flight
This airplane has been especially
constructed for the spectacle, with
a wing spread of 24 feet and a
length over all of 35 feet The ma
Miino artunllv will flv over the field
and will crash from a height of 75
feet on the ground below. Details
of the method ot coniroi ana uie
safety of the pilot when the ma--hino
lands are being closely guard
ed by The Dalles voiture of the 40
et 8, sponsors of the World war
niirini? a nieht scene in the pae
eant, a transport ship, 74 feet long,
TNiuH nut nf the darkness by spot
lights, will "sail" from a pier and
will be convoyed by a torpedo boat
35 feet lone. Both the
transport ship and the torpedo boat
destroyer have been designed and
constructed with elaborate atten
tion to' detail and correctness of
In tn iH-field. the transoort ship
which is theoretically conveying
troops to France, will be torpedoed
tiv an enemv submarine with a re
sultant explosion and the "loss of
many lives."
Participating in the spectacle will
hn CnmTjanv 3. 162nd Infantry, Port
land's famous "waltz-time" com
pany, under the command of Cap
tain L. M. Erickson: the 162nd In
fantry regimental band under
Bandmaster John C. Shields; and
fVimnanv H. 186th Infantry, ma
chine gun company of The Dalles,
under CaDtain R. M. Weber.
"Rnth thA infantrv comnanv and
machine gun company will parti
cipate in a sham battle, which will
simulate a skirmish line attack on
front line trenches behind a pre
onratnrv artillerv barraee.
Membership of The Dalles voiture
40 et 8, The Dalles and Dufur Lee-ion
TMsts. Fort Dalles Drum corps
Th Dalles male chorus, and scores
of others will join in the action of
the drama, which is being directed
hv Dr. T. E. Griffith.
Other convention high lights in
Murte thp annual Legion narade
onmhinBd with the annual Old Fort
Dalles Frolics parade, scheduled for
5:30 p. m., Thursday, August 15th,
and the annual statewide drum
corps contest at 7:30 P. M. Friday
A TirAErrnm of snecial entertain
ment, innlndine Indian war dances
will be given on Amotan field Fri
day afternoon, and there will be
steamer trips on the Columbia riv
er, golf tournaments for men and
urnmpn awimmine events at The
Dalles Dip, and a mammoth display
of fireworks at a o'clock mursaay
Reports from various sections of
At Heppner
Bible School 9 m-
Morning serviced
C. E. Society v-
u,m 8:00 p. m.
ri,,i, rhnrnl. Wednesday 8:00 p. m.
Midweek service. Thursday 8:00 p. m.
Morning sermon, "Misrepresent
ing God."
Evening sermon, "Tne nope inai
Is in You."
Kn yunrA wb mie-ht sav about tne
.ic n-mild hp as convincing as
to their usefulness in filling the
needs of the soul as you wm nna
the services themselves, inereiore,
we leave tne decision wiui you.
Come with the idea that you will
get the best possible good from
them, and that you have something
in worship to give, and we are not
fearful of your verdict
Pomilar services Sunday morning.
,mdv school at 9:45. Dreachine
service at 11 with Rev. Alfred Wo-
mack delivering the message. There
ill be no evening services.
Sunday School J0:uo A. so.
After Service 11:00 A. M
TTveninc Service 7.30 P. M.
Tuesday night, prayer meeting
Thursday evangelistic service I ou
"WE welcome; all
Prize $10,000 4-H Club House
i f
rarrii m. A. J TT K.L. . n.t Q T a.-i I . .nntu Minnnanta
i il. Am trs 'V.lli la tn Ka A nA-'i t nA nn Alienist
22 at Lake Eshquagama, near Biwabik, Minn. It was awarded the Minn
esota 4-K Clubs in a national contest ror ranking uigiiesi in cniirirm j u
AnrpiKiititiif tn tiniiiil and lnminpss lifp nf thfl region.
Mr 1 ' JLl-U i outs, tuuuiuuuug w -a
,ightning Storms Break
Forest Fire Records
Rreakinir all nrevious 1935 rec
rda for ten dav fire neriod, light
ninor storms in Oreeon started 125
tires last week rolling up a total ot
166 fires from all causes on tne na
tional forests of Washington and
Oregon for the ten days ending
July 20, according to forest service
n nnrmnoement.
Tn addition to the 125 lightning
fires, careless smokers caused 21
nnH camnfires 10. me extra
ordinary electrical bombardment
occurring in eastern and southern
Oregon was felt most severely on
the Rogue River national foiest ac
cording to the report, where 38 fires
were set on the Dead Indian, Klam
ath and Butte Falls ranger dis
tricts. On the Whitman national
forest including part of the Blue
nnnnntn in district of eastern Ore
gon, lightning caused 31 tires, ine
- :
i . i
f " "G-MAN" No Mote I 1 Mrs-Max Baer
ter iNWi and the Northwet
quarter XW'H) of the Northeast
quarter tNElt) of said Section
numbered Ten (10) lying North and
West of the County road; the West
half of the West half (Wis)
of Section numbered Eleven (11);
the West half (W4) and the West
half of the East half (EVs) of Sec
tion numbered Fifteen (16) in
Township Three (3) South. Range
Twenty-six (2S) East of the Wil
lamette Meridian, in the County of
Morrow and State of Oregon, save
and except 2.70 acres deeded to D.
E. Gilman;
That said Ewing P. Berry and his said
wife on April 20. 1920. mortgaged said
lands to Jennie P. Hill for $12,701.22
which mortgage was recorded April
21, 1920. in Book 29 of Mortgage Rec
ords of Morrow County. Oregon, at
page 258 thereof; that on February 16.
1923. said Ewing P. Berry and his said
wife deeded said lands to Frank Lieu
allen and Hettie E. Lieuallen, which
s ..r. . nMnhtxr 3 192.t
EKllU . w vino . v - . -
i 1. OC l TajiA T3 tu'rini a nf HHllI
County and State, and grantees therein
assumed ana ttcreeu iu pay no yo i
i.. . u .: Iia nloln.
ine uoiisiuei anuii uici ciui F....
tiff's said mortgage and the mortgage
l.nnja T T4ill thnt therenfter and
on March 20, 1923. 'said Frank Lieuallen
and Hettie Hi. i.ieuanen, nusoanu aim
wile aeeoea saiu real property iu jcu
nie P.. Hill, which said deed was re-
in A ..iriiat c in Ronlr 3fi nf
Deed Records of Morrow County, State
ot uregon, at page ou meiwi,
said deed contained the following lan
guage, lo-wii: ouujeti i
mortgages, one to The California Joint
Stock Land Bank and one to the
grantee herein, wnicn mortgages ine
grantee herein (Jennie P. Hill) assumes
1 nrr-na (hot thnt-Anfter
UIIU OB1CCO iu FJ v. . 't
said Jennie P. Hill foreclosed her said
mortgage recoraea April a, m-u, in
Book 29 of Mortgage Records of Mor
row County. Oregon, at page 258 there
of, and sold said real property at fore
closure sale and purchased the same;
r.n f nhnlll tl,e 9Uth HflV nf .TlinA.
,ooo a.,iA lannla T3 ITill HieH Intentntfl
in Multnomah County, Oregon, leaving
the above described lands as part of
her estate; that said Lola Reader is a
grana niece ana one ot tne neirs ai law
claims an interest in and to the above
described premises ana is a necessary
and proper party defendant in said
You are further notified that if you
.f.H harain tha Citttrt will
proceed to the hearing and adjudicating
01 saia cause.
Done and dated at Portland. Oregon,
this 22nd day of July. 1935.
Judge of the United States District
Court for the District of Oregon.
The foregoing order Is published pur
suant to an order of the Honorable
John H. McNary, Judge of the above
entitled Court, signed upon the 22nd
day of July, 1935. and the first publi
cation, as provided for therein, is made
upon tne zatn aay oi juiy. iss.
jAlvica a. rLC aim
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
We wish to thank our friends
for their kind help and sympathy
Hnrinir our bereavement, also for
the beautiful floral offerings.
Mrs. Carrie Kirk and iamuy.
We wish to express our sincere
thanks and appreciation to our
friends and neighbors for their
many kindnesses and expressions
of sympathy and for the lovely
floral offerings during the Illness
and death of our beiovea wue aim
Ernest H. Turner,
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Tur
ner and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph N. Turner,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Lind
strom, Mr. and Mrs. Leon H. Turner
and family,
Alfred E. Turner.
Stork Aid at 100
fclrtfllli -mtftiLmm
llKTMLL, O Dr. Wm. K.
help this month in celebrating hi
inml. Y. il.
lvviu uirLiju.ij, scurea ox tne more
than 1800 babies he helped bring in
the world during his long years of
practice, thronging the town for the
Scenes at Public Utility Lobby Investigations
i ' "T Z" v
fTHTflARO . . Melvin H. Purvis
far,nve. vouthful 'G-Man" of the
U. S. Department of Justice who
tracked the nation's master crimin
als, during the last 5 years, including-
Dillinger, is now on vacation aiier
resigning. It is reported he will es
tablish his own detective ousiness
Fremont forest in the vicinity of
Lakeview, Oregon, ranked third as
q sufferer from liehtnine fires.
The largest blaze of the period
was an 81 acre incenaiary nre uu
lonri imHer fnrest service nroiec-
tinn outside the. boundaries of the
Chelan national forest in Washing-
tnn ThB favorable recora tnus iar
in reaching and controlling fires is
attested by the fact that of the en
tire 166 fires reported all out six
were corralled before they had cov
ered an area in excess of 10 acres
eav fnrest officials.
These officials call attention to
fhe imnnrtance of nubliC COODera-
tinn durinsr this critical season in
preventing fires caused by careless
ly guarded campnres or carelessly
Hrnnnsii matches and ciearettes.
The U. S. Forest service "box
score" of telegraphic fire informa
tion from the 150 national forests
nf the United States ohowed that
Forest service protective crews
prior to July were ngnung an av
erap-e nf 28 fires each dav. Ad av
avarra nf 90 nf these fires were man
nniiseH mainlv from uneruarded
campnres, careiessiy aroppea cig
arettes, matcnes, ana similar
TCatinnal forests in the first half
of 1935 had 3,238 fires as against
a 45Q fnr the some neriod last vear.
Hcwever, 2,902 of the 1935 fires were
jian caused as against 2,279 for ch
Srst half of last year.
mv.r.K.isa P-F.F.niNr, rf.stilts.
Joseph Belanger, county agent,
is Rnenrlinc several davs this week
at Anthony lake In' company with
several other county agents of the
section and Chas. W. Smith, emer
cencv agricultural control director.
assisting in checking results of
sheep feeding tests being conducted
by the Union experiment station
under Dick Richards
Colorful Swim Suit
T.ONO BRANCH. N. J. . . . When
Miss Mary Sullivan gave up her
a Washineton (D. C.)
Coffee Shop hostess to become Mrs.
Max Bear she stepped into tne nme
light in a manner almost startling.
Within ten days there were rumors
of a marriage rift, which ootn ocwy.
Home Furnishers
Cash values you cannot afford to overlook.
Terms within reason
August 15 Opening
Case Furniture Co.
The California Joint Stock Land Bank
of San Francisco, a corporation.
Ewing P. Berry and Belle Berry, some
times known as vera r. dcmj, ia
wife; Frank Lieuallen and Hettie E.
Lieuallen, his wife: Addie Harman,
Administratrix oi tne estate oi jen
nie P. Hill, deceased; Addie Harman;
Mollio Baldwin; Florence Gobat;
Tressa Conger; Lair Prather; Merlin
Prather; Jeane M. Simpson; Harley
Prather; Myrtle Bohna; Bessie Cara
mon; Mane trainer; Liyue nan, m
man Prather; Edward Prather; and
Morrow County, a quasi-municipai
corporation: Ben Buschke; Cleave
Prather; Rebecca Bush; Jane Cowne;
Carl Cryderman; Geneva Cryderman;
T a). DaQrlo,.' Marv Roll: Mahle Ball:
Alma McCann; Ruth Watson; Donald
McCann Jr.; Clyae Mci;ann; nur
man McCann: Carl McCann; Orvil
McCann; John McCann; William Mc
Cannf Georee McCann: Cecil Wills;
Wanda Klepper; Agnes Morgan;
pnscilia liooawin; towaru vvm,
Effle Ferguson, Defendants.
Eouitv No. 9427.
TO LOLA READER, one of the de
fendants above named:
w.i hapoViu nmmanflftfl that all
excuses and delays set aside you be
ana appear witnin aix wnscwin,i:
weeks from the date of the first publi
cation ot tnis order, ana not miei man
September 6, 1JK5. at the office of the
Clerk of the United states iistnci
Court for the District of Oregon at
Portland. Oregon, ana pieaa, answer, ui
demur unto the amended bill of com
plaint of The California Joint Stock
Land Bank of San Francisco, a corpor
ation, in said Court exhibited against
you. Hereof you are not to fall at your
mat in said suit piainun is okmhb
to foreclose a mortgage made on April
9. 1920. and recorded April 10, 1920, in
KOOK oi Mortgage xecui u ui wvji-
r ... r,.,H,, nf fifatrnn at nnoe
237 thereof, made to said plaintiff by
Ewing P. Berry and Belle Berry, his
wife, upon the following described
lands, to-wit:
The East half (EVfe) and the East
half (Eli) of the West half (WMs)
of Section numbered Ten (10) ex
cepting that portion of the East
In the Matter of Jerome Joseph O'Con
nor. Bankrupt.
To the creditors of Jerome Joseph
O'Connor of Heppner, Morrow Coun
ty, Oregon, oannrupi:
Notice is hereby given that on the
23rd day of July, 1935, the said Jerome
Joseph O'Connor was duly adjudicated
oanKrupi anu uiai uie inai. iiiceiiug ui
his creditors will be held in the office
of the referee in bankruptcy of this
court in Pendleton, Oregon, at 11 o'
clock in the forenoon of the 8th day of
August, 1935; at which time and place
the said creditors may (and the said
bankrupt MUST) attend, prove their
Claims, appoint a trustee, exuniuie vne
bankrupt and transilct such other busi
ness as may Jegally be brought before
said meeting.
Done and dated at Pendleton, Ore
gon, tins iui uay ui juiy, mou
n? INSTflN
Referee in Bankruptcy.
Morrow County Creamery
Manufacturers of
Pride of Oregon Butter and Ice Cream
When you patronize your local factory, you
are not only helping the home factory, 8 local
farmers who are helping to pay taxes, but are
helping yourself.
For the month of May we paid
for Butterfat. Do you think this is worth
keeping in the community? Is this worth encouraging?
WASHINGTON . . . There was
plenty of action here as the House
Kulea Committee hearings and the
special Benatfl Lobby Committee ln
TestiKition got under way on lobby
aetivitiM when the public utilities bill,
with the "unnecessary" holding
eompaniM clause, was before the
House. Top photo shows a general
iew oi the House committee hearings.
Center, Kepresentative 8am Hayburn,
(U. Tex ) and Senator Burton Wheeler,
(L) Mont ) co-autnom oi ine utilities
kin lnnlilnir nn at thn House hearings.
Below, Philip H. Gadsden of Phila
delphia, Chairman of a Public Utili
ties Committee of Executives which
n fnrmed tn onnoae the abolition
clause. He gave evidence before the
Pcnate Lobby Uommittce, mat more
than aOO.000 had been spent by the
utility executive lo an effort to defeat
the provision.
n w I
Odd Fellow. Iluildlng Phone 16:
General Trucking
Anywhere In the state, any time
Phone 184 lone, Ore.
Does Your Typewriter
or Adding Macnine
Need Fixing?
Expert repair man calls regular
ly. See us for office supplies.
NKW VfVRK If vnnr r.rofor.
" I"
ence for style in bathing suits is
inliiw.ni,nH l,v l.r ,n..l it
then your imrcliaiie may be. a novel
printed (iroHKiiiuKer model" of
trunks and halter, as worn by Miss
Lola Solomon ul Atlantic shore
"Just the service wanted
when you want It most"
mu 'It
AIRWAY, 3 Lbs. 50c
The Real Economy Drink
NOB HILL 3 Lbs. 69c
The Aristocrat of Them All
2 Lb. Tin 45c
Vacuum Packed
Rlnrkhprrips. Toffanherries PER
Huckleberries, Gooseberries GAL.
Pure Cane
100 LBS.
Bbl $6.25, Sk
Stock up your coming; needs
at this price on flour made
from old wheat
Fancy Elbo
5 lbs 39c
Jelly Beans, Choc
Drops, Satin Mix
2 lbs. 25c
Pur Cider
Gallon 23C
MALT, Blue Ribbon . . 3 Lb. Tin 60c
CRACKERS, Snowflakes, 2 Lbs. 29c
A Real Buy
POWDERED SUGAR . . 5 Lbs. 43c
For All Desserts
CLEANSER, Lighthouse, 5 Tins 23c
PICKLES, Fancy Sweet, Qt. Jar 35C
CHEESE, Brookfield Loaf, Per Lb. 20C
SOAP 3 Pkgs. $1.00
Large White King Granulated
SUGAR, Light Brown . . 7 Lbs. 45c
PORK AND BEANS .... Each 10c
Large 22 ot. Tins. PER CASE $2.29
Tomatoes Potatoes Cantaloupes
Apple Box
Each 89c
Extra Quality
14 LBS. 25c
100 lbs. $1.49
Yakima Valley
6 for 25c
SLEEPY HOLLOW finest cane
and maple
Pts. 19c Qts. 35c
5 Lbs. 69c 10 Lbs. T
This is a wonderful buy at the
present price of pork
PER LB 23c
COCOA, 2 lb. tin 21c
I llitaili Choice