Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 25, 1935, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Among those from Heppner hear-
ing Secretary Wallace speak at
Walla Walla Monday were J. O.
Turner, Sam Turner, Ern Edwards,
Ray Drake, Chas. B. Cox, E. L.
Morton, Jeff Jones, Joseph Belan
ger, Earl W. Gordon, James Farley,
Jasper Crawford, J. G. Barratt.
Morrow county people were largely
In evidence throughout the large
crowd, and among those seen were
Joe Batty, Neil Knighten, Henry
Peterson, Henry Smouse, J. O. Kin
caid, Harvey Miller, Bert Johnson,
Chas. Valentine, Mr, and Mrs. Lee
Beckner, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Man
kin, S. J. Devine, Mr. and Mrs. D.
M. Ward, Chas. Beckett, Walter
Beckett, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hel
iker, Ralph Jackson, Harry Dinges.
Those seen were probably less than
a third of the total present from
this county,
C. J. D. Bauman, sheriff, and S.
E. Notson, district attorney, depart
ed Tuesday for Seattle to attend
sessions of the annual convention
of Northwest Association of Sher
iffs and Police. They were accom
panied by Mr. Bauman's niece and
nephew, Norma and Alvin Chris
tenson, who expected to visit rela
tives in Tacoma While the men
were in Seattle. Mrs. Christenson
and son Frankle were left in charge
of Mr. Bauman's foxes in his ab
sence. Chester Christenson, eldest
son, is at C. M. T. C, Vancouver,
Heppner shooters participating in
the Washington state trapshoot at
Walla Walla last week end Includ
ed Charles H. Latourell, Dr. A. D.
McMurdo, Dr. J. H. McCrady, P.
W. Mahoney and Luke Bibby. Dr.
McCrady brought home the best
record of the local shooters, placing
third in Sunday morning's handi
cap with 180 out of 200. He was
headed only by Frank Troeh and
one other big time shot Miss Alice
Latourell accompanied Mr. Lat
ourell. Miss Margaret Notson, secretary
to President Inlow of Eastern Ore
gon Normal school, La Grande, vis
ited over the week end at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. E.
Notson. Returning to La Grande
the first of the week she was ac
companied as far as Pendleton by
Mrs. Notson and Mr. and Mrs. V.
M. Sackett, the Sacketts having
visited at the Notson home for a
week from their home at Salem.
Mrs. Katie Roderick of Oakland,
Cal., and Miss Ellen Fraters of
Penole, Cal., arrived Saturday for
a two weeks' visit at the farm home
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fraters.
They are sister and niece respec
tively of Mr. Fraters. Mr. Fraters,
in town yesterday, said he expected
to start his wheat harvest this week
end. He reported his neighbor,
Henry Baker, to be cutting 18
bushel wheat of Arco variety.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Carter and
daughter, Miss Lillian Carter, of
Long Creek were in the city last
week end, coming over with cattle
for shipment to the Portland mar
ket. Mr. Carter reported that the
cattle came through in good shape
In spite of the hot weather. Miss
Carter was an honorary attendant
of the queen at last year's Rodeo.
Charles Clark and son-in-law and
daughter, Dr. and Mrs. Harlow
Sovy of Alberta, Canada, visited in
the city yesterday at the home of
Mr. Clark's brother, M. D. Clark.
Mr. Clark is in the newspaper busi
ness in the Canadian province, and
he made a fraternal call at the Ga
zette Times office while In the city.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sloan of
Stanfleld, Mr. Sloan's sister, Mrs.
J. C. McCarty of Hagerman, Idaho,
and the latter's two grand daugh
ters called on old-time Heppner
friends Tuesday afternoon. Mr.
Sloan and sister were early-day
Heppner residents, leaving here just
before the 1903 flood.
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Ferguson and
children returned home Saturday
night from a ten-day vacation trip
on which they visited Mr. Fergu
son's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. T.
Ferguson, at Gold Beach, and at
the home of Mrs. Ferguson's sister,
Mrs. Leonard Schwarz, at Prlne
ville. Mrs. W. C. McCarty underwent
an operation for acute appendicitis
at Heppner hospital Monday. With
other members of the family she
had motored to the Joaquin Mil
ler resort near Canyon City on Sun
day and was taken ill on the return
home. Her progress Is reported as
Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Ferguson and
children departed Tuesday morn'
ing for a week's vacation trip to the
home of Mr. Ferguson s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Ferguson, at
Gold Beach. During Mr. Ferguson's
absence, Frank Connor is running
the Shell Oil truck
Miss Jessica Palmlter arrived In
the city the first of the week for a
visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
W. C. Cox. Miss Palmlter, who
taught home economics in the local
high school two years ago, has held
a similar position at Oregon City
since leaving here.
Paul Jones of Everett, Wash.,
visited Tuesday and Wednesday at
the home of his brother, Ralph
Jones, on his way home from a va
cation trip to the home of his par
ents at Milton. He travels for
wholesale drug firm In the Wash
ington territory.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Bean re
turned home Saturday from their
wedding trip spent at coast points
and have taken up their residence
at the Gemmell apartments. Mr,
Bean is again on the job at the lo
cal branch First National Bank of
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Turner and
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Vaughn enjoyed
a trip to Yakima last week end,
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Harding of
Orchards, Wash., were In the city
a few hours Tuesday, having driv
en nere with their son, Jack, who
visited with his folks for a few
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rhea'of Port-J
iana visited wiin Heppner friends
and relatives Monday after spend
ing a week at Ritter. They expect
ed to go on to Pendleton and La
Grande before returning home.
Mr. and Mrs. George Schwartz,
Mrs. Ralph Charnley and Bob Hart,
Jr., of Portland, visited Heppner
friends and relatives Tuesday on
their way home from a week's stay
at Ritter hot springs.
Willie George Wilson arrived
Tuesday evening from his home at
Hood River for a visit with Hepp
ner friends and relatives. He was
met at Arlington by his brother,
D. A. Wilson.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Gilliam of San
Jose, Cal., arrived the first of the
week for a visit at the home of Mr.
Gilliam's mother, Mrs. Frank Gil
liam, and with other relatives and
friends here.
The John Hanna family departed
Saturday on a motor trip to Mr.
Hanna's old home in Pennsylvania.
During their absence Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Mays are taking care of the
Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Chapin
and daughter Kingsley returned the
last of the week from a vacation
trip to Coquille where they visited
at the home of Mr. Chapin's par
ents. Mrs. Mattle Huston, proprietress
of Cottage Inn, is enjoying a visit
with her twin sister, Mrs. S. T.
Ward of Portland, who arrived
Sunday for an indefinite stay.
Mrs. M. R. Wightman departed
Tuesday morning for Portland to
spend a fortnight with her mother,
Mrs. L. M. Humphreys.
Mr. and Mrs. Burl Coxen and
children are enjoying a vacation at
Blue Mountain hot springs.
For Sale Typewriter in good
pondition. $20 cash. Mrs. John
Graves, Lexington, Ore. 20-21p
Miss Lois Oliver of Pendleton is
a guest at the home of Mrs. Claude
Graham this week.
For Sale 2- and 3-yr-old mules,
70 head. Fred Casteel, 7F3, Hepp
ner. 20-21p
Fresh cows for sale or trade. See
Frank S. Parker, phone 17F3. 20-22
Large Acreage Ruined
Yearly by Forest Fires
A strip of land six miles wide and
long enough to cover 50 miles from
Portland to Salem, represents the
average size of area devastated
each year by forest fires In Oregon,
according to Associate Forester F.
H. Brundage of the U. S. Forest
service, who recently delivered the
first of a series of forest fire radio
alks from Portland over KEX.
The Tillamook Are, which in
1933 destroyed 12 billion feet of
imber and burned over 325,000
acres is the largest single fire of
record, stated the forester. "How
ever, the annual average loss of
200,000 acres is devastating timber
land at an alarming rate."
Brundage showed what this ap
palling loss from fires each year
Jneans to the sportsman, the recre
ationist, and the lover of birds and
wild life. "Thousands of acres of
recreational paradise have been
turned into blackened wastes of
snags and flreweed," said the for
est official, "repelling eastern tour
ists who are willing to pay for en
joyment of this beautiful country.
Brundage stressed the fact that
half the land of Oregon cannot
grow any other crop than timber
and that so long as timber lasts,
roughly half the population will
prosper. "The main roots of our
economic tree," he stated, "are two
in number agriculture and tim
ber. If we burn our timber and our
logged off land so that It cannot
grow a second crop, one of our
economic roots will eventually die
and with It will die the tree
branches which are the trades, pro
fessions and business depending on
timber payrolls.
"The annual toll from fires will
not be reduced," said Brundage,
until you as a citizen help to cre
ate a public opinion so strong that
it will not be pleasant or healthy'
for anybody in Oregon to be care
less with Are in the woods.1
On the 24th day of Aueust. 1935. at
the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at the
front door of the Court House at Hepp
ner, Morrow County, Oregon. I will sell
at auction to the highest bidder for
cosh the following described real prop
erty In Morrow County, Oregon, to-wit:
The Ea-st Half of the Southeast
Quarter of Section 10; The South
west Quarter of Section 11; the
West Unit of Section 14: the Bast
Half of the East Half of the North
east Quarter, and the East Hnlf of
The East Half of the Southeast
Quarter of Section IB; the East
Half of the East Half of Section 22;
the Northwest Quarter of the West
Half of the Northeast Quarter, and
the West Half of the Southwest
Quarter of Section 23: In Township
2 South of Range 25. E. W. M.
Said sale is made under execution out
of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Morrow, to
me directed in the case of Pacific Coast
Joint Stock Land Bank of Portland, a
corporation, vs. Nathaniel L. Shaw and
Casha F. Shaw, husband and wife,
George G. Shaw and Pearl I. Shaw.
husband and wife, Hugh W. Shaw and
winiirea Mnaw, nusimnd and wire,
IiOtta A. Shaw Budden and Sidney G.
Biidden, wife and husband, Nora Shaw
Ritchie and Ray R. Ritchie, wife and
husbnnd, George Lee Shaw, Asa Har
old Shaw, Hugh Vester Shaw, Carl Cal
vin Shaw, Ray Ernest Shaw, Raymond
George Budden, Wallace Alton Bud
don, Fay Budden, Sidney Budden, and
Margaret mnei snaw,
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon,
By ELRfCRT L. COiC, Deputy,
First Publication, July 25, 1935.
Last Publication, August 22, 1935.
Supplying a mk--wcdi maptratKM
The New Testament
The first books of the New Tes
tament "read In churches" with the
Old Testament selections, were
apostolic letters, notably those of
Paul, and includng generally, tho
not invariably, the longer epistles
of John, Peter and James. When
the Gospels appeared they were
immediately used in like fashon.
and at once assumed a place of pri
ority, not because any one in auth
ority said it must be so but because
they were so important and so In
teresting. For a good while there
was no attempt to make complete
collections. Few churches had all
the New Testament books and
many had other, books, as the Epis
tle of Clement and the Shepherd of
Hemas, which were loved.
When discussion began as to
which books ought to be read reg
ularly, there was immediate agree
ment on the most important ones,
the four Gospels and the larger
epistles. There was a good deal of
doubt about Revelation and Sec
ond Peter and the two short epis
tles of John, which were relatively
unimportant, as was then acknow
ledged and is still evident. But
gradually there came to be agree
ment, not by authority but by the
test of general usage, and the
translation, and later the printing
of the Bible, finally fixed the list
If any one asks whether we know
absolutely that every book In the
Old and New Testaments Is holy
on "
PRAYER . . a boy's life
Almost the whole population of a
little New England village met in
the old white-painted church one
night last week to pray for the life
of a little hoy. Our doctor's seven-
year-old son had been five weeks in
the hospital at the county seat
Word had come that the specialists
had given up hope.
"Can't anything be done?" some
one asked. "The child Is in the
hands of God," was all the doctor
could say. "Then let's try God,"
said Mr. White, the minister.
Ora Dubois, at the telephone ex
change, called up everybody on the
farmers' lines. "Come to the church
tonight, to pray for Billy Persing!"
By word of mouth the call ran
through the village. That night the
church was crowded, and no more
fervent prayers ever rose to the
Throne of Grace than went up
from that little country town.
Next morning good news came
from the hospital. The boy seemed
better. Next day they said he had
a chance. The third day, a decid
ed improvement. Another day
out of danger! .
Do our New England folk still
believe in the power of prayer? We
hear much of the decline of the
ancient faith of our fathers. It is
still a living force, up here in
FAITH today
I know a surprisingly large num
ber of people who tell me that they
have round courage to face the eco
nomic disasters that have befallen
them, and peace of mind such as
they have never known In prosper
ous times, through a renewal of
their faith in Divine Providence.
Not only are the congregations lar
ger in the churches of all sects, but
non-sectarian groups and cults are
drawing greater numbers to hear
the simpler Gospel message.
I saw hundreds turned away for
lack of room, not long ago; at one
of the triweekly religous meetings
In the grand ballroom of one of
New York's largest hotels. I know
one woman who draws hundreds to
hear her "lnsplratonal" talks on
Friday afternoons.
These people are seeking help to
adjust their mnds and spirits to
the realities of life. Many of them
are succeeding, and they are the
only really happy people I know.
or price?
Mario Raspuzzi was cutting the
hay on my lower meadow the other
day, when the tongue of the mower
broke off. The oak shaft had rot
ted at the bolt-holes. I called up
the hardware store in Great Bar
rington, eight miles awav. and
found they had a tongue in stock
ror tnat make of machine, already
bored for the bolts.
When ,Maro brought back the
new tongue, however, Instead of be
ing oak or ash, which is better-
It proved to be just a stick of Ore
gon pine.
"That's all they're making 'em of
now," the dealer explained, when I
"squawked" over the telephone.
"Quality doesn't count any more
only price. Farmers want cheap
8 Sets 2-S I , U
b i He, if sj & m ; 5 - :
i -I?!?! it s Js hi f m
a a p a a a 1 s .
far tfce hcav-6r4a4 wfco will fad
at -me Mu naaoay fcow.
above all other books, the answer
Is, We do not. No one can say that
Esther, which Is in the Bible, is
nobler than Ecclesiasticus, which
has been dropped out; certainly it
is not so religious or so sweet in Its
spirit No one can say that the
Epistle of Jude is more inspired
than the Epistle of Clement The
mountain range of the Bible shades
off into foot-hills, and we do not
know just where the range begins
or ends. But the range is there,
towering magnificently above all
other literature. Scholars may
discuss its measurements and lim
its; the. theologically minded may
battle over its "Inspiration." Let
them argue. What the world needs
is more folk to read.
We come now to the second ques
tion, How were these chosen books
preserved through the ages and
passed down to us?
Until the invention of printing,
which was desired mainly that the
Bible might be published, copies
were made by hand, and errors in
evitably crept in, no matter how
scrupulous the copyists' care. Hence
in making translations it became
desirable to have as many of them
for comparison as possible. The
earliest manuscript copies that have
survived to our time date from the
fourth century A. D., and the story
of one of them, the Sinaitic, will
illustrate the vicissitudes through
which they have passed.
Next Week: An Important Trans
lation. goods and I'm telling you, they're
getting 'em! That tongue'll last
you two three years, anyway."
The old. one had seen 20 years of
I've been wondering ever since,
whether most of the goods we buy
these days aren't in the same class
as that new mower-tongue made
to sell cheap and wear out quickly.
YOUTH .... experience
Whenever I hear someone declar
ing that there is one sure way to
set everything right, my first in
quiry is: "How old are you?" The
surer he is that he has discovered
the panacea, the younger he is
likely to turn out to be.
As one gets older, he is not so
sure that the world needs a com
plete remodeling, nor that it would
be the better for being "done over,"
even If that were possible.
I am constantly being reminded
of a remark of Dr. Benjamin Jow
ett, the famous "Master of Balliol,'"
to one of his graduating classes at
Even the youngest of you," he
said, "is not infallible."
POLITICS ; . . . this fall
The Presidential Campaign of
1936 is already under way. The
preliminary skirmishes will be at
the "odd-year" elections this Fall.
On the outcome of such village,
town ana county elections the na
tional elections may possibly hinge
next year. All other things being
equal, the party that has the best
and most far-reaching organization
stands the better chance of victory.
Party organization must begin at
me gass-roots. The- nartv w th
Fresh Fruits
Fountain Service
BEER and
the most men in local public offices
has the strongest organization.
The odds are always with the
"ins." It always takes a pretty
deep and widespread change in pub
lic sentiment to oust whichever
party happens ti control the jobs.
Interesting Item For
Rheumatic Sufferers
Mrs. Ivan Yargus, Belknap, Iowa,
writes that her 20 years suffering
One Lot Suits Including the Famous HOLLY- CT
WOOD LINE, $29.50 to $37.50 TZwJU
One Lot YOUNG MEN'S SLACKS, $3.95, at $2.95
One Lot Young Men's SLACKS, Values to $5.50, at $3.95
One Lot SLACKS, Values to $6.50, at . . . . $4.95
Semi-Annual Sale Florsheim Shoes
Indian Design Blanket
66 x SO ins.
A grand value.
Indian designs
gay jacquard
plaids. Single.
For boys & girls-
Children's ANKLETS
36-in. Printed Rayon
2 Yards
All Cotton
2 Yards
Pairs 49c
81 x 90 Unbleached
Unhemmed SHEETS
Ladies' Rayon and Wool
2 Pair
i Pu S , sSLJ&l
from rheumatic, neuralgia, and neu
ritis pains has been remarkably re
lieved by taking Williams R. U. XI
Compound. In her letter she states
she also takes Williams S.L.K. For
mula to eliminate the cause. Pat
terson & Son Drug Store.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, administratrix of the estate
of ARTHUR A. McATEE. deceased, has
filed with the County Court of the 8tate
of Oregon for Morrow County, her final
SUITS, $24.50, at
5 Yards Qffj
for UVt
Hot Water Bottles
SOAP .... lC Bar
Jaciel Cold Cream
2 for 15C
Moredge Blades
IOC Pkg.
White Shoe Polish
Men's Work Sox
3 Pairs .... 25C
account of her administration of the es
tate of said deceased, and that Mid
court has fixed Monday, the 3rd day of
September. 1935. t the hour of 10:110
o'clock In the forenoon of said day at
the County Court room at the Court
House at Heppner. Oregon, u the time
and place for hearing objections to said
final account and the settlement of
said estate, and all persons having ob
jections thereto are hereby required to
file the same with said court on or be
fore the time set for said hearing.
Dated and first published this 24th
day of July, 1935.
TOWELS . 10c Ea.
Men's Sleeveless
98c Each
The popular BRIEF
Shirts and Shorts
Bargain priced
Cool, fin rib
cotton. Short
have all 'round
elastic waist and
concealed elastic
in legs. Shirts
have spade tails.