PAGE FOUR HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1935. COURT PROCEEDINGS FOR THE JULY TERM (Continued from Mnt Pf) Motor 17.00. Dr. R. M. Rio 119.80. P. P. L. Co. IS 76, Thornton Bros. $29.61, Heppner G. T. 1 18.20, C. W. Swanson 120.00. Frank S. Parker $68.10. Circuit Curt O. E. Wright 111.80. Frank Howell S21.00. A. E. Wright (16.60. A. A. HcCabe $16.20. W. L. Blakdy $9.20. W. Y. Ball $9.20. W. C. Cox $9.20, J. A. Thronnon $43.80. J. D. Landman I4S.80. S. L. HoUincer $12.00. F. Rutherford $12.00. E. W. Peck $12.00. James Monahan $18.60, Guy Barlow $1.40, J. J. Nys $16.00. Root. Thomas $58.60, Hank Howell $16.00, J. S. Beckwith $20.00. Alex Green $6.20. H. Stout $6.20, Creed Owen $6.20. J. C. SprouU $6.20. Frank Shively $6.20. R. C. Wishtman $6.20. Fred Caateel $7.20, Ralph Jackson $7.80. Clyde Denny $8.00, Herman Keilson $6.20, Fred Buchanan $10.00, H. Anderson $9.80, John Bei-Estrom $10.00, H. E. Cool $10.60, W. J. Doherty $11.00, R. H. Zinter $11.00, A. W. Lundell $11.00. Will Bermtrom $11.20, L E. McConkie $11.20, Omar Rietmann $11.- 20. S. T. Robison $12.00. An tone Vey Jr. $12.00, Chas. McEiligott $12.00, H. E. Young- $12.60, Win. Smethurst $6.00, W. B. Tucker $S.20. Jack Harford $12.00, Frank Otto $12.00. K. W. Peck $12.00. J. A. Thronson $43.80, Wilbur Knighten $12.00, Ethel Feller $6.00. County Court E. E. Fralier $2.76. Geo. N. Peck $64.04 F. S. Parker $68.16. Heppner Gatette Times $16.08. Justice Court E. R. Huston $5.00, Hanson Hughes $1.70, W. O. Dix $1.70. J. O. Archer $1.70, Frank Shively $1.70, Rob, C. Wightman $1.90, Jamea T. Morgan $2.70. Lowell Young $7.60. Oliver Richardson $6.00, Mrs. OUie Neill $7.20. Court House City of Heppner $11.20, P. P. L. Co. $26.92. J. L. Gault $10.00. Kilham St. A Prt. $65.69. W. E. Mikesell $5.00. Lorin trer Disin. $23.00. Gilliam Bis bee $8.29, E. E. Fraiier $8.60, Bureau of Labor $5.00. Water System State Ind. Acc. Com. $8.99. Frank Gentry $5.98, Marion Hayden $10.48, Marvin Mor gan $6.98. Geo. Hayden $46.01, Kalpn Marlatt $27,25. Albert Connor $27.25, Ed ward Burchell $24.64. Emergency Ed Nunn $61.08, J. M. Spencer $63.17, C. W. Barlow $9.79, F. Papineau $40.00, Mack Smith $82.21, Frank Papineau $25.65, J. W. McNamer $160.00. Wrex Langdon $41. 71, Geo. Starr $86.66, Ralph Adkins $50.40, George Burke $41.71, Nolan Turner $67.67, Rhea Luper $46.00. Jail Heppner Market $1.60. Lot. Disin. Co. $41.25, Heppner Laundry $1.00, E. R. Huston $5.54. Current Expense Lucy E. Rodger $8.79. L. W. Briggs $2.30 Pac. Tel. Tel. Co. $38.80, Ore. State High. Com. $4.68. Superintendent Lucy E. Rodgers $57.82, W. E. Finter $6.60, Hepp. Gatette Times $8.50. Pac. St. Prt. Co. $36.30. J. K. Gill Co. $3.10, Clark's Book Store $19.12. Health Gay M. Anderson $7.50, Ralph Harris $1.00. Clerk L. C. Smith Co. $4.60. Heppner Gaxette Times $1.26. Sheriff C. J. D. Bauman $71.93, Heppner Gaiettc Times $11.45, St. Ind. Ac. Com. $7.96. Miscellaneous Lucy E. Rodgers, 4-H Clubs $ 26.00 At Heppner CHURCHES CHURCH OF CHRIST. ALVIN KLE1NFELDT, Pastor. Bible School 9 :45 a. m. Morning services 11 a. m. C. E. Society 1 :00 p. m. Evening servces 8 :00 p. m. Choir rehearsal. Wednesday 8:00 p. m. Midweek service, Thursday 8:00 p. m. Morning sermon, "Effective Pray- Evening sermon, "Contend for the Faith." Oregon is a great vacation coun try. God's mountains, streams, and lakes are so satisfying to our need of recreation. It will not be possi ble for us to get the most out of God's creation, however, unless we live in harmony with His great laws. We cannot fully appreciate His revelation in Natue without understanding His written revela tion. The Church offers its ser vices for this purpose. METHODIST CHURCH. JOSEPH POPE, Pastor. Sunday School at 9:45 A. M. Preaching services at 11 A. M. Owing to illness of Pastor Pope, Prof. C. R. Ham of Washington State college has kindly consented to deliver the address. Timely sub ject Special music by Mrs. E. P. Bloom. Evening service omitted. EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Services will be held at 7:30 Sun day evening in charge of Rev. Ralph V. Hinkle. Chas. B. Orai. Sealer Elbert L. Cox. Soldiers Indigent J. J. Wells, Assessor 7.45 60.00 7.40 2.40 4.00 4.00 6.25 West Coast Binding. Assessor West Coast Binding, Treasurer West Coast Binding, Dist. Atty. Heppner Gaz. Times, Dist. Atty. Heppner Gaz. limes, Assessor 14U.Z0 Dr. J. P. Brennan, Insane . 6.00 Humphreys Drug Co., Treasurer 8.86 General Road C. R. Langdon $5.00, K. Oviatt $5.00, Howard Cooper Corp. $163.82, Sherman J. Frank $178.00, Tum-A-Lum Lbr. Co. $132. 05, Heppner Garage $1.65. Shell Oi Co. $305.16, Allis Chalmers Mfg. Co. $3.01, A. M. Baldwin $1.00, I. R. Robinson $77.00, Valvoline Oil Co. $38.88, Guy Chapin $1.75, The General Tool Co. $19.23, City of Hepp ner $3.10, A. R. Reid $8.27, Pac. P. L Co. $4.45, Heppner Gazette Times $18.20, Ferguson Motor Co. $6.10, Tamblyn $30.00, K. Oviatt $2.00, Kane s Garage $15.77. Ralph Marlatt $8.24, Albert Con nor $28.82, M. Buschke $1.60, Sanders Mag. Serv. $11.10, John McEntire $10.71, Lloyd Aldrich $3.36, Ore.-Wash. Powder Co. $50.00, E. E. Rugg $7.19, S. B. Shannon $3.75, Vernon Munkers $77.97, Glen Sherer $64.40, Chas. Williams $39.74, Willis Ad kins $14.27, Geo. H. Hayden $52.38, E. E. Frazier 15.85, F. E. Parker $96.39, A. P. Parker $22.95. Lester Hunt $5.08, Chas. Osmin $5.03, Gilliam & Bisbee $38.33, Un ion OU Co. $121.01. M. E. Duran $.98, Hank Stotts $2.28, Frank Shively $39.60, Dennis McNamee $6.08, State Ind. Ac Com. $22.08, Frank Nixon $50.00, Albert Connor $10.00, Ralph Marlatt $30.00, L. J. Lieuallen $32.98, K. Oviatt $10.00, Pac Tel. Tel. Co. $8.36. A. J. Chaffee $26.00, Allis Chalmers Mfg. Co. $15.76, L. N. Mor gan $15.00, Harry Wells $25.88, B. Hott man $90.00. Market Road B. Hottman $10.00, H. Tamblyn $171.95, O. B. Hottman $62.04. A. R. Reid $5.25, Ore.-Wash. Powder Co. $60.00, K. Oviatt $53.77, C. R. Langdon $54.30, L. N. Mor gan $108.22, Lester Gammell $24.64, Mar ion Hayden $142.67, Frank Gentry $63.82, Marvin Morgan $68.30, J. H. Gentry $165.81, Dale Ray $66.42, W. O. Reese $20.00, H. 8. Taylor, $130.21, M. V. Nolan $86.71, Harold Peck $2.24, Jack Stotts $62.72, Bob Allstott, Jr. $60.48, Henry Schwarz $60.48, Clair Doherty $33.60, Gil liam ft Bisbee $40.00, State Ind. Ac Com. $35.49, J. P. Louy $13.47. Cole Smith $6.72, H. Ring $6.72, H. Wells $10.00, H. Tamblyn $60.00, C. R. Langdon $5.00, Lotus Robi aon $100.00. Frank Gentry $25.00, Marvin Morgan $25.00. S. F. BOWMAN MONUMENTS Representing -BLAESING GRANITE CO. Odd Fellows Building Phons 181 PENDLETON, OREGON WOOD FOR SALE LOW PRICE General Trucking Anywhere in the state, any time WALTER R. CO RLE Y Phone 184 lone, Ore. Does Your Typewriter or Adding Machine Need Fixing? See HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES Expert repair man calls regular ly. See us for office supplies. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE. ALFRED R. WOMACK. Pastor. Sunday: Sunday School 0:00 A. M. After Service 11:00 A. M. Evening Service 7.30 P. M. Tuesday night, prayer meeting only, 7:30. Thursday evangelistic service 7:30 "WE WELCOME ALL" For Sale Registered Percheron stallion, gray, or will trade for good brood mare or two. Value $175. Good foal getter. Colts here to show. Would pay for himself In 30 days. W. T. Reeves, ltt mile west of Stanfleld. 16-18 GRANGE MEETS SUNDAY. Rhea Creek grange will meet at 11 a. m., Sunday, July 14, and the first and second degrees will be given, also the third and fourth ob ligations. Degrees will be given at 1:30. All members are urged to be present. BOARDMAN By RACHEL J. BARLOW Mr. and Mrs. Royal Rands and daughter Donna Jane spent the Fourth and the week end with friends in Boardman. A number of friends had an en joyable day Thursday at the Jaynes home where a lovely picnic dinner was spread. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Barlow and Lucille of Heppner spent the 4th here at the J. F. Barlow home. John H. Travis, business manager of the Umatilla Warrior, a weekly publication, and Miss Burns of REAL ESTATE General Line of Insurance and Bonds. W. M. EUBANKS Notary Public Phone 62 lone, Ore. LAURENCE CASE MORTUARY "Just the service wanted when you want It most" Umatilla were Boardman visitors Tuesday. The majority of Boardman folks motored to the open river Fourth of July celebration at Umatilla where a large crowd enjoyed the day. A number of folks returned in the evening for the fireworks, smoker and dance. Mr. and Mrs. U. H. Messenger and son of Portland spent the week end here at the E. T. Messenger home. Miss Lois Messenger who has been visiting there for several weeks returned with them. Rev. H. B. Thomas went to Port land Monday to attend the meeting of the synod which will be held there this week. All Presbyterian ministers of the state are to be present. J. H. Prater and Alvln Krom drove to Bend this week with a load of cabbage. Mr. and Mrs. Guy L. Barlow and Chloe, Mrs. Claud Coats and Echo, iul l i 4 utwi wt wm METSKER'S ATLAS of MORROW COUNTY BUY township ownership maps showing your property. Up-to-date County Maps, County Atlasses and Township Maps of all counties in Oregon, Washington and Northern Idaho. The best maps made. For sale by all dealers and at Heppner Abstract Co., Heppner, Ore., and at "Metsker the Map Man," 614 S. W. Oak St, Portland, Ore. 50-88 CARD OF THANKS. Our sincere thanks are extended the many kind friends and neigh bors for their expressions of sym pathy, kindly assistance and beau tiful floral tributes at the time of our bereavement Harry Petersen, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Bleakman and family, Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Petersen and family. Maternity and convalescent cases cared for in my home. Mrs. J. B. Cason. Btf. Mix This At Home With Lemon Juice To Stop Agony of Rheumatic Pains IF pains from Rheumatism or Neu ritis are driving you crazy you can get relief with a simple remedy that you mix yourself, at home, with Lemon Juice. Simply go to your - druggist and ask for a package of the REV PRESCRIPTION and mix it as directed, adding the Juice of four lemons. You will then have a FULL QUART of the finest medi cine money can buy for your pain. ' It costs only a few cents a day, and will often bring relief from pain In 48 hours. Hundreds of sunerers right in your own locality acclaim tha irlorious and amazing way it tops the pain. The REV PRE. SCRLPTTON is pleasant and harm. less to take, and you mix it right In vour own home. No fuss, no both er, no cooking. Just add boiling water. Money back guarantee. Your druggist carries KEV In stock or can get It for you from his Jobber on short notice. Before you suffer a day longer or take a chance with "dope"or drugs, why not give this lemon iulce treatment a chance? FREE SOAP! FROM YOUR WATKINS DEALER 2 Bars Green Palm Olive Soap FREE with 1 Lb. of Watkins Double Acting Baking Powder t That's Just like cutting the price of Baking Powder in half. ALSO 2 OTHER SPECIALS FOR JULY. WAIT FOR WATINS IT PAYS! Monday, July 15, 1 will start to can-vass this local ty with the well known Watkins Line of Spices, Extracts, Food Products, Soaps, Toilet Articles, and Stock and Poultry Preparations. My stock is new and fresh. You'll enjoy using these highest quality poducts, wh ch I will bring to your door AT A SAVING TO YOU. O. M. CLARK HERMISTON Why wait longer to enjoy PLENTIFUL HOT WATER? With low 8-mlll rate and low priced 40-gallon electric water heater you can easily afford automatic hotwater service nowl Do you know that you can have automatic electric hot water serv ice in your home now without up setting your budget? A special low price of $79.50 is being made on a 40-gallon auto matic electric water heater. $10 down puts the heater in your home. You pay the balance in convenient monthly installments. The operating cost is only eight tenths of lc per k.w.h. Try the pleasures of automatic hot water for 60 days. Then if you are not fully satisfied, the heater will be removed from your home without charge and your payments refunded. The only cost to you will be the electricity used. Don't delay. Take advan tage of this proposition today! You don't have to own an electric range to own an electric water heater. SEE ANY DEALER IN ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT or PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY ' Alway at Your Service tB.c116B - - -ft. Mrs. Bryce Dillabough and Allan and Mrs. H. E. Walte motored to Pendleton Tuesday of this week on business. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Wilson of La Grande and Dallas Wilson of Enterprise spent the Fourth in Bourdman visiting relatives. Dave Johnston who has been in Portland for several weeks was In Boardman last week. He fought in the smoker in Fossil on the 4th. Cash Buyers of CREAM & EGGS We will test your cream and pay the day re ceived. Top market price paid. Morrow County Creamery COMPANY "PRIDE of OREGON" BUTTER and ICE CREAM S .jjp jE It's here! The big Annual Harvest Sale! The talk of the whole countryside! Plan NOW on "stocking up" at Saf eway's won derful prices. SIX BIG DAYS. JULY 12-18, INCL "Just Look What a Dime Will Buy !" SALMON Alaska Pink, Tall Tins CHOICE TUNA , White Star Quarters PEAS No. 2. Not Field Ripened. STRING BEANS No. 2 Tins HOMINY No. 2 Tins PORK & BEANS I IV w I Van Camp's large 22V4 oz. tins y Snerial Prices on case 1"g ' MT c FLOUR 5.89 $1 AQ Oregon Maid. 49 LB. BAGS J, if t MILK TALL TINS ACp Mt. Vernon PER CASE $3.09 CRACKERS 9Qr 2 LB. Snowflakes LtOX SODA Bi Karb, 16 oz. Pkg. Peet's granulated, 1 reg. 35c pkg. and 1 reg. 15c pkg. BOTH FOR 5c UHMCI KrVuf 1 Pts. 19c Qts. 35c 5 lbs. 69c 10 lbs. $1.29" Very finest obtainable cane and maple syrup SOAP 29c CORN Fancy Yellow or White 2 TINS 25c BOLONGA For Cold Lunches PER LB 19c CATSUP Large Bottles iQ 3 for 35c PERGAL.KJL SHORTENING White Cloud White and Fluffy LBSs 25c SUGAR 18 Lbs. $1.00 lOOlbs K 30 i ikiiT OoOU Fresh Produce (FBI.-SAT.-MON. ONLY) BANANAS PER LB. 7c LEMONS 2D0Z. 45c LETTUCE, Lge. Hds. . . EACH 5c CABBAGE ....... 10 LBS. 25c ONIONS ......... 12 LBS. 25c NEW SPUDS ..... 15 LBS. 25c BUNCH VEGETABLES, 4 BU. 9c Onions, Beets, Carrots Apricots Sun Laden, a' Walla Walla Product. 2 NO. TINS 29 Shredded Wheat 11 Reg. Size Pkg. if EACH Ji- r3 LIME RICKEY 11 Q ' PINTS 10c n quarts jl yy MasisssiaHBMaaMasMasMnaisMs CHEESE Per Lb. I?c Brookfield Loaf-A REAL SAVING PRUNES 5 Lbs. 33c 25 Lbs. $1.59 Fancy Oregon Large Size Sardines, 3 Tins, 25c Large oval' tins, Mustard or Tomato 2 3 PINEAPPLE Fancy broken slices LARGE 2'2 TINS , TOMATOES LARGE 22 TINS ... SOAP 39c 35c A White King gran- AAa ulated, Lge. Pkg.tC JELL WELL The new cube pro- i 7f duct. 3PKGS 1ft Choice Quality Low Price 1 LB. 25c 2 LBS. 45c NOB HILL, 3 Lbs. 69c AIRWAY ... 3 Lbs. 50c My, What a Value! OATS Alber's premium Rose Ware Large Package SPECIAL 27c I Beans Fancy Small Whites 49c We reserve the right to limit quantities. "SHop and Shop" Matches See your druggist today I