HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1935. PAGE THREE Lil Hupp D. A. Wilson went to John Day Tuesday to take charge of the Wil son store there for a few days while Johnnie Farley, manager, takes time off to get married. Mr. Farley was expected to take Miss Bessie Madden, last year'g Grant county fair queen, as his bride In nuptials at Baker today. The newlyweds planned a short wedding trip, in cluding a visit here to Mr. Farley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Far ley, before reutrning to John Day to make their home. During Mr. Wilson's absence, Jimmy Farley, brother of Johnnie, has charge of the local store. George J. Currin, pioneer Mor row county resident, arrived in the county Friday evening from his home at Gresham to look after property interesta While here he enjoyed visiting many old-time friends. On May 29 last Mr. and Mrs. Currin celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary with a family reunion at the Gresham home. Mrs. John Skuzeski and children, her father, John Horudskl, and brother-in-law, Peter Borta, arrived in Heppner the end of the week. Mrs. Skuzeski and children returned home from a month's visit at Port land and Willamette valley points, while the gentlemen who live in Portland,' accompanied them here for a visit While fishing on East lake over In the Bend country the end of the week Earl Gilliam and nephew, Louis Gilliam, bumped boats with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Schwarz, formerly of Heppner and now of Prineville. Neither party knew the other was on the lake and they enjoyed a visit then and there. Joe Brosnan of Lena was the victim of a firecracker burn the Fourth while celebrating at Uklah. A large cracker exploded in his hand, tearing the nail from the mid dle finger of the right hand. He had the member dressed in Hepp ner Friday, and took a shot of te tanus anti-toxin. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Chaffee spent the Fourth at Kennewick, Wash. They were accompanied home by Mr. and Mrs. C. Q. Routlr of Pas co, and the two families motored to Bonneville before the Rouths re turned home. Mr. Routh is the twin brother of Mrs. Chaffee. Miriam Moyer fell from a tree while picking cherries at the home below town, Friday evening, in juring a hip and cutting her fore head. Several stitches were re quired to close the wound. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bleakman of Canyon City, and Mr. and Mrs. Rho Bleakman of Monument were in the city Sunday to attend funeral ser vices for their ssiter, the late Mrs. Alice Marie Petersen. Mrs. W. V. Crawford and daugh ters. Nan and Joanne, arrived Sun day from their home at Sausalito, Cal., for a visit of several weeks with Heppner relatives. They came north by train and were met at Ar lington by Mrs. Crawford's brother, D. A. Wilson. Mr. Crawford ex pects to come ' north about Rodeo time and accompany his family home. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Gaily so journed in the mountains a few days this week on vacation, and Mr. Gaily departed Saturday for Enterprise, his old home, before returning to his duties of book keeper at the local P. P. &. L. of fice. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kleinfeldt re turned home Saturday from a trip which took them to the annual con ference of Church of Christ at Tur ner and a visit at the parental homes at Bend. J. G. Barratt departed Monday for Montana where he expected to load out some sheep for the eastern market then go on to Salt Lake for a directors' meeting of the Nation al Woolgrowers association. Jimmy Monahan sustained a sprained wrist when thrown from a wild mustang at the Ukiah show last Thursday. The wrist was put in splints at a local doctor's office on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan McCurdy of lone were in the city Monday while Mr. McCurdy was doing work at the court house in his position as representative of the state land board. Mrs. Kenneth Ovlatt and daugh ter, Jerry, left Pendleton Sunday on a motor trip east with Mrs. Ov latt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ellis, and her sister Betty. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hynd of Cecil were in the city Sunday to attend funeral rites for Mrs. Hynd's sister, the late Mrs. Alice Marie Petersen. General Trucking ANYWHERE FOR HIRE INSURED CARRIER H. E. COLE, Heppner Heppner Transfer Co. Anywhere For Hire Hauling Bonded and Insured Carrier ROBT. A. JONES, Mgr. For Sale Second-hand 8-in. wood pipe. Those desiring same should make immediate request, as it Is much in demand. City of Heppner Water Dept. Judge Carl Hendricks of Fossil and Giles French, editor of Sher man County Journal, were visitors in Heppner for a short time Sun day. Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers, county school superintendent, spent the week end here from her studies at U. of O. summer school In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Spaulding of Arlington were in the city Sunday to attend funeral services for the late Mrs. Alice Marie Petersen. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil (Buck) Lieu alien of Pendleton were here Sun day, attending funeral services for Mrs. Alice Marie Petersen. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Latourell and Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Thompson enjoyed a fishing trip the end of the week to East lake. Mrs. Jess Deof and daughter Isa bel of Willows spent several days at the home of Mrs. Deos' sister, Mrs. Alva Jones. Mr. and Mrs. E. R, Shaeffer were In from Freezeout Sunday to attend the funeral services for Mrs. Alice Marie Petersen. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Dick Bor man at the Ada Cason home in this city Friday night, an 8 pound daughter. Claire Cox was home Saturday from Pendleton where he is em ployed with Standard Stations, Inc. Lost Gold rimmed glasses. Re ward for return to Lee Sprinkel, city. HUMMING BIRD Full Fashioned Hosiery Ringless Chiffon 89c Per Pair or 3 Pair for $2.50 Clean-up Prices on all Summer HATS AND DRESSES The Frances Shop The First National Bank of Portland, Oregon Condensed Statement of Head Office and 19 Branches As of June 29, 1935 TOTAL DEPOSITS $57,572,204.05 RESOURCES Cash and Due from Banks ... $16,481,328.33 United States Bonds 15,015,898.86 ?31,497,227.19 ' Bonds of Federal Agencies 1,054,222.49 Municipal and Other Bonds 12,695,835.44 Loans and Discounts 14,943,619.28 , Stock in Federal Reserve Bank 135,000.00 Bank Premises, Furniture and. Fixtures ... - 1,766,578.80 Other Real Estate Owned 154,327.11 ' Customers Liability Acceptances and Foreign Bills 29,824.53 Interest Earned 288,484.47, Subscription to Federal Deposit Insurance - - - - 76,832.95 Other Resources - - - 37,566.56 TOTAL '- $62,679,568.82 LIABILITIES Capital - r $2,500,000.00 Surplus 2,000,000.00 Undivided Profits 275,761.72 $ 4,775,761.72 Reserves for Contingencies, Interest, Expenses, etc. 241,873.99 Acceptances and, Foreign Bills ------- 29,824.53 Other Liabilities - - - - 59,904.53 Deposits - 57,572,204.05 TOTAL ------ I ---- - $62,679,568.82 MAIN BRANCH .... FIFTH, SIXTH AND STARK UPTOWN BRANCH .... SIXTH AND MORRISON Other Portland Branches ROSE CITY BRANCH N.E. 42nd Ave. & Sandy Blvd. UNION AND RUSSELL BRANCH N.E.Union Ave. & Russell St. EAST PORTLAND BRANCH S.E. Grand Ave. & Morrison St. SOUTHEAST PORTLAND BRANCH S.E. 82nd Ave. & Foster Rd. MONTAVILLA BRANCH S.E. 80th Ave. & Stark St. LIVESTOCK KENTON BRANCH Denver Ave. & Kilpatrick St. Branches Outside of Portland ALBANY GRESHAM PENDLETON WOODBURN ASTORIA HEPPNER SALEM CONDON HILLSBORO THE DALLES STAYTON DEPOSITS IN THIS BANK AND ALL OF ITS BRANCHES ARE INSURED UNDER THE TERMS OF THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE PLAN HARDMAN By LUCILLE FARRENS The fourth of July was appro priately observed with family din ners, picnics in the mountains and out-of-town motor trips to neigh-' boring celebrations. Mrs. Roy Neill of Pine City is spending a while with her daugh ter, Mrs. Neil Knighten. Ad Inskeep was working last week making cord wood in the mountains. The marriage of Miss Annie Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Johnson of Hardman, to Mr. Darrel Hiatt of Lena was an event of last week at Walla Walla. The young people have the best wishes of the community. Many people from this commu nity attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Harry Petersen, nee Miss Alice Bleakman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Bleakman of Heppner, whose death followed a lingering illness of a few months' duration, at Pendleton last Thurs day, July 4. The funeral services were held at the Christian church in Heppner last Sunday afternoon. Alice formerly attended Hardman grade school when the Bleakman family lived here and had many friends, both young and old, who were shocked at her untimely pass ing. The family has the sympathy of the entire community. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Marquardt of Lexington spent the Fourth with Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Chapel in the mountains. Herman Neilson was also present and Mrs. Walter Far rens and Lucille. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Burnside were Heppner visitors last Sunday. Mrs. Burnside remained at the home of Mrs. Corda Saling. Mr. and Mrs. Carey Hastings and daughter have arrived from Brown ing, Mont., where Carey has been shearing sheep. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie McDaniel recently returned from a trip to Arlington where Mrs. McDaniel went to visit her daughter, Mrs. Bud Fisk who has been ill at her Lhome thrre. Miss Rose Anne Cunningham spent the Fourth of July holidays with her sister, Mrs. Jim Brannon, from her home at Heppner. IRRIGON MRS. W. C. ISOM. Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Coryell mo tored to Pasco Sunday. Mrs. Ellis has her sister as a house guest this week. Mr. Van Cleve who has been very ill is reported to be improving. Mrs. Lukheart of Portland is vis iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fredrickson. Jess Oliver returned home Tues day night from Washington where he has been shearing sheep for sev eral weeks. He was shopping in Hermiston Wednesday, accompan ied by his daughter, Ethel. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Browning, Jack Erowning and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bedwell were call ed to Lewiston, Idaho, Tuesday by the death of Mr. and Mrs. Brown ing's daughter and sister to Jack Browning and Mrs. Bedwell: Mr. ::THE SEASON'S:: i DELICACIES 1 1 1 1 Fresh Fruits Vegetables Complete Fountain Service BEER and LIGHT WINES Elkhorn Restaurant ED CHINN, Prop. and Mrs. Jack Browning returned with the tiny four-days-old baby boy of their sister who died and will adopt It as their own. Friends extend their sympathy. .i majority of Irrigon folks cel ebrated at Umatilla Thursday. Little Yvonne Kendler of Uma tilla spent four days with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Isom this week while her parents were visiting in Seattle. Mrs. Tom Caldwell, Wayne Fag erstrom and Rev. Crawford re turned from Washington Monday evening, where they had been at tending camp meeting. Mrs. Lille and two daughters, Verna and LeU of Monmoutn spent Wednesday night with Alva Bow luare and H. C. Warner families. They were enroute to the Atlantic coast. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Umiker are the proud parents of an 8 lb. baby girl who arrived the morning of the Fourth. The little one is chris tened Kathleen Jeanette. Miss Billie Markham Is spending a few weeks at Cannon Bearh. r 2 Hi B Eg. T 2 M 2 2 2 ff, 8 S. 8 2 e T o i o 3 a a w IS S o P g to hf 2. o It pj .T o. 2 S n" O O Q 8 a w 2 ? 3 O (9 ? w c 9 s 3 a? o 2 r i? 1 a 3 IB ft 1 sr - 2 sr g.cr 2. U J.O. g D it - r CO m rn 0) in CO o SUMMER SAVINGS on YOUR CHANCE TO SAVE ON SUITS SHOES SLACKS One Lot CURLEE Suits, $24.50, at I950 One Lot Suits Including the Famous HOLLY WOOD LINE, $29.50 to $37.50 One Lot Young Men's Slacks, $3.95, at $2.95 One Lot Young Men's SLACKS, Values to $5.50 at 395 One Lot SLACKS, Values to $6.50, at $495 Semi-Annual Sale Florsheim Shoes WILSON'S If THE STORE OF PERSONAL SERVICE wPn A CHEVROLET. . CWjztefyoid uwife. ifou to-duve THE MOST FINELY BALANCED LOW-PRICED CAR EVER BUILT TEST ITS POWER AND ECONOMY, SPEED AND SAFETY, KNEE-ACTION COMFORT AND STABILITY. LEARN THAT BALANCED MOTORING IS BETTER MOTORING iyryrfffflT Your Chevrolet dealer cordially invites you to drive "' the new Master De Luxe Chevrolet without any obligation! lie wants you to learn all about this car . . . how much more smoothly it rides . . . how much more perfectly it combines power with economy, speed with safety, gliding comfort with road stability . . . and how much more finely balanced it is in all ways! See him and drive the new Master De Luxe Chevrolet today! CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY, DETROIT, MICHIGAN Compart Chvrvlit$ low Mivrrad prim and aty G.M.A.C. trrms. A Gmtral Motor Valut CHEVROLET DEALER ADVERTISEMENT 707 TT'Ts... Tr1 ((tOl mui I CU EC0"0MT CD f sn 7 cur 3 21. Oil ITtllllTT lEPEII. ABILITY THE MOST FINELY BALANCED LOW-PRICED CAR EVER BUILT Heppner . FERGUSON MOTOR COMPANY Oregon